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Devotional Life With Paul and Jeanne

Devotional Life With Paul and Jeanne

By Paul Aguilar

Our daily audio devotional broadcast. Join us on an adventure of encouragement through the Word of God. Our 10 min. slice of heaven. You are loved!
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#480 A Visit From Those Who Hurt You

Devotional Life With Paul and JeanneFeb 08, 2024

#510 God says: I will certainly be with you.

#510 God says: I will certainly be with you.

#510 God says: I will certainly be with you.     Ever face a task and feeling lost in that you were alone to accomplish it?  Maybe a work assignment with a short time fuse, or some home alone matter that fell into the category of overwhelming?  Such things come to everyone of us.  Yet the Believer can count on this; God is with you, so you are never alone.  Let’s consider that right now….  

May 30, 202409:22
# 509 God Can Use The Humble. 

# 509 God Can Use The Humble. 

# 509 God Can Use The Humble.    Pride is listed as a deadly sin, one that brings Gods resistance.  It keeps a person from hearing the wisdom of God, and from the response of obedience. Humility results in quite the opposite.  Who does God use in His kingdom?  Consider this, God might just be waiting to hear you say - Who Am I, that You should use my life?  Because His response to this is likely to be; good, now I have someone I can work with.  Let’s talk about this very important subject.  

May 25, 202409:27
#508 Holy Moments In Normal Events.

#508 Holy Moments In Normal Events.

#508 Holy Moments In Normal Events. When I say, ‘holy’, what place or situation comes to mind?  How about this; It can be anywhere and anyplace you connect with, call on and invite God into the every day of your life. With this, holiness is near and gives normal living a whole new perspective. Let’s consider today the ordinary found holy because God is there in it with you.

May 23, 202407:46
#507 Connect with a Holy God Through Forgiveness. 

#507 Connect with a Holy God Through Forgiveness. 

#507 Connect with a Holy God Through Forgiveness.    I have heard some say that they are good with the man upstairs.  Honestly that has never sat well with me. On the one hand we speak of having a relationship with God, but have you stopped to considered His absolute Holiness? That should stop us in our tracks.  Am I right with Him?  Am I forgiven?  Have I repented of my old life apart from Him? Am I grateful and humble in His mighty presence? Holy is His name.

May 19, 202409:12
#506 Recognizing God’s Holiness.

#506 Recognizing God’s Holiness.

#506 Recognizing God’s Holiness.    Imagine an invite into a relationship with someone perfect, someone sinless, who you know just burns bright with Holiness. That could only be God. How will Moses respond to such an encounter?  And better to ask ourselves in our day, what is our daily response to this?  

May 15, 202409:51
#505 Notice the Unexpected.

#505 Notice the Unexpected.

#505 Notice the Unexpected. There is an old saying that goes; ‘the person who is expecting to be interrupted is never interrupted. I wonder if there have been divine interruptions in our lives that we missed, golden opportunities to hear from God gone unrecognized. Perhaps we should say when our interruptions come, Lord is this from you? Let’s talk about one amazing unexpected interruption that changed the course of Moses life.

May 11, 202409:32
#504 Seek God With Your Whole Heart.

#504 Seek God With Your Whole Heart.

#504 Seek God With Your Whole Heart. Some view prayer as the last box to check on your list of things to do when help is needed. One person put it like this, when all else fails you have to call out the big guns, referring to seeking God for help.  Wouldn't  it be better in every way if our regular response was to call out to God first in all matters? Seeking God with your whole heart belongs at the top of the list, all the time.

May 09, 202409:09
#503 Put In a Position to Hear God.  

#503 Put In a Position to Hear God.  

#503 Put In a Position to Hear God.     Perhaps what most folks don't like is the idea of being alone, all alone.  But what if indeed you were being called to be alone with God?  Well then, you wouldn't be alone at all because God would be right there with you.  Know, that in such a place, a whole lot of spiritual growth could take place, Let’s talk about it right now….  

May 02, 202408:59
#502 An Opportunity to Start Over.

#502 An Opportunity to Start Over.

#502 An Opportunity to Start Over. With all the excitement in the life of Moses, did you know that he married and settled down to a quite contented life? Moses could have stayed in Egypt, towed the political line for the Pharaoh, maybe even been a Pharaoh himself one day, but here we see him blessed in a simple rural life. He trusted the Lord with a grateful heart in the place where the Lord had placed him.  Learning to live contented in the place where God has us is a needed life lesson.

May 01, 202409:57
#501 No Place To Hide.

#501 No Place To Hide.

#501 No Place To Hide. Over every worldly treasure we find that Moses chooses to identify with the people of God come what may. And shortly after that we find Moses a man on the run from the Pharaoh of Egypt. But let me ask, in the service of God Almighty is there any place to hide? 

Apr 27, 202408:58
#500 Don’t Take Things Into Your Own

#500 Don’t Take Things Into Your Own

#500 Don’t Take Things Into Your Own Hands.    What is your first reaction when you see something being done that is absolutely wrong?  Are you ready to step in and make a correction or stand up for your rights or the rights of someone who has suffered a wrong?  Perhaps there is a better first step, another place to look, before taking matters into your own hands.  Let's look at a real life situation just like this and consider an alternate first step.  

Apr 25, 202409:45
#499 Not Afraid to Disobey.

#499 Not Afraid to Disobey.

#499 Not Afraid to Disobey. Who exactly has the highest authority in your life? I mean, who has the greatest say in how you live? When can you freely and with confidence disobey whatever the prevailing government or law may be? Here is another way to ask this; Is there a kingdom with laws that transcend all human laws that we are to follow, containing great and precious blessings? I think you know where we are going, let’s talk about this right now….

Apr 20, 202410:11
#498 A Plan to Save Life.

#498 A Plan to Save Life.

#498 A Plan to Save Life. Here we see God working through a mother protecting her child as best as she can. And don’t you know that she was praying. And behind her hand of protection is the Hand of God, who will have a special work for her child in the future.  Oh how we should be in prayer for our children and the plan that God has for them. Let’s talk about this right now….

Apr 18, 202409:58
#497 Uncomfortable Enough to Unplug.

#497 Uncomfortable Enough to Unplug.

#497 Uncomfortable Enough to Unplug.     Can God use uncomfortable circumstances in our lives in order to get us from one place to another?  The road to where God is taking our lives may not always the smoothest of rides but you can always trust Him to do what is right and what is good.  Let’s keep aware, and sensitive to when it is time to move on.  

Apr 13, 202409:48
#496 Expecting Prophecy to be Fulfilled.

#496 Expecting Prophecy to be Fulfilled.

#496 Expecting Prophecy to be Fulfilled. For the Believer it is important to remind ourselves that this is not our home. Our real home is heaven and eternal life with Christ. You could call it our promised land. Prophecies are the promises of God come to life. And His promises already fulfilled are just as certain and true as those yet to come. So we keep on trusting and keep on waiting with living hope in our hearts.

Apr 09, 202407:59
#495 God Has Gone Before Us. 

#495 God Has Gone Before Us. 

#495 God Has Gone Before Us.    What a great joy it is as well as how amazing it is to see God work in a persons life. Even if the present circumstances are not to be envied.  And why, because God can turn things around and work out all things for good, to those who love Him. Yes, we serve an awesome God, who is working for our good. So dear friends lets keep on trusting Him…. 

Apr 04, 202408:10
# 494 Forgiveness Is Forever!

# 494 Forgiveness Is Forever!

# 494 Forgiveness Is Forever!     Forgiveness is certainly a large deep topic that has many aspects and ramifications to it, but let's narrow it down; 1, can we really be forgiven by God of all we have done and 2, can we trust His forgiveness to last, is Gods forgiveness really forever? How trustworthy is the love of God?  Let’s think on this right now…. 

Mar 30, 202408:16
#493 God Supplies.

#493 God Supplies.

#493 God Supplies. How wonderful that we have a Heavenly Father who promises to care for us and to see to our needs. In fact there is even a blessing promised to those who honor their father and mother on earth. These promises for care are well worth our time to consider. Let’s take a look at that now…  

Mar 28, 202409:37
#492 God Confirms His Will.

#492 God Confirms His Will.

#492 God Confirms His Will.    Our God is a giving God, His word is filled with great and precious promises for you and for me.  As we move forward  in the will of God, you can expect to have confirmations that you are headed in the right direction. Confirmations may not always come in a hurry, but step by obedient step is will in our lives will be confirmed. 

Mar 23, 202409:41
#491 Let’s Rebuild A Relationship.

#491 Let’s Rebuild A Relationship.

#491 Let’s Rebuild A Relationship. The best conversations you can have are those where you can safely pour out your heart.  Particularly if an opportunity presents itself to rebuild a broken relationship. Should God bring such an opportunity, be prayerful, genuine, and show His love. May God grant us more of such special times. Let’s see how Joseph moves through such circumstances.

Mar 16, 202408:48
#490 Sent Away With A Blessing!

#490 Sent Away With A Blessing!

#490 Sent Away With A Blessing! Let’s suppose some people had turned against you, and by the grace of God, you are reunited. And now further, and by the grace of God, would you then send them on their way with a blessing? I am amazed at the mercy and grace of God and further amazed that he can have us doing the very same even to those who perhaps have been our enemies. We need to talk about this, right now….

Mar 14, 202409:18
#488 Fear and forgiveness. 

#488 Fear and forgiveness. 

#488 Fear and forgiveness.    It is one thing to forgive someone of a wrong, that would be called mercy.  And to not only forgive someone but to proceed to bless the one you have forgiven, now that’s grace.  Together, let's see what that looks like from the life of Joseph and his brothers. 

Mar 07, 202409:46
#487 The Healing Of The Heart.

#487 The Healing Of The Heart.

#487 The Healing Of The Heart. The Lord is always at work, He neither sleeps or slumbers. And His plans are to bless us, to heal us, and to show us His will.  How great that He patiently, step by step works with us, making use of all the circumstances of our lives. He brings healing to our hearts. Yes, all things are at His disposal to bring us healing.

Mar 02, 202408:43
#486 The Tested Heart.

#486 The Tested Heart.

#486 The Tested Heart. It is amazing how God works His plans, His plans to bless us, to bring us to healing, and yes that is even through testing. Remember His amazing ability to work all things together for the good. So be faithful and keep on keeping on, in Jesus name….

Feb 29, 202409:39
#485 Move Towards The Lord In Honesty. 

#485 Move Towards The Lord In Honesty. 

#485 Move Towards The Lord In Honesty.    Some folks see God as a policeman in the rear view mirror ready to write you a ticket.  If that has been you, it’s time to change the picture, if God is pulling you over it is to invite you in for dinner and friendship.  How splendid is this, the real picture of our God is a blessing God. God delights to bless us.  Move towards Him right now, open and honest, just as you are.        

Feb 24, 202407:58
#483 Antidote to the Lie: “All things are against me.”

#483 Antidote to the Lie: “All things are against me.”

#483 Antidote to the Lie: “All things are against me.” Today we have a long, long term proven and blessed recipe. These are the 2 vital ingredients that mix very well into our lives so take note, here they are; #1. Gods Plan, His will for us, seek generous amounts of this and #2 add in full amounts of Trusting Patience in anticipation of the good He will bring about. Let’s get into this right now….

Feb 17, 202409:13
#482 The Heavy Burden of Guilt

#482 The Heavy Burden of Guilt

#482 The Heavy Burden of Guilt. Guilt is something that can tear us down for years and years.  it is like a neglected wound that needs healing.  So how can we rid ourselves of the sorrow it brings?  Use it as a springboard to healing, and what do we mean? Take a deep breath and take it to the Lord in an honest deeply personal prayer. This is also known in the Bible as confession and repentance. Our encouragement is to, get free. Let’s talk….

Feb 15, 202409:31
#481 A Time Of Testing Is An Opportunity To Do Right

#481 A Time Of Testing Is An Opportunity To Do Right

#481 A Time Of Testing Is An Opportunity To Do Right. As a Believer, do you rely on God that He will bring good out of the bad that happens in our lives? Do you see God as the sovereign gate keeper of all that comes into our lives? Let’s discuss a prime example of this, join us now!

Feb 10, 202409:40
#478 Trust God In Good Times As Well As The Difficult.

#478 Trust God In Good Times As Well As The Difficult.

#478 Trust God In Good Times As Well As The Difficult. When it comes right down to it we trust God because He is trustworthy. And it is just as necessary and life giving to trust Him, regardless of our circumstances, good or bad. Believer, it just could be more hazardous when times are good, for in those places some sadly forget God. Let’s trust Him all the time.

Feb 09, 202409:23
#480 A Visit From Those Who Hurt You

#480 A Visit From Those Who Hurt You

#480 A Visit From Those Who Hurt You. Our Lord has an intensity when it comes to unity, love for others, forgiveness of others and yes especially even for those who have been an enemy towards us. And at times the Lord will reconnect us with those from the past, So best we stay fueled up with the love of God so we can be ready.

Feb 08, 202409:55
#477 Being A Person Of Influence

#477 Being A Person Of Influence

#477 Being A Person Of Influence. Never underestimate Gods ability to use your faith, your words and actions to impact the lives of those around you. Likely more than you could imagine. Take note of this you are valuable, and your part in the plan of God is needed. The Lord in His word confirms to us that He has plans for us, and they are good plans and they are meant to bless you and those around you. 

Jan 27, 202409:38
#476 How God Can Develop Us

#476 How God Can Develop Us

#476 How God Can Develop Us. Seldom do we see what we would call a straight path to where God wants us to be, it is far more likely to be a zig zag rather than a straight line. None the less, be it curved or shot like an arrow God works with purpose and design.  Our part is to grow where we have been planted, to pass on self pity, to drop any resentments and to keep on trusting God. He is purposefully at work in our lives and it is here that the course is won. Let’s talk about it right now…

Jan 25, 202409:40
#475 God is our provider. 

#475 God is our provider. 

#475 God is our provider.    It is certainly no surprise that both lean years and more prosperous times come into our lives.  There is that saying when harder times come that ‘this too shall pass.’   But for the believer the great comfort is in knowing that God is the Good Shepherd who watches over us.  Indeed one of the cherished names for God is Jehovah Jireh, which is often translated as “the LORD will provide.” Let’s see how this works out for Joseph…. 

Jan 20, 202409:33
#474 Use your gift whenever asked.

#474 Use your gift whenever asked.

#474 Use your gift whenever asked. Believer are gifted people, freely gifted by God to do His will in every place we find ourselves. The questions that come regarding this then are where has god placed you in life and are you willing to uses what He has given you to bless those around you? Let's talk about how this works.

Jan 18, 202409:17
#473 Truth Be Told.

#473 Truth Be Told.

#473 Truth Be Told. How are you at delivering the truth, how about when the truth may be hard to swallow? Actually we are called to be Gods news givers. Now we are not responsible for how our the truth is received, that is always in Gods hand. And what the news? God loves you and Jesus has paid the price of your sins on the cross, so you can skip the penalty of for your own sins and live with God forever. Let’s discuss this right now…

Jan 13, 202409:43
#472 Remember Me.

#472 Remember Me.

#472 Remember Me. Perhaps one of the greatest sorrows in life is to feel forgotten. But let’s consider this, God who knows all, has not forgotten you.  He knows the sting of His own rejection, and the cross. Know this, He is here for you, and working on your behalf. Talk to Him, reach out to Him, you can do so even right now…  

Jan 11, 202407:37
#471 Give God the Credit.

#471 Give God the Credit.

#471 Give God the Credit.    Dear Friends, God bless your day richly.  Do you know that God makes use of even the unfortunate things that come our way?  He does.  And when God gives us opportunity, to bless someone else in a hard place, where do we send them? And who gets the credit when we can help?   Let’s get into this right now…. 

Jan 06, 202409:05
#470 God can use every situation

#470 God can use every situation

#470 God can use every situation. Here is a question for us today; What are we like when things go wrong?  What what we are facing seems unfair. I’m certain we all could have stories to tell.  Some that may not show us in the best light.  So how can God take those not so pleasant experiences in our lives and work them for the ‘Good?‘

Jan 04, 202409:22
#469 When Life Is Unfair. 

#469 When Life Is Unfair. 

#469 When Life Is Unfair.    How do you react when treated unfairly? Certainly no one wants or finds pleasurable any such treatment.  Yet we all know that unfair treatment in this world is inevitable.  So when the unfair comes your way what can it be that would encourage you through it, and how might you encourage others you find in that condition? Let’s talk about this right now…. 

Dec 30, 202309:45
#468 Find Your Satisfaction In God.

#468 Find Your Satisfaction In God.

#468 Find Your Satisfaction In God. There is an honest to goodness danger in not making God your priority, when you pass by on having a relationship with Him. In other words if not God in your life, then what? And that what can lead you in many wrong directions. How about this when you find your satisfaction in God, then you have a real lasting peace in your heart.  Let's explore that. 

Dec 28, 202309:24
#467 The Temptation Escape.

#467 The Temptation Escape.

#467 The Temptation Escape. Everyone of us face various temptations in our daily lives. So we shouldn’t be surprised. But when they do come, what is our expectation? Do we feel sometimes there is no escape? God has promised us that He will make a way out. But what does that look like?

Let’s see how one man found it….

Dec 23, 202310:01
#466 God Comes First.

#466 God Comes First.

#466 God Comes First. When we do give in to sin in life, when we blow it towards others, what needs to be our attitude? Even more than hurting others and ourselves, do we really believe that all sin is against God first? Let’s look at the right perspective…..

Dec 21, 202306:55
#465 A witness in your work place.

#465 A witness in your work place.

#465 A witness in your work place.  How would God want to use you to make a difference in the lives around you? As you walk in integrity daily with the Lord, others around you at work are watching. Your character can speak volumes without words. But be prepared to witness when others ask questions about your God. Let’s talk and see what it might mean in our daily lives….

Dec 16, 202309:04
#464 Measuring stick for success. 

#464 Measuring stick for success. 

#464 Measuring stick for success.    What rates high on your priorities when it comes to doing the will of God?  And if faced with adversities, does that necessarily mean a set back? When things don’t go your way, what then?  And how does knowing that the Lord is ‘with us’ affect our thinking? These are sincerely important issues, let’s get into them right now….      

Dec 14, 202309:32
#463 Sold To The Highest Bidder.

#463 Sold To The Highest Bidder.

#463 Sold To The Highest Bidder. Gods hand is on Joseph even in the hardship he finds himself in, and God is able to turn it around. And even beyond that God can bring peace to our hearts right where we are at, He is bigger than our circumstances. Trust God to bring you peace in the middle of the storm. Call out to Him, He will be with you. He will comfort you. Lets talk about this right now…

Dec 09, 202309:25
#462 Joseph's UBER Ride To Egypt.

#462 Joseph's UBER Ride To Egypt.

#462 Joseph's UBER Ride To Egypt. It is written in the Bible, that God works all things out for the good. We may ask if that includes even the hard things, even the bad, even when we don’t understand what is happening? Yes, the Bible further declares this promise is for those who love the Lord for those called according to His purpose. Let’s see this working in the life of Joseph…

Dec 07, 202309:25
#461. Betrayal Is The Pits. 

#461. Betrayal Is The Pits. 

#461. Betrayal Is The Pits.    I have heard it said that, it is not so much what happens to you in life as what you do with what happens to you in life.  We are embarking on the amazing life of Joseph, one of the most beloved people from the Bible.  And I will tell you now to hang on to your hats it is going to be a bumpy ride.  We will not only be seeing the pits and road blocks that can come into a persons life but as well how the Lord can grow us into over-comers. Here we go….  

Dec 02, 202310:02
#460 What Is So Special About Joseph.

#460 What Is So Special About Joseph.

#460 What Is So Special About Joseph.   Know what makes you special?  Gods love for you and His plans for your life.  Now, does this mean that all will go sweet in our lives?  No, don’t be counting on that.  Jesus is the Love of God and the Plan of God and the world heaped on HIm many sorrows.  In Fact sometimes you can know you are going the right way when you face opposition, even from the closest of family and friends.  Let’s see this from Gods Word, right now….  

Nov 30, 202309:51
#459 The Wrestling Match.

#459 The Wrestling Match.

#459 The Wrestling Match. I know that there are times when I have wrestled with God, how about you? When things in life seem to be insurmountable, or you see yourself between a rock and a hard place. God knows, and perhaps that situation will cause you to get serious about your relationship with God. Perhaps more serious than you have ever been before, because blessings can come out of such a place. Jacob is about to find this our for himself….

Nov 18, 202309:53
#458 Heart Of Compassion.

#458 Heart Of Compassion.

#458 Heart Of Compassion. Never forget, God has a heart of compassion for you. He is the God who hears us and sees us and is with us, ready to step into the circumstances of our lives and be our help and to be our blessing. Today we see Jacob in a place of needing the compassion of God. Maybe you are in such a place now or have been in such a place. Today it is time to remember the goodness of God and to seek Him with a whole heart.

Nov 16, 202309:58