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Doc & Doula

Doc & Doula

By Doc & Doula

Want to have a calm, empowered birth experience on your terms? Our "No Induction" Workshop can help:

"Stress is a huge factor when it comes to pregnancy. And then doctors add to the stress through confusion, greed and speed. I’ll show you how to take control of your pregnancy, reduce your anxiety and give you the tools and information to calmly and confidently stop the barrage of unnecessary interventions in their tracks."
– Dr. Bill Chun
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ARRIVE Trial Flaws & The Problems With Elective Inductions

Doc & DoulaMay 28, 2022

Harmony in Health: Bridging Eastern & Western Medicine in Women's Wellness

Harmony in Health: Bridging Eastern & Western Medicine in Women's Wellness

Join us on this episode with Dr. Eileen Li, PT, DPT, L.Ac, as we delve into the intricate dance of Eastern and Western medicine, unraveling their unique roles in nurturing women's health, pregnancy, and postpartum recovery.

Mar 07, 202449:29
Don’t Be a Statistic Podcast

Don’t Be a Statistic Podcast

Don’t be a statistic. Steering clear of unnecessary cesarean sections begins with saying no to unnecessary inductions. Trust the natural process and prioritize informed decisions.

Nov 21, 202310:50
Listen to This Before You Agree to an Induction

Listen to This Before You Agree to an Induction

Join us as we uncover the factors contributing to the rising trend of induction int he US and empower you with knowledge to make informed decisions about your own labor and delivery.

Oct 23, 202313:14
The Induction Crisis

The Induction Crisis

Join us as we delve into a pressing issue that demands our immediate attention – the alarming surge in induction rates across the United States. While inductions can be medically necessary and life-saving in some cases, the current trend suggests a crisis that deserves a critical examination.

Oct 19, 202309:27
Should You Listen To TikTok Doctors?

Should You Listen To TikTok Doctors?

0:00 – TikTok for finding medical advice?

4:40 – Connection with patient/doctor

5:50 – I’m going to stop delivering babies

6:30 – Women have fewer options than men

8:30 – Insurance companies messing with prescriptions

9:50 – Trust vs reality. The sad truth of healthcare.

11:30 – Why are so many patients dealing with complications?

14:15 – Listening is most of the job

Oct 24, 202217:28
Gaslighting Doctors Forcing More Women Into Unnecessary Inductions

Gaslighting Doctors Forcing More Women Into Unnecessary Inductions

Previous episode on the ARRIVE Trial:

Sep 19, 202211:11
How To Use Your B.R.A.I.N.S. (And and announcement!)

How To Use Your B.R.A.I.N.S. (And and announcement!)

Our new workshop is live! The No Induction Workshop is designed to help you have a calm, empowered, birth experience on your terms.

In This Episode

0:00 – Patient talk

2:30 – New educational platform

5:30 – Use your BRAINS

14:00 – I’m shocked when I read the comments

15:00 – My induction was great!

16:00 – I don’t know sh*t about labor

17:30 – The experience matters

19:00 – How to handle physicians

26:00 – Pushing with the doctor

30:30 – Deliver your own baby

Jul 25, 202233:56
Routine Episiotomies: A Clear Red Flag When Choosing An OBGYN

Routine Episiotomies: A Clear Red Flag When Choosing An OBGYN

In some countries, episiotomies are still common practice. In Taiwan, the rate is nearly 100 percent. Thankfully here in the US the numbers are way down, but some doctors still use this procedure. If you're looking for an OBGYN, ask them how often they perform episiotomies. 

Jul 13, 202209:35
"Good" Inductions and Obstetric Violence

"Good" Inductions and Obstetric Violence

We post new videos every day on TikTok

Jun 20, 202207:57
Q&A With Dr. Chun

Q&A With Dr. Chun

Table of Contents

0:00 – ARRIVE trial

1:15 – Risk of stillbirth

4:27 – Indications for Induction – Advanced Maternal Age

9:30 – Chronic Hypertension

12:06 – What happens at the end of pregnancy?

15:00 – How to stay calm and buy time

16:35 – Why I’m on TikTok

Jun 06, 202225:37
ARRIVE Trial Flaws & The Problems With Elective Inductions

ARRIVE Trial Flaws & The Problems With Elective Inductions

I want to talk about a particular trial that many of these and other providers use as the reference for elective induction of labor, elective induction, because that means there is no clear medical indication. I for one, I'm not sure why. Why this is an issue. Pregnancy is 40 weeks. 70% of patients deliver around their ten days window around the due date.

Now I'm thinking there must be a reason why gestational age or pregnancy is 40 weeks. It hasn't changed for thousands of years. Now all of a sudden we want to do something at 39 weeks. So particular study or arrive study first published in the August of 2018 involves 6100 patients and the group was divided into two. Induction of labor versus expectant management Here are a few reasons why I think it is very difficult to apply.

The outcome of this study to general population First of all, the population was made up with 24% African-Americans versus perhaps little under 50% which is the general population in the United States. And then only 4% was older than 35 versus current pregnant patients. About 18% are over 35. I think these two facts are really important Now, as far as the outcome is concerned, the primary outcome they wanted to compare was was there any harm done by intervention?

And there was no neonatal outcomes were both same for induction versus expectant management but additional outcomes. First of all, cesarean section, this is what people are using. Induction patients 18% expectant management patients. 22%. Again expectant management meaning we let patients go into labor 18 verses 22% where there's a statistical difference between these two numbers. But the issue is even 22% is significantly lower than the national average.

So I'm not really sure how this number came about. The other thing is the argument is with this trial eight versus 14% hypertension meaning induced patient group, the percentage of hypertension was only eight and expect the management group was 14%. The problem I have with these two numbers is typically when we look at both high and low risk patients in general, all pregnancies put together the percentage of hypertension is really five to 6%.

So why in this group is the percentage high for both induced and expectant management So taking this then to say hey, at 39 weeks elective induction will lower your risk of caesarean section and less likely to develop hypertension I think is erroneous. Because the population in this group is really not reflective of general population. One of the comments from this study was by inducing 28 low risk patients at 39 weeks, we could avoid one cesarean section using same approach.

If 14 women with low risk first time moms were supported with continuous labor support, we could avoid one C-section 28 versus 14. I think I would go with 14. I, for one do not believe there's a place for elective induction into 2022. Why pandemic? We are struggling with shortage of medical staff What I see in the hospital that I work out of often one we have shortage of medical staff, particularly labor and delivery nurses.

And we are having too many elective inductions who are who are admitted taking up spaces. And then until those patients are delivered there is no room for medically indicated patients who need to be admitted for induction of labor Beyond that, I really believe you don't go against Mother Nature is 40 weeks All pregnancy ends. At some point women will go into labor.

It is not my job. I tell patients You know what? Other than the decision you made to get pregnant, that action is what you did. But the rest is reactions. There is no action to be had. Not by the patient. Not by providers.

May 28, 202208:24
Preparing for Postpartum

Preparing for Postpartum

The postpartum period is not six weeks long. It's much longer, and it's important to prepare for the ups and downs of life after pregnancy.

May 12, 202216:02
Why We Created Doc & Doula

Why We Created Doc & Doula

Table of Contents

0:00 – Who we are

6:25 – Reducing c-section rates

8:50 – What is a doula?

23:30 – What happens when you go into labor and delivery. Creating a comforting space.

24:50 – Gestational diabetes and induction

31:30 – Large babies and induction/c-section

35:50 – GD & induction Part 2

45:00 – TOLAC

48:00 – Home birth

53:00 – Why are OBs against TOLAC?

Apr 27, 202257:30
We Need To Talk About Obstetric Violence

We Need To Talk About Obstetric Violence

Hospitals treating women like science experiments without their consent. Doctors abusing patients verbally, mentally and physically. And a history of consent. This is a full episode devoted to a very serious topic.

May 27, 202124:45
Are Doulas Smarter Than Doctors?

Are Doulas Smarter Than Doctors?

Bill and Kaleigh discuss the Doula profession and then hold a Q&A from the Facebook Group:

Table of Contents

4:30 – Better Training For Doulas

8:00 – Headaches during pregnancy

12:00 – Post partum joint pain

13:55 – Retained placenta

18:45 – Who is to blame for bad healthcare?

20:00 – Can a doctor kick a doula out of the delivery room?

24:20 – Sleeping positions while pregnant

32:30 – Natural remedies: helpful, harmless or harmful?

May 20, 202146:22
Doc & Doula Controversy Response

Doc & Doula Controversy Response

Table of Contents

0:00 - Clarifications

3:20 - What is a doula? What is their training?

6:00 - Upcoming OBGYN shortage

12:05 - Doctor pay vs Doula pay

15:15 - Bad doula behavior. Doulas fighting with doctors.

16:30 - Why the C-Section rate skyrocketed

27:35 - Midwife experience

29:24 - Misunderstandings about Doc & Doula

33:35 - Doula standards and training


“I believe in doulas. I believe in what they do.”

“The system is broken. We’ve had enough. We need change. We are the consumers.”

“Every birth I’m part of, I get to witness a little miracle.”

May 10, 202146:11
Doctor Screwups and Homebirthing

Doctor Screwups and Homebirthing

For more support and community, make sure to join the Doc & Doula Facebook Group:

Table Of Contents

1:45 Exercise and diet during pregnancy

7:15 Dealing with Mastitis without meds

13:10 CLC vs IBCLC

17:07 Visitation policy at hospitals

19:45 - Hypnobirthing

21:40 – Topic of the week: Doctor screwups and why communication is key!

24:16 - Miscarriage support

25:35 - Homebirth

36:30 Tip of the week: Finding a provider

May 06, 202139:41
Worst Doula Ever?

Worst Doula Ever?

Bill and Kaleigh break down a birth video by YouTuber Laura Clery and the truly awful behavior/advice from her doula.


1:54 – Should I get the vaccine if I'm pregnant?

5:08 – Vomiting during the 3rd Trimester

6:20 – Tips to prepare for a C-Section

9:35 – Gestational Diabetes

16:33 – Laura Clery and her doula

Make sure to join our Free Facebook group for more information and support:

Apr 28, 202135:37