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Doc Strange and the Dude

Doc Strange and the Dude

By Chris Doc Strange

A Podcast for Thinking Adults who Read, and Not Easily Offended by Grown Up Words or Common Sense.

We have our New Comedy Sketch Show that tips a nod to the all time classics, Round the Horn, Hancocks Half Hour, Steptoe and Son, The Goon Show and Movies by Mel Brooks.

Doc Strange and the Dude delve deep into the World psyche. We cover the topical, factual and inescapable truths about the day today.

With our take on World Events, mainly Anti Brexit and Anti Tory, if anything positive comes from either, we will let you know. So far, nothing. The Tory government is bent as a nine pound note.
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We Have ALWAYS Known that Black Lives Matter

Doc Strange and the DudeJun 20, 2020

"The Strange Mole Show" Ep 2 - Social, Pirates and 125,000.

"The Strange Mole Show" Ep 2 - Social, Pirates and 125,000.

Hello there and welcome to the Second Comedy episode of Doc Strange and the Dude, "The Strange Mole Show" Ep 2 - Social, Pirates and 125,000.

Written by Holy Mole, Performed by Holy Mole and Chris Doc Strange.

Please Share if You Enjoy our idea of a Satirical Comedy Sketch Show. Thanks for listening.

WARNING: The Tories are Liars and Want You Dead.

Listen to the Podcast and give us your feedback.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I have #3Point5Percent Vinyl stickers available.

Free & Fast, Signed for UK Post - 14 Day No Quibble Returns. LOVE THEM or Return Them. No Questions Asked.

#ThreePointFivePercent #Resist #Revolt #Remove #ToriesOut #ToryLiars #Brexit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Writers and Performers VERY Welcome, Please Get in touch. There's No money in it, for any of us (yet), but it's cathartic and who knows what will happen.


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

Fancy supporting us and our quest for fun?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Find us on On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and the Dude @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Oh and if you would like an online knees up and laugh with friends around the World, then you can hire

Chris P Tee Magician as your Magical Zoom Party Host, the Party at Yours, Wherever that may be. Any Age, Anywhere in the World. Upto 100 Screens, Any Language (I can mime)

Feb 27, 202123:46
Doc's Diatribe and A Polite Purge

Doc's Diatribe and A Polite Purge

Hello there dear listener and welcome to episode of Doc Strange and the Dude, Season 2.0, Episode 6.


41 Days in and there's No Sign of our Brexit Dividends.

The Fascists at Tufton St have the nerve to say the NHS isn't working! 

It's been 10 Years of Austerity, Intentional Cuts and Damage the Tories have done. 

Yet the Heroes at the NHS are pulling double shifts, working well beyond their means and saving our lives.

While Tory Corruption is rife and Herd Immunity is still the government goal.

People moan that Brexit isn't working and "Why didn't you warn us?", Erm, we did...A Lot.

Now is the Time to make an effort to show this Criminal Government what you think of them by Joining together and Protesting Peacefully, Every, Single, Day.

Get the Message to them that we have had enough, or they will continue to walk all over us. 

We Need You to be part of 3.5%, No matter who you are or what you believe in, we have One Common Goal.


Once we can be sure it is safe, we need Proportional Representation, A General Election, The Tories Out with a Mass Coalition Government working for the good of the country.

Not ripping off tax payers money and hiding off shore and even our Queen is guilty of that and getting laws changed to hide her money from us.

This will not get sorted until people realise they are being taken for a ride. A Joy Ride from Hell.

Listen to the Podcast and give us your feedback.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I have #3Point5Percent Vinyl stickers available.

Free & Fast, Signed for UK Post - 14 Day No Quibble Returns. LOVE THEM or Return Them. No Questions Asked.

#ThreePointFivePercent #Resist #Revolt #Remove #ToriesOut #ToryLiars #Brexit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Writers and Performers VERY Welcome, Please Get in touch. There's No money in it, for any of us (yet), but it's cathartic and who knows what will happen.


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

Fancy supporting us and our quest for fun?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Find us on On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and the Dude @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Oh and if you would like an online knees up and laugh with friends around the World, then you can hire

Chris P Tee Magician as your Magical Zoom Party Host, the Party at Yours, Wherever that may be. Any Age, Anywhere in the World. Upto 100 Screens, Any Language (I can mime)

Feb 10, 202101:05:44
Young Frankenstein Mashed Up Comentary - Suitable for No One

Young Frankenstein Mashed Up Comentary - Suitable for No One

Hello there and welcome to the Mashed Up Bonus episode of Doc Strange and the Dude, where we watched the Mel Brooks Classic "Young Frankenstein" together over WhatsApp while in a state of disrepair. This is what we sound like relaxed and just being ourselves.

We thought we might have a funny commentary, we were wrong. This is what idiots sound like who love Mel Brooks movies.

We would be really surprised if anyone enjoyed this episode at all. We did but are you mad enough to try it?

Let us know if you do.

Listen to the Podcast and give us your feedback.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I have #3Point5Percent Vinyl stickers available.

Free & Fast, Signed for UK Post - 14 Day No Quibble Returns. LOVE THEM or Return Them. No Questions Asked.

#ThreePointFivePercent #Resist #Revolt #Remove #ToriesOut #ToryLiars #Brexit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Writers and Performers VERY Welcome, Please Get in touch. There's No money in it, for any of us (yet), but it's cathartic and who knows what will happen.


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

Fancy supporting us and our quest for fun?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Find us on On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and the Dude @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Oh and if you would like an online knees up and laugh with friends around the World, then you can hire

Chris P Tee Magician as your Magical Zoom Party Host, the Party at Yours, Wherever that may be. Any Age, Anywhere in the World. Upto 100 Screens, Any Language (I can mime)

Feb 06, 202128:46
The Strange Mole Show - Ep 1 - Science, Fish and Prophecies

The Strange Mole Show - Ep 1 - Science, Fish and Prophecies

Hello there and welcome to the first Comedy episode of Doc Strange and the Dude, entitled (Sorry, that's the Tories who are Entitled), I mean named...

"The Strange Mole Show" Ep 1 - Science, Fish and Prophecies.

Written by Holy Mole, Performed by Holy Mole and Chris Doc Strange.

Please Share if You Enjoy our idea of a Satirical Comedy Sketch Show. Thanks for listening.

WARNING: Some swear words are used in context, this show is not suitable for anyone under the age of 7, or anyone who voted for Brexit or the Tories AND Still thinks they did the right thing. Oh, or anyone who thinks Boris Johnson is doing a good job, unless by a good job, you mean killing your friends and family.

Listen to the Podcast and give us your feedback.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I have #3Point5Percent Vinyl stickers available.

Free & Fast, Signed for UK Post - 14 Day No Quibble Returns. LOVE THEM or Return Them. No Questions Asked.

#ThreePointFivePercent #Resist #Revolt #Remove #ToriesOut #ToryLiars #Brexit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Writers and Performers VERY Welcome, Please Get in touch. There's No money in it, for any of us (yet), but it's cathartic and who knows what will happen.


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

Fancy supporting us and our quest for fun?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Find us on On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and the Dude @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Oh and if you would like an online knees up and laugh with friends around the World, then you can hire

Chris P Tee Magician as your Magical Zoom Party Host, the Party at Yours, Wherever that may be. Any Age, Anywhere in the World. Upto 100 Screens, Any Language (I can mime)

Jan 29, 202130:14
No Brexit Hope Only Scapegoats

No Brexit Hope Only Scapegoats

Hello there dear listener and welcome to episode of Doc Strange and the Dude, Season 2.0, Episode 4.

26 Days into Brexit and there's No Hope, only Scapegoats.

Are the Brexiteers seeing what a Massive failure Brexit is and Admitting they were conned?

Nope, they are Blaming everyone else but themselves. From Remainers to Angela Merkel, from the Fishing Community to the Hauliers.

The Tory Government has told businesses that if they want to succeed in the EU, they should set up business there.

Robert Jenrick, the Tory MP says that Northern Ireland now has a trade advantage as it has unfettered trade with the EU.  Something we had only 27 days ago. It's beyond madness.

The Tory Government and Right Wing Press want us to shut up and get over it. This is the ruination of the UK as the Far Right want a Clean Slate, a Tabula Rasa. They will asset strip it all while we suffer and what do people do?

They sit at home, monging out on the telly, saying "It'll all work out", the trouble is, it won't.

With the Plans for SuperMax prisons, for all the laws we will break, Trespassing, Protesting, TV Licence and whatever charges they can get you on and in jail, they will.

The Tory Government are murdering Psychopaths, with over 100,000 deaths due to Covid, things are not getting better. This Lockdown is going to last a very long time. Strap in.

Listen to the Podcast and give us your feedback.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I have #3Point5Percent Vinyl stickers available.

Free & Fast, Signed for UK Post - 14 Day No Quibble Returns. LOVE THEM or Return Them. No Questions Asked.

#ThreePointFivePercent #Resist #Revolt #Remove #ToriesOut #ToryLiars #Brexit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Writers and Performers VERY Welcome, Please Get in touch. There's No money in it, for any of us (yet), but it's cathartic and who knows what will happen.


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

Fancy supporting us and our quest for fun?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Find us on On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and the Dude @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Oh and if you would like an online knees up and laugh with friends around the World, then you can hire

Chris P Tee Magician as your Magical Zoom Party Host, the Party at Yours, Wherever that may be. Any Age, Anywhere in the World. Upto 100 Screens, Any Language (I can mime)

Jan 26, 202140:39
Hey Joe!

Hey Joe!

Hello there dear listener and welcome to episode of Doc Strange and the Dude, Season 2.0, Episode 3.

We Welcome the new President and VP of the United States, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

PHEW! We Can breathe again

Well, they can in the U.S.A, not so much in the UK where we are being Murdered by our Government and the British Trump, Boris Johnson.

1,810 deaths Today. It's going up while the Corrupt Tories Profit from the demise of the UK.

Listen to the Podcast and give us your feedback.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I have #3Point5Percent Vinyl stickers available.

Free & Fast, Signed for UK Post - 14 Day No Quibble Returns. LOVE THEM or Return Them. No Questions Asked.

#ThreePointFivePercent #Resist #Revolt #Remove #ToriesOut #ToryLiars #Brexit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Writers and Performers VERY Welcome, Please Get in touch. There's No money in it, for any of us (yet), but it's cathartic and who knows what will happen.


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

Fancy supporting us and our quest for fun?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Find us on On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and the Dude @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Oh and if you would like an online knees up and laugh with friends around the World, then you can hire

Chris P Tee Magician as your Magical Zoom Party Host, the Party at Yours, Wherever that may be. Any Age, Anywhere in the World. Upto 100 Screens, Any Languge (I can mime)

Jan 21, 202134:50
Swap Your Brave Face for a Clown Face

Swap Your Brave Face for a Clown Face

Hello there dear listener and welcome to episode of Doc Strange and the Dude, Season 2.0, Episode 2.

As we have been dragged, kicking and screaming into 2021, we must note that 2020 was just the Warm up Act.

This year will be a Doozy, so hold on tight, it's about to get bumpy, thanks to Far Right, Fascism, Racisim, Nazi Wannabes, Covid 19 and much worse, the Corrupt Tory Government who like to Starve Kids to Save a Quid & Let more people Die due to inaction.

We talk about how poor families are sent a pitiful food box that should be worth £30 and last a week, what they get is worth just over a Fiver and not enough for a Day, basically, rations for Gulag prisoners.

What can we do? We Can Protest Peacefully, here's an idea:

Use the following hashtags when you post your images and videos:



#"your town name"



Some alternative methods to join the #Clown4EveryTown protest on 21/01/21.  #3Point5Percent #NHSpay15 #Clown4EveryTown

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I have #3Point5Percent Vinyl stickers available.

Free & Fast, Signed for UK Post - 14 Day No Quibble Returns. LOVE THEM or Return Them. No Questions Asked.

#ThreePointFivePercent #Resist #Revolt #Remove #ToriesOut #ToryLiars #Brexit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Writers and Performers VERY Welcome, Please Get in touch. There's No money in it, for any of us (yet), but it's cathartic and who knows what will happen.


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

Fancy supporting us and our quest for fun?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Find us on On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and the Dude @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Oh and if you would like an online knees up and laugh with friends around the World, then you can hire 

Chris P Tee Magician as your Magical Zoom Party Host, the Party at Yours, Wherever that may be. Any Age, Anywhere in the World. Upto 100 Screens, Any Languge (I can mime)

Jan 12, 202146:47
We Are Back with Sex Arses & Sympathy

We Are Back with Sex Arses & Sympathy

Hello there dear listener and welcome to the New and Unexpected episode of Doc Strange and the Dude, Season 2.0

We hope that you've enjoyed the Christmas Covid Fest and managed to infect all your family by going on illigal rallies, sans mask and shouting about how your liberty is being undermined by the NHS (Not Really, that was Sarcasm)

Can you believe we are in 2021 and the virus isn't under control? Quell Surprise.

What the Actual Fuck? Oh Yeah, Corrupt Tories and Fascists, I remember. Lets talk about that then.

here's the Link for the GOOD SAM App

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I have #3Point5Percent Vinyl (Not Crappy Paper) stickers available.

Free & Fast, Signed for UK Post - 14 Day No Quibble Returns. LOVE THEM or Return Them. No Questions Asked.

#ThreePointFivePercent #Resist #Revolt #Remove #ToriesOut #ToryLiars #Brexit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Writers and Performers VERY Welcome, Please Get in touch. There's No money in it, for any of us (yet), but it's cathartic and who knows what will happen...


* * This weeks Episode is Sponsored by Swift: Volume One*, get your copy today. * *

We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

Fancy supporting us and our quest for fun?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Find us on On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and the Dude @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Visit our New Movement Website

Jan 05, 202101:01:54
Le Grand Finale - Season 1 Complete

Le Grand Finale - Season 1 Complete

Hello there dear listener and welcome to the final episode of Doc Strange and the Dude, Season 1 Finale.

We hope that you've enjoyed our ramblings over the last 32 episodes, it's now time for a short break and a complete costume change.

As we Remainers have Lost, We are Never going to get over it, but it seems the Leavers, who Won, have got what they didn't know they wanted.

It might take a little time for it to sink in, the trouble the UK is in, but we are quite sure that there are going to be a lot of disappointed Leavers who will slowly realise that have been conned by Boris Johnson and the Corrupt Tory Government.

With the same promises made by the National Front in the 1970's, the Tory party have become a facsist, right wing, hateful mess, who will destroy the UK and our lives, through their greed, hatred of the poor and the immigrants that helped build this country.

So as there is nothing to laugh about, we have made a promise that our next season, which will be renamed "The Strange Mole Show" will bring fun and laughter to your ears. Inspired by "Round the Horne" who's radio show in the 1950's helped people through the Cold War, we wil help you through the Brexit Blizzard.

So, onwards and upwards, with a Positive take on all the things that will make us want to cry, we will take the piss out of it all.

We will TRY to make sure it's family friendly too, but no promises there.

Stay Safe and have a Very Merry Christmas from us both.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I have #3Point5Percent vinyl stickers available.

Share This Post & Get an Extra 10% Free with Your Order.

Free & Fast UK Post - 14 Day No Quibble Returns.

#ThreePointFivePercent #Resist #Revolt #Remove #ToriesOut #ToryLiars #Brexit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Writers and Performers VERY Welcome, Please Get in touch. There's No money in it, for any of us, but it's cathartic and who knows what will happen...


* * This weeks Episode is Sponsored by Swift: Volume One*, get your copy today. * *

We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

Fancy supporting us and our quest for fun?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Find us on On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and the Dude @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Dec 08, 202059:12
Corbynism = Trumpism

Corbynism = Trumpism

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

* * This weeks Episode is Sponsored by Swift: Volume One*, get your copy today. * *

After the Last Podcast when we talked about extremists voting on policy, we ventured into the online world of the Labour party (of which we are proud members and support Sir Keir Starmer 100% as party leader) we were astonished but not surprises to find the Student politics are alive and well and making the policies over common sense.

THIS IS A VERY SWEARY AND ANGRY PODCAST (Blame the Dude this time, Doc is innocent for once)


How you can help us be the voice for you. We love making this podcast, it's keeps us busy as we have no work or income. We really appreciate any donations or support, like sharing the podcast on social media, telling your friends, visiting our Ko-Fi pages (links below) and buying us a coffee, if you can afford to.

You may not be able to take to the street to protest, we are the voice you need, help us speak out for you. We can only do this with food in the fridge and fire in our bellies, show us support and we will make your proud. Thank you.

Feel like you should be doing something to stop this corrupt tory government? Feel helpless?

Join the 3.5% movement, you're not alone in feeling this way and we can help each other.


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

Find out all about The 3.5% on our Resources Page

Buy a pack of 100 x 3.5% Stickers and help us get the word out and do your little bit by taking a small stand, for the price of a couple of coffees.

Fancy supporting us and our quest for truth, honesty and decency in Government?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee, get the 3.5% Stickers (100 for £5.99) or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Find us on On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and the Dude @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

*the Link to Swift Vol 1 is an Amazon Associate Link, where I (Doc) get a very small percentage of the sale) you can search for it on amazon to circumvent this, if you're mean enough.

Nov 27, 202026:52
You Can't Sack A Priti Bully

You Can't Sack A Priti Bully

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

* * This weeks Episode is Sponsored by Swift: Volume One*, get your copy today. * * 

This week, Doc Strange and the Dude are talking about Bullies and Bullying. 

We are looking at you Priti Patel, the Poison Dwarf. Some say "Oh, but she's a little person, she can't be a bully" or "She was bullied herself" or "She's always been nice to me" (says another high ranking government minister). All the Bent Tories sticking up for her Bullying (proven fact) during "Anti Bullying Week"!

We also delve into the "Seven Principles of Public Life" aka "The Nolan Principles" as described on the Governments own website, See if you can find one of them that our Prime Minister Boris Johnson adheres to, or any Tory MP for that matter... I'll wait.

Also, how you can help us. We make this podcast to keep us busy as we have no work or income. We really appreciate any donations or support, like sharing the podcast on social media, telling your friends, visiting our Ko-Fi pages (links below) and buying us a coffee, if you can afford to. 

You may not be able to take to the street to protest, we are the voice you need, help us speak out for you. We can only do this with food in the fridge and fire in our bellies, show us support and we will make your proud. Thank you.


Feel like you should be doing something to stop this corrupt tory government? Feel helpless?

Join the 3.5% movement, you're not alone in feeling this way and we can help each other.


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

Find out all about The 3.5% on our Resources Page

Buy a pack of 100 x 3.5% Stickers and help us get the word out and do your little bit by taking a small stand, for the price of a couple of coffees.

Fancy supporting us and our quest for truth, honesty and decency in Government?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee, get the 3.5% Stickers (100 for £5.99) or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Find us on On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and the Dude @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

*the Link to Swift Vol 1 is an Amazon Associate Link, where I (Doc) get a very small percentage of the sale) you can search for it on amazon to circumvent this, if you're mean enough.

Nov 26, 202046:40
The Episode with LOTS of Swearing about Boris Johnson - Listener Beware

The Episode with LOTS of Swearing about Boris Johnson - Listener Beware

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude are talking (well, Doc is mostly swearing) about Boris "Taking More Time Off Work Again" Johnson and Demonic Scummings carrying a box that looks like a Movie Prop out of 10 Downing St.

To say that we are being played and treated for fools is an understatement.

The hideousness of this Government, their Cronyism, Treachery and Profiteering from the Pandemic is Abhorrent.

So much so that Doc continues to F and Blind his way through the whole podcast. NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED.


We love being part of the 3.5%, we are not alone in feeling this way and it's cathartic to just get it out.


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

The 3.5% Resources Page, you can buy your 3.5% Stickers there too.

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Fancy supporting us and our quest for truth, honesty and decency in Government?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee, get the 3.5% Stickers (100 for £5.99) or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Nov 17, 202046:23
Trump Dumped and The Road To Rejoin Is Open.

Trump Dumped and The Road To Rejoin Is Open.

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude are STILL talking about The USA Presidental Election, with the Presidential Joe Biden and the not so Presidential Donald "Obese Turtle" Trump.

Here we are, in Lockdown 2.0 and it's almost Groundhog day. In Version 1.0 we watched Tiger King, this time it's CNN and the Road to 270!

It's looking like the next President of the U.S.A, number 46 is Joe Biden, thank fuck for that. We are just waiting for all the votes to be counted, but the math says he's won.

That's why we love being part of the 3.5%, we are not alone in feeling this way and it's cathartic to just get it out.


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

The 3.5% Resources Page, you can buy your 3.5% Stickers there too.

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Fancy supporting us and our quest for truth, honesty and decency in Government?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee, get the 3.5% Stickers or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Nov 07, 202040:26
Shitlers Last Stand and The UK Lockdown 2

Shitlers Last Stand and The UK Lockdown 2

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude are talke about The USA Presidental Election, with the Presidential Joe Biden and the not so Presidential Donald "Bone Spurs" Trump.

In the last podcast we said that Lockdown was coming soon, even though the very same day we recorded it, the Government said there would be no Lockdown. I hate saying "We told you so...", it's not just us that are paying attention, we have a lot of friends who know more than we do, we listen to the experts and the science. 

That's why we love being part of the 3.5%, we are not alone in feeling this way and it's cathartic to just get it out.

We mention that we will NOT be in London on the 5th of November for the "Million Mask March 2020" #ExpectUsUk as this have changed, Lockdown as Happened as we said it would. 

I got the Date Wrong, it IS Friday the 5th of November. (Not the 6th, I don't know what day it is anymore). IF you can go and support them, good, please do. We cannot, we have to think of our health (both sickly little piggies) and families. 


We would Love even more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

The 3.5% Resources Page, you can buy your 3.5% Stickers there too.

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Fancy supporting us and our quest for truth, honesty and decency in Government?

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee, get the 3.5% Stickers or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Nov 02, 202038:36
Tiering up the Bristol Rulebook - Total Lockdown is a Coming.

Tiering up the Bristol Rulebook - Total Lockdown is a Coming.

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude are talking about the Wonderful City of Bristol and how it's enterted "Tier 1+"... 

What is that? We explain, well, The Dude explains, I just sound like it's all getting a bit much. Sorry (not sorry) for the potty mouth, I am really angry, frustrated and feel helpless.

That's why we love being part of the 3.5%, we are not alone in feeling this way and it's cathartic to just get it out.

We mention that we will be in London on the 5th of November for the "Million Mask March 2020" #ExpectUsUk

Why has Serco failed so greatly, even though they have been paid £12 BILLION for a Test and Trace app that doesn't work and will #OperationMoonShot be any different and costing 8 Times More at £100 BILLION?

It would only cost 1% of the Test and Trace money to Feed Starving Children.

Where is all this money going and why Private companies? Croynism, Nepotism and Greed. 

Let us know what you thinkof our ranting, get in touch.

We hope to interview some very interesting people soon, one of whom is a young chap names "Drilly" who has his sights set on becoming the next Mayor of London and I have a feeling he will win. Check out Drilly4Mayor and tell him Chris Doc Strange sent you,

We would Love some more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

The 3.5% Resources Page, you can buy your 3.5% Stickers there too.

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Fancy supporting us and our quest for truth, honesty and decency in Government? 

Please Become a Supporter and Sponsor us, we have no way to make a living right now. This podcast is made with love but we need to eat, any donation is very welcome. Thank you xx

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee, get the 3.5% Stickers or a Signed Copy of my Book "The Honest Hypnotists Guide"

Buy The Dude a Coffee and checkout his extra special mashups, heck, he can even make one just for you.

Oct 29, 202039:50
Save a Quid to Starve a Kid, the Tory Scum have gone Too Far.

Save a Quid to Starve a Kid, the Tory Scum have gone Too Far.

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude are talking about how the UK Tory Government voted to Starve Poor Children and then went into meltdown when called Scum. I mean, taking away Free School Meals from Poor children is a pretty Scummy thing to do. Right Wing Snowflakes huh?

We also mention the fantastic site that we have fallen in love with to earn a few quid and give our services, that is which is a place You can stare Your passion and give people the chance to Support or Sponsor you. It eave has a shopping cart buit in to sell your Physical of Digital wares. This is NOT a Paid Placement, We REALLY LOVE KO-FI

We also mention Kevin Kelly and his "1000 True Fans" which fits the Ko-Fi model perfectly, and his terrific "68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice" if you love his writing, let him know. I think he's awesome.

We would Love some more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

The 3.5% Resources Page, you can buy your 3.5% Stickers there too.

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Fancy supporting us and our quest? Become a Supporter and Sponsor us.

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee

Buy The Dude a Coffee

Oct 24, 202040:20
What We Did at the Weekend - Acting and Activism

What We Did at the Weekend - Acting and Activism

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude are talking about what we did at the weekend and how you can make a difference with the #3Point5Percent Movement.

We would Love some more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

The 3.5% Resources Page, you can buy your 3.5% Stickers there too.

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Fancy supporting us and our quest?

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee

Buy The Dude a Coffee

Oct 20, 202053:35
The Entertainers Ramble Because We Make Events

The Entertainers Ramble Because We Make Events

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude are talking about #WeMakeEvents and how they are doing their best to support the Arts and Entertainment Industry, which generates around £23b a year for the UK (Compere that to the Fishing Industry which is about £1.4b!)

The Tories are Telling us to Retrain, after a Lifetime of bringing joy to others. Are they Mad?

What will happen, how will we survive?

We would Love some more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

The 3.5% Resources Page, you can buy your 3.5% Stickers there too.

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Fancy supporting us and our quest?

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee

Buy The Dude a Coffee

Oct 13, 202041:34
Excel-ing at Failing. Billions of Pounds lost on 30 Year old software by a Fraudulent Company, Serco.

Excel-ing at Failing. Billions of Pounds lost on 30 Year old software by a Fraudulent Company, Serco.

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude are talking about the Loss of over 16,000 Covid Tests 

Also The Great Orange Predator, Donald J Trump (Fake President) catching and spreading Coronavirus among the Whitehouse and his staff.

We would Love some more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

The 3.5% Resources Page at

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Oct 06, 202039:15
Kent, The Lorry Park of England - They Didn't Vote for That.

Kent, The Lorry Park of England - They Didn't Vote for That.

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude are talking about the Country of Kent being turned onto a Customs Holding Bay.

There's other stuff in there, we recorded it on Friday evening, it's now Sunday morning and I forgot what we talked about. 

So I will have a listen on my run and fill this in afterwards. 

You could just liten yourself and find out.

We would Love some more listeners, please share and help out. We do this for the love of it. There's no Ads and it's free to listen, so why not?

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

The 3.5% Resources Page, you can buy your 3.5% Stickers there too.

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Fancy supporting us and our quest?

Buy Chris Doc Strange a Coffee

Buy The Dude a Coffee

Sep 27, 202036:28
NOW is the Time to Unite in Solidarity against this Corrupt Tory Government

NOW is the Time to Unite in Solidarity against this Corrupt Tory Government

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude are talking Solidarty and Unity with ALL Peaceful Protesters, We Need Joint Power in Numbers and we can all help each others causes, if you can focus on one defining factor...

We have a Corrupt Tory Government who are influenced, supported and financed by the Russian Government via their proxy Oligarchs.

This is a PEACEFUL CALL TO ARMS to all the Protesters who support the NHS, BLM, XR, A-LEVELS, B-TEC, 3POINT5PERCENT ETC...

We need Proportianal Representation, We Need to Secure the NHS, We Need Rid of this Tory Government for one who cares for the people it is supposed to serve.

(BREAKING NEWS: Did Boris Johnson visit Italy in secret on the 12th to 14th of September and stay at his Russian friend's amazing property in the mountains? Getting instructions from his Russian handlers? This is a Breaking story and not mentioned in this podcast, we will talk about it in the next one!)

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

The 3.5% Resources Page at

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Sep 21, 202031:14
Incompetence Seems Profitable to Friends of The Corrupt Tory Government

Incompetence Seems Profitable to Friends of The Corrupt Tory Government

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude are talking all about the madness of the failed "Test and Trace" fiasco, the impending "Lockdown 2" for the #SecondWave that we've been expecting and how the Government are happy to blame you and I for their failures.

Remember "Eat Out to Help Out" in August? and how they encouraged everyone to Got to the Pub and Get Back to the Office?

Even Children were expected to back to school. The kids must have been relieved after being trapped at home with Alcoholic Parents thanks to Lockdown 1. OK, I'm talking about myself. You'll be glad to hear I have been very good the last few weeks, back to running and getting fit again. 

There was a 31% rise in Alcohol sales during lockdown, so it wasn't just me.

Have a listen and enjoy. We welcome feedback and if you want to take part in the show, get in touch below.

The 3.5% Resources Page at

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Sep 18, 202043:21
Liverpool 3Point5Percent Protest Was a Success and How You Can Take a Stand Too

Liverpool 3Point5Percent Protest Was a Success and How You Can Take a Stand Too

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, Doc Strange and the Dude travelled to Liverpool, England to Protest Against the Corrupt and Law Breaking Tory Government for the 3.5% movement, at St George's Hall, Liverpool, 5th Sep 2020.

Chris Doc Strange was the Compere and Holy Mole (the Dude) was singing his very clever songs like this one "Try to Save the NHS" 

We were joined by the very Talented Tim Arnold and Laura D and Clayton as Freewheel UK who both sang beautifully.

Speakers were Julie Ward, Professor Richard Bentall, Billy Hayes and Student Nurse Lauren.

Doc streamed the event live on YouTube and you can choose to watch the edited videos:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

The 3.5% Resources Page at

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Sep 09, 202029:56
Bannon Gets Banged Up

Bannon Gets Banged Up

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, I called the Dude over WhatsApp to chat about Steve Bannon getting arrested, moving on to Johnson, Farage and his other Criminal friends.

I'd had a couple of Newcastle Brown Ales and needed to vent, the Dude Abides.

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Aug 20, 202037:48
The Fascist Cheeto Must Go #TrumpOut

The Fascist Cheeto Must Go #TrumpOut

Hello and welcome to Doc Strange and the Dude,

In this Podcast, we chat about the car crash that is Donald Trump. 

The Man, The Myth, The Waste of Space.

We know how he got into power, it was a rigged election.

Now he is making every effort to stop Joe Biden from winning the next election, by removing US Mail Boxes, so the people cannot Postal Vote.

Yes, you read it right.

These are very strange times and that Horrible Fascist Cheeto must go.

On Twitter @ChrisDocStrange and @HolyMole

Visit Doc Strange the Comedy Stage Hypnotist Bloke in a White Coat

Aug 16, 202038:10
A Red Alert Emergency for All Types of Entertainment #WeMakeEvents
Aug 16, 202027:15
3 Point 5 Percent
Aug 15, 202033:28
Morning Run and Moan - Bonus Episode with Doc
Jul 31, 202007:13
Bonus Episode - Sun in the Park
Jul 30, 202013:41
Tory Lies. Russian Spies.
Jul 24, 202056:33
Graphic Novels. Graphic Language.
Jul 22, 202001:14:13
A Bombardment of Brexit Bullshit
Jul 07, 202001:05:27
A Catalogue of Covid Calamity
Jul 06, 202051:56
We Have ALWAYS Known that Black Lives Matter
Jun 20, 202001:03:15
Freedumb for the People
May 16, 202057:33
Online Parties, Disruption Curves & Other Covid Concerns
Apr 13, 202001:00:56
Chris Doc Strange, All about Me, Me, You.
Apr 06, 202015:51
Positive Vibes and Abortion Pills
Apr 01, 202034:03
Dude on Dudeism

Dude on Dudeism

While the Doc's working all hours to keep the masses sane; the Dude briefly discusses the concept of Dudeism and how he wields this religion to take on his Twitter trolls and every day life.

Mar 30, 202007:43
Boris has his Winston Moment

Boris has his Winston Moment

Coming over all statesman like, Boris addresses the public with his COVID Nation speech. It's time to Lock Down...

"Lock Down ish... Hey, you lot, stop going out. You have NO IDEA how bad this is going to get and we really should have listened to the experts weeks ago. We are trying to catch up..."

We can't forget the last 10 years of Tory Austerity, but that's what he want's us to do.

Where did all that money come from?

Mar 25, 202017:54
An Intro, just to start the Podcast. It gets better from here.

An Intro, just to start the Podcast. It gets better from here.

A quick intro from Doc, giving you a quick idea what we are about.

Mar 23, 202002:21