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Loving my journey living with Disability..

Loving my journey living with Disability..

By Donna

I want to talk about my learning dissability and how it has affected me a positive way. And the struggle of being misunderstood in the school system as an adult going back to school. I also want to talk about the negative side of the dissability and learning how to accept it and love it.
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Having great conversation with my friend Phaelon!

Loving my journey living with Disability..May 29, 2021

The right place at the right time..

The right place at the right time..

This episode is about being sensitive to people and their needs. God redirected me from going home just so I can be a blessing to a total stranger who needed some food.
Jan 17, 202415:52
Fear in Love

Fear in Love

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. This pretty much sums up the podcast. We will be talking about how people are not sure how to love and is loving each other with fear in their hearts. There is no trust anymore. I will give some opinion on how to reach that goal with a Godly approach.
Aug 22, 202352:01
Trapped feelings

Trapped feelings

This is a song that I wrote back in 2020 and it's about feeling trapped with a lot of emotions and pain and I was able to express myself through music to tell my story.

I wrote this song because sometime it's hard to express one's self and writing about feels magical because it actually feels like your confronting the person that is hurting you. I also want to give credit to two of my close friends Rifka Kaplan Peck and Jeff Peck who has worked so hard in the studio to make the song sound great. Thanks for playing the Bass and the lead guitar because you guys are very talented.:)

Please enjoy this song..


Aug 30, 202206:05
Gender Pay gap in the WNBA..

Gender Pay gap in the WNBA..

This conversation is about the WNBA and the mistreatment and disrespect they have to endure as athletes. They don't get the same respect has the men in the NBA and their pay rate is very low compare to their male counterpart. The WNBA players are very talented and are just as entertaining as the men basketball team. Also, we discus and compare other woman sports like tennis and soccer and how these teams don't have that much trouble being promoted and gain the same respect as their male counterpart. For example, Serena Williams and Osaka gets the money they deserve and their name is well known in the sports world whereas, Diana Taurasi who is compared to Michael Jordan don't get the respect she deserve. Just wanted to thank Taylor St. Pierre for joining me in the discussion on the this controversial topic on the Gender Pay Gap in the WNBA. I decided to use Taylor because he gave me so much perspective on the topic and he also challenged me to approach the topic in a non bias way and to look  at the situation from all stand points and not to just think because they are females that is the reason for their struggles. But there are other things that is at play like being promoted and not getting enough views and not being fully funded. So reading the article gave me more information on the topic.

Dec 07, 202150:43
Speaking on the topic of mental health..

Speaking on the topic of mental health..

Today on my podcast I will be having an important discussion on Anxiety and depression and how it can affect our lives in a negative way if we are not aware of it. Allie is going to be sharing her story and her experience on how this has affected her later in her adulthood. We were able to understand that not having the right support from both parents can affect us and cause us to fail as an adult, especially if the parents think nothing is wrong by not giving the child a chance to express themselves. Allie has learned later in her life she was struggling with anxiety and depression after her college years into her first cooperate job position. Through all the struggles that Allie had experienced she was able to turn her life around and started her own business called Coutts Creation. Her story is very inspiring and its so important to know not to give up on ourselves because we are overcomers. Allie has taught us that after reaching out to therapist it gave her life new meaning, and now currently along with her business she has started a podcast helping people being leaders. Here are some information  on Allie and her work. 




Thanks so much for listening I do appreciate the listening support.

Also for copyright purpose I don't own the rights to the song 'Today is My Day by Melodailty.


Jul 11, 202101:34:47
Podcast talk with Ram (music is life)

Podcast talk with Ram (music is life)

On today's podcast I will be speaking with Ram Tysoe and he will be taking us on a journey on some of his college experiences and what college was like for him as a freshman. He will be telling us more about his activity in school and how he got started being a peer tutor for piano and his love for teaching and giving back to the students. Ram will also tell us more about the love he has for video game music and other genre of music he is involved with. One of Ram's major at the Hartt school of Music is composition and I will be sharing a YouTube link of the two pieces that he wrote and they are absolutely beautiful. I hope that you guys enjoy our conversation about the life of a modern day musician and hear us talk about what motivates us as musicians. Here is the YouTube link for Ram please check it out!

Thanks for your listeners support and thanks for stooping by..

May 31, 202101:19:46
Having great conversation with my friend Phaelon!

Having great conversation with my friend Phaelon!

Today on my podcast I have learned so much about my friend Phaelon! He had so much to say about his own personal journey on why he loves teaching. Phaelon is a Peer tutor at the Hartt school of music and his focus is the trumpet. I became good friends with Phaelon because he would always work with me and help me in school. Phaelon came from a military family and this gives him the drive to be a great achiever in school and other areas in his life. I hope that you will stop by and listen in on our conversation because I learned so much speaking with Phaelon.

May 29, 202150:30
Bob Marley Redemption song discussion..

Bob Marley Redemption song discussion..

Hello Everyone today me and my friend Rifka will be having a short discussion about Bob Marley and the meaning of this last song Redemption Song. This was so much fun breaking down the meaning of this powerful music piece. I hop you can stop by and enjoy the discussion.

Thanks everyone!!

Dec 10, 202022:03
Going to College during Covid 19 pandemic..

Going to College during Covid 19 pandemic..

On today's topic we will be discussing the difficulty of  online learning.

Grace will be talking about her passion and how important it is to have this in her life.

She will be talking about the professors who had a good influence on her life and how important it is to have the right teachers teaching students.

Grace will be giving some advice on following the rules of wearing a mask during this Covid19 pandemic.

She ended by telling us to be kind to each other and don't be a jerk to one another.

I agree that life is too short to be mean and selfish and we need to come together and not judge each other.

Thank you so much for listening to this podcast I appreciate your listening support.☺♥

Nov 01, 202033:04
Life is hard but we can still be overcomers..

Life is hard but we can still be overcomers..

On this episode we will be discussing covid19 and how it has affected the opening of colleges and universities.  Yaqi is a good friend of mine and she will be joining me here on my podcast to discuss some of her fears and concerns about covid19. Yaqi is a graduate student at the Hartt school of music and this is her last year. She has  express to me that at first she felt nervous but after going to couple class she felt safe because the cleaning crew has been working around the clock to keep the school clean and sanitized. There are so many restriction in place at the University that we feel safe and trust our President  to keep going to our classes on campus. Yaqi is very adventurous and she loves to live life on the edge. She likes to jump out of plane and she is planning on going scuba diving very soon. Yaqi is a piano major at the Hartt school of music and she just started her own youtube channel. Here is the link below where you can see all her work!     

Thanks to everyone who listen to my podcast I really appreciate the listening support. ☺♥

Sep 27, 202001:24:45
Speaking with a special guest (my friend) Jessica Schreiner..

Speaking with a special guest (my friend) Jessica Schreiner..

On today's podcast we will be talking with Jessica and learning more about her experience in College and how she is handling the pandemic. Jessica is a student at Hartt School of music and is currently pursuing her Master degree in Music History. She has recently loss her mother and was strong enough to come on the podcast cast to talk about her experience of how it had affected her and how she remain strong and positive. I have been Jessica's friend for about two years and I have seen her go through some trying times in her life and still going through some physical health issues currently. What is so encouraging about this is jessica has never stopped or wanting to quit pursuing her dreams. She appreciate life, her friends, her professors and all the people in her circle. Jessica told us today how she was successful in getting her undergraduate degree and how she will be more successful getting her masters degree. She shared with us her some tips and gave us some links to look up on facebook and these are groups that can help you if your feeling alone or down in your mind. There are tons of groups like anxiety/stress groups or church groups or mental help groups. Here are some of them:


Also please go out and vote it's really important for this election!

Thanks for listening to my podcast.☺♥

Aug 21, 202040:06
Loving yourself is the key to forgiveness..

Loving yourself is the key to forgiveness..

Love is kind (not only to others, but to self); love keeps no record of wrongs (not only of others' but of our own). ... As the failure to forgive ourselves hinders our love of others, so our love for others can facilitate self-forgiveness. (

In this episode I will be giving you five tips on how to love yourself.

The first tip is:

1. Why is it important to love yourself

2. Embrace who you are and what you like

3. Your God's beautiful art work

4. Don't sell yourself short

5.Don't give up on You/ Your number

Also will be giving you my real life experience of how I overcome hating myself after being abuse for many years from the church and just people in general. 

Thank you for joining me I appreciate your listening support. ☺♥

Please share or download this episode if you like what you hear.

Aug 12, 202032:44
Random act of Kindness..
Jul 25, 202037:59
How to adjust to a new normal?

How to adjust to a new normal?

In this episode we will be having a conversation about Covid-19 and how serious it is. I am not a doctor of any kind but it helps to spread awareness and push the safety of washing of hands and wearing a mask. I will be reading a poem by Beverly Peck called "Navigation in the Time of COVID-19" Here is a copy.

Navigation in the Time of COVID-19

I press forward in

my small boat

in waters that are

strange to me.

I am not officially sea

sick, but my

stomach is queasy,

my hands unsteady.

My eyes seek what was familiar

days, weeks, months ago

as I hold my breath,

then breathe.

I bring to the surface

of my mind

a boatload of things

for which I am grateful.

The list is long and powerful

like the rhythmic strokes of my oars

lapping up water, bringing me closer

to a new shore in my reach.

Beverly Peck

Thank you Rifka for mentioning my podcast to your mother-in-law Beverly Peck.

Also giving a shout out again to Beverly Peck for letting me use her poem on my podcast.

I am very grateful to have people in my life who supports what I am doing.

It's not much but a little goes along way with the people in my life and what they bring to the table.

Thanks again for listening!♥☺

Jul 17, 202034:52
I am grateful for the little things in life..

I am grateful for the little things in life..

This was a very short episode on what my week was like and what I have experienced. Life is interesting when it has its ups and downs and how it miraculously fix itself towards the end. My week started out very rough but my friend Sebastian came down from Rhode Island to see his grandmother and then stop by to visit me. We had lunch and hung out for couple hours and that was the highlight of my week. Things always work itself out for the better.♥☺
Thanks for listening and be safe out there!
Please share your moment of despair and how things got better over time.
follow me on instagram deborah_2021
Jul 11, 202050:13
 Finding new perspective in a uncertain world..

Finding new perspective in a uncertain world..

I am excited to be speaking with Kerry Burokas today about her views on what's going  in the world and in our country. Kerry is a Occupational Therapist and she is helping children/adult rebuild their lives through physical therapy. She also helps to treat injured and disabled patients through therapeutic use of everyday activities. Kerry helps patients develop, recover, improve and maintain the skills they need for daily living. I was so happy to get to know Kerry because she is giving back to the world and her community in a special way by helping people rebuild their lives and she also is a genuine person inside and out. Kerry has let us know that she too have been facing some high time and lows. She shared with me some ideas on how she overcome some of her fears and anxiety because we all have and experience them. We spoke about ways to deal with the uncertainty of life and that we can't be afraid of what is around the corner but to trust that life will work out if we do our part and have faith.  Please like and follow me so you can hear the latest podcast when I post it.  

Just want to give a shout out to Kevin Burokas for introducing me to his lovely wife Kerry. 

And a shout out to Jeff Peck and his band for allowing me to use his music on my podcast  The Band "Quarentemo".

Thanks to everyone who is listening to my podcast I appreciate it. ♥☺

Jul 07, 202001:00:14
What are you grateful for? Ep#2

What are you grateful for? Ep#2

On today's episode I will be discussing the importance of how to be grateful. I will also be covering topic of America an it's independence and why I love being an american citizen. Also, the idea of fighting for change is something that our forefathers did to get this country called America. Martin Luther King had to also fight for change for African Americans so we can be able to live in peace and harmony. On a religious note Jesus had to come to earth and died for our sin in order for us to have life and have it more abundantly. So yes I am grateful everyday for what God has done for this country the United States of America and we will keep praying and fighting for positive change like our forefathers did back in history. If you like what you hear on this podcast please comment, share or give a thumbs up. Also you can contact me on the Anchor app or spotify. Thanks you I appreciate all of you for listening.♥☺

Jul 05, 202039:25
Loving college while living on campus..

Loving college while living on campus..

Today my friend Daniel stop by to visit me and we were having a conversation about his experience in College. He told us what it was like living on campus and how it affected him in a positive way. Daniel is a vocalist at the Hartt school of Music and he will be a senior in the the Fall semester 2020. Daniel will take us on a journey on all the activities he did on campus, like being on the Gospel Choir and how he was able to maintain good grades while in school. I uploaded one of his songs called "Precious Lord" on the podcast so hopefully you will be blessed listening to his song. Thanks so much for stopping by. ♥♪☺

Jul 03, 202049:10
Embracing Uncertainty by Susan Jeffers Chapter one reading..

Embracing Uncertainty by Susan Jeffers Chapter one reading..

Susan Jeffers brings such positivity to the readers mind about how to think positive when the outlook of life seems negative and dismal.She is letting us know not to be a victim when things don't work the way we plan because life can be disappointing. Susan is telling us that we can be overcomers if we learn the life lessons it brings because after all things happen for a reason. So everything in life is a blessing whether it be good or bad and we just have to embrace it so we can be prepared for what the future has to offer Good or bad.

Thank you so much for stopping by for today's reading I hope you enjoy it.♥

Jul 01, 202036:03
Embracing Uncertainty (Introduction reading)

Embracing Uncertainty (Introduction reading)

Have you ever heard the saying we are living in a world of uncertainty?
I will be doing a reading about Embracing Uncertainty by Susan Jeffers
and we will be learning how to deal with the uncertainty that comes our way.
She will tell us of some of her own life experiences and how she overcome some difficulties and false expectation that she struggled with.
This book is a good read and I hope you can join me.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Jun 22, 202001:07:14
Having gratitude in time of a pandemic..

Having gratitude in time of a pandemic..

We will be discussing things that we are grateful for especially in a time of pandemic. My special guess Rifka will be sharing some of her experiences on how she spends her day being creative. She will take us on a journey on how she is handling social distancing and the ups and down of how it has affected her and her family. She will take us through her day and gives us tips and ideas how to be creative with what you have around the house to maintain happiness and peace of mind. Just want to also give a shout out to Chaim who is Rifka's husband for allowing me to play one of his singles on my podcast. Please if you get a chance check it out and download it! It's called "Maybe" By Quarentemo. 

Thanks you so much for stopping by I am always looking forward to hearing Your story..

Jun 17, 202001:54:22
The beauty of classical music..

The beauty of classical music..

We know that music is medicine is good for the soul and it helps the mind and body.  In this new episode I will be talking about Bach and Brahms music from the eighteenth and nineteenth century and how the music of the past has a big influence on today's music. Kevin and I are both musicians from the Hartt school and we will be having a discussion about different artist of today and how simple it has become because the more modern we get has a society we rely more on technology in the music studio. We are keeping the Classical music alive because it is very real and the artist has some deep emotional experience that we can learn from. Please come in and hear what we are talking about and I guarantee that you will gain some musical knowledge from both Kevin and myself. 

Jun 12, 202038:33
What are you grateful for?

What are you grateful for?

In this episode we will be reflecting on gratitude and what I am grateful for.
I will be talking about four things I am grateful for and I will have you all join me to do some reflecting.
We will be talking about how important it is to meditate and reflect on ourselves and our surroundings.
Please come and join me listen to some wonderful meditation music and let's be grateful together.:)

Jun 10, 202003:22:11
Having the right support is the key to success.

Having the right support is the key to success.

On this episode we will be discussing how we handle anxiety and emotional issues in everyday life. Today my friend Sebastian will be joining me and we will be discussing how he dealt with anxiety and stress in college for the first time. Life is a journey and we don't have to perfect it to let others know about our story because we know in sharing our stories this give us a sense of fulfillment. Also we will be discussing how we have helped each other and uplifted each other in a time when we are facing our struggles.

Jun 08, 202001:10:25
Speaking with a special guest on their life journey.

Speaking with a special guest on their life journey.

Today we have a special guest and he will be sharing some of his experience as an adult student going back to school.
Kevin is a motivated person who loves life and love helping people. Today we will be having a conversation about College and life in general.
We will be talking about how it is important to have support from the Professors, advisors, and those who can help us be successful in school.
Kevin will be giving us some tips on how to get those support and he will also give us some time management tips for studying and doing
homework. You will be learning about some wonderful professor who has made a difference in our lives. So I hope you will be able to join us and
hear what the conversation is all about. See you soon!
Jun 02, 202001:26:56
Loving my disability

Loving my disability

I want to take you on journey about my life and how I discovered my hidden disability.

We all have them but and it's okay to embrace it and love it.

You will hear my story as a child and how the head injury affected my life in a negative way

and in a positive way as well.

May 26, 202010:12
The beauty of accepting who you are along this life’s journey..

The beauty of accepting who you are along this life’s journey..

May 20, 202000:45