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Door 22's birthday drinks

Door 22's birthday drinks

By Door 22 Creative

2022 is a milestone year for Door 22. Our agency turns 20.

That’s 20 years of working with organisations who care. 20 years of making a difference.

And we think that’s something worth celebrating.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be talking to people who have been an inspirational part of our journey in our podcast series; Birthday Drinks. We’ll be talking to a design superwoman, a personal transformation expert and a pioneer in enabling opportunity for young people. We’ll be talking about reinventing stereotypes, honouring endurance and the importance of new collaborations.
Currently playing episode

Inspiring change with Nat Maher

Door 22's birthday drinksJul 12, 2022

Young collaborations with Charlotte Driscoll

Young collaborations with Charlotte Driscoll

To round off our series of birthday drinks, we're speaking to the founder of a new agency, Charlotte Driscoll. We muse the difference of setting up business 20 years apart and the benefits of working in cross-generational partnerships.

Aug 17, 202231:01
Honouring endurance with Tom Urpeth
Aug 09, 202218:24
Reinventing stereotypes with Danni Craker

Reinventing stereotypes with Danni Craker

Unassuming hero and business leader, Danni Craker has totally reinvented the accountant stereotype for us. We talk to Danni about integrity, building a business and helping to save the planet whilst doing so.

Aug 02, 202235:13
Resilience and role models with Dan Charlish
Jul 26, 202242:30
Personal transformation with Si Conroy

Personal transformation with Si Conroy

The second in our series of 'birthday drinks', Emma talks to mentor, Si Conroy, about stepping outside of your comfort zone, transformation and doing what you love.

Jul 19, 202239:14
Inspiring change with Nat Maher
Jul 12, 202247:41