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Know The Cause | Podcast

Know The Cause | Podcast

By Doug Kaufmann

Exposure to several molds and yeasts can cause devastating and even life threatening illnesses. Unfortunately, this is not taught in medical training! Listen now and learn!
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05/08/24 - Are MS and other nerve conditions liked to fungus?

Know The Cause | PodcastMay 09, 2024

05/21/24 - Doug introduces you to a simple free test to help you assess the probability that fungus and mycotoxins are contributing to your health problems.

05/21/24 - Doug introduces you to a simple free test to help you assess the probability that fungus and mycotoxins are contributing to your health problems.

Doug Talks About: Doug introduces you to a simple free test to help you assess the probability that fungus and mycotoxins are contributing to your health problems.

FREE TEST! How do you know if you have a fungal condition? Today, let’s pick up where yesterday’s show left off. Scott is concerned about his wife’s health and together they are going to begin following The Kaufmann Diet, hoping that it will improve her condition. Today, I’m going to introduce Scott and his wife to a “ball-parker” less-scientific test that his wife, or anyone else, can take. This test indicates “probability” factors that equate to fungal infections, but it is far less scientific than laboratory tests for fungal infections (Histology, Tissue Culture, Anti-Antibody Blood Serum Tests, etc….). The “Spore Score” test has been so useful as a determinant of fungal infection probability because it can be used by anyone, it takes a few minutes, and it is free. A low score lowers the probability that fungus is the cause of your health problems. My goal is to teach you, and my hope is that you will use this simple Spore Score test to teach others. Thanks! - Doug

May 22, 202456:44
05/20/24 - You are what you feed... don't be a parasite!

05/20/24 - You are what you feed... don't be a parasite!

Doug Talks About: You are what you feed... don't be a parasite!

Why do you eat the way you eat? Diet serves many functions, not the least of which is to prevent starvation! 70 years ago, the words “diet” and “weigh loss” were synonyms, but today the role of diet has expanded. In 1973, although totally unqualified, I developed a diet that I thought might help my strange health problems after learning that I had a “post-Vietnam” parasitic condition. Little did I know then how many would be following The Kaufmann Diets fifty years later, nor did I ever believe that so many people with serious health problems would benefit from simple dietary changes. How do the Kaufmann Diets work? Watch and learn as we discuss various diets and how they might contribute to “the new you!” Tell your friends to join us! - Doug

May 21, 202401:02:26
05/16/24 - No matter what you are suffering from, it might be caused by fungus! Learn more

05/16/24 - No matter what you are suffering from, it might be caused by fungus! Learn more

Doug Talks About: No matter what you are suffering from, it might be caused by fungus! Learn more

I'm frightened! My health concern is (are)______ you fill in the blank__________________________. Could this (these) be caused by fungus or their poisonous mycotoxins? How can I know? Let’s talk

May 21, 202459:53
05/14/24 - How fungi hack the immune system to protect themselves!

05/14/24 - How fungi hack the immune system to protect themselves!

Doug Talks About: How fungi hack the immune system to protect themselves!

Do Fungi Hack Your Immune System To Protect Themselves? Yes, they do!
God designed your immune system to protect you from injury or death when foreign invaders (like fungi) attack. However, once inside your body, your immune system often protects these dangerous fungi rather than you! Today we will discuss this strange phenomenon and how we can protect against it. Also, a new headline reports that colorectal cancer rates are up 500% in teenagers. Why? The article says, “what you need to know.” I interpret allopathic medical data in papers like these differently. I’ll teach you how I try to use common sense when reading medical articles to help discover “the cause.” Join me today and learn! - Doug

May 21, 202459:57
05/13/24 - New Research Finds That Doug Is Right; Proper Diet + Anti-fungals = Decrease Recovery Time

05/13/24 - New Research Finds That Doug Is Right; Proper Diet + Anti-fungals = Decrease Recovery Time

Doug Talks About: New Research Finds That Doug Is Right; Proper Diet + Anti-fungals = Decrease Recovery Time

I almost broke my shoulder last week, while patting myself on the back! That’s how proud I became after reading that my decades of work is finally being recognized and published. Researchers have just discovered that the bloodstream antifungal medication, Diflucan PLUS a low carb diet can dramatically decrease fungal disease recovery time in mice! In 2024, they finally understand how excited I felt in 1974 when I discovered this same thing! As many of you know, I’ve been shouting this from the mountaintops for 50 years and along the way, I found some wonderful, openminded physicians who cared more about getting their patients well than just “managing” their symptoms and/or disease with drugs, which is so popular today. What does this mean for you and me? Since the study of diet is sadly neglected by medical schools, it means that we shouldn’t expect a traditional doctor to teach us how to starve fungus. Add that to your doctor’s perception that Diflucan is hepatotoxic (poisonous to your liver), and nothing changes within the exam room. But finally, you and I have new and important facts from this groundbreaking paper that detail how serious fungal infections often require both “starving fungus” as well as killing fungus to successfully treat. Where have you heard that before? Does recovering from a fungal infection always require an antifungal prescription? Let’s talk! - Doug

May 14, 202459:46
05/08/24 - Are MS and other nerve conditions liked to fungus?

05/08/24 - Are MS and other nerve conditions liked to fungus?

Doug Asks: Are MS and other nerve conditions liked to fungus?

So many of you have inquired about nerve and myelin sheath diseases like MS, that I want to dedicate Wednesdays live show to these issues we have with our nerves. Cardiologist Lee Cowden, MD will provide evidence of an unknown cause of these disorders and I will expound upon the fungus link to them. Dr Cowden will offer a possible solution. Yes, fungi are nerve poisons, so I will expound upon that and multiple sclerosis, in particular. Please join me and learn alternatives that might exists to traditional neurology visits. If doctors understood symptoms and diseases caused by fungal mycotoxins (mycotoxicosis), this show would likely be unnecessary. I hope it helps some of you!

May 09, 202401:00:03
05/07/24 - Are you prepared for a deadly fungal pandemic?

05/07/24 - Are you prepared for a deadly fungal pandemic?

Doug Asks: Are you prepared for a deadly fungal pandemic?

We are seeing a lot of headlines like this in the past few years. May I ask those of you who have watched my TV or social media shows and better understand fungal diseases this question? Based on what you've learned about deadly fungal infections, as the news media prepares us for a possible “next pandemic,” do you believe you can protect yourself and your loved ones if deadly fungus became the next pandemic? If we knew with certainty that in August 2024 a deadly fungal pandemic would appear and quickly spread within your area, what would you do beginning today to prepare for it?

May 09, 202451:13
05/06/24 - 2 Generations, 2 Perspectives on health - Doug is joined by his son

05/06/24 - 2 Generations, 2 Perspectives on health - Doug is joined by his son

Doug Talks About: 2 Generations, 2 Perspectives on health - Doug is joined by his son

My son, Evan and I have been discussing how generational health perspectives seem to apply to our family. He asked me if his health and his sons health might be affected by my DNA. Scientists now know that our DNA rarely dictate our children’s health problems, and we will discuss this. At my age, I MUST concern myself with staying healthy, or begin visiting doctor after doctor. Evan, on the other hand, is less concerned about this “string of doctors” and his sons aren’t at all concerned about future doctor visits. Their age likely as much to do with why they seem to be invincible as they eat a bowl of cereal or have an occasional donut! On Monday morning, Evan and I will tape some TV segments, based on our generational health perspectives. If you are between 20-50 years old and are concerned about health issues (or not), this is a must watch live show. If you are older, I know that you’ll enjoy hearing from a very healthy young man who had “good health” drummed into him for 40 years! Please ask your family to join Evan and me as we discuss, among other topics, health issues that impact all generations having little to do with the “genetic hand” we were dealt at birth.
- Doug

Here is more information on Monday’s guest, Evan Kaufmann
Evan Kaufmann is an award-winning filmmaker, creative director, and visual artist. As lead creative director for WHY&HOW, he’s worked with artists like Whiskey Myers, KALEO, Breland, Danielle Bradbery, Chase Rice, Ruston Kelly, and numerous others. His narrative film work, however, has garnished him with most accolades. In 2017, he wrote and directed the critically acclaimed short film Nacido de Nuevo starring Narcos and Six actor Juan Pablo Raba. The film played in over 15 major festivals worldwide winning ‘Best of Show’ and ‘Audience Choice Awards’. Additionally, it received high praise in FastCompany for Kaufmann’s storytelling ability and unique point of view.

May 07, 202401:00:01
05/03/24 - Doug thanks you for helping new viewers learn about fungus!

05/03/24 - Doug thanks you for helping new viewers learn about fungus!

Doug Talks About: Doug thanks you for helping new viewers learn about fungus!

I had 26 new social media viewers contact me this week alone and our topic fascinates them! You mean fungus causes serious health problems? Will you please help me help them? In a few words, tell me how long you've been learning about the fungus link to health problems. Has the information on my TV or social media show has changed either your way of thinking or your life? Your comments help every new viewer! I appreciate your feedback! - Doug

May 06, 202459:30
04/30/24 - Is it Skin Fungus, Or Skin Cancer?

04/30/24 - Is it Skin Fungus, Or Skin Cancer?

Doug Asks: Is it Skin Fungus, Or Skin Cancer?

Skin Fungus, Or Skin Cancer?
In 1957 a John’s Hopkins medical school textbook on Dermatology spoke of skin fungal infections that were confused for cancers or abnormal tissue growths (neoplasms). This year alone, over 200,000 new cases of melanoma skin cancer will be diagnosed in America. Additionally, every hour in America about 205 cases of Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), (about 1,800,000 cases) will be diagnosed. Would it surprise you to learn that these 2 million new skin cancer cases just in America sometimes have a fungal beginning? By knowing this, perhaps many skin diseases can be more simply addressed before they advance.

May 01, 202459:28
04/29/24 - Fungus 16 years ago - the only thing lacking is our healthcare providers knowledge

04/29/24 - Fungus 16 years ago - the only thing lacking is our healthcare providers knowledge

Doug Talks About: Fungus 16 years ago - the only thing lacking is our healthcare providers knowledge

16 years ago, I gave my first power point presentation to the National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA) located in Austin, Texas. Mind you, I gave dozens of presentations before using overhead projections (I kid you not), but this new technology made speaking simple! I just opened my mouth and pushed a button! I’m going to share the exact lecture with you using the same graphics I used in 2008. Here’s a snippet of what to expect. Please join me!

Apr 30, 202459:17
04/25/24 - So many fungi, So little time! The ability of certain fungi to limit our time on earth

04/25/24 - So many fungi, So little time! The ability of certain fungi to limit our time on earth

Doug Talks About: So many fungi, So little time! The ability of certain fungi to limit our time on earth

In our race to name new “autoimmune diseases,” and produce new drugs for each of them, we forget to “know the cause” of them. Today we will discuss the role of fungi and the poisons they emit in our ever-growing number of autoimmune diseases. Whether you or a loved one suffer from one, or are trying to prevent one, understanding how fungi can cause them and avoiding exposure to these fungi is important. Learn what our healthcare professionals did not learn during their medical education. This show can be life changing for many of you! Please share with those who need to hear this! - Doug

Apr 26, 202401:00:59
04/23/24 - Oncologist, Jonathan Stegall, MD has his own thoughts on preventing and treating cancer and it's not traditional!

04/23/24 - Oncologist, Jonathan Stegall, MD has his own thoughts on preventing and treating cancer and it's not traditional!

Doug Talks About: Oncologist, Jonathan Stegall, MD has his own thoughts on preventing and treating cancer and it's not traditional!

This morning, I will interview the very popular Oncologist, Jonathan Stegall, MD for my TV show. He is popular because he questions traditional cancer treatments and sees each patient as a unique thumbprint when it comes to treating their cancer. He believes in nutrition and gives God credit for his success. I will air an excerpt or two from Dr. Stegall interviews for all of you on social media. Then I will address a newer medical article entitled, Estimated Lifetime Gained With Cancer Screening Tests. It finally answers the very question I have had about cancer screenings for 50 years. “Cancer screening tests are promoted to save lives, but how much is life extended due to commonly used cancer screening tests?” The results of this very large study will surprise, if not shock many of you. As one who has lost 3 family members to cancer, let’s discuss how this dreaded disease might be prevented. - Doug

Apr 24, 202401:00:45
04/22/24 - A doctor who asks his patients the right questions usually diagnosis accurately

04/22/24 - A doctor who asks his patients the right questions usually diagnosis accurately

Doug Talks About: A doctor who asks his patients the right questions usually diagnosis accurately

Last week, I requested that you share your mold story with me. I learned so much from reading your stories, because it took me back to my own 50-year-old story. I’m going to teach you what I believe are the two most important questions any diagnosing doctor should ask any new patient, because it leads directly to their story. No matter what the symptom or disease, it began somewhere, and we will explore this. Also, cancer screenings are back in the medical news. This time, there is data that we all must know comes to light and I’ll share this with you also. Please join me and tell 2 friends to watch also! - Doug

Apr 24, 202401:01:25
04/18/24 - A killer germ known as "The Great Pretender!"

04/18/24 - A killer germ known as "The Great Pretender!"

Doug Talks About: A killer germ known as "The Great Pretender!"

On my 6th birthday, the Platters release what is to this day one of my favorite songs; The Great Pretender. Would it be coincidental then, that 69 years later, my career would involve a germ that is considered by many in my field to be....yes, the great pretender. Join me Thursday at 10:30-11:30AM Central Time and let me teach you what I know about the many mysterious symptoms and diseases caused by "the great pretender!" Don't miss this show! - Doug

Apr 19, 202459:31
04/16/24 - Our Immune Systems: Where is it, what is it, and why is it there?

04/16/24 - Our Immune Systems: Where is it, what is it, and why is it there?

Doug Talks About: Our Immune Systems: Where is it, what is it, and why is it there?

I'm so excited to introduce you LIVE today to Mark Campbell, President of NSC, makes of Beta-Glucan. Your questions are welcome as we delve into the human immune system: Where is it, what is it, and why is it there? Join me from 3-4PM Central Time and let the learning continue! - Doug

Apr 17, 202459:28
04/15/24 - Our common exposure to nerve toxins

04/15/24 - Our common exposure to nerve toxins

Doug Talks About: Our common exposure to nerve toxins

ARE YOUR NERVES SHOT? I’ve had 4 questions in as many days about nervous conditions. One was about occasional twitches for no apparent reason, the others more dramatic. We are told that stress causes nerve problems, I’m going to teach you what few Neurologists know about how any nervous system would normally respond to daily contact with poison. Yes, poison. I will dedicate a full hour to this and offer you a better understanding of how our common exposure to known poisons in our air, food and medication supply is shooting our nerves. Take notes and tell a friend. - Doug

Apr 16, 202401:00:24
04/10/24 - Can the same yeast the causes bread to be inflamed, also cause humans to be inflamed?

04/10/24 - Can the same yeast the causes bread to be inflamed, also cause humans to be inflamed?

Doug Asks: Can the same yeast the causes bread to be inflamed, also cause humans to be inflamed?

OUCH! The danger, they say, is to observe the effect and believe it is the cause. So many of us are in chronic pain or we are swollen and uncomfortable to the point that we head to the doctor or the Emergency Room (ER) again…and again…and again. A doctor quickly identifies the effect (swelling) and treats it with an antimicrobial medication or a course of cortisone or anti-inflammatory medications. We pay the bill, walk out knowing with certainty that within 2 weeks, we will return to that same doctor or ER. Why? The cause has not been identified! We will discuss a possible cause for so many of you. The same yeast that makes bread inflamed can also make people inflamed! So often yeast and fungus produces human inflammation. By learning this and making lifestyle changes, many have reduced or eliminated their swelling. Learn more today! Please tell your friends to join us. - Doug

Apr 11, 202458:06
04/09/24 - Fungus causes so many symptoms and illnesses, but I disagree that climate change is the reason.

04/09/24 - Fungus causes so many symptoms and illnesses, but I disagree that climate change is the reason.

Doug Talks About: Fungus causes so many symptoms and illnesses, but I disagree that climate change is the reason.

Was that an amazing eclipse? Let’s talk for a few minutes about that today. There is no end to the learning that exists when an entire new understanding to symptoms and diseases surfaces. All the sudden, health care workers who once questioned the notion that fungus is intimately linked to human illness are waking up! Sadly, because they are overprescribing drugs, we, the people, are suffering more now than ever with fungal diseases. And, of course, "passing the buck" is common today. Climate changes, say many in the medical community is the reason fungus is destroying our health! Today we will discuss some recent headlines implicating fungus in so many health conditions, including a scientific link stating that Aspergillus species fungus are, indeed linked to human cancer. - Doug

Apr 10, 202458:33
04/04/24 - The role of fungus in lumps, bumps, pain and sores

04/04/24 - The role of fungus in lumps, bumps, pain and sores

Doug Talks About: The role of fungus in lumps, bumps, pain and sores

Lumps, bumps, sores and pain. Fungus does that? Join me on Thursday 11-Noon Central Time and learn as I teach about the ability of fungi and their poisons to cause unsightly and concerning growths, sores that don't heal, and even horrible pain. Perhaps my clinical experience, coupled with valid scientific evidence will help many of you better understand why we are running from doctor to doctor and pharmacy after pharmacy. Is there really relief? Perhaps my words will help. - Doug

Apr 09, 202459:49
Episode 11 - Fungus Link to Prostate Disease

Episode 11 - Fungus Link to Prostate Disease

In this final episode of the Know the Cause Podcast we discuss the fungal link to prostate disease.

Oct 15, 202239:35
Episode 10 - Fungus, the Great Pretender

Episode 10 - Fungus, the Great Pretender

Learn how fungus can mimic a number of illnesses.

Oct 08, 202238:35
Episode 9 - Fungus, Gout, & Diabetes

Episode 9 - Fungus, Gout, & Diabetes

In this episode we discuss the fungus link to gout and diabetes.

Oct 01, 202239:40
Episode 8 - Fungus and Skin Disorders

Episode 8 - Fungus and Skin Disorders

In this episode we discuss the fungus link to skin disorders.

Sep 24, 202239:40
Episode 7 - Fungus and Depression

Episode 7 - Fungus and Depression

In this episode we discuss depression and its fungal component.

Sep 17, 202239:56
Episode 6 - Fungus and Cancer (Part II)

Episode 6 - Fungus and Cancer (Part II)

In this episode we continue discussing why anti-fungal drugs help cancer patients.

Sep 10, 202239:50
Episode 5 - Fungus and Cancer

Episode 5 - Fungus and Cancer

In this episode we discuss fungal poisons that are known to cause cancer.

Sep 03, 202242:20
Episode 4 - Your Fungal Questions Answered

Episode 4 - Your Fungal Questions Answered

In this episode I answer listener questions about fungus.

Aug 27, 202236:00
Episode 3 - Fungus and Neurotoxicity

Episode 3 - Fungus and Neurotoxicity

In this episode we discuss the fungus link to nervous system diseases.

Aug 20, 202236:30
Episode 2 - Fungus and Obesity

Episode 2 - Fungus and Obesity

Are obesity and weight gain caused by fungus? If so what can we do?

Aug 13, 202240:00
Episode 1 - Introduction to Fungus and Mycotoxins

Episode 1 - Introduction to Fungus and Mycotoxins

In this episode let's learn about fungus and the poisons they make because they might be negatively impacting your health.

Aug 06, 202235:30