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Digital History & Digital Archaeology with Shawn Graham

Digital History & Digital Archaeology with Shawn Graham

By Shawn Graham

Bits and bobs to support my courses - Crafting Digital History; Introduction to Digital Archaeology; DH + Museums, at Carleton University
Currently playing episode

Week Six Bringing it all together

Digital History & Digital Archaeology with Shawn GrahamApr 21, 2020

HIST4916a Episode 7, The future is closer than you think

HIST4916a Episode 7, The future is closer than you think

In this episode, we talk with Danuta Sierhuis, digital development officer at the Agnes Etherington Art Gallery, and CU DH grad.

Mar 30, 202116:56
HIST4916a Episode 6, the one where we dial things back

HIST4916a Episode 6, the one where we dial things back

This week, we also talk with Fiona Smith Hale, Chief Knowledge Officer at Ingenium.

Mar 19, 202115:27
Episode 5, the one where we start building things

Episode 5, the one where we start building things

The rubber hits the road this week, as you start building things in this class; we also hear from Kristy von Moos of Ingenium, who implores you: learn a bit of code!

Mar 08, 202113:39
HIST4916a Episode 4: Prepare Yourself Some More!

HIST4916a Episode 4: Prepare Yourself Some More!

In this episode, we're joined by Sarah Ames of the National Library of Scotland.

Dec 10, 202008:15
HIST4916a Episode 3: Prepare Yourself!

HIST4916a Episode 3: Prepare Yourself!

This week, you start the first of two weeks prepping your selected materials for our asynchronous seminar experiment. You also begin to explore Jupyter Notebooks. Prepare yourself! What is the mindset that leads to success? A willingness to try things out, to let things break, but with a focus on the process. The goal is not perfection; the goal is not to 'perform' being a student. I'm not interested in perfection. I want to hear about what worked, what didn't. I want you to share that with the rest of us. We are joined by Dan Pett, of the Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, who shares his own perspectives on what this means in a professional setting.

Dec 10, 202028:23
HIST4916a Episode 2: Choose Your Own Adventure

HIST4916a Episode 2: Choose Your Own Adventure

This week, choose your own adventure through our potential readings. Also, we hear from Sean Tudor of the Canadian Museum of Nature and how he came to cultural heritage informatics.

Dec 10, 202014:36
HIST4916a Episode 1: Welcome! Or, What Is This All About?

HIST4916a Episode 1: Welcome! Or, What Is This All About?

This episode introduces some of the main themes of the course, explaining what the end goal is, and how the course is structured. In part 2, we hear from Erica Vanden Bosch, from Ingenium, the Crown Corporation that runs the Canadian Science and Technology Museum, the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum, and the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum.

Dec 08, 202022:12
HIST3000|CLCV3000 Wk 12: The End

HIST3000|CLCV3000 Wk 12: The End

You've made it! You've reached the end! A valedictory address, with contributions by Aydin and Callista. Thanks everyone.

Dec 01, 202005:00
HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 11: Creativity

HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 11: Creativity

We're joined this week by Katherine Cook of the Université de Montréal.

Nov 09, 202014:34
HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 10: Communities
Nov 09, 202029:06
HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 9: Communicating Archaeology

HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 9: Communicating Archaeology

Last week there was no episode; this week we begin the final module in the course, 'Communicating'.  There are lots of different contexts in which we share archaeological data, and lots of different ways to achieve that. Lots of different 'publics', too! In this week's materials, we're looking at the ways archaeologists inform each other about their work, share their data, and the 'open science' movement, which aims for both reproducibility and replicability. We're joined by Dr. Ethan Watrall, of Michigan State University, who, along with his colleague Lynne Goldstein, has pioneered new ways for archaeologists to communicate with each other and the broader public.

Sep 08, 202023:21
HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 7: The Futures of Digital Archaeology

HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 7: The Futures of Digital Archaeology

We close this module of the course by raising the dead through simulation, and 'enchanting' prospect. We're also joined by Dr. Iza Romanowska, who offers us her thoughts on simulation and a more data-driven future for archaeology.

Sep 08, 202013:06
HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 6: The Contexts of Digital and Other Archaeologies

HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 6: The Contexts of Digital and Other Archaeologies

In this week's episode, I reflect a bit on the nature of libraries. After all, a topic model is a kind of automagically generated index showing you the discourses hidden in the very pattern of words themselves. Some of these discourses presage/prefigure/predestine? trends that later become so big - like Digital Archaeology - that they warrant their own label. We are also joined by Dr. Erin Averett of Creighton University who reflects on the nature of her training in Classical Archaeology and the disconnect between being a good archaeologist, and a good (on paper) job candidate.

Aug 24, 202015:32
HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 5: What gets counted, counts
Aug 18, 202017:25
HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 3: The Digital Day to Day
Aug 11, 202027:09
HIST3000|CLCV3000 Week 2: Field Work
Aug 11, 202012:55
HIST3000|CLCV3000 Getting Comfortable

HIST3000|CLCV3000 Getting Comfortable

Welcome to HIST3000|CLCV3000! You can find the course website at

In this episode, I introduce some of the important themes for this class, bring you up to speed on what needs to be done this week, and try to reassure you that when things break, all is not lost: digital work at its best understands that 'failures' happen. Since digital archaeology is a team sport, we can draw on each other to understand the kind of failures we're dealing with, and use that process of reflection to move forward.

This episode is a bit longer than what will be the usual in this class. Some of the material comes from the 'failing gloriously' chapter of my book.

Aug 06, 202035:56
The Exit Ticket

The Exit Ticket

As Columbo used to say, '....just one more thing'

Apr 21, 202003:48
Week Six Bringing it all together

Week Six Bringing it all together

You've learned some tools and approaches... now pull it all together!

Apr 21, 202006:01
Week Five Telling the Compelling Story

Week Five Telling the Compelling Story

Eventually, after many cycles of cleaning data, making exploratory  visualizations, and rerunning your analyzes, you will arrive at a point  where you have this thing that you want to communicate.

Apr 21, 202003:54
Week Four Macroscopes and Microscopes

Week Four Macroscopes and Microscopes

Enter into a cycle of dialogue with your texts.

Apr 21, 202004:48
Week Three Basic Tools Encore

Week Three Basic Tools Encore

Digital history is 80% cleaning data, and 20% doing the fun stuff.

Apr 21, 202004:16
Week Two Basic Tools
Apr 21, 202004:48
Week One

Week One

Wherein I tell you about failing gloriously!
Apr 09, 202024:09
Welcome Aboard!

Welcome Aboard!

The syllabus for the course is all laid out at , but it's helpful if I underline a few important bits and pieces that I really want you to pay attention to.

Apr 09, 202011:47