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Ancestral Medicine For Modern Times

Ancestral Medicine For Modern Times

By Dr. Johnathan Flores

"You are not depressed, you are distracted."
In this podcast, the Shaman and Physician Dr. Johnathan Flores dives into the mysteries of human nature, with a fresh perspective thanks to his Shamanic background (Ayahuasca and Huachuma Cactus).
Each episode, Dr. Flores will provide you with practical tools to increase your awareness. Offering live coaching sessions guiding patients through reconnecting with their true being, solo podcast, and interviews. Thus nderstanding and releasing with joy and depth the most sordid ailments that affect the human mind in these modern times.
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Toxic Relationships, Learn how to know if is Love or Obsession W/Carmen

Ancestral Medicine For Modern TimesFeb 03, 2020

25- Ego is not your enemy. And, you are not your Ego - Convo Dr. Flores & Sofi
Sep 03, 202043:15
24 - Martial Arts + Shamanism. The path of self-discovery.
Aug 17, 202049:26
23. Psychedelic therapy to cure a racist mainstream W/ Dr. Monnica Williams.

23. Psychedelic therapy to cure a racist mainstream W/ Dr. Monnica Williams.

This is a necessary and fundamental episode in these times. Today Dr. Flores interview Dr. Monnica Williams opening the discussion about the place of racial minorities in the scientific field and more specifically in the new branch of research on psychedelics.

Why are there no indigenous or people of color at the forefront of the development of the field of psychedelic research?
How is it that the results of psychedelic research only give figures of the white population?
Is it possible that psychedelics bring the cure for a system accustomed to overlapping racism?

Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D. is a board-certified, licensed clinical psychologist, specializing in cognitive-behavioral therapies. She is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa, Canada Research Chair in Mental Health Disparities, and Director of the Laboratory for Culture and Mental Health Disparities. She is also the Clinical Director of the Behavioral Wellness Clinic, LLC in Tolland, Connecticut, and she has founded clinics in Kentucky, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.

She is a Teacher, Speaker, Scientific Researcher, Trainer for medical residents, Author, founder of several mental health clinics among the USA...

She has made so many contributions to racial inclusion in the academic field. And nowadays she has become the voice of racial minorities in the field of psychedelics. Her resume and career are vast and immensely rich. 

In this episode you will find:

• Psychedelic assisted therapies as medicine to cure racial trauma.

• The future of racial minorities in the field of psychedelic research.

• The challenges that arise for people of color as they grow in academia.

• How psychedelics can help cure racism in society.

About Monnica Williams, P.hD.:

About us:
Nina Wasi - To dig in our project on the Pacific coast of Ecuador, and the CET METHOD®
Dr. Flores on Facebook
Instagram: @dr.jflores
Instagram: @nina.wasi - For information about our healing services and programs.

Jul 20, 202048:53
22. LS. Stop blaming your father and take your place in the family W/ Tim

22. LS. Stop blaming your father and take your place in the family W/ Tim

This Live Session is about how to heal the anger and anger that has been transferred to our inner child in our developmental stage. In today's session, Tim seeks to heal his relationship with his father and forgive him for abandoning him as a child. What he is doing is focusing his attention on his father, believing that he will find the answer there. What we discover in this episode is that blind spots are usually hidden in our inner child...

When his parents divorced, Tom lived with his mother's unresolved grief. She experienced the loss of her father as her own and believed that it was her duty to take charge of her mother's suffering. When this happens we begin to occupy roles that are not ours within the family field. In other words, he went from being the child, whom they have to care for and protect, to being the man, the couple who comforts and emotionally supports his mother. This generates several disorders that affect the well-being and health of each individual in the family group.

So Tim grew up seeing and judging the world through his mother's eyes. In this vision, their father was an abandoned person who had hurt them. It is usual for children of divorced parents to feel the need to take sides with one of the parents. And if parents are not in a healthy and mature emotional state, they often manipulate children to "support" them or encourage their suffering.

Thus, the child inherits the wound and the vision of the "victim" and the "victimizer".

Tim has remained in what he believed to be a "faithful" relationship with his mother. And for this, he had made the unconscious decision to reject his father and accompany his mother in her pain for the separation. The first step in order to free ourselves from emotional codependency we must stop living the world between "victims" and "victimizers". It is very common to find this childhood vision of the world when we begin to work on our childhood trauma.

Only by managing to mature emotionally with respect and patience towards ourselves and our processes, will we be able to see our parents with loving eyes. Being able to recognize their human condition, and accepting that we all have active participation in our life, so that no one is a victim and no one is victimized. We are just people making decisions that lead us somewhere.

How he achieves a healthy relationship with his father and mother:

• Taking his place as a son and recognizing the wisdom of his father.
• Allowing her mother to take charge of her emotions.
• Recognizing the father and mother within him.
• Taking the positive from them and letting them take charge of the negative.
• From this new role of son, ask the father for advice to overcome his financial situation. Learn from parental wisdom
• Get out of your mother's "partner" spot and allow her to re-establish a loving relationship with another man.

If this theme resonates with you, I hope this episode can shed light on blind spots.
If you are looking to go deeper or need my guide and help write to us at: 

Jul 05, 202001:04:51
Constelaciones Familiares. El campo invisible que rige nuestro sistema familiar c/Julia Piñero
Jun 29, 202001:02:51
20. Homeopatía, la medicina cuántica de occidente. C/ Dr. Felipe Barriga

20. Homeopatía, la medicina cuántica de occidente. C/ Dr. Felipe Barriga

• Spanish Episode • Bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio en español!  

Qué es la Homeopatía? Por qué siendo tan efectiva no se le ha dado el lugar que tiene en el mundo occidental?
En esta magistral conversación con el Dr. Felipe Barriga, indagamos en los orígenes de la medicina ancestral de occidente y su descubrimiento tan temprano sobre la ciencia cuántica, incluso antes de existir este concepto.
El Dr. Barriga nos cuenta sobre la nobleza y el poder de las plantas. 

Y como lo antepasados de Europa también conectaban con la naturaleza y conocían sus secretos curativos.
Los invito a disfrutar de este maravilloso intercambio con un mago alquimista, custodio de un conocimiento sagrado y antiguo.

Te esperamos! 

El Dr. Felipe Barriga es un médico homéopata, alquimista y maestro ecuatoriano quien recibe su titulo en especialización en Homeopatía en 1983 de la escuela Medica Homeopática Tomas Pablo Pasquero; siendo uno de los últimos alumnos de este gran maestro. Ha realizado varios cursos en México, Argentina, Brasil y Cuba, con prestigiosos maestros de renombre internacional como : Proceso Sánchez Ortega, Tomás Pablo Paschero, Alfonso Masi Elizalde, Eugenio Candegabe, David Flores Toledo, Néstor Riveros, Luis Detinis, Marcelo Candegabe, Francisco Criollo y Jaques Lamote. A sido profesor universitario en la facultad de medicina Mariana Crajales Cuello de Holguín en Cuba, de la que fue pionero en dejar el primer botiquín Homeopático y colaborar en la formación de nuevos homeópatas. Actualmente dicta charlas y cursos internacionales en su Centro Medico ubicado en Guayaquil, es medico tratante de la escuela de niños con capacidades especiales AVINFA de Milagro y colabora con el municipio de esta ciudad atendiendo a personas de escasos recursos y personas de la tercera edad. Asimismo tiene su propia fundación donde atiende gratuitamente a niños con capacidades especiales.  

  • Centro Médico Homeopático: 
  • Instagram: 


• Conoce más sobre nuestro proyecto en la costa pacífica del Ecuador: 

• Instagram:

Jun 12, 202052:48
The Shaman´s Journey «Part 3» Finding Kung Fu & first experience with Plant Medicine
May 29, 202001:00:01
018. The Shaman´s Journey «Part 2» The revelation of the spirit world and the search for a master.

018. The Shaman´s Journey «Part 2» The revelation of the spirit world and the search for a master.

After receiving the blessing of Reiki in my life, a new door opened for me. The teachings of Tibet and Asian ancestral knowledge, in general, captivated me, awakening in me again the sensitivity to the world of the spirit.

This path had me totally in love, I felt like my future was clear, I knew where I was going and how I wanted to spend living the rest of my days, becoming a teacher of Traditional Japanese JiuJitsu.

And it was at that precise moment that I faced one of the strongest crises of my life, awakening my old traumas and putting in check my faith and confidence.

But life is wise and works in mysterious ways. Even if we are not able to realize it at the moment, each crisis brings with it a wonderful rebirth that leads us to grow and mature on our way of life.

I invite you to listen to this new episode in which I share my own healing and the beginning of what is now my profession as a healer.

May 09, 202043:32
017. The Shaman´s Journey « Part 1». From a channeling child to a Reiki therapist teenager

017. The Shaman´s Journey « Part 1». From a channeling child to a Reiki therapist teenager

«Part 1»
This is a biography of a Shaman, Dr. Johnathan Flores.
[contains a Lakota Flute bonus at the end of the episode]

For some time I have started to receive messages and emails with questions about my path: how and where it started. How I realized that Ancestral Medicine was my vocation. Or what were the tests that I had to pass to work with Plant Medicine. I must confess that at the beginning I did not think it necessary or special to share my life. But as time has passed I have come across people who have managed to be touched by my personal history and have come to inspire them to make the decision to follow their heart.

This is why we have decided to start this series of episodes where I will share about my life, my spiritual journey, and the teachers who have sheltered and taught me the ancient and sacred healing arts

Welcome to the first part of this Shaman's Journey. Where I share about my childhood and the struggles to seek normality feeling different. My subsequent encounter with Asian philosophy. As well as my reconnection with the energetic world through my initiation as a Reiki Usui therapist at 17 years old. 

I hope this could be useful and helpful for all of you.

Want to learn more about my work? 

  • IG: @dr.jflores / @nina.wasi
  • Lakota Flute:

Apr 29, 202038:02
016.Coming back to the roots and the natural earth rhythm . Convo W/ Sofía Vizziano
Apr 15, 202046:17
Ayahuasca & the ceremony of life - Live Session w/ Carmen

Ayahuasca & the ceremony of life - Live Session w/ Carmen

Carmen is a videographer from Switzerland we met her in our first Live Session (Episode # 005- Toxic Relationships. Learn how to know if is love or obsession.) At the end of the session, I sent her to make a very special healing act. I ask her to go to a woods near her house and light a fire, take some sage and pray. By the moment she was suffering heartbreak, dealing with depression and obsessive thoughts. 

After she made the fire and the prays in the wood things start to change.
She starts to feel more and more relief and focus on her passion and creativity.
For that reason, she decided to buy a flight ticket and travel to the Pacific coast of Ecuador where is based on our Ancestral Medicine Clinic named NINA WASI. (

So she assisted in the 8-day CET Method Program process, where I combine Ancestral Medicine Ceremonies with CET Healing Session.

Today we offer you a very special episode. The first of its kind! This is a before/after episode of the healing process.

Here Carmen shares her most intimate insights about what she has lived through this process. And the visions that Ayahuasca has offered her during her stay with us.

She also tells us about his upcoming projects and the Workshop that he will launch in the middle of the years.
• We invite you to know her on her Instagram account:
• And also check her amazing video work on her web page:


• Contact us!

• Learn more about the CET Method (Comprehensive Emotional Therapy):

• Follow me!

Apr 07, 202001:09:07
Psychedelics and humor as a tool for healing a sick mainstream w/ Shane Mauss

Psychedelics and humor as a tool for healing a sick mainstream w/ Shane Mauss

Shane Mauss is an award-winning stand-up comedian, science podcaster and a psychedelic advocate. He defends and encourages exploration of consciousness through the use of psychedelics, sharing his own experiences to narrate the teachings he has received during his explorations of consciousness.

Today I want to share with you this raw, relaxed and deep talk that we have had with Shane.

Find out more about the Shane Mauss work:
Youtube: Shane Mauss
Instagram: @shanemausscomedy
Twitter: @shanecomedy

To learn more about my work on the Pacific coast of Ecuador:
Instagram: @dr.jflores

Mar 30, 202001:19:06
Embrace change and prepare for your rebirth- Convo w/ Sofía Vizziano
Mar 24, 202040:43
Bufo alvarius, el espíritu y la experiencia humana c/ Beto Basilio (Spanish version)

Bufo alvarius, el espíritu y la experiencia humana c/ Beto Basilio (Spanish version)

En la entrevista de hoy estaremos conversando con Beto Basilio, un sanador que se ha especializado en la curación con la herramienta del Bufo Alvarius, un sapo que vive en el desierto de Sonara, México, de cuyas glándulas se extrae una molécula neurotransmisora llamada 5-meO-DMT.
Esta molécula tan especial se activa en estados específicos como el nacimiento, la muerte y el sueño.
Rompe los filtros químicos que la mente humana usa para prevenir un estado continuo de percepción, despertar y consciencia completa.
Esos filtros son necesarios para nuestro día a día, ya que nos ayudan a funcionar en esta realidad de tres dimensiones, limitada por espacio y tiempo.
Recientemente este Sapito ancestral a tomado mucho protagonismo dentro de los occidentales que buscan en a las medicinas ancestrales una forma de reconectar con su espíritu.
Como todas las medicinas ancestrales, para que el Bufo Alvarius sea medicina debe de tomarse de manera ceremonial y con un propósito claro y sincero, de lo contrario puede traer consecuencias que generen desequilibrio y te haga sentir más perdido que al comienzo.
A continuación compartiré con ustedes esta fascinante charla con Beto, donde hablamos sobre su camino, su despertar y como esta medicina sagrada le ha cambiado la vida.
Èl nos comparte su maravilloso testimonio que nos enseña a reencontrarnos y aceptarnos sin miedo, en nuestra luz y nuestra sombra.
Espero que lo disfruten tanto como yo.
Para contactar con Beto pueden hacerlo a través de
• Instagram:
• Facebook:
Mar 17, 202001:58:10
010. LS- How to build a crisis-proof couple from the beginning w/ Meg

010. LS- How to build a crisis-proof couple from the beginning w/ Meg

In this new Live Session`s Episode, Meg is asking for help to understand why her marriage is ending. And to overcome the fact that they are getting a divorce. Through this session, we are going to learn about the pillars that hold creating a family.
The importance of the foundation at the beginning of a couple. The formation of a family begins with what a person wants for herself or himself. What unites us? What makes us feel that we belong and makes us call ourselves family? What is a family? What is the invitation we are making when we decide to join with another person? What are we going to create together?
You can not help someone go through a healing process if you do not want to force. It does not matter the benefit that we can perceive that this will bring to the life of the other. Good intentions are not enough, it is essential to respect the decision that the other has taken to be where he is and be as he is. To help someone who doesn't ask for help is to intervene in their freedom.
And all the energy invested in that help that was not asked drains you, erodes you and creates conflict. An energy imbalance is generated, as well as money.

It is as if someone lends you money without you asking for it and then it starts asking you to pay it.
Start a relationship wanting to change the other, error, nobody can change anyone.
The only thing you can change is yourself, with love, with tenderness and patience. And if you want to suggest something to someone else, you should do it the same way.
And if still, giving the best of you, giving your example of life, manifesting the best demonstrations of goodness, you must understand that there are people who do not want to change, and they are in full right.
I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you for your time.
If you want to learn more about my work on the Pacific coast of Ecuador:
Mar 09, 202055:21
Ayahuasca practices, Medicine Music and Neo Shamanism challenges w/ Manuel Villaescusa

Ayahuasca practices, Medicine Music and Neo Shamanism challenges w/ Manuel Villaescusa

What would happen if you could help others with your art and be successful in life by doing what you like?
In this wonderful and fraternal conversation with Manuel Villaescusa, we inquire about how Ayahuasca leads to release your potential and find your life purpose. He also tells us about his about 20 year´s journey with Ayahuasca in learning from different traditions of Latin America, his work with drug addicts in the jungle of Peru and his development as a musicologist applying mantras and Ícaros to his patients. Also, for the first time in this podcast, I had the opportunity to share views with a colleague on the new participation of science in the world of Plan Medicine, the entry of pharmaceutical companies and the challenges presented to us as healers and ambassadors of this medicine in the western culture.

A brief bio about Manuel Villaescusa:  he is a clinical psychologist and researcher of the use of ayahuasca, an amazonian visionary brew, as a practice for psychospiritual growth. As a musician, he has learned from the many spiritual traditions that use music as a way of celebrating life and experience the divine within us, as mantra chanting and shamanic singing from all over the world. He has recorded 5 albums with the bands Ocno and Freedom Café. He has received teachings from many different ayahuasca traditions, amongst them the Santo Daime Brazilian church and the amazonian Shuar indians, with whom he was initiated in the Natemamo rite of passage. Since 1998 he has been working with and learning from curanderos and healers from Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. He has 20 years of experience leading plant medicine retreats internationally.  

Find out more about Manuel´s amazing work:
Youtube LINK / Facebook LINK
His Medicine Music on Spotify
Listen to Freedom Café / Listen to Ocno

Learn more about my work on the Pacific coast of Ecuador - NINA WASI PROJECT
• Get in contact through Instagram: @dr.j.flores
• Subscribe HERE and receive my weekly episodes in your inbox!

Thank very much for your time. 

Mar 01, 202001:31:52
Take it easy, life is a ride / Conversations with grandma Diosita. (Spanish version)

Take it easy, life is a ride / Conversations with grandma Diosita. (Spanish version)

In this episode, I share a conversation with my first teacher, a 93 years old woman. The woman who taught me about the world of Plant Medicine, the way of doing good and always recognizing the great spirit in my life. I feel grateful for introducing to you my grandmother "Diosita" (that in Spanish means: "little goddess"), a simple and sincere woman from the Colombian countryside. With a strong and powerful lineage of healers and intuitive musicians, my grandma shares with us the most basic and magic views from life, death and the connection with the divine.

This is the Spanish version releasing first.
Please look for the next episode with the English version.


En este episodio, comparto una conversación con mi primera maestra, una mujer de 93 años, la mujer que me enseñó sobre el mundo de la Medicina Vegetal, la forma de hacer el bien y reconocer siempre el gran espíritu de mi vida. Me siento agradecida de presentarte a mi abuela "Diosita" (que en español significa "pequeña diosa"), una mujer sencilla y sincera del campo colombiano. Con un linaje fuerte y poderoso de curanderos y músicos intuitivos, mi abuela comparte con nosotros los puntos de vista más básicos y mágicos de la vida, la muerte y la conexión con lo divino.

Esta es la versión en español que se lanza primero.
En el siguiente episodio lanzaremos la versión en Inglés

Feb 24, 202001:08:06
Plant Medicine, the real integration & Trauma W/ DR. Flores Q&A solo episode
Feb 17, 202048:57
Psychedelic Reserch and the Spiritual Path W/ Dr. Christian Bjerre

Psychedelic Reserch and the Spiritual Path W/ Dr. Christian Bjerre

Feb 10, 202001:10:50
Toxic Relationships, Learn how to know if is Love or Obsession W/Carmen

Toxic Relationships, Learn how to know if is Love or Obsession W/Carmen

In this episode, Dr. Flores shares with us a Live CET Session® with a patient.
We are all mirrors, what you are going to listen may be the medicine you are needing.

We must remind that what you will hear next is a real, not edit and deep healing process.
So it will not always be comfortable or pleasant and you may feel that something has touched you in the deepest.

"Carmen is heartbroken. Due to her recent breakup with her partner.
With which she acknowledges having a toxic relationship.
Thus, we find the question: how do we recognize if it is love or Obsession?
Is this feeling coming from my heart or my mind?"

Learn more about Dr. Flores work on the Pacific coast of Ecuador:

Feb 03, 202001:23:16
Exploring the Inner World of a Creator w/ Conni Biesalski
Jan 24, 202001:00:00
Secretos del Yajé - Entrevista con Maestro de Ayahuasca de la selva Amazónica (Spanish Version)

Secretos del Yajé - Entrevista con Maestro de Ayahuasca de la selva Amazónica (Spanish Version)

This is the Spanish version.
En este nuevo episodio el Dr. Johnathan Flores comparte su conversación
con el Maestro de Ayahuasca proveniente de la selva Amazónica.
Quien nos develará los misterios del Yajé y su linaje sagrado.

Learn more about Dr. Flores work on the Pacific coast of Ecuador:

Jan 18, 202001:00:23
Psychedelic Therapies, The Eagle and Condor Prophecy

Psychedelic Therapies, The Eagle and Condor Prophecy

We are the prophecy! we are living the new time that was prophecied.
Dr. Johnathan Flores delves into the ancient ancestral prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. Inviting us to realize that we are the bridge to the new era. And sharing his vision about this new time where the sacred spirit of the master plants asks to be revealed again.

Learn more about Dr. Flores work on the Pacific coast of Ecuador:

Jan 06, 202024:24
Welcome to Ancestral Medicine for Modern Times

Welcome to Ancestral Medicine for Modern Times

In this episode, Dr. Johnathan Flores makes a brief description of his career.
The therapeutic work with Ayahuasca and Huachuma.
And he invites us to travel along with him this new adventure.

You can also learn more about his work on the Pacific coast of Ecuador:

Dec 28, 201911:47