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Let’s Talk with “The Good Doctor “ Your Empowerment Specialist

Let’s Talk with “The Good Doctor “ Your Empowerment Specialist

By Dr Lisa Talley Ph.D

Let’s Talk with the Good Doctor podcast is about Empowering Women to keep pushing even when we have been through the Fire and we comeback with buckets of water for other Women who are still in it!! Our issues from mental health to depressions ,sex,marriage and being single. All through the Word of God !! Your Sis’Ta and host in Christ is an author and a former Radio Host of “Let’s Talk with the Doctor 101.5 FM Christian Counselor and Woman of Faith Award received 2018. She has committed her life to help Women get healed.She uses everything to be a Vessel for the Kingdom of God. Let’s Go
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Let it Go !! Forgive Yourself

Let’s Talk with “The Good Doctor “ Your Empowerment Specialist Jan 04, 2024

2024 what are your intentions

2024 what are your intentions

I will not go back to people,places and things that rob me of my peace
Jan 18, 202406:01
What does Peace look like for you 2024

What does Peace look like for you 2024

Sometimes Peace will look like letting people be loud and wrong about you
Jan 18, 202404:31
It’s hard to change your life and watch other people stay stuck

It’s hard to change your life and watch other people stay stuck

You can’t take everyone with you. One of the hardest parts about healing journey is walking away.
Jan 13, 202405:41
Gentle Reminder for 2024

Gentle Reminder for 2024

Let people stay Mad!! It’s ok you can’t make everyone happy
Jan 04, 202403:55
Let it Go !! Forgive Yourself

Let it Go !! Forgive Yourself

It’s time to give yourself some grace . Let it go and forgive yourself Cone on now!! Let it go
Jan 04, 202402:38
Stop Enabling People!!

Stop Enabling People!!

You’ll be healthier!! Enabling is the behavior of protecting others from experiencing the full impact and consequences of their behavior.
Jan 04, 202405:29
Healing is an Inside Job!!

Healing is an Inside Job!!

Stop trying to hold people accountable. Especially,when they show they don’t want to be
Jan 04, 202404:33


It’s a Choice….
Dec 29, 202302:08
Why do Black Women hurt each other in the Workplace

Why do Black Women hurt each other in the Workplace

The trauma hurt and pain that Black Women cause each other in the work place .
Dec 29, 202307:29
Habits that can lower your self- confidence.

Habits that can lower your self- confidence.

Feed your mind with self worth. Words have Power!! Take care of your mind
Nov 28, 202308:30
Let’s Talk with the Good Doctor

Let’s Talk with the Good Doctor

Welcome to the podcast Let’s Talk with the Good Doctor/ Healthier Minds. I’m your host, Dr. Talley embodiment coach teacher, and mentor
Nov 17, 202302:59
A few things to release this month

A few things to release this month

It’s time to start letting some things go so that you can grow….
Nov 17, 202305:37
The older I get the less I need

The older I get the less I need

I’am putting things down that are not in alignment with the ease and nourishment I want in my life…
Nov 17, 202307:49
It’s ok to motivate yourself!!

It’s ok to motivate yourself!!

In order for you to be fully successful you should look inward deep within your soul,mind,and heart and discover what excites you, moves you to action
Jul 21, 202306:38
Overcoming imposter syndrome

Overcoming imposter syndrome

Ever feel like a fraud? You are not alone ! Recognize that you are unique and valuable. Celebrate your achievements and trust that you belong in the professional space you’ve worked hard to reach.
Jul 12, 202305:50
Habits: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence,then is not an act,but a habit. Aristotle

Habits: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence,then is not an act,but a habit. Aristotle

Everyone in the world has two things in common: good habits and bad habits..
Jul 11, 202311:57
All you can control is yourself

All you can control is yourself

Take care of you
Jul 11, 202301:36
Stop chasing

Stop chasing

Normalize not chasing after someone. Normalize allowing people to not choose you,and not forcing people to convince you. Mature love is conscious choice..
Jul 08, 202303:09


Anxiety and Depression is what we get when we constantly seek approval from others!! How to break free
Jul 08, 202308:09


Once you make a decision,the UNIVERSE conspires to make it happen
Jun 28, 202310:56
You are not responsible for someone’s else’s Emotions

You are not responsible for someone’s else’s Emotions

Reminders if you emotionally monitor people around you or try to fix them
Jun 28, 202307:04
Emotionally immature people take everything personally

Emotionally immature people take everything personally

How to Become More Emotionally Mature
Jun 28, 202306:45
Emotional Wounds

Emotional Wounds

Emotional wounds are those painful and at times traumatic moments that cause you psychological fear or doubt or pain in the future.
Apr 29, 202308:19
Let’s Work together!!

Let’s Work together!!

I work to help people better understand themselves so that they can gain A clearer understanding of their purpose
Apr 29, 202302:23
How to react to TRIGGERS

How to react to TRIGGERS

Every person gets triggered,it’s part of the human experience. Learning to manage out triggers can completely change our lives and relationships
Apr 02, 202307:36
It’s ok!!

It’s ok!!

It’s ok to disappear and work on yourself!! It’s ok
Apr 02, 202306:32
Choose you!!

Choose you!!

Cutting someone out of your life and choosing yourself is one of the most difficult experiences a person can go through in life
Apr 02, 202306:26
When Something is for you

When Something is for you

Let it in !! We cannot always stop things from going wrong, but we can sometimes stall things from going right.
Mar 19, 202305:08


Healing is slow it takes time. Patterns are created over years and decades. Be kind to yourself as your mind and body adjusts.
Mar 19, 202303:27
Leaving Survival mode

Leaving Survival mode

We enter survival mode for many reasons!! So we go through life on autopilot..
Mar 19, 202305:22
It is hard to move forward if you keep looking back

It is hard to move forward if you keep looking back

You can choose to keep looking back or. Stay in the present.
Mar 14, 202305:01


Sex isn’t the most important part of a relationship or what holds a relationship together.. Let’s talk about SEX
Feb 27, 202305:33
Authentic friends are rare!! Something to treasure

Authentic friends are rare!! Something to treasure

They check in on you ,and also respect your space when you need it
Feb 27, 202305:02
Self Abandonment

Self Abandonment

Are you abandoning yourself??? Self Abandonment mainly stems from the belief “ You are not worthy and do not deserve love connection, or to meet your needs and desires. The Good Doctor
Feb 27, 202306:37
People Pleasing

People Pleasing

The people Pleaser someone who neglects their own needs for other people’s comfort and has a hard time setting boundaries!!
Feb 24, 202309:20
Keep on pushing

Keep on pushing

We made it it’s February!! I’m proud of you
Feb 06, 202303:57
Things to remember in life you are loved

Things to remember in life you are loved

It’s time to believe in yourself
Feb 04, 202306:32
Stop what you are doing take an deep breath and hug your inner child

Stop what you are doing take an deep breath and hug your inner child

Close your eyes take a deep breath and your inner child!! Tell her she’s safe now You are protected. You are not broken and give her an hug
Feb 04, 202305:11
5 Things to never say to trauma SURVIVOR

5 Things to never say to trauma SURVIVOR

You are making a big deal over nothing Stop living in the past , I don’t know why you are still upset. How do you know it happened if you can’t remember!! Trust the process I’m proud of you
Feb 04, 202306:54


I’m a Survivor I can say for all the times my experience’s and feelings were validated “ I felt seen ,I felt heard and understood!! Some sisters or brother needs for you to understand their journey of healing
Feb 04, 202308:09
How to Cope with being triggered

How to Cope with being triggered

Being triggered means you’re experiencing past pain in the present moment. It can feel like your having a big emotional reaction that is disproportionate to what’s actually happening.
Jan 30, 202311:02


Siblings can grow up in the same home, but can have completely different experiences of their childhood and views of their parents
Jan 22, 202308:26
Anxiety!! And Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Anxiety!! And Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

While it’s normal to experience anxiety on a fleeting basis it can be problematic if it starts to interfere with your day to day life
Jan 19, 202307:11
Stop Beating yourself up

Stop Beating yourself up

What matters is how I bounce back and maintain consistency
Jan 19, 202305:20
What is your Passion

What is your Passion

Discover your zest for life your passion!! How many times have you been told to find your passion?? How often have you been asked what you are passionate about. Let’s talk today snout Passion
Jan 18, 202310:33
Self Gaslighting

Self Gaslighting

Gaslighting abuse can cause a person to lose their sense of identity, perception and worth. We must learn how to identify these tactics to call it out
Jan 15, 202307:56


New Week more self love as we enter ,it’s essential to prioritize self LOVE
Jan 15, 202309:54
Ways to Respond when someone tries to invalidate your feelings

Ways to Respond when someone tries to invalidate your feelings

Invalidating the feelings of a person sends the message that their thoughts and emotions are not important or valid
Jan 15, 202307:43
Ways to improve Brain Health

Ways to improve Brain Health

A healthy brain means preserving the brain’s optimal integrity and cognitive function as best we can.
Jan 15, 202306:43
What is Secure Attachment

What is Secure Attachment

Secure attachment is developed when a parent or caregiver is consistently and promptly attuned to the emotional and physical needs of the child and responds to the child’s attempt at closeness in a welcoming way.
Jan 07, 202308:29