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Igniting Limitless with Dr. Melissa

Igniting Limitless with Dr. Melissa

By Melissa Grill Petersen

You are limitless! Join Dr. Melissa Petersen, as she along with today's leading luminaries explore the science and soul of what it means to be human and how to unlock, activate and ignite the limitless potential within to more fully flourish and thrive at any age and any stage of life. Bridging cutting-edge science and technology with ancient wisdom and teachings to birth modern solutions to expand forward into new states of expressing what is possible so you can lead, love and live your life to the fullest.
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Ignite Your Day with Clarity

Igniting Limitless with Dr. MelissaMar 02, 2021

Ignite Your Legacy- How to Lead, Love and Live Your Legacy Life

Ignite Your Legacy- How to Lead, Love and Live Your Legacy Life

Tune in for today's dose of inspiration and insight on how to ignite and live your legacy life.  Longevity research reveals that meaning and purpose are two foundational ingredients in living long and well.  

Today's episode will share the story of a WWII vet and how he has led by example living a legacy in his relationships, career, love and life. Discover the core ingredients that will support you each day in every day to thrive by design. 

For more episodes and information, visit:

May 07, 202121:45
The Missing Key to Longevity

The Missing Key to Longevity

Unlock the keys to living a long life well beginning today so that at every age and every stage of life you can flourish.  

Longevity is often thought of and discussed through the lens of life extension but in this episode, Dr. Melissa Petersen expands the definition beyond years lived.  

Get ready as we dive into the entire longevity life cycle starting 120 days before you are ever born and a simple process to create a feedback loop that will allow you to experience boundless energy, peak mental and physical performance while living a life of vitality, fulfillment and joy each and every day. 

A long life lived well doesn't happen by chance, it holds key ingredients that when you understand how they fit together enable you do thrive by design. 

For more episodes and information, visit

Apr 22, 202136:08
Unlock Your Worth Code

Unlock Your Worth Code

Do you know just how worthy you are? Have you ever felt like you have to prove yourself, prove just how loveable, likable, valuable, worthy you are to get the thing that you desire?  Prove you are good enough for the relationship, the job, the money, the safety, the security, the opportunities, the love, the life you deserve???

In this episode, I get personal, real, and raw.  I share real-time the past 24 hours of my life and what has come up after just finding an old journal of my mother's who passed away 15 years ago.  What those pages revealed and what they triggered inside of me personally as well as a mother now myself to a teenage son and the a-ha around "faking happy". 

This message is for each of us anywhere along our journey of loving and whole-heartedly appreciating, accepting, valuing, and loving ourselves. For as you value and appreciate yourself, filling yourself up, you move beyond a life of seeking external validation of your worth... you free up the energy and capacity from within to more fully receive, express and experience all the wonders and joy this life has to share with you. 

If this show speaks to your heart and soul, please share it with another or leave a review.  Together we are the change we wish to see.

Yours in Limitless Potential,

xx- Dr. Melissa

Apr 12, 202126:19
Ignite Your Day with Focus

Ignite Your Day with Focus

Where your focus goes, your energy flow. Discover how to activate and leverage the power of focus to more fully ignite your day and life.

Focus allows you to be fully present, engaged and connected with what matters the most to you. It sets you up for success, acting as your own mental GPS of what you desire so you know how to take action that will produce the outcomes that matter the most to you.

On today's short episode, you will discover the 5 foundational steps that you can ignite simply to amplify your focus and flow for enhanced states of thriving in your life. 

1- The power of intention- why it only takes one thing to create powerful transformation.

2- Feedback for focus- the simple yes- no system that sets you up for focused success.

3- Short sprints win the race- what is the time frame that sets high performers apart to stay in flow with focus?

4- Fuel up- find out why not all foods and diets are created equal.

5- Breathe to be unstoppable- nothing fancy- just keep your mouth closed, find out why.

Dr. Melissa, the precision longevity and epigenetic expert in thriving will deliver the dose of inspiration you need to ignite your day with focus on the path to mastering your life.

For more information and episodes, visit:

Apr 09, 202116:45
Unlock Your Energy Code

Unlock Your Energy Code

Get ready to discover the secret to accessing boundless energy, to transform your body, health and life when you unlock your energy code.  Dr. Melissa Petersen is joined by world renowned Mitochondrial health expert, biochemist, biohacking health optimizer and the author of the international best selling book, the Energy Formula, Shawn Wells.

Highlights Shawn shares inside of the interview:

  • What is biohacking?
  • How he healed childhood trauma, and more than 6 debilitating diseases.
  • Why he explored plant medicine and what he has gained that forever changed him from the experiences.
  • The personal practices that helped him heal.
  • How he overcoming the hustle and grind for joy and flow while enhancing his overall success and impact and loving the process.
  • He breaks down the 6 codes of E.N.E.R.G.Y and how to apply them in our lives.
  • Epigenetics and optimizing inner potential
  • Multi tasking is a lie!
  • The obstacle is the way
  • 5 minute morning success routine.
  • How to build resilience through stress and knowing what is good and what is not for our overall health and wellbeing.

For me personally, this interview reminded me that at the core of it all, of the entire human experience is LOVE.  We deeply desire to be loved, to give love, to experience love in all of its amazing forms. Worth isn’t out there, it’s inside to be treasured realizing just by being here, you ARE worthy, you ARE love, you hold infinite capacity to express your greatness in big and small ways each and everyday along this incredible adventure called life.

Want to unlock your own energy code so you can ignite your limitless potential to flourish and thrive?  Contact Dr. Melissa to get started today.

To learn more about Shawn and to grab the book visit:

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Mar 25, 202154:52
Ignite Your Day with Feeling

Ignite Your Day with Feeling

Discover the power of your feelings and how you can leverage them each day with precision to align you with your deepest desires brought to life.

Join Dr. Melissa Petersen, epigenetic expert in transformational thriving as she shares the 3 foundational steps to harness the power of feelings so you can ignite your day and master your life!

Here are the must-knows as shared with Dr. Melissa from this episode...

1: Feelings are Feedback- Think of your feelings as your driving force, the WHY behind your what… What you do or don’t do, actions, perceptions, habits, beliefs. Your feelings are power-packed with information that is vital feedback to your life.  Are your feelings expanding or contracting you?  So instead of judging your feelings- get curious and acknowledge that they are simply feedback.  They are offering up an opportunity for you.

The insight you gain will empower you to with confidence and clarity to say yes please or no thanks to what is showing up in your life.  The idea is simply to do more of what is fueling feelings that light you up and less of what doesn’t. Recognizing in the things that don’t light you up still contains important feedback to highlight what you DO want to focus on more often.

2: Future Forecast– Realize that often in life we set out to “achieve” goals and outcomes based on what we believe it will give or do for us.  What this really boils down to is that you want what you want because of how you believe you will FEEL when you have it.

Create quantum leaps right now- bypass time and forecast your future by accessing the very feelings you HOPE to experience and instead FEEL the feelings now.  How?  Ask yourself how do I hope to be feeling when I have, do, experience or become ______.  What if I activated that feeling now?  What if I allowed myself to think of a time I have felt that way, look to another to be inspired it is possible or just say, why wait- why not activate more of the feelings I hope for in the here and now.

3: Feel the Feeling: Life happens, every day isn’t perfect yet feelings are the voice of your soul.  They let you know you are alive- they offer perspective, contrast, feedback.  So in the moment that things suck- feel the feeling and ask what it has to offer you? What information is has to bring? What purpose it can serve?

The most powerful purpose feelings can serve are perspective.

In the very moment, you allow yourself to feel and if you simply acknowledge it without adding on, it will flow through, you will come out the other side. If you get stuck in it, that is your reminder to toggle back to neutral.  To go back to step one and get curious.

Remember, you can never control another person, place or thing, you can only control your response.  What feels like your greatest capacity, your highest resource state of clarity and wholeness?  That space is your center from where all things are possible.

Feel into your greatness, into your desires, aspirations and dreams and know that you can access the power of them in the here and now. To the extent that you let yourself feel the emotions of your desires, you can align and allow yourself a fast track to experiencing more of what you want, desire and deserve in the immediate here and now!

If you find yourself ready for greater clarity, and looking for that coach to guide you back into the amazing power, purpose and potential that exists within you, contact me.  Keep feeling all of the feels of this amazing life and remember that you are limitless!

In Pure Potential,

Dr. Melissa

Mar 22, 202117:10
Ignite Your Day with Clarity

Ignite Your Day with Clarity

Clarity- it's a valuable commodity in today's busy world.  If you have ever had a moment of overload or overwhelm, too many options that you find yourself in analysis paralysis, where your brain feels cloudy or unsure then this episode is for you. 

Get ready to discover the simple daily practice and strategies that allow today's top performers, high achievers and leaders to confidently, and effortlessly access clarity. Apply this for yourself and discover how you can show up aligned with focus and flow to move through your day with intention, activating your purpose and energized through the expression of your passion, that comes from a clear mind engaged in meaningful ways sure to ignite your day so you can master your life. 

Your host, Dr. Melissa Petersen is a sought out epigenetic expert in transformational thriving. Her purpose and passion are to share the tools, resources, information and inspiration that unlock, activate and ignite the limitless potential that exists within each and every one of us so together we can all flourish and thrive.

Mar 02, 202112:04
Clearing Obstacles to Ignite Your Day

Clearing Obstacles to Ignite Your Day

Have you ever experienced roadblocks along your life path? Often we can't see our own blind spots. Tune in today as Dr. Melissa Petersen, epigenetic transformational thriving coach and precision longevity expert share this fast eye-opener that will give you the power and perspective you need to see what is possible in getting out of your own way. 

Be sure to hear the reframe question that can clear away any obstacle so you can align with your daily desires to ignite your day and master your life.

Mar 02, 202106:24
Ignite Your Day with Love

Ignite Your Day with Love

Join Dr. Melissa Petesen to ignite your day with love. During this episode, she shares the fast path to activate love,  access the flow state and experience heart coherence for enhanced thriving in all aspects of your life.

Mar 02, 202118:33
Are You Boxed In?

Are You Boxed In?

Tune in today for a quick fresh perspective on what can happen inside and outside of the box the world tries to put us each into.  Labels, titles, roles and responsibilities, are each ways to try to define and confine the wholeness of YOU.  Yet the truth of who you are and who you are here to be is so much larger than what a box can hold.

Dr. Melissa shares the moment she tried to leave her box, what happened, and how she was able to evolve and expand within and outside of it for enhanced states of thriving, and how you can too.

Mar 02, 202110:15
Ignite Your Day with Curiosity

Ignite Your Day with Curiosity

Ignite your day to master your life begins within this moment now. 
Tune in to discover how to activate your brain to focus, align and allow you to experience more of what you want, desire and deserve throughout your day.  Dr. Melissa will share the science and soul revealing how curiosity can lead the way for you to experience new states of thriving, beginning today.

Feb 01, 202110:27
Igniting New Possibilities in 2021

Igniting New Possibilities in 2021

The new year and new age is upon us. Discover why we are being called to create a "new normal" through unlocking new possibilities and opportunities. In this episode, Dr. Melissa shares an intimate look back at 2020 while forecasting and revealing an exciting path of potential and how to activate it for ourselves and each other in 2021 and beyond to truly live life optimized. 

Jan 01, 202156:49