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Becoming the Channel with Robyn McKay

Becoming the Channel with Robyn McKay

By Dr. Robyn McKay

Becoming the Channel with Dr. Robyn McKay explores the transformational power of wealth consciousness and offers a pathway to spiritual growth, business development, and leadership, especially for wayshowers, thought leaders and messengers.

Through conversations with leading experts, thought leaders, and everyday people who have found success within their respective endeavours, Becoming the Channel offers a platform where we can explore what it takes to connect with, receive, hold and transmit wealth consciousness for prosperity on all levels.
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#9 Unleashing Unicorn Clients and Energetic Social Selling Strategies with Nicole Hesse

Becoming the Channel with Robyn McKayJun 01, 2023

#40 Mindset work doesn’t work and what to do instead

#40 Mindset work doesn’t work and what to do instead

In this episode, I'm going to shake things up a bit and talk about why mindset work isn't always the answer, especially for our amazing neurodivergent entrepreneurs. We all know the power of positive thinking, but for those of us with brilliant, quirky brains, it can feel like we're missing a piece of the puzzle. 

We'll be diving into: 

  • Why focusing on mindset alone can leave neurodivergent folks feeling stuck 

  • The brain-based challenges you might be facing, like staying focused, getting motivated, and taking that first step 

  • How my Wired for Wealth sessions can help by clearing the energetic roadblocks that are keeping your wealth potential blocked 

If you're a neurodivergent entrepreneur who's tired of banging your beautiful brain against the wall, this episode is your guiding light! We'll explore an alternative approach that gets to the root of what's holding you back and unlocks effortless abundance. 

Here are some resources mentioned in the episode: 
If you're an accomplished, intelligent woman on the ascension path who's hit a ceiling with your income this protocol is made for you. The value of this one-of-a-kind program: $5K; your investment: $1110. 


Ready to enroll? You can do that right here: 

Visit for insights into Robyn's journey and her passion for transformative spiritual guidance. 

Ready to work with Robyn & her channel Marisol? Book a call to start the process right here: 

Join $100K Secrets to Hosting Spiritual Retreats & Private Intensives: 


P.S. Join the Facebook community: and be in the loop for the official training dates, and your chance to claim your spot in Marisol’s exclusive circle., where you can delve deeper into the world of high-ticket channeling and spiritual entrepreneurship. ✨ 


Share this episode with any spiritual entrepreneur who might be neurodiverse and ready to break free from the limitations of traditional business models! 

Leave a review and subscribe to stay tuned for more inspiring episodes! 

May 22, 202417:49
#39 Wired for Wealth: Ascension Activations that Optimize your Brain for Abundance

#39 Wired for Wealth: Ascension Activations that Optimize your Brain for Abundance

In this episode of Becoming the Channel, Robyn McKay, PhD dives into the world of neurodiversity and its connection to wealth creation for spiritual entrepreneurs. 

You'll discover: 

  • What neurodiversity is and how it shows up in leaders. 

  • Why traditional business strategies might not be working for you. 

  • The importance of optimizing your brain for focus, abundance, and accomplishment. 

  • How Robyn's Wired for Wealth sessions can help you remove mental blocks and unlock your full earning potential.  


Are you a highly intelligent, creative, or intuitive entrepreneur who feels stuck? 

This episode is for you! Robyn offers a fresh perspective on neurodiversity and provides actionable steps to help you leverage your unique brain to achieve financial abundance. 

Feeling different is a sign you may be neurodiverse. 

In this episode, Robyn explores the many ways neurodiversity can manifest and how it can actually be a strength for entrepreneurs. She debunks the myth that you need more strategy or mindset work and instead, explains how to optimize your brain for the success you deserve. 

Here are some of the key takeaways: 

  • Neurodiversity is a spectrum of variations in brain function and development. 

  • Many successful entrepreneurs have neurodiverse brains. 

  • Traditional business advice often doesn't take into account the unique challenges faced by neurodiverse individuals. 

  • Optimizing your brain for focus, decision-making, and emotional regulation can be the key to unlocking your wealth potential.  

Plus, Robyn shares a special invitation to her Wired for Wealth brain optimization program, designed specifically for neurodiverse spiritual entrepreneurs. 

If you've ever felt like you don't fit the mold, this episode is for you! 

Here are some resources mentioned in the episode: 
If you're an accomplished, intelligent woman on the ascension path who's hit a ceiling with your income this protocol is made for you. The value of this one-of-a-kind program: $5K; your investment: $1110. 


Ready to enroll? You can do that right here: 

Visit for insights into Robyn's journey and her passion for transformative spiritual guidance. 

Ready to work with Robyn & her channel Marisol? Book a call to start the process right here: 

Join $100K Secrets to Hosting Spiritual Retreats & Private Intensives: 


P.S. Join the Facebook community: and be in the loop for the official training dates, and your chance to claim your spot in Marisol’s exclusive circle., where you can delve deeper into the world of high-ticket channeling and spiritual entrepreneurship. ✨ 


Share this episode with any spiritual entrepreneur who might be neurodiverse and ready to break free from the limitations of traditional business models! 

Leave a review and subscribe to stay tuned for more inspiring episodes! 

May 15, 202425:37
#38 1 Year Anniversary: A Look Back on Channeling & Ascension

#38 1 Year Anniversary: A Look Back on Channeling & Ascension

Happy 1 year of Becoming the Channel! In this special anniversary episode, we explore the importance of staying positive and expanding your light during challenging times, especially with elections on the horizon.

Key points you'll learn:

  • How to navigate a "chess match" year with greater awareness and vitality.
  • Why embodying your highest self creates a ripple effect of positivity.
  • The crucial role of presence (mindfulness) in becoming a clear channel for higher consciousness.
  • How criticism, regret, and other negative emotions block your channel.
  • Why channeled beings crave adventures and human experiences, not just relaxation!
  • The power of storytelling to inspire others on their ascension journeys.
  • Marisol joins the conversation! We delve into the perspective of Marisol, a metaphor for the channeled higher consciousness, and discover their desire for adventures and connection.

This episode is for you if:

  • You're interested in spiritual growth and ascension.
  • You want to learn how to stay positive during challenging times.
  • You're curious about channeling and higher consciousness.
  • You're looking for ways to share your story and inspire others.


(0:00) Introduction & Welcoming the Anniversary

(2:10) Navigating Challenging Times with Light

(5:45) The Importance of Embodying Your Highest Self

(8:20) Presence: The Key to a Clear Channel

(12:15) Removing Blockages: Criticism, Regret, and More

(16:30) Channeled Beings: Adventures, Not Netflix!

(21:00) The Power of Storytelling for Ascension

(24:30) Introducing the Collaborative Book Project

Celebrate with us! Leave a review for the podcast and share your thoughts on how you channel your light in the comments below.

Join "Write & Publish Your Channeled Text" collaborative book program

Visit for insights into Robyn's journey and her passion for transformative spiritual guidance.

Ready to work with Robyn & her channel Marisol? Book a call to start the process right here:

Join $100K Secrets to Hosting Spiritual Retreats & Private Intensives:

P.S. Join the Facebook community: and be in the loop for the official training dates, and your chance to claim your spot in Marisol’s exclusive circle., where you can delve deeper into the world of high-ticket channeling and spiritual entrepreneurship. ✨

Mar 22, 202440:39
#37 Channel Your Inner Leader: Creating Transformative Retreats That Sell Out

#37 Channel Your Inner Leader: Creating Transformative Retreats That Sell Out

Join us in this new episode of Becoming the Channel as we discuss the challenges and considerations for spiritual entrepreneurs, particularly those who identify as intuitive and have intuitive channels, when creating and offering retreats. Learn how to confidently step into your role as a retreat facilitator with Dr. Robyn McKay’s, while channeling Marisol, guidance on trusting the process and navigating the dynamics of retreat planning. This session is an opportunity for you to recognize your potential and share your unique contributions through organizing retreats, step by step. 

Key points: 

  • Imposter Syndrome: Many spiritual entrepreneurs experience self-doubt about their qualifications and abilities, often due to cultural and societal messages. 

  • Childhood Experiences: Negative experiences from childhood can create subconscious beliefs and resistance to putting yourself out there as a leader. 

  • Nervous System: Your nervous system might be wired for familiarity and resist the newness and potential vulnerability of hosting a retreat. 

  • Intimacy: Retreats create an intimate container, which can be uncomfortable if you've had negative experiences with peers or groups in the past. 

  • Financial considerations: Price your retreats based on your worth and the value you provide, remembering that receiving compensation for your gifts is essential. 

Actionable tips: 

  • Start small with one-on-one retreats: Gain confidence, refine your approach, and manage the energy dynamics more easily. 

  • Focus on your leadership: Be clear about your purpose, trust yourself and the retreat process, and avoid trying to control everything. 

  • Address your inner work: Acknowledge and address any limiting beliefs or negative experiences that might be holding you back. 

  • Energetic considerations: Trust the energy of the retreat, the location, and your client to contribute to the experience. 

  • Embrace challenges: View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. 

Additional insights: 

  • The "sister wound" can create fear of rejection, making it difficult to invite peers into an intimate container. 

  • Calibrating your nervous system can help you better assess risk and move forward with confidence. 

  • Trusting yourself, the process, and your client is essential for creating successful retreats. 


So, whether you're an experienced retreat facilitator or just beginning your journey, this episode is tailored for you. Join us as we step into our leadership roles, channel our inner strength, and design private retreats that have a meaningful effect on both us and the world around us. 

P.S. Did this episode spark any insightful moments for you? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below! Let's continue the dialogue and support one another in making our retreat dreams a reality. 

Visit for insights into Robyn's journey and her passion for transformative spiritual guidance. 

Ready to work with Robyn & her channel Marisol? Book a call to start the process right here: 

Join $100K Secrets to Hosting Spiritual Retreats & Private Intensives: 


P.S. Join the Facebook community: and be in the loop for the official training dates, and your chance to claim your spot in Marisol’s exclusive circle., where you can delve deeper into the world of high-ticket channeling and spiritual entrepreneurship. ✨

Feb 13, 202443:13
#36 Private Spiritual Retreats: The Untapped Market for Spiritual Leaders & Healers

#36 Private Spiritual Retreats: The Untapped Market for Spiritual Leaders & Healers

Greetings, light leaders and aspiring retreat facilitators! This episode was a magical exploration into the world of hosting private spiritual retreats. Whether you're a seasoned school psychologist like Dr. Alaina Puff, or simply drawn to creating sacred spaces for transformation, this conversation holds powerful nuggets of wisdom for you. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Energetics Matter: The vibe of your retreat is everything! Cultivate a space of light leadership, shedding the "helper, healer" paradigm and embracing your intuitive superpowers. Remember, you're the portal, and your energy sets the tone for profound experiences. 
  • Animals as Teachers: Don't underestimate the transformative power of nature and animal encounters. Remember Elena's awe-inspiring moment with the wolf? These moments can crack open hearts and spark profound self-discovery for your retreat participants. 
  • Start by Receiving: Before diving headfirst into hosting, immerse yourself in the experience! Attend a retreat led by someone you resonate with, and allow the energetics to activate your own intuitive channel. Trust me, the medicine you receive will guide your vision. 
  • Embrace Your Uniqueness: There's no one-size-fits-all approach. Infuse your retreats with your passions and specialties. Are you a bee whisperer? A horse lover? Let your unique gifts shine through and attract clients who resonate with your energy. 
  • Craft a Blueprint: While intuition is key, having a practical roadmap is essential. Join me in the Intuitive Channel Six-Figure Secrets to learn the blueprints for creating successful, soul-stirring retreats. 

Remember, beautiful souls, hosting private retreats is an act of service and leadership. You're creating containers for transformation, guiding others to connect with their deepest selves and unleash their light.  

So, whether you're a seasoned retreat leader or just starting out, this episode is for you. Join us as we embrace our light leadership, howl into our power, and create private retreats that leave a lasting impact on ourselves and the world. 

P.S Did you have any "aha!" moments during this episode? Share them in the comments below! Let's keep the conversation flowing and empower each other to bring our retreat visions to life. 

Visit for insights into Robyn's journey and her passion for transformative spiritual guidance. 

Ready to work with Robyn & her channel Marisol? Book a call to start the process right here: 

Join $100K Secrets to Hosting Spiritual Retreats & Private Intensives: 

P.S. Join the Facebook community: and be in the loop for the official training dates, and your chance to claim your spot in Marisol’s exclusive circle., where you can delve deeper into the world of high-ticket channeling and spiritual entrepreneurship. ✨ 

Feb 05, 202445:07
#35 Blow up your life for the BEST reason

#35 Blow up your life for the BEST reason

In this engaging episode, Robyn shares personal anecdotes and insights into understanding and pursuing one's highest calling. She delves into how our deepest passions, like her love for wild horses, can be integral to our life's purpose. The episode also examines the role of competition, especially among high-achieving women, and how it can be redirected positively. 

Episode Highlights: 

  • Understanding Your Highest Calling: The importance of recognizing clues in our life that point toward our highest calling. Robyn shares her journey of realizing how her upbringing and interests were aligned with her life's purpose. 

  • Financial Aspects of Pursuing Your Calling: A discussion on how financial resources play a crucial role in enabling us to fulfill our highest calling, using the example of wild horse conservation efforts. 

  • Competition and High Achievers: The episode explores the concept of competition, especially in the context of spiritual entrepreneurship and personal growth. Robyn reflects on her own competitive nature and how it has been a driving force in her life. 

  • Channeling and Spiritual Growth: Insights into the host's experiences with channeling and the lessons learned from a being named Marisol, focusing on the transformation of competitive energy into creative and positive outcomes. 

  • Imposter Syndrome and Its Two Poles: An in-depth discussion on the different aspects of imposter syndrome and how it can be a barrier to realizing and living out one's highest calling. 

  • Personal Stories of Transformation: The host shares her personal experiences of major life changes and how they were crucial steps toward embracing her true path. 

  • Defining Highest Calling: A definition of highest calling as the intersection between professional expertise and spiritual gifts, and how this concept has manifested in the host's life. 

Visit for insights into Robyn's journey and her passion for transformative spiritual guidance. 

Ready to work with Robyn & her channel Marisol? Book a call to start the process right here: 

Enroll in my program Preparing the Channel today: 

Join the Facebook community: 

Jan 30, 202441:17
#34 Channeling Success: Integrating Spiritual Gifts with Business Acumen

#34 Channeling Success: Integrating Spiritual Gifts with Business Acumen

Welcome back to our enlightening podcast! In today's episode, "Channeling Success: Integrating Spiritual Gifts with Business Acumen," we're venturing into the transformative journey of embracing our spiritual gifts in business. We will discuss about the intersection of spiritual practice and business acumen, especially for those on the path of Ascension.

  • The Essence of Change: A simple change, like a new hair color, can signify a deeper, more profound shift in identity and purpose. It's about embodying the channel within, embracing the new Earth, and pioneering innovative approaches in business.
  • Conscious Technology and Business: The episode highlights the concept of conscious technology in business, where spirituality and modern techniques intertwine to create impactful transformations, particularly for spiritual entrepreneurs, light workers, and leaders.
  • Channeling in Business: This episode sheds light on how spiritual practices like Reiki, the Akashic records, and other energy work contribute significantly to business growth and personal development.
  • Overcoming Barriers to Success: There are many common obstacles spiritual entrepreneurs face in achieving their financial goals.
  • Energetics of Business: An exploration of the deep-seated issues beyond mere technicalities like copywriting or program structuring. The discussion revolves around the importance of addressing trauma, shame, and worthiness in achieving business success.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Holistic Approach to Business: It's not just about the mechanics of business but about aligning your energy, clearing traumas, and stepping into a space of clarity and worthiness.
  • Importance of Clear Channeling: The episode underscores the significance of being a clear channel to attract ideal clients and achieve business success, especially in the new Earth paradigm.
  • From Adrenaline to Alignment: A pivot from adrenaline-fueled business operations to a more aligned, energetically sustainable approach is discussed, emphasizing the need for a shift from the dopamine-driven business model.

Visit for insights into Robyn's journey and her passion for transformative spiritual guidance.

Ready to work with Robyn & her channel Marisol? Book a call to start the process right here:

Enroll in my program Preparing the Channel today:

Join the Facebook community:

Jan 18, 202436:27
#33 Crystal Clarity: Channeling Wealth Consciousness in Business

#33 Crystal Clarity: Channeling Wealth Consciousness in Business

Struggling with self-consciousness holding you back in sales? Let's blast through it! Join Robyn and Alyse Bacine, Spiritual Leader, Channel and Breathwork Expert on Episode #33 for a practical guide to harnessing self-awareness and mastering high-ticket sales as your true, empowered self.

In this episode, we dive deep into the nuances that differentiate self-awareness from self-consciousness—a vital distinction, particularly as we navigate the world of high-ticket sales and financial empowerment.

Dive into the conversation! We're exploring:

  • The Childhood Analogy: Reflect on those formative years, like learning basketball or driving, where self-consciousness was at its peak. Understand how this relates to our current journey in marketing and high-ticket sales.

  • From Haiku to Harmony: Learn how creating a scaffold in our professional life, akin to the structured simplicity of a haiku, can ease our transition from self-consciousness to a state of effortless self-awareness.

  • The Flow of Self-Awareness: Discover how embracing self-awareness allows us to flow seamlessly through our endeavors, be it in business, creativity, or personal growth.

  • The Power of Confidence: Delve into the significance of self-confidence, not as a mask of bravado, but as a true embodiment of inner strength and conviction.

As we navigate this transformational journey, Alyse Bacine, Spiritual Leader, Channel and Breathwork Expert shares invaluable insights into how our physical and mental preparation can enhance our channeling abilities, whether in wealth consciousness or embracing our highest selves.

Key Highlights of the Episode:

  • The Role of Crystals: Unearth the profound impact of crystals as both grounding tools and amplifiers of our innate frequencies.

  • Getting the High-Ticket Sales: Learn more about what to do to secure those coveted sales.

  • Wealth Consciousness: Learn how preparing our channel is intrinsically linked to mastering high-ticket sales and attracting financial prosperity.

Join us for this captivating episode, where the ordinary meets the extraordinary, and the journey of self-discovery unveils powerful truths about our professional and personal lives.

Visit for insights into Robyn's journey and her passion for transformative spiritual guidance.

Tune in for an episode that promises not just illuminating but a practical approach to integrating higher self-awareness into your business and personal life.

Have you tuned in to my previous podcast episode with Alyse? Dive into Episode #32: Unleashing Your Inner Guide – Insights from the Cosmic Conversations of Robyn and Alyse. Don't miss out, listen here:

Ready to work with Robyn & her channel Marisol? Book a call to start the process right here:

Enroll in my program Preparing the Channel today:

Join the Facebook community:

Jan 11, 202422:28
#32 Unleashing Your Inner Guide – Insights from the Cosmic Conversations of Robyn and Alyse

#32 Unleashing Your Inner Guide – Insights from the Cosmic Conversations of Robyn and Alyse

In this captivating episode, we journey into the heart of channeling and understanding the power within. Alyse, renowned for her deep connection with the moon’s energy, and Robyn, a beacon of the sun's wisdom, engage in a profound discussion about nurturing one’s channeling abilities and the essence of true personal power.

Unlock the Secrets of True Connection:

  • Embrace the Sun and Moon Energy: Learn how the Sun and Moon's energies influence our inner channels. Discover how to harness these cosmic forces for clarity and strength in your personal and professional life.
  • Channeling and Personal Identity: Delve into the intersection of channeling and personal identity. Understand how letting go of societal expectations empowers your authentic spiritual journey.
  • Nurturing Your Channeling Abilities: Explore practical ways to develop and trust your channeling skills, ensuring clarity and accuracy in your spiritual practice.
  • The Art of Neutrality in Channeling: Uncover the significance of neutrality in channeling. Learn how maintaining an unbiased stance enhances the purity of the messages received.
  • Special Segment: The Transformative Power of Self-Reverence

Alyse shares her transformative journey of self-reverence, illustrating the importance of treating oneself with the highest respect and care. Learn about the miraculous role of oils in spiritual practices and how they can amplify your connection to higher energies.

Guidance for the Future: Preparing for 2024

Robyn and Alyse provide insightful guidance on preparing for the energies of 2024. They emphasize the need for authenticity in personal and business pursuits, urging listeners to lead with their unique spiritual frequencies.

A Celebration of Spiritual Growth and Anticipation for Future Episodes

As the episode concludes, Alyse and Robyn reflect on the depth and revelations of their conversation, inviting listeners to anticipate further exploration in future episodes. They emphasize the continuous journey of spiritual growth and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

About Alyse:

  • Experienced Psychic and Empath
  • Breathwork Practitioner and Advocate
  • Mental Health Professional with Specialized Education
  • Mission-Driven Psychic and Channel
  • Proponent of Conscious Connected Breathing

Connect with Alyse:





Here’s #12: Why I'm No Longer Using the Word "Quantum":

Ready to work with Robyn & her channel Marisol? Book a call to start the process right here:

Join the Facebook community:

Learn more about Robyn: ⁠

Dec 28, 202301:26:29
#31 Winter Solstice Ceremony with Marisol, channeled by Robyn

#31 Winter Solstice Ceremony with Marisol, channeled by Robyn

In today's special episode, I invite you to join us for an extraordinary channeling event to honor the Winter Solstice. I am thrilled to share this profound experience with you. As we gather for this unique celebration, expect to embark on a journey unlike any other.

A New Perspective on the Solstice:

  • Embracing the Sun's Wisdom: Dive deep into the heart of the solstice as we channel Marisol, a high-frequency being from the central sun, Soleil. Discover insights about the solstice, the sun, and the untold stories of celestial bodies.

  • Redefining Celebrations: This solstice, we are breaking the mold of traditional celebrations. Join us as we explore the myths and truths of this significant cosmic event, revealing a narrative that goes beyond the longest night.

  • A Sacred Connection with Soleil: Learn how to forge a deeper connection with the central sun. Discover practical ways to receive its wisdom and energy, enhancing your spiritual journey.

Highlights of Our Solstice Channeling:

  • Reclaiming the Feminine Aspect of the Sun: Marisol guides us to embrace the feminine essence of Soleil, urging us to reconsider our relationship with the sun and to welcome its nurturing light into our lives.

  • Intuitive Rituals for Daily Practice: We'll share simple yet profound rituals to ground yourself and invite more light into your being. Learn how to harness the power of Soleil in your daily life for spiritual nourishment and growth.

  • Interactive Q&A: Experience a interaction with our listeners. Hear their insights, questions, and revelations as we collectively deepen our understanding of the solstice's true essence.

Tune in for a transformative journey as we illuminate the path to a deeper cosmic understanding and a redefined solstice celebration.

Here’s the Spiritual Intelligence Codes link:

Ready to work with Robyn & her channel Marisol? Book a call to start the process right here:

Join the Facebook community:
Learn more about Robyn: ⁠

Dec 22, 202335:16
#30 Is Channeling Real? A Deep Dive into Myriam's Journey

#30 Is Channeling Real? A Deep Dive into Myriam's Journey

Ever feel like you belong to the stars more than the streets? Are you longing to unlock your intuition and embrace your galactic kin? Then blast off with us in Episode 30, "Is Channeling Real? A Deep Dive into Myriam's Journey," where we delve into the mesmerizing realms of channeling and galactic astrology with our cosmic guide, Myriam Wiederman!

Myriam's not your average astrologer. Forget mere sun signs; she ventures beyond the zodiac, wielding galactic knowledge like a celestial compass. Her expertise ignites a fresh perspective on these captivating topics, making her a familiar face for many who, like our host Robin, have witnessed her wisdom at the Clear Channel Summit.

Prepare for a mind-bending conversation:

Learn the mysteries of channeling: Explore its secrets, dispel myths, and awaken your own potential to connect with higher realms.Navigate your cosmic map: Go beyond the familiar 12 signs and discover the hidden messages of fixed stars and cosmic alignments, unlocking your galactic lineage and life purpose.Embrace the Pluto shift: Myriam decodes this powerful astrological event, revealing its potential to usher in a new era of radical cooperation and planetary healing.Chart your inner galaxy: Learn how Myriam guides you through your Galactic astrology chart, illuminating profound insights into your relationships, finances, health, and career.

But Myriam's magic transcends sessions. When not empowering clients worldwide, you'll find her trekking on geomantic expeditions, conquering marathons, nurturing her mystical garden, or weaving fantastical tales for a local antiquarian bookshop.

Ready to chart your cosmic course? Tune in and let Myriam be your celestial navigator! This episode promises to expand your understanding of the universe and ignite your connection to your galactic family.

About Myriam Wiederman:

Globally recognized Galactic AstrologerUnveils your fixed star origins and life purposeActivates your galactic gifts and empowers your Earth missionGuides you to profound personal clarity through Galactic astrology chartsPassionate adventurer, marathon runner, and mystical gardener

Connect with Myriam:

FB: @lebenskunst_myriam_wiedemannWebsite:

Learn more about Robyn: ⁠⁠

Dec 15, 202341:04
#29 Making Sense of Near-Death Experiences and Fulfilling Your Sacred Mission

#29 Making Sense of Near-Death Experiences and Fulfilling Your Sacred Mission

Have you ever suddenly realized something that's been in front of you for years? It happened to me recently as I noticed a pattern among the accomplished, intelligent, and intuitive individuals I work with. Many of them have had near-death experiences or other life-altering events that shaped their perspectives.

Tune in as we explore how many of these extraordinary individuals have had near-death experiences or other life-altering events that significantly shaped their perspectives. We'll navigate the seismic life shifts, and the struggle to make sense of a world forever changed.

And as we unravel these profound stories, I want to share something special with you. I've recently unveiled an exclusive offer—a transformative bundle including a "Life Between Life" review and unlocking your intuitive channel profile. There is special pricing through the Winter Solstice, which is on December 21st, 2023.

Check the link for details.

Highest Calling Bundle:

Learn more:

Dec 08, 202332:28
#28 Leading with Intuition, Wisdom & Spiritual Intelligence
Nov 29, 202335:29
#27 Answering What's Next—Being Initiated Into Your Highest Calling
Nov 21, 202325:26
#25 Why You're Not Channeling

#25 Why You're Not Channeling

In this podcast episode, I discuss the challenges many of us face when it comes to channeling our intuitive abilities. One of the biggest roadblocks we encounter is our relentless pursuit of perfection. We want to get everything right, and we're terrified of making mistakes that others might notice. We also tend to compare ourselves to those who seem further along the path or have different gifts. What we may not realize is that this perfectionism is actually a trauma response, and it's preventing us from fully opening our intuitive channels.

But here's the good news: there's a joyful way to neutralize perfectionism and overcome the other obstacles that stand in our way of embracing our true calling as intuitive channels. When we let go of perfectionism, our intuitive channels naturally open up, allowing us to confidently receive and transmit the unique messages, frequencies, and codes that are meant for us.

Restoring our intuitive channels is the next step in our journey to fulfilling our true calling. In my experience, the best way to start this process is by deeply understanding the nuances of our nervous system and our personality as a whole. I can help with that.

I've been channeling and interpreting personality profiles of intuitive channels for years using the NEO personality profile, which is considered the gold standard of personality assessments. With the NEO, I can pinpoint your exact channel frequency and your actual capabilities as an intuitive channel. I'll show you why your personality is uniquely wired for channeling and reveal the precise mechanism through which you can bring messages through. Plus, I can identify and help clear the exact blocks, including perfectionism, that muddy your channel.

There's nothing that brings me more joy than helping you clear these apparent blocks that have been holding you back from fully stepping into your role as a channel.

So, if you're feeling the call to explore your unique intuitive channel profile and you're ready to shine your light in the world, it's time to take action. Consider this your invitation to a new aspect of your identity – that of an intuitive channel. I've made intuitive channel profiling sessions available to my community, and I'm excited to offer this opportunity. Simply send me an email at to learn more about the NEO profile for intuitive channels, and I'll share all the details of this transformative experience.

Oct 27, 202354:13
#26 The Vortex Unveiled: Our Transformative Retreat in Sedona with Baljit Rayat
Oct 26, 202301:00:12
#24 "Weird" Means "Destiny": Navigating the Balance Between Professional and Personal Growth with Andrea Donnelly

#24 "Weird" Means "Destiny": Navigating the Balance Between Professional and Personal Growth with Andrea Donnelly

In this episode, we delve into the often unspoken struggle of acknowledging and embracing one’s spiritual gifts amidst the pressures of maintaining a professional image and familial responsibilities. We explore the idea of “having it all” - a fulfilling career, a loving family, and a beautiful, safe life - but at what cost?

Our guest, Andrea Donnelly has lived this duality, and opens up about her journey of embracing her spiritual side, all while fearing the possible judgment and misinterpretation from her peers and loved ones.

We hope to shed light on this delicate balance and offers support and understanding to those who are on the precipice of their own spiritual awakening. In a world that often prioritizes material and visible success, how can one honor their spiritual gifts without feeling like they’ve “gone off the deep end”?

Join us as we navigate this complex yet enriching journey, seeking to bridge the gap between our professional and spiritual selves, validating that it is indeed possible to be both spiritually awakened and professionally esteemed.

Learn more about Andrea Donnelly: I am The Keeper of the Sacred Songs of Paradise, the Oracle of Enchantment, an Abundance and Beauty Activator, and founder of We Are Here 2 Remember. I joke that I have a "20-year-long Independent PhD in healing studies” such as light codes, energy work, the akashic records, flower essences, plant and animal medicine and more, and work with high achievers and visionaries to fully restore their language of light, re-tune their sacred harp to the frequency of divine love and cosmic creativity, and ultimately move them towards their soul’s gifts, mission and purpose; which is my sweet spot!

Oct 10, 202351:16
#23 Energetics of Client Attraction & The Psychology of Sales (Part 1)

#23 Energetics of Client Attraction & The Psychology of Sales (Part 1)

Dive deep with me as I unveil the intricate dance of decision-making, client attraction, and the psychology of sales for spiritual entrepreneurs. Drawing on my 10-year journey and experiences with my rising CEO mastermind, I explore the often-underestimated power of "pressing pause" and the psychological and energetic implications behind it.

Whether you're a spiritual entrepreneur, a seasoned leader, or an intuitive navigating the business realm, this episode provides insights that may shift the way you approach sales, client attraction, and more.

Plus, don't miss out on an exclusive insight into the NEO personality assessment and how it can shape your business journey. Ready to embrace the energetics of attraction? Let's dive in!


Instagram Live with Dr. Robyn McKay and Alyse Bacine

Wellness Retreats Announcement!

I'm excited to announce the return of wellness retreats, a request I've received frequently. I remember my own transformative experience on a retreat, realizing how it brought me closer to my authentic self. Similarly, clients attending my retreats have experienced life-altering changes within days. Now, I'm opening my calendar to offer retreats this fall and winter in Arizona. If this resonates with you, especially if you're a high-achieving woman in fields like tech, healthcare, or entrepreneurship, and if you're empathic, emotionally intelligent, and feeling burnt out, let's talk. Book a call at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to explore the possibility of joining me.

Sign up here for my energy shield protocol: ⁠⁠

Learn more: ⁠

Sep 21, 202342:14
#22 Client Spotlight: Treisha's Journey from Public Servant to Entrepreneur with a Mission

#22 Client Spotlight: Treisha's Journey from Public Servant to Entrepreneur with a Mission

In this episode, we kick off our new client spotlight series, shedding light on incredible business transformations. Join us as we chat with Treisha Wan, a longtime client and member of the Rising CEOs Mastermind.

We discuss:

  • Transitioning from Public Service: How Treisha, originally a speech pathologist, transitioned from her stable public servant job into the world of spiritual entrepreneurship.
  • Illuminate Family Workshop: Delve into the mission behind Treisha's venture, dedicated to empowering neurodiverse children, particularly those nonverbal or with ADHD. Discover her passion for ensuring these young minds thrive.
  • Her Achievements: Celebrate Treisha's success as she not only replaced, but exceeded her previous salary within just 18 months of her entrepreneurial journey.
  • Becoming a CEO: Listen to Treisha's perspective on stepping up and taking the CEO title for one's business, a testament to the transformative power of the Rising CEOs Mastermind.

Treisha Wan, a passionate speech language pathologist and the visionary behind Illuminate Family Workshop, is dedicated to unlocking the potential and empowering the minds of neurodiverse children, especially those who are nonverbal or have ADHD. She founded her practice out of a deep commitment to ensuring that these young minds receive the support they need, preventing them from falling through the cracks and helping them thrive. 

Find Treisha on Instagram: ⁠@illuminatefamilyworkshop⁠

Interested in the Rising CEOs Mastermind? For corporate professionals, allied health experts, and those with advanced degrees eager to venture into entrepreneurship, this might be your path. Begin your journey by booking a call at

Whether you're seeking an escape from the corporate grind or searching for a more fulfilling professional path, this episode promises insights, inspiration, and actionable steps.

Sep 15, 202357:30
#21 My Vision Quest: How Horses Helped Me Reconnect with My Vision and My Mission
Sep 07, 202341:51
#20 Navigating Mental Health, Spiritual Gifts, and Energetic Empowerment with Drea Brown

#20 Navigating Mental Health, Spiritual Gifts, and Energetic Empowerment with Drea Brown

I am thrilled beyond words to bring you a truly magical conversation I had with the amazing, Drea Brown. Drea is not just an entrepreneur but a passionate visionary in the realm of digital marketing. Her journey is a testament to transformation, as she gracefully shifted from a high-flying corporate career to establishing a thriving digital marketing and coaching agency. Her mission? Empowering women to embrace their fullest selves and shine brilliantly.

Drea's personal story took a significant turn when burnout pushed her to the brink, resulting in hospitalization. This pivotal moment ignited her pursuit of a life that's not just successful, but profoundly aligned with her passions. And that's exactly what she's been helping others achieve.

Hold on to your seats, because here's a stat that'll leave you in awe: Drea attracted over 600,000 dedicated followers on social media in a mere four months. Yes, you heard that right! Her digital marketing and coaching agency soared to six figures within just three months, showcasing her dedication to guiding women in realizing their untapped potential.

But Drea's not just a marketing maven – she's a free spirit and globetrotter with a heart for holistic marketing approaches. Her methods blend energetics, embodiment, strategy, and soulful expression, creating a unique and transformative experience for her clients.

We delved deep into Drea's hospitalization for mental health reasons, exploring her NEO personality profile – a fascinating journey of understanding oneself. It's important to note that while we discuss mental health and spiritual gifts, our intent is never diagnostic or prescriptive. If you're dealing with mental health concerns, it's vital to seek guidance from healthcare professionals who specialize in the field.

Before we wrap up, here's a golden nugget for empaths, intuitives, and sensitive souls like you and me. Did you know that safeguarding your energy is crucial? I've crafted an energy shielding protocol that you can snag for free on my website. Head over to and embrace this empowering practice that has supported me throughout my journey.

Learn more about Drea:

Learn more about Robyn:

Learn more about the NEO Assessment: Enjoy $200 off when you use code: channel200

Aug 31, 202358:04
#19 Harmonizing Science and Spirit: Navigating Holistic Wellness with Dahlya Brown Shook

#19 Harmonizing Science and Spirit: Navigating Holistic Wellness with Dahlya Brown Shook

In this episode, we dive into the fascinating world of holistic health and wellness with guest Dahlya Brown Shook. With a background in neuroscience, sensory processing movement, nutrition, wellness, trauma, and mental health, Dahlya brings a unique perspective to the table. What sets her apart is her experience both as a professional and as a patient, giving her a well-rounded understanding of the subject.

What's particularly intriguing about Dahlya is her transition beyond the conventional 3D model of wellness and healing. She serves as a bridge between the realms of science and spirituality, reason and intuition, aligning closely with the my own philosophy.

Dahlya's expertise encompasses brain-building resilience training, neuro-protective nutrition, therapeutic energy work, breathwork, movement medicine, and even homeopathy. Her holistic approach to daily routines and well-being offers a multi-pronged strategy, catering to the diverse needs of today's conscious individuals.

Her wisdom and perspective provide valuable guidance, especially for those navigating the journey of awakening and ascension. Our conversation redefines the boundaries of health and wellness, where science meets spirit and intuition walks hand in hand with reason.

Learn more:



Free Brain Optimization Toolkit:

Wellness Retreats Announcement!

I'm excited to announce the return of wellness retreats, a request I've received frequently. I remember my own transformative experience on a retreat, realizing how it brought me closer to my authentic self. Similarly, clients attending my retreats have experienced life-altering changes within days. Now, I'm opening my calendar to offer retreats this fall and winter in Arizona. If this resonates with you, especially if you're a high-achieving woman in fields like tech, healthcare, or entrepreneurship, and if you're empathic, emotionally intelligent, and feeling burnt out, let's talk. Book a call at ⁠⁠ to explore the possibility of joining me.

Learn more:

Aug 24, 202330:11
#18 Awakening Empathy: Insights from Visionaries Veronica Krestow & Jason Frahm

#18 Awakening Empathy: Insights from Visionaries Veronica Krestow & Jason Frahm

In this podcast, I welcome two remarkable guests, Veronica Krestow & Jason Frahm.

Veronica & Jason are steeped in the grace of White Tantra Yoga, Meditation, Peruvian Shamanism, Spiritual Psychology and many other sacred modalities. They have founded the Diamond Process Coach Training as an extension from Veronica's book "The Diamond Process." They've been training coaches, hosting international retreats and teaching for over 20 years. They continue to make a powerful impact with CEO's, famous actors and directors to healers, coaches, empaths and every day people and remain grateful to be a transformational catalyst in many people’s lives year after year.

This episode is dedicated to navigating the complexities of sensitivity. Empaths and hyper-empaths often grapple with heightened sensitivities to external energies, criticism, and the demands of daily life. We discuss empathy, self-discovery, and the art of finding balance in a world that can be overwhelming. We discuss valuable strategies and insights for effectively managing these sensitivities and maintaining emotional well-being.

Learn more about Veronica & Jason:

Wellness Retreats Announcement!

I'm excited to announce the return of wellness retreats, a request I've received frequently. I remember my own transformative experience on a retreat, realizing how it brought me closer to my authentic self. Similarly, clients attending my retreats have experienced life-altering changes within days. Now, I'm opening my calendar to offer retreats this fall and winter in Arizona. If this resonates with you, especially if you're a high-achieving woman in fields like tech, healthcare, or entrepreneurship, and if you're empathic, emotionally intelligent, and feeling burnt out, let's talk. Book a call at to explore the possibility of joining me.

Learn more:

Aug 21, 202357:60
#17 Embracing Transformation and the Sacred Masculine: A Conversation with Yoga Teacher Anton Mackey

#17 Embracing Transformation and the Sacred Masculine: A Conversation with Yoga Teacher Anton Mackey

In this episode, we kick things off with some exciting announcements for accomplished women leaders seeking change in their careers and lives. To explore new possibilities, schedule a call at

Next, meet Anton Mackey, a Scottsdale-based yoga teacher with a unique perspective. Beyond his skill as a yoga instructor, Anton Mackey is known for his profound insights into the sacred masculine. As more men explore personal growth and healing, Anton's perspective on the sacred masculine becomes all the more relevant. His understanding of the delicate interplay between the divine feminine and sacred masculine offers a fresh and inspiring take on how individuals can embrace their authentic selves.

Anton Mackey is a Devoted Son, Father and Husband. He has been on a journey of self mastery and spiritual exploration for as long as he can remember.
A yoga teacher for over 13 years, he leads his own yoga teacher training & leadership program. He is a men’s work facilitator with Sacred Son’s & has created his own Mindset Coaching program.

Learn more: // @antonhmackey

Aug 10, 202345:08
#16 Exploring Sexuality, Wealth Consciousness, and Soul Connection with Baljit Rayat

#16 Exploring Sexuality, Wealth Consciousness, and Soul Connection with Baljit Rayat

Today, we embark on a transformative journey with an extraordinary individual, Baljit Rayat. When discussing sexuality, femininity, and masculinity, she exudes confidence and knowledge, making her feel like that cool, wise auntie you can turn to for guidance. And in this episode, we dive into the intersection of these aspects with business and wealth consciousness.

One of the highlights of this conversation is delving into our ancestral heritage, exploring how our femininity and sexuality are integral to our identities as sexual beings. We pay homage to our grandmothers and uncover a wealth of information on energy centers and the profound relationship between sexual energy and prosperity.

Baljit is a certified sexologist, Authentic Tantra Practitioner®, Akashic Records Consultant and Teacher, Intuitive Mentor, Dj, and Producer.

Baljit Rayat takes her clients on a journey to rediscover their purpose, gifts and talents by connecting them back to their sexual power so they can express their true potential. She’s able to bridge the connection to what is happening for someone sexually, literally with their genitals, and how that relates to them on a Soul level. By looking at patterns that no longer serve them, she works with them to unlock their deepest desire to create prosperity, peace, and embodiment.
Committed to raising the vibration of humanity, Baljit has worked with thousands of people worldwide to uplevel their lives by uncovering the truths of who they are to the core, creating profound results in their businesses and relationships.

She believes everything in this world is energy, and getting to the root of desire by connecting people back to their sexual power causes a powerful ripple that spans all areas of life.

Learn more:

To book a private consult with Robyn McKay:

Aug 04, 202301:00:15
#15 Behind the Scenes - a Live Channeling of My Business

#15 Behind the Scenes - a Live Channeling of My Business

Reflecting on my own decision to leave my job and start my business a decade ago, I share the challenges and successes I've faced, all while offering valuable lessons learned along the way. I emphasize the importance of taking one's spiritual business seriously and believing in oneself and the business's mission. I also delve into the significance of managing one's nervous system, handling finances responsibly, and embracing personal growth to build a thriving and impactful business.

Throughout the episode, I tap into the consciousness of my business, viewing it as an expanding entity with its own desires and intentions. By sharing my personal experience, I hope to inspire spiritual entrepreneurs to embark on their journeys with confidence, purpose, and a deep connection to their businesses.

Take the Leadership Quiz:

Hop on a Discovery Call:

Learn More:

Jul 27, 202337:06
#14 The Distinction Between Spiritual Gifts and Common Mental Health Issues
Jul 13, 202340:34
#13 Channeling the Future: Insights and Revelations from Jennifer Longmore

#13 Channeling the Future: Insights and Revelations from Jennifer Longmore

*The content you are about to hear contains controversial discussions and may touch upon sensitive subjects. While we encourage open-mindedness and respectful dialogue, we understand that some viewpoints expressed by our guest, Jennifer Longmore, might be provocative or challenging to certain individuals. Remember, it is through understanding and respectful dialogue that we can broaden our horizons and grow as individuals.

In this episode, we are going to dive deep into the world of channeling and prophetic insights. Our guest, Jennifer Longmore, is a renowned channel and spiritual guide who has been a guiding light for many, including myself. She has been my business coach and spiritual advisor for years, and her wisdom and guidance have transformed my life in unimaginable ways.

During our conversation, Jennifer will share her experiences and take us back to some of the most profound moments we've shared together. We'll explore the power of telepathy and the challenges of translating these messages into words. Jennifer will recount our unforgettable channeling event in Vegas, where unexpected energies and prophecies unfolded before our eyes.

We'll also revisit our time in Palm Springs, where we seemed to create a vortex of channeling experiences that were both enlightening and prophetic. Jennifer will touch on the awakening of gifts, the significance of joy as the highest frequency, and the impending shifts in our world.

So get ready for an episode filled with awe-inspiring stories, profound insights, and a glimpse into the world of channeling like you've never experienced before. I can guarantee that you'll walk away with a new perspective and a deeper understanding of the power within us.

To learn more about Jennifer Longmore:

To learn more about Dr. Robyn McKay:

Jul 06, 202301:33:23
#12 Why I'm No Longer Using the Word "Quantum"
Jun 29, 202324:03
#11 Spiritual Ascension and Empowerment: Unveiling the Magic with Amber Lee Lyons

#11 Spiritual Ascension and Empowerment: Unveiling the Magic with Amber Lee Lyons

Get ready for an extraordinary episode as I have the incredible honor of introducing my next guest, Amber-Lee Lyons. She is the visionary founder of Chakra Girl Co and the creator of the Rituals by Chakra Girl app, your ultimate daily resource for spiritual ascension. With an extensive video library of rituals, manifestation practices, healing techniques, and chakra activations, Amber-Lee provides the perfect support for your personal journey. Whether you want to align your practice with your mood, desired manifestations, or available time, the Rituals by Chakra Girl app has you covered.

During our conversation, I couldn't help but be captivated by Amber-Lee's wisdom and authenticity. This is truly one of my favorite discussions yet, and trust me, I've had many incredible conversations on this podcast. As a special treat, we'll even reference our recent appearance on Amber-Lee's own podcast, Chakra Girl Radio. So be sure to check out that episode, where she fearlessly delves into the realms of spiritual intelligence and mental health, asking me thought-provoking questions.

In this episode, however, we dive deep into who Amber-Lee is as a person and a spiritually intelligent leader. Her grace, wisdom, and unwavering presence are awe-inspiring, and I am thrilled to introduce her to those who are not yet familiar with her transformative work. For those already acquainted with Amber-Lee, take this opportunity to soak up every word of wisdom from this remarkable woman, as she truly is a precious gift to the world.

So, without further ado, let's dive into this extraordinary episode and embark on a profound journey with Amber-Lee Lyons.

Learn more:

Jun 22, 202354:11
#10 Exploring Higher Frequencies and Channeling with Christina Rice: A Fascinating Conversation with Two Intuitive Channels

#10 Exploring Higher Frequencies and Channeling with Christina Rice: A Fascinating Conversation with Two Intuitive Channels

In this week's podcast episode, I have the pleasure of hosting my dear friend Christina Rice as our special guest. Christina is an intuitive channel, Best Selling Author, and the founder of Ahai 7D Energy Healing. We have previously been guests on each other's podcasts, and you may have heard me on her show, "Christina, the Channel," or listened to our discussion on the connection between intuition and ADHD on my previous podcast, "Mindset Rx."

Here are the links to those episodes:

But that's not all! Christina and I have also collaborated as co-authors on a new book called "Akashic Wisdom on Ascension." This book offers channeled messages from the Akashic records to assist you in navigating your ascension journey.

You can find it on Amazon here:

In this episode, Christina and I delve into the process of channeling high frequencies of consciousness, such as wealth consciousness. We share our experiences of connecting with nonphysical benevolent beings from other realms and dimensions. We recognize that channeling is not for everyone, especially when it involves nonphysical entities, but we encourage you to listen and explore this fascinating behind-the-scenes conversation between two highly skilled channels. It's like eavesdropping on our lunchtime discussions, and I believe you'll find it captivating. Enjoy!

Learn More about Christina:


Starting this month, I am offering 4-month private coaching - **Bounce Back** - the burnout recovery program for intuitive + intelligent leaders in entrepreneurship, tech and healthcare. By clearing out old patterns of hard work, grit and grind; and aligning you with your unique mission and purpose, you'll be revitalized and ready to elevate your game and go for your vision again.

What's included: 1, 3 hour private intensive plus 7, 45 min 1:1 sessions and M-F voxer access for ongoing coaching support) (Reg price: $18K; save 25% thru June 15th: Full pay is $13,500 or 4 payments of $3750)

If you're ready to overcome burnout and reconnect with your infinite reservoir of creative flow, book a call with me today at

Jun 09, 202301:21:21
#9 Unleashing Unicorn Clients and Energetic Social Selling Strategies with Nicole Hesse

#9 Unleashing Unicorn Clients and Energetic Social Selling Strategies with Nicole Hesse

In today's conversation, I have the pleasure of chatting with my friend and colleague, Nicole Hesse. Recently, both Nicole and I had the incredible opportunity to attend Jennifer Longmore's exclusive seven and eight-figure pack leader retreat in Palm Springs. You might remember hearing from Alyse a few weeks ago, and now it's time to hear from another remarkable member of my beloved pack, Nicole.

Nicole is an extraordinary individual, and if you haven't connected with her yet, you definitely should. She is the founder of Wonder World Marketing, and her expertise has empowered thousands of entrepreneurs to attract unicorn clients without the struggle of cold outreach. Nicole is a master at using energetically aligned Social Selling Strategies.

What truly amazes me about Nicole is her own journey of transformation. From being a bartender to becoming the founder of a seven-figure marketing empire, she achieved this remarkable feat in just 13 months. Nicole skillfully repositioned her unique skill sets and drew upon her colorful life experiences to create a movement. And what a movement it is!

Get ready for an exciting conversation filled with insights and inspiration as Nicole shares her journey and the powerful strategies she has used to make a significant impact in the world of marketing and entrepreneurship.

Learn more about Nicole:

Learn more about Robyn:

Jun 01, 202348:14
#8 Transforming Trauma and Actualizing Your Potential: A Conversation with Hilary Russo
May 26, 202352:36
#7 Unleashing Wealth Consciousness: A Transformative Retreat Journey with Alyse Bacine

#7 Unleashing Wealth Consciousness: A Transformative Retreat Journey with Alyse Bacine

In this episode, I am thrilled to have a special guest and dear friend, Alyse Bacine, joining me. We recently attended a transformative retreat together hosted by Jennifer Longmore in Palm Springs, California, surrounded by other pack leaders. Our journey began with a road trip from the airport, and over four days, we had profound insights and experiences, including spending time with wolves, which gave us a deeper understanding of the concept of a pack.

In this behind-the-scenes episode, we share raw and honest reflections on the purpose of business and why we, as spiritually intelligent leaders, channel wealth consciousness. Our perspectives have shifted, and we can't wait to share these insights with you. It has truly changed our perspective on why we do the work we do.

Before diving into the episode, I want to remind you that the doors to the McKay Actualization Methods Certification Program is now open, starting on June 1. If you're an advanced healer or expert in transformation but feel like you're underperforming in your business, this program will be powerful for you personally. It will provide you with new tools, such as timeline regression and collapsing, to elevate yourself and your clients to their highest timelines and unlock their fullest potential.

If this resonates with you, listen to a brief three-episode podcast series where I describe the program in detail and invite you to join us. The McKay Actualization Method has been a significant part of my own healing journey, and I'm passionate about sharing it with the next generation of messengers, thought leaders, and Wayshowers.

Get ready for an episode that will leave you inspired and motivated to align with your highest and best timeline to fulfill your potential and serve others at the highest level.

Enjoy the episode and the transformative journey ahead!

Learn more about Robyn:

Learn more about Alyse:

May 18, 202301:18:21
#6 Simplify to Multiply with Joy Bufalini: Scaling Your Business by Focusing on What Matters Most

#6 Simplify to Multiply with Joy Bufalini: Scaling Your Business by Focusing on What Matters Most

Meet Joy Bufalini, creator of the Simplify to Multiply® Method, helping women scale their business by simplifying their focus. In her 11 years as an entrepreneur, she's been featured in both O and Entrepreneur magazine as a leader in the business coaching industry. She's known for her warm but no-fluff approach to helping women do their soul work in the world. Even while raising her daughter with multiple disabilities, Joy has built a robust 7 figure business by keeping a simple and scalable focus.

In this episode, Joy talks about her past experiences and how she used them as reasons to grow her business, rather than as barriers or excuses. The conversation is filled with insights on transformation and how Joy helps her clients achieve the same thing.

Daily Needle Movers Cheat Sheet - Free Download:
Follow Joy:

Connect with Robyn McKay!

Ready to work with Robyn 1:1? Book a free consult at






May 15, 202339:56
#5: Aligning with the Queen Archetype to Reclaim Your Crown with Terri Britt

#5: Aligning with the Queen Archetype to Reclaim Your Crown with Terri Britt

In this episode, I interview Terri Britt, a former Miss USA, inspirational speaker, best-selling author, and intuitive channel. Terri has been helping women leaders and their families for over 20 years. One of the highlights of the episode is when Terri and I discuss the importance of making friends with your inner child. By taking care of your inner child, you can connect with your past self and channel high consciousness frequencies like worthiness, joy, and wealth consciousness.

Terri’s been seen and heard on dozens of radio and television shows and has shared the stage with transformational leaders such as Dr. John Gray, Marianne Williamson, and Jack Canfield. Terri is a wife, mom, stepmom, nana, and the former tv host of Movietime, now known as the E! Channel. Terri’s mission is to guide women off the hamster wheel of competition, stress and emotional chaos, helping them thrive so their families can watch them and learn. She says, “It’s not what we do for our families but rather how we live our lives that impacts them the most.”

For more information, go to

Connect with Robyn McKay!

Ready to work with Robyn 1:1? Book a free consult at






Apr 27, 202352:25
#4 The Power of Dreams and Their Role in the Ascension Process

#4 The Power of Dreams and Their Role in the Ascension Process

In this episode, I discuss the power of dreams and wealth consciousness.

I start the episode by inviting you to join a Wealth Consciousness masterclass that focuses on removing barriers and blocks to channeling wealth consciousness, attracting and receiving wealth, and receiving a channeled wealth consciousness activation. Here's your invitation:

I share my personal experiences with dreams and how they have helped to guide me towards my purpose and activate my connection to the Akashic records. I also discuss the historical perspectives on dream interpretation from psychologists like Freud and Carl Jung, and how these perspectives have evolved over time.

In my understanding, dreams are more than just representations of our unconscious desires, but a way to access our soul and higher consciousness. Throughout the episode, I weave in insights and practices related to wealth consciousness, including shifting our perspective on money and abundance, and attracting and holding financial wealth.

By the end of the episode, you will have a greater understanding of the power of dreams and wealth consciousness, and practical tools and practices to help you tap into these forces in your own life. So, tune in and join me as we explore the fascinating world of dreams and wealth consciousness.

Connect with Robyn McKay!

Ready to work with Robyn 1:1? Book a free consult at






Apr 07, 202329:24
#3 Unblocking Your Intuition

#3 Unblocking Your Intuition

Do you often feel that you're being blocked from connecting with your intuition? These blocks are invitations to dive deeper into inner knowing, examine old beliefs, and explore new ways of connecting with intuition. The focus is on understanding that these blocks are not problems that need fixing, but rather opportunities for growth.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • What to do if you’re feeling blocked from your intuition.
  • Diagnosing blocks to intuition and intellectual blocks.
  • How psychological blocks can come up during certain periods of your life and how they can be a contributor to blocking intuition.
  • What are the things you can do to minimize your contact with the matrix?
  • Looking at the source of your water and the chemicals in it.
  • The immense pressure to change your name when you get married.
  • Shifting into becoming the channel is an extraction process.

Connect with Robyn McKay!

Ready to work with Robyn 1:1? Book a free consult at






Mar 29, 202346:50
#2 How Forgiveness Guides Us Into Channeling More with Brenda Reiss

#2 How Forgiveness Guides Us Into Channeling More with Brenda Reiss

If you're a human, there's something that you're going to need to forgive and forgiveness is one of the bridges, I believe, to channeling wealth consciousness. In this episode, we talk about what forgiveness is, as well as shame and guilt. We talk about the underlying reasons why we need to forgive and the trauma that happens even in childhood. If you're somebody who's wondering how you can you can lean into your wealth consciousness, how you can start channeling even more high frequency energies, it's time to look at forgiveness as a pathway to doing that.

Brenda Reiss, 2-time author, speaker and podcast host is a sought-after Transformation and Forgiveness coach who guides her cherished clients from being stuck in shame, resentment and self-sabotage to feeling freer, more expanded and ready to share themselves and their passions with the world.
When she is not providing compassionate guidance to help her clients create more abundance, clarity of purpose and freedom in their lives, you can find her hiking, playing with grandkids, snuggling with her fur babies, or reading a book (or two) to expand her mind, soul and business.

To learn more about how Brenda can support your liberation from your past to create an incredible future of your dreams, visit and take her “Unique Forgiveness Archetype Quiz” and follow her on Instagram @brendareisscoaching for tips, tools and inspiration for reclaiming your power and igniting your soul.


Connect with Robyn McKay!

Ready to work with Robyn 1:1? Book a free consult at






Mar 23, 202350:59
#1 Becoming the Channel: Robyn's Origin Story

#1 Becoming the Channel: Robyn's Origin Story

Welcome to the first episode of Becoming the Channel! I'm so excited you're with me!

In this episode, I discuss: 

  • The significance of this particular day. 
  • My background on how I came to understand my channeling abilities. 
  • Making the leap from being a psychologist to a psychic.
  • The turning point where I started to normalize my channeling abilities in the corporate space.
  • My divine work around wealth consciousness.
  • Why I want to do this podcast and what you can expect.
  • Reframing ADHD with Intuitive Channel, Christina Rice:
  • Join the Becoming the Channel Facebook Group:


Connect with Robyn McKay!

Ready to work with Robyn 1:1? Book a free consult at






Mar 16, 202327:08