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Podcast by Drake

Podcast by Drake

By Drake Koefoed

Socialist analysis of what seems worth thinking about
drake website where there might be links to something mentioned
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Podcast by DrakeJun 21, 2021



the past present and likely future of this whole thing.  some good places to learn much more:

michael hudson

michael hudson super imperialism

ritter on weakening russia

chris hedges medea benjamin

Dec 21, 202223:35
2022-10-22 nato is losing the empire is ending

2022-10-22 nato is losing the empire is ending

if you look closely as you likely are, nato has pretty well out of stuff to send ukraine. nato armies are small, untrained, without combat experience. usa is used to bullying very poor people in invasions of poor countries. none have been up against a real army.

sure, drake, but why does it matter? because what we know now is that even without china helping, nato could not stop russia if it blitzkrieged west. a few thousand arty rounds against a country that fires 80k arty rounds a day.

if i can figure this out, for sure professional military officers in africa and latin america can, and they know they can tell the usa to shut up and go home, and it will have to, because it cannot force them. usa doesn't have what it takes to fight co-ordinated, layered air defense.

Oct 23, 202216:14
Composting: a general rap

Composting: a general rap

composting is worth doing but not worth devoting your life to.  a lot of approaches are more trouble than they are worth.

May 14, 202233:38


this is the easy listening composting podcast.  if what you want is the fast version, mix it up, fluffy but not too fluffy, damp not soggy, let it heat, turn it and put the outside stuff in the core of the new pile and let it heat some more, well you just got that.

i am giving away radish seeds if you pay the postage.  available as a guest on your podcast.  i tried to put the web site here but it bombed my upload.  look for it wherever anchor puts it.  sorry but i am terrible about checking email.

May 11, 202233:38
material recovery centers, plasma recycling, plastics and the ocean gyre

material recovery centers, plasma recycling, plastics and the ocean gyre

an attempt to show how all these things could fit together without a lot of chemistry and physics, just a little easy stuff.

Feb 06, 202234:23
The New Recycling. MRC and Plasma change the game

The New Recycling. MRC and Plasma change the game

this is about how we can do recycling much better.  the technology that did not work very well is obsolete

Jan 14, 202221:39


climate crisis cannot be solved by capitalism, and capitalism is going to be hard to get rid of, yet it must be done.

climate town

fred hampton socialists Facts and Fire Podcast with Afeni

Sep 28, 202144:49


garden walk 2 zip file

get this file so you can look at the pix while you listen.  there are episodes there and so on, all of which you should be able to download including over 1k memes which i think you can just download the folder.

drake's web site

drake website where there might be links to something mentioned.  you are requested to go wander around there, and most likely you will find neat stuff.


use this link for a free mediafire account so i get more space

Aug 23, 202138:35


some thoughts on social media self censorship and other things.

Aug 07, 202126:03


coal had a place in england in years long back when it created the first smog, but what is it doing being used in the modern world?  It's not cost effective.

this is that climate town video

Jul 19, 202127:27


This analysis can be used with your own estimates to prove that capitalism does not pay, and is actually justified with misleading bookkeeping.  It started as a comeback but really is true.  see why.

also, you can find out the surprising answer to "Can you count to more than ten on your fingers?"

If you want a free mediafire account, use my link so i get more space to put free downloads in.

If you want this podcast in .wav format, i cannot post it on anchor because it is 277M but i am putting it on mediafire so you can give the website you are on the credit for presenting it and then download and listen on your music player.  I am trying to keep all my podcasts and stuff on mediafire and you can make more space by getting a free account with the link above.

this is posted as:

Jul 09, 202154:56


police don't need to be the bad guys.  My message to law enforcement.

Jun 27, 202120:36


Thinking about what podcast subjects i should do, some silly math.  Perhaps some of this is funny.

Jun 25, 202135:23


Garland is representing trump, and doj is letting a letter be sent out that claims people are domestic violent extremists for things that are protected speech.  this letter is obviously intended to chill the rights of free speech and freedom of assembly.  anyone who does not oppose this is not upholding an oath to support the constitution.

Jun 21, 202123:09


A look at the idea of goods costing less if taxes were reduced.

Jun 18, 202129:08


an invitation to listeners to say what they would like to see more of.  putting the web site address here made the editor bomb.  it is on 123 and uses my name.  the email is the same, at mail dot com.  on twitter i am drakekoefoed2 because way back, i had trouble getting a google account working, and got locked out of my own name, which google would not fix.

Jun 17, 202127:20


this is a slide show kind of thing.  If i had a camera man I could walk around and talk.  I could, if i had a video editor and knew how to use it, do this like a powerpoint thing.

What i did was, I made a zip file of some garden things, and i am going to talk about the pix, which you will get for free on mediafire.

you should not need anything but the link.  I would like to know if it is working.  or if it is not. 

please don't spam.  it will not do you any good.  i need no trolling, either.  morons call other people morons.  that is not my game, so.

So my idea is, you get the pix free, creative commons share, and you can look at them while you listen to the podcast, or whatever you like.

Jun 13, 202147:23


starting a discussion here, or just provoking thought.  find me through the website to get to the forum.  for some reason, the editor bombed when i tried to put it here. it is somewhere on anchor already

Jun 05, 202130:27


there is more to the source of the coronavirus than any sort of scientific inquiry.  let me give you a quick look behind the smoke and mirrors and you can figure it all out yourself.  spoiler: the liars are lying.

an article claiming this was a lab leak.  i am still not saying for sure but it looks likely it was a lab leak.  don't know ghion journal.

another article about the lab leak hypothesis that ties a little more in since i did this podcast.

something else to consider in regards to this issue.  it's beginning to look more like it started in a lab.  which makes the question, "Why did they want to create this virus?"  even with my usual willingness to believe they are willing to murder a million people, i don't see it.

May 29, 202109:13


Thoughts about how to get going on fixing the climate crisis.

May 24, 202114:41
2021-05-17-apologists of capitalism

2021-05-17-apologists of capitalism

this is about people trying to tell you lies about how the system works, when really it is not to our benefit, only that of the 1%.  there is a conspiracy of sorts between the media, politicians, and big business which depends on being able to take away democracy and make you think you made the choices they themselves made.

May 17, 202142:60


You are going to need to be immunized for covid to travel internationally.

May 08, 202108:56
1-04-28-collective farming didn't work

1-04-28-collective farming didn't work

see if you think i got it right what was wrong with collective farming.

Apr 29, 202110:53


interest rates and how they get set, exposing the reality

Apr 25, 202119:46


much of what conservatives are mad about are the same things socialists want to change.  left/right is a bogus division in many cases, when the real division is class.  99%/1%.  the establishment will divide you on gender, race, or any other thing they can find to prevent solidarity.

Apr 24, 202133:18


wherever the myth of a post covid boom came from, i consider it an attempt by the 1% to pass off some more propaganda on us.  it is not going to happen, here is why.  remember to fact check everyone, including me

Apr 19, 202120:07


an exploration of the neoliberal myth of capitalism and how unrelated it is to anything in the real world

Apr 17, 202130:32


If conservatives are interested in ideas like medicare for all, let's help them learn.  We're not going to save usa by ourselves.

Jennie and the Mexicats.  Great video on You Tube.

Apr 08, 202120:52


Corporations are creatures of statute.  Governments provide for their formation, but do not have to do so.  Any restriction government wants to put on them, it can.  This means the Citizens United decision applies only to corporations as they were, and can be made moot by statute.

is one explanation of the decision.  There are many.

Apr 07, 202109:22


Examining the first part of the Declaration of Independence which is the philosophical part, preceding the list of crimes of King George:


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Apr 03, 202107:52


decentralized solar power as part of the green new deal.

drake website where there might be links to something mentioned

Apr 03, 202116:52


The biden infrastructure bill.  Too little too late; what did you expect? Over 8 years, $2.4T which is half what the oil companies get in subsidies.  Funded by new corporate tax which will probably get reduced, so no intent to end subsidies to oil before oil ends us.

drake website where there might be links to something mentioned

Apr 01, 202119:02


points of intersection as spoken of by Ralph Nader.  Why socialists can get along with trump supporters.

drake website where there might be links to something mentioned

link for free space if someone gets file sharing and also

archive of podcasts for download

Mar 31, 202113:58