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Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast

By Dr. Eric Berg

Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and have generated over 1 billion views.
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Is Ginger The New Superfood?

Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting PodcastMay 21, 2024

 Do Chia Seeds Have ANY Benefits?!

Do Chia Seeds Have ANY Benefits?!

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about some of the health benefits of chia seeds.

Omega-3s have many benefits, including supporting heart health. Salmon and sardines are among the best omega-3 sources, but what about chia seeds? It’s been said that chia seeds are a better source of omega-3s if you compare them gram for gram, but they don’t contain DHA. Chia seeds contain ALA, and only 0.5% converts into DHA.

Chia seeds have also been compared to eggs. An egg contains around 7 grams of protein, while chia seeds contain 4 grams. The protein found in eggs is the most bioavailable form of protein.

Chia seeds contain vitamin E, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. Research suggests that chia seeds are cardioprotective, help lower blood pressure, benefit your brain, and can even help thin your blood.

Chia seeds contain soluble fiber, which is the most significant benefit of consuming them.

To make a healthy chia pudding:

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of chia seeds with ½ cup of milk or unsweetened almond milk.

2. Stir the mixture until the seeds swell and form a gel.

3. Add kefir, berries, Greek yogurt, coconut cream, or nuts.

The gel that forms when you mix chia seeds with liquid is an excellent food for your microbiome. Chia seeds can help with gut inflammation and constipation. They’re also very low in lectins.

Chia seed gel contains polyphenols—plant chemicals that benefit your microbes. A healthy microbiome supports your mood, energy levels, and overall health. Consume chia seeds, fermented vegetables, sauerkraut, pickles, and kimchi regularly for a healthy microbiome.

Jun 02, 202403:56
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Jun 01, 202405:30
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May 31, 202411:49
Why Sea Moss Is Going VIRAL!

Why Sea Moss Is Going VIRAL!

Sea moss and sea kelp are both types of seaweed that grow underwater and have similar nutritional value. People have used sea moss on their skin and internally to help with digestion and inflammation.

Sea moss contains various nutrients, including amino acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and phytonutrients.

One of the standout features of sea moss and other types of seaweed is its high mineral content. This includes trace minerals, which are essential for our health but needed in small amounts.

Trace minerals are crucial in activating enzymes and proteins that aid in various bodily functions. For example, selenium is essential for converting the inactive form of thyroid hormone (T4) to its active form (T3) and supporting immune function.

Sea moss is also a great source of iodine. Iodine is crucial for thyroid health and helps regulate estrogen levels in women.

Unfortunately, most land-grown produce lacks trace minerals. To get enough of these essential minerals, we need to consume foods grown near the ocean or directly from the sea itself.

Some forms of seaweed, including sea moss, contain carrageenan. While this ingredient has been linked to digestive issues, it’s important to distinguish between naturally occurring carrageenan found in sea moss and the artificially added version found in processed foods.

May 30, 202404:15
Is This Why You’re Stressed or Not Sleeping?

Is This Why You’re Stressed or Not Sleeping?

Today, I’m going to tell you how to reverse magnesium deficiency. It’s very difficult to test for magnesium deficiency. Around 60% of your magnesium is in your bones, 39% in your soft tissue, and only 1% in your blood. A blood test is not a reliable way to determine if you have low magnesium.

Magnesium deficiency can be caused by the following factors:

• Diet

• Gut inflammation

• Diabetes

• Insulin resistance

• Excessive sugar consumption

• Vitamin D without magnesium

• Medications (antibiotics, PPIs, antacids, diuretics)

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include:

• Tetany

• Tight muscles

• Insomnia (sleep problems)

• Anxiety

• Fatigue

• Nystagmus

• Migraines

• Kidney stones

You need magnesium to make ATP, the “energy currency” of the body. Magnesium deficiency can also lead to calcium buildup.

Here are some of the foods that have the most magnesium per 100 grams/3.5 ounces:

1. Sea kelp: 760 mg of magnesium

2. Almonds: 490 mg of magnesium

3. Nutritional yeast: 231 mg of magnesium

4. Pecans: 142 mg of magnesium

5. Leafy greens: 100 mg of magnesium

6. Dark chocolate: 165 mg of magnesium

7. Pumpkin seeds: 265 mg of magnesium

8. Meat and fish: 25 to 35 mg of magnesium

The RDA for magnesium is 300 to 420 mg, and the average person only consumes 215 mg. If you have magnesium deficiency, increase your intake of magnesium-rich foods and supplement with 800 mg of magnesium glycinate.

It can take up to a year to fix a chronic magnesium deficiency, but you might find that your low magnesium symptoms go away in a few weeks or months. After you’ve increased magnesium levels with supplements, you can maintain it with your diet.

Always ensure you consume at least 400 mg of magnesium daily.

Sun Tzu The Technology of War Book Link:

The Miraculous Cure for and Prevention of ALL Diseases Book Link:


May 29, 202406:47
Watch This If You Can't Go Number 2

Watch This If You Can't Go Number 2

When your diet is filled with processed foods and lacking essential nutrients, it can lead to constipation.

The most common type of constipation is primary constipation, in which constipation is the primary issue rather than being caused by a tumor or obstruction. The first line of treatment for constipation like this is often a petroleum-based medication called polyethylene glycol, but it can cause other problems.

Microbes are vital in breaking down fiber and supporting healthy digestion. When our diet lacks these beneficial microbes, it can lead to problems such as bloating, cramping, and constipation.

The first step is to practice intermittent fasting by eating only two meals daily with no snacks. This gives the digestive system a chance to rest and catch up.

The second step is fixing your diet by simplifying meals and avoiding processed and refined foods. This also includes incorporating grass-fed meat, fermented foods, including sauerkraut, to provide beneficial microbes for a healthy gut. Following a Healthy Keto® diet is also beneficial.

The third step is supplementing with betaine hydrochloride to increase stomach acid and improve digestion. This can also help alleviate constipation by lubricating the colon with bile.

In addition to these steps, consuming plants raised on healthy soils can provide essential nutrients and beneficial microbes for a healthy gut. Magnesium and vitamin B1 can help promote regular bowel movements. Castor oil and senna are also good natural remedies for constipation.


May 28, 202407:01
How to Counter Chemotherapy Side Effects

How to Counter Chemotherapy Side Effects

One of the most common treatments for cancer is chemotherapy, which uses powerful drugs to target and kill cancer cells. Chemo can cause uncomfortable side effects such as nausea, fatigue, hair loss, and weakened immune function. Fortunately, there are ways to counter these side effects and support your body during chemo treatment.

Compounds found in plants have a range of health benefits, including cancer prevention. Five specific phytonutrients that have shown strong chemo-preventative factors are sulforaphane, resveratrol, quercetin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and allicin. They can be found in foods such as broccoli, grapes, green tea, and garlic.

Magnesium deficiency has also been linked to cachexia, a condition where the body loses tissue and becomes weak. This can be especially dangerous for cancer patients who are already struggling with weight loss and fatigue due to their illness.

Selenium plays a crucial role in immune function. If you are undergoing chemo or have cancer, you may want to supplement with 200 to 400 micrograms of selenium daily.

Intermittent fasting, prolonged fasting, and exercise are powerful tools in reducing chemo side effects.

Cold therapy, such as ice baths, has also been found to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Lastly, vitamin D has been shown to play a crucial role in strengthening the immune system. If you have cancer, it’s recommended that you take high doses of vitamin D, with a target level of at least 120 nanograms per milliliter of blood.

Remember to always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine while undergoing chemotherapy.



May 27, 202407:33
The Best Fix for Dry and Wrinkled Skin

The Best Fix for Dry and Wrinkled Skin

In this podcast, I’m going to share the #1 remedy for dry hands and dry skin. Most moisturizers contain alcohol, which dries and dehydrates your skin. Your moisturizer also gets absorbed into your skin, then into your bloodstream and liver.

There are many natural dry skin remedies that can help, such as vitamin E, coconut oil, and tallow, but the best remedy for dry skin is hyaluronic acid.

Many of your cells make hyaluronic acid, which is also found in your skin and joints. Hyaluronic acid holds 1000 times its weight in water and can keep your skin looking youthful. It’s intimately involved in wound repair and can repair skin after a sunburn.

As we age, our hyaluronic acid decreases. There are also health conditions like progeria that cause you to lose hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid can be injected, used topically, or taken orally. When taken orally, 2.5% of hyaluronic acid is absorbed, which can be enough to replace what you lose as you age.

To get rid of dry, wrinkled hands and skin, take 200 mg of hyaluronic acid daily. You can also use it topically. Look for hyaluronic acid without alcohol, wet your hands, and apply a couple of drops. Rub your hands together to apply. You can also do this to your face.

Also, focus on internal health to get rid of dry skin. Try Healthy Keto® to keep your skin looking healthy.

May 26, 202405:13
Do NOT Cook with This!!!

Do NOT Cook with This!!!

May 25, 202407:34
Over 50% of Women Have THIS?!
May 24, 202406:56
What Causes Eye Floaters and Dry Eyes?

What Causes Eye Floaters and Dry Eyes?

In this podcast, we’ll discuss some common eye problems and the nutrients that can help. Dry eyes and night blindness are often caused by vitamin A deficiency.

Vitamin A deficiency can be caused by a diet high in junk food or an issue with the gallbladder.

Egg yolks, liver, butter, and cod liver oil are the best sources of vitamin A. Plants are not a good source of vitamin A because they only contain the precursor, beta-carotene.

Zinc is essential for vitamin A to work properly in the body. Red meat, oysters, shellfish, and liver are the best sources of zinc.

Retinopathy is often caused by diabetes. Excessive amounts of glucose can create oxidation in the nervous system. Benfotiamine, a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1, can penetrate nerve tissue.

Consuming protein with sugar causes a chemical reaction called glycation, which can cause floaters in the eye. A low-carb or carnivore diet may help. Intermittent and prolonged fasting allow your body to recycle damaged proteins through autophagy and may help with floaters.

Macular degeneration is often said to be age-related. However, blue light, alcohol, smoking, sugar, and seed oils may contribute to it. To improve eye health, try lowering your seed oil consumption and increasing your intake of omega-3 fats.

Lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin are carotenoids that protect your eyes against macular degeneration. You can find these compounds in the following foods:

• Green vegetables

• Orange fruits and vegetables

• Yellow fruits and vegetables

• Egg yolks

• Seafood (Salmon, shrimp)

• Grass-fed meat

Glaucoma is an eye condition in which excessive pressure causes damage to the back of the eye. Research has shown that vitamin D can be an excellent remedy for glaucoma. High amounts of vitamin D can also be beneficial for cataracts.

N-acetyl-carnosine and zinc contain antioxidants that protect the eye and improve cataracts. Dark purple, red, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that help support eye health.

Can This Reverse Glaucoma: ▶️ • This Vitamin Reverses GLAUCOMA?!

May 23, 202409:26
1 Tablespoon a Day Burns Belly Fat
May 22, 202406:23
Is Ginger The New Superfood?
May 21, 202403:04
The MOST Serious Symptom of Potassium Deficiency

The MOST Serious Symptom of Potassium Deficiency

In this podcast, we’ll discuss the causes and symptoms of potassium deficiency. We need a lot of potassium—around 4700 mg per day! Most people eat a lot of junk food or processed foods high in salt and not enough potassium, which throws off the sodium-potassium ratio. Your body needs a 2:1 ratio of potassium to sodium.

Every cell in the body has a sodium-potassium pump that helps to generate electrical current around the cell, which powers the nervous and muscular systems.

Potassium is also important for the health of your blood vessels. Low potassium is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure; however, it isn’t often used in conventional medicine as a treatment. Over 90% of high blood pressure is essential hypertension, which means the cause is “unknown.”

Here are some signs of potassium deficiency:


•Muscular issues



•Abnormal heart rhythm

•Mental issues (delirium, hallucinations, psychosis, depression)


•Low back pain




•Increased pulse rate

•Increased risk of stroke

The most serious symptom of a potassium deficiency is sudden cardiac death. If you have low potassium, your risk for sudden cardiac death increases by 10x.

You could end up with low potassium if you’re not consuming enough potassium-rich foods like leafy greens, squash, nuts, shellfish, bone broth, avocado, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

Other potassium deficiency causes include the following:

•Consuming refined sugar, refined starches, and refined grains



•Gut inflammation

•Alcohol consumption


May 20, 202406:40


In this podcast, we’re going to talk about one of the best natural remedies for glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition where there is increased pressure inside the eyeball. This puts pressure on the optic nerve and can diminish your vision and cause blindness.

Around 80 million people in the world have glaucoma, and 50% of them are unaware that they have it. Research suggests that glaucoma could be an autoimmune disease, which would explain why this natural remedy is so effective!

In 2014, a study involving over 6,000 people in Korea showed a very high correlation between people with low vitamin D and glaucoma. People with glaucoma had three times more problems with the vitamin D receptor.

A German doctor named Dr. Harald Schelle uses high doses of vitamin D for numerous eye problems. Many autoimmune cases of glaucoma have a genetic problem with the vitamin D receptor, the conversion from the inactive to the active form of vitamin D, or an issue with vitamin D absorption. Collectively, these problems are referred to as vitamin D resistance.

To combat vitamin D resistance, you must increase your dosage. The standard recommendation for vitamin D is 20 ng per ml, however this is outdated and inaccurate. Dr. Schelle says we should have between 100 to 150 ng per ml of vitamin D.

Dr. Coimbra from Brazil has also seen excellent results using high doses of vitamin D for autoimmune conditions. He recommends starting with 1000 IUs of vitamin D per kilogram of body weight. For example, a person weighing 84 kilograms would need 84,000 IUs of vitamin D3 daily.

To minimize the risk of calcium buildup in the arteries, try the following:

•Don’t take a calcium supplement

•Reduce your consumption of calcium-rich foods

•Drink 2.5 liters of fluid daily

•Take 100 mcg of vitamin K2 for every 10,000 IUs of vitamin D3

•Take 600 mg of magnesium daily

Dr. Harald Schelle Link:


May 19, 202407:47
This Is One of the WORST Things You Can Eat

This Is One of the WORST Things You Can Eat

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about one of the worst foods you could eat, especially for liver health. There are generally very few symptoms of liver problems. When I had liver problems, I experienced right shoulder blade pain and pain beneath my right rib cage.

It’s a myth that liver damage is permanent. The liver is one of the only organs that can regenerate itself 100%. Another myth is that the liver is filled with toxins. The liver detoxifies poisons, it doesn't store them.

The worst “food” or ingredient for your liver is seed oils. Seed oils are damaging, inflammatory, and high in omega-6 fats, specifically linoleic acid. Lard contains about 2.5% linoleic acid, and tallow only contains 0.7%. Corn oil contains 56.6% linoleic acid!

Seed oils contain oxidized linoleic acid that can cause significant oxidative damage in the body, especially in the liver and the nervous system.

The average diet is 25 to 30% seed oils, which is too much. Seed oils become lodged in our fat cells and the membranes surrounding the nervous system and can remain there for 2 to 3 years.

Seed oils can’t be used for energy. They inflame the liver and contribute to insulin resistance. You should avoid seed oils, including canola oil, soy oil, and cottonseed oil, which are commonly labeled as vegetable oil.

Always check food labels and avoid seed oils and foods that contain them. Replace seed oils with oils high in omega-3 fatty acids rather than omega-6. Reduce your consumption of grain-fed animal products and look for grass-fed meats.


May 18, 202408:34
The MOST Common Deficiency in All Skin Diseases (Dermatitis)

The MOST Common Deficiency in All Skin Diseases (Dermatitis)

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about dermatitis. Dermatitis means inflammation of the skin, and there are many different types.

At their core, skin problems are either related to an allergy or an immune reaction. You can consider many cases of dermatitis as an over-reactive immune system.

Topical and oral steroids are the most common treatments of dermatitis. They work by suppressing the immune system. Antibiotics are also commonly used to treat cases of dermatitis but often lead to a secondary infection.

The superficial layer of your skin contains a multitude of microbes and acts as a barrier for your lymphatic tissue and blood vessels. These tissues are full of immune cells ready to protect you against foreign invaders.

Dermatitis seems to respond positively to vitamin D. For example, vitamin D works to mitigate symptoms of contact dermatitis by lowering the histamine response. Vitamin D is the main regulator of the immune system.

Skin conditions are typically worse in the winter when we get less vitamin D. They are also worse when a person is under stress. When you raise cortisol levels from stress, you deplete vitamin D.

Vitamin D can decrease acne by shrinking and normalizing the sebaceous glands. This can help regulate the overproduction of oil, decreasing acne breakouts. Seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp is also known as dandruff. Vitamin D cream can help reduce dandruff.

Eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, and alopecia are all related to vitamin D deficiency. Microbes involved in certain skin issues can reduce the vitamin D receptors in your skin, allowing them to survive.


May 17, 202405:32
8 Ways to Heal Trauma (Physical) without Medication — Dr. Berg

8 Ways to Heal Trauma (Physical) without Medication — Dr. Berg

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about eight ways to improve physical trauma. Inflammation is part of the body’s healing response. You can't heal without inflammation. Inflammation is only a problem when it becomes chronic.

Inflammation is the most potent carcinogen. Anything that involves chronic inflammation increases your risk for cancer.

When trying to resolve physical trauma, you want to fix the chronic inflammatory state. Let’s take a look at eight ways to improve physical trauma.

1. Isolate and eliminate the problem

Find out if a food or habit is causing your problem. The carnivore diet or the keto diet can help eliminate issues caused by certain foods.

2. Contrast therapy

Alternate between hot and cold therapy. Try a sauna, cold therapy, or hot and cold showers. This increases circulation in the lymphatic system and improves inflammation at the cellular level.

3. Exercise

One of the most potent things for chronic inflammation is exercise. When you have an injured body part, there is a lack of motion in that area. Putting your body into motion may help reduce inflammation.

4. Stretching

Stretching can help you sleep, improve joint health and motion, and improve posture. It can also break up scar tissue that’s causing inflammation.

5. Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, B3, polyphenols, methylene blue

High levels of vitamin D can help remodel tissues in the body. Vitamin B3, omega-3 fatty acids, and polyphenols may help reduce inflammation. Methylene blue is one of the first synthetic medications. It can help reduce inflammation at the cellular level and helps to support the mitochondria.

6. Opposite technique

Apply pressure on the opposite side of the body as your pain or trauma.

7. Fasting

Fasting is a surprising way to reduce inflammation in the body.

8. Shockwave therapy

This unique therapy is painless and helps target scar tissue and inflammation.

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May 16, 202410:15
The Most Dangerous Ingredient in Protein Powder (Mass Gainer)

The Most Dangerous Ingredient in Protein Powder (Mass Gainer)

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about the worst ingredient found in many protein powders: maltodextrin.

This dangerous ingredient increases acne, bloating, gut inflammation, mental irritability, anxiety, and insomnia. It’s highly addictive because it increases dopamine.

Maltodextrin promotes acid in your mouth, which increases cavities, and it spikes blood sugar more than sugar! If you consume it repeatedly, it can cause belly fat, high cholesterol, fatty liver, and other health problems.

Maltodextrin is often one of the first ingredients in many protein powder products, which means it makes up most of the product. It’s made of inedible dent corn that’s ground and treated with chemicals. It’s typically heated, pressure-treated, decolorized, and deodorized.

After this process, you’re left with maltodextrin powder, which can then be used as a filler to add bulk to different products. Consuming maltodextrin powder has no benefit. It’s classified as a carbohydrate but acts as a sugar in the body.

The glycemic index tells you how much an ingredient will spike your blood sugar. Maltodextrin has a glycemic index between 105 and 185, which is higher than glucose and table sugar!

Many protein powders contain 50 grams of whey protein per serving combined with 253 grams of carbohydrates from maltodextrin. Your need for many vitamins and minerals increases when you consume this many carbs.

Ultra-processed foods like maltodextrin cause oxidation and inflammation in the body. Maltodextrin also causes significant insulin and blood sugar spikes. It may cause you to wake up groggy and have low blood sugar the day after consuming it. This will cause you to want more, creating a vicious cycle that eventually leads to insulin resistance.

To build muscle, you need exercise and protein, not high doses of refined sugar!

May 15, 202406:01
Lose Arm Fat Quick: BEST TIP - Dr. Berg

Lose Arm Fat Quick: BEST TIP - Dr. Berg

Flabby arms can be a frustrating problem for many individuals, especially as they age. The loss of muscle mass and strength in this area can not only affect physical appearance but also limit daily activities and overall quality of life. In addition to sarcopenia, the process of age-related muscle loss, and flabby arms can also be caused by weakened fascia.

Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles and other structures in the body. Without proper maintenance and movement, it can become tight or restricted, leading to a decreased range of motion and weakness in the associated muscles. This is why targeting both the muscles and fascia is crucial for effectively improving flabby arms.

Functional exercises, which involve multi-joint movements that mimic everyday tasks, are key to targeting muscle and fascial health. Working multiple muscles and joints at once helps strengthen and activate the surrounding fascia, which can lead to tighter, more toned arms with improved strength and function.

To incorporate exercises into your routine to help improve the fascia, I recommend trying out the three workout videos linked above. These videos focus on a variety of movements that target the arms, shoulders, and fascia for a well-rounded approach to flabby arm reduction.

May 14, 202408:13
Why Do Most Indian Men Have a Protruding Potbelly?

Why Do Most Indian Men Have a Protruding Potbelly?

The protruding potbelly is a common sight among many Indian men, and it can be attributed to a combination of factors such as genetics, lifestyle habits, and diet. While the tendency to store abdominal fat may have some genetic component, the high prevalence of this condition among Indian men suggests that there may be other contributing factors at play.

One potential factor is the traditional Indian diet, which has evolved over time. Historically, Indians consumed a predominantly plant-based diet with small amounts of meat, mostly goat or sheep. However, as modern diets have become more Westernized, there has been a significant increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods high in sugar, seed oils, and refined starches.

These highly processed foods can cause inflammation in the gut and weaken the stomach lining, making it easier for harmful bacteria such as H. pylori to thrive. H. pylori is a type of bacteria that can cause gastritis and ulcers by weakening the stomach's protective mucus lining. To survive in the stomach's acidic environment, it produces ammonia that neutralizes stomach acid. This can lead to further digestive issues and an increased risk of developing diseases.

To address these problems, refined carbs should be eliminated from the diet, and protein intake should be increased, particularly from animal sources. Doing intermittent fasting and avoiding foods that cause bloating may be beneficial. Introducing betaine hydrochloride as a supplement can also help improve stomach acid levels and kill off pathogens in the gut.

In addition, understanding the digestive system and its functions can provide valuable insights on how to take care of it and address specific issues. Ultimately, by making mindful food choices and adopting nutritious eating habits, Indian men can work towards minimizing belly fat and improving their overall gut health.

May 13, 202406:56
7 Signs You're Eating Too Much Sugar

7 Signs You're Eating Too Much Sugar

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about some of the side effects of consuming too much sugar. Some of the well-known side effects of sugar include fatigue, brain fog, belly fat, carb cravings, and cavities.

Is there a difference between sugar and carbohydrates? A carbohydrate consists of sugar, fiber, and starch. Starches are called polysaccharides, meaning many sugars or multiple sugar molecules connected together. Starches raise blood sugar levels significantly more than sugar.

Starches like maltodextrin, modified food starch, and modified corn starch have a much higher glycemic index than sugar.

Here are 7 surprising signs that you’re consuming too much sugar:

7. Reduced collagen

Reduced collagen will result in loose, wrinkled skin and premature aging.

6. Chronic white tongue

Candida from too much sugar will cause you to have a white tongue. You won’t be able to get rid of it without eliminating sugar from the diet.

5. Chronic sinus problems

Most chronic sinus problems are caused by a fungus called Aspergillus that feeds on sugar.

4. Red or pink gums

Red or pink on your toothbrush after brushing could signify a mild case of scurvy or vitamin C deficiency. High sugar consumption blocks vitamin C.

3. Low testosterone

Low testosterone can cause erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and difficulty building muscle.

2. Susceptibility to infection

Too much sugar can weaken your immune system, making you more vulnerable to infection.

1. High adrenaline levels

Too much sugar damages the cell’s ability to make energy in the mitochondria. To compensate, the body produces more adrenaline.

May 12, 202406:19
The One Ingredient That Has Spiked by 8000 Percent over the Last 50 Years

The One Ingredient That Has Spiked by 8000 Percent over the Last 50 Years

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about the one food that has increased in our diets by over 8,000%. From 1970 to 2014, this food has increased significantly more than any other food. Consuming this ingredient depletes vitamins and minerals. It’s one of the most potent triggers of metabolic syndrome, fatty liver disease, and inflammation. We're talking about high-fructose corn syrup. Corn products, skim milk, chicken, turkey, added fats, and oils have also increased, but nowhere near as much as high-fructose corn syrup. Consumption of vegetables, butter, eggs, beef, and refined white sugar has decreased. High-fructose corn syrup is hidden in many foods and drinks. Most high-fructose corn syrup is made from inedible dent corn, which is typically GMO, so it’s herbicide-tolerant. The U.S. is the top producer and consumer of corn. In 1932, farmers extracted 20 ½ bushels of corn per acre, and in 2022, they extracted 173 bushels per acre. The arrival of GMO foods, herbicides, and pesticides allows farmers to grow significantly more corn in a small area, which isn’t good for the environment, soil, or our health. Always check your food labels to avoid high-fructose corn syrup, modified food starch, modified corn starch, maltodextrin, glucose syrup, and seed oils.

May 11, 202404:48
Small American Farmers in Serious Crisis: The Back Story

Small American Farmers in Serious Crisis: The Back Story

Please join me in welcoming Joel Salatin! Joel explains how all food is carefully sanctioned. With so many government, food, and zoning regulations, it’s very difficult for small farmers to enter the market.

To solve this problem, Joel started the Rogue Food Conference with John Moody in the spring of 2020 with the theme “Circumvention, Not Compliance.” When laws inhibit competition with larger producers, it’s more efficient to circumvent rather than comply with the rigorous regulations.

The upcoming Rogue Food Conference will be held at Joel’s farm, Polyface Farms, in Virginia. It showcases the unique ideas that people use to get their products to the masses. Many small farmers favor the private membership association model, which will be debated at the conference!

Another creative way that people are able to sell their food or products is by selling them as a component of a course. Some farmers might sell a butchering course online for $300 that also comes with 50 pounds of meat.

There are two Rogue Food Conferences each year. This year, it’ll be held in Virginia in the spring and Dallas in the fall.

Farmers’ markets are a great place to find local farmers and healthier food that’s not produced by large corporations. Look for boutiques or privately owned food stores and ask if you’re looking for a specific food, even if they aren’t selling it. Farmers know other farmers!

The key to our health is REAL food, so looking for great farmers is worth the hunt.

LINK TO THE UPCOMING EVENT: EVENT DATE: MAY 18, 2024 Check out Joel’s YouTube Channel:    / @farmlikealunatic  

May 10, 202430:25
There Is No Such Thing as Vitamin D Toxicity

There Is No Such Thing as Vitamin D Toxicity

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about vitamin D toxicity. If you take high doses of vitamin D3, you may experience some symptoms. It is more likely that you’re experiencing symptoms of a vitamin K2 or magnesium deficiency rather than vitamin D toxicity symptoms.

Magnesium deficiency is incredibly common. If you’re not taking enough magnesium while you’re taking vitamin D, you may begin to notice the following “vitamin D toxicity symptoms”:

• Irritability

• Insomnia

• Constipation

• Fatigue

• Muscle spasms/cramps

• Calcium buildup

• Arrhythmia

Coincidentally, these are also symptoms of low magnesium and low vitamin K2.

There are case studies involving vitamin D toxicity; however, the subjects did not take vitamin K2 or magnesium. In many cases, they were taking vitamin D2 rather than vitamin D3.

You don’t want to take calcium when testing for vitamin D toxicity because one of the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity is hypercalcemia or too much calcium in the blood.

According to Wikipedia, some symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are due to vitamin K depletion. Vitamin K2 is essential to prevent calcium buildup in the soft tissues. Vitamin D helps increase calcium absorption in the small intestine by 20 times.

Therapeutic doses of vitamin D can be beneficial for many health conditions. The Mayo Clinic only recommends 600 IU of vitamin D when 30 to 40 minutes of sunlight provides about 20,000 IU of vitamin D3.

Therapeutic doses of vitamin D can be especially beneficial for autoimmune conditions. Dr. Coimbra from Brazil utilizes a vitamin D protocol involving up to 200,000 IU.

If you’re taking vitamin D supplements, also take magnesium and vitamin K2. You also want to ensure adequate boron, zinc, and vitamin A intake.


May 09, 202406:54
The OTHER Reason Why You Are Deficient in Magnesium

The OTHER Reason Why You Are Deficient in Magnesium

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about the most dangerous symptom of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions. It’s important for energy production, and the transmission of nerve impulses, and it allows your muscles to relax.

Magnesium deficiency can occur if you’re not getting enough magnesium from your diet or if you’re consuming processed foods, carbohydrates, or alcohol. Gut inflammation, phytates, fluoride, phosphates, and soft water interfere with magnesium absorption.

Signs of a magnesium deficiency include the following:

12. Muscle cramping

11. Loss of appetite

10. Nystagmus

9. Fatigue

8. High blood pressure

7. Abnormal heart rhythm

6. Low vitamin D

5. Potassium deficiency

4. Migraines

3. Blood sugar issues

2. High levels of cortisol

1. Pathological calcification

Pathological calcification is the most dangerous symptom of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium stops calcium buildup in your cells. If there’s too much calcium in the cell, it will self-destruct. Magnesium also helps prevent oxidative stress from occurring in the mitochondria.

Calcium buildup can lead to several problems, including heart attack, neuroinflammation in the brain, and inflammation in other parts of the body. Magnesium, vitamin K2, zinc, vitamin D, and boron may help prevent calcification of the soft tissues.


May 08, 202403:45
How to Dissolve Crystals in the Inner Ear and Get Rid of Vertigo

How to Dissolve Crystals in the Inner Ear and Get Rid of Vertigo

In this podcast, I’m going to share a natural remedy for vertigo. Surgery, along with vertigo exercises, are sometimes suggested as treatment for vertigo, but this doesn’t address the root cause.

Vertigo is typically caused by calcium crystals in the wrong part of the ear. These inner ear crystals interrupt communication between the hairs and nerves in the ear and the brain. This can drastically affect balance.

It’s normal to have inner ear crystals, but if they’re in the wrong place, they can cause vertigo. In the first compartment of the inner ear, calcium crystals are situated on top of the otolithic membrane. Underneath are hairs connected to nerves that go to your brain. Calcium crystals add weight to this “gel” membrane to help you easily navigate the world around you.

Most people have around 1000 calcium crystals per ear. These inner ear crystals are only problematic when they become dislodged and go deeper into the ear. This can be caused by head trauma, infections, certain medications, and aging.

People with vertigo have higher calcium concentrations in the lymph, so they may have more trouble dissolving it. There’s a high association of people with osteoporosis and vertigo. People with osteoporosis have excess calcium in the soft tissues.

Vitamin D may help with vertigo by helping your body remove excess calcium and putting it where it belongs.

Consider taking between 10,000 and 20,000 IU of vitamin D3. Make sure to take it with vitamin K2 and magnesium. Magnesium naturally counters calcium buildup.



May 07, 202404:53
4 Surprising Ways to Speed up Muscle Growth

4 Surprising Ways to Speed up Muscle Growth

In this podcast, I’m going to tell you how to build more muscle with four easy tips! The purpose of skeletal muscle is to create movement and healthy posture. Muscle is also very important for your metabolism.

High-intensity exercise and protein consumption build muscle. Aim to consume .8 to 1.5 grams of high-quality protein per kilogram of lean body mass. Athletes may need to consume up to 2 grams of protein per kilogram.

1. Creatine

Creatine is found in foods, but if you want to grow your muscles quickly, take creatine as a supplement. Creatine acts as a substitute for energy, especially for short-duration high-intensity exercise. Try taking 20 grams of creatine for five days, then a maintenance dosage of 3 grams daily for the rest of the month, and then continue this cycle between the large and small amounts.

2. Cold therapy

Cold showers, cold immersion, and cryotherapy require your body to generate a tremendous amount of energy to maintain its core temperature. To do this, your body generates a type of fat known as brown fat, which stimulates white fat. This burns a lot of calories!

Cold therapy increases the expression of muscle genes in both rats and humans. It increases RNA, which makes the proteins you need to build muscle. Cold therapy also decreases inflammation.

3. Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting stimulates growth hormone, which increases muscle growth. Aim for two meals daily without decreasing your caloric intake—and cut the snacks! Intermittent fasting helps improve insulin resistance, which gets more insulin to the muscle.

4. Arginine

Arginine also increases growth hormone by inhibiting a hormone called somatostatin. Arginine has even been used to increase growth in children. Try taking 3 to 6 grams daily on an empty stomach 30 minutes before you work out.

Lean Body Mass Calculator:


May 06, 202407:37
How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels: Breathing Hack

How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels: Breathing Hack

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about breathing. Deep breathing does not increase blood oxygen levels. In fact, it can cause dizziness, make you tired, and even make you pass out.

Your red blood cells will not release oxygen unless enough carbon dioxide (CO2) is present. This is known as the Bohr effect. This means that the amount of oxygen released from your blood into your cells is dependent upon CO2.

If you’re breathing a lot or hyperventilating, you’ll get too much oxygen and not enough CO2. Too much oxygen can be dangerous to the body. If you give a baby too much oxygen, it can cause blindness, an epileptic seizure, or a coma. Too much oxygen also causes oxidation.

People in a panicked state experience acute hyperventilation. Chronic hyperventilation, also known as carbon dioxide syndrome, is a lack of carbon dioxide that occurs when a person is consuming too much air. This is often triggered by stress.

Mouth-breathing can deplete CO2 and inhibit oxygen absorption at the cellular level. This can affect the heart and cause hypoxia, fatigue, insomnia, muscle twitching, and increased histamine.

To fix this problem, you need to train your body to breathe properly to get oxygen deep into the cells by doing the following:

1. Relax your breathing.

Take soft, gentle breaths through your diaphragm and stomach, not your upper chest. Breathe in slowly for 5 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds. Practice this before you sleep at night, while driving, or while watching TV.

This simple breathing technique can help your body get out of fight-or-flight mode. You can even use a free app to help you time your breathing!

2. Breathe through your nose.

Your nose cleans, humidifies, and filters the air before it enters your lungs. Nose breathing increases your oxygen by 20%!

3. Use nose strips.

Nose strips can help open your airways and sinuses while you sleep to help you breathe better.

4. Use mouth tape.

Mouth tape can help you breathe through your nose while you sleep. You can filter the air all night, get more oxygen, and sleep better. You won’t wake up with a dry mouth, and you’ll wake up feeling refreshed. Mouth tape might even stop your snoring!

Book Link:

May 05, 202408:03
Remedy for Gout and Uric Acid - Straight From the Garden

Remedy for Gout and Uric Acid - Straight From the Garden

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about a natural remedy for gout. Gout medications work by inhibiting the xanthine oxidase enzyme that converts purine into uric acid.

If you want to get rid of gout naturally, you need to eliminate things like alcohol and fructose from your diet. However, many people do this and still have gout!

Is there a natural inhibitor for the xanthine oxidase enzyme that can work as an effective home remedy for gout? The answer is yes!

Sulforaphane is a plant chemical or polyphenol that may be the perfect home remedy for gout.

The best sources of sulforaphane are broccoli sprouts and radish sprouts. You can also find it in a capsule. Sulforaphane is one of the most bioavailable polyphenols with around 80 percent bioavailability. This means that it’s highly absorbable.

Sulforaphane can activate genes and enzymes that help to eliminate poisons and carcinogens from the body. It can activate over 100 defense genes!

Sulforaphane helps restore the nephron in the kidneys, which allows the body to filter out toxins. Our body makes uric acid, which is filtered out through the kidneys. If they cannot filter out uric acid, gout can sometimes be caused by an issue at the kidney level.

Sulforaphane helps upregulate antioxidants, reducing free radical damage and inflammation. It also increases microbial diversity, allowing microbes to dismantle and remove excess uric acid from the body.


May 04, 202404:36
The ONE FOOD That Shrinks an Enlarged Prostate

The ONE FOOD That Shrinks an Enlarged Prostate

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about one food that may help stop prostate enlargement in its tracks. The prostate gland wraps around a small tube underneath the bladder and is usually the size of a walnut. When a prostate is enlarged, it can interfere with urine flow and can sometimes turn cancerous.

An enlarged prostate is also called benign prostatic hyperplasia. Testosterone is said to cause prostate enlargement. With the help of an enzyme, testosterone is converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a more potent form of testosterone. One of the best-selling drugs for prostate enlargement works by inhibiting this enzyme.

Testosterone and DHT decrease as we age, but the enzyme that makes DHT increases.

The top medication for an enlarged prostate decreases the enlargement of the prostate by 23%, but it also comes with the following potential side effects:

• Decreased libido

• Increased risk of prostate cancer

• Syndrome upon quitting the medicine (suicidal impulses, atrophy of the penis, development of breast tissue)

There is a natural inhibitor of this enzyme, called lycopene, that may decrease the risk of prostate enlargement by 21%. It may also reduce the risk of prostate cancer and decrease inflammation. It even has potent antioxidant effects.

Lycopene is a carotenoid found in watermelon, carrots, and grapefruit, but tomatoes are the best source.

Try growing your own tomatoes or getting them from the farmer’s market. You can also consume canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, or tomato paste because the lycopene in tomatoes becomes more bioavailable when heated. Make sure you choose tomato sauce without sugar!

Lycopene is a fat-soluble compound, so add olive oil when cooking with tomatoes to help extract it. Try adding tomatoes to your diet twice a week to help shrink an enlarged prostate.

Zinc and resveratrol are also helpful for enlarged prostate remedies. Milk is one of the worst things for an enlarged prostate!


May 03, 202404:24
The AMAZING Benefits of Iodine - Dr. Berg

The AMAZING Benefits of Iodine - Dr. Berg

In this podcast, we’re going to discuss iodine function and its many health benefits. The thyroid consumes about 6 milligrams of iodine daily, and the breast tissue consumes about 5 milligrams. The ovaries, brain, eyes, and the lining of your stomach all require significant amounts of iodine.

Iodine is highly antiestrogenic. Estrogen dominance increases the risk of cancer, especially in the breast, ovary, and uterus. Iodine causes cancer cells to self-destruct.

Iodine strengthens the thyroid, which improves your overall health. It also strengthens the immune system and reduces inflammation. Iodine is also vital for a healthy pregnancy.

Iodine is considered a halogen, so other halogens like bromide and fluoride compete with iodine in the body. Increasing your iodine intake can help detox these other halogens.

Try drinking water with unrefined sea salt for several days, then begin taking Lugol’s iodine solution—a mixture of two different types of iodine. Take this solution for about five days, then take two days off. Also, consume between 3 and 9 grams of vitamin C, 400 mg of magnesium, 100 mg of selenium, and the complete B-complex to detox these other halogens completely.

If you have hyperthyroidism, do not take iodine.

Just because you’re allergic to shellfish does not mean you are allergic to iodine. Goitrogenic foods like cruciferous vegetables and lima beans block iodine—but if you regularly consume sea kelp, it counters any bad effects. High amounts of iodine can be beneficial for respiratory viruses.

Iodine also binds with mercury and aluminum, helping rid the body of toxic metals.

May 02, 202404:22
Peripheral NEUROPATHY (Root Cause and Best Remedy) — Dr. Berg

Peripheral NEUROPATHY (Root Cause and Best Remedy) — Dr. Berg

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about an amazing natural alternative for peripheral neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy usually affects the bottom of the feet and sometimes the hands and is one of the first signs of a blood sugar problem. Chemotherapy, hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases, medications, viruses, and Lyme disease can also lead to peripheral neuropathy. However, high blood sugar and diabetes are the most common causes. Diabetes wears down the myelin sheath over time, leaving exposed nerves at the bottom of the feet. Peripheral neuropathy can feel like hypersensitivity, burning, severe pain, or itching. If it’s not corrected, it can lead to ulcers in the lower part of the body and gangrene. Consuming too much sugar makes it difficult for the mitochondria to get enough fuel. Too much sugar also leads to nutrient deficiencies and inhibits the function of enzymes that bring fuel to the cell. When sugar blocks the body’s mechanism for getting energy to the cells, it utilizes alternative pathways for energy. One of these alternative pathways produces sorbitol, a sugar alcohol. Sorbitol can damage the lens of the eye, leading to cataracts. It can also affect the retina, leading to diabetic retinopathy. Sorbitol affects the cells that compose the myelin sheath. It can also convert to fructose, creating even more problems. Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 that can help support the nerves. Try taking 300 mg of benfotiamine 4 times daily. Lipoic acid is a cofactor for the enzyme that allows you to metabolize excess glucose. Vitamins B5, B2, and B3 are also cofactors for this enzyme. Diabetes damages your nervous system and brain over time, so it’s imperative to correct your diet, which I believe is the root cause of peripheral neuropathy. Learn more about the benefits of a low-carb diet and intermittent fasting in my other videos.

May 01, 202408:17
Why Zinc Carnosine Fixes Ulcers and Gastritis

Why Zinc Carnosine Fixes Ulcers and Gastritis

When I was younger, I suffered severe heartburn and ulcers, and I used to take a lot of antacids. Those antacids only helped for a short amount of time, and my symptoms came back within a few hours. I wish I had known what I know now.

It's important to understand what causes ulcers and gastritis. For the longest time, it was believed that ulcers were a result of too much stomach acid. However, recent scientific evidence found that Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is the leading cause of peptic ulcer formation.

While most people are exposed to these microbes, not everyone gets ulcers, as healthy stomach acid levels help destroy H. pylori and prevent infection and associated stomach issues.

Taking antacids or histamine blockers to manage gastritis can increase the risk of infection as these drugs lower the stomach’s acidity, creating a perfect environment for H. Pylori to thrive.

In contrast, zinc carnosine is a highly effective remedy that coats the stomach, increases stomach acid production, and stimulates the production of mucous lining the stomach wall.

Zinc is also a potent antibacterial agent, directly inhibiting the growth of H. pylori, which helps prevent and manage ulcers and gastritis.

Carnosine, on the other hand, is broken down and converted into superoxide dismutase (SOD), a powerful antioxidant that lowers inflammation. This explains why zinc carnosine is one of the best supplements to promote intestinal health.

Consider taking 75 milligrams of zinc carnosine twice daily. Although zinc carnosine is highly effective, it doesn’t work immediately and should be taken for one to three months to see results. To find relief from stomach pain, natural remedies such as baking soda or liquid chlorophyll help soothe stomach irritation.


Apr 30, 202405:53
The REAL Cause of Tremors (Alternative Solution)

The REAL Cause of Tremors (Alternative Solution)

Today, we’re going to discuss what causes tremors. So, what are tremors? There are essential tremors that are more progressive and aggravated by movement and resting tremors that occur when sitting still.

There is a high correlation between mitochondrial diseases and movement disorders. The nervous system requires a tremendous amount of energy, so it also requires very healthy mitochondria. When someone has a neurodegenerative disease, they usually have dysfunction in the mitochondria.

Vitamin B2 and coenzyme Q10 are essential for FAD, which is vital for turning food into energy. Vitamin B2 also helps support the myelin sheath of your neurons.

People who are deficient in vitamin B2 sometimes have neurodegenerative problems, neuropathologies, and swelling in the nervous system. Vitamin B2 acts as a precursor to help protect the mitochondria and help correct tremors.

Coenzyme Q10 plays a similar role, helping to transport electrons from food so they can be converted into ATP, which provides cells with energy.

If you take statins, you could become deficient in coenzyme Q10. This can cause all sorts of neurological and muscular symptoms, including tremors, which are a side effect of statins.

If you have tremors, consider taking 800 mg of B2 daily, split into two portions, 400 mg in the morning and 400 mg before bed. Also, try taking 1000 mg of coenzyme Q10—500 mg in the morning and 500 mg in the afternoon.


Apr 29, 202405:26
7 Signs of a Leaky Gut

7 Signs of a Leaky Gut

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about the seven symptoms of leaky gut. A very thin, single layer of cells acts as a barrier between the inside and the outside of your intestines. The intestines provide protection and absorption of 90 percent of all your nutrients. They also contain a mucus layer, microbes, and 80 percent of your immune system.

Medical professionals typically recommend increased soluble fiber intake to fix leaky gut when you should actually do the opposite. The carnivore diet is the best leaky gut diet. More fiber creates more inflammation in this situation.

Medical professionals also do not point to diet as a primary cause or solution of a leaky gut. Most diseases are triggered by something in your gut, which has everything to do with your diet.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics can also affect gut health. Tampering with your gut microbiome can have serious consequences. You need the microbes in your gut to help you digest, and you don’t want them to become pathogenic.

Glyphosate is an herbicide sprayed on most GMO and conventional foods patented as an antibiotic, so it has an antibiotic effect on your body. Whole grains are also recommended, but they can wreak havoc on a leaky gut and cause an immune reaction. Seed oils are another major contributor to leaky gut.

Here are seven signs of a leaky gut:

1. Abdominal pain, cramping

2. Constipation, diarrhea

3. Fatigue

4. Brain fog

5. Mood issues, anxiety

6. Skin inflammation

7. Autoimmune diseases

When you have an autoimmune response, your body considers normal tissues foreign or pathogenic. If your body sees your thyroid as an invader, your thyroid will become inflamed. This is known as Hashimoto’s and starts with inflammation and a leaky gut.

The carnivore diet for a few months can help repair a leaky gut by removing the foods causing inflammation. Glutamine and glycine can also help with leaky gut repair.



Apr 28, 202408:10
The Worst Protein in the World
Apr 27, 202405:48
Guess Which Food Is Healthier (SHOCKING)
Apr 26, 202407:22
#1 Missing Trace Mineral in ARTHRITIS

#1 Missing Trace Mineral in ARTHRITIS

Today, we’re going to talk about the number 1 missing trace mineral involved in arthritis. Vitamin D and magnesium are often used for arthritis, but they won’t work without enough boron.

There aren't many studies on boron, but there is some promising data involving boron and arthritis. Boron seems to be the key trace mineral that allows calcium and magnesium to work.

If you’re deficient in boron, you’ll have excess calcium and magnesium in the urine and tend to get more calcification in the soft tissues. You might also have weaker bones.

Here are some of the health benefits of boron:

• Helps keep minerals inside the bone

• Allows vitamin D to be activated

• Helps prevent tooth decay

Boron helps prevent joint inflammation by reducing C-reactive protein. A boron deficiency can also cause receding gums, kidney stones, calcium in the arteries, and calcium in the joints.

The parathyroid gland stores the most boron in the body and produces a hormone that helps control calcium. If you don’t have enough calcium, the parathyroid hormone will increase to extract the calcium from your bones. You need boron to allow this process to work.

If you’re low in boron, you might also be low in testosterone or estrogen. Research suggests that boron can even potentially help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

To use boron to help relieve arthritis symptoms, try starting with 3 mg of boron three times per day and see if the problem resolves within 1 to 3 months.

Apr 25, 202403:55
Top Remedy for ADD/ADHD: Dr. Berg Explains
Apr 24, 202404:09
Take One Teaspoon at Night to Rid Sinus Congestion

Take One Teaspoon at Night to Rid Sinus Congestion

Chronic sinus infections can be frustrating and uncomfortable. While many people turn to antibiotics for relief, they may not realize that these medications only target bacteria and can worsen the situation if the infection is fungal.

Fungal infections can be even more problematic, particularly those caused by the invasive fungus Aspergillus. This fungus can break down the lining of your sinus cavities and potentially damage bone and tissue in other areas. It also thrives in environments with oxygen and moisture.

If you have a weakened immune system due to conditions such as diabetes, HIV, or a poor diet high in sugar and refined carbs, Aspergillus can take advantage and cause further harm. In fact, it has been known to target and downgrade vitamin D receptors in the body, leading to a compromised immune system.

To combat this fungal issue, you can try incorporating natural remedies into your routine. One powerful remedy is garlic oil, which has been shown to inhibit the growth of fungus and bacteria. Oregano oil is also effective in fighting bacteria, yeast, and mold. Both can be diluted with coconut oil which contains compounds that boost the immune system and have anti-fungal properties.

Add 5 drops of garlic oil and 5 drops of oregano oil to one teaspoon. Then, add just enough coconut oil until you have one full teaspoon of this mixture. Consider taking this daily for one month to allow it to gradually balance out your body's microorganisms. You can also include xylitol, curcumin, or aloe vera for added benefits. Blue light therapy may also be beneficial, as well as red light therapy if you've had surgery on your sinuses.


Apr 23, 202405:29
Are Expensive Eggs Really Worth It?

Are Expensive Eggs Really Worth It?

In this podcast, we’ll examine all of the different types of chicken eggs available in the store. The different labels and classifications can be confusing.

Around 65% of all chickens used for laying chicken eggs are in cages. Caged chickens are required to get at least 67 square inches of space, which is a little over 8 x 8 inches. New California caged chickens get a few more inches but not even one square foot of space.

Cage-free chickens are not in a cage but are generally confined to a barn with many other chickens. Each chicken gets one square foot of space.

Free-range chickens get 2 square feet of space. They have free range in a barn and typically have access to the outdoors, but it’s unclear if they have access to outdoor grass or if the area is cement.

Pasture-raised chickens get 10 feet by 10 feet of outdoor space.

When chickens don’t get enough space, their cortisol and adrenaline levels increase. This is unhealthy for the chickens and causes them to produce less healthy chicken eggs.

When looking for chicken eggs at the store, terms like “natural,” “vegetarian-fed,” and different grades of chicken eggs mean nothing!

Conventional eggs come from chickens that are fed chicken feed made of corn and soy. This means their food is GMO, sprayed with chemicals, and very high in omega-6 fatty acids. The eggs are then much higher in omega-6 fatty acids. Foods high in omega-6 fatty acids affect the mitochondria, the nervous system, and the heart. They also create inflammation in the body.

If you can't raise backyard chickens and you can't get to a farmer’s market, look for organic pasture-raised eggs. It will be more expensive, but it's worth the investment in your health.

Apr 22, 202406:09
Preventing Dental Plaque Formation Forever: Simple Solution

Preventing Dental Plaque Formation Forever: Simple Solution

In this podcast, I’m going to tell you how to stop dental plaque formation in its tracks. Dental plaque is a biofilm of microbes. A biofilm is a calcium shell built to protect a group of microbes. Plaque is one of the primary causes of gingivitis, bad breath, and tooth decay. You can brush and floss regularly and still get plaque!

Your mouth contains the second-largest group of microbes in your body. The majority of these microbes are known as commensal, so they’re not necessarily friendly but also not unfriendly. If you kill them, you could end up with a candida infection or oral thrush.

Plaque develops when this friendly relationship turns into a pathogenic relationship. Dental plaque biofilms can develop under stress! Poor diet, sugar consumption, smoking, alcohol, and antibiotics can also contribute to dental plaque formation.

Certain chemicals can mimic antibiotics in the mouth. Ironically, chlorhexidine, the main chemical in mouthwash, mimics antibiotics in the mouth. It also increases acidity and the risk of tooth decay.

Fluoride is in the majority of toothpastes and our water supply. It’s been around for 60 years, but there have never been any randomized controlled trials on fluoride in our water.

Fluoride is not controlled by the FDA, CDC, EPA, or the American Dental Association—it's controlled by a private entity. It’s best to filter your water to remove fluoride.

You’ll want to get the good microbes back into your mouth to remove dental plaque. Consume probiotic-rich foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and kefir.

If you chew gum, make sure to choose xylitol gum.


Apr 21, 202405:04
The One Big REGRET I Had in Practice Was...

The One Big REGRET I Had in Practice Was...

In this video, I'm going to share one of the biggest regrets I had in practice. I used to recommend 1200 mg of calcium, especially to post-menopausal women for bone health and people with osteoporosis or osteopenia.

People with osteoporosis lack calcium in their bones, but every osteoporotic person has excess calcium outside of the bone.

Fifteen independent clinical trials found that people taking an extra 500 mg of calcium per day had a 30% increased risk for heart attacks and 20% for strokes. One study that followed 61,000 people over 19 years showed that people taking over 1400 mg of calcium per day had a 114% increased risk of heart attack.

The average multivitamin is packed full of calcium carbonate. Coincidentally, ⅓ of all adults in America have calcification in their arteries. Consuming excess calcium doesn't mean it will go straight to your bones!

Calcium has a vital role in cellular communication. There is 1000 to 10,000 times more calcium outside the cell than inside the cell. Too much intracellular calcium leads to cell death. In fact, calcium accumulation is an independent risk factor of all-cause mortality.

Instead of taking large amounts of calcium for bone loss, vitamin C could help.

At least 6000 mg of vitamin C daily, broken up into 2 to 4 doses, may help improve bone health. Adequate vitamin C may help suppress osteoclasts—the cells that break down your bone. It can also help the absorption of calcium into the bone.


Apr 20, 202407:29
The Cause of Your Sinus Stuffiness (Congestion) Is Hiding in Your Pillow
Apr 19, 202403:10
Can BERBERINE Be a “Natural Ozempic” for Weight Loss?

Can BERBERINE Be a “Natural Ozempic” for Weight Loss?

Apr 18, 202404:26
How to Stop Addictions (Nicotine, Alcohol, & Drugs)

How to Stop Addictions (Nicotine, Alcohol, & Drugs)

Addiction to substances like nicotine, alcohol, and drugs can be incredibly difficult to overcome. These addictions harm our mental and physical health and deplete essential nutrients in the body, particularly NAD.

NAD is a crucial coenzyme involved in over 500 different chemical reactions in the body. It plays a vital role in energy production, DNA repair, and maintaining proper cellular functioning. However, addiction to substances like nicotine, alcohol, and drugs can significantly deplete NAD levels in the body.

Symptoms of NAD deficiency include fatigue, muscle soreness, weight gain, difficulty sleeping and concentrating, brain fog, and decreased stamina. These symptoms can make it even harder for someone to overcome an addiction.

To combat NAD deficiency, consider taking vitamin B3, also known as niacin. Niacin helps increase NAD levels in the body, improving energy, helping to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings, and aiding in addiction recovery.

Some people may experience a flushing response on their skin when taking niacin, which can be uncomfortable. In this case, no-flush niacin can be used instead.

In addition to supplementing with niacin, there are other ways to increase NAD levels in the body, such as intermittent fasting, following a healthy ketogenic diet, and regular exercise.

These lifestyle changes can support addiction recovery and overall well-being. In some cases, clinics offer IV therapy for NAD to help with addiction recovery. However, this can be expensive and not accessible to everyone.


Apr 17, 202404:27
The MOST Overlooked Cause of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

The MOST Overlooked Cause of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

Around 90% of all hypertension is essential hypertension, which means it has no known cause.

Southern states have the highest risk of hypertension and the highest risk of strokes. They also have a much higher rate of zinc-deficient soils.

Zinc deficiency can cause hypertension. Doctors are often hyper-focused on reducing sodium to lower blood pressure, and people are surprised to find their blood pressure does not go down after reducing their salt intake.

If you’re deficient in zinc, your sense of taste and smell is often inhibited. This might cause you to add more salt to your food and crave junk food. The average American indeed consumes too much sodium from junk food and not enough potassium, but zinc deficiency is also a significant issue.

ACE 2 inhibitors are the number one blood pressure medication. This type of medication depletes zinc, potentially causing more blood pressure problems. Diuretics, antibiotics, antacids, and birth control pills also deplete zinc.

Zinc is a helper mineral for making nitric oxide, a vasodilator that helps relax the blood vessels. Zinc is required for nitric oxide to work. Zinc is also necessary to make certain antioxidants, including SOD, which helps to keep inflammation at bay.

You can become deficient in zinc by consuming food grown in zinc-deficient soils or if you don’t consume shellfish and red meat. Sugar, refined carbs, whole grains, alcohol, and fructose deplete zinc. Weak stomach acid interferes with mineral absorption, which can contribute to a zinc deficiency.

Oysters and other shellfish, as well as red meat, are the best sources of zinc.

Apr 16, 202405:01
The #1 Vitamin Deficiency Behind Migraines (MUST KNOW)

The #1 Vitamin Deficiency Behind Migraines (MUST KNOW)

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about the #1 vitamin deficiency behind migraines. Migraines can cause debilitating pain and hypersensitivity to smells, sounds, and light. They can also cause nausea and increase the impulse to vomit.

Migraines can be genetic, but this doesn’t mean you have to live with them. You have to understand the epigenetic factors that can potentially help you override this genetic weakness.

There is a connection between under-functioning mitochondria and migraines. This vitamin is involved with an enzyme that helps preserve the aerobic metabolism in your mitochondria. It also helps you build up glutathione.

One of the earliest indications of Parkinson’s disease is the failure of the glutathione mechanism. If you don’t have enough glutathione, it can cause serious damage to your neurons.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) deficiency is the vitamin deficiency often involved with migraines. If you have a genetic problem in your mitochondria, you may need more vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 helps allow oxygen to work through the mitochondria.

Try taking 400 mg of vitamin B2 to help prevent migraines. If you want to know how to get rid of a migraine if you already have one, try taking 100 mg of vitamin B2 every hour until your migraine symptoms are gone—but don't exceed 400 mg per day.

Sodium deficiencies can also cause migraines. Consuming more sea salt can help. If vitamin B2 doesn’t provide migraine relief, you can also try ginger or turmeric.


Apr 15, 202404:19
Fascinating Insights on Hashimoto's (Hypothyroidism)

Fascinating Insights on Hashimoto's (Hypothyroidism)

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Dimitris Tsoukalas. There’s a chronic condition that’s more prevalent than cardiovascular disease and cancer combined. Autoimmune disease is the most common chronic illness, with over 50 million people suffering from autoimmune conditions in the US.

Autoimmune disease is a condition where the immune system does not recognize certain organs and tissues, so it attacks them. Hashimoto’s is the most common autoimmune disease.

Dr. Tsoukala explains that Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a chronic inflammatory condition in which the immune system attacks and gradually destroys the thyroid gland. This reduces the thyroid's function, leading to hypothyroidism.

Around 26 million people in the United States are suffering from Hashimoto's disease—and 9 out of 10 are women.

One of the first symptoms of Hashimoto’s is low energy. This is because the hormones produced by the thyroid gland regulate metabolism and control the metabolic rate. People with Hashimoto’s also have difficulty regulating body weight because their metabolic rate is slow. Hormonal imbalance and emotional instability are other common symptoms of Hashimoto’s.

All of Dr. Tsoukalas’ patients diagnosed with Hashimoto’s also have vitamin D deficiencies. More than 90% of his Hashimoto’s patients are insulin resistant. Another common problem associated with Hashimoto’s is multiple marginal micronutrient deficiencies. These deficiencies lead to mitochondrial dysfunction.

Dr. Tsoukalas takes a unique and groundbreaking approach with his patients and utilizes metabolomic testing, which tests chemical reactions in the body to help determine any deficiencies.


Apr 14, 202423:60