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The Dr. Claudia Show

The Dr. Claudia Show

By Smilecom Media

The Dr. Claudia Show offers advice and real life solutions for your life and your relationships - friends, family, marriage, parenting.

Dr. Claudia's :60 Second Parenting Pointers offers parenting advice and solutions for your family. Dr. Claudia McCulloch teaches you to raise happier, healthier, and well adjusted kids. Learning to parent and educate your child properly will provide you and your family a more peaceful and empowering home environment.
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Parenting Pointers 1123 - Feeling full and getting depressed

The Dr. Claudia ShowNov 12, 2020

Parenting Pointers 1139 - Do different occupations drive differently?

Parenting Pointers 1139 - Do different occupations drive differently?

Do different occupations drive differently?

Have you ever looked at people driving cars and wonder what they do for a living?  Think their occupations have anything to do with their driving style?  It does.  Makes sense, right?  Let’s take the medical profession.  Does a dermatologist drive differently than a surgeon?  A study that focused on fast driving, luxury car owners and their medical specialty gave us the answers.  All of this information was learned during speeding traffic stops.  As it turns out, orthopedists are the fastest drivers.  Psychiatrists are next, followed by general surgeons, who are being tailgated by cardiologists, who, incidentally, drive the most expensive cars.  It makes sense that personality is a major factor in choosing professions, and those personality factors influence driving styles.  Hmmm…I wonder if NASCAR drivers speed on the interstate?

Dec 04, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1138 - Your childhood lunchbox

Parenting Pointers 1138 - Your childhood lunchbox

Your childhood lunchbox

Remember that lunchbox you carried to school?  Or, did you have a brown paper bag like me?  The one that was reused until it became too tired to safely carry my sandwich anymore.  Maybe you had one of those cool domed Disney School Bus domed metal boxes.  Wow!  Six million were sold from the early 1960’s.  Lunchboxes designed for kids hit the market in 1902.  They were shaped like a picnic basket and had pictures of kids playing on it.  Designer lunchboxes hit the market big time in 1950 when the tv cowboy Hopalong Cassidy was featured.  Dr. Seuss was one of the few celebrities allowed to design his own.  So fun!  But, the party was over when, in 1987, parents’ groups started complaining that metal lunchboxes could be used as weapons.  It’s always something, isn’t it?

Dec 03, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1137 - Teens share too much online

Parenting Pointers 1137 - Teens share too much online

Teens share too much online

Think your teen isn’t sharing private information online?  Think again.  Just because your little darling is very smart and seems mature for her age, don’t think she has the wisdom and judgment she needs to protect herself.  But, it’s not just her.  About 75% of teens, ages 13 to 17, report that they’ve given their full birth date, address and importantly, the school they attend.  They’re so accustomed to sharing everything with their friends that their awareness isn’t as sharp as it might otherwise be.  While they think they don’t share too much, most of them think their friends share way too much personal info.  Sit them down once a month and talk about what they can share safely and the data they cannot share.  Make sure they understand that their personal information is also the family’s personal information and careless sharing could endanger the family.

Dec 02, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1136 - A messy kitchen can make you fat

Parenting Pointers 1136 - A messy kitchen can make you fat

A messy kitchen can make you fat

Is your kitchen a disorganized mess?  If so, it might be adding to your waistline.  People with chaotic kitchens frequently have out-of-control feelings of stress that make them hungry.  Their thoughts go something like this...”Life is hard.  I’m really stressed.  I deserve a treat”.  Oh yeah, and what happens next?  They get really stressed again and they go looking for food in their totally messed up kitchens.  We get good at what we practice and when we practice feeling sorry for ourselves, we might just dive into that carton of ice cream.  Then, we feel terrible and the kitchen doesn’t get cleaned up and neither does the rest of the house.  We feel out of control and the kitchen is screaming at you saying, “You’re out of control.  Just look at me!”  Women who feel stressed eat twice as many snacks in a chaotic kitchen as those in a quiet, organized space.  Clean up your kitchen.  Quiet your mind and lose weight.

Dec 01, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1135 - Marijuana in dispensaries is stronger

Parenting Pointers 1135 - Marijuana in dispensaries is stronger

Marijuana in dispensaries is stronger

Got a prescription for pot?  If you get that filled at a medical marijuana dispensary, you’re likely to get a stronger dose than the doctor prescribed.  A lot stronger.  Doctors typically prescribe 5% THC and a survey of products at dispensaries revealed that the THC level is at 10%.  Side effects such as anxiety and paranoia, plus the tendency to develop a tolerance, increases with dosage.  Don’t think you can inhale a little less to offset the increase in THC, because a single puff of a potent cannabis product could put you over the edge.  You got the pot because you’re anxious and yikes, your anxiety has skyrocketed and now, you’re a little paranoid.  You’re miserable.  If this happens, call your doctor.  Perhaps your dispensary can make changes so that the THC is closer to 5% so you can benefit from it.

Nov 30, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1134 - Are middle names necessary?

Parenting Pointers 1134 - Are middle names necessary?

Are middle names necessary?

How many people know your middle name?  Are you ashamed of it, delighted by it?  Middle names are phasing out.  125 years ago, most Congressmen used their middle initial and now, most don’t.  But that’s Congress.  In ancient Roman times, only the elite had middle names.  The first name was for the individual and the last was for the family.  The middle name was a nickname of sorts.  Come the 1200’s in Italy, only the upper class had middle names, but that didn’t last long.  Two hundred years later, middle names became popular among all people.  The middle name offers an advantage to help us stand out amongst others with whom we share our first and last names.  In our current society, we’ve become numbers and that’s how the system tells the difference.  If you’ve given your child a name that they don’t love, they can always use their middle name.  Just a thought.

Nov 27, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1133 - Women with thinning hair

Parenting Pointers 1133 - Women with thinning hair

Women with thinning hair

Disney princesses.  Hollywood celebrities.  Yep, they’ve set us up to believe that all women should have full, lush hair.  The way it works is that when we reach 30, about a third of us will have noticeably thinning hair.  It’s normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs every day, but if you start losing upwards of 150 hairs, you’ll notice.  The condition also includes hair miniaturization which means that your hairs will have a smaller diameter.  At that point, you’re well into the female pattern of hair loss.  You can’t avoid it.  It’s inherited from your Mom or Dad.  The good news is that you won’t go bald and your hairline won’t recede.  But, hair loss starts at the crown and you’ll see a widening of the part.  Early treatment gives the best results.  See your doctor right now to get Rogaine.  You’ll be using it the rest of your life or the loss will continue.

Nov 26, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1132 - They apologized, but I’m still really mad

Parenting Pointers 1132 - They apologized, but I’m still really mad

They apologized, but I’m still really mad

Your feelings are really hurt.  They apologized, but you’re still angry.  Was the apology all it should’ve been?  There are 5 critical elements of a “healing apology” that ease the hurt and repair the relationship.  One, the offender must acknowledge the reasons for your pain and own their actions.  Two, they must accept blame instead of putting it on you with that, “Gee, I’m sorry your feelings are hurt” stuff.  Three, they don’t take an accusatory stance.  Four, the apology isn’t conditional.  There are no strings attached.  And five, the entire apology effort doesn’t leave you feeling worse about yourself.  If you’re still angry, then there are issues that need to be addressed.  Does this person treat you poorly way too much?  Is the relationship unhealthy?  If you’re still angry, accept that it’s valid and take action.  Apologizing fully and sincerely is an art.  Teach your children well.

Nov 25, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1131 - The most unusual jobs in America

Parenting Pointers 1131 - The most unusual jobs in America

The most unusual jobs in America

There’s a job for everyone, I guess.  Some “unusual jobs” are more unusual than others.  Would you like to be a professional snuggler?  They make upwards of $80 for a 90-minute snuggle.  How about a golf ball diver or a pet food taster?  Would you prefer to test beds or sniff paper towels to see if they have just the right scent for your kitchen?  Hate to wait in line?  You can pay someone to do that for you.  If you’re a kid at heart, you can test water slides.  Love skin care products?  Companies always need people to feel customers’ faces to see if there’s any improvement.  If you have beautiful hands or a perfect body, you can be a body part model.  Even if you have ugly hands or feet, you’re hired!  And finally, if you’re really brave, you can be an armpit sniffer for deodorant manufacturers.  There is truly a job for everyone!

Nov 24, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1130 - Sitting up straight and crossing your arms works wonders

Parenting Pointers 1130 - Sitting up straight and crossing your arms works wonders

Sitting up straight and crossing your arms works wonders

Science proved it.  When you’re faced with a challenging task, people who sat up straight and crossed their arms stayed with it for nearly twice as long as those who didn’t assume such a determined stance.  When you change body postures, breathing patterns, muscle tension, facial expressions, gestures, movements, words and even vocal tones, there’s a surge of chemicals that change our internal state.  The same thing happens when you smile.  Smiling can trick your mind into feeling happy, simply by moving your facial muscles.  Smiling activates a positive series of reactions in the brain.  When your muscles say you’re happy, you’re more likely to have positive experiences with others.  Facial expressions contribute to how you feel, they don’t cause feelings.  So, control the controllable and “assume the position” of happiness or confidence when you’re faced with difficult situations.

Nov 23, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1129 - Will bank buildings become obsolete?

Parenting Pointers 1129 - Will bank buildings become obsolete?

Will bank buildings become obsolete?

Most Americans think bank buildings will become a thing of the past in the near future.  Why?  The digital age has revolutionized the banking industry.  About 27% of Millennials, ages 23 to 38, have never been in a bank and make all of their transactions electronically.  Not only can business be conducted fast and easy, but all of the records are online.  No more paper chase.  It’s not just the Millennials that think banks are quickly becoming a thing of the past.  Nearly 70% of Baby Boomers believe that brick-and-mortar facilities are outdated.  We’re quickly becoming comfortable about not having a physical building in our neighborhood.  Banks and tellers may not disappear for a while yet, so enjoy while you can.  And, start educating yourselves about the values and risks of online transactions.  Don’t wait ‘til your local bank is a pile of rubble.

Nov 20, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1128 - What is the happiest time in a marriage?

Parenting Pointers 1128 - What is the happiest time in a marriage?

What is the happiest time in a marriage?

Every marriage has its own season.  It can’t be all rainbows and champagne every day, but, many marriages enjoy specific periods of time that seem to bring the greatest satisfaction.  The happiest time in a marriage is said to be 11 months and 8 days after the wedding.  All of life is fresh, new and exciting.  About 2 years and 4 months in, couples enjoy the height of intimacy.  At about 2½ years, wives are satisfied with the attention they’ve received in terms of compliments, gifts and flowers.  Men helping with household chores peaks just before the 3rd anniversary and after that, something special happens.  Couples feel completely comfortable with each other and have a clear path for their future.  It takes work.  Make sure, as you start your marriage, you’ve got an agreed-upon plan for resolving conflicts.  Now, you can sit back and enjoy your happily ever after.

Nov 19, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1126 - That diet lasts only a year

Parenting Pointers 1126 - That diet lasts only a year

That diet lasts only a year

Don’t you feel like the science people keep upping the ante when it comes to keeping our weight under control?  Yep, the latest bad news is that most diets stop working after a year.  You thought you had it made when you got to the one-year mark, but that’s not the case.  Sure, you enjoyed lower blood pressure with that weight loss and your doctor has stopped nagging you.  Yes, you benefited emotionally from those workouts.  You’re not as anxious as you once were, and you’ve managed to stave off that growing depression that really scared you.  But, the reality is you’re not home free.  You need to maintain your healthy diet and the exercise plan in order to continue to benefit from your efforts.  For how long?  Probably for the rest of your life.  As you age, your body will change.  Not only will you have to maintain your regimen, you’ll have to tailor it as you go along.  You probably remember your parents saying, “Anything worth having is worth working for”.  Stick with it.

Nov 18, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1126 - Cleaning your house makes you happier

Parenting Pointers 1126 - Cleaning your house makes you happier

Oh no, say it ain’t so, Dr. Claudia!  Waddya mean that doing housework can make me happier?  People who clean their own homes are 25% happier than those who don’t.  And, what’s worse is that for every extra hour of cleaning a week, the happier you are by a whopping 53%.  What’s going on here?  If you have a tidy home, you’re likely to be more relaxed, have increased focus, greater productivity and you’ll sleep better.  If your environment is a mess, you feel out of control.  You can’t find anything and that ancient brain of yours, well, if you’re female, your ancient brain is on edge.  Because we’re not as strong as men, we need to be very aware of our environment so that we can protect ourselves.  What’s that in the corner?  A saber-tooth cat?  Nah, just a backpack.  The best part of all of this is that if your home is clean, your kids’ behavior will improve.

Nov 17, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1125 - Social anxiety might be genetic

Parenting Pointers 1125 - Social anxiety might be genetic

Social anxiety might be genetic

Ten percent of people will experience social anxiety in their lifetimes.  Social anxiety is that distressing feeling you get when you worry about being judged by others.  You avoid any social situation where people will think poorly of you.  And, in your mind, they can only be critical of you.  If you prefer to interact online rather than in person, you just might have social anxiety.  Physically, it causes you to have a rapid heartbeat and feel out of breath.  You get shaky and your palms sweat.  Science is now telling us that there’s a genetic factor to this painful condition.  The gene that’s supposed to get serotonin, the body’s antidepressant, to the brain, doesn’t get the job done.  We used to think that learning to expect social failure was responsible for this distress, but not anymore.  OK, so maybe it’s not your fault that you inherited social anxiety, but it is your responsibility to treat it.

Nov 16, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1124 - Delivered, take-out food can make you fat

Parenting Pointers 1124 - Delivered, take-out food can make you fat

Delivered, take-out food can make you fat

Too busy to cook?  What to eat tonight?  Grab the stack of take-out menus and get something delivered.  It’s another night in front of the tv watching the latest popular series eating out of cartons.  Too busy to worry about what it’s doing to you.  You’re young and healthy.  You’ll worry about it later.  At some point, you’ll catch a peek at yourself in a window and say, “OK, NOW I’ve gotta do something!  Here’s the plan.  Get low-fat, high protein meals delivered from well-known restaurants and when you get it, put it on a plate.  Eat at your table and don’t watch tv.  Why?  Because when you watch and eat, you’ll get distracted and gulp down about 400 more calories than you need.  Learn to make the basics and make your own dinners 2 times a week.  Order the groceries online and wean yourself off the fat trap.  Your bank account will grow, and your waistline will shrink.

Nov 13, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1123 - Feeling full and getting depressed

Parenting Pointers 1123 - Feeling full and getting depressed

Feeling full and getting depressed

People who regularly eat fast food over a period of 6 years are 41% more likely to become depressed than those who avoided the fat crud.  Scientists looking at this connection decided that it’s the high level of artificial trans fats that’s interfering with the brain’s ability to produce certain mood stabilizing neurotransmitters.  Neurotransmitters are chemicals responsible for sending messages throughout the body.  Kind of important, right?  Despite the 2018 ban on artificial trans fats because of their destructive properties, they’re still here.  The main culprits are vegetable shortening, some microwave popcorns, some vegetable oils, fried fast foods, bakery products and non-dairy coffee creamers.  Check the ingredients on packaged foods you buy.  Don’t eat this stuff without knowing it.  Don’t let your potato chips make you depressed.

Nov 12, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1122 - Left brain, right brain. It’s a no-brainer.

Parenting Pointers 1122 - Left brain, right brain. It’s a no-brainer.

Left brain, right brain.  It’s a no-brainer.

Not too long ago, we still thought that people who are left-brained are more logical, analytical and math oriented while right-brained folks are more emotional, intuitive, artistic and free spirited.  We don’t believe this anymore because science has learned the truth.  Even common sense tells us that both sides of the brain should be working together.  Most behaviors and abilities require that both sides of the brain cross the aisle to process information and solve problems.  If you’re right-handed or left, you need your whole brain to achieve your goals.  You have talents, quirks, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, but they have nothing to do with which side of your brain you use more.  Every time you learn something, say or do something, you need both sides of your brain to get it done.  It takes two, baby, just like the song says.

Nov 11, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1121 - So, what is this new umami taste anyway?

Parenting Pointers 1121 - So, what is this new umami taste anyway?

So, what is this new umami taste anyway?

You keep hearing about it.  Suddenly, out of the blue, there’s a new flavor.  It’s umami, a Japanese word that means a “pleasant, savory taste”.  Foods with an umami flavor have a brothy or meaty essence that’s long-lasting, mouth-watering and leaves a coating sensation over the tongue.  The source of the taste is a high level of glutamate, an amino acid.  Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and have critical roles in your health.  The umami taste is found in meats, dairy, fish, mushrooms, miso and vegetables.  Ketchup is an umami flavor.  Since umami is readily sensed in foods with high levels of protein, detecting it is critical for survival.  Umami-rich foods are more filling and curb your appetite.  Move over sweet, salty, bitter and sour, there’s a new taste in town.

Nov 10, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1120 - Can your friends make you fat?

Parenting Pointers 1120 - Can your friends make you fat?

Can your friends make you fat?

Do your friends influence your weight?  Yes, they do, and it makes sense, doesn’t it?  Our friends influence our fashion, our way of speaking and gesturing, the movies we see, the books we read and our love interests.  A study from Harvard Medical School cautions us about the powerful influence of our friend’s weight on our eating habits.  If they’re thin, you’re likely to mind your calories.  If they’re overweight, your scale is likely to move in that direction.  As friends, you may end up eating out more than you’d like, and you may adopt some of their food preferences.  Snacking accounts for more than half of our daily eating events.  We’re eating and drinking 14 different kinds of food and beverages daily.  Overall, we’re eating just too much.  Host social events that don’t involve eating a lot of food or consuming sugary drinks.  Focus on the friends and not the food.

Nov 09, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1119 - Why does a total stranger understand me?

Parenting Pointers 1119 - Why does a total stranger understand me?

Why does a total stranger understand me?

It’s so much easier to tell a stranger your troubles than to tell your friends or family.  Strangers have no investment in you, so they can offer their opinions freely.  Your relationship might be as long as a plane ride or the 10 minutes waiting in line at the post office, so no big deal, you’re not likely to see them again.  And, there’s not as much risk of being judged by a stranger than by people who are in your inner circle.  Yes, these factors help strangers understand you better than your crew, but, it’s the more descriptive and clear language that we use when giving new information to strangers, that bridges the gap.  We assume our friends and family will “fill in the blanks”.  To clearly communicate with our loved ones, stop making assumptions about what you think they know about you.  Spell it all out and skip the shortcuts.  You’ll be surprised what you learn about one another.

Nov 06, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1118 - Does technology cause infidelity?

Parenting Pointers 1118 - Does technology cause infidelity?

Does technology cause infidelity?

Does technology cause infidelity?  No, it doesn’t.  Technology makes it easier.  For those with wandering eyes who are already predisposed to cheat, the digital age gives them the means to do it faster and more conveniently.  For some who stray, the ease of moving from thinking to doing just may mean the difference between staying and going.  People in healthy, satisfying relationships aren’t going to use technology to see what else is on the menu.  Dissatisfaction in the relationship is the driving force behind the itch to wander.  Make sure that the two of you have a strong connection in the real world of real life.  Have an issue?  Sit down and talk openly and honestly about how both of you are feeling and resolve the situation.  Having that consistent problem-solving process is key to a long and fulfilling relationship.

Nov 05, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1117 - A new approach to getting a good night’s sleep

Parenting Pointers 1117 - A new approach to getting a good night’s sleep

A new approach to getting a good night’s sleep

Some people will try just about anything to get a good night’s sleep.  The latest new idea is to wear sunglasses two hours before going to bed to tell your biological clock that this is now the end of the day.  Edison knew that his light bulb would cause sleep-deprivation and it has.  We have artificial light sources available to us 24 hours a day and now, we have the lure of all of those digital devices pinging away.  In addition, people who don’t get enough natural light exposure during the day are robbing their brains of important clues to regulate metabolism and sleep.  This may be more important to the aging population than it is for the twenty-somethings, so as you age, be more diligent about the quality of your sleep.  There’s a strong link between poor sleep and dementia.  Have the best life possible, put on those shades and get some sleep!

Nov 04, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1116 - This is what happens when you overeat

Parenting Pointers 1116 - This is what happens when you overeat

This is what happens when you overeat

Eat a small bit of food every 3 hours to keep from getting fuzzy-headed and hangry.  But, there are times when you overeat.  What happens when you do?  You get that ugly food baby belly.  It’ll take a while for it to go down, so don’t even think about that bikini!  When you swallow food, you also swallow air.  You not only get full, but bloated.  Eat slowly.  When you take in more food than your metabolism can handle, your body tries to burn off those extra calories and you get hot.  Take a cool shower.  If you gorge, you throw off your sleep cycle due to changes in hormones.  Eating too much speeds up your digestive process and you’ll be in the bathroom a lot.  You’ll get nauseous, so drink ginger tea for relief.  And finally, you’ll be exhausted the next day because your body is working overtime.  Be smart.  Eat sensibly!

Nov 03, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1115 - What time should I do my best work?

Parenting Pointers 1115 - What time should I do my best work?

What time should I do my best work?

If you feel that your mind is at its sharpest in the morning, it’s due to the body’s natural clock where the “fear factor” chemical of cortisol starts up at 6, slows down by noon and ends at about 3 p.m.  You wondered why you needed a cup of coffee or a nap at about 3?  Mystery solved!  The cortisol activation response is a leftover from the ancient brain that gets turned on when light hits your eyes.  Your body feels its best and your brain operates at top performance during those 6 hours between 6 a.m. and 12 noon.  Keep this schedule and you’ll get into bed at a reasonable time, need between 7 and 10 minutes to fall asleep and then, be ready to hop out and take on the day at 6 in the morning.  The world’s most effective and successful people make it a habit to “rise and shine”.  Try it out!  Be a healthy role model for your children.

Nov 02, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1114 - Factors that help you to stay married

Parenting Pointers 1114 - Factors that help you to stay married

Factors that help you to stay married

Science tells us about common-sense factors that can help you stay married.  If each of you belongs to one or two social media sites instead of being active on many, you’ll stay married longer.  Being too active on social media undermines the bond you share as a couple.  If you smiled in photos of you as a kid, in high school and in college, you’re likely to be more emotionally stable and positive, a good sign for marriage.  If neither of you has lived with another partner, your chances of divorce increase by 209%.  It suggests a lack of commitment.  If you have sons, you’re 17% less likely to get divorced.  Men don’t want their sons being raised by a woman.  It’s the small and almost unnoticed factors in life that can make or break a relationship.  Staying married is tough, do what you can to increase the odds.

Oct 30, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1113 - I just can’t get it out of my head.

Parenting Pointers 1113 - I just can’t get it out of my head.

I just can’t get it out of my head.

You’re driving along, minding your own business when a truly great song from your teen years comes on.  You loved that song.  Six hours later, you can’t get rid of it.  You’re losing your mind.  That song is likely to have a greater “stick factor” because it’s upbeat, has a fast tempo and a generic and easy to remember melody.  It’s a unique song.  Most of us, 90%, get an “earworm” like your song, stuck in our heads at least once a week.  It happens when our brains aren’t doing much such as taking a shower or a walk or doing mindless chores.  The brain is always searching for something novel to focus on and a song is a great target.  What do you do to keep your sanity?  Embrace the song.  Listen to a lot of songs.  Don’t work hard to avoid it.  That’s not the way the brain works.  The more you try not to think about it, the more you’ll hear it.  It will fade on its own.

Oct 29, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1112 - “Mean girls” start at age 4.

Parenting Pointers 1112 - “Mean girls” start at age 4.

“Mean girls” start at age 4.

Do the “mean girls” just sprout out of the ground as vicious middle schoolers and reach their peak of sadistic behavior in high school?  No!  They usually start at age 4.  Nobody reins them in and it gets worse.  Relational aggression, which is the harm to someone’s relationships or social status, starts in preschool.  Mostly girls do it.  Boys just beat each other up.  What does relational aggression look like?  It’s bullying the friends of enemies, putting rules on friendships and misinterpreting the behavior of other girls as hostile.  Girls who aren’t optimistic and are quick to frustrate resort to these behaviors.  They’re used to getting what they want.  They copy what they see.  Watch your daughters playing.  How do they relate to others?  Help them understand the behaviors that set them off.  Reinforce kindness.  You don’t want your mean girl turning on you.

Oct 28, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1111 - The dreaded brain freeze!

Parenting Pointers 1111 - The dreaded brain freeze!

The dreaded brain freeze!

Really hot and thirsty?  Gulp that ice-cold glass of tea and seconds later, realize your mistake?  When we gulp icy beverages, an artery behind our eyes dilates and presses on a nearby nerve and wham-o, brain freeze.  Rub your forehead like mad, but it’s no use.  What other things happen when you drink cold beverages?  Ice cold water slows your digestion to a crawl by narrowing your blood vessels.  Cold water solidifies the fats you’ve just eaten and take longer to be digested.  Sip room temperature water between bites.  Cold water can give you a sore throat and a stuffy nose by causing the build-up of mucus.  Cold water can decrease your heart rate and you can pass out.  If you’ve just finished a workout, cold water will pass right through you and won’t rehydrate you.  Teach kids to sip, not gulp cold drinks when they’re super-hot and thirsty.

Oct 27, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1110 - Dagnabit! Does your family have alternative swear words?

Parenting Pointers 1110 - Dagnabit! Does your family have alternative swear words?

Dagnabit! Does your family have alternative swear words?

I recently read where swearing is a sign of intelligence.  I don’t care what the research says, profanity isn’t OK for a lot of people.  So, what do you do when you hit your thumb with the hammer?  Your family should have an agreed-upon list of cuss word alternatives.  But, they can’t be just any words.  They’ve got to really feel like a cuss word.  They can’t sound “nice”.  Fiddlesticks just ain’t gonna get it.  Some have proposed William Shatner as an alternative.  I kinda like it!  Then, others like “shitake mushrooms”.  Getting closer.  Fungicidal?  OK, maybe.  You and your family may want to have a sit down and come up with goofy-sounding and somewhat realistic words to use in case you need that one serious swear word.  Make sure your kid’s elementary school teacher knows what the word is so that it isn’t mistaken for profanity and your kid ends up in the principal’s office.

Oct 26, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1109 - Sleep versus money

Parenting Pointers 1109 - Sleep versus money

Sleep versus money

Do you wake up from a good night’s sleep and say, “Wow, I feel like a million bucks”?  You’re more spot on than you think because the effects of improving the quality of your sleep are similar to the effects of winning the lottery.  Why is sleep worth its weight in gold?  Because your physical and emotional health are improved and you’re more productive.  It’s calming to finish your everyday tasks.  You don’t carry the weight of the unfinished jobs into your bed.  Pay attention to your sleep hygiene which includes the quality of your bed, your pillows and linens and your habits.  Stay off your devices, keep your room dark and cool, no booze, caffeine or food two hours before bed, maybe get a weighted blanket and put on one of those stories from the Calm app.  Sure, beds are expensive and no, you didn’t win that lottery, but invest in your health.  You’ve got a long road ahead to raise those kids and enjoy your grandbabies!

Oct 23, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1108 - What could go wrong? Toddlers and dogs.

Parenting Pointers 1108 - What could go wrong? Toddlers and dogs.

What could go wrong?  Toddlers and dogs.

Babies and puppies.  Toddlers and dogs.  Dogs are super great for kids.  They teach them empathy.  They are unconditional friends and they actually improve your kid’s immune system.  But let’s re-think this.  Dogs are a much better fit for kids who are older and who have more mature impulse control.  It’s the kids under 4 who are at greatest risk of a dog attack and since most bites occur to the face, ask yourself if you can live with that.  The optimum combo is an older dog and a kid who’s 6 or so.  Get a breed that’s known to be kid crazy and check the background for abuse as those dogs need more time and patience than you can give them.  Spend time with the dog before adoption and consider kid-training with a pro to avoid the terrible awful.  Never leave your child along with Fido no matter how long you’ve had him.  Kids and dogs are a great combo if you’re smart about it.

Oct 22, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1107 - Being held hostage by a begging preschooler

Parenting Pointers 1107 - Being held hostage by a begging preschooler

Being held hostage by a begging preschooler

You’ve been blessed with a baby and now she’s 4 and fierce.  You know that once you go into a store, she’s gonna want something, anything.  It’s gotta gotta gotta have it or I’m gonna die right now kind of want it.  Here’s what you do.  Despite the futility, in the car and at the door, you tell her that if she wants something, you and she can have a chat and if you say, “No”, then it’s no.  She’ll agree to anything.  Now, she’s clutching the doll with the beaded necklace and you see what’s going to happen.  You stop and take a breath.  You kneel down on one knee and say, “We’re here to buy Joey’s birthday gift and that’s all.  You’re not Joey”.  When she starts begging or screaming, ignore her.  Pick her up, grab Joey’s gift and despite all of the chaos, pay for it and leave.  Don’t talk to her.  Ignore everyone.  She’s trying to figure out the rules and just how tough you are.  Do it now or you’ll be her hostage forever.

Oct 21, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1106 - Coffee and your life span

Parenting Pointers 1106 - Coffee and your life span

Coffee and your life span

Most of us gotta have our black jet fuel in the morning.  We add sugar and cream, but no matter how you take it, it’s your daily ritual.  One day, science says it’s great for your health and the next, it’s terrible for you.  Still, there are 5 tried-and-true agreed-upon health benefits.  The American Heart Association has found that coffee lowers the risk of death.  Science says that coffee provides critical antioxidants.  They’re the substances that slow aging and prevent disease by blasting those pesky free radicals.  Coffee improves your mood, especially if you’re female.  It lowers inflammation which is the scourge of modern-day humans because it causes many diseases.  Coffee reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, the chances of coming down with prostate cancer in men and Type 2 diabetes.  Drink up and enjoy a longer life so you can spend more years with your grandchildren!

Oct 20, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1105 - Are you having an emotional affair?

Parenting Pointers 1105 - Are you having an emotional affair?

Are you having an emotional affair?

You have no intention of going over THAT line, but the fact is, you’re having an emotional affair.  This relationship isn’t as well-defined as physical infidelity, but it’s an intense and special bond.  Here’s how you tell you’re having an emotional affair.  You’re more excited to see them than your partner.  You’re an expert on their lives.  You go out of your way to do things for them.  You talk about them constantly and have fantasies of a future with them.  You’re defensive when someone points out how close you are.  In your relationship with your partner, you’re detached and have a negative attitude.  You complain about them.  The romance has dropped off.  You argue with them more.  You’re hiding your relationship by changing your tech habits.  You’re feeling like a third wheel in your own relationship.  Don’t confuse your kids.  If your marriage is over, face it and take action.

Oct 19, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1104 - The two things you need to be happy with your job

Parenting Pointers 1104 - The two things you need to be happy with your job

The two things you need to be happy with your job

Unhappy with your job?  Not sure why?  The reasons might be too subtle for you to notice, but when it happens, you grumble and tell yourself that you’re getting another job.  Work is likely to be more stressful and cause depression when you have little control over your day or aren’t allowed to solve problems on your own.  These two conditions, called autonomy, are very powerful.  Think about your job and the level of autonomy you have.  You’re likely not to have it if you work on an assembly line, but if you’re a surgeon, you have a great deal of autonomy and the responsibility it brings.  This independence also protects people whose jobs are intensely demanding.  If you have autonomy with a very demanding job, you’ll stay physically and mentally healthier.  Teach your kids about the subtle aspects of jobs that may impact their health and satisfaction with work.  It’s important.

Oct 16, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1103 - The side effects of biting your fingernails

Parenting Pointers 1103 - The side effects of biting your fingernails

The side effects of biting your fingernails

It’s disgusting and makes you look anxious and childish.  Biting your nails can also make you sick.  When you bite your nails, you’re taking in the germs hidden in your nail beds and under the nails themselves.  Yuck.  Biting your nails can cause painful infections and give you horrible breath.  You spread bacteria from nail to nail resulting in pusy blisters.  If you have warts on your fingers, they get spread, too.  Lovely, a wart on your lip!  Biting your nails takes its toll on your teeth.  All of that chewing can push your teeth out of place and even break them.  You’ll get hangnails and ingrown nails.  You’ll have to see a doctor.  If you polish your nails, you’ll get toxins from nail products in your mouth which can then travel to other parts of your body.  Sure, it’s not a lot of toxins, but do you know how they’ll impact your health?  Break this unhealthy habit now.  If you need to see a therapist, then do it!

Oct 15, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1102 - Your brain under the influence of devices

Parenting Pointers 1102 - Your brain under the influence of devices

Your brain under the influence of devices

It looks innocent enough, but that cell phone has a dark side.  When it comes to the brain, your smartphone is a drug delivery device.  Ever been hooked up to a morphine pump?  When you hit the button, the pain is gone.  Instead of morphine, the smartphone gives us hits of dopamine which is the extremely addicting reward juice of the brain.  You hear that ping that tells you you’ve got “incoming” and yum, your brain gets a dose of dopamine.  It’s your friend texting you, yay, another dose.  You read and respond, “OMG LOL” and it’s another dose.  You get into your car, and text her again.  Bam, a dose.  You buckle up and take off.  She responds while you’re blazing down the highway and that dopamine is so powerful, you look away and pick up the phone before you fully engage your brain to make decisions.  You don’t see the truck stopped in front of you.  The End.

Oct 14, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1101 - Health risks for flight attendants

Parenting Pointers 1101 - Health risks for flight attendants

Health risks for flight attendants

Sure, the job looks glamorous, but flight attendants have serious health hazards.  They get cancers more than the general population, a lot more.  Flight attendants get more breast cancer and melanoma than other professions.  They also get non-melanoma skin cancers, uterine, gastrointestinal, cervical and thyroid cancers.  Even having multiple children, doesn’t protect a flight attendant from getting breast cancer.  Being a mother is known to be a protective factor against the disease.  What’s causing this?  Is a disruption in the daily sleep cycle to blame?  It’s associated with an increased risk for cancer.  Is it exposure to carcinogenic chemicals or celestial radiation which is also a cancer risk?  What about frequent fliers?  They haven’t been studied, so no one knows.  More research is needed to develop policies to protect aircraft crews.

Oct 13, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1100 - Is divorce genetic?

Parenting Pointers 1100 - Is divorce genetic?

Is divorce genetic?

Adopted children have the marital traits of their biological parents.  We used to think that behaviors that led to divorce were handed down psychologically, but now we know that genetic factors better explain divorce.  One of those inherited personality traits is intense negativity, which I call the “Eeyore effect” where nothing is right, and everything is wrong all the time.  Another trait is the tendency to express very strong emotions regardless of the damage they cause.  Also contributing to divorce is the highly neurotic and anxious partner who’s hypercritical and sees every little flaw in their spouse.  Constant criticism leads to skirmishes and a lack of intimacy.  Does this sound like your marriage?  Consider going into therapy to explore your backgrounds to see if inherited personality traits are undermining your “happily ever after”.

Oct 12, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1099 - I see you more positively than you are

Parenting Pointers 1099 - I see you more positively than you are

I see you more positively than you are

We see those we care about the most in an overly positive light.  This kind of perception is known as “vicarious optimism”.  You can tune in to any crime show and listen to people say, “Why, Joe would never do a thing like that.  He just isn’t capable”.  Oh really?  Joe’s friends and family are prone to changing their beliefs only when it comes to good news, but they won’t budge even when they hear that he’s killed 35 people in 15 states in a murder spree.  Vicarious optimism also causes us to believe that positive events could happen more often to people we like, even when that event is unlikely to happen.  As we get to like people more, vicarious optimism deepens.  In actuality, all of this is a form of denial.  Help those you love by being aware of this bias, seeing them for who they are and helping them become the best version of themselves.

Oct 09, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1098 - How can you tell if you’re addicted to social media?

Parenting Pointers 1098 - How can you tell if you’re addicted to social media?

How can you tell if you’re addicted to social media?

Stop telling me that I’m addicted to social media.  I’m not, I’m not, I’m not – says every addict on the planet.  Oh, but you are.  If you’re interested in a bit of self-diagnosis, here are a few questions for you.  Have you tried to cut back and failed?  Does your social media diet cause conflicts at work or in relationships?  Do you use it when you’re bored or alone?  Do you get anxious when you’re not on it because of FOMO also known as the “fear of missing out”?  Do you think it’s woven into your life in such a way that you use it throughout the day?  Like others who are addicted to substances, do you find yourself using more and more because the thrill just isn’t there unless you stay on it longer?  If you’ve answered “yes” to three or more of the questions, you’re likely a social media addict.  Work to achieve balance by easing the grip that social media has on your life.  Make time for and value interactions with your family.

Oct 08, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1097 - Is knowing your genetic risks healthy for you?

Parenting Pointers 1097 - Is knowing your genetic risks healthy for you?

Is knowing your genetic risks healthy for you?

We spit in a tube, mail it away and a few days later, learn about all of the diseases and conditions that we may “come down with” later on in life.  Is this healthy for you?  As it turns out, not so much.  This information may cause you to believe that you’ve had symptoms in the past.  People told they’re at risk for depression recall having those symptoms previously.  And, if you learn that you’re not going to get diseases, you may get too relaxed about monitoring your health and feel genetically invincible.  It’s not a free pass to do as you please.  When people are told they’re not prone to obesity, they stop exercising and eating healthy.  Learning about potentially serious diseases may help you to get serious about taking care of yourself.  Go ahead.  Take the test, but understand that the results may change your behavior.  Be aware, be informed and continue to be mindful of your and your family’s health.

Oct 07, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1096 - Are you having a quarter life crisis?

Parenting Pointers 1096 - Are you having a quarter life crisis?

Are you having a quarter life crisis?

Mid-20’s, life “should” be good, but for this generation, it’s a time of uncertainty.  Many feel they’re doomed to permanent adolescence.  They’re single with no chance of settling down anytime soon and homeownership?  Forget about it.  They’ve got no idea where their lives are going.  They feel hopeless and helpless.  They’re primed not only for depression, but for a quarter-life crisis.  How do you know you’re having one?  You’re frustrated about not being able to figure things out.  You question your existence.  You’re terrified that you’ve already experienced the best in life and social media is making you a wreck.  You’re compelled to be in the adult world, but long to be taken care of by Mom and Dad.  You just want to escape.  Don’t listen to your elders tell you where they were at your age.  You’re not them.  You’ve got about 10 years to figure it out.  It isn’t a race.  Stop judging your life by social media.  It’s a fantasy out there!

Oct 06, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1095 - Time crawls if you’re young

Parenting Pointers 1095 - Time crawls if you’re young

Time crawls if you’re young

Why does time seem to go so slowly when we’re young?  Think of it in relative terms.  If you’re 5 years old, a year is one-fifth of your life.  But, there’s more to it than that.  Time quickens as we age because the highest concentration of strong memories occurs in the teens and 20s.  These memories give us the basis for judging past events.  Once you get into middle age, new experiences are less frequent and ta-da, you feel as though time has sped up.  Weeks and hours don’t whiz by when you’re older, but years and decades feel like yesterday.  If you live to the average life expectancy of 78, you’ll spend much more time sleeping than working, watching tv, commuting or even caring for your kids.  The clock is ticking.  We can’t live in such a heightened state of intensity that we cherish every moment.  We can at least be mindful in choosing how we spend some of our time.  When the end is near, you won’t regret spending time with those you love.

Oct 05, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1094 - The average modern family spreads out over 2000 miles

Parenting Pointers 1094 - The average modern family spreads out over 2000 miles

The average modern family spreads out over 2000 miles

Most families say they’re far more spread out today than 30 years ago.  The average modern family covers over 2000 miles.  We compensate for that distance with digital devices.  With Wi-Fi, we interact with our family members even more than if we lived close by.  The expense of travel keeps us from being with our far-flung families.  There’s not a lot of time for organizing reunions and forcing people together.  Most family members say they get enough exposure to their kin through digital connections.  Others like having family in other states and countries because it gives them an opportunity for adventure!  This is a win-win situation.  If family members really enjoy each other, they’ll make the effort to travel.  For those family members who want to stay in touch but not get up too close and personal, the digital connection is plenty.  There’s no excuse for your kids not to know their cousins.

Oct 02, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1093 - The stigma of acne is changing

Parenting Pointers 1093 - The stigma of acne is changing

The stigma of acne is changing

Kids and adults alike take a social beating when they have acne.  45 million Americans have acne at any one time, making it the most common skin condition.  Since there’s a 63% increase risk of depression that comes along with skin eruptions, it’s a serious condition.  Diet, stress, genetics and skin care practices contribute to outbreaks.  Acne makes us look unhealthy and different, resulting in the social isolation that’s common in acne sufferers.  Conversations about acne aren’t out in the open as they are about psoriasis and other skin conditions.  Social influencers and celebrities are now sharing their own fights with acne and hopping on the skin positivity bandwagon. Even if acne is accepted, that won’t keep your kid from getting teased.  It’s a health condition and may require medication and other interventions.  Do something now!

Oct 01, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1092 - Are you trapped in your relationship because of money?

Parenting Pointers 1092 - Are you trapped in your relationship because of money?

Are you trapped in your relationship because of money?

Many women are trapped in marriages and relationships because of money.  They feel powerless at home because they’re not the one who brings home the salary or they don’t make enough to live independently.  66% of women who answered a survey said they felt trapped with no reasonable way to make a difference in their financial situations.  Many women feel that they have no voice in money decisions because they’re not making as much as their partners.  Is this you?  Will this be you?  Consider your future and how you’ll feel about being in this position.  Get that education.  Work on your skills to get that promotion.  Save your money and stop spending it on stupid stuff online.  Amazon can live without your purchase today.  Be honest with your partner and set up your own account for a rainy day.  Add money consistently.  Learn about money and your money habits.  Money matters.  You’ll never know that more than when you don’t have enough.

Sep 30, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1091 - Don’t swap out your medications for pot

Parenting Pointers 1091 - Don’t swap out your medications for pot

Don’t swap out your medications for pot

Whoa!  Stop!  Before you swap out your doctor-prescribed medications for pot, think about what you’re doing.  There’s no denying that pot can treat some conditions and that the non-psychoactive CBD is being used by millions for a wide variety of ailments including anxiety and pain relief.  But, there’s a huge gap between what the true believers believe about the plant and the actual science of the medical findings, so far.  The bottom line is that pot as a powerful medicine is the belief of the uninformed.  Many know nothing about the risks, especially pregnant women using it for nausea and anxiety.  Pharmaceutical-grade medications are carefully formulated and prescribed.  You don’t know what’s in pot and some of those benefits just might be the placebo effect.  You’ve convinced yourself that it works.  More research is needed to help consumers use pot beneficially.

Sep 29, 202001:00
Parenting Pointers 1090 - Smartphones impact your brain chemistry

Parenting Pointers 1090 - Smartphones impact your brain chemistry

Smartphones impact your brain chemistry

The brain is like a car engine.  It has the “hardware”, all of the physical parts, and the “liquids”, the neurotransmitters that make it work.  Constant interruptions from alerts, messages and calls from smartphones, mess with the brain liquids.  That distraction is called the “switch cost” because it creates a different chemistry in our brain.  It happens like this.  We’re focusing on one thing and then, there’s that tone or ring, and we switch away from the task at hand and then, we return to the task.  The “switch cost” is big, robbing us of 40% of our efficiency.  Our brain stays on high alert, waiting for the next tone, alert or call.  When it happens, we get little surges of cortisol, the stress hormone, and the heart beats faster, and muscles tighten.  Be aware of how these forces impact your family’s health and may cause addiction to the seductive smartphone.

More Parenting Pointers at

Sep 28, 202001:00