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Hair Transplant Podcast - HAIR TALK with Dr.John Watts Hair Transplant Surgeon and Dermatologist

Hair Transplant Podcast - HAIR TALK with Dr.John Watts Hair Transplant Surgeon and Dermatologist


This is Dr.John watts. Husband to a lovely woman, Father to a cute daughter and a naughty dog. Dermatologist, trichologist, venereologist, and a hair transplant surgeon. Founder of Trichos Hair Transplant Institute and Research Centre. ( Performed more than 1900 hair transplants passionately and still counting. Telemedicine/Online Medical Consultation Facilitator for Doctors and Patients. Doctorpreneur and Author of upcoming book The Naked Truth About Hair Transplant🙂

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Can the use of Minoxidil and Finasteride topical lotions affect our height in any way? Can it enter our bloodstream and make drastic changes?

Hair Transplant Podcast - HAIR TALK with Dr.John Watts Hair Transplant Surgeon and Dermatologist May 08, 2024

How many hairs fall a day should be treated as normal and when not?How does one observe and count the daily hair fall?

How many hairs fall a day should be treated as normal and when not?How does one observe and count the daily hair fall?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts differentiates between normal and abnormal hair fall and when should one be concerned.

How many hairs fall a day should be treated as normal and when not? What steps one should take when there is abnormal hair fall? How does one observe and count the daily hair fall? Are there any tips? Dr John Watts answers these queries. So far, he has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Satya Sai asks: Sir, I am experiencing hair fall daily. How many hairs fall a day should be considered normal and when should it be considered abnormal? How does one observe and count the daily hair fall? Are there any tips? Please explain.

Hair loss is a common concern for many individuals, and it’s essential to understand the difference between normal and abnormal hair fall. In this informative video, Dr John Watts sheds light on what constitutes normal daily hair fall and when it’s necessary to be concerned about hair loss.

Dr Watts explains that, on average, losing between 60 to 100 hairs daily can be considered normal. “It’s important not to overly worry about this typical amount of hair fall. However, if you notice that you’re losing a significantly higher number of hairs per day than this, it’s advisable to consult with a dermatologist,” he explained.

To help gauge one’s daily hair fall, Dr Watts offers a practical tip. “Keep a close count of the hairs that fall during activities like combing your hair, or while taking a shower, or finding hairs on your pillow. After tallying these instances, double the count to arrive at an approximate daily hair loss figure. If your total exceeds 100, it’s a sign that you may have an abnormal level of hair loss and should seek professional advice from a dermatologist,” he advised.

Hair Loss: Causes

Hair loss can be attributed to various factors, including poor nutrition, an inadequate diet, or vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Additionally, certain illnesses like tuberculosis (TB) or typhoid can contribute to hair loss.

Fortunately, these conditions can be effectively addressed with proper medical treatment, combined with sufficient sleep and a balanced diet, which can support hair regrowth and one can recover lost hair.

In some cases, hair loss may be linked to genetic baldness. In these instances, hair may not necessarily fall out, but it can become miniaturized over time. This means that the hair shafts become shorter and thinner, eventually becoming barely visible. Dr Watts emphasizes that even genetic baldness can be managed with appropriate hair medications, especially when addressed in its early stages.

Conclusion: It’s important to differentiate between normal daily hair fall and abnormal hair loss. Understanding the potential causes of hair loss, seeking professional medical guidance when necessary, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can all contribute to maintaining healthy hair and addressing hair loss effectively.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.




Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

May 14, 202402:52
Does Typhoid hair loss occur in the third month of Typhoid or can it happen in any month? Are there any tips to recover early from hair loss?

Does Typhoid hair loss occur in the third month of Typhoid or can it happen in any month? Are there any tips to recover early from hair loss?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the dos and don’ts of Typhoid hair loss and what tips to be followed for early recovery.

Does Typhoid hair loss occur in the third month of Typhoid or can it happen in any month? Are there any tips to recover early from hair loss? Dr John Watts answers these queries. So far, he has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Jagan Mohan Royal asks: Sir, I had typhoid and I am worried that I may have hair loss in the third month. I am already using Minoxidil hair medication and taking GFC treatment and I fear heavy hair fall. Please offer some tips and precautions.

Typhoid is a common bacterial infection that many people unfortunately contract due to consuming contaminated food or water. However, one of the lesser-known effects of typhoid is its association with temporary hair loss. In this educational video, Dr John Watts sheds light on what individuals should and shouldn’t do to minimize hair loss after recovering from typhoid.

Dr Watts begins by addressing a query from Jagan Mohan Royal, who expressed fears of experiencing hair loss three months after recovering from typhoid. Dr Watts acknowledges that typhoid infection can indeed lead to hair loss, but he emphasizes that the timing of this hair loss can vary widely. “It might occur in the first month after infection, the second month, or even as late as the fifth month,” he explained.

To prevent excessive hair loss and promote healthy regrowth, Dr Watts offers some valuable advice. First and foremost, he recommends focusing on improving one’s diet post-typhoid. “Nutrient deficiencies can contribute to hair loss, so individuals should consider undergoing a blood test to identify any deficiencies and adjust their diet accordingly,” he explained.

Additionally, Dr Watts emphasizes the importance of proper sleep, suggesting that getting 7–8 hours of quality sleep each night is crucial for overall health and hair maintenance. Managing stress is also essential, as stress can exacerbate hair loss. Furthermore, Dr Watts advises individuals to closely monitor their scalp health.

If the scalp becomes excessively dry or if there are concerns about hair fall, a trichoscopy can provide valuable insights. Consulting with a dermatologist regularly after recovering from typhoid is key to early detection and addressing any hair loss issues.

Conclusion: Dr Watts reassures individuals that while hair loss can be a side effect of typhoid, it is not a permanent condition. By following a healthy diet, prioritizing sleep, managing stress, and seeking medical guidance when needed, individuals can minimize hair loss and support the recovery of their hair after a bout of typhoid.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

May 09, 202401:42
Can the use of Minoxidil and Finasteride topical lotions affect our height in any way? Can it enter our bloodstream and make drastic changes?

Can the use of Minoxidil and Finasteride topical lotions affect our height in any way? Can it enter our bloodstream and make drastic changes?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts demystifies the myths surrounding the use of Minoxidil and Finasteride topical lotions.

Can the use of Minoxidil and Finasteride topical lotions affect our height in any way? Can it enter our bloodstream and make drastic changes? What is the truth? Dr John Watts answers these queries. So far, he has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Ramesh Kittu asks: Sir, I have been using Minoxidil 5% and Finasteride 0.5% topical lotion. I want to know if their usage can affect our height growth in any way. Please explain.

Hair loss medications like Minoxidil and Finasteride, which are approved by the US FDA, have garnered their fair share of myths and misconceptions. In this educational video, Dr John Watts tackles a common yet unscientific belief regarding the use of Minoxidil and Finasteride topical lotions and their potential impact on a person’s height. This query, posed by Ramesh Kittu, prompts Dr Watts to provide a clear and evidence-based explanation.

Dr Watts begins by emphasizing that Minoxidil and Finasteride topical lotions are designed for localized use on specific areas of the scalp where hair growth is desired.

“These medications are applied in limited dosages directly to the scalp and cannot enter the bloodstream or affect the body’s systemic functions. Therefore, there is no scientific basis to suggest that using these topical lotions can alter an individual’s height or have any influence on their overall growth,” he explained.

He goes on to reassure viewers that they can use Minoxidil and Finasteride as prescribed by their dermatologist without any concerns about potential effects on their height. “These medications are formulated to target hair loss and promote hair regrowth at the application site, and they do not interfere with other aspects of physical development or growth,” he explained.

Conclusion: Dr Watts dispels the unfounded myth that Minoxidil and Finasteride topical lotions can impact a person’s height. These medications are designed for localized use on the scalp and do not have systemic effects on the body. Patients can confidently follow their dermatologist’s recommendations for hair loss treatment without worrying about the effects on their height.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

May 08, 202401:29
Which is a better option for hair growth: Minoxidil topical lotion or Flaxseed hair gel?

Which is a better option for hair growth: Minoxidil topical lotion or Flaxseed hair gel?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains which is a better option for hair growth: Minoxidil topical lotion or Flaxseed hair gel.

How is one different from another? Which works best for hair growth in the long run? Dr John Watts answers these queries. So far, he has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Kartik Babu asks: Sir, I want to know which of these two is more effective for promoting hair growth: Minoxidil topical lotion or Flaxseed hair gel? Please explain.

Hair loss is a common concern for many, and people often seek various hair products and medications, such as the US FDA-approved Minoxidil and Finasteride, to address this issue. However, it’s not uncommon for individuals to compare these treatments to alternative hair products. In this educational video, Dr John Watts addresses a query from Kartik Babu, who is curious about the effectiveness of Minoxidil compared to flaxseed gel for hair growth.

Dr Watts begins by acknowledging the potential benefits of flaxseed gel, which contains Omega-3 fatty acids known for their positive impact on hair growth when consumed. He points out that while flaxseed gel may promote hair growth to some extent, Minoxidil consistently provides better results in terms of hair growth and improved hair density.

“The efficacy of Minoxidil in promoting hair growth has been extensively researched and validated, making it a trusted choice for many individuals dealing with hair loss,” explained Dr John Watts.

It’s important to note that Minoxidil works effectively for the majority of users. Whereas the impact of flaxseed gel is minimal at the most for many. However, there may be rare cases where Minoxidil doesn’t yield the desired results for some people. Dr Watts suggests that individuals who do not respond well to Minoxidil explore a Minoxidil Response Test. “This test can help identify specific factors that may hinder the absorption or effectiveness of the Minoxidil lotion. Once the underlying cause is identified, alternative solutions can be explored to address the individual’s unique needs,” he explained.

Conclusion: When it comes to promoting hair growth and addressing hair loss concerns, Minoxidil stands out as a proven and reliable option. While flaxseed gel may offer some benefits for hair health, its effectiveness in comparison to Minoxidil is limited. For individuals seeking substantial and consistent results, Minoxidil remains a preferred choice.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

May 07, 202401:39
If smoking can lead to hair loss, then why non-smokers face hair loss?

If smoking can lead to hair loss, then why non-smokers face hair loss?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains different causes of hair fall including hair loss triggered by smoking.

If smoking can lead to hair loss, then why non-smokers face hair loss? What is the connection? Are there other causes for hair loss? What should such people do to prevent hair loss? Dr John Watts answers these queries. So far, he has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Puroshottam asks: Sir, I am a teetotaller and I never smoke. My friends consume alcohol and also smoke and they have thick hair growth whereas I am losing hair. Please explain why non-smokers like me are losing hair when smokers are supposed to lose hair.

Hair loss is a common concern, and it can be attributed to various factors, with smoking being one of them. However, it can be perplexing when a non-smoker experiences hair loss while their smoking friends seem unaffected. In this informative video, Dr John Watts addresses the query of Purushottam, a non-smoker, and teetotaller who is puzzled by his hair loss, especially when his friends who consume alcohol and smoke have thick hair.

Dr Watts begins by explaining that it is not good to compare one’s hair loss with one’s friends. Smoking is indeed linked to hair loss, along with its associations with other skin and health problems.

“Smoking accelerates the ageing process and constricts blood vessels, potentially leading to future cardiac issues. It can also expedite the genetic balding process, especially if it runs in one’s family. Additionally, smoking can contribute to premature greying of hair,” explained Dr John Watts.

However, it’s essential to recognize that various factors can contribute to hair loss, and it’s not solely confined to smoking. Dr Watts highlights other common reasons for hair loss, including stress, lifestyle factors such as inadequate sleep, nutritional deficiencies, vitamin imbalances, and genetic predisposition to baldness. These factors can affect hair health and contribute to hair fall.

To address hair loss effectively, Dr Watts recommends consulting a dermatologist. “Once the cause is determined, appropriate treatments or interventions can be initiated to prevent further hair loss and, in some cases, promote regrowth. This is possible only after consulting a dermatologist,” advised Dr John Watts.

Conclusion: While smoking is indeed associated with hair loss, it’s just one of several factors that can contribute to this concern. If you’re experiencing hair loss, especially as a non-smoker, it’s crucial to consult a dermatologist for a comprehensive evaluation and tailored treatment plan to address your specific condition.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

May 06, 202402:13
Which is best - plain Minoxidil or Minoxidil along with Finasteride combination?

Which is best - plain Minoxidil or Minoxidil along with Finasteride combination?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the science behind the Minoxidil vs Minoxidil + Finasteride combo debate.

Which is best — plain Minoxidil or Minoxidil along with Finasteride combination? If true, why one is better than the other? Dr John Watts answers these queries. So far, he has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Minoxidil & Finasteride are well-established hair medications approved by the US FDA but several individuals dealing with hair loss and using prescribed medications like Minoxidil and Finasteride often wonder whether Minoxidil is effective on its own or if it’s better when used in combination with Finasteride.

In this educational video, Dr John Watts sheds light on the science behind how these medications work together or individually. Responding to a query from Chetan, Dr Watts emphasized that using Minoxidil in combination with Finasteride is generally the superior choice.

“Extensive scientific research studies and Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) have consistently shown that the combination of Minoxidil and Finasteride produces significantly better results compared to using plain Minoxidil alone. Users can anticipate enhanced hair growth and increased hair thickness when opting for the combination therapy than is possible with Minoxidil alone,” he explained.

Minoxidil is renowned for its vasodilatory properties, which widen blood vessels, facilitating better nutrient delivery to the scalp and promoting hair growth. However, when Minoxidil is combined with Finasteride, it offers an additional advantage by not only addressing nutrient delivery but also tackling other aspects of hair loss.

“Finasteride operates by blocking the action of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone linked to localized baldness on the scalp. Furthermore, the combination approach can help reduce the effects of temporary fibrosis, a condition that can hinder hair growth,” he informed.

Conclusion: Minoxidil used in conjunction with Finasteride can make a substantial difference for individuals seeking to combat hair loss and arrest genetic baldness. This combination therapy tends to result in improved hair growth, increased hair thickness, and a more effective defence against baldness compared to the use of Minoxidil alone.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

Chetan asks: Sir, I want to know which is best: Plain Minoxidil or Minoxidil and Finasteride combination? Please explain.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

May 02, 202401:31
How much Minoxidil dosage is recommended for application on the scalp? How long does one need to keep it applied on their scalp for best results?

How much Minoxidil dosage is recommended for application on the scalp? How long does one need to keep it applied on their scalp for best results?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the correct recommended usage of Minoxidil topical lotion and how long one needs to apply it on their scalp for the best results.

So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Jaffar asks: Sir, I want to know how much Minoxidil dosage is recommended for application on the scalp. How long does one need to keep it applied on their scalp for best results? Please explain.

Minoxidil, a well-established hair medication approved by the US FDA, is renowned for its ability to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. However, questions often arise regarding the correct dosage and application duration.

For many first-time users of Minoxidil topical lotion, questions often revolve around the correct dosage and the duration of application to achieve the best results. In this educational video, Dr John Watts sheds light on these two issues. In response to a query from Jafar, Dr John Watts offered some valuable insights.

Typically, a daily prescription of 2 ml of Minoxidil is recommended, and it is crucial not to exceed this dosage. “For newcomers to Minoxidil, an initial prescription of 1 ml per day is common practice. After using it for 1–2 weeks and if it suits the individual, the dosage can be increased to 2 ml per day — 1 ml in the morning and another 1 ml before bedtime,” he explained.

Regarding the application of Minoxidil topical lotion, Dr John Watts suggested that it can be left on the scalp overnight and rinsed off with water and shampoo the following morning.

However, for those who prefer not to go about their daily routines with Minoxidil on their scalp, it’s perfectly acceptable to wash it off after a gap of one to one and a half hours. For this, Dr John Watts recommends that one needs to apply the lotion early in the morning to maintain a minimum gap of one hour to one and a half hours.

While emphasizing the importance of consulting a dermatologist when determining the appropriate strength of Minoxidil to use, Dr John Watts informed viewers that Minoxidil lotions are available in various strengths, such as 2%, 5%, and 10%.

“It is crucial to leave the decision of which percentage works best to the dermatologist’s expertise, as they can tailor the treatment to individual needs,” he advised.

Conclusion: Minoxidil is an effective hair growth medication, but its correct usage, dosage, and strength should be determined in consultation with a qualified dermatologist to achieve the best results.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Apr 30, 202401:39
Can Minoxidil application on the scalp affect the entire body and lead to hair growth in all areas? Can the topical lotion circulate via the bloodstream and lead to hair growth on the moustache?

Can Minoxidil application on the scalp affect the entire body and lead to hair growth in all areas? Can the topical lotion circulate via the bloodstream and lead to hair growth on the moustache?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts demystifies if using Minoxidil on the scalp can trigger hair growth on the body or face.

Can Minoxidil application on the scalp affect the entire body and lead to hair growth in all areas? Can the topical lotion circulate via the bloodstream and lead to hair growth on the moustache?

He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Ram Babu asks: Sir, I have been using Minoxidil on my scalp. However, I observed that its use on my scalp has increased hair growth on my moustache face and body. I do not have moustache hair and I want to know if I can grow my moustache hair without applying Minoxidil on my moustache. Please explain.

The use of Minoxidil, a US FDA-approved hair medication, is well-known for its effectiveness in promoting hair growth and preventing hair fall. While it’s commonly used on the scalp, some individuals wonder whether using Minoxidil on the scalp can stimulate hair growth in other areas, such as the moustache.

This question was raised by Ram Babu, who noticed facial hair growth after using Minoxidil on his scalp and was curious if it could lead to moustache hair growth without applying the lotion directly to that area.

In response to this query, Dr John Watts clarified that applying Minoxidil to the scalp doesn’t automatically trigger hair growth on the body or facial regions because the lotion doesn’t circulate throughout the body via the bloodstream.

“Minoxidil works topically, primarily benefiting the area where it’s applied. It strengthens existing hair follicles, increases hair thickness, promotes growth, and prevents hair fall in the region of application. However, it cannot provide these benefits to other areas like the moustache unless specifically applied there,” he explained.

Conclusion: If someone desires to enhance or initiate moustache hair growth, they should directly apply Minoxidil to the moustache area. The lotion’s effects are localized and won’t stimulate hair growth in regions where it isn’t directly applied.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Apr 29, 202401:50
Can we expect quick results immediately after using the prescribed hair medication or should one wait further?

Can we expect quick results immediately after using the prescribed hair medication or should one wait further?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the importance of patience when is using a hair medication prescribed by one’s dermatologist.

Can we expect quick results immediately after using the prescribed hair medication or should one wait further? How long should one wait for proper results for controlling hair fall and hair regrowth? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Saleem Mohd asks: Sir, I consulted a skin specialist and I was prescribed Dabur Keratone Oil for use. Even after one month of use, the medication did not work. My hair fall is still not under control. What should I do? Please explain.

For individuals dealing with hair loss, it’s quite common to feel anxious and impatient when the results of their treatment aren’t immediately visible. In this informative video, Dr John Watts offers valuable insights into the significance of patience and consistent adherence to the treatment plan prescribed by a dermatologist.

In response to a question from Saleem Mohd, Dr Watts emphasizes that there’s no need to become overly concerned if Dabur Keratone Oil, recommended by his skin specialist, doesn’t produce instant results.

“It’s essential to understand that achieving control over hair fall and witnessing new hair growth through medication is a gradual process,” explained Dr John Watts, while advising against feeling disheartened, as results often take time to become noticeable.

Typically, individuals should be prepared to wait for at least three months before expecting significant changes in their hair’s condition when following a treatment plan provided by a qualified dermatologist.

“Hairfall control, in particular, may take around one-and-a-half to two months to become noticeable, with the potential for new hair growth emerging after approximately three months,” he added.

Dr Watts underscores that it’s crucial to set realistic expectations. Anticipating substantial results after only one month of treatment is premature. Effective hair loss treatment involves a combination of factors, and medication alone might not provide the desired outcomes.

Conclusion: Patience is key when undergoing hair loss treatment. It’s important to trust the treatment plan prescribed by a dermatologist, as results may take several months to become evident. Combining medication with a holistic approach to hair care, including nutrition, lifestyle changes, stress management, and sleep, can contribute to more effective and quicker outcomes in the journey to control hair fall and promote hair growth.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Apr 26, 202401:38
Can the growth of vellus hair or miniaturization of hair be triggered by other causes than androgenetic alopecia? What are these other causes?

Can the growth of vellus hair or miniaturization of hair be triggered by other causes than androgenetic alopecia? What are these other causes?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the signs of genetic baldness. He points out how the growth of vellus hair or baby hair or miniaturization of hair on the scalp need not always be attributed to the onset of androgenetic alopecia as it could simultaneously triggered by other factors as well.

Can the growth of vellus hair or miniaturization of hair be triggered by other causes than androgenetic alopecia? What are these other causes? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Anand Cheni 6054 asks: Sir, I have noticed the growth of baby hair or vellus hair on my scalp and I am worried if I should assume it as a sign of the onset of genetic baldness. Please explain.

Experiencing signs of baldness, such as hair thinning and the growth of vellus hair, can be a cause of concern for individuals dealing with hair loss. These changes in hair appearance can occur gradually and are often associated with various factors.

In this educational video, Dr John Watts provides insights into how to diagnose the underlying causes of vellus hair growth on the scalp.

While responding to a query from Anand Cheni 6054, Dr Watts emphasizes that the appearance of vellus hair or hair miniaturization can be attributed to a range of factors. “It’s important to note that these changes in hair quality and thickness are not always indicative of genetic baldness. There are several potential causes to consider, such as underlying metabolic conditions, nutritional deficiencies, crash diets, or side effects of medications,” he explained.

Dr Watts underscores the significance of lifestyle adjustments as an initial step. Making changes to your diet, addressing potential nutritional deficiencies, and ensuring a healthy lifestyle may reverse the condition in some cases. However, if the issue persists, it is crucial to seek guidance from a qualified dermatologist.

“If the problem persists even after making lifestyle modifications, one needs to consult a qualified dermatologist, who can conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the precise causes of hair loss, whether it’s temporary, related to nutritional deficiencies, or due to androgenetic alopecia (genetic baldness),” pointed out Dr John Watts.

Once a diagnosis is established, the dermatologist can recommend appropriate medical treatments or interventions to address the specific underlying cause of hair loss.

Conclusion: The growth of vellus hair or hair miniaturization on the scalp can have various underlying causes, and it’s not always a direct indicator of genetic baldness. Lifestyle changes may help in some instances, but consulting a dermatologist is essential for a comprehensive evaluation and tailored treatment plan.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Apr 24, 202402:12
What is the right time to use hair oil when one has been prescribed Minoxidil topical lotion?

What is the right time to use hair oil when one has been prescribed Minoxidil topical lotion?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts offers tips on when and how to use hair oil and Minoxidil.

What is the right time to use hair oil when one has been prescribed Minoxidil topical lotion? Should one completely stop using coconut oil? Can both be used together? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Vijay 4 U asks: Sir, I have been using Minoxidil as per my doctor’s prescription. I want to know if I can simultaneously use coconut hair oil or not. What is the right time to use hair oil? Should I completely stop using coconut hair oil? What regimen I should follow? Please explain.

Minoxidil is a well-known topical lotion approved by the US FDA for promoting hair growth, but its alcohol-based formula can lead to dryness in the hair after a few days of use. This often leaves Minoxidil users in a dilemma about whether to continue using hair oil.

Using Minoxidil to promote hair growth is a common practice, but it’s important to address the issue of dry hair that can result from its alcohol-based formula. In this educational video, Dr John Watts provides valuable insights into how to balance Minoxidil usage with the application of hair oil and offers guidance on the types of oil to consider.

He begins by acknowledging that Minoxidil can indeed lead to dryness in the hair after a few days of use, which understandably concerns many users. The primary question at hand is whether it’s possible to use Minoxidil and hair oil together or if hair oil should be discontinued.

While responding to the query raised by Vijay 4 U, Dr John Watts acknowledged, Dr John Watts advises that individuals should not discontinue the use of hair oil, given the drying effect of alcohol-based Minoxidil. However, he cautions against applying Minoxidil and hair oil simultaneously. Instead, he recommends maintaining a gap of at least one to one and a half hours between applying Minoxidil and using hair oil.

“This gap allows Minoxidil to be absorbed effectively, and afterwards, one can apply hair oil of their choice, such as coconut oil, almond oil, or Bhringraj oil, or even opt for a hair moisturizer or Aloe Vera gel to combat dryness,” he informed.

Dr Watts further provides an alternative option for those who find this timing regimen complicated. If a daily application of Minoxidil is recommended, he suggests skipping one day and using only hair oil instead. This can be applied overnight and rinsed off the following day with shampoo.

Conclusion: Dr Watts emphasizes the importance of applying Minoxidil directly to the scalp for effective results. When it comes to using hair oil, the focus should primarily be on the hair rather than the scalp. This advice helps users strike a balance between addressing hair dryness caused by Minoxidil and nourishing their hair with oil.

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Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Apr 23, 202401:56
Does transplanted hair grows back on the scalp after the implanted hair falls off along with the white gum-like residue soon after the procedure?

Does transplanted hair grows back on the scalp after the implanted hair falls off along with the white gum-like residue soon after the procedure?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts demystifies if newly transplanted hair will regrow again if it falls off along with white or black gum-like substance in the transplanted spot after a couple of weeks after a hair transplant procedure.

He answers this query in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Mahesh Mahesh DJ2M asks: Sir, I am curious to know if transplanted hair grows back on the scalp after the implanted hair falls off along with the white gum-like residue soon after the procedure. Please explain.

Post-hair transplant procedure, it’s common for the newly implanted hair to fall out within two to three weeks. This might cause some concern among patients, especially when they notice a gum-like white or black residue falling off with the implanted hair. In this educational video, Dr John Watts addresses this common worry and explains the hair growth cycle to better understand the issue.

While reassuring patients that the falling of implanted hair along with the residue does not indicate a lack of new hair growth, Dr John Watts emphasizes the importance of understanding the hair growth cycle in this context.

“The hair growth cycle consists of three phases: anagen (growth phase), telogen (resting phase), and catagen (transitional phase). The hair’s stem cells, located in the dermis layer of the skin, continually stimulate new hair growth even after the hair falls out. Hence, there is no need to worry as new hair will grow after the implanted hair falls off,” explained Dr John Watts.

In response to a question from Mahesh Mahesh DJ2M, Dr Watts emphasizes that patients should not worry if the implanted hair falls out after a hair transplant as the natural hair growth cycle will eventually kick in, and new hair will begin to grow.

However, if patients notice that the new hair is becoming progressively thinner and shorter with each growth cycle, this could be an indication of the onset of baldness. In such cases, Dr Watts advises individuals to consult a dermatologist promptly for a proper diagnosis and the initiation of appropriate treatments to prevent baldness.

Conclusion: It’s essential for individuals undergoing a hair transplant to understand the normal hair growth cycle. The falling out of implanted hair is a natural part of the process, and new hair will regrow. However, if there are concerns about the quality and thickness of the new hair, consulting a dermatologist is advisable for timely intervention as it could be indicative of the initial phase of baldness.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Apr 22, 202401:54
Should one stop using Minoxidil or is there any other alternative medications? Can hair serum be a substitute?

Should one stop using Minoxidil or is there any other alternative medications? Can hair serum be a substitute?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains what one should do if Minoxidil use leads to adverse side effects like recurring headaches.

Should one stop using Minoxidil or is there any other alternative medications? Can hair serum be a substitute? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Teju Teju 117 asks: Sir, I am 28-year-old female. My dermatologist has advised me to use Minoxidil 5% and I have been using it for the last 20 days using 2 ml topical lotion a day. However, I noticed that it is leading to recurrent headaches. Should I change my medication or is there any alternative medication? Whenever I told my dermatologist about my adverse effects, he said it wouldn’t be an issue. Please advise.

Minoxidil, a well-known and US FDA-approved medication for promoting hair growth, is generally considered safe. However, like any medication, it can occasionally lead to adverse side effects. In this informative video, Dr John Watts discusses a specific case where a patient began experiencing headaches after using Minoxidil topical lotion for 20 days and advises on how to address such issues.

Dr Watts emphasizes the importance of promptly addressing the adverse effects of Minoxidil. For individuals who encounter side effects, he recommends exploring alternative hair growth medications, which are readily available. “It is essential to communicate any problems or discomfort to the consulting doctor to discuss potential changes in medication,” said Dr John Watts.

Addressing a query from Teju Teju, Dr Watts guides the initial dosage of Minoxidil. Typically, beginners are advised to start with 1 ml of Minoxidil. However, in Teju Teju’s case, her doctor recommended a daily dosage of 2 ml.

Hence, Dr Watts suggests a modification to her regimen. “Instead of 2 ml daily, you can begin with 1 ml per day or use 1 ml every two days to monitor whether the headaches persist. If the problem subsides with this adjusted dosage, you can consider gradually increasing the dosage,” advised Dr John Watts.

Dr Watts acknowledges that in rare instances, Minoxidil may cause side effects in certain individuals, such as headaches. It is crucial to remain vigilant and attentive to any unusual effects of the medication. However, if the problem persists or becomes unbearable, Dr Watts advises Teju Teju to consult her doctor once again.

She advised her to inquire about alternative treatments to Minoxidil, which may be better suited to her needs. Additionally, he mentions the possibility of exploring hair growth serums like Redensyls as an alternative approach.

Conclusion: While Minoxidil is generally safe and effective for hair growth, individuals should be aware of potential side effects and promptly communicate any issues to their doctor.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Apr 19, 202401:52
Why some patients are sensitive to needles? What painless anaesthesia options are available?

Why some patients are sensitive to needles? What painless anaesthesia options are available?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the multiple needleless anaesthesia options available for hair transplant patients.

Why some patients are sensitive to needles? What painless anaesthesia options are available? Which one suits the needs of a hair transplant procedure? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Bhaskar 9389 asks: Sir, my skin is sensitive to needles. I want to know if needleless anaesthesia is an option for such patients looking for a hair transplant procedure. Please explain.

When undergoing a hair transplant procedure, one of the crucial steps is the administration of localized anaesthesia, which is essential for both harvesting and implanting grafts. However, some individuals have an aversion to needles and may experience heightened sensitivity or fear when faced with them. In this informative video, Dr John Watts discusses various needleless anaesthesia options that can be beneficial for such patients.

Addressing a query posed by Bhaskar 9389, Dr Watts acknowledges the existence of individuals who are exceptionally sensitive to needles. For these patients, needleless anaesthesia presents a viable alternative, and they need to communicate their preferences to their transplant surgeon in advance.

Dr Watts goes on to explain that there are several needleless anaesthesia options available, and the choice ultimately depends on the patient’s specific needs. One such option he highlights is the Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetics (EMLA), which is a skin cream-based anaesthesia. “This cream is applied to the targeted area for approximately 20–40 minutes, providing effective anaesthesia without the use of needles,” he informed.

Another needleless anaesthesia approach mentioned by Dr Watts is mucosa-based anaesthesia, particularly lignocaine. “This type of anaesthesia can be applied as sprays or gels on sensitive areas like the lips or tongue to achieve the desired numbing effect,” he said.

However, for situations that require anaesthesia over larger areas, such as in hair transplant procedures, Dr Watts explains that needles are typically the preferred choice under normal circumstances. In cases where a patient experiences discomfort or fear associated with needle-based anaesthesia, there is an alternative known as the dermojet injection.

“This method offers a nearly painless experience as it rapidly administers the anaesthesia beneath the skin,” informed Dr John Watts.

Conclusion: Needleless anaesthesia options are available and can be particularly helpful for individuals who have a fear of needles or heightened sensitivity to them. Patients should discuss their preferences with their surgical team, who can determine the most suitable anaesthesia method for their specific needs.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Apr 17, 202402:17
Can using Minoxidil topical lotion lead to memory loss and trigger forgetfulness?

Can using Minoxidil topical lotion lead to memory loss and trigger forgetfulness?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts demystifies the use of Minoxidil topical lotion and unscientific and irrational myths surrounding it.

Can using Minoxidil topical lotion lead to memory loss and trigger forgetfulness? Is there any truth in it? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Srinivas Sri 1396 asks: Sir, I want to know if using Minoxidil on the scalp can lead to forgetfulness or memory loss. Is there a chance that the lotion gets seeped into the brain and alters our memories? Please explain.

Minoxidil is a well-established and US FDA-approved medication for promoting hair growth in individuals dealing with hair loss. However, like many other treatments, it has become a subject of various myths and misconceptions, some of which lack scientific credibility.

In this educational video, Dr John Watts addresses one such myth associated with Minoxidil — the notion that its use may lead to memory loss or forgetfulness.

Responding to a query from Srinivas Sri 1396, Dr Watts emphatically dismisses the belief that Minoxidil could cause memory loss. He clarifies that Minoxidil is applied topically to the scalp and is intended for local use on the hair and scalp. The application of Minoxidil occurs at a very superficial level and does not penetrate the layers of skin, muscle, or bone to reach the brain.

“The brain is protected by several layers, including skin, muscle, and a thick bone called the skull. Therefore, there is no direct connection between the application of Minoxidil on the scalp and its potential effects on brain function or memory. It cannot alter memory or affect brain function in any way,” explained Dr John Watts.

Conclusion: The belief that Minoxidil can lead to memory loss or forgetfulness is an unfounded myth without any scientific basis. Individuals prescribed Minoxidil by their dermatologists should continue to use it with confidence, knowing that it is unlikely to have any adverse effects on their memory or brain function.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Apr 08, 202401:16
Can there be a permanent solution for skin fungal infections for a long time. ?

Can there be a permanent solution for skin fungal infections for a long time. ?


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Can there be a permanent solution? What is one missing if skin itching continues and surfaces again and again? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Madhu Babu Poda asks: Sir, I have been having skin issues since 2018. I have itching problems in my groin and butts and rings have also formed. I have consulted several doctors but the problem surfaces again and again after I stop the medication. My doctor has advised me to use powder, medicated and soap for lifelong use. Is there any permanent solution? Please advise.

Failure to maintain proper skin hygiene can cost heavily. It is essential for overall skin health and can help prevent issues like skin rashes and fungal infections. In today’s lifestyle, poor hygiene choices, including clothing preferences, can inadvertently contribute to skin problems, especially fungal infections. Dr John Watts sheds light on this issue and offers valuable advice in this educational video.

Certain clothing choices, like wearing tight-fitting jeans for prolonged periods or wearing them to sleep, can create an environment conducive to fungal growth. “These conditions, characterized by moisture, lack of aeration, and limited exposure to light, provide the ideal breeding ground for fungi,” explained Dr John Watts. Dr Watts emphasizes that for fungal infections to thrive, all they require is the right mix of moisture and warmth.

In response to a question posed by Madhu Babu Poda, Dr Watts points out a common mistake that individuals make when dealing with itching issues in their groin and buttocks areas. “Many people resort to using over-the-counter cheap steroid creams influenced by television advertisements. While these creams may offer temporary relief, they do not address the root cause of the problem,” he pointed out.

Dr Watts explains that the real solution lies in making necessary hygiene changes, especially in clothing choices. Simply using prescribed powders, medicated soaps, or altering one’s diet may not suffice. To effectively combat fungal infections and itching, individuals should opt for breathable clothing that allows for proper aeration.

He recommends wearing loose-fitting clothes, avoiding tight jeans, opting for shorts or lungis or pyjamas while sleeping, and even forgoing underwear at night to keep the area dry and clean.

Conclusion: Maintaining good skin hygiene, including making informed clothing choices, is essential to prevent skin problems like fungal infections. It’s crucial to address the root cause rather than relying solely on temporary solutions. By adopting proper hygiene practices and clothing habits, individuals can promote healthier skin and reduce the risk of skin-related issues.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Apr 02, 202403:26
Should one discontinue using hair oil which has aggravate the hair fall?

Should one discontinue using hair oil which has aggravate the hair fall?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts demystifies the use of hair oil application when someone is experiencing hair fall. Can it aggravate hair fall further?

Should one discontinue using hair oil during such a scenario? Is it true that hair oil can intensify hair fall? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Madhu Babu Poda asks: Sir, I often observed that when I am going through hair fall using hair oil seems to aggravate the condition. Is there any connection between hair fall and hair oil? Should I discontinue using hair oil? Please explain.

In the quest to understand and combat hair fall, people often explore various factors that could be contributing to their thinning hair out of their imagination. One common question that arises is whether applying hair oil can worsen the situation. In this informative video, Dr John Watts addresses this concern and provides valuable insights.

Firstly, it’s crucial to recognize that experiencing some degree of hair shedding is normal. “On average, individuals may lose between 60 to 100 hairs per day. Exceeding this range could be a cause for concern and may warrant further investigation by consulting a dermatologist,” said Dr John Watts. He pointed out that the mere act of applying hair oil is not a direct trigger for hair loss.

It’s essential to understand that hair that is already weakened or in the process of falling out may come loose during activities like applying hair oil. This shedding is not caused by the oil itself but rather by the natural course of hair growth and loss.

For individuals with androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness), hair may continue to thin regardless of whether hair oil is used or not. However, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are crucial for managing genetic baldness effectively.

Dr Watts reassures viewers that there are situations in which applying hair oil should not be a cause for concern for their hair fall. For instance, in cases of hair loss due to nutritional deficiencies, crash diets, or telogen effluvium, addressing the underlying issue and consulting a dermatologist can lead to regrowth and improved hair health.

Conclusion: Applying hair oil alone is not a direct cause of hair loss. Instead, it’s essential to focus on identifying the root causes of hair loss and seeking appropriate medical advice and treatment. Hair health is influenced by various factors, and understanding these factors is key to maintaining a healthy and luscious mane.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Apr 01, 202402:18
How is it different from Minoxidil topical lotion? Does one need to use it continuously just like Minoxidil or can one skip its use?

How is it different from Minoxidil topical lotion? Does one need to use it continuously just like Minoxidil or can one skip its use?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts demystifies hair serum and all that you wanted to know.

How is it different from Minoxidil topical lotion? Does one need to use it continuously just like Minoxidil or can one skip its use? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Madhu Babu Poda asks: Sir, I have been using Minoxidil continuously for hair growth. I want to know if we also need to use hair serum continuously like Minoxidil or not. What is the purpose of hair serum?

Hair serum and Minoxidil are two distinct products that often confuse individuals due to their differing purposes. Dr John Watts, in this enlightening educational video, sheds light on the disparities between these two and how they can work together effectively.

To clarify the essential difference, Dr Watts explains that Minoxidil is an FDA-approved drug explicitly designed for hair growth and the management of baldness. Conversely, hair serums come in various formulations, each with different purposes depending on the ingredients they contain.

“Unlike Minoxidil, hair serums aren’t always targeted exclusively towards hair growth, and their usage patterns can vary,” said Dr John Watts. He underscored that it’s acceptable to skip using a hair serum for a few days, unlike Minoxidil, which should be used continuously without fail.

Responding to a query by Madhu Babu Poda, Dr Watts elaborates on the multifaceted purposes a hair serum can serve, depending upon its formulation or ingredients used in the serum.

“Some of the purposes it can serve include aiding in hair growth, providing vital nutrients and nourishment to the scalp and shielding the scalp from potential damage caused by Minoxidil usage,” informed Dr John Watts.

In contrast, Minoxidil is primarily geared towards promoting hair growth, making its function more focused.

Conclusion: Dr John Watts underscores the distinction between hair serum and Minoxidil, emphasizing that while using a hair serum can be more flexible, Minoxidil usage should never be discontinued without professional guidance. By understanding the unique roles of these products and following the recommended usage instructions, individuals can make informed choices to support their hair care journey.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Mar 27, 202401:54
What is the correct way of using a derma roller?

What is the correct way of using a derma roller?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad's noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the dos and don’ts associated with the use of derma roller. 

Should one be scared of using a derma roller as it leads to adverse consequences or should one know how to use it properly to promote hair growth? What is the correct way of using a derma roller? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Madhu Babu Poda asks: Sir, I keep watching your informative educational videos which helped me clarify my doubts. Recently, I visited my dermatologist and he prescribed me certain medications along with a derma roller that he wanted me to use after a month. I want to know if I can skip Derma roller as I heard it leads to adverse consequences. I don’t want to use it as I am scared. Please explain if I would lose out if I don’t use it. 

Using a derma roller treatment is a common recommendation from dermatologists to stimulate hair growth. However, there's often apprehension and fear associated with its usage due to potential adverse consequences if not employed correctly. 

To dispel these myths and provide clarity, Dr John Watts addresses the concerns and sheds light on proper derma roller use in this educational video.

Addressing one such query from Madhu Babu Poda, Dr John Watts emphasizes the importance of adhering to the advice and prescriptions provided by a qualified dermatologist. The patient Madhu Babu was advised Minoxidil and incorporating protein and biotin supplements.

In response to his query, Dr John Watts goes on to reassure those concerns about scalp damage due to derma roller usage can be put to rest when the procedure is executed correctly. He emphasized that proper technique in using the right size of derma roller needle and maintaining a minimum spacing period of 21 days (or three weeks) between sessions can be helpful to allay his fears.

“The derma roller works by creating controlled micro-injuries on the scalp, triggering the release of growth factors that facilitate hair growth. However, it's crucial to allow these minor wounds to heal and recover before undertaking the next session, as failing to do so can result in undesirable outcomes,” warned Dr John Watts.

Conclusion: The use of a derma roller can indeed be beneficial for promoting hair growth when executed with care and precision. Proper guidance from a qualified dermatologist, adherence to the recommended treatments, and following the correct technique and spacing period will help ensure positive results without any adverse effects.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

Mar 22, 202402:09
Can Minoxidil use on beard hair lead to puffiness of the face? Can it lead to ageing issues?

Can Minoxidil use on beard hair lead to puffiness of the face? Can it lead to ageing issues?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts clarifies certain misconceptions concerning the use of Minoxidil topical lotion for beard hair growth.

Can Minoxidil use on beard hair lead to puffiness of the face? Can it lead to ageing issues? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

R Sudhir Kumar 1930 asks: Sir, I want to know if using Minoxidil topical lotion for a beard can lead to puffiness of the face. Is it also true that using Minoxidil on the face can lead to ageing issues? How to use Minoxidil and avoid such effects in such scenarios? Please explain.

Minoxidil, an FDA-approved drug renowned for promoting hair growth, has also gained popularity for its potential to stimulate beard hair growth. However, in the realm of beard growth, various myths and uncertainties often shroud the usage and effectiveness of Minoxidil. Addressing these misconceptions, Dr John Watts offers clarifications in this informative video.

In response to a query from R Sudhir Kumar 1930, Dr Watts emphasizes that the application of Minoxidil topical lotion on the beard does not result in facial puffiness. “It’s important to note that using Minoxidil for beard growth should only be undertaken under the guidance and prescription of a qualified dermatologist and only the recommended dosage has to be used,” explained Dr John Watts.

In this educational video, Dr. Watts advises caution, suggesting that if any sensitivity reaction or adverse effects occur after using Minoxidil on the beard, immediate discontinuation is recommended, followed by consultation with a dermatologist.

“While such occurrences are rare, it’s essential to prioritize one’s skin health,” he said.

In another query posed by Sudhir Kumar about concerns about Minoxidil’s potential to accelerate the ageing process, Dr Watts confidently dismisses this notion as an unscientific myth. He explains that Minoxidil functions by enhancing blood circulation in the application area, which fosters nourishment and encourages hair growth. There is no empirical evidence suggesting that Minoxidil contributes to ageing-related issues.

Dr Watts reiterates that individuals can confidently use Minoxidil as prescribed by their dermatologist, without apprehensions about premature ageing.

Conclusion: Minoxidil remains a valuable tool for promoting hair growth, including beard hair growth. It’s essential to approach its usage with accurate information and professional guidance. By dispelling myths and uncertainties surrounding Minoxidil’s impact on beard hair growth and ageing, individuals can make informed decisions about incorporating it into their grooming regimen, potentially enhancing their confidence and appearance.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Mar 21, 202401:53
What are the options available for cancer patients to tackle hair loss and hair growth during and after their treatment?

What are the options available for cancer patients to tackle hair loss and hair growth during and after their treatment?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the options available for cancer patients to tackle hair loss and hair growth during and after their treatment.

Can hair loss during cancer treatment regrow to its original level before the treatment? What are the options available for such patients when they suffer hair loss? Is a hair transplant or hair medication advisable to such patients during their cancer treatment?

He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

G Priya 4209 asks: Sir, after cancer treatment is it possible to regrow dense hair again? Please explain.

Cancer patients undergoing treatment often find themselves concerned about the potential impact of their therapeutic journey on their hair growth. It’s a well-known fact that cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, medical drugs and surgical procedures, can often lead to hair loss.

“This hair loss can extend beyond just the scalp; some patients may also experience eyebrow hair loss,” said Dr John Watts. However, Dr Watts informed the viewers that while cancer treatment-induced hair loss is a common occurrence, the good news is that the lost hair typically regrows once the treatment is concluded.

While hair regrowth is likely after cancer treatment, there’s no guarantee that the hair will return to its original density. The regrowth process varies from person to person, and factors like treatment type, dosage, and individual genetics play a role in determining the outcome.

In response to a question from G Priya 4209, Dr John Watts delves into the various stages at which chemotherapy might be recommended during cancer treatment. It could be employed at the initial stage, during later phases, or even post-surgical interventions following metastasis. Each case is unique, and the decision depends on the specific characteristics of the patient’s condition.

When it comes to addressing hair loss during cancer treatment, Dr John Watts offers valuable advice. He cautions against simultaneously starting hair medication alongside cancer treatment medications.

During this critical period, he suggests using wigs or hair patches to cover areas affected by hair loss. “These solutions can help maintain a sense of normalcy while undergoing treatment. Once the cancer treatment journey is complete, they can stop using hair patches or wigs and patients can gradually transition back to hair medication to stimulate regrowth,” explained Dr John Watts.

Conclusion: Cancer patients need not despair over the prospect of hair loss induced by chemotherapy. The reassuring message from Dr John Watts is that hair regrowth is likely, even though the extent may vary. Managing hair loss during treatment with wigs or hair patches is a practical way to maintain confidence. As the journey of cancer treatment comes to an end, patients can explore the option of resuming hair medication to boost the regrowth process.

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Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Mar 13, 202402:13
Does active acne on the moustache can lead to permanent hair loss. Will it regrow with any treatment?

Does active acne on the moustache can lead to permanent hair loss. Will it regrow with any treatment?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts clarifies when acne or pimple attacks can trigger temporary and permanent hair loss.

Can such lost hair again regrow? What kind of treatment should be used to tackle this problem? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

OHM asks: Sir, I want to know if active acne on my moustache can lead to permanent hair loss. Will it regrow with any treatment? Please explain.

Dealing with severe acne outbreaks on the face, particularly around the moustache area, can sometimes result in hair loss. This concern often raises questions about the potential for regrowth in the affected moustache region. Addressing this topic, Dr John Watts shares insights to clarify the outcomes in such cases.

In response to a query by OHM, Dr John Watts explains that hair loss caused by simple acne or pimples typically tends to regrow over time. However, the situation becomes more complex when the acne outbreak is severe, leading to the formation of pus, folliculitis, and furunculosis.

“In such instances, there’s a possibility that the hair unit’s structural integrity might be compromised,” he said. Dr. Watts further emphasizes that if the stem cell reserve in the affected area is significantly damaged, resulting in fibrosis and scar tissue formation, the consequence could be permanent hair loss in the moustache region.

In this educational video, Dr John Watts underlines the importance of seeking professional guidance from a dermatologist in cases of severe acne-induced hair loss. In particular, he recommends a thorough consultation, during which a dermatologist can prescribe appropriate antibiotic treatments, including specialized face washes and creams. “Adhering to the dermatologist’s instructions is crucial to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment regimen and ensure proper skin care during the healing process.

Timely and effective treatment can play a pivotal role in preserving the skin’s health and facilitating the regrowth of lost hair. The conclusion drawn is that following prescribed treatments diligently can contribute to positive outcomes and encourage hair regrowth in the moustache area.

However, it’s also crucial to recognize that in situations where traditional treatments fail, a moustache hair transplant might be considered as an option. This procedure involves transplanting healthy hair grafts from donor areas, typically located at the back of the scalp, onto the affected moustache site.

Conclusion: Addressing severe acne-induced hair loss in the moustache area requires timely intervention, professional guidance, and adherence to recommended treatments. While hair regrowth is a possibility with appropriate care, the potential for permanent damage underscores the importance of early and effective management.

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* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Mar 12, 202402:17
Should one transplant body hair grafts on the donor region to give it a dense look?

Should one transplant body hair grafts on the donor region to give it a dense look?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the futility of believing that donor region of the scalp should be replenished with another transplant by obtaining hair grafts from the body.

Is this an advisable step or impractical? Should one transplant body hair grafts on the donor region to give it a dense look? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Sai Kumar asks: Sir, when a hair transplant procedure is performed using donor hair from the back of the scalp, doesn’t it lead to hair thinning in the donor region? I want to know if it is advisable to harvest body hair grafts and transplant them into the donor region to give it a full dense look. Please advise.

The success of a hair transplant procedure largely hinges on the availability of healthy and DHT-free donor hair. This is the hair that will be moved from one area of the scalp (the donor area) to the area experiencing hair loss (the recipient area). However, some patients undergoing hair transplant procedures express concerns about maintaining dense hair in the donor area following the transplant. Dr John Watts, in this informative video, addresses these concerns and provides insights into the acceptable limits of donor hair harvesting.

Dr Watts explains that there’s a common misconception that the donor area on the back of the scalp needs to remain densely populated with hair even after hair transplantation. He clarifies that this is not entirely necessary. “Generally, out of every 100 healthy donor hair grafts, about 30 grafts can be safely harvested for transplantation. The remaining hair in the donor region will still appear dense to the naked eye, and there won’t be any noticeable thinning for onlookers,” he explained.

While responding to the query from Sai Kumar on the question of replenishing the donor area with fresh hair from the body and transplanting it to maintain density, Dr Watts acknowledges that this idea might seem plausible in theory. However, he asserts that in practice, it isn’t the best approach.

“The primary objective of a hair transplant is to achieve a natural and aesthetically pleasing look on the scalp, rather than aiming for full density across the entire scalp,” he said.

Conclusion: While body hair transplantation to the donor region might seem like an option, it’s not typically recommended or practically feasible. The ultimate goal of a hair transplant is to address hair loss concerns in a way that appears natural and balanced. Dr Watts leaves viewers with the understanding that body hair could be reserved for future transplantation if a patient experiences additional balding in other areas of the scalp.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Mar 11, 202402:05
Will normal persons opt for person-to-person hair transplants in the future or is it fraught with risks?

Will normal persons opt for person-to-person hair transplants in the future or is it fraught with risks?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the pros and cons of a pathbreaking and successful person-to-person hair transplant procedure that was performed on a kidney transplant patient by two doctors.

Will normal persons opt for such person-to-person hair transplants in the future or is it fraught with risks? Will such a procedure come as a boon for those who have poor donor hair? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.


When the term “transplant” is associated with hair, some might naturally think of organ transplants, envisioning a scenario where hair donors are similar to those in kidney or heart transplants. However, in the realm of hair transplantation, the process is quite different. While organ transplants are life-saving procedures, hair transplantation has a distinct set of challenges and it is not considered a life-saving procedure.

Lowering Immunity:

“Immunosuppressant drugs, which recipients of organ transplants often need to take, could compromise the immune system and further complicate the procedure,” said Dr John Watts, while shedding light on the complexities of the surgical process.

First Successful Person-to-Person Hair Transplant:

Recent advancements have, however, showcased a ground-breaking achievement in hair transplantation. A published case study titled “Allogeneic Hair Transplant in a Kidney Transplant Recipient,” published in the scientific Dermatology Surgery journal, highlighted a successful instance of person-to-person hair transplantation. In this remarkable case, a kidney transplant recipient received hair from the same friend who had donated a kidney to him two decades earlier.

Promising Future?

While this achievement marks a pivotal step forward, the million-dollar question is: can person-to-person hair transplants between two normal individuals become a standard procedure? “This approach is still considered too risky due to the administration of immunosuppressant drugs. The body’s lowered immunity level can lead to unforeseen complications,” said Dr John Watts, while recommending waiting and watch for more time.

However, the application of such procedures to normal individuals remains a futuristic concept with ample room for progress. “The long-term viability of the hair growth achieved through this technique also needs to be closely monitored to arrive at a clear conclusion,” informed Dr John Watts.

Conclusion: In essence, while person-to-person hair transplantation remains a complex and risky procedure at present, the ground-breaking success seen in this specific case opens doors for future innovations in the realm of hair transplant science.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Mar 05, 202403:57
How to stop facial hair growth on the upper lip, the sides chin or the forehead?

How to stop facial hair growth on the upper lip, the sides chin or the forehead?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the adverse side effect of Minoxidil in women in some cases that involves the growth of unwanted facial hair.

How to stop facial hair growth on the upper lip, the sides chin or the forehead? Does one need to undergo laser hair treatment for removing this unwanted hair or is there any other alternative? How to prevent the growth of such facial hair? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

V Trisha asks: Sir, I have heard that using Minoxidil in women leads to cases of unwanted growth of facial hair. Is it true? Can we prevent their growth? Please explain.

Minoxidil, an established and FDA-approved medication for promoting hair growth, can sometimes lead to unexpected side effects in women. Specifically, some women who use Minoxidil might notice the development of fine facial hair on areas like the forehead, sides, upper lip, and chin. In this informative video, Dr John Watts addresses this concern and offers guidance for women who encounter such effects.

Dr Watts advises women who observe facial hair growth as a result of Minoxidil use to discontinue the application of the topical lotion when these changes become apparent. “This measure alone resolves the issue in about 95% of cases. When the use of Minoxidil is ceased, the additional facial hair growth usually subsides naturally,” said Dr John Watts.

However, in the instances where the facial hair persists even after discontinuing Minoxidil, Dr Watts recommends seeking professional solutions such as laser hair removal treatment or specialized medical creams like Eflornithine can be considered for hair removal.

He emphasizes that the use of such treatments should always be carried out under the guidance and prescription of a qualified dermatologist, cautioning against self-medication.

Addressing the query of V Tirisha on preventive measures, Dr Watts offers practical advice for women using Minoxidil to prevent adverse effects. He suggests the following steps:

First, refrain from self-prescribing Minoxidil and rely solely on prescriptions from qualified dermatologists.

Secondly, commence with a lower dosage variant of Minoxidil at 2%.

Thirdly, initiate Minoxidil usage once a day initially, rather than twice a day.

Lastly, if Minoxidil accidentally comes into contact with the forehead, it can be gently wiped away with a tissue.

Conclusion: Dr Watts advises women to promptly halt Minoxidil application if it results in facial hair growth and opt for appropriate medical intervention for hair removal. The key takeaway is the importance of professional medical guidance by experts and vigilance while using any medication, particularly when faced with unexpected side effects.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Mar 04, 202403:13
 Can one use Finasteride, Minoxidil, on their own without the prescription of a qualified dermatologist?

Can one use Finasteride, Minoxidil, on their own without the prescription of a qualified dermatologist?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains if the use of Minoxidil 5%, Finasteride oral 1mg & Dermaroller can prevent genetic baldness.

What are the dos and don’ts of taking such medications? Can one use them on their own without the prescription of a qualified dermatologist? Will there be any side effects? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Mahesh Mahi asks: Sir, I have genetic baldness. I want to know if it is advisable to take Minoxidil 5%, Finasteride oral 1mg & Dermaroller to prevent genetic baldness and regrow the lost hair.

When faced with the challenge of genetic baldness or hair loss, individuals are often tempted to seek self-medication as a solution. However, it’s essential to approach this with caution.

Dr John Watts strongly advises against self-medication for hair loss, emphasizing the importance of understanding the underlying cause of the problem before resorting to any treatment. “In many cases of simple hair loss, medication might not even be necessary; dietary changes and proper nutrition could effectively aid in hair regrowth,” said Dr John Watts.

While addressing a query from Mahesh Mahi, Dr John Watts acknowledged that for cases of genetic baldness, treatments like Minoxidil 5%, Finasteride 1 mg oral and derma roller can indeed play a role in preventing further baldness and stimulating hair regrowth. However, he highlighted the significance of seeking guidance from a qualified dermatologist before initiating any treatment.

“Determining the root cause of hair loss is a crucial initial step. Factors such as nutrition, vitamin deficiencies, stress, crash diets, or genetic predisposition to baldness should be evaluated before commencing any treatment,” he advised.

While Minoxidil, Finasteride, and derma roller can be effective tools, Dr Watts cautioned against using a derma roller without medical supervision. Even when a dermatologist recommends at-home derma roller use, it’s crucial to follow guidelines diligently. The derma roller, which induces minor injuries on the scalp to enhance growth factors for hair growth, should not be overused.

Conclusion: Self-medication for hair loss or genetic baldness should be approached with careful consideration. Consulting a qualified dermatologist to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate guidance is crucial. While treatments like Minoxidil, Finasteride, and Dermaroller can be effective, proper supervision and adherence to guidelines are essential to ensure safe and successful results.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Feb 29, 202402:46
What are the side effects of using Minoxidil when scalp psoriasis is still active?

What are the side effects of using Minoxidil when scalp psoriasis is still active?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the dos and don’ts of using Minoxidil when one is dealing with scalp psoriasis.

When is the right time to use Minoxidil? Should one get treated for scalp psoriasis condition before using Minoxidil? What are the side effects of using Minoxidil when scalp psoriasis is still active? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Naidu Senapati asks: Sir, I have scalp psoriasis and my side hair has started receding. I want to know if I can still use Minoxidil topical lotion for hair growth in this condition. Please explain.

For individuals dealing with scalp psoriasis, it’s crucial to understand the appropriate timing for using Minoxidil topical lotion to avoid any potential adverse effects. In this informative video, Dr John Watts delves into the essential dos and don’ts of Minoxidil usage, particularly concerning scalp psoriasis.

While scalp psoriasis typically doesn’t lead to significant hair loss, severe and untreated cases could potentially result in baldness. Responding to a query from Naidu Senapati, Dr Watts offers valuable insights into the compatibility of Minoxidil with scalp psoriasis.

Dr Watts emphasizes that using Minoxidil is acceptable if the scalp condition is healthy, devoid of flakes and dead skin cells. “In such cases, Minoxidil can contribute positively to hair growth,” he said.

However, the scenario changes when the scalp is afflicted with psoriasis-related issues like flaky substances and signs of blood due to scratchings. In these cases, applying Minoxidil might not be advisable. In particular, Dr Watts highlights a potential risk in such circumstances — excessive absorption of Minoxidil by the scalp, which could have undesirable consequences. “Unfortunately, it’s challenging to measure the exact extent of Minoxidil absorption by the scalp in such a scenario,” he said.

Providing a practical solution, Dr Watts advises Naidu Senapati to consult a qualified dermatologist, especially given his scalp psoriasis concern. In the absence of a dermatologist, discontinuing Minoxidil usage during an active phase of psoriasis is recommended. However, when scalp psoriasis is under control, Dr Watts assures that Minoxidil usage can be considered without concerns.

Conclusion: While Minoxidil holds the potential for promoting hair growth, its application should be aligned with the status of scalp psoriasis. The key takeaway is that Minoxidil can be used effectively for hair growth, but it’s essential to ensure that scalp psoriasis is managed and under control.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659

Feb 26, 202402:05
Will genetic baldness transfer to the next generation or the succeeding generation with 100% accuracy?

Will genetic baldness transfer to the next generation or the succeeding generation with 100% accuracy?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the difference between simple hair fall and genetic baldness.

Will genetic baldness transfer to the next generation or the succeeding generation with 100% accuracy? Will such children — whose parents are bald — also have genetic baldness? Can those who have genetic baldness plan a family without any worries? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Joshua Dasari asks: Sir, I am 27 years old. At the age of 22 years, I started experiencing hair fall. I married three years ago and now planning to have children. I want to know if my children will have genetic baldness too. Please explain.

When it comes to hair issues, it’s crucial to differentiate between simple hair fall and genetic baldness, as they stem from entirely distinct causes. Dr John Watts sheds light on this topic in this enlightening video, highlighting the significant differences between the two conditions.

In response to a query by Joshua Dasari, Dr Watts clarifies that simple hair fall, often triggered by factors like nutritional deficiencies or lifestyle choices, does not have a hereditary element. In essence, these issues are not genetically inherited and do not pass on to offspring.

On the other hand, genetic baldness operates on a different premise. Dr Watts underscores that genetic baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, carries a higher possibility of being passed down to subsequent generations.

Identifying genetic baldness is also important or else one may mistake it with something else. In the case of genetic baldness, the hair may disappear from the frontal side or the crown side, something similar to what one sees in Tollywood comedian Brahmanandam.

“While there’s no absolute assurance that this form of baldness will inevitably transfer to one’s children with cent per cent accuracy, it’s indeed more likely to occur,” he said while reassuring Joshua that he need not worry too much about the potential baldness of his future offspring.

Dr Watts affirms that even if Joshua’s children happen to inherit genetic baldness, the methods of treating baldness will likely be more advanced in the future. He hints at possibilities like stem cell culture or cloning, which might revolutionize the field of baldness treatment.

“Medical science may hold promise for better solutions for treating genetic baldness down the line. So, there is no need to worry about the future,” said Dr John Watts.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Feb 21, 202402:01
Can the use of hot water lead to hair loss? Can wearing a cap all the time contribute to hair loss?

Can the use of hot water lead to hair loss? Can wearing a cap all the time contribute to hair loss?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains how extreme weather environments such as excess cold or hot climate or humid climate can contribute to hair loss and dandruff issues.

Can the use of hot water lead to hair loss? Can wearing a cap all the time contribute to hair loss? What are the other factors that can cause hair loss? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

B Suman Raju asks: Sir, I am posted in the CRPF. I had good hair before I joined the armed forces. While working in Srinagar for four years my hair was exposed to extreme weather conditions. I used to take hot water for baths and used to keep my hair covered under a cap. I want to know if they have led to hair loss. I am also struggling with dandruff. Please advise what I should do.

Exposure to extreme weather conditions, whether it’s excessive heat or cold, can have a noticeable impact on our hair health. Additionally, high humidity levels can lead to dandruff issues and hair loss. Stress is another significant factor that can contribute to hair loss problems. It’s important to address these issues comprehensively for healthy hair.

In response to B Suman Raju’s concerns, Dr John Watts began by expressing gratitude to the armed forces for their sacrifices. He then delved into the potential causes of hair loss, starting with extreme weather conditions.

“Both extremely hot and cold weather can damage hair, so it’s crucial to find a balance and ensure regular hair washing,” said Dr John Watts. Contrary to the misconception that hot water harms hair, Dr Watts clarified that moderately warm water is safe for washing unless it’s scalding hot.

Dr Watts highlighted the role of humidity in triggering dandruff, recommending daily hair washing to combat mild dandruff. However, severe dandruff might require professional attention, including the use of anti-fungal shampoos and treatments. Stress, often linked to lifestyle factors like being away from family or work pressure, can also contribute to hair loss.

While addressing nutritional deficiencies as one of the causes of hair loss, Dr Watts emphasized the importance of a balanced diet rich in fruits, nuts, and hydrating sources like coconut water. These dietary choices play a significant role in maintaining hair health.

Dr Watts concluded the educational video by suggesting a weekly scalp massage with oil to counter the effects of extreme weather and dry conditions. “This practice helps prevent excessive dryness and contributes to healthier hair,” said Dr John Watts.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Feb 20, 202403:05
What are the dos and don’ts brain stroke and cardiac patients should follow before undergoing a hair transplant procedure?

What are the dos and don’ts brain stroke and cardiac patients should follow before undergoing a hair transplant procedure?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this interesting educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts clears doubts on whether brain stroke and cardiac patients qualify to undergo hair transplant procedures.

What are the dos and don’ts brain stroke and cardiac patients should follow before undergoing a hair transplant procedure? Which one should they prioritize first: recovery from their condition or hair transplant procedure? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Venkatesh Madala 1147 asks: Sir, 5 years ago I had a brain stroke and took treatment for it. In the course of recovery, I lost hair on my crown area but my donor area is intact. I want to know if brain stroke and cardiac patients can undergo hair transplant procedures. Please explain.

For individuals who have experienced cardiac issues or brain strokes and are considering hair transplant procedures, there can be concerns about potential complications. Particularly, brain stroke patients may worry that a hair transplant could impact their brain health.

In this educational video, Dr John Watts addresses this misconception. He explains that the brain is well-protected by multiple layers, including the skull bone, which shields it from external factors. “Hair transplant procedures are conducted on the superficial layer of the scalp, and there is no direct connection between this outermost scalp layer and the inner brain, which is encased deep within the skull,” he explained.

In response to a question posed by Venkatesh Madala 1147, Dr John Watts clarified that both brain stroke and cardiac patients are generally suitable candidates for hair transplant procedures.

However, he underscored the importance of prioritizing health and recovery from brain stroke and cardiac conditions over cosmetic procedures like hair transplant surgery. While strongly advising patients not to rush into hair transplants if they have recently experienced a brain stroke or cardiac condition, Dr John Watts urged them to focus on their health first.

“Recovery from these significant health events should take precedence, and only once an individual has fully recuperated should they consider pursuing a hair transplant,” he explained.

Conclusion: Cardiac and brain stroke patients need not worry about potential complications from a hair transplant procedure. The procedure’s focus is on the scalp’s superficial layer, and there is no direct impact on the inner brain. While hair transplants can be an option for these patients, their overall health and recovery should always be the primary concern before undergoing any cosmetic procedure.

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Feb 15, 202402:23
What is the proper way to use an egg that benefits the hair?

What is the proper way to use an egg that benefits the hair?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this interesting educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains if it is possible to measure the absorption of raw egg nutrients into the scalp. Are they good for the scalp?

What is the proper way to use an egg that benefits the hair? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Sivaram Raju asks: Sir, I want to know if eggs help in making the hair thicker. Can we measure if the raw egg nutrients get absorbed in the scalp? Is there a way to find it out? What is the process to maximise the benefit of eggs for our hair? Please explain.

Eggs are well-known for their nutritional richness, particularly their protein content, which is beneficial for hair growth when consumed. Interestingly, the belief in the potential benefits of applying raw eggs directly to the scalp as a hair conditioner also exists.

According to Dr John Watts, raw egg application on the scalp can act as a natural conditioner, possibly allowing some of the protein to be absorbed by the scalp. This process may contribute to improving the hair’s texture and appearance.

While consuming eggs provides a range of essential nutrients that promote overall health, using eggs directly on the scalp primarily serves as a natural conditioning treatment.

In response to a query by Shivram Raju, Dr John Watts explained that measuring the exact extent of protein absorption or other nutrient absorption from raw egg application on the scalp is challenging.

However, he emphasized that when eggs are consumed in various cooked forms, their rich vitamin, mineral, and nutrient content undoubtedly supports hair growth from within.

Conclusion: While raw egg application on the scalp may offer some conditioning benefits, the nutrients from eggs are more effectively absorbed through consumption of the cooked form. Embracing a well-rounded diet that includes foods rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, such as eggs, is key to supporting healthy hair growth.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Feb 13, 202401:14
Does regularly using Minoxidil topical lotion can lead to greying of hair?

Does regularly using Minoxidil topical lotion can lead to greying of hair?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this interesting educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts debunks a myth that using Minoxidil topical lotion leads to greying of scalp hair with a clear scientific explanation.

So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Video Designer 5259 asks: Sir, I want to know if regularly using Minoxidil topical lotion can lead to greying of hair. Please explain.

In the realm of hair care, it’s not uncommon for unscientific myths to circulate, leading people to make connections between things without any factual basis. One such misconception revolves around Minoxidil and its alleged relationship with the greying of hair. In this educational video, Dr John Watts takes the opportunity to debunk this myth in an informative video, emphasizing that these two phenomena are entirely unrelated.

Dr Watts starts by delving into the science behind hair greying. He explains that the colour of our hair is primarily determined by melanin, a pigment produced by melanosomes in our skin. “This pigment is responsible for keeping our hair dark and also contributes to skin tanning. Factors such as the natural ageing process, sun damage, stress, and antioxidant deficiencies can lead to the hair gradually turning grey or white,” he explained.

On the other hand, the role of Minoxidil is to stimulate hair growth by enhancing blood circulation in the scalp. Dr Watts elaborates that Minoxidil acts as a vasodilator, which means it widens the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood supply to the hair follicles. However, this process does not influence the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for hair colour. In essence, the two concepts operate in entirely different domains and are not interconnected.

Conclusion: Dr Watts firmly emphasizes that there is no scientific basis to link Minoxidil usage with the greying of hair. Therefore, those using Minoxidil for promoting hair growth need not worry about such myths affecting their decision. It’s crucial to continue utilizing Minoxidil as directed by one’s dermatologist and disregard unfounded claims that lack credible evidence.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Feb 08, 202401:59
Does regularly using Minoxidil topical lotion can lead to greying of hair?

Does regularly using Minoxidil topical lotion can lead to greying of hair?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

👉Watch Full Video 👈

In this interesting educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts debunks a myth that using Minoxidil topical lotion leads to greying of scalp hair with a clear scientific explanation.

So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Video Designer 5259 asks: Sir, I want to know if regularly using Minoxidil topical lotion can lead to greying of hair. Please explain.

In the realm of hair care, it’s not uncommon for unscientific myths to circulate, leading people to make connections between things without any factual basis. One such misconception revolves around Minoxidil and its alleged relationship with the greying of hair. In this educational video, Dr John Watts takes the opportunity to debunk this myth in an informative video, emphasizing that these two phenomena are entirely unrelated.

Dr Watts starts by delving into the science behind hair greying. He explains that the colour of our hair is primarily determined by melanin, a pigment produced by melanosomes in our skin. “This pigment is responsible for keeping our hair dark and also contributes to skin tanning. Factors such as the natural ageing process, sun damage, stress, and antioxidant deficiencies can lead to the hair gradually turning grey or white,” he explained.

On the other hand, the role of Minoxidil is to stimulate hair growth by enhancing blood circulation in the scalp. Dr Watts elaborates that Minoxidil acts as a vasodilator, which means it widens the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood supply to the hair follicles. However, this process does not influence the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for hair colour. In essence, the two concepts operate in entirely different domains and are not interconnected.

Conclusion: Dr Watts firmly emphasizes that there is no scientific basis to link Minoxidil usage with the greying of hair. Therefore, those using Minoxidil for promoting hair growth need not worry about such myths affecting their decision. It’s crucial to continue utilizing Minoxidil as directed by one’s dermatologist and disregard unfounded claims that lack credible evidence.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

👉Hair Transplant Result — Before & After Photos👈

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Feb 07, 202401:59
Is spacing Finasteride drug once in three days a good idea or should one take it once a week?

Is spacing Finasteride drug once in three days a good idea or should one take it once a week?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this interesting educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the best spacing techniques for preventing sexual side effects from Finasteride users.

Is spacing the drug once in three days a good idea or should one take it once a week? Which is the safer spacing method? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Sivaram Raju asks: Sir, what is the best way to space the Finasteride drug? Can I take it once in three days safely? Will it be safe? How long do the effects of Finasteride stay in our bodies? How to avoid the side effects of Finasteride? Please explain.

Finasteride stands as a well-established and US FDA-approved solution to combat genetic baldness. With its capacity to prevent hair loss and even trigger the growth of baby hair, which could potentially mature into terminal hair if administered during the early stages of baldness, Finasteride has garnered attention for its hair-restoring prowess.

However, it’s essential to use this remedy with extreme care and caution, given its potential sexual side effects that affect a small subset of users. This underscores the importance of seeking the guidance of experienced dermatologists to ensure its safe and judicious use.

In this educational video, Dr John Watts is steadfast in his recommendation that while Finasteride addresses the root cause of baldness, individuals must remain vigilant about its possible side effects. Effective management of these side effects hinges on the proper spacing of the drug’s administration.

According to Dr Watts, Finasteride dosing can take different forms, ranging from weekly to once every three days. “This regimen is gradually adjusted based on a patient’s response and their body’s adaptability to the medication,” he informed.

While addressing a query from Sivaram Raju, Dr Watts underscores the significance of adopting the right spacing method. He suggests that taking the drug once every three days is a suitable approach. “After the initial evaluation and response assessment, the dosage can be increased later,” informed Dr Watts.

He informed Sivaram that Finasteride doesn’t stay within the body for an extended period. “With a half-life of approximately six hours, the drug is gradually eliminated from the system, offering a built-in mechanism for its departure,” he said.

Conclusion: Finasteride presents a promising solution for genetic baldness but its sexual side effects necessitate careful and controlled usage. Consulting an experienced dermatologist and adhering to recommended spacing methods can pave the way for effective hair restoration while minimizing the risk of adverse effects.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Feb 06, 202401:52
What should one do if Intra-Lesion Steroid (ILS) treatment does not show results for Alopecia Areata? Can PRP therapy work as an alternative treatment?

What should one do if Intra-Lesion Steroid (ILS) treatment does not show results for Alopecia Areata? Can PRP therapy work as an alternative treatment?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this interesting educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the alternative modes of treatment available for the treatment of Alopecia Areata including ILS treatment.

What should one do if Intra-Lesion Steroid (ILS) treatment does not show results? Can PRP therapy work as an alternative treatment? He answers these queries in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Mahesh Torika 365 asks: Sir, I have found that even after using Intra-Lesion Steroid (ILS) treatment for Alopecia Areata, it is not working in my case. I want to know if there is an alternative treatment available or if PRP therapy works in my case. Please explain.

Alopecia areata is a condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, causing hair loss. The disorder has various forms, but for many, home remedies are the first line of treatment.

However, if these approaches prove ineffective, individuals may turn to more unconventional methods like the “Nepal Ginja” technique, which involves inducing controlled inflammation to trigger growth factors. When these approaches fall short, simple medications might be the next step, according to Dr John Watts.

While addressing a query from Mahesh Torika 365, Dr John Watts said that if all previous methods prove unsuccessful, patients might consider the administration of Intra-Lesion Steroid (ILS) treatment under the guidance of a qualified dermatologist.

However, he cautioned against applying ILS injections on certain areas like the face, beard, moustache, and eyebrows due to the risk of skin thinning. Scalp regions affected by alopecia areata could be treated with ILS injections.

If ILS treatment also doesn’t yield desired results, Dr Watts suggested another option: Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. While PRP has shown success in some cases, outcomes are not guaranteed. Dr Watts emphasized that attempting PRP therapy is reasonable if other methods have been exhausted.

Conclusion: Alopecia areata can be a challenging condition to treat, with home remedies often being the initial approach. If those remedies fail, treatments like ILS injections or PRP therapy can be considered under medical supervision. It’s essential to explore these options with a qualified dermatologist to find the most suitable treatment path.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

👉Hair Transplant Result — Before & After Photos👈

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Feb 05, 202402:12
Is there any scientific basis to assume that tailoring one’s food choices based on one’s blood group would promote hair growth?

Is there any scientific basis to assume that tailoring one’s food choices based on one’s blood group would promote hair growth?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

👉Watch Full Video 👈

In this interesting educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains if there is any scientific basis to assume that tailoring one’s food choices based on one’s blood group would promote hair growth.

Is there any such link or is it just a myth? Is there hair growth-friendly food at all? Can they be generally consumed by all people? He answers these questions in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Dhanush Vardhan asks: Sir, I want to know if eating certain food based on one’s blood group can promote hair growth. Is there any such food that can be linked to one’s blood group and promote hair growth? Please explain.

In their quest for promoting hair growth, individuals often fall victim to unscientific myths, connecting unrelated factors without valid evidence. One such misconception suggests tailoring diets based on blood groups to enhance hair growth.

Dr John Watts, however, emphasizes the lack of scientific backing for such claims. While people of certain blood groups might be prone to certain diseases, there is currently no substantial research supporting a direct connection between blood type and hair growth.

There is, however, evidence that those individuals with a particular blood group are often susceptible to get certain diseases. “For instance, it has been found that those with 0+ blood group often suffer from gastric ulcers. But when it comes to forming such a blood group link with hair growth, there has been no research finding yet,” informed Dr John Watts.

While addressing a query from Dhanush Vardhan, Dr Watts advocates a more rational approach to promoting hair growth. Rather than focusing on unverified theories, individuals are advised to include biotin-rich foods, protein sources, nuts, and coconut milk in their diet.

“These dietary elements are recognized for their potential benefits on hair health across the board irrespective of one’s blood group,” he said.

Conclusion: It’s crucial to separate fact from fiction and base dietary choices on established nutritional principles rather than unverified myths. Taking a holistic approach to diet and overall health is likely to yield more positive and sustainable results for promoting hair growth.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


👉Hair Transplant Result — Before & After Photos👈

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Feb 03, 202401:30
Is it safe to directly use Minoxidil straight after a hair dye or one should wait for some time before using it?

Is it safe to directly use Minoxidil straight after a hair dye or one should wait for some time before using it?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this interesting educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the dos and don’ts of Minoxidil use for those who want to use it after applying hair dye on the scalp hair.

Is it safe to directly use Minoxidil straight after a hair dye or one should wait for some time before using it? Is hair dye safe for all hair types? What are the adverse consequences of hair dye? He answers these questions in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Jeevan Lanka 2791 asks: Sir, I want to know if it is safe to use Minoxidil topical lotion directly after applying hair dye on the scalp hair. Please explain.

Using hair dye to change your hair colour is a popular choice, but it’s essential to be aware of potential complications that can arise, especially if the dye contains harsh chemicals that may affect one’s scalp and hair health. Individuals who have been prescribed Minoxidil topical lotion or are already using it often wonder if they can continue its application after dyeing their hair.

In response to a query from Jeevan Lanka 2791, Dr John Watts explains that some individuals who use hair dye might experience sensitivity reactions such as a burning sensation or irritation on their scalp. If such reactions occur, Dr Watts strongly advises them to immediately discontinue the use of Minoxidil until their scalp issue subsides. He further recommends avoiding the application of Minoxidil in such cases.

“If you intend to resume using Minoxidil, it’s crucial to wait for at least 2–3 days after the sensitivity issue has resolved before reapplying the lotion. This precaution ensures that no further reactions occur,” advised Dr John Watts.

For those who don’t experience any adverse reactions from hair dye and have a comfortable scalp, Dr Watts suggests they can safely use Minoxidil after waiting for just one day. This approach helps to minimize any potential risks or interactions between the hair dye chemicals and the Minoxidil lotion.

Conclusion: It’s important to be cautious when using hair dye, especially if you are also using Minoxidil for hair growth. If you notice any sensitivity reactions or discomfort after applying hair dye

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Feb 01, 202401:03
Can one use Minoxidil 5% topical lotion on one’s eyebrows for dense hair growth? Does it work or will have adverse consequences?

Can one use Minoxidil 5% topical lotion on one’s eyebrows for dense hair growth? Does it work or will have adverse consequences?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains why one should not use Minoxidil topical lotion for non-indicated reasons such as for increasing eyebrow hair density.

Can one use Minoxidil 5% topical lotion on one’s eyebrows for dense hair growth? Does it work or will have adverse consequences? He answers these questions in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Daily Gyan asks: Sir, I want to know if I can use Minoxidil 5% lotion to increase hair density on my eyebrows. I have thin hair on my eyebrows. Please advise.

Several young individuals who are facing hair loss issues are often tempted to try using Minoxidil topical lotion on areas where it is not indicated, such as the eyebrows, in hopes of promoting hair growth.

However, this can lead to disastrous consequences. It is essential to understand that Minoxidil is not meant for application on sensitive areas like the eyebrows or eyelashes. “The general rule is to avoid using any drugs or chemicals near the eyes. Even hair dye manufacturers emphasize that their products should never be applied to the eyebrows,” informed Dr John Watts.

While responding to the query of Daily Gyan, Dr John Watts advises against using Minoxidil 2% or Minoxidil 5% on eyebrows due to their hypersensitivity.

If someone desires to have denser eyebrows, there are alternative options available. The first approach is to explore proper medication to promote eyebrow hair growth. “If this method does not yield satisfactory results, eyebrow hair transplantation can be considered. This procedure involves using fine and soft hair grafts taken from the back of the scalp to create denser eyebrows,” explained Dr John Watts.

However, in some cases, even eyebrow hair transplantation may not provide the desired density. In such situations, micro blading can be a suitable solution. Microblading is a procedure in which permanent eyebrows are designed to give the appearance of fuller and well-defined eyebrows.

Conclusion: It is crucial to use medications like Minoxidil as directed and only in the areas for which they are intended. Applying Minoxidil on sensitive areas like the eyebrows can lead to unwanted side effects and complications. Instead, individuals seeking denser eyebrows should consider alternative options like medication, eyebrow hair transplantation, or micro blading, under the guidance and expertise of a qualified medical doctor

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Jan 28, 202401:49
Does shaving the scalp after using Minoxidil lotion make hair growth better and faster

Does shaving the scalp after using Minoxidil lotion make hair growth better and faster


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains why shaving one’s scalp by those using Minoxidil topical lotion may not be able to boost hair growth faster.

Does shaving the scalp after using Minoxidil lotion make hair growth better and faster? Is there any truth or scientific basis? He answers these questions in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

A Dude asks: Sir, we usually get new hair after using Minoxidil. I want to know if after using Minoxidil is it possible to grow hair faster or do they grow better by shaving my scalp. Will new hair stop growing if one shaves the head or grow normally along with existing hair? Please explain.

Several individuals using Minoxidil topical hair lotion often seek shortcuts to achieve faster hair growth, but these shortcuts may not have any scientific basis. One common misconception is that shaving the scalp will lead to increased hair density and a faster growth rate after noticing some baby hair growth while using Minoxidil.

However, Dr John Watts clarifies that shaving the scalp will not promote faster hair growth in any way. “The hair that grows as a result of Minoxidil usage is usually weak, and its growth rate is slower compared to normal existing hair. Additionally, they do not grow uniformly along with the existing hair. If the scalp is shaved, Minoxidil-induced hair will take time to grow alongside existing hair, which may grow faster,” he informed.

Dr Watts lists out the characteristics of Minoxidil-induced hair growth, emphasizing that these hairs are generally weaker and slower in growth compared to the existing hair. Furthermore, if one stops using Minoxidil, these hairs may disappear.

“It’s important to understand that shaving the scalp will not lead to better hair growth. Only the side and back hair may grow faster, while the front and centre hair may not show significant growth. On the contrary, shaving the scalp may only expose baldness,” he explained.

Conclusion: Instead of resorting to shaving the scalp in hopes of increasing Minoxidil-induced hair growth, a better approach would be to trim the hair for those who notice small baby hair growth after using Minoxidil topical lotion. Shaving the scalp will not yield the desired results and may only lead to a disproportionate appearance with some areas experiencing faster growth and others not growing adequately.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Jan 27, 202402:13
Can certain drugs like anti-anxiety medicine cause baldness?

Can certain drugs like anti-anxiety medicine cause baldness?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the causes of drug-induced hair loss.

Can certain drugs like anti-anxiety medicine cause baldness? He answers this question in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

T Phani Kumar asks: Sir, my doctor has prescribed me sleeping medicine to help me overcome sleep issues. I want to know if taking anti-anxiety drugs or sleeping medicine can lead to baldness. Please explain.

In certain situations, hair fall can be induced by drugs, especially in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. This is a well-known side effect of cancer treatment, and it is commonly observed during the chemotherapy phase.

While there have been rare instances where non-cancer drugs like anti-anxiety medications might contribute to hair loss, it is not a widespread occurrence and only affects certain individuals.

In this informative video, Dr John Watts advises patient T Phani Kumar never to self-medicate with such sleep medicine or anti-anxiety drugs without a qualified doctor’s prescription. “It is crucial to adhere strictly to the doctor’s recommended dosage and duration for using any medication, including anti-anxiety drugs. Taking medications without proper guidance can lead to unforeseen side effects and complications,” said Dr John Watts.

While responding to a query by T Phani Kumar, Dr Watts clarifies that there is no medical evidence supporting the notion that anti-anxiety drugs cause baldness. “While some individuals may experience mild hair fall as a side effect, it happens rarely and not to everyone,” said Dr John Watts.

It is essential to understand that hair loss can have various underlying causes, and it’s crucial to consult a qualified dermatologist for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Conclusion: When it comes to medications, especially those that may have potential side effects, it is crucial to seek guidance from a qualified medical professional. Anti-anxiety drugs, like any other medication, should be used only under a doctor’s prescription to ensure proper dosage, safety, and efficacy.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Jan 24, 202401:15
Can I regrow hair lost due to daily use of a derma roller, which has caused small wounds on my scalp?

Can I regrow hair lost due to daily use of a derma roller, which has caused small wounds on my scalp?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains why one should not repeatedly use a derma roller on scalp hair. He explains the dos and don’ts of derma roller usage.

What happens if one uses a derma roller every day? Will it lead to adverse effects? Can it lead to hair loss? Is there a minimum waiting period for using the derma roller the second time? He answers these questions in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

5 Things ask: Sir, I have been using a derma roller every day. As a result, I have noticed that small wounds have formed on my scalp and it is leading to hair loss. I want to know if it is possible to regrow the lost hair. Please explain.

Eager to accelerate hair growth, a few young individuals often resort to using a derma roller on their own without proper medical guidance. However, this can lead to unfavourable consequences, including scalp wounds, inflammation, hair loss, scalp infections, and the formation of fibrosis.

In this educational video, Dr John Watts emphasizes the importance of using a derma roller with extreme caution and only under medical supervision, especially if it’s being used at home.

Responding to a query from “5 Things,” Dr Watts clarifies that derma roller usage should not be a frequent practice. “Ideally, a gap of at least 3 weeks should be maintained between each session of derma roller treatment,” advised Dr John Watts.

While explaining the scientific working of the derma roller, Dr Watts said that the derma roller works by creating minor injuries on the scalp, triggering the healing process and the release of growth factors.

Hence, using the derma roller too frequently does not allow the scalp enough time to heal properly, increasing the risk of inflammation, scalp infections, and pain. This could also lead to shock hair loss and potentially impact existing hair.

Dr Watts further explains that if shock hair loss occurs due to repeated derma roller use, regrowth of hair may be possible through simple medication or hair transplant procedures. However, if the scalp develops pus or the hair roots are extensively damaged due to overuse of the derma roller, the chances of regrowth, even with a transplant, are reduced. Hence, hair regrowth may be impossible in such a scenario due to the formation of fibrosis on the scalp.

Conclusion: The use of a derma roller should always be carried out under the guidance and supervision of a qualified dermatologist. Attempting to use a derma roller without proper medical oversight can result in adverse effects and hinder the desired hair growth outcomes.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Jan 22, 202402:54
Can Oral Minoxidil treat erectile dysfunction, and is Tadalafil effective for hair loss?

Can Oral Minoxidil treat erectile dysfunction, and is Tadalafil effective for hair loss?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the dangers of mixing up drugs for experimental use to see if they can work for unintended purposes.

He highlights the query of a patient who was keen to know if two different drugs meant for hair loss and erectile dysfunction problems can be reversed and if they work for non-intended purposes. He answers the undermentioned question in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Krishna asks: Sir, I want to know if it is medically feasible to use Oral Minoxidil for treating sexual erectile problems and if can Tadalafil be used for controlling hair fall. Please explain.

In the quest for quick fixes, some young individuals may mistakenly consider experimenting with drugs, viewing it as harmless fun. Dr John Watts emphasizes the importance of avoiding such behaviour, especially when it comes to medications that are used off-label without a medical prescription.

In this educational video, Dr Watts strongly advised against self-experimentation with drugs for unintended purposes. Patient Krishna inquired about the possibility of using oral Minoxidil as an alternative treatment for erectile dysfunction and using Tadalafil for hair loss control.

However, Dr Watts clarified that oral Minoxidil is specifically intended for hair loss control, while Tadalafil is used to address male erectile issues. “These drugs cannot be overlapped or combined for their respective functions, and there is no scientific evidence or publications in medical literature to support such usage. Therefore, attempting to reverse the drugs for different purposes is not a viable option and may lead to adverse effects,” warned Dr John Watts.

Conclusion: Individuals need to follow proper medical guidance and not indulge in unscientific experimentation with drugs. Tadalafil is not suitable for hair loss control, and oral Minoxidil is not an appropriate solution for erectile dysfunction problems. Seeking advice from qualified healthcare professionals is crucial for safe and effective use of medications.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Jan 18, 202401:54
Can Minoxidil 2% lotion help regrow beard hair lost due to plucking, and are there any side effects or impact on existing beard hair?

Can Minoxidil 2% lotion help regrow beard hair lost due to plucking, and are there any side effects or impact on existing beard hair?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the fallout of deep-rooted behavioural tendencies like plucking one’s scalp or beard hair on a long-term basis.

Can one regrow such lost hair by using Minoxidil 2% topical lotion? Does Minoxidil affect existing hair growth? Will there be any adverse side effects after using Minoxidil to regrow the lost beard hair? He answers these questions in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Bhukya Vijay Kumar asks: Sir, I have a bad habit of plucking my beard hair. As a result, now patches and gaps have formed on my beard as I have lost hair. I want to know if Minoxidil 2% topical lotion can help me regrow my lost beard hair. Will it lead to any adverse side effects? Will it affect existing beard hair in any way? Please explain.

Plucking one’s hair or beard hair, a condition known as trichotillomania is a unique habit that some individuals develop over time. However, it’s crucial to understand that such habits can have adverse consequences on hair growth and overall appearance.

In this educational video, Dr John Watts explained that consistent hair plucking can deplete the stem cell reserves responsible for controlling hair growth capacity. In the case of Bhukya Vijay Kumar, who raised concerns about his beard hair-plucking habit, Dr Watts suggested using 2% Minoxidil as a trial to see if the patches or gaps formed in his beard can be treated or if hair growth can recover.

“The impact of hair plucking on the stem cell reserves can vary, and if some stem cell reserves remain intact, there is a chance that the lost beard hair may regrow with the use of Minoxidil,” informed Dr John Watts.

While referring to the query raised by Bhukya Vijay Kumar, Dr John Watts clarified that using Minoxidil 2% lotion will not affect the growth of existing beard hair in any way.

However, if the Minoxidil treatment proves ineffective, Dr Watts recommended considering a beard hair transplant. This procedure involves harvesting healthy donor hair from the back of the scalp and transplanting it into the affected beard areas. It can be a viable solution, but Dr Watts cautioned that the success of such transplants may be short-lived if the hair-plucking habit is not controlled.

Conclusion: Hair plucking habits like trichotillomania can significantly impact hair growth and appearance. While Minoxidil and hair transplants can offer potential remedies, it’s essential to address the underlying psychological aspects with professional help to achieve lasting results. Seeking support from healthcare professionals can lead to a better understanding of the habit and pave the way for effective treatments.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Jan 16, 202402:42
When scalp hair and hair growing on the body including pubic hair are the same then can’t we use regular soap for cleaning them?

When scalp hair and hair growing on the body including pubic hair are the same then can’t we use regular soap for cleaning them?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the difference between body hair and scalp hair by pointing out their characteristics.

He answers queries related to the use of soap for cleaning both body hair and scalp hair. Is it an appropriate thing to do? When soaps cannot be used for both body hair and scalp hair when they look the same? Will it lead to any adverse consequences? He answers these questions in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Mahesh Verma asks: Sir, when scalp hair and hair growing on the body including pubic hair are the same then can’t we use regular soap for cleaning them? Please explain.

In this educational video, Dr John Watts addresses a common misconception about scalp hygiene and explains the differences between body hair and scalp hair. There is a common misconception about scalp hygiene and the use of soap for hair. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the differences between body hair and scalp hair in terms of growth rate, density, and thickness.

However, while body hair and scalp hair may look similar, they have distinct characteristics in terms of growth rate, density, and thickness. These variations depend on the location of the hair, such as chest hair, pubic hair, scalp hair, or facial hair like beard hair.

Responding to a query about using soap for hair, Dr Watts clarifies that using soap is suitable for body hair when the hair density is low, such as on the chest, beard, or the rest of the body including pubic hair.

“The average hair density per square centimetre on the scalp is about 80–120 hairs, while beard hair has about 20–30 hairs per square centimetre, and body hair has about 5–10 hairs per square centimetre. Soaps are effective in washing away dirt where hair density is lower, but they are not suitable for dense scalp hair,” explains Dr John Watts.

Instead, for scalp hair, liquid shampoos are recommended because they contain surfactants that can easily wash off dirt and oils with water. Liquid shampoos are specifically designed to cleanse the scalp without causing any damage to the hair follicles. On the other hand, using soap on the scalp cannot provide overall hair health based on its needs.

Conclusion: It is crucial to understand the differences between body hair and scalp hair and use the appropriate cleansing products accordingly. While soap can be used for the body, liquid shampoos are the best choice for maintaining scalp hygiene and promoting healthy hair growth.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Jan 14, 202402:04
When can I resume gym activities and take protein supplements after a hair transplant, and will these impact the transplanted hair?

When can I resume gym activities and take protein supplements after a hair transplant, and will these impact the transplanted hair?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the dos and don’ts post hair transplant procedure, especially in the context of workouts or hard exercises in a gym.

When is the right time to resume workouts post-hair transplant? Can one immediately start gym activity after a hair transplant? Will it be safe or lead to consequences? What other precautions one needs to follow? He answers these questions in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

PNDU 6641 asks: Sir, how many days after a hair transplant procedure one can resume gym activity or undertake exercises regularly? Can I take protein supplements during workouts? Will it affect implanted hair in any way? Please explain.

Post a hair transplant procedure, many young individuals with a regular gym routine are eager to know when they can resume their intense workouts. However, Dr John Watts advises caution and recommends waiting for at least a month before getting back to regular gym activities. He emphasizes the need to prioritize post-transplant precautions for optimal results.

When addressing the query of PNDU 6641, Dr Watts specifies that during the first 15–20 days after the hair transplant, any form of physical workout should be strictly avoided. “This initial period is crucial for the implanted hair to properly settle and heal. After this duration, one can gradually begin with light exercises such as brisk walking, followed by jogging, before fully resuming strenuous workouts after 30 days,” said Dr John Watts.

During gym sessions, sweat can come in contact with the newly implanted hair. While this isn’t necessarily problematic if proper scalp hygiene is maintained, accumulated sweat salts may affect hair health. Dr Watts advises such individuals to take a shower after each workout session to cleanse the scalp and minimize potential risks.

As for nutrition during gym workouts post-hair transplant, Dr Watts recommends being mindful of protein supplements. While they can be beneficial, it’s essential to consult a nutritionist or gym trainer for personalized advice based on individual weight and needs.

Conclusion: Resuming weight training and gym workouts after a hair transplant requires patience and adherence to post-transplant precautions. Waiting for at least a month and gradually easing back into physical activities can ensure the best possible outcomes. Maintaining scalp hygiene and seeking professional nutrition advice are also vital aspects to consider. By following these guidelines, individuals can safely resume their gym routines while safeguarding the results of their hair transplant.

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Jan 10, 202401:38
How can I manage dandruff without causing hair loss?

How can I manage dandruff without causing hair loss?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains why unscientific methods cannot help in treating dandruff issues. He explains clearly what one needs to do to control the dandruff problem.

Can one rely on a hair scalp massager or any type of special brush to control the dandruff menace? He answers this question in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

G Srikanth asks: Sir, I am struggling with dandruff issues. I have been using a hair scalp massager to remove dandruff but I noticed that it is leading to hair loss. When I used my bare hands for massaging there is no hair loss. Please advise what I should do.

In this educational video, Dr John Watts sheds light on the common issue of severe dandruff leading to hair loss problems. Many individuals facing this concern often resort to trying various home remedies in an attempt to control the problem. However, Dr Watts emphasizes the importance of treating dandruff scientifically rather than relying on temporary and experimental solutions.

Addressing a query raised by G Srikanth, Dr Watts advises against using hair scalp massagers or special brushes alone to control dandruff. These external methods do not address the root cause of the problem and may even lead to further hair loss. Instead, he strongly recommends consulting a qualified dermatologist for proper dandruff control, as this often involves the use of anti-fungal treatments.

“Based on the severity of dandruff, the dermatologist may prescribe an overnight anti-fungal lotion to be rinsed with water and followed by an anti-dandruff shampoo the next morning. For individuals with mild dandruff issues, using the anti-fungal lotion on the scalp for one-and-a-half to two hours before rinsing with water and using an anti-dandruff shampoo may be advised,” he informed.

Conclusion: The key takeaway from Dr John Watts’ advice is that scientific treatment of dandruff is essential to prevent hair loss. Relying on expert guidance from a qualified dermatologist can help individuals effectively control dandruff and preserve their hair health.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Jan 09, 202401:32
How should someone act if they’re experiencing hair loss, a receding hairline, and visible scalp? Are there medical treatments for these conditions?

How should someone act if they’re experiencing hair loss, a receding hairline, and visible scalp? Are there medical treatments for these conditions?

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the right Minoxidil dosage and why one should not exceed the recommended dosage.

Can one use less dosage if the affected area of hair loss is too less? He answers this question in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Telugu Tech asks: Sir, the hair on my sides has started receding. I have very less hair loss area confined only to the sides of my temple. If my baldness area is small, can I still use 1 ml of recommended Minoxidil dosage? Please clarify.

Minoxidil is a US FDA-approved drug widely used to prevent hair loss. In this educational video, Dr John Watts addresses a common concern among hair loss patients who use Minoxidil topical lotion — the confusion about the correct dosage to use.

Dr Watts emphasizes the importance of following the dosage prescribed by one’s doctor and never exceeding the limit of 2 ml in a day. The recommended dosage is 1 ml in the morning and 1 ml before bedtime. Even if the area of hair loss is larger, Dr Watts cautions against increasing the dosage on one’s own, as this could have counterproductive effects.

Similarly, for individuals with smaller affected areas, it is essential to avoid using the full 1 ml dosage and try to adjust with a lower amount. In response to a query raised by Telugu Tech, Dr Watts advises that if the hair loss or balding area is confined only to the temple area, using 0.5 ml of the dosage could be sufficient.

“In such a situation, applying just two drops on each side of the temple instead of the full 1 ml would be appropriate in such cases,” said Dr John Watts, emphasizing that using extra dosage when it is not necessary will not yield additional benefits and could be wasteful.

Conclusion: When using Minoxidil topical lotion for hair loss treatment, it is crucial to adhere to the prescribed dosage and never exceed the recommended limit of 2 ml in a day. Using excess Minoxidil is not advisable, as it can be counterproductive and may not offer any additional benefits.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the fallout of delaying treatment for genetic baldness at the earliest stage. He describes the options available for treating genetic baldness.

When opting for a hair transplant, Dr Watts advises Mahesh Babu to conduct thorough research before finalizing a hair transplant surgeon. An experienced surgeon with a track record of at least 400–500 surgeries can significantly contribute to achieving the best possible outcome.

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Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Jan 07, 202402:27
Can I still use the recommended 1 ml dosage of Minoxidil if my hair loss is confined to small areas on the sides of my temples?

Can I still use the recommended 1 ml dosage of Minoxidil if my hair loss is confined to small areas on the sides of my temples?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the right Minoxidil dosage and why one should not exceed the recommended dosage.

Can one use less dosage if the affected area of hair loss is too less? He answers this question in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Telugu Tech asks: Sir, the hair on my sides has started receding. I have very less hair loss area confined only to the sides of my temple. If my baldness area is small, can I still use 1 ml of recommended Minoxidil dosage? Please clarify.

Minoxidil is a US FDA-approved drug widely used to prevent hair loss. In this educational video, Dr John Watts addresses a common concern among hair loss patients who use Minoxidil topical lotion — the confusion about the correct dosage to use.

Dr Watts emphasizes the importance of following the dosage prescribed by one’s doctor and never exceeding the limit of 2 ml in a day. The recommended dosage is 1 ml in the morning and 1 ml before bedtime. Even if the area of hair loss is larger, Dr Watts cautions against increasing the dosage on one’s own, as this could have counterproductive effects.

Similarly, for individuals with smaller affected areas, it is essential to avoid using the full 1 ml dosage and try to adjust with a lower amount. In response to a query raised by Telugu Tech, Dr Watts advises that if the hair loss or balding area is confined only to the temple area, using 0.5 ml of the dosage could be sufficient.

“In such a situation, applying just two drops on each side of the temple instead of the full 1 ml would be appropriate in such cases,” said Dr John Watts, emphasizing that using extra dosage when it is not necessary will not yield additional benefits and could be wasteful.

Conclusion: When using Minoxidil topical lotion for hair loss treatment, it is crucial to adhere to the prescribed dosage and never exceed the recommended limit of 2 ml in a day. Using excess Minoxidil is not advisable, as it can be counterproductive and may not offer any additional benefits.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

👉Hair Transplant Result — Before & After Photos👈

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Jan 06, 202401:34
Is it advisable to use Minoxidil to strengthen and lengthen hair that is already normal and long with no hair fall?

Is it advisable to use Minoxidil to strengthen and lengthen hair that is already normal and long with no hair fall?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

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In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains the dangers of using Minoxidil by those who already have normal and long-growing hair.

He explains to the viewers that one must avoid self-medication of Minoxidil without consulting a dermatologist. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Naveen BNU asks: Sir, I have no hair fall. I have normal hair and long growing hair. I want to know if I can use Minoxidil for strengthening and lengthening my existing hair. Please advise.

Minoxidil is a proven and FDA-approved medication known for its effectiveness in preventing hair loss and baldness. However, there is a common misconception among some individuals having normal growing hair that they can use Minoxidil to strengthen and enhance their already healthy hair.

Dr John Watts clarifies this misunderstanding, advising against such usage. “If someone already has good, normal hair with sufficient length, using Minoxidil to strengthen it further may not be recommended,” he advised.

While addressing a query raised by Naveen BNU, Dr John Watts confirms that he is not an eligible candidate for using Minoxidil since he doesn’t have any hair loss or baldness issues. In such cases, the use of Minoxidil should be avoided altogether. Additionally, Dr Watts firmly rules out its application to lengthen and strengthen existing hair. He strongly advises against self-medication of Minoxidil for unintended user benefits from the topical hair lotion, as it can potentially lead to more harm than good for those with good normal hair.

Highlighting some of the disadvantages for those seeking unintended benefits with Minoxidil, Dr John Watts explains that if Minoxidil is used by individuals with healthy normal hair, it can result in dryness and increased hair breakage, ultimately affecting hair density.

Conclusion: It is crucial to consult a dermatologist before using Minoxidil. If someone is facing hair thinning, hair loss, or baldness issues, Minoxidil may prove beneficial in such cases. However, those with good normal hair should exercise caution and avoid using Minoxidil for unintended purposes, as it may lead to adverse effects such as dryness, breakage, and decreased hair density.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

👉Hair Transplant Result — Before & After Photos👈

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Dec 31, 202301:19
Should I stop using Minoxidil if it’s causing pustules on my scalp, and what are my next steps?

Should I stop using Minoxidil if it’s causing pustules on my scalp, and what are my next steps?


Different questions related to baldness, hair grafts, hair loss, hair transplant procedures and medical treatments for hair loss are being raised by patients now and then, including the followers of Dr John Watts, who keep flooding his series of hugely popular educational videos on his popular YouTube channel with queries related to different hair issues.

In this educational video session, Hyderabad’s noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr John Watts explains what one has to do if Minoxidil topical leads to adverse side effects like the formation of pustules on the scalp.

What precautionary or preventive creams one can apply in such situations? He answers these questions in this educational video. So far, Dr John Watts has performed over 2000+ hair transplant surgeries successfully.

Srikanth Reddy 7834 asks: Sir, I have been applying the prescribed 1 ml Minoxidil topical lotion on my scalp. However, I have noticed that it has led to the growth of pustules on my scalp. What should I do? Please explain.

Minoxidil is an FDA-approved drug widely used to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. This topical lotion has proven effective for many users. One common side effect of Minoxidil is that the alcohol content in the lotion is known to make hair dry and stiff after some time but this gets resolved after a head bath the next day.

However, it’s essential to be aware that in some cases, Minoxidil may not be suitable for certain individuals and could lead to allergic reactions. Dr John Watts warns that these allergic reactions might occur within 3–10 days of starting Minoxidil usage, particularly in people with specific immunological conditions. It’s crucial to pay close attention to any signs of irritation or discomfort on the scalp during this period.

“One of the common early signs of an allergic reaction to Minoxidil is the development of pustules on the scalp,” informed Dr John Watts.

Responding to a query from Srikanth Reddy 7834, Dr John Watts cautions that if such pustules appear within 5 days of using Minoxidil, it could indicate an allergic reaction, and the medication should be discontinued immediately. In such cases, seeking immediate medical advice is crucial. Consulting one’s dermatologist or a general practitioner and informing them about the side effects is essential for proper evaluation and guidance.

In situations where immediate access to a doctor is not possible, Dr John Watts suggests applying fusidic acid cream or mupirocin cream. However, it’s vital to remember that this is a temporary measure and does not replace professional medical advice. Seeking medical attention should still be a priority to address the allergic reaction effectively.

Conclusion: When using Minoxidil, it’s essential to be vigilant and observant of any signs of allergic reactions. If any irritation, pain, or pustule growth on the scalp occurs within a few days of using the medication, immediate action is necessary. Discontinuing the use of Minoxidil and consulting with one’s doctor promptly can help manage the allergic reaction and ensure the best course of action for hair loss prevention and hair growth treatment.

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👉Get consultation with Dr John Watts — Hair Transplant Surgeon👈

* Trichos is ultimate destination for high quality hair transplant

* We are dedicated to provide real, permanently long lasting and growing hair that look natural.

* We have been awarded best hair transplant clinic in south India.




Contact us:

KUKATPALLY, 3rd Floor, Sai Towers, Above Aishwarya fertility, Beside Sri Sri holistic Hospital, KPHB Road no 1, Hyderabad-500072.

Call or WhatsApp :+91 9000566767, +91 6303151659, +91 8008003115

Dec 28, 202301:57