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Duke Of The Right

Duke Of The Right

By Lawrence Dugo

‘DOTR’ is a daily podcast, discussing news relevant to American culture, and the relentless attempt by the left to destroy it. From SJW’s attacking someone for wearing a MAGA hat, to government officials creating sanctuary cities. And everything in the middle. My listeners will be exposed to my opinions on topics, along with REAL facts from real news sources, as well as exposing FAKE news and where it is coming from. I like to keep it light. The things happening in this country can be depressing. But i will do my best to find the light!
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DOTR 10: Dream Defenders

Duke Of The RightMar 07, 2020

DOTR 28: white supremacy?

DOTR 28: white supremacy?

This episode is 20 minutes of me screaming at my phone try to get through to you people on why this whole white supremacy narrative is complete bullshit and you have to use your own brains we are individuals. not collectivists.
Feb 27, 202121:15
DOTR 27: shit is about to hit the fan

DOTR 27: shit is about to hit the fan

Feeds off my previously episode about the Capitol riots.
Jan 13, 202121:04
DOTR 26: The Capitol

DOTR 26: The Capitol

I express my opinion on January 6, 2021... a day that will go down in the history books. Americans are ANGRY.
Jan 10, 202116:40
DOTR 25: Democratic People’s Republic of Manhattan

DOTR 25: Democratic People’s Republic of Manhattan

New York City is being run by a self proclaimed communist. The city is turning into a hell hole overnight, and there is no end in sight. Businesses are being fined thousands of dollars due to COVID laws, people are being thrown in Jail for violating mask mandates. People are leaving the city in Droves. Our city is dying.
Oct 22, 202031:21
DOTR 24: What the F*** is going on?

DOTR 24: What the F*** is going on?

We are in an Orwellian, dystopian nightmare. Jeffery Boobin is caught jerking off on Zoom, while Buzzfeed cranks out an article justifying the wank. Why do straight teens feel the need to put their pronouns in their bio? What is up is down, right is wrong, and normal is weird. 1984 is coming to fruition, and it’s frightening.
Oct 21, 202034:46
DOTR 23: Culture Wars PART 2 - ANTIFA and BLM

DOTR 23: Culture Wars PART 2 - ANTIFA and BLM

I continue my diatribe about the culture war, and I explain what Antifa and BLM are really about, and why they use the tactics they use. If anyone has friends who support these groups, please force them to listen to this episode. As an American it is your duty to inform them of the truth.
Oct 10, 202031:20
DOTR 22: Culture Wars

DOTR 22: Culture Wars

We are in the middle of a culture war, and I believe it is going to get much worse, before it gets better. But as patriots, we cannot sit back and watch anarchy and anti Americanism take over.
Oct 09, 202033:43
DOTR 21: The Vicious Cycle of the Black Community

DOTR 21: The Vicious Cycle of the Black Community

The black community has been struggling for decades. Why? I dove into why I believe black people are in the positions they are in today. And it all boils down to 2 things. Culture, and fathers.
Oct 08, 202048:33


No political talk, no negativity. Just my persosonal advice on how to stay organized, focused, and productive. we all need a break from this chaos. And it’s true chaos. I have a feel it’s going to get much worse, before it gets better. But we must stay positive through all of this.
Aug 30, 202026:09
DOTR 18: The Bombing of Wall Street

DOTR 18: The Bombing of Wall Street

A few nights ago, I watched a documentary on the Bombing of Wall Street in 1920, and it inspired me to create a new episode. I encourage everyone to watch it, as it will confirm the phrase “history repeats itself”. The rise of the anarcho-communist movement today is strikingly similar to that of the early 1900s. This episode is just a brief overview of what led up to the Bombing, and how it relates to the current day chaos being inflicted on America by this increasingly popular movement.
Jul 19, 202027:47
DOTR 17: The plot to destroy America

DOTR 17: The plot to destroy America

America is burning. Cities are being decimated, stores are being ransacked, people are living in fear. What will be next? One day we are losing our minds over Covid19, next day there are riots in countless cities. What is really going on behind closed doors? Who is the mastermind of this? Is this all part of the “new world order”? We must Unite as Americans and fight for our country back. Rest In Peace George Floyd.
Jun 04, 202001:34:10
DOTR 16: Media sponsored Destruction

DOTR 16: Media sponsored Destruction

American cities are burning, fueled by a narrative based on pure lies. Riots continue to plague cities across the country after the horrible killing of George Floyd. Instead of rioting and looting and causing destruction, we should direct attention to actually helping the cause.
May 30, 202001:45:32
DOTR 15: Revenge of the Nerds

DOTR 15: Revenge of the Nerds

After a 2 month break, I dove right in to talk about how the media and the Left manipulates the news to strike fear into people for votes and power, how Antifa is just a group of nerds and outcasts who had no purpose in life, how the Trayvon Martin Hoax reignited racial tension in America, and the dystopia the left is trying to create.
May 23, 202001:20:39
DOTR 14: The Blame Game

DOTR 14: The Blame Game

Why do young people blame their problems and inadequacies on others, but never self reflect? Why are people and governments losing their mind over covid-19? The stock market in a rapid sell off? Smells fishy to me.
Mar 17, 202001:05:09
DOTR 13: Media- Influenced Hysteria

DOTR 13: Media- Influenced Hysteria

Why is everyone losing their shit over CoronaVirus? Read the numbers people. This is all media influenced hype for ratings AND a Hail Mary attempt to take down President Trump. Stay calm, continue to go about your day, but be smart. Wash your hands, don’t suck on doorknobs, and maybe avoid going to a Knicks game. The unknown is scary. And there’s no question Clovis 19 is an issue.. But THIS TOO SHALL PASS.
Mar 14, 202040:39
DOTR 12: Immigrant Assimilation

DOTR 12: Immigrant Assimilation

Why do modern day Immigrants have a problem with assimilating to American culture? What has changed? Ilhan omar for instance, was a refugee from The hell hole country of Somalia. America opened its arms for her, and in return, she makes a conscious effort to reject our culture and force her immoral culture on Americans. I see a problem with that.
Mar 11, 202053:12
DOTR 11: “Braindead Bernie Bro’s”

DOTR 11: “Braindead Bernie Bro’s”

Why are millennials obsessed with Bernie? Is it the hatred for America and it’s values? Is it all the “free” shit Bernie campaigns on? Or are they just products of public school/ college indoctrination?
Mar 10, 202001:27:55
DOTR 10: Dream Defenders

DOTR 10: Dream Defenders

A socialist organization called “Dream Defenders” has fully endorsed Bernie Sanders, and they have no shame in pushing their Anti American, Anti Police agenda. I discuss the terrors of socialism along with the socialism already in America.
Mar 07, 202001:11:58
DOTR 9: Not so “Super Tuesday”

DOTR 9: Not so “Super Tuesday”

Super Tuesday came and went, and it keeps getting more pathetic. We also reflect on the democrats who attempted to run for President this year and have a good laugh at every one of them. The stock market jumps over 1000 points, due to the Bernie sanders loss, showing how the economy will crash if a socialist becomes president.
Mar 05, 202001:27:47
DOTR 8: Trump, the first Black President

DOTR 8: Trump, the first Black President

Don Lemon and his squad of bozo’s criticize Trump for helping black people more than any other president in American history, and calling black conservatives “uncle Toms”.
Mar 03, 202057:30
DOTR "Off The Cuff": Ep. 1

DOTR "Off The Cuff": Ep. 1

DOTR: Off the Cuff will be an episode every Friday night that will contain whatever comes to my mind. A casual, funny, and light episode. This one will focus on Leftist and socialist hypocrisy, GasLighting, DeBlasio and AOC, as well as CPAC. Have a great weekend!
Feb 29, 202052:50
DOTR 7: Debate debacle

DOTR 7: Debate debacle

The 2020 democratic debate was a hot mess, and Bernie was getting hit from every direction, Gavin Mcinnes gets kicked out of CPAC, Why Fatherless households are responsible for high crime, and Socialism sucks.
Feb 28, 202001:20:48
Duke Of The Right Ep. 6

Duke Of The Right Ep. 6

Stock market plummeting, coronavirus, millennials and communism,gifted And talented saga
Feb 26, 202001:05:39
Duke Of The Right Ep. 5

Duke Of The Right Ep. 5

New World Order, Bernie and Fidel Castro, Entitled Millennials, and the mysterious murder of a former DHS whistleblower
Feb 25, 202001:27:60
Duke Of The Right "Sunday Rest" Ep. 1

Duke Of The Right "Sunday Rest" Ep. 1

DOTR "Sunday Rest" is a mini podcast series I will be creating every Sunday. They will range from 20 to 30 minutes, and will contain ABSOLUTELY no politics talk. Topics will be an assortment of sports, music, personal stories, non-political current events, and even audios of funny videos. Sunday has always been a 'day of rest' as my mom and dad always say. So i am applying that philosophy to the show. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!

Feb 24, 202021:48
Duke Of The Right Ep.4

Duke Of The Right Ep.4

DOTR Ep 4: Duke talks about the New World Order, NJ white supremacist hoax, Ihan Omar’s ‘husbro’, liberals leaving the left, and the viral clip of a child with dwarfism getting bullied. Enjoy!
Feb 23, 202001:32:19
Duke Of The Right Ep. 3

Duke Of The Right Ep. 3

Recap of the disastrous Democratic Debate. Parts that stood out the most. Enjoy!
Feb 21, 202001:25:38
Duke Of The Right Episode 2 FULL

Duke Of The Right Episode 2 FULL

Duke Of The Right Episode 2

Duke talks about the increasing crime rate of NYC and the reasons it is happening (bail reform, De Blasio), Democrats tactics to gain power over African Americans and other minorities, gaslighting in marxist fashion, and current events for the week.

Hope you enjoy DOTR!

Feb 19, 202001:29:19
February 18, 2020

February 18, 2020

Feb 18, 202000:60