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The Dworkin Report

The Dworkin Report

By Dworkin Report

The Dworkin Report is one of the most listened-to independent podcasts in the world. New releases are ranked top 200 in news & politics on iTunes in 30+ countries. The podcast has listeners in almost every country in the world. Some of Scott’s guests have included Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Alyssa Milano, Alec Baldwin, Bill Browder, Rob Reiner, Rep. Steve Cohen, Mary L. Trump, Bandy X. Lee, Lev Parnas, Lilly Ledbetter, Judd Legum, Tom Arnold, Sen. Masie Hirono, Rosie O’Donnell, David Priess, Michael Rapaport, and Malcolm Nance. The podcast covers news, politics, books, culture, and more.
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Investigating Donald Trump Jr. Part 2: The Hundred Million Dollar House and the Russian Oligarch

The Dworkin ReportSep 04, 2018

Author reveals how GOP became toxic, from the rise of Gingrich to Trump

Author reveals how GOP became toxic, from the rise of Gingrich to Trump

Princeton political history Professor and CNN Commentator Julian Zelizer returns to the Dworkin Report to discuss his book, Burning Down the House: Newt Gingrich, the Fall of a Speaker, and the Rise of the New Republican Party.

Professor Zelizer tells us how Newt Gingrich’s rise to power in the Republican party was the turning point that led to the birth of the Tea Party movement, the catastrophic Presidency of Donald Trump, and the modern toxic GOP.

Zelizer gave us a breakdown of how it all ended for Newt Gingrich and what it can teach us about modern Republicans as we head into the 2022 midterms.

“If you go back to the eighties, the Reagan years, and you look at Gingrich and what he was doing on Capitol Hill, you see this new style of partisanship, from vicious takedowns of opponents to the use of any kind of toxic language that one wants to the constant prioritization of partisanship over governing,” says the Princeton professor. “This is now deeply embedded in the DNA of the GOP. And you need to understand that to make sense of why [Trump’s] support among Republicans remains pretty strong.”

We also discuss Newt’s “Contract with America,” which never materialized into actually passed laws but helped Republicans in the 1994 elections.

“It was a gimmick. A series of promises that focused on an eclectic mix of anti-politics, conservative law and order, and fiscal conservative promises,” says Zelizer. “And then it became a problem because after Republicans do take over, they’re unable to pass almost any of it. So it becomes just a reminder of what they didn’t do.”

Recently, Gingrich helped GOP House minority leader Kevin McCarthy construct a similar plan that CNN called “going small.”

This interview explores how Newt Gingrich’s GOP, over the course of a decade, rid the party of the inconvenient ideas that governance matters and that politicians have a responsibility to make sure our institutions work. Through political theater and criminalizing Democrats, Gingrich showed modern Republicans how to weaponize governance and partisan attacks. In many ways, it was the Georgia Republican’s hypocritical actions that laid the pathway for Donald Trump to take over the Republican party today.

Julian E. Zelizer is a Professor of History and Public Affairs at Princeton University. Zelizer, a CNN Political Analyst and NPR contributor, is the author and editor of 24 books on U.S. political history. You can follow him on Twitter @JulianZelizer.

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Oct 27, 202216:20
Fmr. Melania advisor reveals the Trump family profited off of 2017 Inaugural Committee

Fmr. Melania advisor reveals the Trump family profited off of 2017 Inaugural Committee

Scott interviews Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who served as executive producer and adviser to the Inaugural Committee for Donald Trump, as well as an advisor to Melania Trump in this first part of a multi-part interview. Winston Wolkoff authored the revelatory NY Times #1 best-selling book: Melania and Me, an intimate look at her now broken relationship with the former first lady and President Trump.
Before her work with the Trump inaugural and former first lady, Stephanie enjoyed a successful three-decade career in the fashion entertainment industry where she worked as a Public Relations Manager and an Event Fashion Director for Vogue Magazine, the place where she first formed a relationship in 2003 with Donald’s then-girlfriend, Melania. Stephanie would go on to attend the Trumps’ wedding and baby shower, and lunched with Melania frequently, then considering the two to be dear friends. After Vogue, Winston Wolkoff went on to produce some of the most significant events in the world, like Fashion’s Night Out and the Style Awards. She also served as the founding fashion director for the Lincoln Center and much more.
In our interview, Stephanie explains that Melania and later Ivanka Trump asked her to join the 2017 inaugural committee. She tells us, “I was so honored to be asked. Having produced all the events that I’ve done and being a part of history - I felt an obligation. How could I say no to produce in the presidential inauguration?”
Winston Wolkoff gives our listeners an in-depth look at the inaugural committee as a chaotic array of vendors and ever-expanding budgets marching in different directions. She attempted to raise concerns about questionable spending and preparations back in 2017 but was consistently silenced by her peers.
“The Met Gala was a piece of cake compared to planning the presidential inauguration,” Stephanie went on to tell us, “It [the inaugural] was like a circus, and I didn’t realize that I was going to be the woman blown out of the cannon!”
It has been widely reported that Stephanie’s firm was paid over $26m by the committee, with $25m of that amount being used for inaugural productions. But surprisingly, Stephanie cannot confirm that any of the $1.6 million budgeted to her firm for running the inaugural was actually sent to her personally.
“Where did that $1.6m go?” asked Scott.
Stephanie revealed that many third-party vendors were actually being double-paid, outlining how the inaugural committee regularly approved frivolous expenses - like $50,000 LED screens - for the one-time event.
“That’s where… ‘red sirens’ kept going off,” Winston Wolkoff explained. “Instinctively, I know that when something doesn’t seem right, you just express it to the people that are in charge. And so I did openly, constantly.”
She also confirms, as she did to the US Attorney General’s office, that the Trump family and the family business profited from the inaugural committee. “There’s no doubt about that, Stephanie said. “The receipts are there.”
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Oct 20, 202221:51
Top Georgia journalist warns about Herschel Walker's political assets

Top Georgia journalist warns about Herschel Walker's political assets

Award-winning journalist and author Greg Bluestein of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution joined our show to talk about what lessons can be learned from the 2020 special elections in Georgia and shared wisdom about Herschel Walker's campaign.

We discussed his excellent book, Flipped: How Georgia Turned Purple and Broke the Monopoly on Republican Power. Greg takes readers through the run-up to the Special Election and gives a detailed look at how both parties successfully worked to play to their bases. He said the elections which flipped control of Congress to Democrats and how that can be used as a roadmap for another Warnock victory in the midterms.

We also talked about the circumstances and political environment that shaped those special elections, and Bluestein provided us with valuable insight into new voting laws that make it harder to vote in Georgia and what all of this may mean for the upcoming election.

Greg also warned our audience not to take Herschel Walker for granted.

“He makes a lot of blunders, a lot of gaffes, a lot of strange and bizarre compounding statements. And so in a head-to-head match-up with Walker, Democrats are pretty optimistic. Then again, you can't underestimate Herschel Walker's name recognition or the fact that Georgians like me grew up hearing stories of his legendary athletic feats. His name recognition is almost universally known in Georgia, and that counts for a lot.”

In this interview, we discussed Greg’s path to journalism, his love for Atlanta baseball, and how he thinks the 2022 midterms will play out in Georgia.

Greg Bluestein is an American journalist, author, and TV analyst who covers Georgia politics for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He has also written about former President Jimmy Carter and covered regional and national news as an Atlanta-based journalist for The Associated Press. He contributes to the Political Insider blog, is an MSNBC and NBC News contributor, and is a host of the Politically Georgia podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @bluestein.

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Oct 18, 202218:30
Inside Trump's willful dereliction of duty on Jan. 6th with Philip Rucker

Inside Trump's willful dereliction of duty on Jan. 6th with Philip Rucker

Scott interviews Philip Rucker, co-author of the New York Times bestselling book "I Alone Can Fix It: Donald Trump’s Catastrophic Final Yearwith his Washington Post colleague, Carol Leonnig. Their book opens at the very beginning of 2020 when the COVID pandemic arrives, carries through the January 6, 2021 insurrection, and ends with Joe Biden's inauguration 14 days later.

The book includes material from 140 sources, including cabinet members, senior administration officials, advisors, and a bizarre interview with Trump himself. I Alone Can Fix It gives readers a thorough behind-the-scenes look at Trump's handling of the final year of his presidency.

Philip talks to Scott about Trump’s reaction to January 6th and how Mike Pence fulfilled the President’s duties that day.

Rucker set out to learn specifics about cabinet meetings with Trump. What was everybody saying around the table specifically? What were people writing in their diaries? What were people remembering?

In this interview, Scott discusses the highlights of some of Rucker’s work and asks probing questions about the reception of this crucial information to voters.

“Vice President Pence was on the phone with the Pentagon to make sure the National Guard were on the way and to make sure troops were coming to the Capitol to help secure it and to assist the Capitol Police, who were obviously seized and beleaguered,” the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist explained. “Pence was the one who fulfilled those presidential duties that day, in large part because Trump was AWOL. He was too busy watching the television.”

“He was fixated on November 3rd and making sure that he would be popular. And so at every turn during the coronavirus response.” Rucker told Scott about the one guiding principle for the former POTUS throughout the pandemic. “Trump was making decisions based on politics, not based on science or how to save lives, or how to level with the American people, but based on how to help himself politically. And that's not our opinion. That's the judgment of the people who worked with Trump in leading the response.”

Philip Rucker is the senior Washington correspondent at The Washington Post and led its coverage of President Trump and his administration as White House Bureau chief. He and a team of Post reporters won the Pulitzer Prize and George Polk Award for their reporting on Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Rucker joined the Post in 2005 and previously has covered Congress, the Obama White House, and the 2012 and 2016 presidential campaigns. He is an on-air political analyst for NBC News and MSNBC and graduated from Yale University with a degree in history.

This interview was originally recorded in July 2021. This post uses affiliate links.

Oct 13, 202222:50
Michael Cohen can’t hide his disgust at new Manhattan DA’s failure to prosecute Trump

Michael Cohen can’t hide his disgust at new Manhattan DA’s failure to prosecute Trump

​Scott interviews former Trump fixer Michael Cohen, who knows Trump's playbook better than anybody, and tells us if he believes Donald Trump will ever be convicted for any of his crimes after the Manhattan DA dropped the ball and what approach he thinks law enforcement would have to take to get it done.

Michael's New York Times bestselling book is Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump.

But Cohen couldn't hide the frustration at Manhattan's newly elected District Attorney for ditching a multi-year investigation he cooperated with starting from when he was serving time for carrying out Trump's illegal orders.

As the former personal attorney for Donald Trump from 2006-2018, Cohen was also a vice-president of the Trump Organization.

Since then, Michael has come clean about his crimes committed at the behest of Donald Trump, served his time in prison, and has been one of the most prominent and poignant critics of his former boss, whom he emphatically compares to mob boss Al Capone.

"They couldn't get him on racketeering or any of the other crimes," said Cohen, "Instead, what did they do? They got him on tax evasion."

"And the point was, the American people don't give a shit what the charge against you is," says the first prominent person inside of Trump's circle to warn that he wouldn't relinquish the presidency without violence.

In the second part of this interview series, Michael Cohen once again provides valuable insights to our listeners on how he thinks the disgraced ex-president can finally be brought to justice. And he predicts it won't be the January 6th insurrection that does Trump in.

It's one of the reasons his frustration with the Manhattan DA boiled after his abrupt decision to abandon the yearslong case while New York Attorney General Letitia James methodically carried on investigating the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen lives in New York City with his wife and two children. He currently runs one of the top 50 political podcasts in the country, Mea Culpa, with new episodes released every Monday and Friday at midnight eastern.

RELATED CONTENT: Lev Parnas just explained how Rudy Giuliani acquired Russian disinformation for Trump

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Jul 19, 202225:16
Michael Cohen just explained how Trump set up a GOP Congressman seeking a pardon

Michael Cohen just explained how Trump set up a GOP Congressman seeking a pardon

Scott interviews friend and former political opponent, Michael Cohen in part one of this two-part interview. He provided key insight into the unsavory way that the disgraced ex-president handled one of his key House Republican allies at the end of his term, soon after inciting an insurrection against the United State Capitol.
As the former personal attorney for Donald Trump from 2006-2018, Cohen was also a vice-president of the Trump Organization and was often described as Trump's "fixer."
Cohen was sentenced to three years in federal prison in 2019 for campaign finance violations he committed at the direction of Trump, and for lying to a Senate committee about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Since then, Michael has been at the forefront of the opposition to everything about his former boss, whom he repeatedly emphasizes is a “mob boss.”
He also wrote a memoir about his experiences entitled, Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump which calls the ex-New York real estate developer "a cheat, a mobster, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man.” His proximity to Trump for over a decade gives our listeners a unique first-person perspective on how awful the former guy really was via Michael Cohen.
In this interview, Michael leverages his deep understanding and personal experiences to make predictions about the ongoing Jan 6 committee hearings.
“This is not going to be the nail in Donald Trump’s coffin,” he said about the Cassidy Hutchinson testimony. “Why? Because every single thing that she said is hearsay. It's not gonna be the nail in the coffin for Donald. But I will tell you what it is: it's the nail in the coffin for all of these people who are tangentially related that made up his inner circle.”
Michael Cohen lives in New York City with his wife and two children. He currently runs one of the top 50 political podcasts in the country, Mea Culpa, with new episodes released every Monday and Friday at midnight eastern.
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Jul 15, 202224:30
Lev Parnas just revealed how Ron DeSantis got Trump's endorsement and the Florida governorship

Lev Parnas just revealed how Ron DeSantis got Trump's endorsement and the Florida governorship

Scott and Grant interview Lev Parnas, who became well-known for his leading role in the former President’s efforts to pressure Ukraine to launch an investigation into political rival Joe Biden which led to the first of two impeachments against the disgraced former Commander-in-Chief. This is part two of a two-part interview with Parnas recorded on August 5th, 2021.

In this episode, Parnas tells the story of how he went from being apolitical to running in Trump’s inner circle.

He also explains how he came to know Ron DeSantis and reveals for the first time ever that he was the matchmaker between DeSantis and former President Trump. Ultimately, Parnas’ efforts led to an endorsement that flipped the Florida Governor’s Republican primary race in DeSantis’ favor.

Feb 01, 202217:00
Author reveals how Peter Thiel helped Trump cut a deal with Facebook to evade fact checking

Author reveals how Peter Thiel helped Trump cut a deal with Facebook to evade fact checking

Scott talks with author and journalist Max Chafkin, who is a features editor and a tech reporter at Bloomberg Businessweek. Max is the author of "The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley’s Pursuit of Power," a biography about the enigmatic, controversial, and hugely influential power broker Peter Thiel who sits at the dynamic intersection of tech business and politics. Thiel is the co-founder of PayPal, who became a major influence in Facebook as an early investor and the founder of Palantir, a mass surveillance company with extensive government contracts.

As Max explains, Thiel went from being one of the most influential people in the tech industry to becoming an early supporter of Donald Trump and a key player in the rise of the alt-right movement in America.

Because Thiel was a significant contributor to the former President, many questioned the timing of the scores of government and military contracts that Palantir won soon after Trump was elected.

Chafkin explains how Peter Thiel was a central influence on Donald Trump’s grip on power. This was demonstrated when Thiel, a government contractor, made a political visit to Jared Kushner to build bridges between Facebook and the White House at a key moment before last year’s election. The outcome of the meeting was that Mark Zuckerberg agreed to allow Trump’s disinformation to stay on the ubiquitous social platform.

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Jan 26, 202225:12
Lev Parnas just explained how Rudy Giuliani acquired Russian disinformation for Trump

Lev Parnas just explained how Rudy Giuliani acquired Russian disinformation for Trump

Scott and Grant interview Lev Parnas, a former political associate of President Trump and a close confidant to his lawyer Rudy Giuliani. This is the first part of a special two-part interview with Lev Parnas, who revealed some stunning, never before known facts to us and our listeners exclusively.

In this first installment, Parnas details precisely who linked the former President’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani directly to a group of Russian agents in Ukraine, who in turn ultimately got sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department for interfering in the 2020 election.

And he leveled a serious allegation about former Vice President Mike Pence’s involvement in the Ukrainian quid pro quo that led to Trump’s impeachment. What surprised me is that Parnas says the Trump administration pulled off a dirty deal with the former president of Ukraine and got away with it. As Russia threatens an invasion of the independent nation of Ukraine, this is a major insight for the way Putin took advantage of Trump’s time in the Oval Office.

Lev Parnas is an American citizen, born in Ukraine and raised mostly in Brooklyn, New York who started selling real estate in the 1980s with Fred Trump, and as he explains in this podcast, that backstory and some political donations proved to be his springboard into the former president’s inner circle. But what Lev Parnas is most famous for is his refusal to keep quiet when Trump’s failed international extortion scheme to squeeze political benefits from the president of Ukraine became public.

Perhaps nobody would’ve learned the scope of the official misconduct emanating from the White House in 2019 had it not been for Parnas’ brave truth-telling, despite an outstanding federal indictment that went to trial after we recorded this podcast last summer. A Manhattan jury found him guilty on all 5 counts 11 weeks after this interview, but he plans to appeal the verdict. But anyone who has followed Lev Parnas’ story knows that he has always spoken truthfully in public about his political relationships, and often, he has shown the receipts.

Interview recorded in August 2021.

Jan 19, 202228:36
Reporter reveals Facebook paid Eastern European troll farms and the sinister secrets behind its algorithm

Reporter reveals Facebook paid Eastern European troll farms and the sinister secrets behind its algorithm

Scott speaks with Karen Hao the senior Artificial Intelligence editor for MIT Technology Review whose groundbreaking work looking into Facebook just got validated in a massive way this week by whistleblower Francis Haugen's testimony to the U.S. Senate. Hao holds a mechanical engineering degree from MIT, which she took to outlets like Mother Jones and Quartz where she honed her craft as a data journalist before earning her current senior role and recently becoming a Knight Science Journalism Fellow. 

Her groundbreaking reporting spans from the murky world of Facebook’s reliance on artificial intelligence to create programs that make autonomous decisions about what people see and human networks that convert disinformation for hire into cold hard cash. Buzzfeed caught and exposed the Eastern European troll farms who polluted the 2016 election with pro-Trump disinformation, yet Karen reports that not only did Facebook allow people in those same countries to influence Americans with inauthentic content, but they paid them from the network's Instant Articles advertising platform.

Oct 10, 202127:56
Reality Winner’s mom calls on President Biden to grant her daughter clemency

Reality Winner’s mom calls on President Biden to grant her daughter clemency

Scott speaks with Billie Jean Winner-Davis, whose daughter Reality spent years in federal prison for revealing Russia’s cyberattack on America’s elections in 2016. Reality’s mom shared some of her frustrations, several of her hopes, shots of her wisdom, and situations she personally experienced through years marked by the most unexpected events, and recently punctuated by her reunion with her daughter. 

Billie’s daughter still remains under carceral control with an ankle bracelet and very active probation even though there’s a zero percent chance she will reoffend after spending one of the longest sentences ever served for leaking a public record.

But she hasn’t given up hope on getting a presidential commutation or pardon of sentence even though the pardon attorney’s office is filled to the brim with other requests. And that’s why Billie Jean Winner-Davis made an impassioned plea to President Biden during our conversation.

Oct 08, 202141:06
Reality Winner’s sister talks about growing up with an American patriot

Reality Winner’s sister talks about growing up with an American patriot

Scott speaks with Brittany Winner, whose sister Reality Winner just got out of federal prison after disclosing a classified record from the NSA revealing Russia’s attack on the 2016 election. Besides all of the many reasons why we would interview Brittany, there is one she raised that people might not be aware of; as she explains, her whistleblower sister Reality’s body is free, but she is still muzzled from speaking to the media by the rest of her sentence and court controls. 

She explained why her sister made the decision to leak records to The Intercept and what she was doing at the time she made that decision which might actually surprise you. She even explains precisely what spurred Reality Winner to engage in an act of selfless heroism in service of our country.

Oct 06, 202146:10
Reality Winner’s lawyer lays out the case for her freedom

Reality Winner’s lawyer lays out the case for her freedom

Scott speaks with Alison Grinter Allen, a lawyer to some of America’s most politically persecuted people, including Reality Winner, whose bombshell NSA leak about Russia's attack on the 2016 election changed the course of our nation's politics.
This is the first in a series of three interviews with Reality Winner's inner circle, the first such interviews her family has given since her release from federal prison earlier this year.
Grinter Allen didn’t start her career as a civil rights lawyer. Still, she’s representing a Texas woman unjustly jailed for illegal voting and fighting hard for her client, Reality Winner, to earn a commutation of the rest of her sentence. Despite Winner earning an early release for good behavior, the federal parole conditions are an oppressive presence stifling her free speech and daily life. At the end of this interview, she asked President Biden to step in and take action to relieve her client's remaining burden of ankle monitors and three more years of court control just for telling Americans what their government already knew about our elections.
Aug 04, 202127:20
"Worst day ever." How a Capitol Police officer fought off the January 6th insurrection

"Worst day ever." How a Capitol Police officer fought off the January 6th insurrection

Scott Dworkin speaks with Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn (part 2). Officer Dunn will be one of the first officers called to testify in front of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection against Congress.

We released part one of our interview with Officer Dunn last week, after the most-watched right-wing extremist Fox News opinion host mercilessly attacked him for having personal, political views so we advanced the release of this first part of a gripping two-part interview with Officer Dunn so the public can learn more about him as a person and as a cop.

In the first half of our discussion, Officer Dunn told us about his background as a football player, who is close to earning his master’s degree and wanted to give back to his community by working in the field he’d always dreamed of pursuing: being a cop. We left off just after he told us about the start of what he calls his worst day as a police officer which he described succinctly as “the worst day ever.”

Jul 26, 202139:54
Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn's harrowing firsthand account of the January 6th insurrection

Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn's harrowing firsthand account of the January 6th insurrection

Scott Dworkin speaks with Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn. Officer Dunn will be one of the first officers called to testify in front of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection against Congress.

Last night, the most-watched right-wing extremist Fox News opinion host mercilessly attacked him for having personal, political views so we advanced the release of this first part of a gripping two-part interview with Officer Dunn so the public can learn more about him as a person and as a cop. 

This podcast is also what America needs to learn about the people who invaded the Capitol to end our country's unbroken chain of peaceful transitions of power by seditiously stopping the final electoral college vote from the officer's firsthand account of the nakedly open racism he had to endure. Here's an excerpt:

"Politically, when you're out there doing that job, you don't think about anything except for doing your job effectively. I'll see congressmen who've made statements about January since then. I disagree with that at that moment. When I see them, I don't immediately think 'Oh, yo, you the one who's thinking?"

"No, I'm just like, 'Hey Congressman, good to see you.' And then like afterward, I'd be like, 'wait a minute.' But my initial instinct is to do my job and make sure that everybody's good. I can have my political beliefs, you know, outside of doing my job but it doesn't affect me doing [the job they need and all. Like I said, I take pride in it and doing my job."

"It's bigger than me, you know?"

Jul 22, 202125:35
Author reveals the story behind Obama calling Trump a "corrupt motherf**ker"

Author reveals the story behind Obama calling Trump a "corrupt motherf**ker"

Scott speaks with award-winning journalist and author Edward-Isaac Dovere about his new book, “Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats' Campaigns to Defeat Trump." Isaac spent the 2020 campaign on the road for The Atlantic after leaving his post as Chief Washington correspondent for Politico. 

The advance copy of his book made global news the moment it came out because he reported President Obama’s private thoughts about his successor. If you follow the news or Democratic politics, you’ll want to read his deeply detailed book about the start of the Biden-Harris ticket, the dramatic ups & downs of Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign, and how Democrats reacted to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss by building activist networks.

Dovere also spoke with President Biden early in the first hundred days of his presidency and included that material in the book. “Battle for the Soul,” tells two stories. One, about President Biden, defined himself within the campaign and produced a winning ticket. Secondly, it is the story of why Joe Biden is operating the most progressive administration since LBJ.

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Jul 16, 202125:12
DC statehood bill gets boost from 39 constitutional scholars support says Congresswoman

DC statehood bill gets boost from 39 constitutional scholars support says Congresswoman

Scott speaks with Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton, the House delegate from Washington, D.C. She is here to discuss the momentous drive for D.C. statehood to admit Washington, Douglass Commonwealth as a state, and her bill the DC Admission Act. It passed the House in a historic vote, only to meet with opposition on constitutional grounds, but her office just released a legal memo backed by 39 top law professors including Harvard’s Lawrence Tribe that sets the record straight, and she says puts the issue to rest.
Rep. Norton says it’s going to require a national movement to admit the state. That’s where your help and help from The Resistance could be crucial in writing to your Senators across America to ask them to vote for DC statehood because residents of the District of Columbia don't have Senate representation so they need people across the country to contact their Senators today in support of her bill.
They can call: (202) 224-3121.
May 28, 202113:48
Senator Hirono just shamed a Republican's lone vote to allow more hate crimes

Senator Hirono just shamed a Republican's lone vote to allow more hate crimes

Scott speaks with Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) about her new book "Heart of Fire: An immigrant daughter's story" which chronicles her humble beginnings that led to her five-decade career in public service. Her fight to protect the vulnerable recently culminated in getting the typically obstructed Senate to pass her bill making it illegal to commit hate crimes against persons of Asian-American and Pacific Island (AAPI) descent, like herself.

Surprisingly, the senator from Hawai'i revealed that some of her Republican colleagues believed that her hate crimes legislation could have gone further in criminalizing racial violence, but she saved her clearest disdain for the junior senator from Missouri. But it's not unusual for the now-outspoken Sen. Hirono to express her true feelings after years of adapting to the fight against the Republican party's war against democracy.

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May 17, 202121:21
Bestselling author explains how he was able to connect with millions of hard-to-flip voters

Bestselling author explains how he was able to connect with millions of hard-to-flip voters

Scott speaks with novelist Gregg Hurwitz about his latest New York Times bestseller "Prodigal Son" his latest installment in the OrphanX series and his political activities that spanned the partisan divide, as well as his writing for The Bulwark. He even revealed for the first time how his own personal experiences partly inspired the creation of Evan Smoak, the heroic assassin from his book series.

"I didn't want to just write within publications that are read by people who agree with us already, because a lot of what I was trying to do is figure out ways to make good faith arguments, to win them across," Hurwitz explained about his deep dive into political writing. "And to understand that the value set that we, that we hold as liberals can be talked about through conservative language and a conservative understanding that lets them then make a good faith choice whether we represent some of their interests and values better than Donald Trump and the Trump Republican party does."

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May 12, 202154:19
Rep. Gomez just revealed why he’s filing the bill to expel Marjorie Taylor Greene

Rep. Gomez just revealed why he’s filing the bill to expel Marjorie Taylor Greene

Scott speaks with Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-CA) about his decision to file a bill to expel newly sworn Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) from Congress. The Representative was unsparing about his dismal opinion of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) whom he described as "owned by QAnon and the QAnon believers and the hard right."

Additional video of Rep. Greene leaving the White House before the insurrection riot and then glorifying violence afterward has emerged since Gomez took action, adding weight to his push to remove the QAnon conspiracy theorist from the House. The Congressman from Los Angeles also explained how House Democrats plan to pass a Covid-19 relief package and get it to President Joe Biden's desk, and the importance of advancing his agenda early on. 

In this candid interview, Rep. Gomez finished with a message to Senate Republicans who are sitting in judgment of the upcoming trial to disqualify the disgraced ex-President Donald Trump on charges of inciting the Capitol insurrection on January 6th. 

Jan 30, 202116:02
EMILY's List President just released a blueprint for activists who want to run for office

EMILY's List President just released a blueprint for activists who want to run for office

Scott speaks with Stephanie Schriock, the President of Emily's List about her new book "Run to Win: Lessons in Leadership for Women Changing the World," as well as the impact and repercussions of the disgraced ex-President's insurrection against the Capitol, which led to his historic second impeachment. 

Born in Minnesota, Schriock became a key member of a presidential campaign before leading two successful senatorial campaigns in the midwest which led to her elevation to guide America's top progressive political action committee dedicated to finding and supporting women in campaigns for public office. Stephanie shared her reaction to this year's violence in D.C. as someone who used to work in the building and with a historical perspective that every American should appreciate the threats looming against our democracy.

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Jan 29, 202133:13
A Forbes journalist just exposed Jared Kushner's Qatar business ties. Congress is investigating

A Forbes journalist just exposed Jared Kushner's Qatar business ties. Congress is investigating

Scott presents an interview with Producer Grant Stern and Forbes editor and author Dan Alexander whose new book "White House Inc.: How Donald Trump turned the Presidency into a business" exposes the business ties that sent foreign cash directly into the hands of President Trump. While the Trump Administration is rife with apparent conflicts of interest, this interview focuses on the ties that Alexander uncovered exclusively between the gas-rich Persian Gulf nation of Qatar and the entire Trump family.

He told us about Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner who consummated a billion-dollar "bailout" deal with Qatar for a Manhattan skyscraper that had massive debt problems by using indirect means. Congress just opened an investigation into Kushner's ties to Qatar and this interview with Dan Alexander doesn't just present some of his book's stunning conclusions, but it also explains why conflicts of interest in high-ranking government officials pose a danger to American interests.


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Dec 09, 202029:31
Speaker Pelosi reveals the plan for investigating Trump’s abuses of power
Nov 02, 202005:37
 Pelosi: "Republicans want to take away your healthcare. Vote to save it!"

Pelosi: "Republicans want to take away your healthcare. Vote to save it!"

Scott talks with elected DNC member Christine Pelosi about the Trump Administration's failure to adequately respond to the pandemic. They spoke about the Heroes Act coronavirus relief package Speaker Pelosi passed in May which Senate Majority leader "Moscow" Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump refused to pass before the election. They also spoke about her book “The Nancy Pelosi Way." You can find the book at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

"Donald Trump's theory of the case is that he would be cruising to reelection," says Christine Pelosi. "As he told the people of Erie, Pennsylvania, he wouldn't have even been there campaigning asking them for their vote we're at not for COVID. So he says his theory is 'look, but for COVID I did a great job as president.' The facts say otherwise. Even, if you accept that theory, then you would have to say, 'Well, then. Why didn't you handle COVID better?'"

"We learned from Bob Woodward's tapes and recordings with the president that the president said he played down the dangers of the virus publicly," explained Pelosi, "including the fact that it was airborne. Very early on because he didn't want to put the American people into a panic. He didn't want to risk the economy. As it turns out he was risking the economy and people's lives. And so the second thing we learned was that when Jared Kushner - who has no government experience and no public health experience and no public health advocacy experience - decided that he was going to be in charge."

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Oct 28, 202015:43
Mary L. Trump blames her Uncle's "criminal" coronavirus response for 200,000+ American deaths

Mary L. Trump blames her Uncle's "criminal" coronavirus response for 200,000+ American deaths

Scott talks with Mary L. Trump in this fascinating and wide-ranging interview. Mary told us about the details of her NY Times #1 bestselling book "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man," including why she went public. We also asked Donald Trump's niece for her insights into his failed coronavirus response, which she calls "criminal," as well as NBC's decision to air a town hall last week when her Uncle backed out of the formal debate because as she says, he is a "coward."

"When Mitt Romney got taken to the woodshed for saying to somebody he was debating, 'I bet you $10,000," because he was such an out of touch elitist," said Mary L. Trump about last week's dueling town hall debates. "And now here's Donald who probably doesn't have 10 bucks in the bank saying [owing] $410 million isn't a lot of money."

"What I worried about and have thought for a long time is that the worst possible scenario would be if he got COVID-19, but either had a mild case or a moderate case from which he recovered quickly," says the President's niece about his recent illness that forced him to go to Walter Reed hospital for experimental medical treatment. "And that's exactly what happened. [T]he reason I thought that that was going to be disasters because of what he did afterward, telling people that they should not let COVID-19 dominate their lives. That."

Disclosure: This post uses affiliate ad links. Simon & Schuster is the distributor for the Meet the Candidates 2020 Book Series written by this podcast's host and producer.

Oct 20, 202023:16
Meet the journalist who asked Trump if he "regrets all the lying" to the American people

Meet the journalist who asked Trump if he "regrets all the lying" to the American people

Scott talks to S.V. Daté the world traveler who is now White House Correspondent for HuffPost. Daté is the author of a new book entitled, “The Useful Idiot: How Donald Trump Killed the Republican Party with Racism and the Rest of Us with Coronavirus.” Now only did S.V about what it's like to work in the White House as a journalist, he also diagnosed some of the problems that are plaguing American politics today and the GOP's failure to take responsibility for the security risk and governance problems Donald Trump causes.

"Part of the problem [Trump] has is he just lies all the time, and just says random things that have bare no relationship to reality," the veteran White House correspondent told Scott. "And I've often thought if he just kept quiet, locked himself in the face, you know, for three years, his [approval] poll numbers would probably be at like 55%, you know, given the economy that he inherited. Instead, he never exceeded like 45%."

"The Republican party, frankly, failed us," concluded Daté. "In a two-party system, each party has a responsibility to make sure that their nominee can do the job of commander-in-chief, and do the job of an emergency manager-in-chief, and they failed. And here we are."

Find out more about our podcast at and please click the links to subscribe and donate today.

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Oct 19, 202027:22
A WaPo journalist exposed Trump's selfish handling of Covid relief checks

A WaPo journalist exposed Trump's selfish handling of Covid relief checks

Scott talks with Toluse Olorunnipa, who covers the White House for the Washington Post and is a political analyst for CNN who blew the lid off of Trump’s self-serving decision to stamp his name all over the last round of covid stimulus checks. Toluse told us how that all happened behind the scenes. Toluse also peels back the layers of how things are really working in DC. If you have wondered how professional journalists managed to keep the public informed during a global pandemic, then you need to listen to this entire interview.

"The president is definitely known for liking to have his name on things. He considers himself a master brander and when he was informed that he was going to be signing this Cares Act... he tried to figure out a way he could capitalize on this and maybe get a little bit of a political benefit," says Olorunnipa. "He had support from the Treasury Department and Secretary Mnuchin, who essentially let the president know that while he couldn't sign the checks physically because there's sort of regulations that prevent political officials from signing payments to Americans, e could have his name in the memo line, and... associate himself with this money that Americans were getting due to this bill that was passed by Congress. And he was all on board with that. Our reporting shows that he was very well informed about the process. He enthusiastically supported it, and he liked the idea of being able to put his name on these checks and associate himself with these payments that Americans are getting to try to tie them over in the middle of this economic storm that the country is facing."

Find out more about our podcast at and please click the links to subscribe and donate today.

Oct 18, 202018:34
"Rigged" author explains how Russia is interfering in the 2020 election today

"Rigged" author explains how Russia is interfering in the 2020 election today

Scott speaks with author David Shimer, whose new book "Rigged: America, Russia, and One Hundred Years of Covert Electoral Interference" has received critical acclaim, including from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Shimer is a Yale fellow and associate of the Wilson Center think tank whose work has appeared in Foreign Affairs and the New York Times.

"I show how the Soviet Union in the United States interfered in elections all over the world during the Cold War," Shimer told us. "[The book shows] how Russia is interfering in elections all over the world, in this century right now. It shows how Russia interfered in America's 2016 election and gets into both that operation and its aftermath."

"What I'd like to emphasize to your audience is just not to fall for the temptation when something happens, like if emails are released or if a new tactic is introduced," David presciently explained two weeks ago, "I think that the daily media has a tendency to ring the alarm bells and induce almost, or provide a sense of panic." In light of the Russian election interference scheme we are witnessing President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani's conduct in real-time, it's a must-listen interview for anyone participating in the 2020 election.

Find out more about our podcast at and please click the links to subscribe and donate today.

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Oct 16, 202024:52's senior strategist just gave calming advice for the 2020 election's senior strategist just gave calming advice for the 2020 election

Scott talks with Reggie Hubbard, a senior political strategist at and advisor to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. In addition to being one of DC's top political movers and shakers, Reggie is also a spiritual leader and certified yoga instructor. Hubbard wrote a thesis in his field entitled "Yoga and Spiritual Activism: Serving Humanity from a Sense of Devotion and Love," after completing his B.A. in philosophy from Yale University and an MBA in international strategy from the Vlerick Business School in Belgium. Find out what top progressive democrats are really discussing during this tumultuous election.

Find out more about our podcast at and please click the links to subscribe and donate today.

Oct 15, 202053:49
Sophia Bush sees a brighter future ahead after these dark times

Sophia Bush sees a brighter future ahead after these dark times

Scott talks to activist, actress, director, and producer Sophia Bush in two sittings.  Their first conversation captures Bush's opinions of the state of America's political activism before the coronavirus hit, turning 2020 upside down. Part two is after the coronavirus crisis led to lockdowns all over the US this past spring. "We're supposed to have adults in the room," said Sophia about the Trump Administration's failure to adequately respond to the coronavirus. Please subscribe or donate today.

Oct 14, 202045:17
MLK III says we need leaders like Joe Biden & Kamala Harris in the White House
Oct 07, 202028:34
"The President is responsible for my father's death"
Sep 15, 202017:52
Florida man Rick Wilson reveals his secret to trolling Trump successfully
Aug 12, 202026:46
A new book just exposed Stephen Miller's white nationalist strategy and its roots
Aug 11, 202032:60
An epidemiologist just explained why Trump's Tulsa rally can be a deadly super-spreader event

An epidemiologist just explained why Trump's Tulsa rally can be a deadly super-spreader event

Scott speaks with Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, a Harvard epidemiologist and health economist. Dr. Ding was the first American scientist to sound the alarm about coronavirus in a truly large way. It's not easy to achieve clarity in a crisis, even less so when the crisis is budding and hasn't yet become a full-on catastrophe. But that's what Dr. Ding achieved.
Now, he's here speak with us and blow the whistle on Trump's Tulsa rally as a potential super spreader event. He even explained the differences between the massive Black Lives Matter protests across America and the Trump political event, and why it could be so much more dangerous for more than just those who attend, but their families and communities.
You can follow Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter @DrEricDing.
Here's the transcript.
Click here to buy our book about the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden.
Jun 20, 202031:05
Former Obama speechwriter's new book is a roadmap for rebuilding our democracy

Former Obama speechwriter's new book is a roadmap for rebuilding our democracy

Scott speaks with President Barack Obama's former speechwriter David Litt. He's the author of a new book that just hit bookshelves today entitled “Democracy in One Book or Less: How It Works, Why It Doesn't, and Why Fixing It Is Easier Than You Think.”  After starting work at the White House while 24-years-old, they gave David the privilege of authoring four of President Obama’s White House Correspondents dinner speeches, including the famous "drop the mic" speech that launched a thousand memes. After leaving public service, Litt went to Funny or Die! who made him their D.C. office’s head producer while he published his first book, “Thanks Obama: My Hopey Changey White House Years.”

Our wide-ranging interview includes inside details of David's new book and behind the scenes stories about his time with President Obama. It's a poignant picture of what an American president needs to do and what's missing from the White House today, in addition to a manual for how we can fix our democracy. 

Buy our book about the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden here.

Read the entire transcript here.

Jun 17, 202021:35
PA Rep. slams Republicans for COVID cover-up as "height of grotesque partisanship"
May 30, 202020:16
Eve Levenson just slammed gun companies for provoking panic buying to convert COVID deaths into cash

Eve Levenson just slammed gun companies for provoking panic buying to convert COVID deaths into cash

Scott speaks with March For Our Lives spokesperson Eve Levenson about how we can all achieve a future with a safer America, with smarter gun laws. She's a George Washington College student who represents the national group in the halls of Congress when she's not pursuing a unique professional career and helping lead the organization that mounted America's largest-ever youth protest in 2017. Eve started with a stark admonition of the horrid behavior of the NRA and the gun sales lobby during the coronavirus crisis but left our listeners with a reason to keep being hopeful while our country fights a life or death struggle against a pandemic.

"I think that one is that we really need to hold accountable the gun industry, which is taking advantage of this moment of crisis when people are getting killed to profit off of it," says Levenson. "You see, the NRA and other people affiliated with the gun industry are literally putting ads out there saying that 'you need a gun to keep yourself safe from the Coronavirus.' I think that the reality is that we know that the gun industry always profits off of moments like this. So we need to be holding them accountable. The other important thing is to acknowledge the fears that are leading individuals to want to go and get these guns."

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 book about Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden here or at Barnes & Noble.

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Apr 24, 202018:50
A whistleblower just connected Trump-like retaliation to coronavirus hospital shortages

A whistleblower just connected Trump-like retaliation to coronavirus hospital shortages

Scott speaks with Professor Tim Bakken, a lawyer and Pentagon whistleblower who fought the system and won. His new book “The Cost of Loyalty: Dishonesty, Hubris, and Failure in the U.S. Military” recounts his personal experience exposing wrongdoing at the West Point Military Academy.

Professor Bakken also explained to us how retaliation against whistleblowers harms us all, and why the age of retaliation is hurting our democracy in an era where the truth is under constant attack. Going beyond that, Tim makes a fascinating point about how secrecy fuels a lack of government accountability that ultimately affects our country’s biggest political decisions and connects the current hospital shortages to that secrecy.

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Apr 22, 202021:17
WeedWeek's publisher just said Democrats need to take back the Senate if they want more legal weed

WeedWeek's publisher just said Democrats need to take back the Senate if they want more legal weed

On today’s 420 day podcast, we’ve got Alex Halperin, a special guest from the left coast who is both the news publisher behind WeedWeek and the author of a new book “The Cannabis Dictionary.” 

You can find Alex’s prior journalism in Slate, the Washington Post, and New Yorker, more recently he’s been writing full time about weed and brings an interesting perspective to the many questions about marijuana during the coronavirus crisis, and it's future. 

Many states are declaring marijuana businesses to be essential during the coronavirus pandemic which is a milestone moment for the nascent industry. 

We also discussed racial equality in the marijuana industry, political currents surrounding legalization and a whole lot more.

Partial Transcript

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Apr 21, 202016:28
Two Princeton Professors explained the virulent roots of Trump's Republican Party

Two Princeton Professors explained the virulent roots of Trump's Republican Party

Scott presents an interview with Producer Grant Stern and Princeton Professors Kevin M. Kruse and Julian Zelizer, who are co-authors of the new book “Fault Lines: A History of the United States Since 1974," and explain how Trump's rise fits into decades of Republican party politics.

Stern caught up with them at the Miami Book Fair this past December to talk about their book, and the sad state of American politics today and how we got here. Kruse and Zelizer are both political historians who used to teach a course based on this material at Princeton University where they both still teach today. This podcast traces the history of American politics, starting in 1974 and focusing on the rise of the far-right in the Republican party beginning with Ronald Reagan’s insurgency through today, they deliver the unique insights you'll usually find on MSNBC or CNN.

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 book about Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden here or at Barnes & Noble.

Disclosures: This post uses paid affiliate links.

Apr 15, 202023:42
Fred Guttenberg just explained how to get through the "horrific" coronavirus plague

Fred Guttenberg just explained how to get through the "horrific" coronavirus plague

Scott talks with Fred Guttenberg, the Parkland dad who lost his beloved teenage daughter and redirected his life towards tireless activism with his nonprofit group Orange Ribbons for Jamie. Fred also recorded a public service announcement recently for The Masks Now Coalition (text masks to 50409) and shared his thoughts on the coronavirus crisis from the perspective of someone who has coped with multiple family tragedies, which ultimately propelled him towards activism. Our wide-ranging conversation touched on newsmaking events in Congress and what's going on in the drive for gun reforms. Fred Guttenberg didn't hold anything back in this interview.

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 book about Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden here or at Barnes & Noble.

Disclosures: This ad uses paid affiliate links. 

Apr 15, 202027:31
Lupus patient says it appears "Trump is selling drugs to fund his presidential campaign"

Lupus patient says it appears "Trump is selling drugs to fund his presidential campaign"

Scott speaks with patient advocate Peter Morley, who is a lupus patient taking the drug that Donald Trump is selling to the public at large as a coronavirus medication without any scientific data whatsoever, for which he was recently featured in Rolling Stone magazine. Morley is literally fighting for his own survival now that the bully pulpit is being used to sell drugs to the general public. His frightening story in the dystopian America of 2020 must be heard to be believed. 

Peter wrote an op-editorial in the New York Daily News about the importance of bolstering Social Security Insurance which he believes will be even more important after COVID19 victims suffer continuing respiratory difficulty in the wake of the lethal epidemic in America.

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 book series here, featuring Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders or at Barnes & Noble.

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Apr 10, 202016:34
Erin Brockovich just explained why Superman isn't coming, we all need to be activists

Erin Brockovich just explained why Superman isn't coming, we all need to be activists

Scott talks with Erin Brockovich who told us the intensely personal story behind her story. Erin is one of America’s most successful activists, but also someone who is very busy duplicating her efforts for others to take up the mantle of environmental activism at She told us the story of what kept her going while juggling being a single mom, a legal professional staffer, and an activist and how you can use that in your every day lives. Erin Brockovich's new book "Superman's Not Coming" just hit store shelves in 2020, and you can see her in the documentary Last Call at The Oasis.

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 book series here, featuring Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders or at Barnes & Noble.

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Apr 04, 202025:39
An ER doctor just explained why you should NEVER listen to Trump’s medical advice

An ER doctor just explained why you should NEVER listen to Trump’s medical advice

Scott talks with Dr. Rob Davidson, who an ER Doctor in Western Michigan on the front lines of the fight to save COVID19 patients and the Executive Director of the Committee to Protect Medicare, a national advocacy group to improve the health of every American. Dr. Davidson made national headlines by confronting Vice President Mike Pence about Republicans’ planned cuts to healthcare spending in a video recorded encounter from Iowa earlier this year, but nobody imagined his medical advice would become so urgently necessary as it is today. Now, we've got his exclusive medical advice on how every resister should deal with the coronavirus outbreak and even when kids will be able to see their grandparents again.

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 book series here, featuring Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders or online at Barnes & Noble.

Disclosure: This post uses paid affiliate links.

Mar 31, 202012:43
Kurt Bardella tells us the sinister truth behind Trump’s racist coronavirus propaganda

Kurt Bardella tells us the sinister truth behind Trump’s racist coronavirus propaganda

Scott speaks with Kurt Bardella who is a national columnist and television commentator who left the GOP to become a Democrat and is leading the fight against Donald Trump’s overt program of racial discrimination against Asian-Americans during the coronavirus crisis. His journey from being a Republican insider to becoming a Democrat has been publicly documented in his columns for USA Today where he's on the board of contributors and on MSNBC where he is a contributor. Kurt had the brilliant idea of discontinuing unfiltered coverage of Trump’s daily coronavirus misinformation press conferences and made it go viral on twitter before Rachel Maddow closed her emotional program last week by calling on the media to stop spreading his lies. Bardella is also the publisher of the Morning Hangover, a country music newsletter.

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 book series here, featuring Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders or online at Barnes & Noble.

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Mar 25, 202016:49
David Plouffe just explained how Democrats can generate a landslide to beat Trump

David Plouffe just explained how Democrats can generate a landslide to beat Trump

Scott presents an interview by producer Grant Stern with David Plouffe who is President Barack Obama’s former campaign manager and the author of a new book “A Citizen’s Guide to Beating Donald Trump.” He guided both of President Obama's successful runs to the White House and this podcast is a detailed breakdown of his outlook for the 2020 general election. Plouffe explained his blueprint for every member of the Resistance to chip in and make a difference by fighting disinformation and informing their friends; it's easier than you might imagine.

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 book series here, featuring Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders or online at Barnes & Noble.

Disclosure: This post uses paid affiliate links.

Mar 18, 202019:54
Ebola research physician says "Trump can't spin death," recommends cities take drastic measures
Mar 17, 202035:01
Top psychiatrist explains why Trump's coronavirus response is worse than having no leader at all

Top psychiatrist explains why Trump's coronavirus response is worse than having no leader at all

Scott speaks with Yale professor Dr. Bandy X. Lee about Donald Trump's failed response to the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Lee is president of the World Mental Health Coalition and author of "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" which brings together the professional opinion of 37 mental health experts. Her diagnosis is that Trump's avoidance of reality is so dangerous, no leadership would be safer, but there is a lot more inside this interview that speaks to each individual listener about how they can cope with the national public health crisis roiling our stock markets and shutting down our country. 


You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 book series here, featuring Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders or at your local Barnes & Noble.

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Mar 13, 202032:15
Shannon Watts tells us about taking on the NRA—and winning

Shannon Watts tells us about taking on the NRA—and winning

Scott speaks with Shannon Watts, who founded Mom's Demand Action to fight the gun manufacturer's lobby for sensible gun reforms who is also the author of “Fight Like a Mother: How a Grassroots Movement Took on the Gun Lobby and Why Women Will Change the World” out on Harper-Collins books. Shannon's fascinating story is the topic of her book, which doubles as a manifesto and a memoir aimed at how-to instruction for people in every American city and town who might want to follow in her footsteps. Watts also delivered a detailed review of the gun reform legislation passed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the House Democrats, which resides in Sen. "Moscow" Mitch McConnell's legislative graveyard.

You can buy our Meet the Candidates 2020 book series here, featuring Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders or at your local Barnes & Noble.

Disclosure: This post uses paid affiliate links.

Mar 12, 202019:10