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Christine on EastEnd

Christine on EastEnd

By Chrissy

Christine on EastEnd is a lifestyle and self-improvement podcast for young women. Every week, Christine interviews different guests about their success stories, tips, and advice. Whether it's learning how to start your own business or improving your relationships, Christine has something for every woman looking to live her best life. Tune in for fun and informative conversations with inspiring guests!
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Navigating A Toxic Workplace: Narcissistic Boss

Christine on EastEnd Jan 07, 2024

Navigating Career Transitions: Crafting Your Exit Plan
Feb 06, 202426:20
Navigating A Toxic Workplace: Dealing with a Jealous Coworker or Difficult Coworker

Navigating A Toxic Workplace: Dealing with a Jealous Coworker or Difficult Coworker

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
In this episode, we explore strategies for navigating a toxic workplace, focusing on handling challenges with jealous or difficult coworkers. Gain insights into fostering a healthier work environment and managing interpersonal dynamics.
Jan 14, 202429:55
Navigating a Toxic workplace: Workplace Mobbing

Navigating a Toxic workplace: Workplace Mobbing

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
In this podcast episode, I delve into the unsettling phenomenon of workplace mobbing. Exploring its causes and consequences, we hear firsthand accounts and expert insights, shedding light on the tactics, impact on individuals, and strategies for prevention and coping. Join me for a thought-provoking conversation on a crucial workplace issue.
Jan 11, 202443:01
Navigating A Toxic Workplace: Narcissistic Boss

Navigating A Toxic Workplace: Narcissistic Boss

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
In this episode, explore strategies for navigating a toxic workplace, specifically when dealing with a narcissistic boss. Learn how to identify red flags, set boundaries, and prioritize your well-being while maintaining professionalism in challenging work environments. Gain insights from experts and real-life experiences to empower yourself and foster a healthier work atmosphere.
Jan 07, 202430:44
“New Year, new me” , Rolling Loud Fest, Weight loss Journey& Creed III

“New Year, new me” , Rolling Loud Fest, Weight loss Journey& Creed III

Welcome to the “New Year, New Me” experience! Now more than ever, we all need to get in touch with our goals for the future so that we can make the most of this new year. Catching up with our very own Chrissy is a great way to do just that! Through participating in this experience, you will be able to understand yourself better and take steps towards achieving any goal(s) you set for yourself.

The best part is that it's tailored specifically to each individual user. For example, Chrissy brings her expertise and enthusiasm to help you unpack your thoughts and track your progress against these goals. In addition, updates related to career growth, relationship advice, and general positivity will be shared regularly so you stay motivated and inspired throughout your journey.

Our team is committed to delivering top-notch content focused solely on helping you reach your desired outcome. By joining “New Year, New Me” you are taking the first step towards creating a life of success and joy! So go ahead - give yourself a chance at becoming the best version of yourself this new year; take control of your future today and invest in “New Year, New Me” now!
Mar 17, 202334:30
Episode 14 | Relationships - Dating and Marriage

Episode 14 | Relationships - Dating and Marriage

Are you looking for a way to gain insight into the world of dating and marriage? Look no further than Episode 14 | Relationships - Dating and Marriage in our exclusive podcast series!

We’ve compiled the most knowledgeable and well-versed experts in relationships to provide key insights and learning opportunities throughout this episode. With discussions featuring tips on topics from the best ways to approach dating, to understanding how to maintain healthy relationships, you won’t want to miss out!

This podcast is perfect for anyone interested in deepening their knowledge about dating and marriage, or currently enduring the ups-and-downs of these full of life experiences. And who better than real-world professionals with years of experience to give that extra level of detail required? We bring you engaging conversations offering a variety of perspectives that allow us all the opportunity to learn something new.

Find yourself enamored by stories of successful couples that have lasted the test of time – along with helpful advice on cultivating relationships that are meant to last – Episode 14 | Relationships - Dating and Marriage will make you think differently about every connection. If you're looking for an enjoyable experience guaranteed to inspire transformation in your dating life, this edition is not one to miss! Let's Stay In Touch!
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Instagram - @c.chrissy.christine
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TikTok - @christineoneastend
Jan 20, 202331:54
Episode 13 Exclusive Interview with Finance Expert and Nonprofit CEO

Episode 13 Exclusive Interview with Finance Expert and Nonprofit CEO

Are you interested in making sound financial decisions and having your money work for you? Look no further than Episode 13 of the podcast series! In this exclusive interview, renowned finance expert, Monica James, shares her wealth of financial information with fun anecdotes, interactive dialogues, and helpful tips. This episode is perfect for all income levels to help you understand the logistics of today’s ever-changing economic landscape. 

Not only does this amazing interview cover a multitude of key financial topics, but it also highlights the mission and successes of Miss James’ nonprofit organization. With her impact resonating throughout the world—making a difference in lives all across the planet—this unique batch of content serves not just as educational but also inspirational. Tune in to Episode 13 to find out how you can be an agent of change while still being smart with your finances!

Let's Stay In Touch!

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Instagram - @c.chrissy.christine

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TikTok - @christineoneastend


Jan 06, 202339:40
Improving Professional Relationships | Episode 12

Improving Professional Relationships | Episode 12

Relationships are the bread and butter of life. They make up our families, our friends, and our work colleagues. And while we all know that communication is key, sometimes it's hard to find the right words to say. That's where Episode 12 comes in! This episode is all about learning how to communicate effectively with the important people in your life. We'll explore the different types of relationships we have, and how to make them even stronger. You'll learn how to handle conflict, give and receive feedback, and build a foundation of trust. So whether you're looking to improve your relationship with your boss or your best friend, Episode 12 has you covered!

Let's Stay In Touch!

Socials 💌

Instagram - @c.chrissy.christine

FaceBook -

TikTok - @christineoneastend


Dec 02, 202228:47
Improving Your Relationships With Family and Friends | Episode 11

Improving Your Relationships With Family and Friends | Episode 11

Are you having trouble keeping up with your family and friends? Do you feel like you're always the one pushing to make plans and keep things going? If so, Episode 11 is for you! This episode is all about improving your relationships with the people who matter most to you. I'll help you identify what's been holding you back and give you practical tips for moving forward. Whether it's learning to communicate better or finding ways to show your loved ones how much you care, we'll make sure you walk away from this episode feeling confident and ready to take on anything. So why wait? Hit play now and let's get started!

Let's Stay In Touch!

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Instagram - @c.chrissy.christine

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TikTok - @christineoneastend


Nov 25, 202228:30
Improving Your Relationship with yourself | Episode 10

Improving Your Relationship with yourself | Episode 10

If you're like most people, you've probably spent a lot of time trying to please others and make them happy. But what about your own happiness? Episode 10, I explore the importance of evolving in your relationship with yourself. This means getting to know your true self - the one that exists beneath all the layers of societal conditioning.

It can be a tough process, but it's so worth it! When you know yourself, you can live life on your own terms and be truly happy. So why not start today? Episode 10 is the perfect place to begin. It's fun, and engaging, and will leave you feeling more connected to yourself than ever before.

Let's Stay In Touch!

Socials 💌

Instagram - @c.chrissy.christine

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TikTok - @christineoneastend


Nov 18, 202225:32
Shifting Your Mindset | Episode 9

Shifting Your Mindset | Episode 9

How many times have you told yourself that you can't do something? Or that you're not good enough? We've all been there. But what if I told you that those negative thoughts are actually holding you back from achieving your goals?

In this episode of the Shift Your Mindset podcast, I'm going to show you how to change your thinking so that you can start achieving the success you deserve. I'll share with you some powerful techniques for shifting your mindset, including:

· How to become more positive and optimistic

· How to silence your inner critic

· How to boost your self-confidence

· How to get out of your comfort zone and take risks

· How to start believing in yourself and your abilities

So if you're ready to make a shift in your thinking, and in your life, tune in now. You won't regret it!

Let's Stay In Touch!

Socials 💌

Instagram - @c.chrissy.christine

FaceBook -

TikTok - @christineoneastend


Oct 27, 202227:38
Meeting Your Fitness Goals | Episode 8

Meeting Your Fitness Goals | Episode 8

When it comes to fitness, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. But if you're looking to get in shape and improve your overall health, Meeting Your Fitness Goals is a great place to start.

In this episode, I discuss my own fitness journey and how I've been able to maintain my progress by setting realistic goals and staying consistent with my workouts. I also share some tips on how you can do the same, whether you're starting from scratch or trying to get back on track after a setbacks.

So if you're ready to start making positive changes in your life, tune in to Meeting Your Fitness Goals. It just might be the motivation you need to finally reach your fitness goals!

Let's Stay In Touch!

Socials 💌

Instagram - @c.chrissy.christine

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TikTok - @christineoneastend


Oct 06, 202225:11
Staying In Tune With Your Mental Health | Episode 7

Staying In Tune With Your Mental Health | Episode 7

If you're not tuned in to your mental health, you're missing out on a vital part of your overall well-being. Just like your physical health, your mental health requires regular care and attention. That's where this exciting new podcast comes in!

In this episode, I'll be discussing different aspects of mental health, offering tips and strategies for keeping your mind healthy and happy. From managing stress to improving your sleep, this podcast has something for everyone. And because it's delivered in a fun and engaging style, you'll actually enjoy tuning in!

So whether you're struggling with mental health issues or just looking to proactively take care of your mind, this podcast is a must-listen. I can't wait to tune in with you!

Let's Stay In Touch!

Socials 💌

Instagram - @c.chrissy.christine

FaceBook -

TikTok - @christineoneastend


Aug 25, 202233:29
Rediscovering Your Identity | Episode 6

Rediscovering Your Identity | Episode 6

Welcome to my podcast! In this episode, I'll be discussing the journey of rediscovering yourself. This is something that I'm passionate about because I think it's so important to stay true to who you are.

Self-discovery is a lifelong journey, but it's especially important during periods of transition or change. It can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget what your passions and interests are. But when you take the time to reconnect with yourself, it can make all the difference.

Making space for self-reflection is crucial in order to gain clarity and perspective. It's also important to be honest with yourself about what you're looking for in life. If you're not sure where to start, don't worry! There are plenty of resources out there to help you on your journey.

I hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps you on your own path of self-discovery! Thank you for listening!

Let's Stay In Touch!

Socials 💌

Instagram - @c.chrissy.christine

FaceBook -

TikTok - @christineoneastend


Aug 18, 202236:17
Episode 5 | Maximize Your Time

Episode 5 | Maximize Your Time

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. But some people seem to get a lot more done than others. How do they do it?

Time management is an important skill that anyone can learn. And it starts with understanding how you use your time now.

That's why we created this podcast episode. We want to help you maximize your time so you can get more done and achieve your goals.

This episode will teach you proven time management strategies that will help you get more out of each day. So whether you're looking to boost your productivity at work or home, this episode is for you.

So what are you waiting for? Maximize your time today by listening to this helpful podcast episode

Let's Stay In Touch!

Socials 💌

Instagram - @c.chrissy.christine

FaceBook -

TikTok - @christineoneastend


Jul 28, 202228:32
Episode 4 | Finance Goals Part 2
Jul 21, 202227:38
Episode 3 | Finance Goals
Jul 15, 202231:20
Episode 2 | Believe In Yourself

Episode 2 | Believe In Yourself

If you're looking for an inspiring and uplifting podcast episode, look no further than East End society's "Believe In Yourself." This fun and informative episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about self-empowerment and living their best life. East End society is a group of friends who love to empower and inspire others, and this episode is no exception. In it, they share tips and techniques on how to believe in yourself and achieve your goals. They also discuss the importance of positive thinking and staying motivated. Whether you're looking for some motivation to get through the day or you want to learn more about self-empowerment, this podcast episode is a must-listen. So tune in!

Socials 💌 Instagram - @c.chrissy.christine FaceBook - TikTok - @christineoneastend Email-

Jul 08, 202230:01
Episode 1 | Getting Out Of A Funk
Jun 30, 202228:09
Intro | East End Society

Intro | East End Society

In this podcast, we learn about the East End Society. This is a trailer intro so we don't get to learn too much but we get just enough to be intrigued. We learn that the East End Society is a secret society that helps people in need. This podcast leaves us wanting to know more and we are eager to see what future episodes will bring.

Jun 24, 202206:08