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Eazy Conversation

Eazy Conversation

By Princess

Just because we've put it aside for later doesn't mean it goes away. So let's confront all that has been tucked in the corners of our minds and requires our attention with some chill vibes, music, and an Eazy Conversation. 💚🌻
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How You Feelin' ?

Eazy ConversationFeb 10, 2020



Feeling stuck in your own mind? Let's talk about it really quick.
Oct 20, 202301:53
A Passion Discarded

A Passion Discarded

Have you ever let the pains and stress of life taint a passion of yours? Let's talk about it.
Oct 09, 202326:22
Ventilation Vol.3

Ventilation Vol.3

I've been dealing with the worst time of my life. Let's talk about it.
Sep 21, 202327:04
Let Go

Let Go

If it's not pouring into you, it's taking from you. Is it worth it? Should you just let it go? Let's talk about it.
Feb 06, 202356:07
Losing Supporters?

Losing Supporters?

Just me? Or are you losing supporters along your journey too? Let's talk about it. ... Special shout out to ALL of my supporters. To my supporters whom I've never lost any support from and to my new supporters, thank you! You are so appreciated and loved! 💚🌻 Thank you for listening!
Oct 12, 202227:12
Who Raised You?

Who Raised You?

A lot of times in life we get so wrapped up in wanting to feel better that we just try to take any shortcut we can find in order to mend our wounds. You subconsciously think to yourself, "The long way is just gonna hurt even more, right?". So, we then turn a blind eye to how we may be affecting others in the process of taking that shortcut to "healing". Including our children. Let's talk about it.
Oct 11, 202228:10
Self Reflection

Self Reflection

Stop and do some self reflecting with me. 💛
Aug 08, 202221:29


As humans we ALL have a tendency to follow the path of the more agreeable. We like it best when at least someone agrees with us. But what happens when seemingly no one agrees with us? How will we feel, think and believe? What knowledge will we choose to retain or not? Let's talk about it
Aug 06, 202221:11
Chasing Importance

Chasing Importance

Just a little somethin to make you say "hmmm".
Aug 05, 202204:59
What's Really Real?

What's Really Real?

Have you listened to my first episode "Understanding Who's Around You" ? Well, this is the remix. Do you acknowledge and accept truths based off of what you think is bad or good? Let's talk about it.
Jun 30, 202235:40


A lot of times when you're growing and changing, people don't really like that somewhere in their subconscious. Sometimes you don't even like it somewhere in your subconscious. 🤔 Let's talk about it.
Jun 13, 202246:02


You ever stop and just feel ashamed and embarrassed of who you used to be? That's alright, we all have. Let's talk about it.
May 30, 202217:05
Awkward Stage

Awkward Stage

Change is awkward. Let's talk about it.
May 25, 202226:09
Taken For Granted

Taken For Granted

Have you noticed that we as humans often don't appreciate or cherish the right things? And how most of the time we take healthy relationships, family and life for granted forgetting that all these things are gifts... Let's talk about it.
May 25, 202227:02
Maturity+Perspective= Vision

Maturity+Perspective= Vision

Today's conversation is simply about gaining our own perspective on everything and viewing it through mature lenses. So that we may have vision and be more clear on what truth is really is and how to prosper in growth by being able to truly understand truth.
Dec 22, 202137:21
Up and Out

Up and Out

I've been gone for quite some time to to deal with some lows and heal from them. During this process, I've learned so much and have overcome some of my biggest fears of sinking into such a dark place. Let's talk about it.
Nov 22, 202136:54
Take It Tf Off

Take It Tf Off

When you feel weighed down by insecurities, fears, opinions of others, personal frustrations and other muddy things, do you ever consider just taking it off? Maybe your heart is just heavy from all the things you're still holding onto. 🤷🏿‍♀️ Let's talk about it. 💚🌻
Jun 07, 202133:40
Favorites And Other Biases

Favorites And Other Biases

Ever think about those subconscious biases that we develop in our minds as we move along in life? Ever think about how they can cause us to become a respecter of persons? Let's talk about it.
Apr 12, 202124:31
Attractive Beyond Physical: Accountability

Attractive Beyond Physical: Accountability

As we wrap up the last episode of this series, in this episode we will be going over accountability and what makes it so attractive. How often do you practice holding yourself accountable? Do you accept and appreciate when others hold you accountable? Let's talk about it. Follow me on Instagram @eazyconversation
Mar 15, 202124:45
Attractive Beyond Physical: Laugh At Yourself

Attractive Beyond Physical: Laugh At Yourself

So, we've talked about being self aware and we talked about being genuine. Both character qualities that can allow us to know when and how to laugh at ourselves. How did we become so hypersensitive anyway? Why are we taking everything so seriously now? How do we make a habit of laughing at ourselves a little more? I'd say that learning to loosen up and laugh it off is for sure an attractive quality, wouldn't you? How else can self deprecating humor be beneficial? Let's talk about it.
Mar 01, 202125:20
Attractive Beyond Physical: Genuineness

Attractive Beyond Physical: Genuineness

Is it just me, or is it a turn off when someone's disingenuousness is showing? And what about you? How often do you check your meter of genuineness to make sure it's still fully in tact and in full effect? Let's talk about it.
Feb 14, 202128:08


I'm still editing today's episode 🥴 So, Attractive Beyond Physical continues tomorrow. But in the meantime, let's talk about lies, shall we?
Feb 01, 202113:56
Attractive Beyond Physical: Alone, Not Lonely

Attractive Beyond Physical: Alone, Not Lonely

In this second entry of our series Attractive Beyond Physical, we're discussing the importance of not needing anyone else to be happy. A lot of us show signs of needing others to be happy in one form or another. Ask yourself, how ready would you be right now to really kick it by yourself and maintain your peace in absolute solitude? Let's talk about it.
Jan 18, 202127:54
Attractive Beyond Physical: Self-awareness

Attractive Beyond Physical: Self-awareness

Here's the first entry of the "Attractive Beyond Physical" series on the subject of Self-awareness. How much conscious knowledge do you have on your on character, feelings, motives, and desires? Would you be attracted to it? Let's talk about it.
Jan 04, 202124:21
Ventilation (vol.2)

Ventilation (vol.2)

I took a break again, and now I'm back again. I want to always be open with y'all about my mental battles whenever I return from my "mental health breaks". So, that is the main purpose for each "ventilation" episode. Ever spend a month or two ignoring your inner cries just to avoid dealing with burried pain of the past? Yea, me too. Let's talk about it.
Dec 14, 202025:33


Our intuition gives us the answers to a lot of problems before they even present themselves. But are we listening? Do we believe it? Do we trust it? Let's talk about it.
Oct 26, 202020:31
"Friends" ft. GasmineWithAG

"Friends" ft. GasmineWithAG

There's an unfortunate reality of today that most of us are lacking true friendship in our lives. We tend to turn to social media for human interaction as opposed to creating organic, raw, vegan friendships with people in real life. Let's talk about it. Follow today's guest on Instagram! @Gasminee
Oct 11, 202032:04
The Masculine V.S. The Feminine

The Masculine V.S. The Feminine

There's always been an on going battle between masculinity and femininity. Neither man nor woman want the opposite to be revered over the other, right? But in our efforts to balance out the scale, are we actually working towards clarity or are we furthering ourselves into the endless pit of non balance between the two? Let's talk about it.
Sep 28, 202019:08


In life we must learn to not be afraid to read and question the intentions of others. But, of course, we much first check our own and make sure that they are in line with our moral compass. Have you checked your intentions lately? Question and challenged your intentions lately? Let's talk about it
Sep 14, 202014:37
Feel Out Loud: Emotional Healing

Feel Out Loud: Emotional Healing

This spoken word segment, called Feel Out Loud, is meant to focus on acknowledging and expressing our inner-selves outwardly and boldly. In this first ever Feel Out Loud episode I will be reciting a poem I wrote called "My heart, and I". Please enjoy 💛
Sep 06, 202003:56
Free To Be Free

Free To Be Free

Are we truly free? Are we free to believe, think, feel, and express? Or are there limiting factors that we've put into place that stand between us and true freedom? Let's talk about it.
Aug 31, 202016:14
Fear of Rejection

Fear of Rejection

Underneath a lot of things that hold us back from going for what we want is a fear of rejection in one form or another. No matter what phase we are at in life, it's still important that we seek out those fears and tackle them as we notice them. In this episode, I'll be talking about three different key things I've realized to be necessary during this process. I appreciate you for listening. 💛🤗
Aug 10, 202017:16
Comfortably Uncomfortable

Comfortably Uncomfortable

Many things in life that are necessary tend to be a bit uncomfortable. Expressing passion, breaking harmful cycles, and in today's time just being yourself is all very uncomfortable for us at times. Let's talk about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. 💚
Jul 27, 202022:55
Inner Compass

Inner Compass

We must learn to let go of the fear of trusting that voice within. That voice that says "Uh, I don't really have a good feeling about that". Oh, the trouble, the stress, the sadness we could avoid if only we could just trust our gut! Let's talk about it. 💛
Jun 29, 202017:34
Casual Sex

Casual Sex

What's the harm in casual sex? A whole lot, my friends. Let's talk about it.
Jun 08, 202024:13


So, I've been gone for about 2 months. During that time I dealt with a few struggles that I needed time to sort through. Now that I'm standing on the other side of that hill, let me share with you all what's been going on and what I've learned. So just come vibe with me, sit back and chill as I break it all down. I hope this is as therapeutic for you as it was for me. 😊💚
May 25, 202024:08


A struggle with anger is an exhausting struggle indeed. It weighs on our spiritual and mental bodies as well as our physical. Could it be possible that our choices and perspective could be effecting how we get angry and how often? 🤔 Let's talk about it.
Mar 30, 202012:01
You Don't Need It, You're Enough

You Don't Need It, You're Enough

All of us get to a point when we need a little refill in our cup of self-fulfillment. Often times we tend to search everywhere except within ourselves to be filled. We attach ourselves to our spouses, professional titles, and material things in attempts to fill our cups. We find ourselves mostly unwilling to dig within for the true, organic fulfilment we really need, subconsciously believing that we just simply aren't enough. In this episode, I discuss my own experiences with seeking my own self fulfilment in others and what ways my eyes were opened to the true source of what I'd been seeking. I hope you are fed by this. I appreciate you for listening! 💚
Mar 16, 202018:31
In The Now

In The Now

With so many distractions all around us, memories of the past, and projections of the future, it gets difficult to remain grounded in our own minds and to be fully aware of the current moment. This short episode is just a reminder of why it's so important to always be in "the now." I hope y'all can just vibe out with me in this episode and are reminded of how important it is to continue to remain aware of this current moment. Thank you for listening! 💚
Mar 02, 202010:14
Be Anxious for Nothing

Be Anxious for Nothing

We've all dealt with some form of anxiety on one level or another. You are not alone! And there is a way to deal with it that'll allow you to grow past your current state. Let's talk about it. P.S. when I say "fluent" anxiety attacks, I meant FREQUENT. 😆 my apologies loves. I'm human.
Feb 24, 202015:41
How You Feelin' ?

How You Feelin' ?

Being honest with ourselves is key for forward movement, growth, and obtaining wisdom. In this episode, I will be discussing the importance of being honest with ourselves at all times about how we feel, whether it be a bitter feeling or sweet.
Feb 10, 202014:56
Understanding Who's Around You

Understanding Who's Around You

How well do we pay attention to the things that really give us insight on whom someone truly is? Most of us tend to go by what people tell us rather than read between the lines and focus in on things like actions and body language. In this episode, I'll be discussing the things that have helped me to differentiate between the smoke screen of default characteristics and the rawness of the true form of character of the people that surround us. Thank you for tuning in!
Feb 03, 202014:06
January 11, 2020

January 11, 2020

Jan 11, 202000:59