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Triple G Living: God, Goals & Grind

Triple G Living: God, Goals & Grind

By Ebony Vaughan

Triple G Living is designed to help Kingdom believers experience freedom from all forms of bondage and to discover their God given purpose on earth. This Podcast provides practical and biblically based tips and strategies to help the listeners to experience freedom in everyday life.
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Episode 11: The Power of Making "You"Priority!!

Triple G Living: God, Goals & GrindMay 02, 2023

Episode 15: The Power in God's Separation!!!

Episode 15: The Power in God's Separation!!!

It is essential that we understand that God's separation is strategic and directly related to how he created us. We must accept God's plan for our lives and not misinterpret it as punishment. We serve a God that is truly invested in his creation. There are times when separation is DIVINE!!!

Jul 19, 202307:56
Episode 14: Mental Health, Spirituality & Deliverance

Episode 14: Mental Health, Spirituality & Deliverance

Tune in this week as we talk about the importance of Mental Health and understanding the impact Spirituality has on our Freedom. Dr. Milton will be sharing with us the difference between therapy and deliverance. You do not want to miss this powerful discussion. Remember to like and share, if you find value.

Jul 10, 202301:02:52
Episode 13: The Power of Self Empowerment in our Journey through Purpose

Episode 13: The Power of Self Empowerment in our Journey through Purpose

Self-empowerment is not just a worldly concept, but I truly believe that it is also God's desire for his people. Just look at the word of God. All of God's promises require faith and the participation of the spirit-filled believer. What we think and what we are committed to are crucial as we journey through purpose. Our journey through purpose does not require perfection and God does not promise us all "wins" with no losses, however, it is our belief in God and ourselves that causes us to be strong and courageous in all seasons.

May 30, 202312:40
Episode 12: The Power of "Tune Ups"

Episode 12: The Power of "Tune Ups"

The month of May is Mental Health Awareness and this week we are talking about the Power of a Tune Up in our Journey through purpose. The purpose of tune ups are to adjust a mechanism so that it performs at maximum efficiency. Just with a car does, each of us have indicators that show up in our lives to tell us when we need to tend to our emotional and mental health. Question, Is it time for a Tune up??

May 16, 202330:12
Episode 11: The Power of Making "You"Priority!!

Episode 11: The Power of Making "You"Priority!!

Are you everything to everybody??? Do you find yourself left feeling depleted, with nothing left for YOU?? Let me tell you a secret, you might just be the culprit!! It is time for you to get free and be about you and your father's business. It's time to M.O.V.E. Remember to like and share if you find value!!!

May 02, 202312:39
Episode 10: Ending Procrastination!!!!!

Episode 10: Ending Procrastination!!!!!

Too often we procrastinate in our journey through purpose, which causes us to miss out on God's timing. Many of us are too much in our heads, that we do not allow ourselves the freedom to simply activate our faith and M.O.V.E. It's time to put our faith to WORK and TRUST that God will order our steps. Let's make progress by being PRODUCTIVE!!! Share and subscribe if you find value.

Apr 18, 202320:08
Episode 9: The Power of Managing Expectations

Episode 9: The Power of Managing Expectations

This week we will be talking about the importance of us managing our expectations in our journey through purpose. There was a quote that I found by an unknown author that says, "Sometimes we create our own heartaches through expectation." This is such a powerful quote and one that holds true for so many of us. Many times we set unrealistic expectations for ourselves and others that create prisons and sets us up for disappointment and failure. We must learn to adequately assess and consider the capacity and willingness of ourselves and others before we set expectations. Make sure you share and subscribe if you find value!!!

Apr 11, 202315:27
Episode 8: Embracing the "NEW"

Episode 8: Embracing the "NEW"

It is so important for God's people to create a sensitivity to God's leading and a willingness to embrace the New. We often become too comfortable with patterns of behavior, rituals, and cycles that have proven to no longer be relevant and/or in season in our lives. Some of us are stuck in what's going well and we are resistant to God's instruction to shift and change direction. I challenge you to hear God on this day and MOVE as he leads.

Apr 04, 202310:19
Episode 7: The Power of Influence in our Journey Through Purpose!!

Episode 7: The Power of Influence in our Journey Through Purpose!!

Tune in this week as we talk about the Power of Influence. As spirit-filled believers, we are all given Influence and the capacity to impact the world for Christ in the context by which God has created us. It is essential that we understand God's purpose and reason for our Influence so that we are able to show up on Earth with authority and conviction. We are anointed, appointed, and assigned to our communities, families, ministries, professions, and to this world to bring transformation and God's glory wherever he sends us. Kingdom Family, RISE, and SHINE!!!

Mar 21, 202306:42
Episode 6: The Power of Introspection & Reflection

Episode 6: The Power of Introspection & Reflection

It is so important for God's people to possess the courage to see themselves in ways that cultivate their growth and development.  Introspection gives people the ability to understand themselves and reflection helps a person process what they discover.  Both of these actions are pivotal to our journey through purpose and are a process through the use and execution of the word of God that we are able to obtain.  

Mar 14, 202313:48
Episode 5: Faith for the Journey: Launching, Leaping & Love.

Episode 5: Faith for the Journey: Launching, Leaping & Love.

Tune in to our final week of Faith for the Journey.  This week, we are so excited to have with us, Pastor Lenyar Robinson of Dream Nation.  We will be continuing our discussion of The Power of Launching, Leaping & Love.  Pastor Lenyar will share with us the importance of cultivating our faith and having a greater understanding of how God sees us. You do not want to miss this episode. Be sure to share and subscribe.  

Feb 26, 202352:37
Episode 4: Faith for the Journey: Launching, Leaping and Love

Episode 4: Faith for the Journey: Launching, Leaping and Love

Join us this week as we talk about the Myth of Saturation in our journey through purpose.  It is essential that as spirit-filled believers we trust God in setting in motion his purpose for our lives.  We must believe that what God has for us is unique for the people he has called us to, the assignment that he has called us to, and unique in his timing.   God desires to see his designed original occupying the earth and bring him GLORY.  

Feb 14, 202312:11
Episode 3: Faith for the Journey: Launching, Leaping & Love

Episode 3: Faith for the Journey: Launching, Leaping & Love

For the entire month of February, we will be talking about Faith for the Journey. Kingdom family it is essential that we posture our hearts and mind to be in alignment with God's thoughts and intentions for us. Our journey through purpose will require a series of launching, leaping, and learning the depth of God’s love toward us.  The more we understand just how deep God’s love is for us, the more willing we are to step into our heavenly perspective/reality which guides us to our divine destiny!!!

Feb 07, 202311:29
Episode 2: Freedom from Obligations

Episode 2: Freedom from Obligations

Tune in this week as we talk about how we often over-commit and under-communicate our true needs/conditions to others resulting in too many Obligations in our lives.  We find ourselves being "YES" women and men and establishing ourselves as the go-to person in our families, communities, businesses, ministries, and jobs, resulting in us eventually losing direction in terms of hearing God's voice and obeying him.  

Feb 02, 202318:00
Season 4: The Power of Redefining Self!!!!

Season 4: The Power of Redefining Self!!!!

So often, we find ourselves needing to redefine, revisit, reevaluate and reassess where we are in life and where we are going. We find ourselves, getting stuck in what we do failing to become.  In this episode, I provide strategies for gaining Courage to Rediscover and/or Reinvent who you are in GOD!! 

Jan 26, 202320:53
Episode 4: The Courage to Choose

Episode 4: The Courage to Choose

The Power to Choose is a crucial part of our everyday lives and the result of the gift of free will given to us by our heavenly father.  Oftentimes, we are often riddled with fear of making the wrong choices, complacency, and stagnation, which causes us to make excuses such as, "I am waiting on God" or I am not sensing it's time to move.  Now, this could be true and it could not be.  It is essential that we know the difference between our fears and waiting for God's instruction so that we do not rob ourselves of a Good or GOD thing.   Kingdom Family, Could it be that God is waiting for us to CHOOSE??

Nov 29, 202209:55
Episode 3: Courage to Go Beyond

Episode 3: Courage to Go Beyond

Are you pessimistic or optimistic?? Are your thoughts plagued with negativity or positivity?? Often times in our Journey through purpose, we struggle with being consumed with the wrong thoughts, and consequently, we feel defeated and hindered in our pursuits.  This episode has everything to do with empowering the people of GOD to gain healthier internal worlds that yield Courage and Hope in their daily lives.  

Nov 15, 202217:56


Its time to Rise and Shine!!!

Nov 01, 202200:28
Episode 2: Shrinking Back in Purpose

Episode 2: Shrinking Back in Purpose

It is so important for us to be committed to moving forward in the plan and purpose of God for our lives. When we shrink back in our purpose we tend to diminish God’s power in our lives, deter our assignment and purpose and dim the light that God has shined upon us to witness.  We must be willing to overcome the internal objections that rise in our thinking patterns and get in alignment with the mind of God concerning us.

Nov 01, 202208:14
Season 3 Episode 1: The Power found in Overcoming the "Need to Control"

Season 3 Episode 1: The Power found in Overcoming the "Need to Control"

The need to control is such a limiting thought and behavior pattern that often causes the spirit-filled believer to experience excessive anxiety, worry, and fear in their everyday lives.  The need to control often damages our ability to trust God and activate faith in our lives.  Let's activate the word of God in our lives by learning to relinquish control and surrender to God's plan for our lives daily. There is truly a reward in life with a foundation of FAITH!!!

Oct 26, 202215:15
Episode 31: The Power of Kindness in our Journey Through Purpose!!

Episode 31: The Power of Kindness in our Journey Through Purpose!!

Often we underestimate the supernatural act of kindness in our journey through Purpose. Too often we mistake kindness for weakness and we believe that it causes us to be victimized. I want to challenge you to change your perspective on kindness. It is not the absence of wisdom but the presence of God's love at work.  Be sure to like and share if you find value. 

Oct 04, 202209:58
Episode 30: Managing Time in our Journey Through Purpose!!

Episode 30: Managing Time in our Journey Through Purpose!!

It is so important for us to understand that our connections, commitments, and convictions can often rob us of our devotion and obedience to GOD.  In this episode, we will be talking about time and energy wasters that distract, deceive and distance us from God in our Journey Through Purpose.  

Sep 27, 202215:39
Episode 30: There is Power in our Thoughts!!!

Episode 30: There is Power in our Thoughts!!!

It is so important to stop the cycle of negative and self-disparaging thought patterns in our journey through purpose.  Our thought lives have the potential to create a thriving internal environment or a crippling internal environment. How we choose to manage, monitor, and recondition our thoughts will determine the level of freedom and success we experience in our journey through purpose.  

Sep 14, 202211:52
Episode 29: The Power of Prayer in our Journey Through Purpose

Episode 29: The Power of Prayer in our Journey Through Purpose

It is crucial for the Spirit-filled believer to understand the importance of the power in maintaining an active prayer life in our journey through Purpose.  Prayer unlocks the manifestation of the supernatural in our lives as well as helps us to operate in wisdom and prudence in our personal, professional, and spiritual lives.  I challenge you today, to Ignite a passion and persistence in your prayer life and watch your life be transformed.  

Sep 06, 202213:43
The Power of T.I.M.E.

The Power of T.I.M.E.

Time is such an invaluable gift from God and we must be careful to not take it for granted but to use it wisely. So often we get stuck in fruitless activities and relationships that take more from us than anything and we must put an end to this. Many of us are in "lack" because we have not learned to respect and honor the Gift of Time.  

Aug 23, 202213:22
Episode 27: The Power of the P.U.S.H!!!

Episode 27: The Power of the P.U.S.H!!!

There is POWER in the PUSH in our journey through purpose!! It is so important for us to understand the power that is released in our lives when we push past our humanity to experience God's supernatural blessings in our lives.  It is through the PUSH (Persistence unleashes supernatural harvest) that we BECOME.  Remember to share and subscribe if you find value.  

Aug 16, 202208:36
Episode 26:Strong Foundations require Intimacy, Instruction and Infrastructure!!

Episode 26:Strong Foundations require Intimacy, Instruction and Infrastructure!!

It is essential as spirit-filled believers, that we build upon a strong foundation. That strong foundation includes intimacy, instruction, and infrastructure.  We must build all things upon the Mighty and All-Powerful.  Our foundation will sustain us through every season within our lives and it is not just spiritual but it is also natural.  Share and subscribe if you find value!!!

Aug 02, 202212:22
Episode 25: Authentic Communication!!!

Episode 25: Authentic Communication!!!

It is so important for us to be authentic in our communication with others.  Often we fall into the trap of appeasement and blending in, in our relationships with others which hinders us from valuing our truth and being ourselves.  The trap of appeasement often causes us to over-complement and/or say things that we think others want to hear to gain approval and/or their favor.   Authentic communication allows us to show up as our true selves without fear of rejection.  If you find value, be sure to share and subscribe.  

Jul 26, 202213:15
Episode 24: The Power of Conviction!!!

Episode 24: The Power of Conviction!!!

Having Conviction is such a valuable part of our journey through Purpose.  Our conviction must be the foundation and springboard by which the Spirit-filled believer does all things.  I challenge you today to think about where your conviction lies?? If you find value, please remember to subscribe and share. 

Jul 18, 202216:01
Episode 23: The Power in Honoring my Commitments to MYSELF!!!

Episode 23: The Power in Honoring my Commitments to MYSELF!!!

It is imperative that we get to the place where we are honoring the commitments/promises we make to ourselves. It is easy to be a "Woman and Man of our word" when we are accountable to others. But what about the promises or commitments that we make to ourselves that we don't keep. There is truly power in self-accountability, Let's talk about it!!!

Jul 11, 202215:01
Episode 22: "The Power of Our Voice"

Episode 22: "The Power of Our Voice"

It is so important that we understand the power that is found in our voice. God has gifted each of his children with a unique sound designed to help us Connect and to be unique in our Level of Expression.  Our voice has the ability to bring change, healing, transformation, mobilization, and activation within God's people as well as ourselves. Kingdom Family we must learn to value our voice and be willing to SOUND OFF!!!

Jul 06, 202214:28
Episode 21: Eliminating Excuses: God has Receipts!!!

Episode 21: Eliminating Excuses: God has Receipts!!!

It is essential that we expose the self-deception that enables us to make excuses on our Journey through Purpose.  Excuses have a way of diminishing God's ability to manifest his power through his people. I challenge you today to make a commitment to you, "NO MORE EXCUSES." Remember God's continued faithfulness are our daily receipts!!! 

Jun 28, 202212:52
Episode 20: Overcoming The Jonah Complex and the Fear of Greatness!!!

Episode 20: Overcoming The Jonah Complex and the Fear of Greatness!!!

It is so important that we understand that fear of success robs us of our God-given promises.  It is up to each individual to begin to discover and destroy the patterns of thinking and believing that causes us to fear one’s own greatness, escape one’s destiny, or avoid exercising one’s talents.  We must break these cycles and experience self-actualization enabling us to reach our full potential.  

Jun 13, 202211:37
Episode 19: Men, Mental Health, & Faith

Episode 19: Men, Mental Health, & Faith

This week we have a special guest, Apostle Kenneth Robinson, Pastor /Founder of DreamLife Worship Center.  Dr. Ken encourages men to seek help, to get past denial and avoidance.  He challenges them with the reality of getting past their egos and in touch with their feelings and emotions.  He challenges men to make God their source and priority. Dr. Ken gave us some great tips and places in the word of God that are helpful in guiding men to find peace, healing, and wholeness.  Such powerful dialogue!!! 

Jun 01, 202235:03
Episode 18: Men, Mental Health & Faith

Episode 18: Men, Mental Health & Faith

This week we have a special guest, Craig Powell, Founder of True Heart Children and Family Services.  Craig will be talking about the importance of men understanding that they must lead their lives through the spirit and not their soul. Craig challenges people to be creative in their approaches to ministering to men.  He mentioned that often times pride is a factor and we need to be able to meet them where they are in order to help them see the need for help.  Such healthy dialogue!!! Tune in and remember to like and subscribe if you find value.  

May 23, 202245:04
Episode 15: Mental Health and the Kingdom of God!!!!

Episode 15: Mental Health and the Kingdom of God!!!!

It's Mental Health Awareness Month and all month we will be focusing on God's Plan to restore his people.  Do you think God cares about your mental health?? God desires freedom for his people and we will be scrolling through the Word of God and finding his antidote and plan for his people.   Mental Health and Mental Illness are not the same, yet both are very important things to nurture and heal.  We are going to talk about it all.  So tune in this month and like and subscribe if you find value. 

May 03, 202214:04
Episode 14: Enduring "No's" in your Journey Through Purpose!!

Episode 14: Enduring "No's" in your Journey Through Purpose!!

It is so important that we understand that "no's" are not game-changers for GOD.   Although disappointing for us to hear at times, no's could simply lead to the promise that God truly has for us.  It can also mean so many things and it is important that we be open to God's plan in our Journey through purpose.  The true goal for you and me is to endure until the end.  My challenge to you is to trust God and let patience have its perfect in you!!!

Apr 25, 202209:35
Episode 13: The Power of CPR in our Journey through purpose!!!

Episode 13: The Power of CPR in our Journey through purpose!!!

It is crucial that we build in our journey through purpose a time to reflect, renew and resuscitate. It is a time where we take the time to assess and get strengthened for the journey.  Giving ourselves permission to STOP to reflect is essential and will result in longevity and endurance.  

Apr 19, 202215:29
Episode 12: The Power Gained through Silence

Episode 12: The Power Gained through Silence

We are in another week of a Powerful episode, where we are focusing on the Power of Silence.  In this episode, we will be talking about the importance of not making the mistake of seeing silence as a weakness and we will be talking about the three S's Solitude, Stillness, and Silence.  There is tremendous power in this as we press into God in our journey through purpose.  

Apr 05, 202209:04
The Power Gained Through SILENCE!!!

The Power Gained Through SILENCE!!!

It is so important for us to know when silence is beneficial in our Journey through purpose.  So often we live noisy lives which distract us from really hearing God and obeying his voice. We get stuck in unhealthy cycles of responding and behaving which prevents us from gaining clarity, precision, and demonstrating the Fruit of the spirit. God desire is to manifest through us and we have to have gain self-control and wisdom for everyday living.  

Mar 28, 202209:56
Episode 10: The Triple G Series

Episode 10: The Triple G Series

In this episode, Danielle Giddins, Author, Entrepreneur, and Business Coach will continue in our discussion of Leadership, Legacy, Lifestyle, and Love.  She shares powerful wisdom guaranteed to bring healing and success in your everyday journey.  Danielle shares her powerful journey of how God taught her how to give and receive love.  

Mar 07, 202254:11
Episode 10: The TrIple G Series

Episode 10: The TrIple G Series

In this episode, Danielle Giddins, Author, Entrepreneur, and Business Coach will continue in our discussion of Leadership, Legacy, Lifestyle, and Love.  She shares powerful wisdom guaranteed to bring healing and success in your everyday journey.  Danielle shares her powerful journey of how God taught her how to give and receive love.  Tune in to a sneak peek of this amazing episode.  

Mar 07, 202201:44
Episode 9: The Triple G Life Series

Episode 9: The Triple G Life Series

In this episode, Valencia Goodson of Goodson National Trucking Company LLC and Goodson Management Group, LLC. talks to us about Leadership and Love and the personal and professional balance of being in business with your spouse and/or significant other. She challenges us to pursue self-care daily in our journey through purpose.  

Mar 03, 202201:03:46
Episode 8: The Triple G Life Series (Full Episode)

Episode 8: The Triple G Life Series (Full Episode)

In this episode, Shawn Mason LeSuer, Author, Entrepreneur, Marketing Expert, Preacher/Speaker, and Comedian talks about the commitment, competence, and capacity necessary to be a successful entrepreneur.  She challenges people to don’t believe the hype and hustle of entrepreneurship, but to be a risk-taker, to seek knowledge, and to be willing to fail forward in your journey through purpose.

Feb 28, 202250:04
Episode 8: The Triple G Series

Episode 8: The Triple G Series

Shawn Mason LeSuer Author, Entrepreneur, Comedian, and Speaker shares with us True wisdom in Entrepreneurship and the importance of developing capacity in your journey.

Feb 27, 202200:33
Episode 7: The Triple G Life Series

Episode 7: The Triple G Life Series

In this episode, we have Stayce who will share with us the importance of Self Love in relationships.  Kingdom Family, we will be having more amazing guests in the next couple of weeks who will be sharing wisdom for our journey through purpose.  This is going to be good, so remember to share and subscribe if you find value.

Feb 24, 202228:17
Episode 6: The Triple G Life: Leadership, Legacy, Lifestyle and Love

Episode 6: The Triple G Life: Leadership, Legacy, Lifestyle and Love

In this episode, we will be talking to Karin Haysbert of Queens for Christ. She is an Author, Speaker, and Coach.   She shares the importance of showing up for ourselves and our spouses while yet pursuing our purpose.  Kingdom Family, we have 3 more amazing guests in the next couple of weeks who will be sharing wisdom for our journey through purpose.  This is going to be good, so remember to share and subscribe if you find value.  

Feb 21, 202231:09
Episode 5: The Triple G Life!!!

Episode 5: The Triple G Life!!!

In this episode, we will be kicking off an amazing series where we will be talking about living the Triple G Life.  You do not want to miss these episodes as my amazing guests will be talking about Leadership, Lifestyle, Love and Legacy.  Remember to share and subscribe if you find value!!!

Feb 14, 202208:27
Episode 4: The Power we obtain in the Journey!!

Episode 4: The Power we obtain in the Journey!!

I want to talk about that question we often ask God when things are happening in our lives, "WHY ME" How often do we look at the lives of others or reflect on our journey and ask God, why?? Why do I have to always....... you fill in the blank. We must all learn to trust the path that God has uniquely set for each of us and know that he has considered it all. Jeremiah 29:11

Feb 08, 202206:50
Episode 2: Their is Power found in our Journey!!!

Episode 2: Their is Power found in our Journey!!!

It is essential that we allow every experience in our lives to cause us to grow and to become a better version of God's creation. Choose to see your life as constantly moving and never be discouraged at the need to start again.  

Feb 01, 202208:30