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Artificially Intelligent

Artificially Intelligent

By eddyEd

Unique uncensored musings about life’s content.

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Sleep Vaccine?

Artificially IntelligentDec 13, 2020

Races Are Run

Races Are Run

We all know the character-building benefits of loss, losing and failure in life.  But could there actually be a benefit in social or societal relationship development and/or individual maturing through losing or loss - on purpose?


Aug 13, 202204:58
flying Flight Attendants (hermetically sealed?)

flying Flight Attendants (hermetically sealed?)

Given the pandemic flying environment these days - it was not surprising to run across an article concerning flight attendants and their potential exposure to a high-flying virus.  The airline management had a unique offering for their flight attendants to consider that would supposedly improve their chances of not entering into a relationship with the high-flying virus.  So, how bout this.  Would your desire to travel in today's environment be elevated if you had the potential to essentially hermetically seal yourself during the trip?  


Sep 24, 202105:14
Go Back or Go Forth?

Go Back or Go Forth?

How bout this.  You have before you multiple door or portal options for time travel.  First off, do you even take the opportunity to step back or forward in time?  And if you do, which direction do you go and how far?  You have to stay for a specific period of time and you can return to your original time, but if you are not back at the portal 'on time' you stay where you are forever!  

There are so many considerations it can be a little unsettling to dive deep into them.  So next time you are with a friend(s) having drinks and/or a meal, consider meandering through a conversation about this hypothetical.  And see if you don't possibly scare the time-travel pants off yourself when you consider everything that might or could go wrong.  And there are many.  Go Back.  Go Forth.  Or, maybe just stay where you are?


Sep 13, 202108:24
Out Of The Desert (Mostly Nude)

Out Of The Desert (Mostly Nude)

How bout this.  You awaken with what feels like the worst hangover you have ever felt.  You're mostly nude in what appears to be desert conditions. You have no wallet.  No phone.  And what woke you up was the sun.  Cuz it's hot.  Damn hot. What do you do?   Chew on that idea a bit with someone sometime and you will find both interesting and frightening considerations come up before you.  Not unlike the horizon that is in front of you.  Start walking.


Sep 11, 202112:48
I Am

I Am

I am my present voice, 

and the man I am to be. 

To live and work by choice, 

has brought the world to me.

I am a lone star,
and Chicago native son. 

My dreams remaining are, 

my life already won.

I am a Texas cowboy,
and business man as one. 

Feeding each with joy,
from sleeping moon till waking sun.

I am a traveler, 

across the world I’ve been. 

A master and commander, 

life experiences all filled in.

I am a wisdom hunter, 

with skins on my account. 

At times with fearful thunder, 

in small and large amount.

I am an inspired student, 

a neophyte with wine.
To be sure I can be prudent, 

with opportunities I find.

I am a story man,
with desires understood. 

From rancher to businessman, 

I am Murphy Goode.


Sep 07, 202101:29
Artificially Intelligent TRAILER

Artificially Intelligent TRAILER

If you have ever wondered "what if" or "how bout this" when it comes to interesting hypotheticals that come up within your own life and mind or while you are with friends then this is the place for you. Treat yourself to some short snappy thought bubbles brought to you by Artificially Intelligent eddEd. 

Jun 22, 202101:31
Dualism (Transcendental Blues)

Dualism (Transcendental Blues)

Have there ever been days where you were just like, 'God, if I could just be someone else'?  You know, your brain, but in a different body with different circumstances.  For us here at Artificially Intelligent it's always been about the reinvention of existing anythings.  So this "how bout this" quick-hit bit was not a stretch in terms of diving in and at least exploring it.  The duality of your mind in another body sure changes things. However, let's remember no body escapes the blues in life baby. Regardless, body swapping is an interesting consideration because you take whatever life-wisdom you have acquired with you.  And presto.  New body.  New Circumstances.  Imagine that.  We did.


Mar 20, 202102:14


"I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, two men are called a law firm, and three or more become a Congress." John Adams 

The predominate activity in the courts for generations now is civil litigation.  Who knew we could sue so much. Sometimes over so little.  With each passing year this activity is poised to overtake football and baseball as America's favorite pastime.  And in the end, there are no winners except for those who encourage this activity at a price that keeps going up.  Which brings us to how bout this.  Have you ever sued someone, wished you had or been sued? 


Mar 20, 202102:56
Vice (I put my bets on you)

Vice (I put my bets on you)

Supposedly a vice is a moral failing or a bad habit.  Right out of the gate you know that is a matter of law, opinion or more importantly - perspective.  Traditional examples of vice include drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco or marijuana and gambling...  But truly anything can be a vice, as long as there's someone out there who views it as bad behavior or a moral weakness.  So, in terms of vice in some form or manner being attributable to or associated with everyone; I put my bets on you dear listener having at least one.  Dear Vice, You got me feeling so good.


Mar 17, 202102:39


It's one of the most visceral fears; thrashing in the deep, far below the water's surface, lungs burning for oxygen. Drowning claims hundreds of thousands of lives every year around the world.  Water is the most common liquid associated with drowning.  And not that you would or should ever endeavor to select a particular method or liquid by which you might drown.  But if you knew you were going to leave this life by drowning, and there was no way out of that agreement, but you had the option of what liquid or substance would facilitate that end.  What would you choose? Would there be a liquid or substance that was less tramatic? We have no idea, but if you listen to eddEd with any regularity; you already know we are all about unique uncensored musings about life's content drizzled with music. And this is no exception to that axiom.


Mar 16, 202102:51
Someone Else

Someone Else

What is it about some fictional film, book or story characters that seem to really draw us in - completely.  Is it that they show us elements of our own character that we recognize and appreciate?  Recognize and despise?  Or, do they show us what we most want or wish to fully express or become as a person?  Maybe all of it.  In any event, how bout this.  Pick a fictional character that you would like to be in this world of ours. What you may find is the qualities you admire (and/or despise) are already within you.  That is an interesting consideration.


Mar 15, 202104:53
Indian Summer

Indian Summer

We know now that Christopher Columbus was actually among the 'last' of the world's competitive explorers to reach the Americas, not the first.  In late summer early autumn of the tenth century, five hundred years before Columbus, a daring band of Vikings led by Leif Eriksson were the real first white explorers to set foot on North American soil and established a settlement. Viking raiders were known and feared throughout the world for centuries.  Imagine the shock and awe felt by the American Indians when they first set eyes on what might have seemed like white devils invading where they had lived for more than twenty thousand years. This same apocolyptic experience would repeat itself 500 years later when white European Explorers came along to lay claim to this new land on behalf of their royal benefactors.  Talk about history repeating itself. 

How about this.  A stylizd story told through film or video game from the sole perspective of the American Indian and what it may have been like to first lay eyes on these white skinned devils, hear their strange language spoken, and experience their real intent for having come to this new land. 


Mar 15, 202105:17
Margaritas & Mexican Food, Dating & Kissing, and throw in a little Murder?

Margaritas & Mexican Food, Dating & Kissing, and throw in a little Murder?

We've heard it said that mexican food without a margarita is like dating without kissing.  And in terms of dating without kissing, you can always sprinkle in a little murder to keep the relationship together.  What?  How does that even come up as an extrapolated conversation consideration? All we know is for us, we prefer frozen margaritas with our mexican food and kissing with our dating please.  No murder required.


Mar 12, 202103:52
Guess who's coming to dinner?

Guess who's coming to dinner?

Food is life itself.  Food is sensual.  Food can be used to show love.  Food can be political.  Food can be a sign of status.  Food is such a life-giving and ubiquitous source of nourishment, and it carries the potential implications of friendship and life with it.  So, if you could invite someone back from history and offer them a meal and converstion; how would you imagine that time together unfolding?  Really.


Mar 03, 202105:21
lips N nips

lips N nips

There is every manner of occupation in the world.  So many interesting ones we don't even know about - yet.  How bout this.  You will be paid handsomely for using a part of your body in advertising and having that part become famous as a result of the ad campaign. You simply need to decide what part of your body you are ready to share with the world.  Are you ready for your closeup?


Mar 02, 202103:06
One Day Prisoner

One Day Prisoner

You can have someone's total attention for one day in a room.  Maybe someone who you feel just needs a good talkin to.  Or, someone who just needs a good ole fashion spankin.  Whom would you put in that room as your 'One Day Prisoner' ?  We got ours.


Jan 18, 202104:29
Have you seen the stars tonight?

Have you seen the stars tonight?

Is it true that we are a planetary stage 1 civilization now and our evolutionary goal is to move to stage 2 and then 3?  And what does all that mean? Well, take in some of any television, radio, or internet newscast at any time on a given day anywhere on the planet and you should immediately know we got a long way to go pal. That's if we can ever even complete stage 1 without some help.  And boy do we need help.  No aliens for you sir. or ma'am.  


Jan 09, 202130:38
Absolute Success For You

Absolute Success For You

How bout this?  You will experience absolute success in one thing in your life.  You simply have to decide what that is right now.  Can you choose right now?  That declaritive decision is 'not' automatic for most.  But if you stood at the crossroads of your life and had to choose that one thing, what would it be?  Here's wishing "Absolute Sucess For You" ! 


Jan 08, 202103:51
Keep Calm And Legalize It

Keep Calm And Legalize It

Imagine the war on drugs is finally over.  The longest war in American History is no more.  No more indictments, prosecutions or incarcerations for possessing any kind of narcotic.  All drugs are now legal.  Hmmm.  Interesting.  Maybe we can finally overcome what was once thought of as a criminal problem when it comes to people and their choices surrounding drugs.  And deal with it as the kind of issue it actually is.  A community healthcare issue.  Just keep calm and legalize it.  Don't critisize it.  And don't bogart that joint my friend?


Jan 06, 202105:40
Metaphysical Master-Craftsman

Metaphysical Master-Craftsman

Sometimes I wake, when I wish that I wouldn’t,

Often I fake, when I know that I shouldn’t,

Deep down I fear, 

that the future is near,

It’s too late to act,

So I watch,

Ambiguous terminologies, adversarial ontology, 

The metaphysical master-craftsman, bleeding, needing an apology, 

for all of the, unknown variables, situational awareness 

of the careless faking helping the helpless,

The selfish hopelessly acting superficially selfless,

Imposing needless grievances on most of the populace,

I must stop this,

But I can’t,

I’m too weak and entranced by the theoretical psychologically ethical, 

an aftermath of what rhymes with me,

So instead i’ll just hide and see,

Eternally observant, 

intellectually subservient 

to my own hypothetical, hypocritical quandary,



Jan 04, 202102:04
Carpe The Hell Out Of This Diem

Carpe The Hell Out Of This Diem

How bout this.  You begin to wake up every morning only able to remember what life will bring you tomorrow and not what came before today.  This next part is important so write it down before you forget.  Immediately upon awakening every day, somehow someway record detailed notes for tomorrow on what's important to remember for when you will not be able to remember.  Now if that wouldn't cause you to carpe the hell out of this diem; and every diem thereafter, we don't know what else would!  

If you didn't know, now you know.


Jan 01, 202105:00
Lone Star Nation

Lone Star Nation

How bout this.  Texas becomes its' own nation. Again!

There has only been one U.S. state that was once an independent country, which was officially recognized by the United States.  The Republic of Texas was just that from 1835 to 1846 prior to joining the Union.  At that time, it was truly A Lone Star Nation.  Every now and then some Texans get feisty and say it just might be the way.  If it does ever happen?  Get your Texas Passport or U.S. Passport (with a Texas Visa Permit) ready if you plan to cross the border into The Republic of Texas from Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, or Old Mexico.  Texans don't take kindly to illegals from the United States.


Dec 27, 202004:03
Ten Years After

Ten Years After

So you go to bed one night - and when you awake - all of a sudden you find yourself ten years in the future.  FUUUUCK!  Where did all that time go?  How could this happen?  It's ten years after we went to sleep?  Are we still sleeping?  Surely we're still asleep, right?  Wake Up.  Come on wake Up !!  WAKE UUUUUP !!!!!!!!!


Dec 21, 202004:58
BIG God Grift

BIG God Grift

Can you imagine the deer in headlights' look on the face of the world if we found out that the God of the Christian bible was 'not' who he appeared to be.  At all.    Talk about the biggest grift of all time. 


Dec 19, 202004:53
Blood Sucking Birds

Blood Sucking Birds

Next time you walk out of the house headed for the car.  You might want to consider taking an umbrella.  Even though there isn't a cloud in the sky.


Dec 18, 202004:46
Sleep Vaccine?

Sleep Vaccine?

So, you just found out the world has created a vaccine that will release you from the need for sleep.  For as long as you live.  Do you become a midnight rider?  Do you proceed, so you can gain more 'awake' time in your life to do as you wish?  Create more.  Work more.  Travel more.  Everything more.  Or, do you become an anti-vaxxer?  You ought to be getting tired right about now.


Dec 13, 202004:59
Good shit to puinyafrige.

Good shit to puinyafrige.

How bout this.  There's a meal that the world will hold up as the most wonderful meal.  And it has your name on it.  What's in it and what's it called?


Dec 13, 202002:45