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The Reformed Rant

The Reformed Rant

By Edward Dingess

In this podcast I rant about theological, philosophical, apologetical, ecclesiological, and political issues from a distinctively reformed perspective.
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Overview of Presuppositional Apologetics

The Reformed RantMar 11, 2019

What is Christianity?

What is Christianity?

In this episode I discuss the 2022 Ligonier survey on the state of theology. The results are shocking but predictable given the current trends and trajectory of the churches. In addition, I play a number of clips capture some of the false teachers out there and their false teachings.

Mar 08, 202401:00:45
I Begg Your Pardon (Examining Allistair)

I Begg Your Pardon (Examining Allistair)

In this episode, I talk about the recent controversy regarding Allister Begg's advice that a grandmother attend her grandson's wedding ceremony to a transgender. The advice has caught everyone off guard and for good reason. We have come to expect better than this from pastor Begg.

Jan 29, 202437:02
How To Destroy Christianity

How To Destroy Christianity

In this episode, I talk about the best ways to destroy Christianity. As one might imagine, most of these tactics center around alienating Christianity from God speaking in Scripture as much as you can. Regrettably, this work is well underway even in some of the most conservative churches, so-called.

Dec 24, 202347:42
Homosexuality Comes to the SBC (Part 2)

Homosexuality Comes to the SBC (Part 2)

In this episode I continue to talk about how Christopher Yuan is being employed by large SBC churches, such as Hickory Grove in Charlotte, NC, to weaken the church's traditional view on homosexuality. Yuan is on record affirming that you can be a Christian and have pedophilic desires.

Nov 10, 202301:03:40
Homosexuality Comes to The SBC

Homosexuality Comes to The SBC

In this episode I rant about how SBC churches using Christopher Yuan, an admitted homosexual, how to train their people "biblical" sexuality. It should be noted that Yuan is on record as saying you can be sexually attracted to children and be a true believer. That's right. You can be a pedophile and be a Christian.

Nov 10, 202359:49
Evangelism in a Postmodern Culture

Evangelism in a Postmodern Culture

In this episode, I discuss the need to get back to basic evangelism in a postmodern culture.

Nov 10, 202350:58
Andy Stanley vs Sam Harris - Stanley's Apologetics

Andy Stanley vs Sam Harris - Stanley's Apologetics

In this episode, I talk about how Andy Stanley admits that Sam Harris has influenced and reshaped his preaching and framing of the gospel and Christianity for over 15 years now.

Jul 19, 202347:29
A Review of Andy Stanley's Apologetic

A Review of Andy Stanley's Apologetic

In this episode, I deal with the incoherence in Andy Stanley's apologetic method and theology. It is impossible to separate "the Bible says" from what Matthew or Luke or Paul says. What the authors of the Bible say, the Bible says. Moreover, if one of the authors of Scripture proves unreliable in regards to one miracle, say the virgin birth, then how can we consider that author to be reliable regarding his claim about any miracle? The first step in being able to defend Christianity is to make sure you actually have the true version of Christianity.

May 10, 202346:08
The Queering of American Christianity

The Queering of American Christianity

If you want to destroy your enemy's army, convince them that their weapons are useless. Satan has convinced most American churches that the weapon they have for flourishing within a sinful culture is useless. The homosexual movement has exposed a crisis of Biblical Authority within the pastors and churches in American society. In this episode, I talk about the tactics and strategies being employed and how Christians can see them for what they are: demonic tools designed to weaken your convictions regarding God's Word and the gospel of Christ.

Apr 01, 202345:35
What Say Ye? Q&A with Chris Soules

What Say Ye? Q&A with Chris Soules

In this episode, I have a special guess on to do my very first Q&A. Chris Soules is both a Christian brother as well as a Jiu Jitsu brother. On this episode, Chris asks about the doctrine of election and the conversation takes off from there. I hope you enjoy the discussion.

Oct 14, 202201:09:21
The Christian Franchise

The Christian Franchise

In this episode, I rant about the Christian Franchise. Modern Christianity has adopted the franchise model in the 20th and 21st centuries. The Christian Franchise's top service is affirmation. Everything she says and does is geared toward affirming people in the marketplace so as to attract and retain market share. All across the globe, people suffer from my newly coined term Affirmation Addiction Disorder Syndrome (AADS). The Christian Franchise reacts to the pagan market share with the goal of having much of that market as possible. From being politically correct to being hip, cool, woke, affirming, etc. Whatever it takes, the Christian Franchise does. The sad thing is that the bigger the market share, the more the pastors feel affirmed as well. 

Sep 09, 202239:39
The Doctrine of Original Sin and It's Denial

The Doctrine of Original Sin and It's Denial

In this episode, I rant about the denial of original by men like Leighton Flowers and movements like Provisionism. The denial of original sin is a rejection of historic biblical Christianity.

Sep 02, 202253:24
The SBC: Is The Concept A Good Idea

The SBC: Is The Concept A Good Idea

In this episode, I rant about the concept of the Southern Baptist Convention and contemplate the question: Is the concept itself a good idea? a

Aug 13, 202201:01:13
Provisionism: A Summary Critique

Provisionism: A Summary Critique

In this episode, I close out my rants on Provisionism with a summary critique. If Leighton Flowers and his provisionists followers want to object to provisionism being compared to Pelagianism, they need to specifically outline the distinctions between their view and Pelagianism. They also need to account for why they defend Pelagius and condemn Augustine. Finally, they need to explain why they platform unorthodox Christians who claim that Pelagianism is little more than a myth, a theological construct created by Pelagius' opponents in order to proper up their own theology. What's more, they need to explain why such a creation was necessary if there really wasn't a Pelagian kind of movement from the start. 

Aug 07, 202241:57
Provisionism: On Free Will

Provisionism: On Free Will

In this episode, I rant about Provisionism and its view of free will. I conclude that it is exegetically bankrupt, theologically baseless, logically incoherent, and a philosophical non-starter.

Mar 11, 202236:55
Provisionism: An Incoherent View of Divine Sovereignty

Provisionism: An Incoherent View of Divine Sovereignty

In this episode, I rant about Leighton Flowers and the Provisionist's incoherent view of divine sovereignty. No one should hold to a system that is internally inconsistent with itself. Irrationalism is antithetical to Christian belief. 

Mar 05, 202231:55
Provisionism's Incoherent Doctrines of Regeneration and Election

Provisionism's Incoherent Doctrines of Regeneration and Election

In this episode, I review the doctrines of Regeneration and Election as stated by Provisionism. As it turns out, both doctrines fail in that they prove to be logically incoherent and exegetically untenable. 

Feb 26, 202251:14
Provisionism: An Incoherent Doctrine of Grace

Provisionism: An Incoherent Doctrine of Grace

It's difficult if not impossible to get the gospel right if you get grace wrong. Provisionism gets grace terribly wrong. 

Jan 20, 202247:15
Provisionism's Incoherent Doctrine of The Atonement

Provisionism's Incoherent Doctrine of The Atonement

Provisionism claims to affirm the penal-substitutionary view of the atonement. On the other hand, Provisionism claims that Christ atoned for the sins of people who will not be saved in the end. These two propositions are contradictory to one another and reflect a muddled and confused doctrine of the work of Christ.

Jan 16, 202227:36
Provisionism: Incoherent Hamartiology

Provisionism: Incoherent Hamartiology

Why did Jesus say men need to be born again if they are born innocent with a will that is not impacted by Adam's fall and a nature that is merely inclined to sin and not actually sinful? It is one thing to say we are born with a nature inclined to sin and another to say we are born with a sinful nature. Provisionism claims the former and seems to deny the latter.

Jan 01, 202256:23
Provisionism: Rational or Irrational Representation of Christianity

Provisionism: Rational or Irrational Representation of Christianity

In this episode, I cover the unavoidable incoherence between Provisionism's soteriology and theology proper. If God really wanted to avoid anyone going to hell, then He could have simply chosen NOT to create or He could have created man with the ability to freely choose various ways to only please Him. But God created a world in which He, according to Provisionism, knew that most men would die and go to hell and still He created this world. How does provisionism reconcile this obvious contradiction in its system? 

Dec 27, 202156:26
The Weakening of Sola Scriptura

The Weakening of Sola Scriptura

In this episode, I rant about the principle of sola Scriptura and the critical role that this principle plays in Christianity.

Oct 12, 202139:51
Brad Mason: CRT Evangelist Extraordinaire

Brad Mason: CRT Evangelist Extraordinaire

In this episode, I rant about Mason's not so brief overview of Critical Race Theory and his continued slide into full-on apostasy. This is what happens to someone when Scripture is no longer their source of authority for truth and you don't plant yourself in a godly church with godly elders who care about your own godliness.

Jun 03, 202151:27
The Menace of Manipulation in Ministry

The Menace of Manipulation in Ministry

In this episode, I rant about the popular practice of manipulation among pastors and elders. Pagan society engages in open and shameless manipulation in order to advance its agenda. While it may seem unthinkable that pastors and elders would mirror this same behavior, it is happening nonetheless. What is worse is that the practice of malicious manipulation in the churches has passed into business as usual.

Apr 30, 202101:09:25
The Milky Way: What You Win Them To, You Must Keep Them With

The Milky Way: What You Win Them To, You Must Keep Them With

In this episode, I rant about the practice of modern pastors to reduce everything sermon, bible study, and Sunday school lesson to the lowest common denominator in order to look out for the new believer. This tactic is a ruse on the part of pastors to keep people comfortable and coming to their little kingdoms.

Apr 23, 202156:44
The Purge: The Cancer of Modern Christianity

The Purge: The Cancer of Modern Christianity

In this episode, I rant about the God who is a God of purging. God purged the earth of wickedness during Noah's day. God demanded that his covenant people in the OT purge their communities of wickedness. God demands that his covenant people in the NT purge their communities or wickedness. In the end, God will purge the wicked from among the righteous for all eternity. Why do the churches and their leaders refuse to obey God's demand to keep the body of Christ pure?

Apr 05, 202141:04
The Insanity of Sin

The Insanity of Sin

In this episode, I rant about the continued deterioration of the human condition under the curse. Modern humanity has displaced rational thought with the evil desires of the human heart and assigned a new role to the cognitive faculties: justify my evil desires and behavior and shape the will accordingly. As we carry on our lives, humanity has redefined life, marriage, sex, gender, masculinity, leadership, the family, and so forth. If God designed it, man hates it. And our churches are marching in lock-step with this insanity because they are filled with unregenerate sinners. 

Mar 23, 202159:38
Postmillennialism: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Postmillennialism: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

In this episode, I rant about my observations on the history and beliefs of Postmillennial Eschatology. While I reject the notion that we should divide over eschatological schemes, I also acknowledge that some systems open the door to issues that can, do, and should create division. These other views would include issues like theonomy, reconstructionism, and dominionism. I would ask that you listen to what I am saying, and not what I am NOT saying. 

Feb 09, 202151:21
Gary DeMar Defends James White: Reconstructionists, Theonomists & Dominionists, Oh My!

Gary DeMar Defends James White: Reconstructionists, Theonomists & Dominionists, Oh My!

In this episode, I rant about Gary DeMar's criticism of my criticism of James White's criticism of John MarAcrthur's criticism of Postmillennialism. My biggest concern with the Postmil eschatological scheme is the little branches that seem to consistently spring up within it. Those branches are reconstructionism/theonomy and dominion theology. These are very dangerous branches that must be avoided at all costs. I do NOT claim that they are the necessary conclusion of PM theology. It is interesting that White spoke positively about Rushdoony in his episode and Rushdoony is the founder of Christian reconstructionism. I hate to say I told you so, but there it is. 

Feb 02, 202141:59
TGC's Gospel of Manipulation

TGC's Gospel of Manipulation

In this episode, I rant about the tactics of manipulation being employed by those who would want to shut down dissent. If these tactics do not work, I predict they will, like the Jesuit Catholics in the Ottoman empire, use the pagans to shut it down. Taking someone's claim to its logical conclusion and evaluating that conclusion based on the teachings of Scripture is not a false gospel, it is not violating divine command, it is not unloving, and it is not being divisive. 

Jan 31, 202141:30
James White's New Dance with Postmillennialism

James White's New Dance with Postmillennialism

In this episode, I rant about James White's criticisms of John MacArthurs premillennial views on how the end-times will proceed from bad to worse. The postmil guys all ignore Jesus' comparison of the days of Noah with his return. That said, I do not offer a critique of postmillennialism, a view that I consider the weakest of the eschatological schemes. 

Jan 29, 202145:58
Social Status & Class in Greco-Roman Times: Did The Apostles Love Their Neighbor?

Social Status & Class in Greco-Roman Times: Did The Apostles Love Their Neighbor?

I this episode, I provide a very high-level overview of the social structures in Greco-Roman times, specifically, class and status. Then I ask the question: did Jesus or the Apostles work to change things in that structure? What are the implications of the answer to this question?

Jan 10, 202101:07:21
Critical Response to Al Mohler's Structural Sin & Systemic Racism: What does the Bible Teach about Structural Sin?

Critical Response to Al Mohler's Structural Sin & Systemic Racism: What does the Bible Teach about Structural Sin?

In this episode, I rant about Mohler's article on the subject of structure sin and systemic racism. Christians need to think more critically about what our leaders are saying about these incredibly important issues.

Jan 02, 202101:02:28
Frank Turek: The Greatest Argument for The Existence of God

Frank Turek: The Greatest Argument for The Existence of God

In this episode, I rant about an interview that took place over the summer between Frank Turek and Tricia Scribner regarding a book that Scribner helped edit: Answering the Music Man. The Music Man is a response to many of the arguments that Dan Barker has made against Christianity. I offer up criticism of the method employed by Turek and Scribner to answer the music man.

Dec 21, 202052:56
Team JD Greear Obliterates The Jerusalem Conference in The Name of Wokeness

Team JD Greear Obliterates The Jerusalem Conference in The Name of Wokeness

In this episode, I rant about Team JD Greear's complete obliteration of The Jerusalem Conference all for the sake of defending the new Woke Cult that most of the SBC has become. Did you know that the apostles were actually trying to figure out how to remove obstacles to the gospel? This is how Greear frames the theme of the first conference in the history of Christianity. The insanity of these men knows no bounds.

Dec 03, 202048:40
Purging The Church of Woke Theology: The Way Forward

Purging The Church of Woke Theology: The Way Forward

In this episode I rant about the way forward for the churches in light of the recent infiltration of Woke-Liberation Theology. It is an infectious disease that is deadly if not rooted out. I talk about the deconstruction of Christianity, of the American idea, and a return to a focus on Sola Scripture, the Gospel, and the Mission of the church.

Nov 11, 202052:38
Voting and The Christian Ethic

Voting and The Christian Ethic

In this extended episode, I rant about what your voting behavior reveals about your beliefs and what your beliefs tell us about your Christianity. Do you embrace the version of Christianity that is supernaturally revealed in Scripture or have you unwittingly embraced a contemporary version designed to appease and satisfy your own conscience? 

Oct 28, 202001:09:42
John Piper Riposte

John Piper Riposte

In this episode, I do a follow up on Piper's voting article in light of his statement that he will not vote for Trump or Biden which is effectively a waste of time. Why vote at all? The point of the riposte is to counter the claim that Piper was not targeting Trump. I believe the evidence strongly contradicts that claim. 

Oct 24, 202038:56
The Prophets of Baal: TGC's Q-Anon & Platt and Piper's Bizarre Voting Philosophies

The Prophets of Baal: TGC's Q-Anon & Platt and Piper's Bizarre Voting Philosophies

In this episode, I RANT about TGC's manipulative use of Q-Anon, David Platt's "Before You Vote" and John Piper's article, "Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin." While each of these is tackling different subjects, they are all working hard for the same end: they want to turn you into democrats or, at a minimum, get out of the way of the democratic machine.

Oct 22, 202056:55
The Great Deconstruction of Christianity and America & Christianity's Sad Complicity

The Great Deconstruction of Christianity and America & Christianity's Sad Complicity

In this episode, I rant about the great deconstruction of Biblical Christianity and American, why they go hand in hand, and sadly, the church's complicity in the project. 

Sep 22, 202057:50
Tim Keller's White Slander Contains Neither Justice nor Gospel

Tim Keller's White Slander Contains Neither Justice nor Gospel

In this episode, I rant about the recent slander of all white people by Tim Keller. I point out that the principle Keller employs to indict white humans everywhere is not based on Christian doctrine and that his idea of privilege vs no privilege is a false dilemma. The fact is that privilege is not a have or have not sort of thing. Privilege comes in degrees. Enjoy the Rant.

Sep 21, 202001:07:28
American Christianity in Disarray - My People Perish for Lack of Leadership

American Christianity in Disarray - My People Perish for Lack of Leadership

In this episode, I rant about the ecumenism of Tim Keller, the judgementalism of J.D. Greear, the tyranny of the Gospel Coalition, and the new Generation Z Bible translation that amounts to blasphemy. And oh, I return to my view on COVID and in-person vs digital worship.

Aug 26, 202059:32
When Love You Neighbor Becomes Tyranny

When Love You Neighbor Becomes Tyranny

In this episode, I rant about the way pagan culture, liberal Christians, and even evangelical Christians and leaders are arrogantly employing the second greatest commandment to bully and intimidate Christians so that they behave and think according to their own personal standards.

Aug 21, 202047:58
Jarvis Williams: Not Saying Black Lives Matter Could Mean You're Not Saved

Jarvis Williams: Not Saying Black Lives Matter Could Mean You're Not Saved

In this episode, I rant about an article by Jarvis Williams who implies that Christians who have a problem with saying black lives matter could mean they are not saved. 

Jul 30, 202049:16
Reviewing the Chosen: An American Jesus and His American Disciples

Reviewing the Chosen: An American Jesus and His American Disciples

In this episode, I rant about my concerns regarding the very popular series, "The Chosen." Another American fiction tale about Christ that only serves to misinform, confuse people but it is entertaining or so they say.

Jul 25, 202049:39
SEBTS and African Hermeneutics

SEBTS and African Hermeneutics

In this episode, I rant about the recent SEBTS and its symposium which included a lecture from Elisabeth Mburu on the topic of African Hermeneutics..

Jul 17, 202001:00:49
Christian Franchise or Christian Church: What Are You?

Christian Franchise or Christian Church: What Are You?

In this episode, I rant about the complete vacation of duty that most modern American pastors have been on for decades now and its impact on the Christian message in American and Western society.

Jul 03, 202047:08
Black Lives Matter: Godly Movement or Demonic Organization

Black Lives Matter: Godly Movement or Demonic Organization

In this episode, I rant about the mission and beliefs of the organization Black Lives Matter and ask the question, what kind of relationship can the Church have with such an organization.

Jun 22, 202039:17
Evangelicals Embolden New Breed of Domestic Terrorism

Evangelicals Embolden New Breed of Domestic Terrorism

In this episode, I rant about the overlooked fact that what we see happening in American society right now is a new form of domestic terrorism that is every bit as dangerous as any terrorism imported from the outside and the fact that leaders and pastors, as well as the civil authorities, seem paralyzed to anything about it.

Jun 15, 202046:38
The George Floyd Incident and Inept Evangelical Leaders like JD Greear

The George Floyd Incident and Inept Evangelical Leaders like JD Greear

In this episode, I rant about the inept state of evangelical leaders. Pastors who refuse to speak up about this issue, bring Scripture to bear on the current milieu reveal more about their true character than they realize. You should listen to what is being said but more importantly, listen to what is NOT being said. 

Jun 10, 202050:22