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The Elderllama Podcast

The Elderllama Podcast

By Erick G. Amezcua

Science, technology, futurism, entrepreneurship, symbolism.
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#045: The One-Person Business Model (Get Paid to Build Your Dream Life)

The Elderllama PodcastNov 14, 2023

#050: The Future of Work (A New Internet Career For Self-Improvers)

#050: The Future of Work (A New Internet Career For Self-Improvers)

I have a degree from the best public university in the world, but I never plan on using it. Here's why.

Feb 15, 202410:12
Reality Bender 1.3

Reality Bender 1.3

For access to the full Reality Bender Experience, DM me "Reality Bender" on Instagram @TheErickAmezcua

Feb 04, 202410:09
#049: Master the Slow Game (You Can Have What You Want in 3-5 Years))
Feb 03, 202414:37
Reality Bender Quest 1.2

Reality Bender Quest 1.2

Want access to the full reality bender experience? Join my in any of my links in bio.

Jan 27, 202415:10
Reality Bender Quest 1.1

Reality Bender Quest 1.1

Want early access to the full experience + Reality Bender Community? DM me on IG @TheErickAmezcua

Jan 23, 202406:48
#048: How to Make 2024 the Best Year of Your Life

#048: How to Make 2024 the Best Year of Your Life

It turns out that if you don't choose a target and aim there, you'll miss 100% of the time.

Here's a guide to making 2024 the best year of your life.

Jan 05, 202413:11
#047: My Career Plans For The New Economy (I'll Never Use My UCLA Degree)

#047: My Career Plans For The New Economy (I'll Never Use My UCLA Degree)

I have a degree from the best pubic university in the world, but I never plan on using it. The nature of work is changing, and I need a career that works with the future.

Here's what I have in mind.

Dec 22, 202301:01
#046: Distraction is Your Only Enemy (A Rare Superpower to Win in the Modern Age)

#046: Distraction is Your Only Enemy (A Rare Superpower to Win in the Modern Age)

There is a very real crisis underway.

Millions of people are being robbed of their potential by their phones.

They’re trading their dreams, their fortunes, and their most spectacular visions for cheap memes on a screen.

If you want to live a good life, you have to master your attention.

Dec 01, 202308:10
#045: The One-Person Business Model (Get Paid to Build Your Dream Life)

#045: The One-Person Business Model (Get Paid to Build Your Dream Life)

In this episode, we'll explore the incredible opportunities that the digital age offers and how you can harness them to build your personal brand, monetize your mind, and manifest your vision.

We'll discuss how virtual reality is becoming an integral part of our lives and why social media has become the new society. You'll also learn how your personal brand represents your higher self and how you can adopt the one-person business model to get paid for self-actualization.

Nov 14, 202316:58
#044: How to Make Your Vision Reality (Step By Step Guide)

#044: How to Make Your Vision Reality (Step By Step Guide)

In this episode I show you how to create your reality. I discuss vision creation, second self, bedrock behaviors, self-education, subconscious programming, and more. Enjoy!
Nov 05, 202335:35
#043: Science Fiction Is Becoming Reality (The Singularity Is Imminent)

#043: Science Fiction Is Becoming Reality (The Singularity Is Imminent)

How can I express this to you? Every aspect of your life is about or change. The technologies that are just around the corner will challenge what you know about reality. Tune in to get your mind blown.
Nov 01, 202314:30
#042: Escape Mediocrity (How to Get Ahead of 99% of People)

#042: Escape Mediocrity (How to Get Ahead of 99% of People)

Mediocrity is the plague of the masses. Here's how to escape it so you can get ahead of 99% of people.

Oct 09, 202307:02
#041: Slay Your Dragons (Conquer Mental Territory To Make More Money)

#041: Slay Your Dragons (Conquer Mental Territory To Make More Money)

In this episode, I discuss:

  • The importance of solving bigger problems and its direct correlation to increasing income.
  • The concept of "slaying your dragons" and how it relates to reaching your next level (in life and in business)
  • Mapping and conquering one's mental territory (solving your problems and selling the solutions)
  • Transforming chaos into structured, actionable strategies.
Sep 10, 202309:57
#040: Consciousness, Entrepreneurship, and AI w/ Dan Borgia

#040: Consciousness, Entrepreneurship, and AI w/ Dan Borgia

In this episode, I have a conversation with Dan Borgia.

Dan is the founder of an ecommerce agency called Flamin, as well as the host of Dynamic w/ Dan Borgia.

We discuss AI, the future of business, consciousness, brain-computer interface, the nature of reality, and more.

Sep 06, 202301:12:10
#039: Escape Mediocrity & Create the Life You Want (Blueprint)

#039: Escape Mediocrity & Create the Life You Want (Blueprint)

For some reason, I’ve always been obsessed with reaching my potential.

I get the whole “be grateful for what you have” thing, and I am.

But to be honest, I don’t want a normal life.

Because “normal” today means poor, overweight, and miserable.

I want to live an extraordinary life.

I want to be rich.

I want to be shredded.

I want to travel the world.

I want to get paid to do what I love.

I want to experience moments like the movies promised.

And I will.

I can say that with confidence because I know what I want and I know what to do to get there.

In this episode, I show you how you can too.

Sep 03, 202321:09
#038: The AI Revolution & The Future of the Economy

#038: The AI Revolution & The Future of the Economy

In this episode, I have a conversation with Aaron Amezcua and Joshua Kuski. We discuss: AI revolution & mass joblessness The role of entrepreneurs in a post-AI world DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) Cryptocurrency and the future of the economy Generative AI Joshua's NFT project The state of the world And more
Jul 25, 202349:07
#037: AI, The Culture War, & Dark Times

#037: AI, The Culture War, & Dark Times

In this episode, Aaron and I discuss the culture war, the symbolic world, artificial intelligence and other exponential technologies, our recent insane manifestation, and more. Tune in and enjoy.
Jul 20, 202357:03
#036: How to Create Your Reality (3 Steps)

#036: How to Create Your Reality (3 Steps)

You are the creator of your reality. Unlike every other member of the animal kingdom, you have the unique ability to shape reality into the form of your choosing. The power to design the life of your dreams is at your fingertips IF you learn the mechanics of your creative power.

Consider this your instruction manual.

Jun 12, 202322:52
#035: Keep The Vision In Mind, Always

#035: Keep The Vision In Mind, Always

In this episode Erick discusses the importance of keeping the vision in a prominent place in mind. That is, live in the end.


Mar 18, 202315:18
#034: Mind Is a Mansion: Boost Your Manifestation Power

#034: Mind Is a Mansion: Boost Your Manifestation Power

In this episode, I discuss the idea that "you become what you think about." I use an analogy that compares mind to a mansion with many rooms to hopefully provide a paradigm shift that will upgrade your manifestation powers. 



Mar 05, 202320:31
#033: Our Definite Chief Aim

#033: Our Definite Chief Aim

In this episode, my brother Aaron and I embark on a journey of a lifetime. We're partnering up to work towards our collective vision, and we'd like you to join us on our quest. We'll be documenting our journey to becoming cool millionaire dads, and creating an awesome generational home for our descendants. Here's our plan and Definite Chief Aim. We share this in the hopes of inspiring you to see that it is, in fact, possible to create your reality. Tune in!  See you inside, Erick & Aaron Amezcua
Dec 20, 202236:53
#032: Space Travel, Futurism, & Philosophy w/ Aidan Vogel

#032: Space Travel, Futurism, & Philosophy w/ Aidan Vogel

Aidan Vogel is a 22 year-old entrepreneur, futurist, and founder of the company Swyftlyt, whose mission is to accelerate net-negative construction by harnessing sustainable materials and technologies. 

In this episode, we discuss genetic engineering, gene drives, bioethics, quantum physics, futurism, the fourth industrial revolution, the unification of physics, and more. This conversation explores topics at every scale of the universe. Enjoy!

See you inside,


Dec 12, 202201:04:05
#031: You Become What You Think About: What Quantum Physics & Neuroscience May Have to Say

#031: You Become What You Think About: What Quantum Physics & Neuroscience May Have to Say

In this episode, I discuss the idea that your thoughts create your reality. I explore what quantum physics has to say about this idea, specifically what it suggests about the nature of reality and its inextricable relationship with consciousness. I also discuss the effect that thoughts have on human physiology, and how you can take advantage of this to create in your own life.

Tune in and enjoy! 

See you inside,


Nov 28, 202212:59
#030: Three Steps for Self-Actualization

#030: Three Steps for Self-Actualization

In this episode, I share the three steps you need to take to embark on your self-actualization journey.

When you are born, you exist as pure potential. As you develop, you express this potential in six major aspects of your life. Self-actualization is the process of expressing your potential in its highest possible form-- mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. 

The path towards your highest self-- and, in turn, your highest life-- is quite simple... tune in to learn it for yourself.

Nov 02, 202223:05
#029: The Neuroscience of Subconscious Reprogramming, and How to Do It

#029: The Neuroscience of Subconscious Reprogramming, and How to Do It

In this episode, I discuss how your thoughts are creating your reality from a neurobiological perspective. I also explore in detail how you can begin stepping into your ideal reality. Listen to this episode if you'd like to feel empowered to step into your next level of life.

Oct 22, 202225:50
#028: Go From Dorm-Room Hermit to Socially Free Man

#028: Go From Dorm-Room Hermit to Socially Free Man

In this episode, I discuss how you can go from being a dorm-room dweller, to stepping into your self-confidence and social abundance. You're worthy of the friends and the girls that you desire, and all you need to do to get there is follow these 3 steps.

Oct 14, 202229:53
#027: Aligning Your Environments w/ Your Ideal Reality

#027: Aligning Your Environments w/ Your Ideal Reality

Manifestation is all about feeding to our subconscious mind evidence that our ideal reality is already here. One powerful way to do this is by curating your physical, digital, and psychological environments such that they reflect your ideal environments.

In this way, we begin "Living in the End," and start stepping into our ideal reality, right now.

Oct 05, 202221:26
#026: Create Your Ideal Reality Using Your Subconscious Mind

#026: Create Your Ideal Reality Using Your Subconscious Mind

As we purify our subconscious, we change. And as we change, our reality changes. 

In this episode, Erick reminds you that you're the creator of your reality, and discusses the 3 major steps for aligning your subconscious mind with your ideal reality.

Tune in, friend, and begin creating your ideal reality from the inside out.

Sep 02, 202222:41
#025: Physics at UCLA, Non-Duality, and Philosophy of Mind w/ Sandra Karon

#025: Physics at UCLA, Non-Duality, and Philosophy of Mind w/ Sandra Karon

In this episode, Sandra Karon and Erick Amezcua discuss what it's like to be a physics major at UCLA, the nature of matter, how modern science points to the universe as a unified whole, memetics and mindspace, neuralink and mind-reading, the trend towards higher consciousness, mind-uploading, the limitations of language, philosophy of mind, and more. Tune in to hear what it's like to be a physics major at UCLA and to expand your mind on some far-out, yet very real ideas. 

See you inside.

May 12, 202201:21:18
#024: The Importance of a Vision & Tips for Manifestation w/ Aaron Amezcua

#024: The Importance of a Vision & Tips for Manifestation w/ Aaron Amezcua

I suspect you're thinking about manifestation incorrectly. In this episode, Aaron Amezcua discusses what manifestation really is and reveals his strategies for creating in one's dream life. Tune in for a potent discussion about vision, manifestation, and more.

This episode was recorded on Janss' Steps at UCLA. 

May 10, 202252:26
#023: Thriving Socially at UCLA w/ Justin Runnels

#023: Thriving Socially at UCLA w/ Justin Runnels

Justin Runnels in a freshman at UCLA studying computer science and linguistics. In this episode, we explore the idea that we are the creators of our realities, and discuss topics including Justin's transformation from introvert to extrovert, how to thrive socially in a college environment, what it means to be an embodied man, accepting and trusting one's sexuality, social freedom, philosophies that are the foundation for accessing one's potential, and self-development as a whole. 

Join us as we share our respective journeys towards becoming our most actualized selves.

See you inside.

May 05, 202201:31:34
#022: Are Humans Undergoing Spontaneous Evolution?

#022: Are Humans Undergoing Spontaneous Evolution?

Could humans be undergoing spontaneous evolution? Spontaneous evolution is the idea coined by Bruce Lipton that organisms can rapidly adapt to shifts in the environment through epigenetic changes. Essentially, environmental signals affect what portions of DNA are available for transcription and thus what genes are expressed in the organism. One could see how this could prove a powerful ability during times of great environmental change.

Do such times sound familiar? We humans have been exposed to a totally different environment in the past century. We are being bombarded with totally novel environmental cues. Historically speaking, the time is ripe for rapid evolution via epigenetics. This idea seemed far out to me until I learned something that displayed it in a different light, which I share in this episode. See you inside.

Jan 17, 202207:10
#021: 7 Goals You Should Set For the New Year

#021: 7 Goals You Should Set For the New Year

What are the most effective changes you should make in 2022 to make this year the best year of your life? Here are 7 goals you should consider setting for the new year.

Jan 03, 202221:05
#020: How to Wake Up From An Unconscious Rut + Boost Your Productivity

#020: How to Wake Up From An Unconscious Rut + Boost Your Productivity

Have you ever found yourself being less productive than you know you can be? 

Have you ever scrolled through social media with an inner knowing that you should stop, but couldn't pull yourself away?

For three months I'd been in a similar rut. I was unproductive, undisciplined, and subtly aware of it all. And yet I could not shake myself out of it. It was like I was dreaming and I couldn't wake up.

In this episode, I share my story and break down the FOUR DAILY ACTIONS that woke me up, allowed me to build unstoppable momentum, and reach a peak level of discipline, inspiration, and creative output. 

Come back to this episode whenever you suspect you're "dreaming," or stuck in unconsciousness and low vibes. 

Dec 20, 202115:36
#019: Life is the Ultimate Virtual Reality Game

#019: Life is the Ultimate Virtual Reality Game

Here are some insights on maintaining your peak confidence in this crazy world. Oh, and life is the ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure game-- explore it fully.

Oct 15, 202127:02
#018: Becoming the Protagonist of Your Life

#018: Becoming the Protagonist of Your Life

Your life is a movie and you're the main character. Here is how you can make it a movie you freaking love. 


Erick Amezcua 

Oct 07, 202116:43
#017: Carey Nachenberg: Cybersecurity, Sentient AI, and Portals

#017: Carey Nachenberg: Cybersecurity, Sentient AI, and Portals

Carey is a computer science wizard first and foremost: he is a principal engineer at LYFT Level 5 (self-driving vehicles), he has decades of experience working on cybersecurity with companies like Symantec and Norton, and he is an adjunct computer science professor at UCLA. In this episode, we talk about the possibility of sentient AI, LYFT's progress with self-driving cars, what is cyberwarfare, and how to make the most out of the UCLA experience.

Jun 21, 202143:06
#016: Dr. Richard Kaner: Graphene, the Future of Technology, and How to Make the Most Out of UCLA

#016: Dr. Richard Kaner: Graphene, the Future of Technology, and How to Make the Most Out of UCLA

Dr. Kaner is a Chemistry and Materials Science professor and researcher at UCLA. He is an expert on graphene, batteries, and super capacitors. Tune in for a conversation on cutting-edge science and the future of technology. 

May 31, 202101:24:04
#015: Dr. Jean-Luc Margot: Aliens, Astrophysics, and Asteroid Impacts

#015: Dr. Jean-Luc Margot: Aliens, Astrophysics, and Asteroid Impacts

Dr. Margot is a professor of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences at UCLA. He is a leading expert on Venus, he is the instructor for the Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence Program (SETI) at UCLA, and he's the real deal in terms of astrophysics and astrobiology. In this episode, we discuss the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, asteroid impacts and what humanity is doing to prepare for them, our new insights on Venus, the possibility of life on Europa, and much more. Tune in and enjoy. 

May 24, 202101:01:01
#014: Dr. Wayne Grody: Genetics and the Future of Humanity

#014: Dr. Wayne Grody: Genetics and the Future of Humanity

Dr. Grody is a Professor in the Departments of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Pediatrics, and Human Genetics at the UCLA School of Medicine, as well as the director and founder of its Diagnostic Molecular Pathology Laboratories. He is an international expert in genomics, yet maintains an interest in cosmology, astrophysics, and even futurism. In this conversation, we discuss what is genomics, the plausibility of predictive healthcare using genetic technology, the science and bioethics of embryonic screening and IVF, the promises and perils of genetic engineering, the future of humanity, why we— the students of today— are the most important generation for the survival of our civilization, the existence of extraterrestrial societies, the wonders of the scientific method, and the beauty of wide-ranging curiosity. In this episode, you will peer into the mind of one of UCLA’s top doctors and geneticists, and discover a conversation that you’d be hard-pressed find anywhere else. 

Apr 15, 202101:05:51
#013: The Present Moment, Happiness, and Non Arrival

#013: The Present Moment, Happiness, and Non Arrival

Most of us live our lives as if we will one day arrive to some final state where we can be happy. But the present moment is all that exists. If we truly want to find happiness in this life-- and that is all anyone ever wants-- we must discover the tools and the perspective necessary to find peace in the ever-fleeting now.

Apr 07, 202106:15
#011: Neira Ibrahimovic, Top UCLA Student

#011: Neira Ibrahimovic, Top UCLA Student

Neira Ibrahimovic is a top UCLA student and host of the podcast, Craving College. Tune in to hear us discuss office hours, how science relates to spirituality, the relationship between mind and matter, and much more.
Mar 28, 202150:14
#012: Six Pillars to Unleash Your Genius

#012: Six Pillars to Unleash Your Genius

Everyone has a genius within them that begins as pure potential. By preparing one’s vessel-- one’s mind and body-- one can realize that potential into the physical world. This, my friends, is called self-actualization, and I see it as the purpose of life. In this episode of The Elderllama Podcast, I will share with you the 6 areas of your life that if you optimize, will turn you into your best self. These pillars are reading, writing, exercise, meditation, healthy eating, and quality sleep. Here is my philosophy for unleashing your inner genius.
Jan 16, 202122:52
#010: Dr. Eric Scerri, Philosopher of Chemistry

#010: Dr. Eric Scerri, Philosopher of Chemistry

Dr. Scerri is a philosopher of science and a chemistry professor at UCLA. He is one of the founders of the philosophy of chemistry, a global authority on the history and philosophy of the periodic table, and, in fact, actually wrote the book on the periodic table. In this conversation we discussed topics including reductionism, emergence, the possibility of silicon-based lifeforms existing in the universe, and how artificial intelligence might affect the future of chemistry.
Dec 24, 202053:47
#009: The Universe is an Elephant: On Wisdom and Religion

#009: The Universe is an Elephant: On Wisdom and Religion

As we discover the universe for ourselves, in whatever form it may be, we must keep our minds open. The dismissal of ideas simply because they conflict with our paradigms of the world, or worse, because others told us that they should be dismissed, threatens us with intellectual and spiritual stagnation. Accept ideas or reject ideas, but do so from a place of objectivity and sincere consideration.
Sep 07, 202014:47
#008: The Evolution of Awareness and Artificial Intelligence

#008: The Evolution of Awareness and Artificial Intelligence

We've all heard the phrase, "We are one," but what does it actually mean from the perspective of science? In this episode, I will teach you about modern cosmology’s Big Bang Theory, explore the evolution of awareness in terrestrial life, and venture into definitely-super-accurate speculation land regarding artificial intelligence and its implications for the future.
Aug 09, 202016:47
#007: We're the Most Important Generation

#007: We're the Most Important Generation

Humanity is currently undergoing the most treacherous phase of its development. As our technology approaches that of a Type 1 civilization, the risk of annihilating ourselves becomes immense. We will reach Type 1 status within the next century, which means that this generation-- generation Z-- and the next generation are the most important generations for the future of mankind. 

Jul 21, 202004:26
Elderllama Podcast #6: American News and Incentivized Subjectivity

Elderllama Podcast #6: American News and Incentivized Subjectivity

In this short essay, I argue that, given their click bait, ad-centered business models, American news companies are heavily swayed by socioeconomic and political forces. I propose that these companies be insulated from the forces of economy and of public opinion in order to remove them from the thrall of incentivized subjectivity. Questions for you: Are our news sources, as Americans, serving us? Do the economic incentives of clicks and viewer counts represent a conflict of interest? What are the consequences of American masses being informed by subjective sources? Comment your thoughts.

Jun 07, 202001:53
Elderllama Podcast #005: Climate Change and Modern Communication

Elderllama Podcast #005: Climate Change and Modern Communication

If civilization is to overcome climate change for good, not just temporarily, a global shift in perspective must be had. Solving the problem with just technological innovation won't hold in the long run. You're putting a band aid on leaky tank when you should really be using flex seal. Raised human consciousness/awareness = flex seal in my analogy. Flex seal that bihh!!  :) 

Apr 27, 202004:51
Elderllama #004: Pool of Cosmic Consciousness

Elderllama #004: Pool of Cosmic Consciousness

The question that has kept philosophers and scientists alike busy since it was first asked: is mind separate from matter? In other words, is consciousness separate from the physical universe? In this short episode, I make the argument that, just as there is a pool of elements in the universe that we complex beings borrow from to make our bodies, there is a pool of consciousness that we borrow from to make our minds. Cheers to cosmic consciousness! 

Jan 11, 202003:18