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And Then There’s That!

And Then There’s That!

By Her Nxt Chapter

This is a space where we will challenge ourselves to take back ownership of our life story, one choice at a time.
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Spread Thin

And Then There’s That!Dec 05, 2020

Make Room

Make Room

We make space for what we want to happen, but when we give God room, amazing things happen. Our making space is limited by our perspective. Surrendering to God is exchanging our perspective for God's possibility and power. That surrender results in what our space deemed impossible to be possible with God.

Feb 04, 202402:49
Deal With Your Wounds Sis!

Deal With Your Wounds Sis!

As we work within or towards our next chapter nothing can sabotage our progress more than unhealed wounds. Our wounds are an opportunity to practice true self-care, to attend to our needs, to strengthen ourselves, and to learn how to move in this life as a healed Queen. Do yourself a favor and give yourself a gift....Deal With Your Wounds Sis!

Jan 21, 202211:18
Every Season in Life Has Purpose

Every Season in Life Has Purpose

Embrace every season in your life. There is opportunity in each one!

Nov 19, 202109:33
Embrace the "Be" while you are Becoming

Embrace the "Be" while you are Becoming

There are instances in our lives when old negative feelings resurface. It's in those instances we can "Be" with those feelings while addressing the root cause. When we "Be" in negative feelings we explore where they are coming from, what work did we leave undone in our past and/or what tapes did we not destroy but rather put on a new reel? Embrace your "Be" while you are Becoming Queens!!

Oct 21, 202112:19
Your Echo is Timeless

Your Echo is Timeless

When we focus only on our voice we don't consider the value of the echo of that voice. When your voice comes back to you does it give you life, envelope you with love, does it feed you, empower you, embolden you, can your echo sustain you when you don't have a voice?

Your voice may be a force to be recon with but your echo is......TIMELESS!!

If you don't like your echo change your VOICE!!

Aug 23, 202106:48
What APP are you Using?

What APP are you Using?

Getting from point A to point B in your life can be accomplished in many different ways. Our greatest gift to ourselves is to determine the route that is is best for us, the route that feeds us, grows us, challenges us and brings us joy in the process. As with any trip there should be a guide and in this day and age it is an APP. As we move in our Nxt Chapter or towards our Nxt Chapter we should make sure the APP of choice is the APP for us. What APP are you Using for your life?

Jul 27, 202111:05
Queen's Corner Session 2

Queen's Corner Session 2

Welcome to the Queen's Corner where we will talk with Daria C. Mallard, a licensed clinical mental health counselor. This Queen has birthed a body of work on self-conceptualization! Join us for this amazing conversation about healing, self-truth and navigating our therapy.

Jul 05, 202127:27
White Out Doesn't Work!!

White Out Doesn't Work!!

Our past is full of lessons and gauges that we can use to ensure we are writing a narrative that is informed by our past but not leading us to repeat it. If we choose to cover up our past we also cover up the lessons and the gauge. Our past has value, our past is our story and our past is just that our past. Referencing our past removes it's control over us and places it in a place in our life of reference and lesson only which is why white out doesn't work!

Jun 27, 202111:05
Change= Awareness + Acceptance + Surrender

Change= Awareness + Acceptance + Surrender

In order to embrace change in our lives, in our next chapter, first be aware of what needs to change and why. Second accept what you can and what you cannot do and then surrender to what you need in this new space. These steps will ensure that your change is what you need, uses all that you can do to bring it forth and in the process you are honoring your needs every step of the way!

Jun 21, 202111:20
No Excuses!!!!!

No Excuses!!!!!

Queens it is time! It is time that we let go of the excuses and begin to explore the reasons for situations in our lives. Excuses are what we use to stop our progress. Our Nxt Chapter beckons us to address our reasons and move forward. Let's Go!!! 

Jun 15, 202114:06
I Am Not Your Statue!!

I Am Not Your Statue!!

When we consider each other as living beings with needs for growth we have a better chance of being positively impacted by that growth and possibly even growing ourselves!

May 11, 202105:28
Your Direction is in Your Freedom!

Your Direction is in Your Freedom!

As we take the pin to write our next chapter we start with where we've been or where we are and we dare to write were we are going. Your direction is in your freedom. What did you need freedom from and that freedom gave way to freedom to...become, live, love, create, appreciate, develop and embrace who you're becoming, Your Next Chapter.

May 10, 202114:56
There is No Reservation for Judgement

There is No Reservation for Judgement

If we do not have judgement for the less egregious acts in our lives, we unknowingly and knowingly build paths to allow the egregious acts to occur! You have a right to judge the acts that impact your life! Sis, ITS YOUR LIFE!!!

Apr 25, 202115:24
I'm Not Going to Dance With You On This!!

I'm Not Going to Dance With You On This!!

As we take ownership of our narrative we also take ownership of our emotions, emphasis on OUR. At times others may feel we should mirror their emotion when we haven't experienced the cause. We can love, support, honor and respect people in the emotional space they are in, that is love. When we join them in that space and take on their emotion we move ourselves into spaces that are not ours. That creates more work for us to do because in that moment we are no longer the authors of our narrative, we have given up our pen.

Apr 09, 202105:59
Embedded Defeat is No Longer an Option!

Embedded Defeat is No Longer an Option!

Queens our true power resides in our ability to replace our thoughts, our mental tapes of embedded defeat with EMBEDDED SUCCESS!!

Mar 28, 202113:45
Recalls Are Necessary!

Recalls Are Necessary!

While we are embracing our Nxt Chapter and navigating life in the newness of a healed whole self there may be instances where we need to recall our energy from others. It may be for our benefit or it may be for another's but it will always be necessary!

Mar 22, 202109:38
Enough Room

Enough Room

As we embrace our next chapter and we begin to see the fruit of our labor we cannot forget to tend to our roots. Continue to nourish your roots beyond the leaves, the trunk and even the flowers. Give your roots enough space to stretch out and get all that you need to continue to grow in your Nxt Chapter!

Mar 14, 202108:23
The Purpose for Your Power

The Purpose for Your Power

We aspire to become our greatest self which is so powerful.....however, what are you going to do with that power. Our power to write our own narrative enables us to decide what our lives will look like, how we will show-up and how we will take up space, all of our space. The power to write our own narrative also has purpose for our sisters. it may show them what joy looks like, how we can help one another, what forgiveness and true self love feels like. The Purpose for Your Power to write your own narrative can and will empower other women to do the same. Check your purpose for your power.

Mar 07, 202111:10
No Longer Bound

No Longer Bound

Enslavement to people places and things and allowing the rejections of others to bound you does not provide you the freedom to evolve. Release anything that has bound you and venture into the beauty of your next chapter with you writing every word on every page. When you are unbound your narrative changes from others to a beautiful love story of self to self. I can't wait to see your story play out in your life. A story that is No Longer Bound!!

Mar 01, 202113:23
Create Boundaries - Don't Build Walls

Create Boundaries - Don't Build Walls

Boundaries are acts of love and walls are a result of our fears. As our beliefs, truths and self awareness evolves, our boundaries will also evolve but our walls will not. Walls cannot serve our growth and evolution they just feed our fears.  

Feb 22, 202114:17
Progress NOT Perfection

Progress NOT Perfection

In our next chapter progress is the goal not perfection. Perfection will cause you to discount all you have accomplished, all that you have attempted and all that you dream. Your very best self, your life of intention, your life of purpose and your dream does not require perfection. The only two things you must present for your very best life is you just as you are and a commitment to progress. 

Feb 07, 202114:27
Queen's Corner

Queen's Corner

Today we spoke with Latreya Monteiro who is a Life Coach. Treya shared her epiphany moments as well as the moments that required her to walk in her purpose. This Queens light is so beautiful. We shared and we laughed, we learned and we taught. This was the inaugural Queen's Corner episode and it will not be the last. And Then There's That is the place for all queens to see the light and share their own light. Welcome to the Queen's Corner.

Jan 31, 202125:48
Examine Your Garden

Examine Your Garden

You budding chapter needs just as much attention as a newly planted garden. The work doesn't stop, it continues but my Queens....IT IS WORTH IT!!

Jan 24, 202114:50
Why Didn't You Lock the Screen Door?

Why Didn't You Lock the Screen Door?

As we move forward with self-growth, self-development and self-love we must protect those that are in our now, which includes ourselves, from those people, places and things who are in our past. 

Jan 17, 202111:02
Audio Vision Boards- Speak Life Into Yourself

Audio Vision Boards- Speak Life Into Yourself

There will be moments in your life when you can't focus on what you see but you can be shifted by what you hear. In those moments you can tap into the energy that is within to shift your thoughts and recenter yourself in the greatness that is you. Audio vision boards are a tool that you can use when you just need to hear something to get you back on your purpose, to get your focus back on the goal to remind you of who you know yourself to be. In those moments a word of life, love and positive energy is what you need. You need your own voice to shift your energy and the words you have spoken to straighten your crown. You need to affirm yourself.

Jan 09, 202107:16
Your Joy Must Outweigh Your Fear!

Your Joy Must Outweigh Your Fear!

In order for us to realize the dreams, goals and desires we have for ourselves our anticipated joy must outweigh our fears. We must let go of the need of immediate satisfaction or let's be real, immediate distraction, and hold onto the joy we know we will have when we reach out goals.

Jan 01, 202110:57
Spread Thin

Spread Thin

Take inventory of all the things that are pulling on your spiritual and emotional energy. Prioritize them and then schedule them in your day as you would anything else. Leave time for journalling, meditation, prayer and to breathe. When we are spread too thin it is by choice. You have the power to choose differently!!!

Dec 05, 202011:38
Are You Present?

Are You Present?

Your life is worth experiencing. Stop going through life on autopilot. Stop looking at life experiences through emotion or ego. Look at life through your spiritual eye for truth. Then you can fully experience all that life has to offer and you can choose what does not belong or no longer belongs in your PRESENT!

Dec 02, 202012:30
Floss Me Don’t Gloss Me!

Floss Me Don’t Gloss Me!

The work is on the inside. Stop dressing up the outside and seeking fans when you need to do work on the inside with the support of people who are invested in you!
Nov 20, 202013:42
Don't Write My Story!

Don't Write My Story!

You are the author of your narrative. Don't give that power to anyone and don't allow them to take it. 

Nov 10, 202010:32
Sit In IT!!!

Sit In IT!!!

In order to grow from the mess we have created we must first be willing to sit in it. 

Your mess has value. 

Find the lessons and the opportunities for growth and let the rest go. 

Oct 21, 202010:15
Know Your WHY!

Know Your WHY!

When we know why we do what we do we will change our behavior to behavior that serves us and does not sabotage our next chapter!

Sep 30, 202012:12
Necessary Conversations

Necessary Conversations

What you can do right now, right where you are to move yourself forward in this journey is have necessary conversations!

Sep 20, 202013:21


Healing changes how you look at things and empowers you to take control of what enters your life and the value it will hold.

Sep 14, 202012:11
Time for a CHANGE!!!

Time for a CHANGE!!!

No decision is still a decision. Own your power to make a change.
Aug 28, 202013:01
Put Your Glasses On

Put Your Glasses On

Don’t get discouraged by the amount of work that needs to be done, get excited that it’s work for you and think about the woman you are becoming!
Jul 26, 202010:49
The Price of Admission Has Changed

The Price of Admission Has Changed

As we evolve into the phenomenal Queens we are destined to be, the price of admission you our space, our energy and our lives must change!
Jul 02, 202007:23
Let Me Reintroduce Myself

Let Me Reintroduce Myself

As we evolve people may try to keep us where we were and not see us as the Queens we have become, to that I say “Let Me Reintroduce Myself”1
Jun 14, 202011:57
No Justice No P.I.E.C.E!!

No Justice No P.I.E.C.E!!

We are not protesting for a piece of the American Pie. We made the pie. We made the oven the pie was baked in. We want what is rightfully ours.... the right to justice for our people and the elimination of needing it!
Jun 07, 202008:28
That’s Not Your Assignment

That’s Not Your Assignment

Everyone one and every experience you encounter is not yours. Don’t delay the assignment of Self with distractions.
May 31, 202016:17
When People Show You

When People Show You

Look at self first!!
May 17, 202014:10
Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

Each day is a new opportunity to move in your next chapter!
May 10, 202002:43
Permission Denied

Permission Denied

Everyone that was in your last chapter may not have permission to go into your next.

May 09, 202013:14
Get Your Bag

Get Your Bag

Carrying anyone else’s bag comes at an expense you should never want to pay.
Apr 25, 202008:45
What Are You Looking At?!?

What Are You Looking At?!?

Your next chapter is a journey not a race. 

Apr 18, 202008:08
Set your Motivation

Set your Motivation

It’s imperative you are intentional about setting your motivation, keeping it in physical site and having an accountability partner.
Apr 11, 202013:52
Belong vs Belonging

Belong vs Belonging

As we write the pages to our next chapter of life we must transition from being a belonging to only engaging with people, places and relationships where we BELONG!
Apr 04, 202015:08
This Ain’t Football!

This Ain’t Football!

In communication seek to understand not to win.
Mar 19, 202008:07
Bonus Episode

Bonus Episode

Use new found time wisely
Mar 17, 202006:46
It’s Healing Time

It’s Healing Time

As we embark on this journey of self evolution and manifesting our greatest life we need to do a bit of housekeeping, it’s healing time.
Mar 13, 202008:02