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By Elisabetta Marinelli

Stories of women and their professional life: their choices, their visions, the things they would now do differently, their clear missions and passions and the ones that weren't so clear...
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Sociology is not for the faint of heart: on taking the hard path to professional satisfaction and finding ways to transfer knowledge

She@WorkMay 27, 2020

Entender las personas a través de su cultura: el reto de la psicoterapia transcultural

Entender las personas a través de su cultura: el reto de la psicoterapia transcultural

En este episodio hablamos con mi amiga Roberta Panzeri, psicóloga y psicoterapeuta, más precisamente: psicoterapeuta transcultural.

Aprendemos las diferentes facetas de la profesión, y las dificultades y la entrega necesarias para entrar en el mundo de los pacientes, siendo su espejo para que ell@s puedan verse y entenderse mejor. También vemos como la cultura es como el agua para los peces: te mueves en ella y ni te enteras de que fuera de la misma no puedes sobrevivir (¡que conste que la primera que no se entera soy yo, como ha quedado muy claro en el episodio!).

¡Gracias Roberta por tu tiempo! ¡Mucha suerte con tu fascinante trabajo!

Si queréis saber más sobre ella, aquí está su web: .

Jan 02, 202124:48
Ser ingeniera estructural: un juego para toda la vida!

Ser ingeniera estructural: un juego para toda la vida!

Hoy hablamos con mi amiga Bea Zapico, ingeniera estructural con vocación cada vez menos latente a la docencia y la arquitectura.
Bea vio de jovencita un laboratorio donde se testaban los terremotos...Esta visita resultó ser determinante para su futuro! Lo planeado y lo implaneable hicieron que Bea se especializara en terremotos y estructuras a lo largo de Europa, incluso en Olanda... donde los sismos solo empezaron cuando llegó Bea!
Con Bea intentamos ver los edificios y las estructuras en las que nos movemos con ojo clínico, pensando en que sirven, en como se aguantan, pero también con ojo artístico, porqué son bonitas y cuentan las historias de las personas que las han vivido.
También vemos como la pasión por la docencia, que siempre había estado allí, se renueva y toma forma a la vez que el bagaje de  Bea se hace más grande: ahora sí que ha llegado la hora de compartir conocimientos!
Mucha suerte  Bea, gracias por contarnos tu historia!

Nov 13, 202023:28
Más allá de la mirada: que ven en nuestros ojos las ópticas/optometristas

Más allá de la mirada: que ven en nuestros ojos las ópticas/optometristas

¡Hoy hablamos con Natalia Cruz, óptima óptica y optometrista optimista!
Yo pensaba que ser óptica involucraba solo medir graduaciones, poner gafas y lentillas… ¡Pues como me equivocaba!
Natalia nos habla de cómo la visión afecta como nos comportamos, y como interpretamos lo que hay en nuestro entorno.
También nos explica que a través de análisis optométricas es posible detectar problemas de salud que no tienen nada que ver con los ojos…Y al revés: que cosas que nunca relacionarías con la visión, pues si están sumamente conectadas con la misma.

Y, sobre todo: que cada par de ojos es único y especial y necesita cariño, empatía y profesionalidad.
¡En fin, seguro que la próxima vez que iréis a por gafas, lo haréis con más curiosidad!
Oct 13, 202025:50
La Cocinera Tremenda: la Calabria en Sevilla

La Cocinera Tremenda: la Calabria en Sevilla

¿ Que se siente al despertar un día, en Roma, y imaginarte tu vida detrás de un escritorio?
Pues según Federica, lo ´más lógico es dejarlo todo atrás y intentar montar una tienda de comida casera italiana en Sevilla.
La Cocinera Tremenda ya lleva seis años realizando su sueño y su proyecto, deleitando sus clientes, y en particular Elisabetta :)!
En este episodio hablamos de como la pasión ayuda y guía a enfrentarse a los riesgos; hablamos de la cara de niños que ponen los grandes cuando comen bien; de lo que es dejar tu tierra para recrearla y compartirla en otro sitio, comprometiéndose con la calidad y la artesanía.
¿ Que me llevo yo?
Pues ante todo mucho buen humor! Pero también la consciencia de lo importante que es un trabajo que te motive y que te realice diariamente, que sea una extensión de tu historia, tu personalidad y tu proyección futura.
A los que escucháis, os recomiendo una paradita en el mercado Arenal! Y a ti, Federica, te agradezco tu tiempo y tu sonrisa, y te deseo mucha suerte!
Sep 30, 202020:58
Emprender, coordinar, crear: el día a día del e-learning

Emprender, coordinar, crear: el día a día del e-learning

Después de una pausa de unas semanas volvemos hoy con el episodio n.12 de She@Work! 

Hablamos con mi amiga Alba Ramirez, directora de la impresa de formación online "Learn with us" (por si lo queréis ver, esta es la web

Escucha esta charla si te interesa entender:

  • la realidad del emprendimiento, el esfuerzo del día día, más allá del glamour de la prensa...
  • lo que es una gestión fluida de la empresa, basada en colaboraciones en red con profesionales de confianza pero independientes
  • como se genera el aprendizaje con medios nuevos, y como se llegan a poner de acuerdo un experto de e-learning con un experto de otro tema que nunca ha aprendido online! 

Enhorabuena Alba por llevar una empresa exitosa y mucha suerte por tus proyectos futuros!

Jul 24, 202022:42
Dentro de las imagines: sueños y realidad de una vida dedicada al arte y a la fotografia

Dentro de las imagines: sueños y realidad de una vida dedicada al arte y a la fotografia

Hay pasiones que surgen desde muy lejos y se quedan allí detrás, como un ruido de fondo persistente. Te acostumbras tanto a ello que ni lo notas, hasta cuando empiezas a prestarle atención y te das cuenta de que te ha acompañado siempre, de que ha estado allí, intentando comunicarse contigo todo este tiempo…Y así ocurre que el ruido de fondo se transforma en protagonista, y la vida se re-configura para escucharle!

Así le ha pasado a mi amiga Sonia Fraga. La fotografía siempre le había llamado la atención, siempre le había acompañado y sin embargo tardó décadas en volverse una profesión. Pero a medida que la fotografía tomaba un rol importante en su vida profesional, Sonia también descubrió ser artista visual, encontrando nuevas maneras de crear y vivir imágenes.
Sonia nos cuenta de cómo ha venido tomando forma su identidad de fotógrafa profesional y artista. De los retos prácticos, emocionales y artístico que la vida creativa conlleva, de la necesidad de intentar hacer lo que tu cuerpo te pide a pesar de la incertidumbre, de la satisfacción que llega después de tanto esfuerzo, del deseo de seguir contando historias a través de imágenes siempre nuevas.
Este podcast nos lleva dentro al corazón de las imágenes, nos hace comprender todo lo que ocurre antes de darle al botón de la cámara. Por mi parte, nunca miraré las fotos de la misma manera.
Jul 01, 202032:44
Las lecciones que no están en los libros: guiar a los estudiantes para que encuentren su propio camino

Las lecciones que no están en los libros: guiar a los estudiantes para que encuentren su propio camino

Hoy hablamos con mi amiga Prof. Susana Elena, de la Universidad Loyola Andalucía. Susana trabaja en temas empresariales y nos habla sobretodo de su pasión para la docencia universitaria, para este momento de la vida en que se están dando pasos cuyas implicaciones son sin duda enormes y difíciles de imaginar. Nos cuenta de esta incipiente adultez, donde aunque sea fundamental saber cocinar, organizar el tiempo, cumplir con las responsabilidades, aún más importante comprender que el reto más grande que tenemos por delante es entender quien somos.   Nos explica lo importante que es aprovechar las herramientas que nos brinda la vida, y la educación terciaria, para encontrar un hueco donde podamos desarrollarnos a lo largo del tiempo.Susana vive la docencia como una misión, consciente que puede tener una influencia enorme en la vida de sus estudiantes. Eso sí: esta influencia no se alcanza delante de la pizarra, si no más bien fuera de la clase, buscando espacios para escuchar y orientar. El amor a esta profesión, no quita que los sacrificios que la misma impone sean enormes, desde el punto de vista económico hasta existencial, pidiéndose a la vez muchas cosas distintas y bajo grande presión.   

¡Susana, gracias por compartir tu experiencia!

¡Espero que mis hijas tengan a profes como ti!

Jun 12, 202033:23
Two decades in auditing and control: a professional and personal journey

Two decades in auditing and control: a professional and personal journey

-Today She(at)work goes wise and introspective! I talk to one of my oldest friends (meaning early 1990s!), Laura Compte, who has been an internal auditor and controller for the best part of two decades.
Age 40ish is a good time to reflect on your professional choices...
I guess many of us often go back to the days in which we were studying, cringe at our innocence and celebrate the good old days… Less often, we are brave enough to take a step further and reflect on the rudimentary tools we had at the time to face the adult world. It is humbling to realise how complex it has been to navigate this human jungle.
This podcast is precisely about that! We start with auditing and control as professional fields, we see what the job entails technically and then we move the more subtle aspects of social and emotional intelligence. We’ll find that we must be ready for a shift due to IA and big data, that we must also rely on a lot of qualitative work (visiting branches and talking to people on the ground) and that being selfless and able to manage conflict is essential to a good a job.
Thank you very much Laura for your time! I am sure this chat will be of help to those working in this field!
Jun 06, 202033:09
Sociology is not for the faint of heart: on taking the hard path to professional satisfaction and finding ways to transfer knowledge

Sociology is not for the faint of heart: on taking the hard path to professional satisfaction and finding ways to transfer knowledge

Today I speak with my friend Prof. Ana Fernandez.

We have been knowing each other for nearly 15 years and I can say Ana is one of the finent policy-analyst I have worked with! She has mastered the ability of applying scientific rigour to policy processes and in the episode we will see what it took to get here. 

Ana started her adult life planning to be an engineer but soon realised she had to take another, more uncertain, path. She chose to study sociology, got into graduate schools, went to Mexico, the UK, worked for the European Commission and then, in the middle of the Spanish economic crisis, chose to move back to university. 

We talked about these different choices, how you realise you make a mistake, the sacrifices you need to  make to pursue your goals and (which is a favourite topic of mine) the role of social sciences in "real life" and in "public policy", the importance of a diverse staff in a university. 

Weirdly we don't talk about Ana's experience as an entrenpreneur... for that we'll need another podcast! 

Thank you Ana for your time!

May 27, 202029:47
Abogada y diseñadora de joyas: hay cosas que, a saber verlas, están claras desde el principio...

Abogada y diseñadora de joyas: hay cosas que, a saber verlas, están claras desde el principio...

¡Hoy "She @ work" se vuelve local! Desde el centro de Sevilla nos conectamos a Nevión con mi amiga Benita Jurado.

Ya en los lejanos años ’80, en la guardería, defendía a otros niños y perforaba las orejas de sus muñecas con sus creaciones ... Ambas actividades continúan 40 años después: ¡es abogada y diseñadora de joyas!

Hablaremos de lo divertido que hay en la abogacía (por lo visto las herencias son muy guais ...), de la satisfacción que se siente en conseguir justicia y aliviar el conflicto, de lo doloroso que puede ser no lograrlo.  

¡También veremos cómo es tener 40 años y darse cuenta de que tus hobbies son en realidad más importante de lo que habías imaginado! Benita ahora está construyendo lenta pero constantemente su negocio de joyas Monella Showcase: una oportunidad para expresarse creativamente y, sobretodo, enseñarles a sus hijos que hay que arriesgarse para los que nos gusta!

Gracias Benita y mucha suerte con Monella Showcase!

Today "She@work" goes local! From Seville city-centre we connect to Nevión with my friend Benita Jurado.

Since she was in the playground she was defending other kids and piercing her dolls' ears with her creations...Both activities continue 40 years on: she is a lawyer and a jewelry designer! 

We'll discuss what's fun about law practice (somehow, inheritances are intriguing...), how satisfying it is to bring justice where it's due and to ease conflict where it is bursting. 

We'll also see what it is like to be 40 and realise that your hobby is actually more important than you had envisaged! Benita is slowly but steadily building her jewelry side-business Monella Showcase. One the one hand she needs a creative outlet, on the other she wants to set an example for her children: they are more likely to pursue their passion and take risks if they see it at home!

Thanks Benita for your time! Good luck to Monella Showcase

May 20, 202028:18
On love for teaching and interdisciplinary research

On love for teaching and interdisciplinary research

With this episode "She@work" goes global! 

Today we speak to my friend Prof. Julia Paranhos, who works at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro! 

Julia and I met when we were both graduate students at the university of Sussex, as economists with an interest in interdisciplinary research. Fast forward 13 years and we still have much in common. 

We talked about what it means for her to be an academic, her passion for applied and interdisciplinary research and the need to engage with society as large. 

Julia has dedicated much of her research career to the pharmaceutical sector. Her job requires her to talk to scientists, firms,as well as NGOs... all of which are crucial in the complex health/pharma domain. As we are still in the mid of the covid-19 pandemic, she offers very interesting perspective on resilience in the pharmaceutical sector and how countries (especially less developed ones)  can prepare. 

Our chat also took us to how much teachers love their students and the importance of a good mentor during doctoral studies. 

On top of that,  we have managed to achieve a pretty good audio quality! Thank you Julia!

May 07, 202037:31
On risk, control, procedures and mentoring: auditing with a soul

On risk, control, procedures and mentoring: auditing with a soul

Auditors and controllers definitely don’t enjoy a good reputation! 😊

But what does the job really entail? Are auditors really that scary?

Today we talk about it with my friend Olivia Verhulst who has been an auditor for a long time!
Auditing and control need not be a threatening device! They are just a tool to support businesses across they are activities with the help of meaningful procedures. They are also intellectually very engaging as rules and procedure are a way to model reality and help manage the day-to-day.

Despite the prejudice auditors can indeed be very caring! Olivia has moved from auditing & control to mentoring professional women. She wants to send the elevator back, to build a network of support and address issues such impostor syndrome which, to her experience, make women’s life unnecessarily hard.

And now, it is time for her next step: to build a consulting business in the field of risk and control to make sure business have a coping strategy if things get rough. Good luck Olivia and thanks for joining us today!

May 02, 202027:44
On passion, stigma and real life

On passion, stigma and real life

Today we speak with my dear friend Dr. Basak Candamir, who currently manages a small team of analysts in the field of research impact, and whose path has taken many unexpected turns!
In our chat, we look into a lot of things, from passions to stigmas to the constraints that reality puts on our choices…
First things first: do we really need a passion? There seems to be a pressure to actually have one. Moreover, the earlier you have it, the more genuine it is! But for many, there isn’t such unique thing that somehow guides decisions and provides meaning… So…Should that be a problem? Should one feel she or he is leading a lesser life? Of course not! Curiosity, dedication and an itch for new experiences can actually provide as a good a blueprint for professional decision making as anything else! In fact, if we keep trying and learning, we may even find a passion! Basak went from hard sciences to social sciences, from academia to policy, from policy to sales and then into an analytical role within the private sector. It turns out there may be something linking all these dots: asking questions and providing value to collaborators (scientific or not) or clients by understanding their needs, learning new things by changing roles are just some of the things that Basak click. Maybe these are her passions? J
Moving to the corporate world was the hardest jump! The scariest thing, however, was intangible and hard to pìn down: it was stigma! One might internalise a mild lingering bias, in scientific environments, whereby other human activities are not only less intellectually engaging that science but also “less pure”. That’s obviously just a prejudice, and luckily an increasingly less common one. We talked about how getting rid of it actually opens up a lot of opportunities: experimenting in new roles and industries is most likely a very good idea! Especially if you lack a clear passion!
Last but not least, life is tough and unexpected! Lots of decisions get taken just because things get rough… Economic needs, political instability, pandemics, unexpected personal circumstances sometimes make planning a silly luxury and damage control much more relevant! Accepting constraints is not only wise, it may also open new doors as long as we stay open.
Thanks Basak for your time! And to the rest: enjoy the podcast!
Apr 16, 202030:04
How a city can fit a whole country (Episode in Italian)

How a city can fit a whole country (Episode in Italian)

*This episode is in Italian* In this episode I speak with my friend Agostina Verdini, co-founder of CIS - Centro Italiano di Siviglia, an innovative language school and cultural centre in Seville. We are still in complete lock-down in Spain, still without proper equipment, but if you can glance over the limited audio quality and my nasal voice, there is a lot to learn from Agostina's story! This episode has been recorded in both Spanish and Italian. The first unexpected lesson for me, is that whilst I am fluent in Spanish, it was very weird to speak to Agostina in a language that was not our usual one. It shacked the familiarity of the conversation, I was super conscious of my accent and I felt it took me a while to find my rhythm…whilst the contents are similar, I think this Italian version feels more intimate... Besides that, if you hit play, you will hear how CIS was born following a time of personal crisis, in which plans had to be unmade and new decisions taken. Moving in an unchartered territory, Agostina found a compass in a personal project that had been incubating in her mind and hearth for a long time. This project brought together two of her favourite "things": Italy and social relationships. As a business partner Riccardo came forward at the right time, CIS went from being an idea to being a real thing! CIS is mobilising anyone who loves Italy and Italian to create a community that works and learns together. It keeps costs down and morale high, by being “itinerant” and “people-based”. Italian-flavoured events are organised regularly across-town, in partnership with other local businesses, with a focus on cultural quality. What comes clear from after a year of activity, is that there is a strong demand for beautiful cultural experiences and for the social interaction they bring. It is also clear that relationships do not only make our personal life meaningful, they are at the base of any creative initiative. Whilst the lock-down is making CIS life a bit harder these days, with its attitude and flexibility, the future looks full of opportunities. Good luck CIS!
Mar 26, 202027:55
How a city can fit a whole country (Episode in Spanish)

How a city can fit a whole country (Episode in Spanish)

*This episode is in Spanish*
In this episode I speak with my friend Agostina Verdini, co-founder of CIS - Centro Italiano di Siviglia, an innovative language school and cultural centre in Seville. We are still in complete lock-down in Spain, still without proper equipment, but if you can glance over the limited audio quality and my nasal voice, there is a lot to learn from Agostina's story!
This episode has been recorded in both Spanish and Italian. The first unexpected lesson for me, is that whilst I am fluent in Spanish, it was very weird to speak to Agostina in a language that was not our usual one. It shacked the familiarity of the conversation, I was super conscious of my accent and I felt it took me a while to find my rhythm…
Besides that, if you hit play, you will hear how CIS was born following a time of personal crisis, in which plans had to be unmade and new decisions taken. Moving in an unchartered territory, Agostina found a compass in a personal project that had been incubating in her mind and hearth for a long time. This project brought together two of her favourite "things": Italy and social relationships. As a business partner Riccardo came forward at the right time, CIS went from being an idea to being a real thing!
CIS is mobilising anyone who loves Italy and Italian to create a community that works and learns together. It keeps costs down and morale high, by being “itinerant” and “people-based”. Italian-flavoured events are organised regularly across-town, in partnership with other local businesses, with a focus on cultural quality. What comes clear from after a year of activity, is that there is a strong demand for beautiful cultural experience and for the social interaction they bring. It is also clear that relationships do not only make our personal life meaningful, they are at the base of any creative initiative. Whilst the lock-down is making CIS life a bit harder these days, with its attitude and flexibility, the future looks full of opportunities. Good luck CIS!
Mar 26, 202031:53
How a hurricane revolutionized language learning

How a hurricane revolutionized language learning

Today we speak with Elena Casillas, founder and director of LinguaMeeting. 

She had just met her students at her university when hurricane Katrina hit. The city was flooded, she had to leave her home and the world as she knew it was gone.                        

Amidst chaos and with no real technological knowledge she realised one thing: language teaching had to change. In this episode we go through Elena's journey from a young Spanish teacher in the US to founder and director of a global company with over 20000 pupils. 

We will learn how attitude proved more important than background, how plans are useful, but up to a point and that technology is there to make us more human.

Mar 18, 202029:23