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Daled Amos - Halacha Podcast

Daled Amos - Halacha Podcast

By Rabbi Eliyahu Rapoport

Daled Amos Shel Halacha - Weekly Class Exploring Practical Halachic Topics In Depth
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126. Training Oneself By Saying Mashiv Haru'ach 90 Times

Daled Amos - Halacha PodcastMay 06, 2024

126. Training Oneself By Saying Mashiv Haru'ach 90 Times

126. Training Oneself By Saying Mashiv Haru'ach 90 Times

Understanding this practice

May 06, 202450:17
125. Is Matza Baked Before Erev Pesach Kosher?

125. Is Matza Baked Before Erev Pesach Kosher?

Baking matza on erev pesach

Apr 21, 202449:48
124. The History of Gebrokts | Part 2

124. The History of Gebrokts | Part 2

Many Jews refrain from eating knaidlech, matzah brei or any wet matza on Pesach. What is the basis for this chumra? Link to video mentioned in class:

Apr 07, 202401:05:19
123. The History of Gebrokts | Part 1

123. The History of Gebrokts | Part 1

Many Jews refrain from eating knaidlech, matzah brei or any wet matza on Pesach. What is the basis for this chumra?

Mar 31, 202401:06:50
122. Purim Parodies & Their Halachic Implications

122. Purim Parodies & Their Halachic Implications

A Haggadah for Purim?!

Mar 17, 202455:16
121. Artwork in the Megillah

121. Artwork in the Megillah

Overview of the history of the halachic considerations.

Mar 11, 202444:01
120. Parental Favoritism & Consanguineous Marriages

120. Parental Favoritism & Consanguineous Marriages

The marriage proposal between the Rebbe Mahara"sh & his niece and the ensuing turmoil

Mar 03, 202401:01:59
119. An Eye For An Eye, Literally!

119. An Eye For An Eye, Literally!

How to exact payment for damages in Torah law.

Feb 11, 202401:05:16
118. 'Tu Bishvat'; Happy New Year?

118. 'Tu Bishvat'; Happy New Year?

The history of celebrating the 15th of Shevat.

Jan 29, 202401:03:15
117. Why Were the Jews Enslaved to Pharoh?

117. Why Were the Jews Enslaved to Pharoh?

Did the Jews deserve to suffer so much in Egypt?

Jan 07, 202447:19
116. Brazilian Summer & European Winter

116. Brazilian Summer & European Winter

When should Jews in the southern hemisphere make the seasonal changes to their prayers? Does it make sense for them to be asking for rain when it would be detrimental to them?

Jan 02, 202452:02
115. The History of Gaza Part 3 - Contemporary Israel

115. The History of Gaza Part 3 - Contemporary Israel

The halachic ramifications of Israel occupying or annexing new territory

Dec 03, 202357:53
114. The History of Gaza Part 2 - The Era of Joshua

114. The History of Gaza Part 2 - The Era of Joshua

Can a husband unilaterally decide to move to Gaza and 'obligate' his wife to join him? Exploring the halachic complexities of the Gaza strip through the lens of 16th century halachic authorities.

Source sheet:

Nov 26, 202301:05:21
113. The History of Gaza Part 1 - The Era of The Patriarchs

113. The History of Gaza Part 1 - The Era of The Patriarchs

What is the status of the 'Land of Pelishtim' in the 'Promised Land'? In Peshat and in Chasidus.

Nov 19, 202301:03:41
112. Akeidas Yitzchak, The Ultimate Self Sacrifice

112. Akeidas Yitzchak, The Ultimate Self Sacrifice

What makes Jewish mesirus nefesh unique?

Source sheet:

Nov 05, 202301:04:33
111. Prisoner Exchanges

111. Prisoner Exchanges

What does halacha say about paying exorbitant sums of money or releasing prisoners in exchange for Jewish hostages?

Oct 29, 202301:01:45
110. The Land of Israel As Gift & Inheritance

110. The Land of Israel As Gift & Inheritance

Understanding the basis for the eternal sanctity of the Holy Land based on an analysis of the verses in this week's parsha and on the Rambam.

Oct 22, 202356:16
109. A Deep Dive Into V'chol Ma'aminim

109. A Deep Dive Into V'chol Ma'aminim

Understanding this famous piyut

Aug 29, 202301:03:48
108. When Should We Start Putting On Tefillin?

108. When Should We Start Putting On Tefillin?

We train children to do all mitzvos even before they turn 13. Is there any reason that tefillin should be different?

Jul 30, 202353:31
107. Understanding the Law of the Three Weeks

107. Understanding the Law of the Three Weeks

An overview of the laws

Jul 09, 202359:58
106. Moshe Rabeinu Hitting the Rock

106. Moshe Rabeinu Hitting the Rock

What exactly were Moshe & Aron at fault for?

Jul 02, 202359:32
105. Controversies of the Jewish Calendar

105. Controversies of the Jewish Calendar

Understanding the fabric of the Jewish calendar and various challenges that it faced over the years.

Note: Ben Meir's view does indeed effect the regular 'noon' postponement.

See our full Kiddush Hachodesh playlist:

Jun 18, 202301:13:03
104. Kohanim Visiting the Resting Place of Tzadikim

104. Kohanim Visiting the Resting Place of Tzadikim

Are these laws suspended for a tzadik?

Jun 11, 202301:00:35
103. Further Elaboration on Tefilas Haderech

103. Further Elaboration on Tefilas Haderech

Clarifying some lose ends from previous episode -

Jun 09, 202327:03
102. Tefilas Haderech - Prayer for Dangerous Journeys; If, When & How?

102. Tefilas Haderech - Prayer for Dangerous Journeys; If, When & How?

Overview of the laws pertaining to Tefilas Haderech.

Jun 04, 202301:11:53
101. Hilchos Cheese Cake

101. Hilchos Cheese Cake

Halachic topics related to eating dairy on Shavuos

May 22, 202301:01:58
100. Using Hot Water on Yom Tov

100. Using Hot Water on Yom Tov

For which purposes may I use the hot water faucet on Yom Tov?

May 22, 202301:10:15
99. Eiruv Tavshilin - When Ignorance Is Indeed Bliss

99. Eiruv Tavshilin - When Ignorance Is Indeed Bliss

Overview of the underlying principles and practical application of this mitzvah.

May 14, 202301:01:11
98. Discrimination Against Disabled Cohanim?

98. Discrimination Against Disabled Cohanim?

May a cohen who wears glasses perform the service in the Bais Hamikdash?

May 09, 202354:03
97. Pidyon Haben & Torah Currency

97. Pidyon Haben & Torah Currency

The background and significance of this mitzvah and an overview of Torah's currencies.

Apr 30, 202355:13
96. The Big Revi'is Debate

96. The Big Revi'is Debate

An overview of the various approaches

Apr 23, 202301:03:30
95. The Big Kezayis Debate

95. The Big Kezayis Debate

How much Matza does one actually have to eat? An overview of this much debated topic.

Apr 16, 202301:02:20
94. Drinking Water After Afikoman

94. Drinking Water After Afikoman

Understanding the roles of the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch and his Siddur, and how this shapes our interpretation of the requirement to refrain from drinking after the Afikoman.

Mar 19, 202358:31
93. What Color Was The Red Heifer?

93. What Color Was The Red Heifer?

An overview of the history of para aduma and when and how we can renew its practice

Mar 13, 202301:00:47
92. Should Kiddsuh Be Recited Standing Or Sitting?

92. Should Kiddsuh Be Recited Standing Or Sitting?

NOTE: The calculations at the end of this class are not 100% accurate. See beginning of next class for correction:

Jan 31, 202301:02:49
91. Chartering A Plane For Kiddush Levana | Part 1

91. Chartering A Plane For Kiddush Levana | Part 1

Until when can one recite kiddush levana?

Jan 29, 202301:02:19
90. Yaakov's Blessings to Yosef

90. Yaakov's Blessings to Yosef

Understanding the poetry in these cryptic verses.

Jan 08, 202358:52
89. Haste Makes Waste

89. Haste Makes Waste

Why Did Reuven Lose The Monarchy? And Why Does Yehuda Deserve it?


Jan 02, 202352:11
88. Raba Adjudicates a Dispute Between G-d & The Heavenly Academy. For Real?!

88. Raba Adjudicates a Dispute Between G-d & The Heavenly Academy. For Real?!

Understanding the earthly & the heavenly approach to tzara'as as described in the Talmud (Bava Metzia 86a). 

Can we uplift ourselves to a place where our challenges no longer threaten us?

Dec 18, 202256:53


Why do we keep the Mitzvos that pre-date Sinai? The Rambam's sharp words for his antagonists.
Dec 11, 202256:21
86 Ascending, Praying & Pilgriming to the Temple Mount

86 Ascending, Praying & Pilgriming to the Temple Mount

 A most important mitzva or something to steer clear from?

Dec 04, 202201:24:42
85. The Origins of Tzedaka

85. The Origins of Tzedaka

In this class we explore the origins of tzedaka as they are anchored in the very foundation of our nation, in the lives of Avraham Yitzchok & Ya'akov.

Nov 27, 202201:03:24
84. The Cause of Yitzchok's Blindness

84. The Cause of Yitzchok's Blindness

Rashi seems to abandon the straightforward meaning of the pasuk, instead qouting 3 out of 7 possible midrashim. What is behind all  of this?

Nov 24, 202239:10
82. Was Avraham Avinu Actually Considering Not Burying Sarah?

82. Was Avraham Avinu Actually Considering Not Burying Sarah?

Is there a biblical mitvah to bury the dead? Are there exceptions to the rule?

Nov 13, 202201:01:54
81. Is Milk Kosher?

81. Is Milk Kosher?

Avraham Avinu served milk and butter to the angles. Can we deduce from this that milk is kosher?

Nov 06, 202256:06
80. Drinking on Yom Kippur & Borre Nefashos on Coffee

80. Drinking on Yom Kippur & Borre Nefashos on Coffee

In 1715 a woman gave birth on Tzom Gedalya and it was questionable if she would be able to fast on Yom Kippur. The Mahari"l shares a conversation that he had with his brother (the Alter Rebbe), in which the Alter Rebbe resolves a complex sugya with one simple idea. This sheds light on the laws of drinking on Yom Kippur and eases this woman's post-partum predicament. 

Oct 02, 202201:01:53
79. Understanding Tekias Shofar

79. Understanding Tekias Shofar

The reasons behind this mitzva

Sep 21, 202255:09
78. Are Truthful Oaths A Mitzvah Or An Aveira?

78. Are Truthful Oaths A Mitzvah Or An Aveira?

What's more compelling, a polygraph test or an oath?

Sep 18, 202201:06:42
77. Can I 'Do Early Shabbos' & Then Change My Mind?

77. Can I 'Do Early Shabbos' & Then Change My Mind?

What if I brought in Shabbos early and then have the opportunity to do a mitzva that belongs to Friday?

Sep 04, 202201:06:17
76. Must We Uphold All Minhagim?

76. Must We Uphold All Minhagim?

What is the nature of our responsibility to minhag and its application to participating in a bris on Friday

Aug 26, 202257:35