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elzazi's mundo

elzazi's mundo

By Elzazi's Mundo

Book club podcast - stay tuned for interesting book reviews! :-)
Currently playing episode

16. Ecuadorian literature and art

elzazi's mundoOct 20, 2022

33 .We are nothing but we can be something - Part 1 with Luiz

33 .We are nothing but we can be something - Part 1 with Luiz

Luiz and I are friends for a decade. This talk, we explore not only his own journey with languages but also Brazil. Actually, we talked so much that I had to split the talk in two! It was almost close to 2 hours of material. In the first part, we explore the following questions:

  • What was first? Numbers or language?
  • Which one is more complex?
  • How are they affecting each other?

We are no numerologists, of course. But the world Luiz is talking about is so fascinating! I hope you'll all enjoy it!

Apr 20, 202446:14
32. Financial Literacy

32. Financial Literacy

Dreams without a plan is just a dream. Louise Cugola and André Spadeto have founded their own business to escape the rat race of capitalism and to start working for themselves. However, in this episode, we talk more about our financial literacy: how to save, what to save, why to save, and, what kind of self-help or financial books shed some light on their understanding (and thus can shed some on yours, too!) regarding money matters. Don't worry fiction lovers, we'll talk a bit of fiction, too!

Books checked out this episode:

  • José Mauro de Vasconcelos: Meu Pé de Laranja Lima
  • Robert Kyiosaki: Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  • Machado de Assis and 19th century Brazilian literature

And, you can find their useful tool here, at: Meu Planner Financeiro: or follow their project here:

Enjoy! :)

Mar 20, 202440:33
31. Nothingville

31. Nothingville

Martin and I graduated from the same small town high school and our aspirations led us to distinct parts of the world. In this podcast, he talks about drama (lots of drama :D ), literature, and travelling around the world. He shares some of his biggest realizations about countries he lived in and his wisdom of what makes life magical for him.

Meanwhile, we were also talking about literature like Ferenc Molnár The Paul Street Boys (A Pál utcai fiúk) or the big Greek tragedies (Oedipus, Iliad). We have been also contemplating on the books, he has been writing: Nothingville and his second book, and on writing, on itself.

Give it a listen if you want to get inspired by how to make your childhood dream come true or would like to hear about different coincidences in life.

Feb 20, 202435:46
3O. Különleges évindító epizód

3O. Különleges évindító epizód

Ha két irodalomszerető összeül, se vége se hossza a pletykának. No, persze semmi rosszindulat nincs benne! Csak, könyvekről! Egyik könyv olvastatja a másikat, és így, egyik történetből a másik történetbe folyik tovább a beszélgetés. Mint ebben az epizódban, dr. Hodásziné Pingitzer Andreával is, aki, Pápa városában sokak számára csak úgy ismerős: ANDI NÉNI. Így, nagybetűvel, mert sokunkat ő vezetett be az irodalomba. Lássuk hát az ő gyűjteményét! :-)

Kepes András: Kék macska voltam

Visky András: Kitelepítés

Tóth Krisztina: A majom szeme

Bangkok Wakes To Rain

Darvasi: Az év vége utaskísérője

Kemedy Júlia Csenge: Az időtálló

Cservenyák Imre: életrajzi regény

És ami kimaradt:

Krusovszky Dénes: Levelek nélkül

Figyelem, a beszélgetés végén akasztjuk a hóhért is! :)

Jan 21, 202433:18
29. Interview with Katalin Ferber

29. Interview with Katalin Ferber

Katalin Ferber is an acclaimed economist and writer, well-known in both Europe and Asia. She had spent more than 15 years in one of Japan's most prestigious university, but today, we are taking a deep submerging in her favorite literature and non-fiction. Katalin Ferber shares her world-view and talks about famous economists, like Chalmers Johnson, but she also mentions her appreciation of Scandinavian thrillers, works from authors such as Jo Nesbø and Bergsveinn Birgisson. She describes her favourite Hungarian writers (Krusovszky, and Sándor Tar), then also her path as a writer.

On the behalf of Elzazi's Mundo, I wish you Happy Holidays with the last episode of 2O23! :-) Stay tuned in next year, as well! :-)

Dec 24, 202301:09:60
28. I Sign, Therefore I am - discussing travels and writings with Franciska Donászi

28. I Sign, Therefore I am - discussing travels and writings with Franciska Donászi

Franciska Donászi has been living in Finland for more than 1O years. In this talk, she is introducing us her first challenges, how it led her to study in Finnish and how this biographical book has led her to different connections between her and its author, Juhana Salonen. Then, she also shares her own writing process. Stay tuned and get inspired by Franciska and her stories! :-)

Nov 20, 202301:15:19
27. Lost in Eurasia

27. Lost in Eurasia

Tamás Bókkon has done his fair share of travelling. Now he has visited Elzazi's Mundo to inspire us further travelling - and book writing. Besides his own travels, he talks about the following books, as well:

Jules Verne: Nemo kapitány (Twenty_Thousand_Leagues_Under_the_Seas) Jules Verne: A Chancellor (The Survivors of the Chancellor) Bruce Dickinson biography (What does this Button Do) A.J Jacobs: Thanks A Thousand – A Gratitude Journey

You will want to set out and leave after listening to this episode. :_)) Enjoy!

Oct 21, 202344:23
26. Third Season Starter

26. Third Season Starter

Hi! Here is the list of books I'm talking about: Constanza Casati: Clytemnestra; Genki Kawamura: If Cats Disappeared from the World; Diana Wyne Jones: Howl's Moving Castle; Toshikazu Kawaguchi: Before the coffee gets cold; Jy Yang: The Red Threads of Fortune; Sara Nisha Adams: The Reading List; Corinne Hoffmann: Afrikai Szeretők - trilogy, (The White Massai); Liz Braswell: A Whole New World.

Also, the podcast is starting its third season! :-) Yayyyy! :-)))


Sep 21, 202333:33
25. "When the Muse calls you, you need to write." Interview with Wilson Carrión

25. "When the Muse calls you, you need to write." Interview with Wilson Carrión

Wilson Carrión is a Loja-based artist and writer with whom we talk about his new published book: La Vida No Puede Ser Tan Mala. Besides this, we talk about his favourite book, Cyrano de Bergerac and the difficulties of writing and publishing. You can learn the intriguing differences and similarities between publishing in Europe vs. in Latin-America. If writing is up at your alley, this is a must-hear episode for you! :-)

Aug 20, 202338:02
24. The Mongolian Derby - by a biologist's lenses

24. The Mongolian Derby - by a biologist's lenses

Nóri is an active biologist, who likes to experience nature and help species at the verge of extinction. She recently took part in a macaw conversation project in the rainforests of Costa Rica. She talks about her experience in today's podcast, as well as her love to animals and nature. Her favourite book resonates this theme as well, as she brought "The Heritage of the Mongolian Derby" - only published in Hungarian so far - written by Zsófia Homor, a Hungarian horse racer. Enjoy your journey while you're listening to this episode from the grasslands of Mongolia, to the mountains of Argentina, and finally arriving at the humid forests of Central America!!

Jul 20, 202338:30
23. The Myth of Normal with Niki

23. The Myth of Normal with Niki

Niki and I have been friends for more than a decade. We are bound in our friendship by our passion in travels and analyzing personal relationships to a great extent. Just like this time, when we discuss a psychology book in-depth. She brought a book from the world-famous Canadian pyschologist, dr. Máté Gábor, who, by the way, was born in Hungary. The book's title is: The Myth of Normal -- well-recommended to all of us! This episode might be shorter than normal, but you won't be disappointed if you are listening to it. :-)

Jun 20, 202334:15
22. Travelling through time and space

22. Travelling through time and space

After one month, finally today there is a new episode featuring on Elzazi's Mundo with Magdolna Magonyi, who is a language teacher, too! She speaks 5 languages fluently and learning Korean at the moment. She was a university classmate of mine so we hint a bit of nostalgia of our university years and meander about history and culture classes, then quickly emerge ourselves into our travel stories and observations with the help of the National Geographic Great Britain Travel guide book which Magdi brought for today's discussion. Come with us onto this journey which covers the Beautiful Lake District and Edinburgh in Scotland, as well as some remote places in Asia, too! You can find Magdi's page here: should you be motivated to learn and write Korean! :-)

May 20, 202340:52
21. His Dark Materials - with Beccy

21. His Dark Materials - with Beccy

"Reading is the only time when you can be alone with your own thoughts." Beccy shares her favourite book this episode which has been made into a series recently. We both meander about time and past readings and origins of our book-worminess during this episode, while we are analyzing "His Dark Materials" by Philip Pullmann. Join us and come learn about more fantasy reads! You might get some ideas what to read next ;) !

Mar 20, 202359:28
20. American Dirt by Jeanine Cummings with Viia

20. American Dirt by Jeanine Cummings with Viia

Welcome to the newest episode of Elzazi's Mundo book podcast! Today my guest is Viia who currently lives in Finland but used to live in South America (Ecuador). She brought a book she recently read by the American author, Jeanine Cummings titled American Dirt. What does this book tell us about culture? What does the author think about immigrants? What do you think about immigrants once you read the book? With Viia, we discuss culture and beyond.  Even if you haven't read the book, this episode is worth giving it a listen. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did recording this interview. 

Feb 20, 202351:09
19. New Year's Resolutions with Amy and Mili

19. New Year's Resolutions with Amy and Mili

Happy New Year! :-) And welcome to the first ever episode of 2O23 on Elzazi's Mundo Bookclub Podcast! We have recurring guests today: Amy and Mili share the passion for books. Today we discuss about our NYE resolutions (regarding books), mention our past resolutions for 2O22 and if we have completed them (spoiler: yes!), and share a couple of laughs over books we read together or books we are going to read... I promise, your TBR pile will grow today! :-)

Jan 20, 202336:58
Murakami extra episode

Murakami extra episode

Happy New Year and Happy birthday Murakami! :-) 

To celebrate Haruki Murakami's birthday, enjoy this collection of reading out from his short stories from Men Without Women. Also enjoy the little chat with Móni and Mili, with whom all the 3 of us are huge Murakami fans. Enjoy reading! :-)

Jan 12, 202312:54
18. End of the year with Adam

18. End of the year with Adam

Bookworms reunite! This episode is the year 2022 through the spectacles of great books! Both Adam and I give our recommendations what we had read during this year and what we recommend you to pick up soon! Here is a short glimpse of the recommended books: 

From Adam: 

The Swim in a Pond in the Rain – George Saunders
Karl Ove Knausgård
Gilead by Marilyn Robinson
Moon Witch Spider Came - Marlon James
ZEN Garden design by Shumiyo masumo
Cosmology through the Zen of Buddhism –
Henry Mantel – The Mirror and the Light
Eleanor Catten – The Lumineries
Mason and Dickson – Thomas Pincheon
The Everlasting – Katy Simpson Smith
How Birds Sing (poem) by Kay Ryan
History Hunting around Yukon – Michael Gates

From Elza: 

The memories of the memories of the Black Rose Cat – Veeraporn Nitiprapha (Elza)
Murakami (Elza)
The Garden of the Evening Mists – Tan Twan Eng
A book of form and emptiness – Ruth Ozeki
A Tale for the Time Being – Ruth Ozeki
Killing Commandatore – Murakami
1Q84 – Murakami
Saving Beauty – Byung Chul-Han 

From both of us: 

Gabriel Gárcia Márquez (The Third Bank of the River)

Happy holidays! :-) 

Dec 20, 202256:45
17. Murakami's world

17. Murakami's world

What connects Echenique, Márquez and Murakami? Listen to the newest episode about a distinctive literary style we discuss with Mili! She is currently living in the U.S., working on her post-grad degree, and loves reading since her childhood. What's more, she loves analyzing magical realistic novels! Her favourite authors are Murakami, and Alfredo Bryce Echenique who both share this special technique, balancing between our imagination and reality. During this talk, we analyze Sputnik, Sweetheart by Murakami in depths (spoilers!), but you can also get some other recommendations from my guest if you are interested in reading. This podcast episode also tries to set an homage to Murakami's world, a favourite we share with Mili! And, hopefully, you'd want to read Murakami books as well as we will refer to most of his books and what we like in them! Enjoy! :-)

Nov 20, 202248:15
16. Ecuadorian literature and art

16. Ecuadorian literature and art

Fernando comes from Loja which is said to be the cradle of art of Ecuador, South America. During this talk, we follow the footsteps of some Lojano artists, as well as the evolving of Ecuadorian Spanish literature language, while Fernando talks about his personal favourite books, as well: Huasipungo by Jorge Icaza which is the most famous book from Ecuador, and A La Costa by Luis Alfredo Martínez. As for non-fiction favourite books, he highly recommends Hooked by Michael Moss and Life without Limits by Nick Vujicic, the famous inspirative talker and life coach. Listen to this conversation if you want to hear more about Ecuadorian books, proud culture and a lively discussion of how we should all support art and artists or find happiness in our lives! 

Oct 20, 202201:01:18
15. How To Measure Your Life? with Aye

15. How To Measure Your Life? with Aye

Aye is an avid reader who is also the member of Bangkok Book Club. Today, she recommends her most favorite book, which has the title "How Will You Measure Your Life" by  Clayton M. Christensen - and you'll be surprised how many copies of it she currently has! Aye highly recommends this book if you would like to have a different, business-like approach to your own life. Even if you are not into business, this episode is worth listening to, as well, as we discuss cultural differences, pondering about life's big questions, exchange thoughts about different bookstores and libraries in Bangkok, and many more! :-) Join us for getting to know an impactful book! :-) 

Sep 20, 202249:12
14. Bhavna books
Aug 20, 202256:46
13. Translating fiction

13. Translating fiction

Ladányi Klári is a recurring guest on my podcast. She was working on her first translation last time we were talking; so far she has been translating 3 other books for Álomgyár Publisher and currently working on a series (Boston Belles). We talked about her time as a translator in retrospect and meander a bit about a writer's life and how authors can handle their critiques. This time she is reading The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, but we talked about contemporary Hungarian literature and her other favourite writers, as well. It was a great pleasure for me to talk to her again and follow her steps on becoming a freelance translator and hopefully soon a published writer! :-) Thank you, Klári! :-)

Jul 20, 202252:40
12. Tinyiko's Song by Heather S. McKibbin
Jun 20, 202249:01
11. Classics Covered

11. Classics Covered

Balázs Keresztes from Hungary has had a couple of career detours in his life before he ended up studying and researching literature analysis of classics at the university. The 2020 lockdown pushed him to launch his own YouTube channel, Négy Fal Között Olvasókör (Inside the Four Walls Reading Circle) where he focuses on analysing Shakespeare, Hemingway, Oscar Wilde just to mention a couple of his projects. This channel gave him a national fame and thousands started to follow him for his thought-provoking talks. He is an avid reader of classics, and during our conversation, he shares his interesting insights about why and how his attention turned to classics - and not to contemporary literature. He is currently teaching Art History and a guest lecturer at ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University), Hungary. Enjoy his analysis of Moby Dick by Herman Melville and his journey through this talk! You can join his reading circle (vlog or real life) here: and for videos and content, for information about the current reading circle. 

May 20, 202201:04:02
10. The Magic Weaving Business by Sir John Jones

10. The Magic Weaving Business by Sir John Jones

Harjinder Kaur, a former educator, is an avid reader. She talks about her experience in teaching through Sir John Johnson's book and her love of books which started with the well-known fantasy classics, such as The Lord of the Rings or Narnia. During this episode, we talked a lot about today's educators and how we could be better teachers: students should be the core of our work, not the content. This and other tips are also shared from The Magic Weaving Business by Sir John Johnson. As for Harjinder, she mentioned a couple of her favourite books, as well, if you are looking for some wonderful book suggestions, such as: A Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela (autobiography), The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, or Hidden Valley Road by Robert Colken. Enjoy listening to this episode and to find out more of her favourites! :-) 

Apr 20, 202244:30
9. Children books with Nico

9. Children books with Nico

Nico is a good friend of mine and a colleague who is a creative artist, puppeteer, creator, fashionista and in general, a very interesting person. Today we discuss about children books of Jairo Buitrago, Rafael Yockteng (Camino a casa), Shaun Tan, and David McKee (Not now, Bernard). Nico shared some observations about the hidden meaning behind illustrations and how illustrations complement texts. Even if children books are not your main interest, come and listen as we touch on some fine Latin American literature, as well as Nico's puppets, projects, his Colombian heritage, and he also shares some inspiring thoughts about what it means for him to be an artist. Enjoy! :-)

Mar 20, 202249:38
Make art, not war!

Make art, not war!

Special edition #standwithukraine #stopwar

Solidarity message for Ukraine with some excerpts from different pieces of Ukrainian literature. The first short story is from "Forests and Pastures" by Ivan Franko, then it is followed by some excerpts from "The Museum of Abandoned Secrets" (my new favourite contemp novel!) by Oksana Zabuzhko and finally a poem called "So I'll Talk About It" by Serhiy Zhadan. 

Useful links for listeners from Europe:

Help in Poland:

Help in Hungary: UNICEF Magyar Bizottság Alapítvány: honlapjukon:  szintén bankkártyás támogatásra van lehetőség. (forrás: )  Migration Aid: hivatalos facebook oldalukon (  1.      önkénteseket keresnek, akik a menekültek közvetlen ellátásában segítenek, 2.      az ukrán határ melletti településeken olyan ingatlantulajdonosok jelentkezését várják, akik vállalják, hogy fagymentes helyen átmenetileg tárolják az adományokat, 3.      ukránul vagy oroszul jól beszélő önkéntesek jelentkezését is várják, alkalomszerű fordítási munkákban segíteni tudnak, 4.      online szervezési, adminisztrációs munkákban segíteni kívánó önkéntesek jelentkezését is várják   (forrás: )

Help in Romania:

Feb 27, 202235:49
8. Pitchaya Sudbanthad: Bangkok Wakes to Rain with Valentina

8. Pitchaya Sudbanthad: Bangkok Wakes to Rain with Valentina

"Books can tell different things to different readers." Valentina, who is an avid reader, currently lives in Bangkok. During this discussion, we discussed the book: Bangkok Wakes to Rain by Pitchaya Sudbanthad, one of the Thai contemporary writers. Books for Vale is a way to get to know other cultures; a way for symbolic and real travelling, meeting "the other" and know yourself better. Therefore, she has a deep connection with plenty of books. Just to name a few: The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, The Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, everything by Verne or Jane Austen; furthermore Italian writers, such as The Desert of the Tartars by Dino Buzzati and Separated Chambers by Vittorio Tondelli. Besides Asian and Western literature, Vale is fond of Anglo-African writers and literature, too, such as: Memory of Love by Aminatta Forna; Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Paradise by the Nobel prize-winning Abdulrazak Gurnah. As Vale said: books are very much alive, they are not dead things and "Our meaningless lives get a new meaning through these stories." She was reading Four Reigns by Kukrit Pramoj at the time when this interview was recorded. We guarantee that through her passion, the dear listener will also pick up a couple of recommendations from Vale to increase their tbr pile! :-)

If you speak Italian and interested in her mission and life in Bangkok, too, check out her blog here:

Feb 20, 202201:03:00
7. Jewish roots and literature

7. Jewish roots and literature

Orsi is a great friend of mine who talks about her favourite author, Amosz Oz, her Jewish traditions and about her work as a second-hand bookseller in the small town of Pápa. She is great at describing and reviving Jewish traditions, be it by this talk, through books or through her little Jewish community and traditions. Enjoy this fascinating talk and get a peek in her lifestyle! :-)

Jan 20, 202245:22
6. Christmas special edition

6. Christmas special edition

A special collection of various Xmas books and traditions by frequent listeners and participants. :-) Thank you for taking part in this project, Aija, Luiz, and Chely! :-) Merry Xmas! 

Music from here:

Dec 20, 202126:42
5. Päivi Alasalmi: Vainola with Aija, from Edinburgh

5. Päivi Alasalmi: Vainola with Aija, from Edinburgh

Aija is a PhD student in Edinburgh who lives and breathes literature. We talked about little nations' literature and language through the perspective of a contemporary Finnish writer, and other issues, such as Black Lives Matters, publishing books and where her love for literature comes from. Some of her recommendations are as follows: Vainola by Päivi Alasalmi, Jean Ryhs: Wide Sarcasso Sea, and the Narrative of Sojourner Truth. Enjoy this episode and as Aija says: read, read, read! 

Nov 20, 202156:15
4. The Shame by Makenna Goodman, guest: Amy

4. The Shame by Makenna Goodman, guest: Amy

Amy brought not only books for us but also quotes! :-) She is an avid reader herself, with whom we talk about social media, influencers and what it means for us to be women. The Shame is highly relatable for most of us living in the 21st century. Join the podcast to learn more about it! :-)

Nov 05, 202133:27
3. I am a Strange Loop by Douglas R. Hofstadter, guest: Adam Ferrell

3. I am a Strange Loop by Douglas R. Hofstadter, guest: Adam Ferrell

Get ready for some profound philosophical exchange with Adam, as he brought a non-fiction book for us today! Besides, we talk about book clubs, what we can do to encourage younger generations to read more and about the wonderful Yosemite National Park, too! Enjoy! :-) 

Oct 20, 202147:19
2. Women empowerment

2. Women empowerment

Interview with Layla Hai, owner and teacher of Pastel Languages who shared some inspirational thoughts about relationships through Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love book. 

Oct 05, 202135:01
1. Kosztolányi Dezső: Édes Anna, guest: Klára Ladányi

1. Kosztolányi Dezső: Édes Anna, guest: Klára Ladányi

Mental health issues and their importance at the dawn of the 20th century in one of the few novels that were actually translated into English! Kosztolányi was a proliferate writer, leaving novels, poems, and essays for us where he depicted his contemporary society of Hungary (and mainly Budapest). My first guest is Klári Ladányi, who is an old and dear friend of mine. She is not only an avid reader, but also a translator and writer herself - besides being a full-time mom! Thank you Klári for your time! :-) 

Sep 20, 202154:57
Elzazi's Mundo Bookclub Podcast - Teaser

Elzazi's Mundo Bookclub Podcast - Teaser

Hello there! Welcome to the bookclub podcast where you can hear about interesting books and authors from all over the world! :-)

Sep 03, 202102:45