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Dream Bigger by Emakina

Dream Bigger by Emakina

By Emakina

Life in 2051? Stay tuned for a mind-blowing picture of future life inspired by the applied science fiction book Visions of a Better World. In the 30-part series, Sarah CR Claeys (in English), Brice Le Blévennec and Faskil (in French) chat about their forecasts for industries including film, food, art, transport, retail, sex, fashion, agriculture and much more. Imagine a world where we live under the sea, eat bugs for breakfast and take space holidays. Where energy is too cheap to meter and Africa emerges as a supernation. If you have a taste for the plausibly preposterous, tune in now...
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[EN] Dream Bigger #1 - Art and Alan Turing

Dream Bigger by EmakinaApr 29, 2022

[EN] Dream Bigger #5 - Attention is the new bitcoin

[EN] Dream Bigger #5 - Attention is the new bitcoin

Hologram teachers, performance-measuring headbands and gamified classroom experiences are just some of the topics we'll discuss in school meetings in 2030. Join Sarah and Iva on a deep dive into the learning labs of the future. 

Apr 13, 202314:45
[EN] Dream Bigger #4 - The uncanny valley

[EN] Dream Bigger #4 - The uncanny valley

Bot-written scripts, virtual actors, props and locations manipulated in real-time. The future of film-making will be an exciting blend of art and technology. Sarah chats to Johannie van As about an Uncanny Valley where almost nothing will be real but the cinematic experience will be more immersive than ever.

Mar 14, 202321:12
[FR] Dream Bigger #3 - Adieu caissiers

[FR] Dream Bigger #3 - Adieu caissiers

Nos frigos seront-ils capables de commander nos courses sans que nous ayons à nous en préoccuper? Les gigamarchés seront-ils nos nouveaux parcs d’attraction ? Brice et Faskil vous emmènent déambuler dans les rayons du supermarché du futur avec leurs RoboDiététiciens, leurs expériences en réalité augmentée inédites et leurs caisses ouvertes 24h/24.

Feb 03, 202327:22
[EN] Dream Bigger #3 - The cashier is dead

[EN] Dream Bigger #3 - The cashier is dead

Will fridges read our minds and order our groceries? Will we enjoy arcade-like shopping in the gigamarkets of 2051? Guest Iva Filipović takes Sarah down the shopping aisles of the future as they chat robo-dieticians, 24-hour vending machines and AR entertainment for every taste.

Feb 03, 202318:02
[EN] Dream Bigger #2 - The moths are in the pesto

[EN] Dream Bigger #2 - The moths are in the pesto

Dinner in 2051: what's on our plates? Bugs or lab-grown meat? Hyper-personalised meal replacements? Sarah chats to Johannie van As about all things food, including how we'll feed an exploding population, how they'll make lettuce taste like chocolate, and how neurogastronomy will rule our eating habits. Jellyfish bolognaise, anyone?

Jun 10, 202218:50
[FR] Dream Bigger #2 - Des criquets dans la bolognaise

[FR] Dream Bigger #2 - Des criquets dans la bolognaise

Que trouvera-t-on dans nos assiettes en 2051? Des insectes ou encore de la viande cultivée en laboratoire? Des substituts de repas hyper-personnalisés? Brice et Faskil imaginent la nourriture de demain tout en prenant en compte l'enjeu démographique. De la salade verte goût chocolat à la neurogastronomie qui modifie notre façon d'apprécier les aliments, nous vous invitons à dîner en 2051. Une petite bolognaise de méduse avec ceci?

Jun 10, 202234:23
[EN] Dream Bigger #1 - Art and Alan Turing

[EN] Dream Bigger #1 - Art and Alan Turing

In the first podcast based on the applied science fiction book Visions of a Better World, presenter Sarah Clayes talks about AI in art and music with guest Johannie van As. AI artists have already passed the Turing test with art, will they soon dominate the music charts? Own music rights and compose film scores? Join us as we dive into wellness music, GAN art, and an audio deepfake so realistic, it got sued by Jay-Z.

Apr 29, 202223:22
[FR] Dream Bigger #1 - Art and Alan Turing

[FR] Dream Bigger #1 - Art and Alan Turing

Dans ce tout premier podcast sur le livre de science-fiction appliquée, Visions d'un Monde Meilleur, Brice Le Blévennec et Jean-Christophe Detrain (alias Faskil)   anticipent le futur rôle de l'IA dans le monde de la culture. Les IA artistes ont déjà passé le test de Turing avec brio, vont-elles bientôt se hisser au top du classement des meilleurs titres musicaux? Ou encore avoir leur propres droits d'auteur et composer les bandes originales des films de demain? Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage au coeur de la musique au service du bien-être, des applications GAN et du deepfake audio, devenu si réaliste qu'il est même poursuivi en justice par Jay-Z.

Apr 29, 202232:10