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East Memorial Student Podcast

East Memorial Student Podcast

By East Memorial Baptist Church

This podcast is the central hub for all audio publications from the Student Ministry of East Memorial Baptist Church. Our Pastor of Students and Discipleship, Mathew Wronski, teaches students directly from God's Word, covering books of the Bible as well as various theological and practical topics.
Currently playing episode

Daniel 9 (Part 2)

East Memorial Student PodcastMay 31, 2023

Am I Chosen?

Am I Chosen?

If the doctrine of unconditional election is biblical and true, how can one know if God has elected them for eternal salvation? How can a believer be assured of their salvation and standing before God? In this message, Pastor Mathew outlines three points of assurance that should give confidence to God's elect.

Main Passages: Matthew 13:19-21; John 10:24-28; Romans 10:17; 1 Corinthians 2:12-14; 2 Timothy 4:1-5; James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:6-7, 23; 1 John 4:5-6

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | May 8th, 2024

Jun 06, 202441:32
God's Grace toward Children

God's Grace toward Children

Some believe that those who hold to the doctrines of grace would teach that there are unelected children who die and go to hell. Is that true? What does the Bible teach about the fate of children who die in childhood, and how does it relate to the doctrines of grace? Listen as Pastor Mathew seeks to answer these questions.

Main Passages: Matthew 5:3; 18:1-6; 19:13-15; 2 Samuel 12:16-23

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | May 1st, 2024

May 29, 202443:07
A Major Dilemma

A Major Dilemma

With any theological belief, there are challenging biblical passages that threaten the belief. Regarding the doctrine of unconditional election, 1 Timothy 2:4 is one such passage. Does God want all people to be saved, or does He not? If the doctrine of unconditional election will stand the test of criticism, then 1 Timothy 2:4 must be addressed. Listen as Pastor Mathew examines the passage, relates it to the Calvinism v. Arminianism debate, and applies it to the practical life of Christians.

Main Passages: 1 Timothy 2:4; Exodus 32:9-14; Matthew 26:38-39

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | April 24th, 2024

May 09, 202444:31
Unconditional Election (Part 4)

Unconditional Election (Part 4)

Finishing our study of unconditional election in Romans 9, Pastor Mathew exposits verses 19-24. In this message, one of the more difficult topics of the New Testament is addressed: the "vessels prepared for destruction."

Main Passages: Romans 9:19-24; Isaiah 45:8-10

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | April 17th, 2024

Apr 30, 202443:17
Unconditional Election (Part 3)

Unconditional Election (Part 3)

In this message, Pastor Mathew continues his exposition of Romans 9, focusing on verses 14-18.

Main Passages: Romans 9:14-18; Exodus 3-9 (selected passages)

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | April 3rd, 2024

Apr 23, 202439:05
Unconditional Election (Part 2)

Unconditional Election (Part 2)

In this message, Pastor Mathew begins to exposit one of the most difficult passages in the New Testament related to the doctrines of grace: Romans 9:6-24. In the portion of text covered by this message, there is a unique emphasis on the unconditional nature of God's election.

Main Passage: Romans 9:6-13

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | March 27th, 2024

Apr 16, 202439:44
Unconditional Election (Part 1)

Unconditional Election (Part 1)

Introducing the doctrine of unconditional election, Pastor Mathew exposits two passages of Scripture that support this teaching.

Main Passages: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15; Acts 13:44-48

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | March 20th, 2024

Apr 09, 202440:21
Total Inability (Part 3)

Total Inability (Part 3)

After a brief review of the few previous messages, Pastor Mathew addresses several of the common objections to the teaching of total inability (total depravity).

Main Passages: Jeremiah 17:9-10; Ezekiel 36:25-28

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | March 13th, 2024

Apr 04, 202438:22
Total Inability (Part 2)

Total Inability (Part 2)

In this second part of our study on total inability, Pastor Mathew exposits one of the critical prooftexts for this doctrine.

Main Passage: John 6:44

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | February 28th, 2024

Mar 29, 202440:43
Total Inability (Part 1)

Total Inability (Part 1)

Having laid the foundation of this series through the study of God's sovereignty, we are officially prepared to begin our specific study of the doctrines of grace. In this message, Pastor Mathew introduces the acronym of TULIP and begins teaching on the "T" of the acronym.

Main Passages: John 8:31-48; Romans 8:5-9

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | February 7th, 2024

Mar 21, 202445:34
Sovereignty of God (Part 3)

Sovereignty of God (Part 3)

This final preparatory message for our series on the Doctrines of Grace focuses on God's control of the future. All sides agree that God has foreknowledge of the future, but is that foreknowledge based on God's prediction or determination of what will happen? What about the problem of evil? Does God determine for evil to happen, and if so, does that make God evil? Listen as Pastor Mathew attempts to tackle this fascinating and challenging topic.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | January 31st, 2024

Feb 01, 202444:44
Sovereignty of God (Part 2)

Sovereignty of God (Part 2)

In this message, two more foundational truths about God are defined and applied: (1) the holiness of God and (2) the glory of God. The continued shaping of how one views God will prepare such a person for a deep dive into the Doctrines of Grace.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | January 24th, 2024

Jan 25, 202439:52
Sovereignty of God (Part 1)

Sovereignty of God (Part 1)

What a person understands and believes about God will influence what that person will understand and believe about topics like predestination, mankind's ability to choose God, and so forth. This message addresses two foundational truths about God: (1) God's creation out of nothing, and (2) God's nature as a Trinity.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | January 17th, 2024

Jan 22, 202439:40
Doctrines of Grace - Introduction

Doctrines of Grace - Introduction

The debate between Calvinism and Arminianism is one of the most difficult and divisive debates within Christianity. Does God determine who is going to be saved, or does He leave it up to mankind to make a decision? How do we reconcile God's sovereignty with man's responsibility? This new series, titled "Doctrines of Grace," seeks to address such questions. In this message, Pastor Mathew introduces this exciting series.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | January 10th, 2024

Jan 16, 202444:00
No Coveting

No Coveting

In this final message of our series on the Ten Commandments, Br. Mathew teaches on the tenth and a final commandment, which addresses an issue that is found at the beginning of all sin. Learn about how any self-centered and self-willed desire, even if it is directed toward something that is good, can entangle a person's heart and lead them down the path of sin.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | January 3rd, 2024

Jan 16, 202442:52
False Testimony

False Testimony

In this message, Pastor Mathew covers the ninth commandment forbidding the giving of false testimony against a neighbor. However, in its application, the ninth commandment addresses true biblical justice, which is justice that is fair and unbiased.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | December 13th, 2023

Dec 30, 202331:24
Don’t Steal

Don’t Steal

In this message, Pastor Mathew covers the eighth commandment, "You shall not steal." This commandment not only forbids the theft of personal property and money, but in its application, it also addresses the sin of treating people as property, earning money through unrighteous activities, and failing to fulfill promised and expected obligations.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | December 6th, 2023

Dec 28, 202336:60
No Adultery

No Adultery

The seventh commandment is one of the three commandments that Jesus explicitly quotes in the Gospels, highlighting its importance. Listen as Pastor Mathew unpacks the meaning and application of this major commandment.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | November 29th, 2023

Dec 16, 202343:38
Don’t Kill

Don’t Kill

The sixth commandment poses a challenge for Christians. Are all forms of killing prohibited by God? Is the physical taking of life the only issue addressed in this commandment? Join Pastor Mathew as he exposits this important commandment.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | November 15th, 2023

Dec 06, 202340:44
Honor Parents

Honor Parents

In this message, Pastor Mathew teaches on the 5th Commandment to honor one's father and mother. This commandment is a hinge of the Ten Commandments, connecting the vertical with the horizontal.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | November 8th, 2023

Nov 30, 202338:50
The Sabbath

The Sabbath

After a month-long hiatus, Pastor Mathew continues teaching through the Ten Commandments. In this message, Mathew addresses the fourth commandment, the command to observe the sabbath day and to keep it holy.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | November 1st, 2023

Nov 07, 202341:04
The Lord’s Name

The Lord’s Name

In this message on the third commandment, Pastor Mathew dives into the Hebrew text of the commandment, revealing an understanding of the commandment that is often missed by biblical interpreters. Does the third commandment really focus on the use of God's name as a curse word, or is that one application of a much broader and significant meaning?

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | September 27th, 2023

Sep 30, 202347:58
No Idols or Images

No Idols or Images

In this message on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Mathew addresses the second commandment.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | September 20th, 2023

Sep 21, 202344:46
No other gods

No other gods

Starting our in-depth study of the Ten Commandments, Pastor Mathew begins with the 1st: "You shall have no other gods..." Listen as Mathew provides an overview of the Ten Commandments, explains the study strategy, and dives deep into the first commandment.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | September 13th, 2023

Sep 14, 202344:05
The Christian and the Law

The Christian and the Law

In this final introductory message to our series on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Mathew addresses the topic of how Christians relate to the Law. This topic is one of more difficult topics in Christian theology. Therefore, while this message is not a comprehensive discussion of the issues relating to this topic, it is a helpful start.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | September 6th, 2023

Sep 12, 202340:46
Misconceptions about the Law

Misconceptions about the Law

In this second introductory message of our series on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Mathew addresses three common misconceptions about the Law.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | August 30th, 2023

Sep 07, 202344:54
Introduction to the Law

Introduction to the Law

Beginning a new series on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Mathew opens with the first of three introductory topics about God's Law in general. These introductory topics are essential for an engaging and comprehensive study of the Ten Commandments.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | August 23rd, 2023

Sep 07, 202340:46
Jonah 4

Jonah 4

In this final message on the Book of Jonah, Pastor Mathew covers Chapter 4. This chapter reveals Jonah's senseless and bitter heart as he becomes angered at God's mercy toward Nineveh. God then concludes this book with a major lesson for Jonah and the readers.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | August 16th, 2023

Aug 24, 202351:15
Jonah 3

Jonah 3

Entering the third scene in the Book of Jonah, Chapter 3 covers Jonah's preaching to the Ninevites and their response. Listen as Pastor Mathew highlights several incredible observations concerning Nineveh's humble and sincere repentance.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | August 9th, 2023

Aug 17, 202342:12
Jonah 1:17-2:10

Jonah 1:17-2:10

In this message, Pastor Mathew teaches through Jonah 2 (which begins at 1:17 in the Hebrew Bible). Jonah 2 addresses Jonah's experience and prayer in the belly of the great fish. However, as Pastor Mathew will explain, Jonah's prayer likely addresses something more and greater than Jonah's personal experience.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | August 2nd, 2023

Aug 14, 202337:24
Jonah 1:4-16

Jonah 1:4-16

Covering Jonah 1:4-16, Pastor Mathew covers the first major scene of the Book of Jonah, a scene which sets the stage for the rest of the narrative.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | July 26th, 2023

Aug 04, 202340:19
Jonah 1:1-3

Jonah 1:1-3

In this second installment of the series, Pastor Mathew exposits Jonah 1:1-3 (the book's opening scene).

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | July 19th, 2023

Jul 28, 202335:52
Jonah - Introduction

Jonah - Introduction

Beginning a new series on the Book of Jonah, Pastor Mathew begins with an introduction. In this introduction, Mathew addresses the historical context of the book, the authorship of the book, and the major themes within the book.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | July 12th, 2023

Jul 28, 202341:00
Parable of the Rich Fool

Parable of the Rich Fool

In this message, Pastor Mathew teaches on the parable of the foolish rich man in Luke 12:13-21. Through this parable, Jesus addresses those who live for and trust in material wealth.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | June 7th, 2023

Jul 20, 202339:28
Daniel 12

Daniel 12

In this final chapter in the Book of Daniel, the explanation of Daniel's final vision is concluded. The explanation recorded in this chapter provides several new details relating to the time of the end as well as several points of encouragement for the true and learning believer. Join Pastor Mathew as he exposits Daniel 12 and concludes this series.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | May 31st, 2023

Jul 09, 202347:09
Daniel 11 (Part 3)

Daniel 11 (Part 3)

Click here for a working timeline of the Antichrist's activities.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | May 24th, 2023

Jul 09, 202344:39
Daniel 11 (Part 2)

Daniel 11 (Part 2)

Continuing from the previous message, Pastor Mathew covers Daniel 11:13-20. Beyond an overview of the details in these verses, an interesting question arises concerning this section of the prophecy. Are the details of verses 13-20 fulfilled during the days of the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Kingdoms, or are they fulfilled near the time of the end? Listen as Pastor Mathew highlights a few interesting observations.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | May 17th, 2023

Jun 26, 202338:25
Daniel 11 (Part 1)

Daniel 11 (Part 1)

Daniel 11 provides the angelic explanation of the vision that caused Daniel distress in the previous chapter, and it is the most detailed prophecy in the Book of Daniel. The prophecy of Daniel 11 covers thousands of years of history, and the level of detail is so precise that it can only come from God. In this message, Pastor Mathew covers Daniel 11:1-12.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | May 10th, 2023

Jun 26, 202341:20
Daniel 10

Daniel 10

Daniel 10 introduces the final vision in the Book of Daniel. In addition to introducing this final vision and providing context for this final vision, Daniel 10 provides some fascinating insight into the interplay between the nations of the world and the spiritual realm. Listen as Pastor Mathew exposits this interesting chapter.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | May 3rd, 2023

Jun 09, 202336:54
Prophetic Gaps in Scripture
Jun 09, 202334:45
Daniel 9 (Part 2)
May 31, 202344:58
Daniel 9 (Part 1)

Daniel 9 (Part 1)

Moving to Daniel 9, this message looks at the context of Daniel 9 as well as Daniel's significant prayer in this chapter. The structure and nature of Daniel's prayer, which is remarkably similar to the Lord's prayer taught by Jesus, can serve as a model of prayer for all believers. Listen as Pastor Mathew exposits this very applicable portion of the Book of Daniel.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | April 19th, 2023

May 24, 202339:47
Interpreting Biblical Prophecy
May 24, 202338:00
Daniel 8 (Part 2)

Daniel 8 (Part 2)

In this message, Pastor Mathew finishes Daniel 8. In keeping with the interpretation that the little horn of Daniel 8 is the eschatological Antichrist, the remainder of Daniel 8 provides even more information about the rise and personal characteristics of the Antichrist.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | April 12th, 2023

May 15, 202343:30
Time of the End - Chronology

Time of the End - Chronology

Click here for an updated and more detailed time of the end chronology chart.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | April 9th, 2023

May 11, 202338:13
Daniel 8 (Part 1)

Daniel 8 (Part 1)

Daniel 8 introduces a new vision that came to Daniel about two years after the vision in Daniel 7. This vision in Daniel 8, although involving the Greek and Persian Empires, has a primary focus on an individual called the "little horn." Historically, the "little horn" in Daniel 8 has been interpreted as Antiochus IV Epiphanes. However, as Pastor Mathew moves through this chapter, he will seek to demonstrate that the little horn in Daniel 8 is the same little horn of Daniel 7, the Antichrist who will come to power at the end of the age.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | April 5th, 2023

May 04, 202343:08
Daniel 7 (Part 2)

Daniel 7 (Part 2)

In this episode, Pastor Mathew covers the remainder of Daniel 7, where the primary focus turns to two rival persons: the Son of Man and the little horn of the fourth beast. Listen to discover what the vision of Daniel 7 reveals about these two persons.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | March 29th, 2023

Apr 27, 202342:27
Daniel 7 (Part 1)

Daniel 7 (Part 1)

Daniel 7 is the hinge in the Book of Daniel, combining what came before (Daniel 1-6) with a new orientation in the book. Daniel 7 begins a series of visions that came directly to Daniel and that would be focused on both the spiritual forces behind nations and the future of God's people. In this first message on Daniel 7, Pastor Mathew covers the vision of the four beasts.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | March 22nd, 2023

Apr 19, 202341:32
Daniel 6 (Part 2)

Daniel 6 (Part 2)

In this second installment of Daniel 6, Pastor Mathew teaches on Daniel and his deliverance from the lions' den. In life there are really only two choices. We can live for our own desires and glory and face a judgment that is more severe than we think we deserve, or we can live for God's desires and glory, which will bring deliverance and blessing beyond what we actually deserve. Daniel chose the second.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | March 15th, 2023

Apr 11, 202338:37


Persecution is a significant theme in the Book of Daniel, and if you are a true follower of God, the experience of some form of persecution is unavoidable. In this message, Pastor Mathew introduces the topic of persecution, focusing on its inevitability and the causes that lead to it. A better understanding of persecution should help one endure it when (not if) it comes.

East Memorial Student Ministry | Pastor Mathew Wronski | March 5th, 2023

Apr 05, 202336:55