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EMBRACE Meat and Potatoes

EMBRACE Meat and Potatoes

By Embrace

Meat and Potatoes is a fluid, spiritually inclined, open-ended, and Islamically-oriented podcast where we get into the “meat and potatoes” of the discussion. We don’t waste any time with the appetizer and go straight for the entree, focusing on the heartiest morsels on the plate! Our discussions are fun and casual while highlighting contemporary lessons from various ahadith, narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), all of which are from authentic sources.
Currently playing episode

5 Rights of a Believer

EMBRACE Meat and PotatoesDec 15, 2021

Our First Ramadan

Our First Ramadan

In the season 1 finale of Meat & Potatoes, the M&P crew share some of their first Ramadan experiences when they converted to Islam: the highs, lows, and all the laughs and tears in between!

Feb 15, 202240:22
Ramadan: The Month of Opportunity

Ramadan: The Month of Opportunity

In episode 10 of M&P, the crew discusses how the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) would prepare for Ramadan and  some of their own tips and tricks on how to best prepare for the blessed month and get the most out of it!   

Feb 08, 202238:31
Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Feb 01, 202242:13
Look After the Widows and the Poor

Look After the Widows and the Poor

Look After the Widows and the Poor

Jan 26, 202239:17
Small Deeds, Big Reward

Small Deeds, Big Reward

Welcome to another delicious episode of Meat & Potatoes! In this episode, the M&P crew discuss developing Islamic habits, keeping one's spouse satisfied, and not trivializing the small stuff! This episode's hadith:  

 "In acts of intimacy from each of you, there is a sadaqah (charity with the expectation of reward from Allah)." The Companions replied: "O Messenger of God! When one of us fulfills his sexual desire, will he be given a reward for that?" And he said, "Do you not think that were he to act upon it unlawfully, he would be sinning? Likewise, if he acts upon it lawfully, he will be rewarded"  -Muslim  

Jan 18, 202239:44
Time Waits for No One

Time Waits for No One

Welcome back for another delicious episode of Meat & Potatoes! In this episode, the M&P crew discuss having the proper intention when doing good deeds, thinking long-term, and the true meaning of living today like its your last! 

This episode's hadith: Anas ibn Malik reported The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “If the Resurrection were established upon one of you while he has in his hand a sapling, then let him plant it.” (Musnad Aḥmad 12491)  

Jan 11, 202241:01
The Three Levels of Activism

The Three Levels of Activism

Welcome back to the Dinner Table! In this episode of M&P, Abdur-Rasheed and Daniel are joined by special dinner guest Imam Wesley Lebron on activism and using emotional intelligence when addressing wrongs seen in the community. This episode's hadith:  On the authority of Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]  

Jan 04, 202243:34
Spread Peace

Spread Peace

The M&P crew have their first "dinner guest", Ustadth Isa ibn Matta, join them for a discussion on claiming disbelief in others, judging other Muslims, and the difference between judgement and advice.  This episode's hadith:

Usamah ibn Zayd reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, sent us on an expedition. In the morning we attacked Al-Huraqat of Juhaynah. I caught hold of a man and he said, “There is no god but Allah!” but I stabbed him. Then it occurred to me that I should mention that to the Prophet. The Prophet said, “Did he say ‘there is no god but Allah’ and you killed him?” I said, “O Messenger of Allah, he only said it fearing the weapon.” The Prophet said, “Did you tear open his heart to know if he meant it or not?” The Prophet continued to repeat this to me until I had wished I had not embraced Islam until that day

Dec 28, 202136:36
Matters of the Heart

Matters of the Heart

The M&P crew have their first "dinner guest", Ustadth Isa ibn Matta, join them for a discussion on claiming disbelief in others, judging other Muslims, and the difference between judgement and advice.  This episode's hadith:

Usamah ibn Zayd reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, sent us on an expedition. In the morning we attacked Al-Huraqat of Juhaynah. I caught hold of a man and he said, “There is no god but Allah!” but I stabbed him. Then it occurred to me that I should mention that to the Prophet. The Prophet said, “Did he say ‘there is no god but Allah’ and you killed him?” I said, “O Messenger of Allah, he only said it fearing the weapon.” The Prophet said, “Did you tear open his heart to know if he meant it or not?” The Prophet continued to repeat this to me until I had wished I had not embraced Islam until that day

Dec 21, 202139:31
5 Rights of a Believer

5 Rights of a Believer

Abu Hurayrah (RA) said that the Prophet (PBUH) said: The Muslim has five rights over his fellow-Muslim: he should return his salaams, visit him when he is sick, attend his funeral, accept his invitation, and pray for mercy for him [say Yarhamuk Allaah] when he sneezes. (al-Bukhaari, Muslim)

Dec 15, 202138:01
Love for Your Brother

Love for Your Brother

It's Supper Time! Welcome to Embrace Meat & Potatoes, a spiritually inclined, fluid, and open ended discussion-based podcast where we dive into the "meat and potatoes" of matters facing the average Muslim, pulling out major contemporary lessons from an authentic hadith, or narration of the Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings be upon him! Meet your dinner hosts: brothers Abdur-Rasheed Jasur, Rashid Thomas, Daniel Rebholz, and Kenneth Misurella! In our first episode, the M&P crew discuss the true meaning of love between Muslim brothers and sisters, the Golden Rule, and the impact of jealousy on the heart. 

This episode's hadith: "On the authority of Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik (RA) — the servant of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: None of you [truly] believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself." - [Al-Bukhari] [Muslim] Hadith 13, 40 Hadith an-Nawawi  

A new episode is available every Tuesday at 12 am PT/ 2 am CT/ 3 am ET  

Dec 07, 202135:20