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"The Fruit Snacks Podcast" with Emily Wardrop, the T1D Moms Coach

"The Fruit Snacks Podcast" with Emily Wardrop, the T1D Moms Coach

By Emily Wardrop

Emily Wardrop from Drop the War Life Coaching is an Advanced Certified Peaceful Parenting Life Coach who loves to help all the moms believe that they Are a Good Mom!
She is the "T1D Moms Coach" helping Moms who have a child with Type 1 Diabetes manage themselves while managing their child's diabetes. She helps these warrior Moms feel less stress, scared, and sad and start feeling more calm, confident, and connected.
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35. Hope: Advice for a Crazy Grandma

"The Fruit Snacks Podcast" with Emily Wardrop, the T1D Moms CoachMay 14, 2024

37. BE Your Authentic Self
May 28, 202417:21
36. Grace: Let Yourself Off the Hook
May 21, 202413:35
35. Hope: Advice for a Crazy Grandma

35. Hope: Advice for a Crazy Grandma

My neighbor's granddaughter just got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes so she reached out to me for advice.

I went right over to her house to have a chat and mostly I just wanted to share hope with her. Hope that everything is going to be ok.

Isn't that what we all want to hear?

We're all going through hard. and we just want someone to witness the hard with us. Validate that we're not crazy for thinking and feeling what we are and that everything is going to be ok.

That is what this episode is today.

Hope that it's all going to be ok.

Because it is!

What's the worst case scenario?...

(yes i know what you're thinking)

And Jesus Christ has even overcome death!

So literally, no matter what, it is all going to be ok.

There will be a lot of hard and a lot of emotions to navigate all along the journey. But just as we discussed last week, not only can you have joy in the journey, you can live in an overarching state of Hope!

May 14, 202415:47
34. Peace and Joy

34. Peace and Joy

Sounds like Christmas around here this week!

But who wouldn't want more Peace and Joy all year round?

So today we are going to dive into the HOW of doing just that.

At Drop the War Life Coaching we are all about dropping the power struggle wars with our T1D Kiddos to create more Peace in our Parenting!

Peace is an overarching state of being that you can experience even amidst the chaos of kids and diabetes and life.

So is Joy. We don't need to feel bad that we don't feel happy all the time. But we can feel joy even amidst all of the other human emotions that we are feeling all day- and night!

Learn more in today's episode. Where we dive deep into the source of all True Joy- Jesus Christ! The Prince of Peace Himself.

May 07, 202418:34
33. Give up Control
Apr 30, 202426:11
32. How is your Relationship with your T1D Kiddo?
Apr 23, 202426:50
31. What DO you want?
Apr 16, 202416:21
30. Resonance Vs Dissonance

30. Resonance Vs Dissonance

There is SO much information coming at us at all times!

We have to develop the filter in our brains and bodies to determine whether someone else's thoughts jive with us or not.

We need to determine whether we are feeling resonance or dissonance with any particular idea.

In a world so saturated with voices, we need to develop the skill of hushing all the outside noise and getting in touch with our own inner wisdom.

God who made our minds and bodies is trying to communicate truth to our spirits through His Spirit and we must learn how to Hear Him!

We don't want to just blindly believe any and everything we see and hear.

We must be sure to be following The only true Shepherd. Not just group thinking into any herd of cattle drinking whatever koolaid whichever influencer is offering at the moment.

As a parent and especially as a T1D Mom, there is so much information out there on how to take care of your loved one, but YOU are the best suited parenting expert for you and your family!

When you hear advice or read a post or see a meme, ask yourself if it is something you'd like to beat yourself up with or if it is actually useful.

Don't just scroll mindlessly pouring content into your subconscious mind.

Be intentional about what you do and don't believe and what works and what doesn't for you and your family.

You've got this, Momma!

Apr 09, 202428:29
29. "Broken"

29. "Broken"

Do you feel broken?

Are there some thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that are just so hard for you to change?

Jesus wants us to bring our broken hearts and lay them on His altar in order for Him to bind them up!

He is the way, the truth, and the light. He is the master healer. He can and will work miracles in your life just as he did for the broken back in his day.

In Old Testament times, God's covenant people were required to offer animal sacrifices that were unblemished. These perfect offerings were symbolic of the Perfect Son of God who would come to take away the sins of the world.

We were never expected to cleanse ourselves from sin.

Only an atoning sacrifice from a perfect offering could do that.

Christ came and fulfilled that law of Moses and now requires of us a Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit to be placed on the altar as a sacrifice for our sins.

We only need to humble ourselves and give our shame up to His Grace!

He wants to heal our broken hearts.

We have to submit them to Him and He will heal us!

It is a lifelong process full of mistakes and repairs.

That is how we grow and develop and get stronger.

Through Christ who strengthens us!

It's ok that you're broken. You're supposed to be. It's all part of the plan to make you stronger.

Let Jesus save you.

It's the only way.

Apr 02, 202432:47
28. "Shame Parenting vs Grace Parenting" with Kurt Francom
Mar 26, 202435:58
27. Co-Dysregulation
Mar 19, 202422:46
26. "Redefining Identity" with MY Parenting Coach, Lisa Smith

26. "Redefining Identity" with MY Parenting Coach, Lisa Smith

Lisa Smith is "The Peaceful Parent" and she is MY parenting coach!

I've been working with Lisa since 2018ish so she has had a huge influence on how I parent and how I coach. I've adopted so many brilliant concepts from her like "get curious not furious" and that we need to scuba dive down under the behavior to find out what's really going on for our kids.

I was so honored recently to be a guest on her podcast "Real World Peaceful Parenting" and this episode is that interview.

In our chat I share a little about my peaceful parenting journey. Thought work, feeling work, identity work, and nervous system work. Whoosh! That's a lot of work! Sounds exhausting!! But it is fun and work worth doing!

If you are ready to join the fun, we can get started with a FREE coaching session today!

Mar 12, 202438:33
25. Establishing Safety in our Minds and Bodies
Mar 05, 202433:18
24. Feeling Less Scared Part 2

24. Feeling Less Scared Part 2

Last week we started talking about how to feel less scared.

I have much more to say on the subject so join us today for How to Feel Less Scared Part 2!

We are digging a little deeper into our nervous systems to explain why sometimes thought work by itself isn't quite enough to get us feeling less scared.

When our brains are hijacked by our nervous system, we need to use a different set of tools.

Listen in to today's episode to learn more.

Feb 27, 202422:09
23. How to Feel Less Scared
Feb 20, 202431:42
22. How to get the Valentine's Day that YOU WANT

22. How to get the Valentine's Day that YOU WANT

Valentin's Day is tomorrow and I want to help you get the experience that YOU WANT!

Listen in for all the tips tricks and tools to have the BEST Valentine's Day EVER!

Because You ARE a Good Mom!

And when you believe that, you can receive the love and compliments from everyone else around you.

Happy Valentine's Day, my friends!!

Be sure to listen TODAY so that you can make it all that you want it to be!

Feb 13, 202421:52
21. Doing God's Will with T1D

21. Doing God's Will with T1D

Happy Birthday to Me!

I have a birthday gift for each of YOU to celebrate! 🎉

Go to the App store on your phone and download The Book of Mormon app and follow along with me as I share one of my favorite treasures in this, Another Testament of Jesus Christ!

We believe the Bible and have been studying the Old and New Testaments the past couple years and now we are diving deep into Another Testament!

Did you know that there is ANOTHER Testament!?

Who wouldn't want MORE prophets testifying of Christ and learning more about the true nature of God and His relationship with US, his children?!!

Happy Birthday! 🎁 🎈 🎂 You're welcome!

So. What we're learning from the miraculous treasure that is The Book of Mormon today is about DOing God's Will with Diabetic kiddos.

I believe in a LOVING God with a perfect plan for our eternal progression.

I do not believe in a God who punishes but who has an omniscient view and knows what is needful for us!

He does NOT Give us trials, temptations, weakness, commandments, tests, tribulations, and hard times from vengeance or self-aggrandizement.

I believe that everything we go through in this life is for our learning, growth, and development. And that growth does NOT come in ease!

He does, in fact, lighten our burdens and carry our sorrows through Christ who strengthens us, IF we will just remember, believe, surrender, and allow that to happen.

When we hit the hard stuff, how do we respond?

Feb 06, 202425:16
20. "Our T1D Story" with my hubs Creed Wardrop
Jan 30, 202426:08
19. How to Stop Resisting Your ANGER

19. How to Stop Resisting Your ANGER

Anger is an emotion.

And if you want to believe that no emotions are "Bad"

Then listen in!

Today we explore how emotions don't need to be a moral issue.

You ARE Good!

You are not your emotions.

You are feeling Angry. Ok. That's fine. What is anger trying to tell you?

What are the more vulnerable feelings underneath and what are they trying to tell you?

All of this is the fun work we do in coaching.


But what about in the heat of the moment?!

Just FEEL Angry.



And won't that negatively affect those around me?


Not if you do it in a healthy way.

This is what we are discussing today and to actually make it a discussion instead of me just rambling to myself, DM me on instagram or go to to actually chat on zoom! I'd love to get to know you and help you really apply all this theory to your actual life so that you don't have to stuff all your feelings forever until Elisa Fucci does her magic breath-work session with you to clear them out. And ps, for sure DM her on instagram also to learn more about all of that!!

I promise, it's ok to feel however you are feeling.

It might FEEL bad but it doesn't make YOU Bad!!

And really, it just feels.

So feel the feel.

Resisting it is what feel bad.

Let's try it together.

Reach out!

I'm a good time! 🤪

Jan 23, 202429:06
18. Energy Part 2
Jan 16, 202425:30
17. Energy Part 1

17. Energy Part 1

Energy is one of your most important resources.

We often think of time and money as limited resources that run out and need to be replenished, but what about your own personal energy?

How to you restore your own energy?

How to you rally to have more when you need more?

Where does energy come from?

Why does it seem to run out so fast sometimes?

We discuss these questions and so much more in this first half of our podcast today.

As a mom of young kids and especially Type 1 Diabetic kiddos we have a LOT to DO and therefore we need a lot of energy!

But our energy gets zapped by the incessant worry and stress that keep us activated all day and all night!

So join me on this journey of calming our nervous systems, refueling our bodies, minds, and spirits in order to have enough and to spare energy to do all that is required of us to take care of our loved ones and ourselves!

Jan 09, 202430:17
16. Reframing New Years
Jan 02, 202420:30
15. Mirroring, Projecting, and Judging

15. Mirroring, Projecting, and Judging

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Day!

If not, sign up for a free coaching session immediately and we can work through some of the drama!

As we are on holiday breaks from school and work and spending more time together as a family, see if any of this has been coming up for you...

Have you noticed that your kids are like little mirrors showing you all of your worst attributes?

They are like mini personified versions of your characteristics that you've been trying to hide.

But they don't hide.

They yell and scream very loud for all the world to see.

No wonder we take it on as Mothers. We make our child's actions mean something about us. Because we can see where their actions are actually a reflection of what we gifted them either through nature or nurture.

But it doesn't have to be a problem.

We can use the reflected image as a useful self-awareness tool if we can inspect it with curiosity, love, and acceptance; not judgement.

And speaking of judgement, usually what we judge as wrong in someone else, is probably something we are working on within ourselves also. Again, a helpful awareness tool. We might be projecting our own insecurities onto them and judging them for it.

In this episode we dig deeper into judging, projecting, and mirroring.

If you are being triggered by something that someone else is doing, let's explore it and see if any of these three concepts are at play to learn more about your amazing self.

Sign up for a complimentary coaching session at and we can work through it together! See ya there :)

Dec 26, 202317:03
14. Merry Coaching Christmas with Jody Moore
Dec 19, 202334:30
11. Connection for Cooperation

11. Connection for Cooperation

We can drop some power struggles completely by picking our battles.

But the diabetes war can't be dropped completely.

So after we've picked our battles, there are still non-negotiable things that need to get done in order to manage our child's diabetes.

That is when connection for cooperation comes in.

We do need them to cooperate sometimes.


Through connection.

So in today's episode we discuss ways of building connection with our T1D kiddo. Listen in and then sign up for your complimentary coaching session where we can put all this theory into practice to start getting you the cooperation you need! You've got this, Momma!

Dec 12, 202319:32
10. Drop the Power Struggle Wars
Dec 08, 202316:51
13. "Your Relationship with Diabetes" with Andelin Price

13. "Your Relationship with Diabetes" with Andelin Price

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I sure am thankful for all of you listeners!! Thank you for supporting the podcast! Thank you for listening, sharing, rating, and reviewing. Your support really helps us support all other T1D Moms around the globe!

In honor of diabetes awareness month, I am re-airing this fun episode with guest host, Andelin Price.

You know that you have a relationship with your child, but did you know that you have a relationship with their Type 1 Diabetes also? 

In this episode fellow life coach Andelin Price and I chat about our experiences having children with T1D and how life coaching tools have helped us manage ourselves as we manage our child's diabetes. 

The way we think about the disease matters and it can make it harder or easier on you as the Mom.

Whether your child has T1D or not, the principles discussed in this episode can be applied to any struggle you are dealing with. 

Please forward this podcast to any Moms you know that do have children with Type 1 Diabetes, there is so much additional suffering that can be eliminated as we work together to manage our relationships with Diabetes! 

And spread the word about my new T1D Mom Support Group Calls that are starting next Tuesday February 21st at 9:30 AM Mountain Time.
Use this link to sign up for the free T1D moms support group call where you can come and get rejuvenated. We need to take the time for ourselves to fill our own cups in order to have anything to pour into our children. We are building an uplifting community of Moms going through similar struggles where we can all strengthen each other as we go. 

For more help from Andelin, check her out on  her Website:

Marriage Bites! Podcast


And when you're ready to take all this theory to the next level and actually appy it in your life to drop the war and create more peace in your parenting, sign up here for a free complimentary coaching session!

Nov 28, 202330:51
12. "Raising a Son with Type 1 Diabetes" with Dr. Sheila Owens-Collins, MD MPH MBA,

12. "Raising a Son with Type 1 Diabetes" with Dr. Sheila Owens-Collins, MD MPH MBA,

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week!

So Grateful to all of you for reading, listening, applying, and learning and growing with me on our journeys!

In honor of November being Diabetes Awareness Month, I am re-airing this interview episode with Dr OC. Enjoy!

I am the T1D Moms Coach.

Two of my five kids have been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in the past few years and so I love to support other moms with T1D children. Because we do SO much to keep our kids healthy and well, but how much time and energy does that leave for us to take care of ourselves? And if we don't do it, who will?

And, of course, the mental and emotional load of caring for young kids is taxing enough but then add the constant stress, scared, and sad feelings and we've got quite the hot mess of a mom trying to manage her child's diabetes. Not ideal. We need clear minds and bodies ourselves in order to take care of everyone else. So I teach strategies to generate on purpose more feelings of connection, calm, and confidence instead!

So, I've got you Momma!

And today I have an extra special treat for you. Dr OC and I discuss her personal journey being a T1D Mom herself in addition to her pediatric career. And her son is all grown and doing amazing things in the T1D world now also! So it is really fun to be able to learn from her years of experience and "light at the end of the tunnel" perspective.

To join our Tuesday Morning T1D Mom Support Group Calls, get access to replays of past calls, and all my other T1D specific support, go to ⁠⁠

Dr. Sheila Owens-Collins, MD MPH MBA, is an accomplished and experienced pediatrician

with a subspecialty in neonatology. She is a dedicated clinician and health care executive who

has worked tirelessly for over 20 years to improve care coordination and foster healthier

outcomes through policy initiatives and quality of care. Dr. Owens-Collins has also conducted

extensive research on the social determinants of health that shape disparities in health outcomes.

Her passion for children's health was further galvanized when her oldest son was diagnosed with

Type 1 Diabetes at age 13, inspiring her to write the upcoming book “A Parent’s Guide to Type 1

Diabetes: Helping Your Child Balance the Highs and Lows” which will be released in June 2024.

Her son would go on to not only play football at Yale University but also make the All-Ivy

League Team his senior year; he is currently a Chief Resident in Psychiatry at Stanford,

specializing in sports psychiatry and neuroscience of resilience while speaking frequently on

subjects related to mental health such as burnout, resilience, and how exercise can bolster both

physical wellness and overall wellbeing. Dr. Owens-Collins’ vast knowledge, experience and

dedication make her one of the foremost voices advocating for improved children's healthcare today.

⁠Click Here⁠ to see Dr Roy Collins' presentation about using exercise to build resilience with physical and mental strategies to combat diabetes burnout.

And you can sign up for a complimentary coaching session with me here! Let's drop the war and start creating peace in your parenting

Nov 21, 202327:19
9. Jesus and Diabetes

9. Jesus and Diabetes

Jesus can help enable us to do the hard things that we have to do in the acute heat of the moments. And the eternal big picture that His plan presents can help give overview meaning to the long-term nature of our struggles.

In this episode we explore both. How the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring you peace amidst the chaos of diabetes and enable us to do the hard things that we cannot endure alone.

Nov 14, 202314:34
8. "Overwhelm, Worry, and Guilt" with Kristen Mattison
Nov 07, 202324:44
7. Living in Alignment with Your True Self
Oct 31, 202317:47
6. Halloween and T1D

6. Halloween and T1D

Having a child with type 1 diabetes and Halloween may cause a lot of mental drama. And that's where I come in! As your coach, I'm here to help you drop the war on that mental drama-even in regards to Halloween!

On this episode we explore a few of the possible problems that Halloween may be causing for you and yours.

There are a lot of people with a lot of opinions about how you should manage your child's diabetes around a night when kids go door to door getting buckets filled with candy.

As your coach I actually have no agenda on how you should handle it! Let me say that again!! It might be a breath of fresh air because most people do.

I believe that YOU are the parenting expert for your own children. Even your diabetic child. You are the expert on how to manage their diabetes. I am here to help you believe that.

Many are swirling in confusion about the whole thing. So many fiery opinions spinning around them and especially if this is your first Halloween since diagnosis, it might feel like a lot. Again, I've got you!

I will give you the gift of making a team decision with all those involved and the confidence to get your own back when that decision is questioned. Even by your own brain.

Halloween doesn't have to be the monster that it's made out to be. It's supposed to be fun. Let's take the stress out of it so you and your kiddo can enjoy!

Cause let's be honest, this is just the beginning of all the very sweetened holidays coming up. So let's get ahead of the drama before it swallows us up whole!

Head to to find a time for us to chat this week before the big day or even after if you want to talk about how it went and make plans for the future.

You are the expert. Let me help you feel like it.

Oct 24, 202321:22
5. Allowing Vs Resisting Emotions
Oct 17, 202319:17
4. T1D in The Model and in the AAA Battery Framework

4. T1D in The Model and in the AAA Battery Framework

Before we get too far into this new "Fruit Snack Podcast", we need to get a foundational working knowledge of two of my favorite coaching tools which I will refer to over and over in future episodes.

The first is "The Model" which Brooke Castillo trains us in at The Life Coach School and the second is my personal coaching framework which I refer to as the "Triple A Batteries"

The Model consists of 5 parts abbreviated as CTFAR






The troubles you are having with your child's diabetes all fall into one of these 5 categories.

T1D is your circumstance but it isn't a problem until you have problematic thoughts about it which causes feelings that drive less than ideal actions and those lead to the result that you're not happy with and that's when you come to me and we can change anything below that Circumstance of Diabetes to improve your life.

Maybe you're not happy with the way you're showing up or what you're feeling. And we blame diabetes for that. But the fact that your child's pancreas doesn't produce insulin anymore is not the problem. It's your thoughts about that fact. So that is where we need to explore.

And we do that exploring in the AAA framework.




The goal is to live in alignment with our highest truest holiest selves. And in order to get there, we must be aware of where we are not. But awareness without judgement; with acceptance.

Listen in to today's episode for more detail on both these coaching tools and use this episode as a reference guide through our journey in the future.

When you're ready to hash it all out for you and your individual thoughts, feelings, actions, and results, sign up for your complimentary coaching session at

And join our T1D Moms Support Group call every Tuesday morning at 9:30 AM Mountain Time

Link for the call and my "Top 3 Tips for T1D Moms" prerecorded masterclass at

Oct 10, 202314:20
3. Diabetes Parenting on the same TEAM, not the same page
Oct 03, 202311:38
Special Invitation to Conference

Special Invitation to Conference

There are many, many virtual conferences you can attend nowadays.

If you've never heard of General Conference, I am honored and excited to be the first to let you know that this is no ordinary conference of people with a similar interest getting together to learn more from experts and motivational speakers.

The General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is an opportunity to hear from the Lord's living Prophet and Apostles on the earth today!

Did you know we have a Moses among us now? A Noah? Abraham? Just like in days of old, God leads His church directly through prophets. and Just like when Jesus was on the earth, he has again called 12 Apostles to lead and guide in His name and under his direction.

Awesome, right?!

What does that have to do with being a T1D Mom? Come and find out! Life coaching tools and the gospel of Jesus Christ are the ways that I have best managed my own mental and emotional health while managing my girls' Diabetes. Without the strength that comes from Jesus, there is no way I could do what's required.

I know that He knows you, He knows what you're going through and He wants to help you! Come listen in to get your own inspiration on your life. When I talk about becoming your own personal expert on how to parent, this is a key to knowing how. We always want to look for outside sources to tell us what to do. Go internally, the Most Expert Source you can find on how to care for you and yours is He who created you all in the first place!

Go to to watch General Conference with us live all this weekend or the replays are always available there also!

Then hit me. up at Drop the War Life Coach on IG to chat about what you heard and more especially what you felt.

Sep 30, 202306:28
2. Guilt Energy
Sep 26, 202315:17
1. Panic Mode is as useful as the Glucagon Shot

1. Panic Mode is as useful as the Glucagon Shot

Welcome to the new "Fruit Snacks Podcast!"

I have been "The T1D Moms Coach" for awhile now and going forward my podcast is going to reflect more of our focus on diabetes here also.

The Believe you ARE a Good Mom podcast published at least one episode a week for exactly a year and now we are pivoting to focus more on the specific needs of our families who are managing their child's type 1 diabetes and need support in managing their own mental and emotional health along with this Herculean life long challenge that has been dropped into their lives.

If you don't have a child with diabetes, you are always welcome here and if you've enjoyed this podcast thus far, I'm sure you will still benefit from it and chances are, if you don't already, you will soon have loved ones in your sphere of influence that have been effected by T1D also so continue to listen and share. The principles I share can definitely still be applicable to you and yours also.

We are here to start feeling less scared, sad, and stressed and start feeling more calm, connected, and confident.

In today's intro to the fruit snack podcast, I want to start with befriending our nervous systems. We have all been through traumatic experiences as our child was diagnosed and our bodies remember those feelings as a threat. So now every time your dexcom beeps, your body interprets that as a reason to go into panic mode.

But panic mode is only as useful as your glucagon shot. Super important in case of an emergency, but not needed for the constant ups and downs on managing diabetes on a day to day basis.

Listen in to the episode to learn more and come join us every Tuesday morning live on zoom for our Free T1D Moms Support Group Call. Get the deets at

Sep 15, 202316:59
"Agency for Desire" with Dr Jennifer Finlayson-Fife
Sep 05, 202333:38
Aug 28, 202319:51
Get your own Heart
Aug 22, 202325:04
"Developing who you and your children ARE" with Laura Lines

"Developing who you and your children ARE" with Laura Lines

We can go through life following the rules that were handed to us.

Some of us are very good and this and have "successful" lives.

But do we love the life that was prescribed by others?

Maybe you feel lost in your life.

Maybe your children do too.

Developing who we actually ARE and then modeling that for our kids so that they can learn how to discover who they really are is a skill we are not usually taught.

Today I discuss this will Homeschool Mom Coach Laura Lines.

Laura tried doing public school until she and her husband realized that it didn't work for their family. She shares with us a little bit of her journey in that transition that has led to her own style of Heart Learning for her children.

Learning from the heart instead of the head helps us figure out who we really are, what our passions and interests are, and it makes learning fun and enjoyable.

If you are in a constant power struggle with your kiddos, they may need more autonomy to exercise their own agency in their life. This doesn't always look like home schooling but the principles we discuss in this episode can be applicable to all of us.

If you are interested in learning more about Laura's Heart Learning methods or just need a coach in your corner (who doesn't?) as you navigate figuring out what homeschooling could look like in your home, find Laura at:

HELD 3 Month Program:
Intro to Heart Learning Free Training

And as always, if you are ready for your FREE RBC (Relationship Boost Call) head over to and I'll see ya on zoom!

Aug 14, 202328:25
Emotional Waves

Emotional Waves

As a mom, we know our job is to take care of the physical needs of our kids. We clothe them, feed them, feed them again, more food, brush teeth, get good sleep, and on and on.

What about their emotional needs?

The best way to take care of your kids emotionally, is to take care of yourself emotionally. (and physically also, actually)

Learn more about how to raise your emotionally healthy family in our upcoming free virtual summit!

Sign up at

Back in the day, when just providing food for our families took all of our time and attention, physical needs was challenging enough. Now we can provide food in seconds and we have the challenge of managing our emotional needs instead.

When we don't know how to deal with emotions in a healthy way, we just want to get rid of them and our families can come up with some very unhealthy ways of coping. Me and 28+ other experts will help you in this summit to add to your tool belt of healthy emotional coping strategies.

The number one tool in your tool box that you can literally use anytime is your breath. In today's episode I use the metaphor of waves to learn more about how to manage our own emotions in order to model healthy habits for our kids.

Emotions literally ebb and flow through your body same as waves do. The more we know about how our bodies handle emotions, the less fear and resistance we have and the more we can let loose of our need to try to control ourselves and everyone around us in an effort to feel good. You don't have to feel good all the time. You were never meant to. All of the emotions are useful, even the ones that don't feel great. But if you're willing to feel them (not resist them, stuff them, avoid them etc) then you can get through the tunnel of the emotion and come out the other side back into the light.

Aug 07, 202324:22
"Raising Emotionally Healthy Families" with Emily Hamblin
Aug 01, 202326:56
"When we think we don't need help" with Mimi Porter

"When we think we don't need help" with Mimi Porter

Being a Mom can be very hard! And when we think that we are the only one who is struggling, it is also a very lonely hard time.

Some of us think that just because we had the desire to be a Mom, that would qualify us to know how to do it and do it well. Then we actually have kids and it's a huge wake-up call!

But it's hard to admit that we need support because everyone else looks like they are doing it all just fine and they don't need help.

I hope to pop this shame bubble that we put ourselves in.

On this episode, I have a delightful conversation with life coach Mimi Porter where we explore how our idealistic views of what life and motherhood were supposed to look like can get us into trouble.

We discuss the acronym for shame:






When we are a brand new mom, of course we have no idea what we're doing! And with every phase our children grow into, we are continually learning and trying new things. There is no point at which we can proclaim mastery in motherhood. AND you ARE still a Good Mom!

Listen in to learn more

And if you have a husband that you would like to introduce coaching to, Mimi is "In the Good Guy Corner"! She helps men who are struggling to love their lives even though they are a good guy and doing all the good things.

website: The Good Guy Corner
podcast: In The Good Guy Corner Podcast | The Good Guy Corner


Instagram: Mimi Porter, Podcaster, Master Coach (@thegoodguycorner) | Instagram


And if you are ready to get that support that we all need as busy stressed out Moms, let's hop on zoom for a free chat.

Jul 26, 202327:31
"Brain Injuries" with Bethany Lewis
Jul 18, 202331:14
You don't have to let the weeds take over your life

You don't have to let the weeds take over your life

Every week I host a free T1D Moms support group call for fellow moms with kids that have Type 1 Diabetes. If no one else comes on the call, I share an idea that has been helping me and post it on our replay page. Today I'm sharing that video with all of you here on the podcast.

This week on the support group call (and on IG and in "Wednesday Wisdom with Emily Wardrop" to sign up for my weekly email) I've been exploring the metaphor of weeds in our lives.

The diabetes diagnosis can become like a very intrusive weed that takes over your life. If you're not a T1D Mom, you still surely have some sort of trial or hardship that feels like weeds in the garden of your life.

You do have options with the weeds of life. You can ignore the way you're thinking about them and they will unintentionally take over. You can continue to "water the weeds" by focussing on the rough parts in a negative way. You can argue with the reality of the situation, complain about it incessantly, and choke everyone else with the weeds also. Or you can deliberately change the way you see the trial and find the beauty in the hard.

It is literally a choice. There are circumstances in life that we would never choose, but how you think and feel about those circumstances is what creates your results. You do have infinite choices in that only realm you have control of. Your own thoughts and feelings. It depends on how you look at it.

If you'd like support with intentionally choosing how to think about the hard in your life, sign up for your free RBC (relationship boost call) at

And if you or someone you know has a child with Type 1 Diabetes, send them to to sign up for the calls and all the other T1D Family resources to help you manage your own mental and emotional state as you manage your child's diabetes.

Jul 14, 202315:27
"A Hint of Hot Mess" with Liz and Holly
Jul 06, 202331:31
"How Trauma is Affecting Your Parenting" with Leah Davidson

"How Trauma is Affecting Your Parenting" with Leah Davidson

We've all heard of PTSD for veterans or car accidents but did you know that your own Mommy nervous system has been affected by legit traumatic experiences also?

Trauma is not about what happened but how you responded to it internally.

If you feel triggered throughout your day, you are experiencing a nervous system response that is understandable and with brain science on our side, we can actually reprogram our minds and bodies to react differently in the future.

Leah Davidson is the stress, burn out, and resilience coach and she has a professional background in healing traumatic brain injuries.

Every human on this planet experiences trauma. Our brains are designed to keep us safe and if we interpret a situation as unsafe, we will remember that so that we can stay safe in the future. This is an amazing and useful function of our brain but in our modern world, it can get overused.

Listen in to today's episode where Leah gives us practical takeaways of how we can start calming ourselves so that we can more effectively model this for our kids and help them co-regulate to learn these useful skill also.

Leah Davidson is a Certified Life Coach, Professional Resilience Coach and Consultant.  She  is also a registered Speech Language Pathologist and has spent over two decades working in the area of traumatic  brain injury and cognitive communication. Leah has acquired extensive training and certifications in various areas such as polyvagal theory, neuroplasticity, Pain Reprocessing Therapy, EFT, and Breathwork. She is the host of the Building Resilience Podcast and the creator of Advanced Training for Nervous System Resilience, designed for coaches and helping professionals. Leah's coaching expertise lies in resolving and preventing burnout, stress, and compassion fatigue. She empowers  individuals to regulate their nervous system, manage their mindset, and cultivate resilience so that they can  lead a life filled with joy and purpose.  Leah lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with her husband Rob and they have a blended family with 5 children. She loves to learn, grow, hike, read, travel and spend time with friends and family. You can find her on instagram and Facebook at @leahdavidsonlifecoaching and her website is

Jun 30, 202337:04
Do what You WANT to do!

Do what You WANT to do!

How is your summer break going?

Are your kids driving you crazy? (get my Secrets to Keeping your Sanity here)

What do You WANT your summer to look like?

What do YOU Want to do?!

Let's find out and then do it!

I promise, it's not selfish to take care of your own needs.

You are a person also.

Yes you love your kids, yes they need you and you want to do what they want to do.

But what are your true desires? Who are You?

Let's find out!

Learn more in today's episode and then hit me up for a free zoom chat to get individualized help to make sure this is the BEST Summer Evs!!

Jun 23, 202323:08