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The Missionaries Podcast

The Missionaries Podcast

By Emmy Foundation

As a Christian development worker / missionary, you experience a lot, a lot. And although the work is great to do, it is not always just fun and games. Its work. You go over mountains and through valleys, and you work for a special employer: God. And God is always(!) there to help, and He will use everything for His glory.

That’s what we want to share with this podcast series. Tell the stories, how did it go, what did we experience, and we testify of what it has done for His glory and for the encouragement and teaching of others.
Currently playing episode

The little red bicycle and unbelief.

The Missionaries PodcastDec 06, 2022

You’ll never really get back home again..

You’ll never really get back home again..

If you lived in another country for, say, a year or more, and you do get back to your ”home country”, you might run into the situation that your “home country” does not feel like “home” anymore. Maybe not at all. You changed, your “home country” might have changed as well, and that is a thing you need to be aware of, in order to deal with it. But, is that bad…. Or is it a blessing?!

Jan 23, 202401:05:18
Culture shock!
Oct 25, 202348:19
Why (practiced) theology does matter!

Why (practiced) theology does matter!

Why is it so important that you have your own knowledge of God and God's word in good order BEFORE you go to the mission field, and how do you keep that up to date while you are on the mission field and how could it be, that it seems that this is not a primary topic in some organizations, and how can we improve that? A very fascinating Podcast with Pastor Kent Staton! For more info on this podcast series, see:

Oct 10, 202334:42
Being a missionary and “money”…

Being a missionary and “money”…

How do you deal with money as a missionary? Not only on the income side, but also on the spending part. What are the pitfalls, and who is there to know? An exciting Podcast to say the least. Also, take a look at which is about Financial Discipleship and contains an excellent course for missionaries on the theme of fundraising. Both highly recommended! For more info about this podcast series, please go to:

Oct 03, 202344:20
Holiday for a Missionary?

Holiday for a Missionary?

Vacation, leisure time, rest... how do you do that as a missionary or pastor? Why is it necessary, and how does it work? What are the pitfalls for you, but also for those around you? An intriguing podcast! For more info about this podcast, see:

Sep 21, 202340:46
Where does God want me to go?

Where does God want me to go?

In one of the Missionaries Podcast, we talked about if you are being called as a Christian to tell the gospel to others. The answer to that was very clear, so now the question remains... where does God want me to go as a missionary and what does God want me to do as a Christian to tell the gospel to others.

And that's a critical question and something that you have to figure out, with God, before you do anything in missions. (in whatever form that is) To answer that question, we made a special podcast for you. It's a long answer / podcast this time, but please listen to the very end... it's critical for God's glory, your future and it's worth it. Enjoy, God bless and if you have any questions, please let us know.

For more on this Podcast, see:

Sep 11, 202301:05:30
Do not be discouraged

Do not be discouraged

An interview with Kevin Lee. He is handing out tracks, all across the globe on his bicycle! How does he keep motivated, where does he get the power from so he does not get discouraged. For more info about this Podcast, see: and for more info about Kevin, see:

Jun 28, 202336:13
Are you being called? (into missions)

Are you being called? (into missions)

We often hear the question: are you being called by God to evangelize / to tell God's great news to others? In this first part of this podcast series about calling and going into missions, we share some bible verses about that question and some of the things we see around us when people ask that question / are being asked that question. For more info on this podcast, see:

Apr 28, 202330:39
Pastor's Kids, AKA PK's / Missionary's kids aka MK's. Lets talk about this... it's needed.
Mar 05, 202353:40
Discipleship as a missionary
Mar 01, 202334:51
Priorities, how do you deal with them?

Priorities, how do you deal with them?

A Podcast that we somehow had to make…. a Podcast about priorities. You know that song “Working 9 to 5”? So much to do, but only so much time and budget, how do you make sure you set the right priorities and don't go crazy? For more info about this podcast, what we do and how you can help us, see: 

Feb 19, 202334:16
The bus, Noah and more....

The bus, Noah and more....

The remarkable story about a food bus for the homeless, who does shares more than "just" food. A great message about ways to serve God. For more info on the food bus, see: and for more info about this podcast series, see:

Dec 23, 202238:47
Do you really need to go to another country to go into missions?
Dec 23, 202235:25
What are you going to say, when there is nothing left to say?

What are you going to say, when there is nothing left to say?

Sometimes you hear and see people struggling... the problems are huge... What are you going to say, when there is nothing left to say? For more info, see: 

Dec 23, 202217:50
The Christmas Quiz!
Dec 18, 202225:35
The little red bicycle and unbelief.

The little red bicycle and unbelief.

Sometimes things happen in life, and you ask God why!? Why did this happen? This is a story about a plan that, at first, didn't work out... but God had a plan... a bigger and better plan. For His glory. For more info, see:

Dec 06, 202227:30
What is missions and why this podcast? Pilot and intro.
Nov 28, 202214:25