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Emotional Talk

Emotional Talk

By Jay Roberts

Welcome to Emotional Talk, where we talk about emotions in a way you've probably never thought about before.

Join creator Jay Roberts as he discusses the science of emotions and how you can use your emotions to free your mind and even relieve yourself from deep emotional struggle.

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#15 - Should You Ever Message Back Angry?

Emotional TalkMay 04, 2020

#28 - To Judge or Not Be Judged? - That Is The Question!

#28 - To Judge or Not Be Judged? - That Is The Question!

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You're going to get judged by others It's a fact of life and one that you have to accept.  But you know’re going to judge other people too.  You can’t help it. Even at a subconscious level, you are frequently making small judgements and assumptions about people throughout the day. 

They don’t have to be mean judgements, or particularly large ones, but every single small detail of a person makes you create a picture that’s filled in with assumptions about that person’s life.  But every single judgement you make is totally inaccurate, because it’s only based on your own experiences, that are probably totally different to the person you’re judging.  

So on that idea that your judges of people are nothing more than imaginary, I want to focus on why people are so scared of being judged.  Because after all, if a person’s judgements are only based on their own ideas of the world and don’t mean anything to you, then why are you so scared of being judged by other people?  

May 18, 202003:09
#27 - Acceptance Is The Key To Self Improvement

#27 - Acceptance Is The Key To Self Improvement

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Imagine you’re going to take a trip to Los Angeles and you’re planning to set off from Houston.  You get your map ready, plan your route and set off, but it turns out that you were actually in New York the whole time.  

How quickly do you think you’re going to get confused and lost?  Your self improvement journey is exactly the same!  If you don’t accept where you are now, then you are never going to be able to properly and accurately plan your road to self improvement and recovery. By not accepting how much help you need, you will most likely end up trying to rush your progress and get completely derailed.  

So today, I want to look at the journey to self improvement and why it’s so key to fully and completely accept your current situation and restrictions, so that you can have a fruitful and properly planned road to your mental recovery.  

May 16, 202002:38
#26 - You Can Choose To Be Happy? Screw You!

#26 - You Can Choose To Be Happy? Screw You!

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This is probably a phrase that you have heard time and time again.  I’ve been through bouts of depression and serious anxiety, but whenever I tried to talk about it with anyone, people would often ask why am I living like that. Why aren’t I choosing to be happy?  

The question is insulting. If we could choose to be happy, then why would anyone live any other way?  Why would we have depression, sadness, a worldwide mental health epidemic, if being happy was as simple as flipping a switch?  

And it’s this subject that I want to touch on today and discover how we can work out a way towards happiness, if it isn’t simply a choice to be made.  

May 15, 202001:52
#25 - Head Into The Storm of Your Emotions

#25 - Head Into The Storm of Your Emotions

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It's natural to want to run from your problems and your fears.  

But I’m going to say something that will sound ridiculous. Something very out of the ordinary.  I think that you need to start heading into the storm of your emotions. Next time you have a terrible trauma or response, I don’t want you to avoid it and get through it.  

I want you to face it head on and truly engage in the emotions you’re feeling. Because I believe and swear by the Emotional Trigger Method, that this is the only way to begin truly healing from your emotional traumas.  

May 14, 202001:52
#24 - Why Postive Affirmations Don't Work

#24 - Why Postive Affirmations Don't Work

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Most of us have tried those special mantras and positive affirmations to help us improve our lives.  While so many self help teachers and books will tell you that positive affirmations are a great way to improve yourself, I have some bad news.  

Behavioural research shows that they rarely ever work and the reason is simple. There are often underlying unconscious feelings and traumas that are holding you back, which no positive messaging is going to change.  

But I don’t want to be negative, so today I want to talk about positive affirmations and how you can put them aside and start discovering techniques that can actually improve your life and make your more productive and happy.   

May 13, 202002:52
#23 - Wall To Wall Assholes

#23 - Wall To Wall Assholes

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One of my favourite writers Stewart Wilde once said: "Thank you lord for sending me wall to wall assholes,I'm gonna learn so much about myself".  This is the basis of today’s episode. 

I want to discuss the wall to wall assholes that you most likely have in your own life, and explore how the things that you hate in others can teach you so much about yourself.

May 12, 202002:36
#22 - Mirror Mirror On The Wall

#22 - Mirror Mirror On The Wall

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There’s a very popular concept in psychology called the Mirror. It’s the idea that all our thoughts and feelings about the world are simply a mirror of what we think and feel about ourselves.  

In this episode, I want to explore your own personal mirror. The reflection that you are projecting onto the world, that is affecting every thought you have.  

And today, we’re especially going to look at how your negative feelings towards others might just be a mirror into the things that you dislike about yourself and how you can go about changing them.   

May 12, 202002:32
#21 - How Can I Stop Taking My Baggage Into My New Relationships?

#21 - How Can I Stop Taking My Baggage Into My New Relationships?

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Trying not to bring emotional baggage from past relationships into new ones is one of the most common issues that we see when doing our EMT sessions.  

Whether it’s a new romantic relationship or a friendship, it can be hard to let the past go and truly learn to trust someone again after being hurt by someone.  But assuming that every new relationship will be the same as your old ones and letting the treacheries of the past cloud your judgement today is the quickest way to get in the way of your potential future happiness.  

It’s unfair on your new partner and it’s self destructive, so let’s take a look at how we can save you from a lifetime of pain, based on past hurts.   

May 10, 202003:41
#20 - They Upset Me!

#20 - They Upset Me!

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Following on from yesterday’s episode, I want to talk about how shifting the blame when you get upset can help you deal with the negative people in your life.  

“They Upset Me”. It’s something I hear all the time, especially from my own kids, but it’s a phrase that is so quick to blame the other party and put them at fault.  

Now I want you to think of it, not as they upset YOU, but that “YOU were upset by something that they said”. Do you see the difference. One is someone else’s fault, and in the second example, you take responsibility for your own emotional reaction. 

And taking responsibility for your own reactions can do wonders in giving you a thicker skin and helping you move past the insults of others, to become truly self improved and independent.

May 09, 202002:20
#19 - It Is NOT Your Fault!

#19 - It Is NOT Your Fault!

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It's Not Your Fault! It Just Isn't!

We have been constantly told it's our fault. We live in a blame culture now. You see it at work and at home. Maybe we blame others, or we are always being blamed for things that go wrong.

I know I have done it. Maybe you have too?

In this episode I want to explain how its not your fault, you aren't to blame for the things you do or say but how you can flick the switch, with a simple mindset shift to start to feel better and begin or continue your journey to a better you.

May 08, 202002:32
#18 - The Ultimate Knowledge Is Self Knowledge

#18 - The Ultimate Knowledge Is Self Knowledge

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I’m a huge Bruce Lee fan, so I wanted to kick off this week’s topic with a bit of wisdom from Bruce Lee himself. 

 “The Ultimate Knowledge Is Self Knowledge”  I learned this quote when I was in my teens, but it wasn’t until I was in my late 20s that I truly understood the power of this quote and it’s one of the things that helped me go on to create the Emotional Trigger Method.  

It’s this insight which can help you achieve your dreams, whether they’re finding love, hitting your career goals or discovering your passions - by learning about yourself, you can learn how to achieve what you want most.   

May 07, 202002:32
#17 - Why Self Awareness Isn't Emotional Self Awareness

#17 - Why Self Awareness Isn't Emotional Self Awareness

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Self awareness has become a new hot topic and people everywhere are discovering the benefits that can be learned from being self aware of your own flaws and strengths.  

However, I find that self awareness is being taught only within the realm of your abilities and talents - the things that you can do.  In this episode I want to flip the coin and take a look at the lesser talked about sibling to self awareness: Emotional Self Awareness. 

Let’s explore why emotional self awareness is much more fulfilling and rewarding for you to be able to open up and be truly vulnerable and honest with your loved ones.  

May 06, 202002:19
#16 - How Can I Be Vulnerable? (from a man's perspective)

#16 - How Can I Be Vulnerable? (from a man's perspective)

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In today’s episode, I want to talk about vulnerability. 

And I particularly want to talk about what it means to be vulnerable from a man’s perspective for other men.  As men, we’re taught to be very stoic and never appear weak, but the fact of the matter is that this is a very unhealthy and unsatisfying way to live, and the male suicide numbers absolutely prove that without a shadow of a doubt.  

So if you’re struggling to be vulnerable and don’t know how to do it, then take a listen and let’s talk about what it means to be vulnerable and get rid of the stigma.  

May 06, 202002:40
#15 - Should You Ever Message Back Angry?

#15 - Should You Ever Message Back Angry?

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One of the most common questions I’ve been asked by the people I’ve worked with is “Should I ever message back when I’m Angry?”  

And the simple answer is, no!  However, discovering the root cause of your anger and learning coping methods in order to resist writing back, even when you’re blinded with rage, is a tough barrier to overcome before you can effectively control your feelings.  

In this episode, I want to talk about how you can avoid writing back in a fit of rage and instead hold off for another day when you’ve calmed down. It’ll do you the world of good and save you from a life of headache. 

May 04, 202002:53
#14 - Why Do I Get So Upset When Someone Ignores Me?
May 03, 202002:54
#13 - Help! My Boss Has Annoyed Me
May 02, 202002:35
#12 - What To Do During A Panic Attack
May 01, 202003:01
#11 - How I Reversed My Fear of Heights In Just 15 Minutes
Apr 30, 202004:16
#10 - Why Do We Cry At Movies?
Apr 29, 202002:38
#9 - How To Avoid Avoiding Your Problems!
Apr 28, 202002:20
#8 - How You Can Reverse Your OCD
Apr 27, 202002:47
#7 - My Kids Annoy Me!
Apr 26, 202003:06
#6 - Is Crying Good For You?
Apr 25, 202003:44
#5 - Emotional Triggers
Apr 24, 202003:44
#4 - Shame & Guilt
Apr 23, 202003:09
#3 - How Emotions Connect To Events In Your Life
Apr 22, 202004:01
#2 - What Are Emotions?
Apr 21, 202003:52
#1 - Let's Talk About My Backstory
Apr 18, 202004:04