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Empowered Life Programs - Step into your power to create the life you desire!

Empowered Life Programs - Step into your power to create the life you desire!

By Michelle Douglas

Take a walk on the "woo-woo" side with Empowered Life Programs, where we talk about a range of topics such as manifestation, creating abundance, weight loss, improving health, loving yourself, mindset, the law of attraction, dating, and relationships, and so so much more!
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Manifesting: How to Harness the Power of the Akashic Records

Empowered Life Programs - Step into your power to create the life you desire!May 09, 2024

Unable to find love? This is why!

Unable to find love? This is why!

In today’s episode, we're going to explore why some people struggle to find love.

I discuss a few reasons why this may be, and then I walk you through some things you can do to help you manifest the love that you desire!

And finally, I mention my current free offer, Manifestation Decoded - a free course on manifesting your desires!

Visit for more information on the course.

May 30, 202412:12
How to Manifest: Does the Law of Attraction actually work?
May 19, 202408:52
One of the main things that keeps people stuck
May 13, 202407:55
Manifesting: How to Harness the Power of the Akashic Records
May 09, 202408:58
How to improve your life with your thoughts

How to improve your life with your thoughts

In this episode, we explore the profound impact of thoughts on our lives. Thoughts carry specific frequencies, and emitting negative frequencies can attract negative outcomes.

I share a number of tools you can apply to help you through the process of shifting your thoughts, and for further insights on these tools and more, my hubby and I are about to launch our online community!

Each week we will delve into these topics and more. What's even more exciting is that the first month is free! Keep your eyes open for when we announce the official launch!

Mar 11, 202403:57
Why you need to take responsibility for your problems

Why you need to take responsibility for your problems

In this 110th (!) episode, I dive deep into the essence of taking ownership of your problems.

I begin by unraveling the root causes of why you may encounter problems, shedding light on the universal nature of challenges and their role in personal growth.

Emphasising the distinction between taking responsibility and self-blame, I explore the act of acknowledging your part in your issues without casting judgment upon yourself.

I also illustrate what it truly means to take responsibility—viewing it as a powerful stance of empowerment rather than a burden.

Finally, I outline practical steps on how to gracefully accept this responsibility, initiating a transformative journey to help you on your way to manifesting your greatest desires!

By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the tools and mindset to effectively confront and move beyond your problems, paving the way for a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Watch this episode on YouTube:

Feb 28, 202412:36
How to stop getting in your own way with manifesting

How to stop getting in your own way with manifesting

In today's episode, we explore the common issue of self-sabotage when wanting to manifest a new experience, whether it's related to diet, exercise, business, or spirituality.

I discuss two main reasons you could be getting in your own way, and what you can do about that, starting today!

I don't know about you, but when it comes to manifesting, I want things to happen as fast as possible, with less effort, and less mess!

Feb 23, 202409:28
This is why many people don't achieve their goals

This is why many people don't achieve their goals

In this podcast episode, we dive deep into the reasons why many people fail to achieve their goals, focusing on the role of manifesting.

Despite its perceived complexity, manifesting is actually straightforward, revolving around the actionable "TEAM Formula" that I've coined.

This formula underscores the importance of aligning with teh three key elements to create desired outcomes. We also explore the major obstacles to achieving goals.

Through a practical example and a case study of "Sally," we illustrate how maintaining alignment and perseverance through adversity can lead to manifesting desired realities.

This episode offers valuable insights into manifesting effectively by staying true to your desires and making adjustments as needed.

Feb 17, 202415:40
How to rapidly manifest what you want

How to rapidly manifest what you want

If you've been chasing your dreams but find them always yet another step away, this episode will be a game-changer for you.

With over 30 years of diving deep into the art of manifestation, I've uncovered the key to unlocking not just some, but all of your heart's desires with astonishing speed.

The secret? Vibrational alignment.

It's not about wishing harder, but aligning your vibration with your desires.

Today, we'll explore why some manifestations seem to arrive on a silver platter while others never show up at the party. I'll share insights from my journey, revealing the critical role of vibrational alignment and the concept of the 'buffer of time.'

This episode is more than just about manifesting; it's about aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your Soul Blueprint, to create the reality you desire.

Whether you're new to manifesting or have been on this path for years, you'll discover the concept of course-correcting, and start seeing signs of alignment faster than you ever thought possible.

Let's dive in and transform your manifesting journey from hit-and-miss to unerring accuracy!

Feb 14, 202412:16
Why Soul Regression Therapy is Better

Why Soul Regression Therapy is Better

In today's podcast episode, I delve into the unique advantages of Soul Regression Therapy over traditional past life or between lives regression.

Unlike these methods, which focus solely on exploring past incarnations or the soul's journey between physical lives, Soul Regression Therapy incorporates a significant healing element, thus earning its title as therapy.

This approach not only offers insights into past and between lives experiences but also integrates these insights into your present life, facilitating profound healing from past traumas. The distinction lies in this integration, making past life revelations directly relevant and actionable today, bridging the gap between mere exploration and transformative healing.

Soul Regression Therapy holistically addresses the complex web of our soul's journey, empowering you to heal, grow, and align more closely with your soul's purpose. It stands out as a comprehensive, integrative tool for those seeking knowledge, meaningful transformation, and a deeper understanding of their soul's journey.

Feb 11, 202405:16
We Visit a Past Life in Ancient Roman Times

We Visit a Past Life in Ancient Roman Times

In today's episode, we explore the captivating story of a client's past life as a powerful Roman figure. This man, described as tall and broad-shouldered, regresses to a time where he's adorned in metal and gold, draped in a cape, and exuding authority. Surrounded by stone buildings and servants, he stands out in his quality clothing, sandals, and a "Gladius" – a Roman sword he couldn't identify at first.

His life in Rome, filled with battles and solitude, reflects a lonely existence, ending in his 40s by his own hand at the ocean's edge.

This regression reveals striking parallels to his current life – a lack of understanding from others and a pattern of giving too much to the detriment of his own well-being.

The session underscores a vital lesson for the client: the need to preserve his energy and avoid a life of solitude, a pattern he's determined to break.

This tale from ancient Rome, just a fragment of a longer session, offers profound insights into past life regressions and their impact on understanding and healing current life issues.

Feb 03, 202406:26
Past Life Regression: The Powerful Benefits
Jan 27, 202411:38
How to decipher messages from spirit
Jan 20, 202410:59
We chat to a warrior in a time between lives
Jan 14, 202408:57
We visit medieval times in a past life regression
Dec 19, 202307:54
How learning about a past life can help you now
Dec 18, 202311:10
A past life regression into the 1700’s
Dec 15, 202305:01
How to find out about your past lives

How to find out about your past lives

In today's episode, we embark on a thrilling exploration of past lives, demystifying reincarnation and uncovering the compelling reasons to delve into our history. From quenching curiosity to addressing fears and negative patterns, the journey is as diverse as it is enlightening.

Discover two powerful methods:

1. **Past Life or Between Lives Regression (PLR/BLR):** A cinematic journey through your past lives, guided in a Theta state, offering insights, healing, and a peek into the space between lives.

2. **Akashic Records Reading—Soul Profile & Realignment:** No hypnosis needed. I delve into your Akashic Records, unveiling stories tied to present challenges. You receive a personalized Soul Profile, a roadmap to understand your strengths, gifts, and energy levels, empowering you to align your life with your desires.

Join me as we unravel the mysteries of the soul, gaining profound insights and stepping into newfound empowerment.

Dec 14, 202311:36
How past life beliefs affect your love life

How past life beliefs affect your love life - How do past life beliefs affect your love life?

You would be surprised!

In this episode, I explain what a past life belief may look like, and how it may affect your relationships (or lack of!) in this current life!

I then make an offer of a free 1-hour video training that you can sign up for at

Dec 06, 202305:23
Does your love life suck?

Does your love life suck? - In today's episode I start off with the reason behind my re-branding as well as why my current focus is on love and relationships!

Next, I discuss why your love life likely sucks and what you can do next to get things back on track.

I also offer a free one-hour video training.

To get access to this training, visit

Dec 03, 202309:03
Align yourself with abundance in the right way

Align yourself with abundance in the right way

Are you struggling to manifest what you want?

This episode delves into your quest for abundance. If the yearning for purpose, daily joy, and loving relationships fills your thoughts, this episode resonates with you. I address the struggles when life feels demanding and unfulfilling, exploring the impact on your energy and relationships.

Discover why therapy, books, and workshops haven't yielded results and unveil the key to aligning with abundance. I share the seldom-discussed concept of "Soul-Aligned Actions," vital for vibrational shifts.

Join this candid discussion on taking responsibility, embracing discomfort, and navigating the messy but rewarding journey from Point A to B. Uncover your roadmap to aligned abundance with my insights and get access to my 60 minute webinar!

Nov 24, 202305:20
How do past life choices cause present life struggles?

How do past life choices cause present life struggles? - In today's episode we're taking a brief but fascinating trip into past lives! On our journey we're discussing how past life choices can affect present life struggles, and what needs to be done to clear the energies around that!

Visit to fast-track your way out of your present life struggles!

Nov 07, 202307:45
How to get unstuck
Nov 06, 202302:55
How to step onto your path to freedom
Nov 05, 202304:46
Create change by being different

Create change by being different

Big news! I have re-branded and now go by the name of Empowered Life Programs!

The reason for this is because I'm all about self-empowerment and taking responsibility for where we are in this life. In addition to this, I will soon be offering a variety of courses and programs to help you to take your life to the next level! Woohoo!

In this episode I talk about creating change by being different. What does this mean? What it means is that if you wish to create change, you must first be different! Listen on to learn more, and visit the new website at

Nov 03, 202305:11
Embrace change and rewrite your life story
Oct 01, 202307:40
What happens when you're in an energetic deficit
Sep 19, 202312:22
Why you need to understand parallel realities
Sep 10, 202309:58
Why you need to take responsibility
Aug 31, 202319:42
Do you have all your ducks in a row?
Aug 22, 202305:43
What is a non scale victory?
Jul 21, 202309:43
Why bad things happen to good people
Jul 12, 202306:35
Get motivated in a cute way: Join me on this challenge!

Get motivated in a cute way: Join me on this challenge! - In today's episode I am going to share with you a cute way to get motivated to exercise! I'll discuss the challenge I just signed up for, and I take you through how it works and I share my screen so you can see what it's all about - so if you'd like to see the video, head over to my YouTube channel! To sign up for this very cool challenge, visit

Jul 10, 202313:46
Can past life injuries affect me now?
Jul 07, 202306:42
How to manifest in one single step
Jul 04, 202307:34
3 common manifesting mistakes that people make
Jul 01, 202308:44
Above all else I want to see - a lesson in perspectives
Jun 29, 202304:37
How to manifest abundance with decluttering
Jun 27, 202307:36
One basic manifesting technique that you must try today!

One basic manifesting technique that you must try today!


Get ready to discover a powerful manifesting technique that will transform your life! In this episode, we'll explore the fascinating world of manifesting and learn how to unlock your manifesting power. It's time to create a new reality!

Understanding Manifesting:

Manifesting goes beyond mere action—it's a state of being. Each choice you make contributes to your manifestation journey, shaping the course of your life. Tune in as we delve into the three essential parts to manifesting, that will help you manifest new experiences and attract your desires.

How Manifesting Works:

Manifesting is all about vibration and the Law of Attraction. We'll break it down in simple terms, so you can grasp the core concept. By aligning your own vibration with your desires, you'll unlock the power to manifest them into reality. We'll explore the journey of raising your vibration and the signs, synchronicities, and inspired actions that guide you toward your dreams.

The Simplicity and Challenge:

While the manifesting technique is simple in theory, it requires dedication and effort. We'll discuss the challenges and discomfort that may arise along the way. Embracing these hurdles is essential for growth and realising your manifesting potential. Trust in yourself and believe in the profound ability you possess to shape your reality.


You hold the power to manifest the life you desire. It's time to embrace this manifesting technique and align your vibration with your dreams. Stay open to signs, seize opportunities, and follow the inspired actions that come your way. Trust in your innate ability to create a reality overflowing with joy, abundance, and fulfillment. Get ready to unleash your manifesting power today and witness the magic as your dreams manifest into reality!

Freebie: HOW DO I MANIFEST? YOUR SOUL-ALIGNED PATH TO CREATING AN INCREDIBLE LIFE - Find My Sparkle website - Self Confidence 101 website: Soul Realignment - FMS Facebook page - FMS Facebook group - FMS YouTube channel -

Jun 22, 202314:25
What is the Law of Attraction?

What is the Law of Attraction?

In this episode, we dive into the Law of Attraction and its various components. The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on, whether positive or negative, will be attracted into your life. We explore a more technical explanation, highlighting the importance of vibrational alignment with your desires.

Positive thoughts play a crucial role in the Law of Attraction. Maintaining a positive mindset and emotions can help you attract positive outcomes and recognize opportunities. We also discuss the benefits of writing down goals, as studies have shown that those who do so tend to achieve greater success.

Visualising your goals is another technique commonly associated with the Law of Attraction. However, we emphasize that visualization methods may vary depending on an individual's unique Manifesting Blueprint. It's essential to understand how you are wired to manifest and align your actions accordingly.

We introduce the concept of inspired, Soul-aligned action, which involves following intuitive nudges from your higher self or spirit guides. However, we highlight the importance of addressing underlying energies and blocks that may influence unconscious choices. By clearing these energies and understanding your Soul and Manifesting Blueprints, you gain clarity on actions that align with your desires and move you closer to your goals.

It's important to remember that what is Soul-aligned for you may not be the same for someone else. Each individual has their own unique manifestation style, and understanding this is key to achieving success with the Law of Attraction.


Find My Sparkle website -

Self Confidence 101 website:

Soul Realignment -

FMS Facebook page -

FMS Facebook group -

FMS YouTube channel -

Jun 20, 202311:12
Why your vision board hasn't delivered

Why your vision board hasn't delivered

In this episode, we're talking about vision boards and why they don't often deliver deliver the results you desire. You know, those boards filled with pictures and words representing our dreams? While they work for some people, they're not a surefire success for everyone.

Here's the thing: we're all wired differently when it comes to manifesting at a Soul level. So, if vision boards don't resonate with you, it might just be a fun creative outlet rather than a direct path to manifestation.

To figure out your personal manifestation style, there are a few steps you can take, which we'll cover. The bottom line is, self-awareness is key to unlocking your true manifestation potential.

Next, we talk about your Manifesting Blueprint, which is like your personal roadmap. It helps you make choices aligned with your Blueprints and desires. Trust me, this one sheet of paper can blow your mind!

Now, I have to admit, vision boards never quite clicked for me. But once I understood myself as a Soul, it all made sense.

However, I've seen them work wonders for people wired differently to me. So, if that's you, go ahead and create a vision board! It can be a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams, but if you're more like me, you will have to explore alternative methods that align with your personal manifestation style.

If you've tried vision boards without success, don't worry. It doesn't mean you're doing something wrong. It's just a matter of finding what works best for you, and that's something I can help you to discover.


Find My Sparkle website -

Self Confidence 101 website:

Soul Realignment -

FMS Facebook page -

FMS Facebook group -

FMS YouTube channel -

Jun 18, 202307:31
Why people stay stuck in crappy situations

Why people stay stuck in crappy situations


In this episode, we explore the intriguing question of why people stay stuck in crappy situations.

We'll uncover some of the reasons behind this and discuss how it affects our ability to manifest the incredible lives we desire.

Reasons People Stay Stuck:

  • Fear of making the wrong decision: The fear of the unknown and the possibility of making things worse keep people trapped.
  • Change feels uncomfortable: Even if a change can lead to a better life, the discomfort it brings prevents many from taking action.
  • Unable to see a way out: When you're caught up in a horrible situation, finding a solution becomes challenging.
  • Waiting for the crap to hit the fan: Sometimes, it takes a major event or a breaking point before people gather the courage to make a positive change.

Manifesting in a Positive Way:

To improve our lives, we must make new choices, even if they feel uncomfortable. It's essential to be aware of being in a crappy situation and take action immediately.

Staying in a crappy situation doesn't serve anyone, and the longer we stay, the longer the situation continues.

Soul-Aligned Choices and the Roadmap:

Manifesting in a positive way involves making soul-aligned choices that align with our desires. Making new choices can be uncomfortable, but there's a way to know in advance if they're soul-aligned. Stay tuned to discover how to obtain a roadmap to guide you on your journey.


Understanding why people stay stuck helps us empathise with their struggles. Overcoming fear and discomfort is crucial for manifesting the life we desire.

We have the power to make new choices and create positive change in our lives.

Join us in the next episode as we uncover the secrets of soul-aligned choices and reveal the roadmap to manifesting your dreams.

***In the video there's a little error in the name of the program I am launching. "HOW DO I MANIFEST? YOUR SOUL-ALIGNED PATH TO CREATING AN INCREDIBLE LIFE" is the name of my freebie - not my program! The details of the program can be found within the Roadmap which is the freebie on offer!***


Find My Sparkle website -

Self Confidence 101 website:

Soul Realignment -

FMS Facebook page -

FMS Facebook group -

FMS YouTube channel -

Jun 12, 202307:24
Why I'm able to manifest what I want

Why I'm able to manifest what I want - In this episode, I explain why I'm able to manifest what I want and how my choices are aligned with My Soul. I explain that it's not just luck or a fluke, but rather a result of making Soul-aligned choices.

I describe what Soul-aligned choices are and why they are important for manifesting. I explain that our Souls have specific qualities and gifts that we carry throughout every lifetime. When we make choices that align with these qualities and gifts, we create positive experiences for ourselves.

On the other hand, when we make choices that do not align with our Soul's qualities and gifts, we create negative experiences and blockages in our energy field. These blockages and restrictions can carry from lifetime to lifetime, and can even manifest in our current life.

I give an example of a past life "vow of poverty" that can create blockages in someone's energy field and cause them to self-sabotage when it comes to financial matters. I explain that it's possible to remove these blockages, but it requires a little bit of work from you!

I conclude by announcing my new program that will help listeners manifest what they want by understanding themselves at Soul-level and making Soul-aligned choices. I also emphasise the importance of making choices that move you toward what you want and not away from it.

Overall, this episode provides a helpful understanding of the role of Soul-aligned choices in manifesting and offers practical steps for removing blockages and manifesting what you want.

To book your Soul Realignment Reading, visit

Find My Sparkle website -

Self Confidence 101 website:

Soul Realignment -

FMS Facebook page -

FMS Facebook group -

FMS YouTube channel -

May 06, 202308:41
How to identify self sabotage when working toward your goals
Apr 30, 202305:46
Why true love keeps eluding you
Apr 15, 202306:49
How to deal with the frustrations of dating
Apr 08, 202307:14
How to manifest anything you want
Feb 13, 202309:26
Why haven't you manifested what you want?
Feb 09, 202313:01
Why manifesting programs don't work for most people
Feb 03, 202308:25
A better way to measure your weight loss progress
Jan 28, 202312:24