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By 英文不難


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#46.【新聞閱讀】微軟擠下Amazon,獲得3000億國防部合約 | 英文不難

英文單字,片語,文法Oct 28, 2019

#65.【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (最後一集) | 英文不難

#65.【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (最後一集) | 英文不難

【線上托福口說課程】:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片 托福口說拿分 4 原則|發音、表達一把罩


兒童英文 YouTube 頻道

IG 連結


--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Feb 26, 202010:10
#64.【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (第三集) | 英文不難

#64.【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (第三集) | 英文不難

【線上托福口說課程】:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片 托福口說拿分 4 原則|發音、表達一把罩


兒童英文 YouTube 頻道

IG 連結



*Demands: 要求

ex: My demands are that you finish your homework and wash your dishes.

--demands had been met 要求已達成

ex: The enemy has met our demands and released our people.

*instructed: 指示 

ex: The police instructed the hostages to stay calm and relax.

*Taxi the jet: 飛機滑行

*isolated 孤立

ex: The boy felt isolated because nobody wanted to talk to him.

*Brightly lit: 

*Deter 預防

*Knapsack 包包

*Outlined: 描繪出

ex: Jack outlined his play to me. I think its a terrible plan.

*Stalling: 飛機失速

*Specified: 強調、要求

ex: I specified that the table had to be 50 cm long and 55 cm wide.

*Deployed: 放出

*Range: 範圍。這邊就是飛行距離

*Approximately: 大約

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Feb 24, 202011:22
#63.【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (第二集) | 英文不難

#63.【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (第二集) | 英文不難

【線上托福口說課程】:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片
托福口說拿分 4 原則|發音、表達一把罩


兒童英文 YouTube 頻道

IG 連結



*Air traffic control: 機場空中管制

*In turn… 緊接著

--The pilot contacted seattle-Tacoma Airport air traffic control, which in turn informed the police.

Ex: When Jack and I worked together, I would call potential clients, and Jack would in turn send them our products.

*Inform 通知

-My boss informed me that John, my coworker, has been stealing office supplies.

*Federal authorities 聯邦單位

*minor mechanical difficulty 機械困難

*technical difficulty 技術困難

*ransom: 贖金

--Northwest Orient's president, Donald Nyrop, authorized payment of the ransom

*Hijacker 劫機者

--The hijackers took over the aircraft.

*Terrain: 地形樣貌

--D. B. Cooper was very familiar with the local terrain.

*Remark: to say something

--At one point he remarked “looks like Tacoma down there.”

*Well-spoken: someone who speaks in a polite way

--Schaffner described D. B. Cooper as a calm, polite, and well-spoken person.

*Cruel: 殘忍

*Nasty 噁心、惡劣

--噁心 Jack doesn't wash his hands after he poops. He's nasty.

--惡劣 Jack has a really nasty personality. Nobody likes him.

*Serial number: 序號

*serial killer連續殺人犯

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Feb 20, 202011:22
#62. 【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (第一集) | 英文不難

#62. 【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (第一集) | 英文不難

【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】


兒童英文 YouTube 頻道

IG 連結



 *eve 前夕、前日

--Christmas eve 聖誕節前夕、前日

--Thanksgiving eve 感恩節前夕

approach 靠近

--Jack approached the woman and told her a joke.

*identify 識別、自稱

--The man identified himself as "John," but we both knew that wasn't his real name.

*one way ticket 單程票, round trip ticket 來回票

*boarded 上車(飛機、火車、公車)

*assume (v.) 假設、預設

--Jack assumed I would be fine with him eating my cake. I wasn't

*assumption (n.)

--I made an assumption that Kevin would be ok with me eating his cake. He wasn't.

*wording 用字遣詞

--The exact wording of the note is unclear.

*recall 回憶

--I recall that you said you were going to clean the bathroom; instead, you watched TV all day.

*glimpse 瞟一眼

--I glimpsed at the woman in the red dress. She was my teacher.

*cylinders 圓柱體

*conveyed 轉達

--I conveyed the message to my supervisor.

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Feb 16, 202013:36
#61. Kevin 12 天美國遊記、英文閱讀技巧分享 | 英文不難

#61. Kevin 12 天美國遊記、英文閱讀技巧分享 | 英文不難

【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】


想看我的鞋?點下面 IG 連結


聯絡我:「英文不難」FB 粉專

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Feb 13, 202011:27
#60.【商業 email 系列 5 之 5】如何寫好求職信 | 英文不難

#60.【商業 email 系列 5 之 5】如何寫好求職信 | 英文不難

【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】




聯絡我:「英文不難」FB 粉專

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Feb 12, 202008:30
#59.【商業 email 系列 4 之 5】婉轉表達不同意見 | 英文不難

#59.【商業 email 系列 4 之 5】婉轉表達不同意見 | 英文不難

【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】




聯絡我:「英文不難」FB 粉專

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Feb 10, 202009:25
#58.【商業 email 系列 3 之 5】有禮貌地拒絕人家 | 英文不難

#58.【商業 email 系列 3 之 5】有禮貌地拒絕人家 | 英文不難

【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】





聯絡我:「英文不難」FB 粉專

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Jan 30, 202008:36
#57.【商業 email 系列 2 之 5】如何寫好感謝信 | 英文不難

#57.【商業 email 系列 2 之 5】如何寫好感謝信 | 英文不難

【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】





--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Jan 21, 202010:31
#56【商業 email 系列 1 之 5】基本禮儀和格式 | 英文不難

#56【商業 email 系列 1 之 5】基本禮儀和格式 | 英文不難

【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】



--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Jan 14, 202008:54
#55. New Year's Resolution 你的新年計劃 | 英文不難

#55. New Year's Resolution 你的新年計劃 | 英文不難

【超過 50 部教學影片,線上托福課程】




*注意* 進入連結後,右上角藍色「登入」按鈕的左邊有一個「更多動作」按鈕。點擊「更多動作」後下載即可。


*注意* 進入連結後,右上角藍色「登入」按鈕的左邊有一個「更多動作」按鈕。點擊「更多動作」後下載即可。


Jan 08, 202013:47
#54.【新聞英文】售價 15 萬美金的香蕉 | 英文不難

#54.【新聞英文】售價 15 萬美金的香蕉 | 英文不難

【超過 50 部教學影片,線上托福課程】





1. pouring rain 傾盆大雨

*heavy rain (O) big rain (X)

2. slam 甩上

ex: to slam the door

3. break down 汽、機車壞掉

ex: Our car broke down on the high way.

4. ashamed 感到羞愧

be ashamed of yourself 為自己感到慚愧

5. He calls out into the dark 朝黑暗中喊叫



1. everyday objects

2. passing for

3. pricey

4. duct taped 不是鴨子膠帶。duct tape

5. 150,000 dollars


1 萬 ten thousand 10,000

10萬  one hundred thousand 100,000

100 萬 one million 1,000,000



1. faucet

2. dripping out

3. as opposed to

ex: People flushing the toilet 15 times as opposed to once.

4. to end up doing something

5. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Dec 12, 201915:45
#53. 【新聞英文】1. 謝和弦 in custody 2. Renting houses

#53. 【新聞英文】1. 謝和弦 in custody 2. Renting houses










bipolar disorder:躁鬱症 


work out:解決問題 

ex: Work out their problems, work their problems out 



New Taipei police seized singer 謝和弦 in New Taipei City for allegedly holding more than 10 grams of marijuana. He has been taken into police custody for further investigation. 謝和弦 admits to taking drugs, and the police are currently detaining him in the police station. It is reported that 謝和弦's wife is of mixed Taiwanese and Dutchdescent. 謝和弦 married Keanna in 2016. The couple’s relationship was in crisisdue to the recurrenceof 謝和弦’s bipolar disorder at the end of last year. However, the couple quickly worked outtheir problems and reconciled. Keanna said that she never wanted to give up on their marriage. People were shocked to hear that Keanna was the one to report 謝和弦. 









taking matters into your own hands:自己處理、不走正當法律途徑



When facing bad tenants,how should landlords protect themselves? A landlord shared his plan to break into the room of his tenant anddiscardthe tenant’s personal belongings on the internet. After the landlord shared his plan, netizensresponded immediately, "If the tenant claims 2 million dollars is missing from his room, are you going to compensatehim?" “If you break into a rented room without permission, you may incurthe crime of trespassing” Said another. Doing so could result in serious offence. Netizens suggested that instead of taking matters into your own hands, the landlord could ask the local police for assistance, which is much safer and legal.

 --------熱門 Podcast------------- 


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?

Dec 09, 201914:29
#52. 去國外買衣服,如何形容材質?6 個英文顏色片語 |英文不難

#52. 去國外買衣服,如何形容材質?6 個英文顏色片語 |英文不難






cotton: 棉質

denim: 單寧

silk: 絲

wool: 羊毛

*cotton blend: 混合毛


velvet: 絨布

satin: 緞質

linen: 亞麻

flannel: 法蘭絨

leather: 皮

suede: 麂皮

*synthetic fiber/polyester: 人造纖維



burgundy: 酒紅

maroon: 褐紫紅

teal: 藍綠色

navy: 深藍色

turquoise: 土耳其藍

off-white: 米白色

khaki: 卡其色



Hi, how may I help you?

-I'm looking for a teal woolen sweater.

-Oh, I'm just looking around.

May I try this on?

Where is the fitting room?

This doesn't fit me.

-Do you have the next size up/down?

What is this made of?

-It's made of 100% cotton.



1. caught red-handed: 逮個正著

ex: Jack was caught red-handed stealing cookies

2. green thumb: 園藝精湛
 ex: My mom has a green thumb. Her garden is gorgeous. Me, I can’t keep a cactus alive.

3. be tickled pink: 很高興
 ex: My boss was tickled pink when I told him I made a big sale.

4. black sheep: 害群之馬 

ex: John is the black sheep in his basketball team. He is the worst player

5. grey area: 灰色地帶

ex: This is a grey area. It’s not wrong, but it’s frowned upon.

6. golden opportunity: 絕佳機會

ex: Upon hearing 小美’s secret, 小明decided that it was a golden opportunity to ask her on a date. 

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Dec 03, 201913:52
#51. 商業英文雜誌推薦

#51. 商業英文雜誌推薦

【介紹】:Harvard Business Review

This bi-monthly publication includes info on top research, news, and developments in many different fields of business. Their materials are used in classrooms around the world. After the 2009 hire of their new editor-in-chief, HBR started to become a cutting-edge publication that covered business news as it was happening rather than just the academic research that had been its mainstay. As one of the top business schools in the world, Harvard produces in-depth material that is essential reading for business students, professors, and professionals at all levels of their careers. It is geared toward managers more than towards early career professionals, but there is something inside for everyone with an interest in serious business reading. 



bimonthly: 一個月兩次、兩個月一次

publication: 期刊

info: information 縮寫

cutting-edge: 前端

mainstay: 主要

in-depth: 深入

geared toward: 以某某為導向



If you are looking for a general guide to investing, saving, and budgeting, this is the magazine for you. Whether your five years away for retirement or 50, this magazine regularly features advice on how to choose an investment strategy that will help meet your goals and features real families who have done so, like a family who paid off $100,000 in debt while also raising young children.


budgeting: 省錢

meet your goals: 達成目標

paid off 1000 in debt: 還清 1000 欠款



Musk looked as surprised as everyone else when a heavy metal ball was thrown at the Cybertruck window and it smashed. Elon Musk revealed in a tweet what happened. It wasn't that the windows couldn't handle the impact, it turns out the previous sledgehammer hit to the door (to prove its durability) had cracked the base of the glass panel. This couldn't be seen externally, so the windows looked undamaged, but they'd actually lost their strength before the ball was thrown.


tweet: twitter 的 po 文

handle: 承受

impact: 衝擊

it turns out: 結果...

sledgehammer: 榔頭

panel: 面板


學生的餐廳【Poké Shop】

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Nov 26, 201917:05
#50. 你的「英文自傳」寫對了嗎?| 英文不難

#50. 你的「英文自傳」寫對了嗎?| 英文不難





--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Nov 19, 201909:42
#49.【新聞英文】兒子出車禍,竟出現 17 個女友探望... |英文不難

#49.【新聞英文】兒子出車禍,竟出現 17 個女友探望... |英文不難






1. background knowledge: 背景知識

ex: Could you provide me some background knowledge?


2. a terrible traffic accident

ex: Jack was in a terrible traffic accident.


3. hospitalized: 住院

ex: My friend was hospitalized because of a broken arm.


4. was shocked to find that…

ex: I was shocked to find that he was so rich/stupid/smart.


5. only the XXX and XXX

ex: Only the rich and famous can travel the world.


6. not only,… but also…

ex: Not only do you have to go to school, but also you have to get good grades.


7. to have no idea

ex: I had no idea John ate your cake.


8. 魅力:charismatic (adj.), charisma (n.)

ex: John is very charismatic. John has a lot of charisma.


9. I never knew he was so stupid/smart.


10. John come to visit Jack in the hospital.


11. be furious = very angry


12. aged 20 to 40

ex: I date women aged 20 to 40.

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Nov 05, 201914:51







1. to have a sweet tooth: 喜歡吃甜食的人

-I’m not much of a sweet tooth = I don’t really like deserts.

2. not much of a something = 我不太是某種人

-I’m not much of a vanilla person = I don’t really like vanilla.

3. the best ABC I have ever XYZ

4. this is not addressed to you

5. you stole this cheesecake. That is wrong.

6. send away for 

7. we all win = win-win

8. conglomerate



1. I can’t seem to… 

-can’t seem to: 似乎無法... 

2. Are you serious?! 

3. filling: 內餡、填充物

4. saliva: 口水

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Nov 03, 201912:53
#47.【英文片語】10 個從交通演變而來的片語

#47.【英文片語】10 個從交通演變而來的片語






1. train of thought: 思考脈絡

ex: I lost my train of thought. Please be quiet.


2. running out of steam: 沒動勁

ex: I’m running out of steam. I can’t handle this job.


3. to go off the rails: 行為偏差

ex: My son is going off the rails. He doesn’t want to be a doctor anymore.


4. to be back on track: 迷途知返

ex: My son is back on track. He wants to be the next Dr. Dre.


5. full steam ahead: 全力衝刺

It’s full steam ahead. We have to work hard.



1. behind the wheel:  由某人駕駛

ex: Many drunk people still go behind the wheel. It’s very dangerous.


2. to be in the driving seat: 由某人領導

ex: For this project, John is in the driving seat.


3. Do a U-turn: 政策180度改變

ex: She made a U-turn and changed her policies.


4. In the fast lane: 在快車道

ex: He is living life in the fast lane. Everyday is an adventure for him.


5. in the slow lane: 人生不精彩,或事業停滯

ex: his career is in the slow lane.


6. taking off: 事業起飛

ex: His career is taking off.

--------熱門 Podcast-------------


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Oct 30, 201910:52
#46.【新聞閱讀】微軟擠下Amazon,獲得3000億國防部合約 | 英文不難

#46.【新聞閱讀】微軟擠下Amazon,獲得3000億國防部合約 | 英文不難






(1) Amazon is considering its options for how to move forward following the decision to give a massive government contract to its competitor, Microsoft, according to a source familiar with the situation. One analyst said he "fully expects" Amazon to try to fight the decision in court.


(2) The decision represents a major loss for Amazon (AMZN) and a win for Microsoft. It also threatens to undermine Amazon's position as the clear leader in the cloud industry and CEO Jeff Bezos' title as richest man in the world.


(3) The timing is especially painful for Amazon, which said it was surprised by the decision, calling itself the "clear leader in cloud computing." 




considering my options: 

move forward: I’m think about how to move forward in life after breaking up with my girlfriend

massive: 很大, a massive rock

fully expect: I fully understand your situation

expect: I expect you to finish your homework today.



represent: 代表 this number represents our company’s revenue. Did you forget to write the number? I don’t see anything. Well, that’s because we didn’t make any money.

major loss: 很大的失敗

undermine: 破壞

title 頭銜:jeff bezos的頭銜是世界最有錢的人,



timing: 時機

cloud computing: 雲端技術


熱門 Podcast


1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


Oct 28, 201910:49
#45.【英語學習觀念】動詞加toV, Ving、介系詞搭配 |英文不難

#45.【英語學習觀念】動詞加toV, Ving、介系詞搭配 |英文不難






1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣

2. #22.正確聽力練習方式

3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?



1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字


動詞後加 to V, Ving



Oct 24, 201911:31
#44.【新聞閱讀】石油公司買Google廣告洗名聲 | 英文不難

#44.【新聞閱讀】石油公司買Google廣告洗名聲 | 英文不難






The deep-pocketedoil behemoth, is in legal trouble, according to environmental law experts. There's compelling evidencethe Exxon Mobil Corporation defraudedits investors, and at minimum, the company will be exposedto deep public scrutiny as the trial develops. "We’re seeing the company for the first time confrontedin open courts with the evidence of its climate deception,"


To combat the terrible publicityassociated with fraud allegations, the company strategically purchased ads from Google for people searching for the climate trial. Exxon has specifically targeted keyword searches like "Exxon climate trial," and "Exxon climate change."


Though the oil giant'sscientists have understood the consequences of emittingcarbon into the atmosphere since the 1950s, Exxon began to sow doubt about climate science in the 1980s. This latest Google ad campaignis a continuation of Exxon's decades-longefforts to influence the public's perception of climate change.


Oct 23, 201916:37
#43. 【新聞聽力】Lebron James 詹皇惹麻煩

#43. 【新聞聽力】Lebron James 詹皇惹麻煩






1. under fire

ex: 被子彈攻擊:The army was under heavy fire yesterday. We lost a lot of men. lost a lot of men

ex: 遭受批評:The president is under fire for… 


2. famed: 知名的

He is famous. (O)

He is famed. (X)


He is a famous actor. (O)

He is a famed actor. (O)


3. jersey: 球衣

football jersey

basketball jersey


4. up in smoke: 起火

ex: The house was up in smoke.


5. furor: 憤怒


6. tweet: 推特文。



7. apparent: 明顯的

ex: It is apparent that Mike likes Jenny.


Oct 20, 201914:58
#42.【英文片語】12 個常用交通片語 | 英文不難

#42.【英文片語】12 個常用交通片語 | 英文不難







blind spot: 視線死角

--There are a lot of blind spots on trucks.

blindsided (v.): 被設計,被「陰」

--ex: Jack asked if I had a crush on Jenny. I said yes, then Jack started saying bad things about me to Jenny. Turns out, Jack also likes Jenny. I was blindsided by jack.

【 12 個片語】

#1 Stuck in traffic: 卡在車陣裡

Boss: Why are you late?

Me: I was stuck in traffic. 

Boss: What traffic? You don’t have a car.


#2 Traffic congestion: 交通阻塞

Me: The traffic congestion is terrible; I don’t ever want buy a car.

Friend: How are you going to go to work?

Me: I’ll ride… a horse.


#3 Gridlock: 十字路口阻塞

—ex: Two busses cause serious traffic gridlock.


#4 Bumper to bumper traffic: 嚴重塞車

—ex: I think I’m going to be late because of the bumper to bumper traffic.


#5 Hold ups: 耽誤

--ex: There was a hold up on the freeway because a crazy person was standing in the middle of the road.


#6 road closure: 道路封閉

—ex: The road closure was caused by a terrible traffic accident.


#7 Road rage: 公路暴力

—ex: Road rage is a serious problem affecting many drivers.


#8 Rush hour / Peak hour: 尖峰時間

—ex: During rush hour, the traffic congestion is terrible.


#9 Run out of (gas /petrol): 沒油

to run out of something

—ex: I ran out of gas this morning.

ran out: 已經沒了

—ex: I am running out of gas.

am running out: 快沒了


#10 Pull over: 靠邊停

—Sir, please pull over right now.


#11 Pull out: 忽然衝出來 

—ex: the car pulled out right in front of me and I almost hit it.


#12 Run over: 輾過

—ex: I am so upset because this morning I ran over a pile of poop on my way to work.

Oct 18, 201911:60
#41. 工作常用的 12 個英文片語

#41. 工作常用的 12 個英文片語







#1 To catch up: 趕上

ex: John waited for Lilly to catch up.

ex: We are having a hard time catching up to our competitors.


#2 Stay on budget / go over budget

ex: Our spending is way over budget. We need to cut costs.

*這裡我不小心口誤。cost down 是錯誤的(台式英文),應該是 cut costs。對不起~

*spending: 單數,不可數-Our spendings are way over budget. (X)

ex: I asked our boss if we could go over budget. He said “why don’t you kiss my ass”

kiss my ass: 拍馬屁?(X)

kiss my ass = fuck you


#3 Sign off on (something): 簽名核准

ex: Our boss finally signed off on the new deal.

ex: Do you think our business partner will sign off on the deal? Probably not. It’s a shitty deal.


#4 To be ahead of the curve: 走在最前端。指公司發展快速,有遠見。做別人沒想到的事。

ex: Our company is always ahead of the curve. We are always looking for the newest ideas.


#5 A ballpark figure: 估計= rough estimate: 粗估

figure:兩個意思:數據,或是圖表:書本最後,Look at figure 7

ex: Can you give me a ballpark figure?

ex: I’m not sure about the specific price, but I can give you a ballpark figure.


#6 To kick off: 開始某件事

來自美式足球的開賽,kick off

ex: I’d like to kick off with a quick look at our returns.

由某件事情開始:kick off with a…

ex: We are kicking off our event with a congratulation to our new partner.



#7 White collar, blue collar

ex: John is a white collar worker.

ex: Bob is a blue collar worker.


#8 To look at the big picture: 宏觀

ex: Don’t focus on the small details. Look at the big picture. We have to be ahead of the curve.


CEO: We need to move in on new technology and develop new software to compete with our rivals.

Manager: How are we supposed to do that. Creating new software takes a lot of time and money. We don’t have the necessary resources.

CEO: I don’t know. I’m just looking at the big picture. It’s something we must do, otherwise we’re going to go out of business.


#9 To play by the book: 照著規矩走

ex: I’m really frustrated with John. He does everything by the book and never knows when to improvise. I bet he never changes position during sex.

play it by ear: 即興解決

ex: Our manager told us that to play it by ear if we can’t find a solution in the manual.


#10 To call it a day: 收工

Employee: Oh, I’m so tired. Let’s call it a day

Manager: ah…. It’s 12:30. Even the Italians work more than you.


#11 To think outside the box: 框架外思考

ex: We must think outside the box so that we can discover new ideas and strategies for our business.

ex: The boss keeps telling me to think outside the box. I don’t understand what he wants.

Umm… Don’t listen to him. He’s just stupid.

Oct 15, 201917:45
#40. UBER 外送車禍「承攬、僱傭關係」英文 | 英文不難

#40. UBER 外送車禍「承攬、僱傭關係」英文 | 英文不難





Oct 14, 201911:36
#39. NBA 火箭隊惹毛中國人

#39. NBA 火箭隊惹毛中國人




Oct 10, 201913:11


YouTube 頻道:


1. potential:潛在、潛能

2. pentagon:美國國防部

3. ally:戰友

4. terrorist:恐怖份子

5. insurgency:叛亂者


1. to talk president trump out of:說服某人不做某件事

ex: I tried to talk Johnathan out of quitting his job.

2. stabbed in the back:從背後背捅一刀

ex: I was stabbed in the back by my colleague.

Oct 08, 201918:19
#37. 在餐會跟外國人 social:提升交情,建立關係的方法 | 英文不難
Oct 06, 201911:33






1. transcript: 逐字稿

2. Ukrainian: 烏克蘭

3. rival: someone you are competing against. 

4, stresses:強調

ex: The doctor stressed the importance of good diet and exercise

5. quote: 引用

6. favor: 人情


1. smoking gun: 明確證據

2. impeach: 彈劾

3. quid pro quo: 條件交換




Sep 26, 201911:29
#35.【用法差異】簡單過去、過去完成、過去進行式 | 英文不難

#35.【用法差異】簡單過去、過去完成、過去進行式 | 英文不難




【Simple Past】

 1. 做完的事情 ex: I lived in Japan. (I don't live there anymore) 

2. 肯定的時間 ex: I saw Avengers last night. 

3. 一系列完成的事情 

ex: First, I woke up, then I walked to the bathroom, then I took off my pants, and I pooped.  

關鍵字:yesterday, last night, last morning, in 1994, in July… 

【Present Perfect】 

1. 從過去開始現在持續用

ex: I have lived in Japan for two years. 

2. 沒明講的時間 

ex: I have seen Avengers End Game 

關鍵字:for, since 

【Past Continuous】

 1. 兩個同時發生的事情 

ex: I was talking to a friend when my boss slapped my face. 

ex: I was reading while my brother was watching TV. 

ex: Last night at 8 pm, I was calling my girlfriends. Yes, I have two. 

2. 想強調那個「動作」 

ex: What did you do today? I was working in the garden all day. 




Sep 24, 201908:24
#34.【新聞聽力】亞馬遜 (Amazon) 招募30,000 新員工|英文不難

#34.【新聞聽力】亞馬遜 (Amazon) 招募30,000 新員工|英文不難


只剩下 15 張課程優惠券,先搶先贏,從粉專聯絡我。




-employer: your boss; the person who pays you to work

-tens of thousands: a lot; many

-positions: an opening for a job

-career day: an event where companies show you what positions they offer

-hq2: headquarters 2

-execs: short for executives



 -secret service: the agency in charge of protecting the president

-recreational: something you do for fun

-jet skis: motorcycle that you can ride on the ocean

-dignitaries: high ranking officials in the government

-first family: the president’s family




Sep 19, 201914:03
#33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 | 英文不難

#33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 | 英文不難


只剩下 15 張課程優惠券,先搶先贏,從粉專聯絡我。








drop sby/sth off: 把某人、物品放下

get away: 溜走

get in:飛機抵達、降落

pick up/drop off: 接送區

pick sby/sth up: 接某人、某物

see sby off: 送走某人

set off/out: 出發





---------【 贊助!】---【 贊助!】---------


Sep 17, 201914:57
#32.【介系詞】10 個常搞錯的介系詞用法 | 英文不難

#32.【介系詞】10 個常搞錯的介系詞用法 | 英文不難


只剩下 15 張課程優惠券,先搶先贏,從粉專聯絡我。



六人行 Joey 片段:





---------【 贊助!】---【 贊助!】---------


Sep 15, 201911:54
#32. 【新聞聽力】美國 Opioid Crisis

#32. 【新聞聽力】美國 Opioid Crisis


只剩下 15 張課程優惠券,先搶先贏,從粉專聯絡我。





-The company agreed on a settlement.


Purdue Pharma: 公司名

to reach an agreement: 同意某件事

-We reached an agreement with our rival company.




would it be fair to say…?

-Would it be fair to say you make more than 10 dollars?





---------【 贊助!】---【 贊助!】---------


Sep 12, 201911:48
 #31 算命故事、Q&A、用英文打招呼

#31 算命故事、Q&A、用英文打招呼

想問問題?下載 Anchor:

【不想被下咒語講爛英文?記得 9/19 這個重要數字】

9/19 好學校上架「托福口說訓練課程」



Hi, how are you?

-Good, how are you? (O)

-I'm fine, thank you. And you? (X) 

*How do you do?

-How do you do?


Hi, how's it going?

How are things?

How are you doing?

What's up





---------【 贊助!】---【 贊助!】---------


Sep 10, 201908:37
#30【商業英文】6 個隱藏含義的單字,商業英文教學 | 英文不難

#30【商業英文】6 個隱藏含義的單字,商業英文教學 | 英文不難


9/19 會在好學校上架「托福口說訓練課程」


1. modify = change

Thank you for your suggestion; however, we would like to modify it a little bit.

2. complication = problem

There is a slight complication = there is a problem.

There is a complication with your order? What is the complication. The complication is that you won’t receive it until next month.

3. elaborate = explain

Could you elaborate on this situation?

4. perplexing = confusing

This is a very perplexing situation.

5. straightforward = easy

This is an easy situation. I don’t know how you messed it up

I think the solution is quite straightforward

6. leverage = advantage

This will give us a leverage over our competitors.

This will give us an advantage.

*sugarcoat = 講好聽話

We will not sugarcoat the situation.





---------【 贊助!】---【 贊助!】---------


Sep 08, 201906:20
【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?

【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?


9/19 會在好學校網站上架「托福口說訓練課程」



1. 片語動詞+物品:Jack took off his pants.

2. 片與動詞拆開,物品在中間:Jack took his pants off.

 *3. 用代名詞代替物品:Jack took it off (it 代替 his pants)


1. blow up

-The bomb blew up

-My Instagram account blew up

2. bring up

-Why did you bring up my weight?

-Why did you bring this/that up?

3. call off

-I want to call off the wedding.

-I want to call the wedding off.

-I want to call it off because my wife is a man.

4. fill out

-Could you fill out this form?

-Could you fill it out?

Sep 06, 201908:08
#29.【兒童英文】升學 vs. 美語補習班 | 英文不難

#29.【兒童英文】升學 vs. 美語補習班 | 英文不難



升學補習班友缺乏口說、聽力練習。台灣升學補習班習慣用文法解題,這種方式國中可能還有用,但面對困難的高中英文其實無效。  家長要記得,英文不只是為了考高中、大學。將來工作、人生都會用到。

如果遲早要面臨,為何不一開始就用正確的分式學習?  國中年紀還小,如果小學沒好好學英文,現在開始還是很有機會。不要把目標放在高中,把目標放在人生。你就會發現,13 歲開始學英文,對人生來講,時間綽綽有餘。

Sep 01, 201905:46
#28. Used to,Be/Get used to 有什麼差別?| 英文不難

#28. Used to,Be/Get used to 有什麼差別?| 英文不難




#1. Used to + 原V:表示過去曾經做的事情,現在不繼續。

--I used to read

--I used to grow weed. 

*weed: 大麻

肯定:Yes, I used to grow weed.

否定:No, I didn't used to grow weed

#2. Be used to + Ving:表示對你習以為常,很習慣的事情。

--I’m used to eating spicy food. 我習慣吃辣(現在)

未來:You will get used to eating spicy food. 你將來會習慣吃辣。

現在進行:I am getting used to eating spicy food. 我正在習慣吃辣的過程。

過去:I got used to eating spicy food. 我過去習慣吃辣。




Aug 28, 201906:17





1. 條列要在最後一個物品前加逗號

I bought red, white and pink roses. (X)

I bought red, white, and pink roses. (O)


2. 補充說明句子,要放在逗號裡

My father, a tall man is very strict. (X)

My father, a tall man, is very strict. (O)


3. 兩個獨立子句,絕不能用逗號連結

I have a large dog, the dog eats a lot. (X)




I have a large dog, and the dog eats a lot.


I have a large dog; the dog eats a lot.


I have a large dog. The dog eats a lot.


4. 主動一致

Jack like to read a lot. (X)

Jack likes to read a lot. (O)


 5. each, either, everyone, everybody…  是單數主詞

Everybody think he has a unique sense of humor. (X)

Everybody thinks he has a unique sense of humor. (O)


6. 修飾句跟被修飾對象要接在一起

Walking slowly down the road, he saw a woman accompanied by two children. (X)

Walking slowly down the road, the woman was accompanied by two children. (O)


7. 用正面形容事情

He was not very often on time = He was usually late

did not remember  = forgot

did not pay attention to = ignored

not honest = dishonest


8. 省略不必要單字

the question as to whether = whether

there is no doubt but that = no doubt

the reason why is that = because


9. the fact that 常常可以省略

owing to the fact that = since

in spite of the fact that = though/although




 ---------【 贊助!】---【 贊助!】---------

  ---------【 贊助!】---【 贊助!】---------  





Jun 27, 201910:44





1. call to arms: 全副武裝

2. drops a bombshell:投下一顆震撼彈

-My wife dropped a bombshell, when she said our daughter is pregnant.

*bombshell: 性感、火辣的女人

3. beat a hasty retreat: 打退堂鼓

-When we saw the police arriving, we beat a hasty retreat.

4. on the warpath: 立場堅定,準備打一場架

-US, Iran are on the warpath again.

5. shell shocked: 受驚

-staff were shell shocked

6. come out fighting: 準備大幹一場

-The army came out fighting ready for a war.



1. We begin tonight with a new call to _______ by President Trump on the global war on terrorists. *call to arms

2. The president dropped a _______ when he announced his resignation. *dropped a bombshell

3. Once I realized that my ex-girlfriend was going to be at the party, I beat a hasty _______

Hasty? *beat a hasty retreat

4. Our boss is on the ________ because a rival company stole his idea. *on the warpath

5. We were shell______ when our boss told us that the company is bankrupt. *shell shocked

6. Oil companies have come out ________, claiming that global warming is a myth. *come out fighting

*Shell shocked (形容詞用法) vs drop a bombshell (動詞用法)

-We were shell shocked

-My boss dropped a bombshell.




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Jun 25, 201911:03
#25.【英文發音】/ɛ/ pet, head

#25.【英文發音】/ɛ/ pet, head




egg, every, error, elephant



fence, west, many, present



(a)ny, ag(ai)n, fr(ie)nd, g(ue)st, l(eo)pard


/ɛ/ met, bet, fed, less, pen, let, wet, get, red wed

/eI/ mate, bait, fade, lace, pain, late, wait, gate, raid wade



1. Who said it?

2. Don’t touch my head

3. John is my best friend. 

4. I am healthy and wealthy

5. There is a dent in the car.

6. I am never talking to you

7. Breakfast is ready.

8. Fred left a note.

9. Let me get some rest.

10. Don’t forget to send the note.



1. any, *crazy, anywhere, many

2. *paper, letter, send, pencil

3. seven, eleven *eight, twenty

4. health, *wreath, breath, wealth

5. *reading, ready, already, head

6. present, precious, *previous, president

7. November, February, September, *April 

8. Guess, guest, *cruel, question 

9. thread, threat, fresh, *theater

10. *mean, meant, mental, met



How is the weather today?

-It’s twenty two degrees and very windy.

-The temperature on Tuesday will be very hot.

-The weather for the weekend will be wet and cloudy.




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Jun 23, 201910:53
#24.【新聞英文】亞馬遜的擴張:Amazon’s expansion

#24.【新聞英文】亞馬遜的擴張:Amazon’s expansion


YouTube 亞馬遜老闆教你成功創業:



 1. taken to the skies 

2. fleet –air fleet  

3. prime 頂級 

4. rely 

5. aim to 

– I aim to finish my homework in an hour.  

-aim to compete 


E-commerce giant Amazon has *taken *to *the *skies. The growing Amazon air *fleet now has 50 planes helping *prime packages arrive on time. That means Amazon is *relying less on UPS, FedEx and the US Postal Service and may now *aim to *compete with them.  



 1. looking to 有意願幹嘛,幹嘛、打量

–I am looking to find a nice vacation shop. 

2. logistics 物流 

3. in their own right:有資格 


4. ramp 

5. realm 境界 

 -realm of possibilities: 可能的境界(廢話) 

6. legitimate貨真價實 

7. facets 層面 


Amazon is *looking *to become a *logistics company *in *their *own *rights. We think that Amazon will be a top logistics provider whether it’s in trucking or in air in the coming years. I think the question is just how quickly they will *ramp that operation. It is certainly within the *realm *of *possibilities for Amazon to build itself into a *legitimate logistics company in all *facets. 



 1. in house 

2. figure out  

-Can you figure out this math problem?  

-Can you figure out a good marketing strategy?

 3. advantage

 4. market 


Moving shipping *in *house also means more control over the speed of deliveries. The next big thing in e-commerce is who *figures *out how to do this two-hour delivery or same day delivery. This is very expensive, but whoever figures out first will get a huge *advantage in this *market.


YouTube頻道:  IG


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Jun 21, 201911:37




Wearing a gray suit and glasses, Kevin Spacey appeared on Monday at a Massachusetts courthouse where a judge was set to hold a hearing in the case accusing the *disgraced actor of *groping a young man at a Nantucket bar in 2016.


Spacey sat at a table alongside his lawyers, *occasionally whispering in the ear of lead attorney Alan Jackson. He did not answer reporters’ questions when he arrived or when he left the courthouse.


His appearance was a surprise as he was not required to attend the hearing and has stayed away from the courthouse except for a brief hearing in January, which he tried to avoid.


The 59-year-old former House of Cards actor, who has pleaded not guilty to a charge of indecent assault and battery, faces up to two and a half years in jail if convicted.





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Jun 20, 201909:50






卡通:珮珮豬Peppa Pig、愛探險的朵拉Dora、

廣播 podcast:Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend、


電影:Modern Family, Friends






1. 不看字幕,用耳朵聽。聽非常多次。

2. 看字幕

3. 不看字幕,重新聽一次。



1. 大量:聽大量英文,不特別思考文法、單字、內容。

2. 深度:分析單字、句型。 






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Jun 18, 201912:45
#21.【英文發音】"ei" 發音:game, name, cake

#21.【英文發音】"ei" 發音:game, name, cake


#13.【發音教學】"i" me, tea, bee

#17.【發音教學】"i" 短音:it, pin



eight, age, able, april, apron


break, came, table, paint, paper


away, day, they, stay, weigh



1. *wake up

2. I *gained *weight.

3. My *name is Kevin.

4. I have a *late *date.

5. *Take my food *away.

6. Don’t *waste time.

7. *April is a very comfortable month.

8. They *played a *great *game.

9. The *plane from *Spain was cancelled. 

10. They *made a big *mistake.



1. *steak, lettuce, ham, cereal

2. bread, *raisins, melon, bananas

3. *cake, beer, cheese, soda

4. *potatoes, crackers, peas, ice cream

5. *grapes, celery, apples, carrots

6. *toothpaste, peas, squash, *plates

*第六題不小心有兩個。toothpaste, plates



1. *Kate,cat, cot

2. can,*cane,con

3. pen, pan, *pain

4. foot, *fate, fat

5. *mate, mat, met

6*.rate, rat, rot

7. ran, *rain,wren

8.*late,let, lot

9. calm, *came,comb

10. *wait,what, wet



*Babe Ruth was a *famous *baseball *player. He began his baseball career by *playing for the Boston Red Sox, and was later *traded to the New York Yankees. Babe Ruth is considered by many to be a *baseball legend, and was inducted into the *Baseball Hall of *Fame.The last team he played for was the Boston *Braves. He died in *1948, and is one of the *greatest *players of all time.






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Jun 16, 201909:53




1. be taken aback: 很驚訝

We were taken aback when we heard John wanted to quit.

2. leave high and dry: 在困難、危險的處境

The canceled flight left the passengers high and dry.

3. take the wind out of someone’s sails: 讓某人感到沒自信

John wanted to be a writer, but his teacher’s criticism of his work took the wind out of his sails.

4. in the wake of sb/sth: 緊跟在某人、某事之後

wake = 船的水痕

in the wake of = following

(事件結果)in the wake of (某事件)

-U.S., Iran trade accusations in the wake of tanker attacks

-A tense calm settles over Hong Kong in wake of violence between police and protesters

5. all hands on deck: 招集所有人員

In order to finish the project on time, we need all hands on deck.

6. Any port in a storm: 遇到暴風雨時,有港就好

I don’t really want to live with my parents, but any port in a storm because I have no money.



1. I’d like all hands on ______ for the next few months.

2. The bad reviews of the movie took the ________ out of the director’s sails.

3. In the ______ of the Hong Kong protests, many people were injured.

4. I was very ________ aback to hear that Jenny was fired.

5. Jack left the party early, leaving me _________ and dry at the party with no one else to talk to.

6. I didn’t want to sleep in a cardboard, but any port in a _______ because I have no money.

解答:all hands on deck, took the wind, in the wake, taken aback, high and dry



1. Jacks’ mother was very surprisedby his decision to quit. 

-taken aback

2. The cost of home insurance has risen as a result oflast summer’s floods

-in the wake of

3. We were in a difficult situationwhen the babysitter didn’t show up.

-*left high and dry. 不要忘記加“left”

4. We need all the help we can getif we want to finish this project. 

-all hands on deck


5. John and Mary’s relationship has been in serious difficulty for some time. 

-on the rocks

6. The company is facing some difficulties, but I’m sure we’ll get through the bad times.

-weather the storm






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Jun 14, 201910:30
#19.【商業英文聽力】Amazon 老闆教你成功創業。

#19.【商業英文聽力】Amazon 老闆教你成功創業。




1. entrepreneur: 創業家

2. obsessed, customer-obsessed:


I am obsessed with English. 我沉迷於英語。

I am obsessed with the girl next door. I have a telescope, a camera, a recorder, and night vision goggles. 我沉迷於隔壁的女孩。我有望遠鏡、照相機、攝影機、夜視鏡。

3. delight, absolutely delight


absolutely: 完全地



If you *wanna be an entrepreneur, the most important thing is to be customer-obsessed, so don’t satisfy your customers. Figure out how to absolutely delightthem. That is the number one thing, whoever your customers are. 



1. arena: 競技場

2. mercenary: 1.傭兵2.圖利的人。

3. missionary: 傳教士。mercenary, missionary 的比較,是創業領域人很喜歡講的內容。Mercenary為了錢,傳教士為了理想。

4. paradoxically: 自相矛盾的

5. genuine: 真誠


Passion. You have got to have some passionfor the arenathat you’re going to develop and work in, because otherwise you’re gonna be competing against people who do have a passion (錯誤) for that, and they’re going to build better products and services. You can’t be a mercenary. You have to be a missionary. Missionaries build better products and services, they always win, the mercenaries are just trying to make money and paradoxicallythe missionaries always end up making more money, to pick something that you actually have a genuinepassion for. 



1. willing: 願意:be willing to

-Are you willing to help me?

2. come up: 想出  

 come up with an idea

3. might not work

-This plan will not work.


You have to take risk. You have to be willing totake risk. If you aren’t gonna take risk, If you come upwith a business idea, there’s no risk there, you’re probably, you know, it’s probably already being done. Those ideas are already being done. They’re being done well by many, many people. So you gotta have something that might not work. And so you have to accept that your business is going to be, in many ways, an experiment, and it might fail. And that’s okay. That’s what risk is. 



1. failure: 失敗

2. be moving the needle: 做出明顯改變。

 -needle: 1.針線、2指針,開車儀表板的指針,也叫needle,所以move the needle就是做出明顯改變。

3. scale: 規模

4. billion dollar scale failures: 億萬規模失敗

5. swinging: 揮打,揮打棍子。

-swinging hard enough: 棒球用語。


The good news is, in Amazon we still take risks all the time and we encourage it, and we talk about failure. We should be failing. Our failures have to grow with the company. We need big failures. If were gonna be moving the needle, we need to have, billion dollar scale failures. And if we’re not, we’re not swinging, we’re not swinging hard enough.






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Jun 13, 201916:20


deliberate 作動詞

-The board deliberated for several days before reaching an agreement.



deliberate 作形容詞


-After deliberate consideration, the famous singer decided to retire.

-a deliberate decision


-The artist worked at a deliberate pace. 


pace: 步調




-The little boy deliberately dropped the vegetables on the floor.




相似字:calculated, considered, measured

反義字:casual, uncalculated



A judge in Tucson has ordered a jury to continue deliberations in the trial against a man charged with helping illegal immigrants.

The jury told the court that it couldn’t come to an agreement on the charges against 36-year-old Scott Warren, who helped two migrant men with food, shelter and medical care.

Prosecutors say Warren helped the men hide from border agents and that they never really needed care.

Deliberations will continue Tuesday morning.







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Jun 11, 201909:15