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By Jill Treece

EquiTheory covers all things horsemanship with an emphasis on science + connection. Explore what it means to be a human among horses โ€” from training behaviors + studying equine psychology to tackling mental health + lifeโ€™s idiosyncrasies โ€” all from the perspective of relatable equestrian, Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory. Spice up your trail ride, drive to the barn, or stall mucking with a podcast on a mission to help you better understand yourself + your horse. All while entertaining you with Jillโ€™s riding + training stories, interviews with other equine professionals, and her lame dad jokes.
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81. Why My Heart-Horse Needs Surgery

EquiTheoryApr 15, 2021

P4. Overweight Horse Needs Exercise... +R? | AMA

P4. Overweight Horse Needs Exercise... +R? | AMA

Here's the AMA for this episode:

I bought a horse about 2 months ago now and she hadn't been ridden or worked with for 8 months - 1 year when I got her. She is a 15-year-old TWH. Previously we were having issues with nipping, kicking, and separation anxiety. We have since resolved the nipping and kicking issues. We have slowly started building a bond, through quality time, grooming, and going on in-hand walks. She still experiences some separation anxiety, but she has gotten so much better and has become much more comfortable with being away from her pasture mate as long as I'm around.

She is also overweight. I have not started riding her because I want to work on building a solid bond and foundation before riding. But my vet and farrier have made it very clear that she needs to lose at least 50 lbs. She needs to lose more than that, but 50 lbs is where we need to start. My current dilemma is how to get her to lose this weight. We have cut her grain back to half a scoop, once a day. The issue is she is in a giant field with lots of grass and only 1 other horse to share the grass with.

We haven't started positive reinforcement like I hoped to because I don't want to use food rewards and because there is no way for us to have protected contact. The only things at this barn are the stalls, that are much too high for me to try to give her food over without causing frustration. They are not normal stalls, they were built a long time ago. The other things at this barn are just the open pasture and a large arena. I was hoping to do some lungeing to help her get some exercise, but she has only ever been lunged in a round pen, without a lunge line, which is something I don't have access to. I've also never taught a horse to lunge. Sorry, I know that was a lot of background information. But my question is how should I go about getting her to exercise more?

Should I try to teach her to lunge, and if so how do I go about that? Should I buy a grazing muzzle? I really don't want to use a grazing muzzle because I feel like that will cause frustration and I know it takes away the opportunity for mutual grooming. I've been racking my brain and I just can't come up with any ideas, everyone I've talked to has said to just leave her in the stall for half the day but I don't want to do that. I feel like this entire thing was everywhere, so to sum it up, what are some ideas on how to get a horse to lose weight and begin exercising again with limited resources?

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Nov 09, 202315:19
P3. Horse Bullying | AMA

P3. Horse Bullying | AMA

Here's the AMA for this episode:

I have a young mare, Nyx, who is an Australian Stock Horse. A little bit of backstory (I'll keep it brief!): Nyx arrived in my life unbroken but roughly handled, so had a lot of anxiety about quick movements, noises, body handling, pretty much everything (I actually started listening to your podcast to find methods to help our connection, understanding, and her confidence!). She has absolutely blossomed into a confident, curious, cheeky girl and she is completely and utterly my heart horse.

We live in Canberra, Australia. Nyx is at a local agistment centre and lives 24/7 in a large paddock, with plenty of grass, trees, enrichment, and horse neighbours all around. She presently has one paddock mate, an 8 year old mare not owned by me. When Nyx was in a larger herd (up to seven horses), she definitely fell on the submissive end of the spectrum - she loves a mutual groom, but was always pushed around by the other horses, last in line for water, and would often be grazing by herself. Her present paddock mate was also part of this larger herd.

It's currently spring in Australia and all of the mare hormones have re-awakened. In the past few months, I observed Nyx's paddock mate being more aggressive, resource guarding (they only have one water trough), and possessive of Nyx (severe separation anxiety if I take Nyx out of the paddock). Watching the body language of the two mares, if the paddock mate gave signals for Nyx to move away, she would move off very quickly - but if Nyx gave the same signals, the paddock mate would persistently follow Nyx and ignore all signals to back away. Nyx never lashed out when this happened, just kept moving away.

Two weeks ago, Nyx sustained a severe leg wound from being kicked by the paddock mate. Luckily I got a vet out quickly and all the critical parts were avoided, but she is now on months of paddock rest while the wound heals. I am currently keeping her in a smaller yard adjacent to the present paddock, so Nyx still has plenty of horse interaction over the fence and can walk around freely. Due to the bullying of the paddock mate though, I am very anxious about putting Nyx back once she's healed.

So here come my questions:

  • is there anything that can be done to adjust the behaviour of the bullying horse? There were no issues over winter, so I assume it is mostly hormone-based, but it is worth noting that the paddock mate had been out of work for about a month prior to the incident (and she normally thrives on work) and had always pushed Nyx around. The owners of the paddock mate are not consistent about her feeding or work or interaction.
  • if I move Nyx to another paddock, is there a way I can select her paddock mates based on temperament that could minimise the risk of future targeted injuries?
  • worst case scenario, and I can't find suitable paddock mates or my only option is to move Nyx to a single horse paddock (I am limited by the availability of space at my agistment centre), can a horse live happily with neighbours but no direct paddock mates? I know it's not the preferred option, but she would still have plenty of space to run and forage. Thank you so much for your time, Jill! Nyx is my heart and these have been a couple of really tough weeks, I couldn't bear it if something more serious happened that could have been avoided.

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Nov 09, 202314:56
115. Following the Dopamine

115. Following the Dopamine

Hey hello hi friends (: We probably all saw this episode coming knowing me, but I genuinely feel this step is in the best interest of the podcast + myself; I've spent a lot of time over the past year really reflecting on what fills my cup + what I'm holding on to that no longer does. This podcast has been a passion project since it began + it has been such an incredible journey for me + I'm so thrilled to have played a role in advocating for more ethical horse training + management. It's truly been one of my greatest accomplishments in my eyes. Now, it feels like that story has been told + the project is mostly complete. It's a weird feeling that's taken me a while to sort out, but I'm doing my best to listen to my head + my heart with this one. All that said, I am 110% keeping the door open for future episodes to fill you guys in on what's going on with the horses + Azula's training. I'd love to pop in here + there, with no pressure or schedule (be a "real ~creative~" lol). So we'll see what happens friends, but for now, I thank each + every one of you for your time + support of this podcast. It means the world ๐Ÿ’œ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Music by LiQWYD:ย 

Nov 09, 202332:53
114. Change + Loss: Saying Goodbye to Beau

114. Change + Loss: Saying Goodbye to Beau

Hi friends, this week's ep starts out light covering some updates around my health journey, acne, etc and turned into quite a heavy one covering something I've been avoiding talking about for a while now. I wasn't really sure when I started the episode that I'd ever go there so apologies for the tone shift.

Even in the episode I say it happened a few months ago, but only in looking back have I realized it was actually nearly a year ago, December 5th that Hearthrob, Beau, Beaubie passed. Even now, having not seen him in years, and knowing it's been almost a year since his passing, I'm struggling to write this description. So please forgive me if the episode is a bit repetitive or all over the place, I know I didn't say everything I wanted to for Beau, but if I've learned one thing about grief, it's that it doesn't have to make sense. That said, I did want to share something as I know many have loved Beau from afar and cherished him. He reached far and wide and became a lil famous horse. He deserved every ounce of love and support he got from you guys and I just, man, I'm so grateful to have known him. I can't believe it's been almost a year. I wanted to share sooner, but honestly, I couldn't find the words. I'm still not fully sure what to say other than how special he was.

Rest easy sweet boy. You're in our hearts forever โค๏ธ

Life with Beau:

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Music by LiQWYD:ย 

Oct 17, 202358:56
P2. Separation Anxiety When Left Behind | AMA

P2. Separation Anxiety When Left Behind | AMA

Here's the AMA for this episode:

Hey Jill! How would you go about helping a horse who becomes anxious/stressed when their pasture mates leave the pasture? Thereโ€™s 4 horses in this herd (two owned by me, and another mare and mini owned by someone else) and often the other owner will take out both of them at the same time. When theyโ€™re out of sight, this causes my gelding to become very upset and stressed out, and heโ€™ll start galloping up and down the pasture looking for them. My other mare is still with him, as well as several other horses on the other side of the fence.

He does great when I take him away from the herd and go somewhere he canโ€™t see them, but when itโ€™s the other way around he panics. Iโ€™m thinking I could try to do some target training or something with him in the paddock to try and help keep him busy, but itโ€™s hard when heโ€™s running around (and those crazy legs come flying outta nowhere sometimes! and he honestly doesnโ€™t seem to care about my presence much when this happens. I have some videos too if it would help! Any advice is appreciated, I hate seeing him stressed like this.

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Ready to make your own submission?ย As a subscriber of the podcast, now you can! Just click the link + fill out this form to make your submission:ย โโ ย ๐Ÿ’œโœจ

Oct 04, 202312:39
P2. Separation Anxiety When Left Behind | AMA
Oct 04, 202301:27
113. 25 Things About Horses I Wish I'd Known Sooner

113. 25 Things About Horses I Wish I'd Known Sooner

Hello friends, this episode is exactly what it seems to be! 25 things I've learned in my time working with horses that I wish I'd known sooner and believe are worth sharing. Enjoy!

  1. "they wouldn't do it if they didn't want to" is a myth
  2. respect is often conflated / confused with obedience
  3. punishment only teaches horses to conceal their worries, fears, pain, discomfort
  4. it's not cool or a badge of honor to ride a "hot" horse
  5. it's not a disservice to or waste of the horse to not exploit their talent + athleticism
  6. regulating bodies do not always safeguard the horse's best interest + welfare
  7. tradition is not law + often fails to update with current research
  8. there is a difference in giving the horse a treat + training with positive reinforcement
  9. release does not equal reward
  10. management should be based on ethology + species-appropriate care
  11. when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change
  12. if you have 5 minutes, it will take all day, but if you have all day, it will take 5 minutes
  13. yield to win
  14. Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
  15. many issues in the horse world are reflective of systemic issues
  16. mares are not moody
  17. softness is not weakness
  18. our mental health is reflected in our riding + training
  19. think in "what do i want the horse TO DO" instead of what i want the horse to stop doing
  20. good riding + training is very boring + looks too easy
  21. all behavior has a purpose, look at what need is this behavior meeting rather than why is my horse "xyz" character trait
  22. my relationship with my horse is my responsibility
  23. if you slow down, you get there faster (successive approximation)
  24. treasure my passion + honor it, don't exploit it
  25. when you don't respect the "no" you cannot get a real "yes"

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Music by LiQWYD:ย 

Oct 03, 202301:02:17
112. Training + Growing are Overwhelming

112. Training + Growing are Overwhelming

Hello friends, this episode is accidentally a more raw and vulnerable one. I start out catching you all up on Zoรซ + Azula and move into some more serious thoughts on training, mixing reinforcements (don't be scared now), my relationship with social media, and my dilemmas/paralysis when it comes to training and choosing my path. Enjoy!

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Music by LiQWYD:ย 

Sep 26, 202356:48
111. The Body Keeps the Score (pt.3) | BookTalk

111. The Body Keeps the Score (pt.3) | BookTalk

Ok friends! We're on the third + final part of this booktalk series covering The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk. This section details about the treatment + recovery discussions in the book, specifically how important our role as an attuned "attachment figure" is in our relationships with our horses - especially those equine friends who are struggling with some traumatic fallout. We'll go in to depth about how some modern psychotherapy approaches might inspire our own treatment interventions with the horses. Enjoy!

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Music by LiQWYD:ย 

Sep 19, 202349:35
P1. Sudden Nipping, Kicking + Separation Anxiety | AMA

P1. Sudden Nipping, Kicking + Separation Anxiety | AMA

Welcome to the first premium episode (hence P1 for premium episode 1) for subscribers only! This ep covers a horse that is struggling with some separation anxiety and some aggressive behaviors.

Here's the AMA for this episode:

I just got a new horse about a week ago, she's a 15-year-old TWH and she is absolutely beautiful. This is the second horse I have owned, my last horse was a 14-year-old rescue who had been abused and neglected. So I'd like to think I have experience with horses who are prone to strange and/or sporadic behavior. But this new horse is doing something I've never experienced.ย 
The first few days I went out to see her after buying her she was so sweet, she stood still while I groomed her, almost falling asleep she was so relaxed. Then I rode her, and she does have some bad history with being saddled, so she tried to nip while I was tacking her up, but once I showed her I wasn't going to hurt her she calmed down and was fine. I got on and she was really good, we just walked around the arena and I barely had to apply pressure or move the reins, she is very responsive.ย 
But we did have a few issues with her stopping to call out to her pasture mate, this is where I think the problem lies. She has been with this same horse for at least a year if not more. They were owned by a mother and daughter, so they haven't been separated the entire time these people owned them.ย 
Ever since that first ride, she has been trying to nip and kick me every time I ask her to leave her pasture mate. This is obviously very dangerous and it's beginning to make me nervous, which will just rub off on her and make the situation worse. I'm really at a loss for what to do because I can't get her away from the other horse without her trying to hurt me and there's nowhere for the other horse to go.ย 
I was going to try and start positive reinforcement with her, but if you give her too many treats she starts nipping to try and get more. Plus she is currently overweight so I'm hesitant to use food rewards, but she doesn't seem to enjoy scratches. I honestly just can't figure out what to do. I was super excited about having a horse again and getting to work with her with positive reinforcement and building a bond, but now it feels like that's impossible.ย 
I tried hand walking her so there wasn't any pressure to work and even then she was still trying to nip and she got very close to kicking me. She does have a sensitive spot on her back that sometimes becomes sore, but we have already checked and she's not currently in any pain. Now I'm scared I might get hurt and we won't be able to connect.ย 
I have talked to her previous owner, who currently owns, but is in the process of selling, her pasture mate. She says this is totally out of character for her and she believes she could be in heat or it could be us switching over her food. The previous owner has offered to help me and she is a very sweet lady, but I don't want her to have to be there just for me to be around my horse. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated because I am at a total loss and I'm sorry to ramble.

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion. Ready to make your own submission? As a subscriber of the podcast, now you can! Just click the link + fill out this form to make your submission: ๐Ÿ’œโœจ

Sep 15, 202338:21
P1. Sudden Nipping, Kicking + Separation Anxiety | AMA
Sep 15, 202302:12
110. The Body Keeps the Score (pt.2) | BookTalk

110. The Body Keeps the Score (pt.2) | BookTalk

Alright alright alright everyone! We're at part 2 of this booktalk series over The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk. This episode covers the 3 avenues to recovery from trauma with the primary focus on developing an understanding of reactivity and problem behavior through the lens of trauma. We're applying the concepts from research on humans to valuable principles to use in our approach to working with horses. Enjoy!

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Music by LiQWYD:

Sep 12, 202354:19
109. The Body Keeps the Score (pt.1) | BookTalk

109. The Body Keeps the Score (pt.1) | BookTalk

Welcome to the first iteration of a little series I'd like to start on this podcast! Imagine a book club of sorts where I apply concepts from books I'm reading (horse related or not) to work with horses! So, in this ep, I discuss applying Bessel van der Kolk's "The Body Keeps the Score" to training and working with horses with a bit of a trauma history. This episode is part 1 of this book's episodes as I haven't quite finished all my notes on this one. Look out for part 2! Enjoy!

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Music by LiQWYD:ย 

Sep 05, 202333:49
108. Self-Management

108. Self-Management

Hallo hallo! Ready to talk... emo? ...tions? This episode discusses managing our emotions around horses, balancing school, work, and horses, and allowing yourself the permission to live yer life. Plus some bonus explanation of what I've done to combat insomnia in the past (: Enjoy!

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Music by LiQWYD:ย 

Aug 29, 202348:16
107. Enhancing Your Connection with Your Horse

107. Enhancing Your Connection with Your Horse

This ep is basically a speed run of all the things I've learned over the past year that have largely changed my life. All centered around increasing your connection with your horse, this episode goes into mindfulness, perception, intention, some emotional regulation and more. Additionally, I answer a listener question regarding a horse who nips/bites. Here's the question:

"I was wondering if you could discuss what a horse who nips means. My mare was scoped and treated for ulcers and I have seen a huge difference in her. Sheโ€™s done with treatment but usually still nips when you go to pet her. Iโ€™ve been working on consent based care in the past months and also asking her if I can move into her space which seems to be working to make her feel much more comfortable.ย My question is why would she continue to nip? Is it a learned history from the ulcer? (you couldnโ€™t groom/tack up or in anyway pet her without her biting at you)ย Sheโ€™s on a gastric support feed and a ration balancer in order to keep her sugars down so I donโ€™t think the ulcers are back since she is in a very low stress environment from what I observe with low sugar grains. Could I also be influencing this behavior by expecting it? Also what can I do to make her more comfortable when being around me? Just so you know Iโ€™m younger which means that I donโ€™t have everything that I would want for her. Sheโ€™s at my house so I have full control of her living situation (outside 24/7 with other horses)."

This question calls to mind the tendency to focus on what is going wrong, thereby expecting it, and perhaps even unintentionally influencing it to go wrong. Try to avoid statements like, โ€œI want my horse not doing xyz,โ€ as this still focuses your attention on the negative. This tends to lead to punishment, fear, or pain. Instead try this:

Ex: Horse bites

  • Unproductive: I donโ€™t want my horse to bite.
  • Productive: I want my horse to feel safe, to interact with me with a closed, still muzzle.


EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Music by LiQWYD:ย 

Aug 22, 202301:31:05
EquiTheory Podcast - Trailer

EquiTheory Podcast - Trailer

EquiTheory covers all things horsemanship with an emphasis on science + connection. Explore what it means to be a human among horses โ€” from training behaviors + studying equine psychology to tackling mental health + lifeโ€™s idiosyncrasies โ€” all from the perspective of relatable equestrian, Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory. Spice up your trail ride, drive to the barn, or stall mucking with a podcast on a mission to help you better understand yourself + your horse. All while entertaining you with Jillโ€™s riding + training stories, interviews with other equine professionals, and her lame dad jokes. This Episode's Page on Site: Premium Feed: Discord Server: Merch: Listener Survey: Instagram: YouTube: EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion. Music by LiQWYD:
Aug 22, 202300:60
106. Everything is Different

106. Everything is Different

Hey hello hi and welcome BACK! Updates and tangents galore, tune in to this week's episode to be entertaining for sure! How's the rhyme work? Needs work? ...figures. Nevertheless, the EquiTheory podcast is BACK IN BUSINESS FRIENDS! Enjoy!

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Music by LiQWYD:ย 

Aug 15, 202341:09
105. Energy in Horse Training

105. Energy in Horse Training

Enjoy a drizzly lazy day with me as I regale events of the week's past such as the start of my new job, Zoรซ updates, and Azula's rain rot. We also dip into the divisive woo woo topic of energy where some shine with passion and others spit in disgust (some really hate the idea of "training with energy"...). But I offer ye this... might we be looking at what it means to "train with energy" in the wrong way? Does is matter how you look at it? Isn't it just a nasty marketing ploy to justify not-so-great methods? Listen and see...(;

I also answer a few questions in the advice segment:

  1. How to begin to heal my relationships with my horse. I bought him 2 years ago as an all rounder, maybe riding club etc. He's not straightforward. Have spent the last 2 years battling with traditional methods and hating it more and more. Now I'm ready to just give up and sell him, but listening to part 2 of your chat with Adele Shaw I realized I could fall back in love. I'm probably going to loan him out to a hacking home for 6 months to give me a break and I may join Adeleโ€™s foundation course if I decide to have him back but how can I repair our relationship now. I don't want to start training with R+ if he's about to go to a traditional loan home but I want to feel a connection with him again. Thanks for all you do and for helping me resolve the cognitive dissonance of being a horse lover in the modern traditional British equestrian community.ย 
  2. I am brand new to using +R & just starting to teach targeting & manners through a stall. My question is in previous sessions Iโ€™ve had issues with my donkey having anxiety/herd bound issues when Iโ€™m working with my mare. I have another donkey but he doesnโ€™t seem to care about him when my mare is out of sight. Any suggestions on helping my donkey be ok when Iโ€™m somewhere else with my mare? Iโ€™m worried he may injure himself.

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Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Aug 23, 202201:03:43
104. Self-Care in Healing

104. Self-Care in Healing

For the fastest episode turnaround in the history of ETP, I present to you a โ€˜sode filled to the brim with human-related content. This one has very little to do with horses, and everything to do with some potentially relatable hardships that have been going on in my life as well as how Iโ€™m dealing with them + what self-care practices have made all the difference for me. I hope this episode helps someone out there in one way or another, either way, thanks for listening ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Aug 16, 202257:26
103. Motivating Horses + Humans

103. Motivating Horses + Humans

Come along with me for a little bit of a story time as I regale the recent events spent enjoying the equines as they are as well as the young horsesโ€™ first time loose in the arena. Beyond this enchanting tale, I also took on a few listener questions. I coverโ€ฆ

  • ย A pony whoโ€™s struggling with leading + balking.
  • ย A horse who rears when asked to go forward.
  • ย A human who lacks motivation to work with horses in the winter.

Use this link to get $100 off the Getting Behavior course:

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Aug 09, 202259:28
102. Shaping Better +R Trainers (ft. Adele Shaw)

102. Shaping Better +R Trainers (ft. Adele Shaw)

What a wonderful lil episode this was! I hope it gave you guys some solid ideas of how we can work to improve the way that +R trainers present themselves, the science of behavior and training, and how we can all work to better the lives of our equine companions. Guest, Adele Shaw, and I attempt (as much as our very tangent prone brains allow) to cover a shaping plan from top to bottom explaining the bad and correcting for the good. Except this shaping plan isn't for the horses this time; it's all about us, the positive reinforcement trainers. So, if you are one, thinking of becoming one, or have interacted with one in the past, this episode is a great deep dive into why +R trainers are sometimes mildly unbearable and why other times, they are anything but!ย 

Follow Adele!

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Aug 02, 202201:25:24
101. The Problem with +R Training (ft. Adele Shaw)

101. The Problem with +R Training (ft. Adele Shaw)

You guys, I am so stoked for this episode. Itโ€™s been such a long time coming and I think itโ€™s so good! So, quit reading this lame description and dive into this episode with the one and only Adele Shaw of the Willing Equine.

Adele Shaw is an internationally recognized mentor and trainer focused on creating a positive relationship between horse and human through science-based training and care practices. Drawn to horses labeled as โ€œtrouble makersโ€ and โ€œlost causesโ€ from an early age, Adele has always had a passion for understanding the โ€œwhyโ€ behind behavior and a deep desire to help horses find their way back to wellness. This holistic approach examines the horseโ€™s environment, lifestyle, and physical and mental soundness to ensure that the horses are not simply surviving, but truly thriving in their life and relationship with their human caretakers. As a teacher, Adele is supportive and understanding of both horse and human, and tailors her lessons to provide the most personalized, accessible and ethically minded coaching possible. Her approach goes beyond method: by offering flexible training and care systems, the wellbeing of the horse and the empowerment of the student always remain the primary goals.

In addition to her hands-on work with specialized rehabilitation cases at her ranch in Texas, Adele maintains an active role in the equestrian community through her clinics, online student programs, courses, blog, podcast, and social media outreach. As she connects with students across the globe, Adele remains dedicated to making information on behavioral science, positive reinforcement, LIMA principles, humane hierarchy, and species appropriate care practices accessible and achievable for every horse owner through The Willing Equine."ย 


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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Jul 26, 202201:27:39
100. The Hundredth One

100. The Hundredth One

Heyyyy Hello Hi! Welcome to and/or back to the EquiTheory Podcast! Iโ€™m your host, Jill Treece, and this weekโ€™s episode is THE 100TH EPISODE!๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Jul 19, 202249:06
99. I Canโ€™t Believe Whatโ€™s Happened

99. I Canโ€™t Believe Whatโ€™s Happened

Welcome one and all to this absolute albatross-infested podcast episode. I hope you brought your opinion oars because youโ€™ll be treading and wading through several of mine this episode (canoe, think canoe, thatโ€™s the metaphor). But, never fear, I assure you, my dear faint-hearted listener, that there are countermeasures in place such asโ€ฆ whacky, upbeat moments, cool, fun, funky fresh announcements, and silly goofy pony clips and tales sure to sustain your attention and bridge the gap between the entertaining podcast you all know and love, and that which lies beyond.



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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Jul 12, 202201:00:16
98. Desensitizing the Water Hose

98. Desensitizing the Water Hose

Hey hotties, if youโ€™re also feeling like youโ€™ve been living in a Johnny Cash music video going down, down, down in a burning ring of fire, this is the episode for you. I dive into the week of hundred-degree heat weโ€™ve been spit-roasting and caramelizing in down here in the southern United States, and the challenges of keeping horses cool in it. I also do you all the favor of explaining how I helped Azula realize that the water horse is in fact not a translucent, spitting, slithery worm demon out to end her, but instead, a worthy ally, dare I say, friend. And now she canโ€™t get enough of it! Thatโ€™s enough caption, for now, I do literally have to run to go check on the horses and hose off the hot ones! Thanks for listening!

Here are some articles about heat stress + helping horses stay cool during these brutal summer temperatures: โ€œThere was no cooling effect of scraping following rapid cold-water application,โ€ he said, which indicates heat dissipation by conduction is greater than that of sweat evaporation. Specifically, the horsesโ€™ body temperatures dropped and continued to drop 10 seconds after water application alone. When the team scraped the water from the horsesโ€™ bodies, their temperatures increased immediately.โ€ Hosing Hot Horses Post-Exercise: Scrape Off Water or Reapply?

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Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Jun 28, 202246:50
97. Being an Equestrian on Social Media

97. Being an Equestrian on Social Media

To my fellow equestrian entrepreneurial spirits and internet hashtag girl bosses, this oneโ€™s for you. This episode dives into my experiences as a โœจsocial media influencerโœจ in the equestrian world. From what it was like when I came up to all the ways itโ€™s changed today. I give some advice on what Iโ€™ve learned about how to be successful today (even though Iโ€™m rotten at implementing it myself) as well as discuss some of the thoughts you guys shared with me on Instagram.

Donโ€™t forget to take the survey! It would be a massive help to me. Thanks for listening(:

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Listener Survey:

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Jun 21, 202201:44:50
96. We Lost Reina

96. We Lost Reina

This episode is unfortunately a tragic one. A lot of things went south over the last weekend. It honestly seemed to be one awful thing after the other. It was difficult to discuss, but I felt that those of you following Rory and Reinaโ€™s story deserved the update. Beyond that, there wasnโ€™t really much else that I think I couldโ€™ve talked about for this week.

So please be kind and try to understand that if we had known what wouldโ€™ve been ahead of us, we never wouldโ€™ve made the decision we did a few weeks ago. The whole thing was beyond heartbreaking and awful to deal with.

May momma Reina rest easyโค๏ธ

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Jun 07, 202250:27
95. Something Strange Happened with Zoรซ

95. Something Strange Happened with Zoรซ

Good morrow my friends, and happy Tuesday. If youโ€™d like to brighten your ruby day, give this episode a taste. In it, I cover a unique experience I shared with my mare, Zoรซ, that has me rethinking some things. It seems that may be my permanent state of being and perhaps I ought to just accept that whenever I think Iโ€™ve figured something out, the universe will grant me something even more unexpected than the something I thought Iโ€™d figured out. What a caption for a podcast episode, but in truth, itโ€™s because I honestly cannot recall much more about what I talked about, so hopefully the chattering of my lil verbose and over-sharing heart will make a larger impression on you than it did me!

Thanks for listening & reading (did you read this, lol do people actually read podcast captions or am I just writing it for the robots and SEO gods?)

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

May 24, 202254:11
 94. The Difficult Decision About Our New Foal

94. The Difficult Decision About Our New Foal

This episode is more serious than the more recent eps as I cover the recent world debut of our Andalusian x Lusitano colt, Rory. His dam, Reina, was a neglected founder caseโ€ฆ and a broodmare. And because of the heartbreaking nature of her situation, we faced some seriously tough decisions, and still will.

Thank you guys for listening. Please leave a review for us & follow the socials(:

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

May 17, 202201:16:35
93. When You Can Stop Reinforcing Your Horse

93. When You Can Stop Reinforcing Your Horse

Howdy partner, and welcome back to your weekly dose of horsey nerddom. This time, weโ€™ll be delving into the common quandary, โ€œWhen can I stop with the food rewards already?!โ€ Hopefully, youโ€™ll find that I answer this question, and if youโ€™re luckyโ€ฆ perhaps youโ€™ll learn a bit more about what forces drive your horseโ€™s brilliant, and not so brilliant, behavior.

Thanks for lending your ear, friend.ย If you are ~so inclined~ please do leave a review & find us on the socials.

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

May 10, 202201:00:36
92. Afleet Azula

92. Afleet Azula

Gather round equestrian friends for this dear episode of the podcast is a story time of sorts. Iโ€™ll be telling ye all the tale of the mythical, magical Afleet Azula. She may be wee but sheโ€™s a mighty lass (if youโ€™re not reading this caption with a Scottish accent, start over) and bonny to boot. So, grab yer popped corn, marshmallows, coffee, or eveninโ€™ drink & enjoy a good ramble from your favorite child of chaos brain.

Thanks for lending your ear, friend.ย If you are ~so inclined~ please do leave a review & find us on the socials (i wonโ€™t count it as stalking this time).

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

May 03, 202258:31
91. Iโ€™m Not a Good Trainer

91. Iโ€™m Not a Good Trainer

Do you also have a shame goblin hiding out under your bridge of dreams, slinking around hoping to thieve your newborn, budding confidence and pester you with an onslaught of intrusive thoughts about every way in which a given situation might go horribly wrong? *Inhale* If yes, this is the episode for you. I discuss those fun facets of hashtag living your best life and how to get the most out of your session planning so you might actually be able to get out of your own head and onto working with your horse. Enjoy(;

Thanks for lending your ear, friend.ย Please leave a review for us & follow the socials if you are ~so inclined~

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Apr 26, 202257:01
90. Letโ€™s Get Personal: Horsemanship Without Horses

90. Letโ€™s Get Personal: Horsemanship Without Horses

In this weekโ€™s episode, I take a deep dive into my health and some of the big changes that Iโ€™ve made in my life that have done wonders for my mental and physical health, which, of course, only enhances the horsemanship aspect. Itโ€™s all too common in the equestrian world that we overlook our personal health and even joke about how much we give our horses, but wouldnโ€™t dream of doing for ourselves. So, maybe this episode will inspire some ideas in you about how you can help your horse by helping yourself.

Influences Discussed:ย 

  • Come Along for the Ride Podcast
  • Journey On Podcast
  • The Period Party Podcast


  • Daring Greatly by Brenรฉ Brown
  • The Defining Decade by Meg Jay
  • The Period Repair Manual by Laura Briden
  • Fix Your Period by Nicole Jardim

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Apr 22, 202201:18:46
89. Overcoming Trailer Fears

89. Overcoming Trailer Fears

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

In this week's episode, I dive into the topic of trailer loading. This topic is no stranger to the show, but it is such a common problem for horses and their humans that it warrants multiple discussions in my opinion. This angle on trailer loading discusses a current problem facing my boss and her nine-year-old, chestnut, OTTB gelding, Six. He's truly a delight to work with and helping him overcome his anxiety around the trailer has been such a pleasure!

Find out more about trailer loading:ย 

Watch this episode on YouTube:

Thank you guys for checking it out!

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Apr 15, 202201:19:47
88. The Podcast is Back!

88. The Podcast is Back!

Wow wow wow! This has been a LONG time coming! But here we are, back and better than ever! EquiTheory is returning to the podcasting realm with episode 88 and is now all new + improved for YouTube.ย 

In this comeback episode, I dive into all of the life changes and perspective shifts I've faced over my break from the podcast as well as updates on the horses. Beyond that, I make some exciting announcements about what you guys can now expect from EquiTheory โ€” such as merch, the website update, and the fact that the podcast is now available on YouTube!

You can find it here:ย

You can find older episodes of the podcast on this playlist:ย or search "EquiTheory" on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

Basically, this episode is a catch-up episode and a reintroduction to me, the host Jill Treece, and what my vision is for the future of this podcast! I want to thank all of you guys for sticking around & allowing me this platform. It truly means the world.

Don't forget, if you have a question for the podcast, become a patron!

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๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Apr 08, 202201:34:19
87. Saddle Fit: Breaking it Down (Ft. Sonja from Saddlefit 4 Life)

87. Saddle Fit: Breaking it Down (Ft. Sonja from Saddlefit 4 Life)

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

Have you ever wanted to learn more about saddle fit, but never knew where to start? Then, this is the episode for you! Sonja, from Saddlefit 4 Life, joins us this week to break down some of the basics of saddle fitting.

Hereโ€™s an idea of what topics + questions we cover:

  • The most important thing about saddle fitting
  • The biggest consequence of a poorly fitted saddle?
  • Pros + cons of different types of panels (wool, foam, air)
  • Adjustable vs. fixed trees
  • How far back should the saddle go? Correct length?
  • How do you include shoulder asymmetry in saddle fitting?
  • Pros + cons of treed vs. treeless
  • New saddle on a budget
  • Half Pads
  • Multiple horses & not enough $$$ for individual saddles

Find out more about Saddlefit 4 Life:

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๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Jul 13, 202101:56:14
86. New Opportunities & Final Q&A: Hoof Handling Woes

86. New Opportunities & Final Q&A: Hoof Handling Woes

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

Things are changing! I've updated to options available to Patreon Members and am sharing with you guys the details behind the change as well as what opportunities these changes offer to you! Beyond that, I go over what's been happening with me and the horses lately. Finally, I answer the final patreon questions that I'll likely ever be answering on this podcast in this format. It's been a wildly educational journey answering these questions, but I think the podcast is about tapped out on them. So, I'm moving things around and doing them privately. The episode explains more!

So! The final patron questions are answered in this episode and they include:

  • Two young horses who won't pick up their feet โ€” "the filly always tries to kick me and the colt has bitten me a few times."
  • When is the clicker signal important & is it more effective to not use it? Plus information about what marker signal to use while riding.
  • A horse who struggles with the farrier working on his feet.ย 

Thank you guys for checking it out!ย Please leave a review for us & follow the socials!

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EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Jul 07, 202101:10:23
85. Body Work, Brain Work, Bond Work (Ft. Jim Masterson of Masterson Method)

85. Body Work, Brain Work, Bond Work (Ft. Jim Masterson of Masterson Method)

Weโ€™re diving in with Jim Masterson, creator of the Masterson Method. This episode went in so many cool directions all surrounding the topics of bodywork, connection, mindfulness, softness, subtlety and so much more.

Jim Masterson of the Masterson Method!

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๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Jun 17, 202101:34:50
84. Q&A: Ethics in Training Traumatized Horses

84. Q&A: Ethics in Training Traumatized Horses

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

This week's episode answers Patron McKenna's questions. Here's an idea of all the topics we covered:

  • What are your thoughts on how & when one should use sedation (Ace, Dormosedan, etc.)?
  • Is it possible for the clicker/R+ way of training to be too slow for a horseโ€™s well-being?
  • When should a professional clicker trainer get involved in person?
  • Could a horse be โ€œtoo far goneโ€ to train?
    • Do you think it is ethical to try & โ€œfixโ€ a horse in a state of post-trauma recovery & continue to try to reintegrate the horse into a normalized way of functioning, or should we instead try to find a way to comfortably retire them (permanently or temporarily) & cease the majority of reintegration training as a way to respect them in their present situation?
  • Could you please clarify how โ€œcombined reinforcementโ€ works?
    • Is it possible in the clicker training world to use both +R & -R together ethically?
  • What are your thoughts on the idea that humans decide on a training method based on their past traumatic experiences? Has that been true for you in choosing R+? What are your thoughts on using โ€œenergyโ€ pressure when training horses?
  • Is it advisable and/or ethical to train a horse when in a conflicted/irritated/angry mindset?
    • Therefore, is it advisable & /or ethical to train a horse while suffering from a mental disorder flare-up when it causes a conflicted/angry/etc. mindset?
  • Do you know of any sources that describe how to best transition a horse from daily โ€œfeedingsโ€ to 24/7 forage access?
  • What are your thoughts (in general) on the Extreme Mustang Makeover & The Road to the Horse competitions?
    • Do you know if there is any data concerning these competitions specifically that would suggest that these horses are more likely to have bolting/bucking/"problem horse" issues or even health problems post-adoption/sale?
    • Do you think it's possible to compete in short-term training competitions like these with clicker training?
    • Of the clicker trainers I know of, very few actually compete on a regular basis in the hopes of refraining from putting too much pressure on their horses.
    • Do you think that clicker-trainers will ever be willing to participate in these kinds of competitions?
    • What do you think it will take to get people to do so?

Thank you guys for checking it out! And thank you to Patron McKenna for asking such thought-provoking questions!

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Jun 10, 202101:59:58
83. Q&A: Bond Building, Nippy Colt, Halter + Trailering, Grain Anxiety & Traditional Trainer Challenge

83. Q&A: Bond Building, Nippy Colt, Halter + Trailering, Grain Anxiety & Traditional Trainer Challenge

Hereโ€˜s the short version of the list of questions I answer in this episode: What would be better solutions to help with the biting?ย How do you start rebuilding a bond with your horse after itโ€™s been a while? Any tips/tricks on trailer loading? What do I need to do to recondition the halter? How would I go about retraining a horse to ride that has been a pasture pet for the last 4 years? Do you have any suggestions for how I can reduce my ponyโ€˜s stress with grain time?

See This Episode's Page!

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Jun 02, 202101:40:20
82. Weโ€˜re Back! Post-Op Zoรซ, New House & Farm, Career & Love Life Updates!

82. Weโ€˜re Back! Post-Op Zoรซ, New House & Farm, Career & Love Life Updates!

Weโ€˜re officially back in business! My break is over and Iโ€˜m thrilled to be back recording! This episode goes top to bottom covering all the updates youโ€˜ve been waiting for + more. From moving houses & horse farms to how Zo is handling her recovery to my career and love life updates haha! Itโ€˜s all in this weekโ€˜s new episode.

See This Episode's Page!

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

May 26, 202102:19:10
81. Why My Heart-Horse Needs Surgery

81. Why My Heart-Horse Needs Surgery

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

This week's episode is a difficult one to make, but I wanted to update you guys & fill you all in on the process I went through in deciding to go through with Zo's Kissing Spine surgery. I also answered some of your questions about Kissing Spine as it is still a relatively new diagnosis! More episodes on her KS are coming, so stay tuned(:


See This Episode's Page!

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Apr 15, 202101:22:02
80. Q&A: Biting, Bolting & Riding with Ulcers?

80. Q&A: Biting, Bolting & Riding with Ulcers?

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

This week's episode includes an update to the podcast's schedule & also answers some patron questions:

  1. My question involves nipping... specifically nipping me in my face.
  2. My question is about tail flicking while riding.
  3. Half of the time she is a lovely lady but the main problem is that she bolts in hand. Itโ€™s not like she spooksโ€ฆ Itโ€™s more like 'i want to go this way.โ€™

Thank you guys for checking it out! Please leave a review for us & follow the socials! Don't forget, if you have a question for the podcast, become a patron!

See This Episode's Page!

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Mar 03, 202157:09
79. Q&A: Aggression, Separation Anxiety & Ear Shyness

79. Q&A: Aggression, Separation Anxiety & Ear Shyness

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

This week's episode covers your questions regarding two different cases of separation anxiety, a few aggression cases, and a horse who is ear & poll shy, but needs a bridlepath & to be haltered! Tune in to hear how I would go about working through the challenges these horses are facing & get some ideas for your training with your own horse.

Thank you guys for checking it out! Please leave a review for us & follow the socials! Don't forget, if you have a question for the podcast, become a patron!

See This Episode's Page!

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Feb 09, 202101:08:47
78. Iโ€˜m Quitting, Moving & Excited

78. Iโ€˜m Quitting, Moving & Excited

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

We're back!! Season 4 is off to a hot start in this episode where I discuss all the things that are happening and have happened since my break. We delve into mental health, quitting, the fact that the horses and I are MOVING & ah! So much. So tune in!

Thank you guys for checking it out! Please leave a review for us & follow the socials! Don't forget, if you have a question for the podcast, become a patron!

See This Episode's Page!

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Feb 02, 202101:05:28
77. The Last Episode: Reflect & Connect 2020 Finale

77. The Last Episode: Reflect & Connect 2020 Finale

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

We've done it. 2020 is over & I'm talking all about it โ€” from Animal Communicators, COVID, Burnout, Graduation, Boys, Mental Health, Accomplishments & Hardships to Getting Clients, Zo's Kissing Spine, the Boys' Birth, All My Online Education Experiences, New Year's Resolutions, Why I'll Be Gone & What's Next for the Podcast. This week's episode is a long one, but with how 2020 went, I feel like it's fitting. So, buckle up & get your 2x speed button ready. Thank you guys for checking out this episode & for tagging along for the ride this year. You guys have helped in more ways than you can imagine. This podcast is one of my biggest passions & your support is unimaginable. So, thank you. & Happy New Year!

Please leave a review for us & follow the socials, if you'd like. & Don't forget, if you have a question for the podcast, to become a patron!

See This Episode's Page!

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Dec 29, 202003:04:40
76. An Animal Communicator Spoke with My Horses

76. An Animal Communicator Spoke with My Horses

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

In this week's episode, I have a very special guest! Shelley Buchanan is on air to communicate with Zoรซ, Lex, Azula, and a very special guest at the end. You guys aren't ready for this one!

Shelley Buchanan Animal Communicator

Thank you guys for checking it out! Please leave a review for us & follow the socials! Don't forget, if you have a question for the podcast, become a patron!

See This Episode's Page!

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Dec 22, 202002:27:01
75. Q&A: Horses with Aggression, Dangerous Behaviors & No Manners Around Food

75. Q&A: Horses with Aggression, Dangerous Behaviors & No Manners Around Food

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

This week, I'm answering questions from you! Patrons of the podcast sent in their questions and loaded up this episode with some tricky ones. Some of the topics covered include...

  • A Gelding who kicks... a lot
  • A Mare who returned to a rescue with an explosive fear of sound
  • A Pony who paws and paws.. and paws
  • Building the Topline with +R
  • Falcon โ€” frustrated or fun-loving?
  • Horses who just won't keep their hooves out of the cookie jar
  • An OTTB who is struggling to mind his Ps & Qs
  • If I'm ever going to give lessons
  • A Horse who bites, kicks, & doesn't like to be touched

And lastly,

  • Competing with +R

Thank you guys for checking it out! Please leave a review for us & follow the socials! Don't forget, if you have a question for the podcast, become a patron!

See This Episode's Page!

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Dec 15, 202001:36:34
74. Beginnerโ€˜s Guide to Troubleshooting in +R Training (Pt. 4)

74. Beginnerโ€˜s Guide to Troubleshooting in +R Training (Pt. 4)

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

This is the last episode in the Beginnerโ€™s Guide to +R Training! Part 4 is all about some miscellaneous but still important aspects of training! Additionally, I cover a lot of common troubleshooting solutions that I hope help enhance your understanding of the wonderful world of +R training(;


What can go wrong when training the basics?

  • Green on Green
  • Being informed before you start
  • Patience / Adjusting Expectations / Mindset shift
  • Loopy Training
  • Unintentional Reinforcement via Secondary Rโ€™s (increasing undesirable behaviors on accident)
  • Lumping


  • Feed speed
  • Biting
  • Horse with Food Anxiety / High Drive
  • Frustration
  • Creating a food anxious horse
  • What the horseโ€™s body language means
  • Facial expressions
  • Leaving & coming back
  • Licking chewingย 
  • How do I know if my horse understands?

Horse saying โ€œNoโ€ / How to respond.

  • The first question is โ€œWhy?โ€
  • Is my horse saying yes or no?ย 
  • If my horse walks away, do I go to them or just wait or leave?

What do I do if my horse doesnโ€™t get it? Or wonโ€™t respond?

  • If you have to force it... should you do it?
  • Slow way down. Break it down. Step away & plan. Avoid Frustration!

What if I don't own the horse?

What if I donโ€™t have a stall to start in?

Emotions & Final Thoughts

  • Guilt
  • Confusion
  • Frustration

See This Episode's Page!

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Dec 08, 202002:16:55
73. Beginnerโ€˜s Guide to Transitioning to +R Training (Pt. 3)

73. Beginnerโ€˜s Guide to Transitioning to +R Training (Pt. 3)

Hi All๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŽ

This episode covers a lot of the common concerns & necessary considerations one might have when switching to +R training with their horses! See the outline below for a feel of what we cover in this part of the Beginner's Guide to +R Horse Training series!


Is it all or nothing? Can you mix?

  • Types of pressure
  • Tactile
  • Emotional
  • Aversive
  • Dominance theory

If you've been working with your horse using -R until now how do you not confuse between the two? How do you start implementing it & not overlap with traditional and confuse the horse?

  • Fear of being wrong / insecure / awaiting correction
  • Donโ€™t overdo it in the beginning
  • Curse of Knowledge โ€” clarity of communication
  • Start where you havenโ€™t used aversives (help you & horse work in a new mindset)

-R Brain

  • Yanking on the lead rope
  • Acknowledge that you did that
  • Figure out why you flicked back to old methods.
  • โ€œI find it often happens when the horse is just confused. Next time if you notice your horse isnโ€™t doing what you want it to, try to remember that the horse is probably confused or one of its natural instincts is screaming in its head (run away the mailbox will eat you). You just need to do something differently, instead of applying an aversive until they do what you want.โ€

How to incorporate in traditional barn/setting.

See This Episode's Page!

๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’™ WHERE TO FIND US ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ”ฅ

EquiTheory Podcast โ€” Hosted by Jill Treece of JETEquiTheory

Disclaimer: This content is for educational, informational + entertainment purposes only, not professional consultation. While we take precautions and fact-check, topics discussed should be considered opinions and listeners should practice due diligence before taking any action. If you participate (by commenting, submitting a question, or reviewing), understand it is at your own risk, accept full responsibility for any resulting liability/harm, & anything written may be used for discussion.

Dec 01, 202001:16:50