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Entrepreneurs Circle

Entrepreneurs Circle

By Erik Cabral

The goal of this show is to bring my experience (both successes and failures) to the table and to share some of my insights to building businesses and relationships. I’ll also interview fellow entrepreneurs to inspire and give you some tools you may need on your journey to grow your personal brand, create a successful podcast, and how to align it all with business and spiritual growth!
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E315: From Sandwiches to Success: Gregg Majewski's Franchise Masterclass

Entrepreneurs CircleMay 17, 2024

E316: Breaking Unhealthy Habits with Joya Van Der Laan

E316: Breaking Unhealthy Habits with Joya Van Der Laan

Feeling stuck in a cycle of unhealthy habits? 

Listen to this episode as Erik Cabral interviews functional medicine practitioner Joya Van Der Laan. Joya shares practical ways to break free through small, sustainable changes. She takes a whole-body approach to common issues beyond just covering symptoms. Discover how to support your wellbeing through nutrition, exercise, sleep and reducing toxins. Joya even recommends apps to check food safety before grocery shopping. 

This episode brings some empowering tips to nourish your amazing system from the inside out -–  and start getting motivated to feel your very best!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Functional medicine vs symptom treatment

  • Questioning mainstream beliefs & study funding 

  • Breaking unhealthy habits through small changes

  • Toxic chemicals & safer alternatives

  • Apps for checking food toxicity

  • Exercise, sleep, & nutrition for aging

Episode Highlights:

[00:56] What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is all about finding what's really causing your health issues instead of just covering up symptoms. It digs deeper than surface level to see what's actually going on inside your body rather than just treating what you can see. Providers want to get to the why instead of just the what. They take a whole-picture look, like how your nutrition, stress, sleep and other lifestyle stuff might be affecting you. Then they help even things out so your body can do its thing in the best way.

[20:14] A Holistic Approach to Common Health Issues

Joya takes a holistic view with common issues like insomnia, headaches, and menopause changes. Instead of just masking symptoms, she uses thorough testing to find root causes like nutritional gaps or hormone imbalances. This lets Joya address health issues at the core through personalized lifestyle and eating plans. She doesn't just cover up what's happening but gets to the bottom of it.

[25:01] A COVID Spark for Questioning Old Ways

Joya discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic may have caused some folks to double down in fully trusting mainstream views. But for others with inquisitive minds, it sparked questions about things like the government's true aims and Big Pharma's role. People open to rethinking issues started connecting more dots. This "mind-opening" led some down the path of checking out alternative approaches like functional medicine. 

[35:48] Check Your Products the Easy Way

Joya talks about how apps like EWG Clean Living and Think Dirty can help folks out. You can scan barcodes right in the store to see if products got any nasty chemicals or hormone messing stuff. She recommends scanning beauty and cleaning items to find better options. By taking a couple extra minutes to scan, you can shop smarter for your wellbeing. 

Resources Mentioned:  

EWG Clean Living

Think Dirty App

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

May 20, 202451:33
E315: From Sandwiches to Success: Gregg Majewski's Franchise Masterclass

E315: From Sandwiches to Success: Gregg Majewski's Franchise Masterclass

Shaking up the restaurant game since day one - that's Gregg Majewski for you. From Jimmy John's to now heading up Craveworthy Brands, Gregg has a proven track record of taking concepts to the next level through passion, hard work, and old-fashioned hustle.

In this episode, Erik Cabral chats with Gregg, who drops franchise wisdom as the undisputed Jedi Master of restaurants. Gregg shares invaluable insights on building unique concepts, empowering teams, and turning businesses around through grit and hustle. Some of the key lessons? Always lead with humility, equip your team, and embrace failure as a chance to grow stronger.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Lead with humility and empower your team through example 

  • The four walls of a successful restaurant business

  • Build community through partnership, not dictation

  • Focus on exceptional food and a crave-worthy experience 

  • Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow stronger

  • Dream big and motivate others through relentless passion

Episode Highlights:

[02:01] Leading by Example and with Humility

Gregg knows real leadership means empowering your crew, not being top dog. Lots of people saving struggling spots think they're the only answer, but that'll cause issues. Gregg says get in there and get your hands dirty from the jump by cooking, cleaning, and joining the team as an equal. This builds trust and respect to motivate change since younger folks want a peer, not just a boss. Leading with the team from the start earns respect and sets up for success.

[10:02] The Four Walls of a Successful Restaurant Business

Gregg stresses having solid systems and rules as the foundation of any restaurant business. He calls these the "four walls." You’ve got to have strong procedures to ensure consistency between locations. Setting up robust systems from the jump is key to keeping everywhere on the same page.

  1. Food quality - Ensuring consistent, high-quality food is a must. This is non-negotiable.

  2. Speed of service - Whether it's fast casual delivery or quick dine-in turnover, efficiency and timely service are critical.

  3. Cleanliness - Maintaining clean, sanitary facilities is a baseline requirement for any restaurant.

  4. Customer experience - The overall experience from the moment a customer walks in until they leave determines return visits and word-of-mouth marketing.

Getting the basics solid should be the priority before expanding or pushing growth. Gregg says you’ve got to have all the foundations on lock before leveling up the rest.

[22:42] Why Adhering to the Playbook is Critical for Franchise Brand Protection

If a franchise location goes off-script, it causes big problems. Not following the playbook leads to inconsistent customer experiences depending on location. That lack of reliability isn't good - people want the same vibe everywhere. Plus, one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch if customers lose faith in consistency company-wide. Franchises gotta stick to the plan to protect the brand and keep customers feeling confident.

Resources Mentioned: 

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

May 17, 202446:38
E314: Taking on Tech Giants: The Mission of Freespoke with Kristin Jackson

E314: Taking on Tech Giants: The Mission of Freespoke with Kristin Jackson

This founder is spilling all the tea about Silicon Valley…

Kristin Jackson of Freespoke joins Erik Cabral in this episode as she pulls no punches about big tech's dirty secrets. From privacy violations and propaganda, to how certain sites target users - this woman is on a mission to expose it all. 

This fearless woman is taking on the establishment with her ethical search startup. Don't miss her bombshell revelations about how corporations actually treat users. One listen and you'll see why she's shaking up the entire industry. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • The need for ethical technology and guardrails on data collection and use

  • Exposing the harms of pornography and its links to human trafficking 

  • Providing a full, unbiased view of information beyond one perspective

Episode Highlights:

[08:54] The Impact of Pornography 

Kristin shares alarming statistics during the conversation that helped catalyze Freespoke's stance against pornography. She notes data from the National Human Trafficking Hotline showing it is the third most common form of sex trafficking after illicit massage parlors and escort services. Additionally, Kristin mentions a New York Times article describing over half of online pornographic images involve the exploitation of children. With over 36 million tips received in a single year by the National Center on Missing and Exploited Children's cyber tip line regarding online child abuse, Freespoke was motivated to become a pornography-free search platform to safeguard users, particularly minors, from inadvertently encountering such harmful material.

[26:03] The Founding of Freespoke

Kristin discusses how observing bias and censorship in other search engines inspired her to establish Freespoke. She focuses on respecting user privacy by limiting data collection and profiling. Kristin's goal: To enhance the search experience through comprehensive, unbiased results presented without manipulation for advertising purposes. This user-centric approach has remained core to Freespoke's alternative search model.

[35:06] The Need for Accountability in Big Tech

Kristin agrees that current ad-based business models often prioritize increasing engagement and data harvesting over delivering high-quality, accurate information. She notes these incentives can spread misinformation as companies focus on growth above all else. Kristin advocates for oversight and accountability of these companies' data practices. She believes competition from alternatives like Freespoke is crucial, as it treats individuals ethically while aiming to provide comprehensive results. Kristin hopes Freespoke can help drive positive reform within the industry by demonstrating a consumer-centric model that values people over profits. 

Resources Mentioned:


Article: The Children of Pornhub

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Apr 30, 202441:46
E313: From Investor to Franchise Mogul: Bennett Maxwell's Journey with Dirty Dough

E313: From Investor to Franchise Mogul: Bennett Maxwell's Journey with Dirty Dough

Ever wonder how entrepreneurs balance high-growth businesses with personal fulfillment? In this episode, Erik Cabral sits down with Bennett Maxwell, founder of the Dirty Dough cookie franchise. Originally an investor, Bennett took over operations and has grown the business to over 70 locations across multiple states. But rapid expansion came with growing pains. 

Bennett shares valuable lessons learned from legal battles, prioritizing infrastructure over outsourcing, and the importance of slowing growth to properly vet systems. You'll also hear how Bennett prioritizes family above all else, even missing an important business meeting to attend his daughter's kindergarten graduation. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Growing a food franchise at lightning speed

  • Lessons learned from legal battles and competition

  • Prioritizing family over work

Episode Highlights:

[04:20] Slowing Growth for LongevityMassively expanding the franchise too quickly led to issues retrofitting new systems. Bennett wishes he started with a co-packer instead of infrastructure to avoid risks. He now focuses on sustainable growth to continually improve franchisee success.

[13:03] Lessons from Legal Battles in the Cookie Wars

Bennett shares valuable lessons from the legal battles with a competitor, emphasizing the importance of thoroughly vetting branding elements and seeking legal counsel early on. He wishes he had hired a trademark attorney to properly evaluate all aspects of the Dirty Dough name and packaging design to avoid issues down the road, showing other entrepreneurs the importance of protecting their intellectual property from the start.

[20:02] Daughter's Graduation Wins OutMissing his daughter's kindergarten graduation for a meeting wasn't an option. Bennett prioritizes family, setting boundaries to avoid workaholism despite business pressures. His mission is to find joy through challenging times.

[24:59] Embracing Failure to Find SuccessBennett shares how dropping out of premed school to pursue door-to-door sales taught him invaluable business lessons through perceived "failures." Although everyone told him it was a mistake, he saw opportunities to learn from each rejection.

Resources Mentioned:

Dirty Dough

18 Summers

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Apr 08, 202432:22
E312: The 5 Core Tenets of “Be Your Brand”

E312: The 5 Core Tenets of “Be Your Brand”

Ready to up-level your personal brand game? 

In this latest episode, Erik Cabral shares his insights on the fundamental tenets needed to build a powerful personal brand. He believes embracing these pillars can boost your personal and professional impact.

Get a dose of branding inspiration as he breaks down principles like self-awareness, authenticity, listening skills, serving others, and finding purpose.  

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Having a high level of awareness

  • Speaking your truth authentically

  • Listening with genuine curiosity

  • Loving and living in service of others

  • Finding your sense of purpose through meditation and reflection

Episode Highlights:

[00:46] Have a High Level of Awareness

Dig deep to understand your strengths, weaknesses, what you care about, your vibe, and who you are as a person. Really knowing yourself allows you to show up naturally instead of putting on a front. You'll have clear ideas about your unique selling points and how you differ from others.

[02:29] Speak Your Truth Authentically

Share your true thoughts without worrying what others might think. While being vulnerable isn't always easy, it shows people the real you, which creates trust with your peeps. This lets you stand out from fake competitors and find fans of your authentic self.

[04:05] Listen with Genuine Curiosity

Show others you care by genuinely paying attention to what they say and asking thoughtful follow up questions to better understand their perspective. This helps you connect more authentically in conversations.

[05:14] Love and Live in Service of Others

Build strong connections through acts of service. While that takes effort, it can significantly benefit your brand by enhancing your reputation and fostering loyalty among those you've helped.

[06:43] Find Your Sense of Purpose Through Reflection and Meditation

Take time for self-reflection through meditation or prayer to gain clarity around why you do what you do and how you can best serve others with your unique talents. Having a clear purpose strengthens your brand by guiding intentional decisions aligned with your core values and mission.

Resources Mentioned:

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Mar 20, 202412:01
E311: Rethinking Scarcity and Abundance with David Meltzer

E311: Rethinking Scarcity and Abundance with David Meltzer

Do you hold onto money tightly out of lingering worries about lack?

In a raw conversation with Erik Cabral, David Meltzer recounts hitting absolute rock bottom - renting his home and car after losing everything. It was this failure, David revealed, that taught him life's most important lessons about humility, faith, and embracing mistakes. 

Today, David shares powerful lessons on overcoming the past through vulnerability, cultivating gratitude daily despite its challenges, building community around shared life experiences, and reexamining where one's own mindset still clings to scarcity rather than abundance.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Seeking humility, wisdom, and faith

  • The power of gratitude

  • The power of authenticity

  • Building lifelong bonds through shared lessons

  • Rethinking scarcity and abundance

Episode Highlights:

[05:35] The Power of Gratitude - Even the Simplest Acts Can Transform Your Life

Business leader David recently shared how just saying "thank you" each day can change your mindset. While expressing gratitude takes mere seconds, it's a foundational principle many successful people practice daily. Yet it's still a struggle for most to consistently show appreciation. David's reminder? Make the small effort to practice gratitude - whether through journaling or simply smiling more - and reap big rewards. After all, gratitude is a gateway to abundance by keeping us focused on life's blessings rather than lack.

[07:27] The Power of Authenticity: How Being Vulnerable Builds Lasting Bonds

David was open about the importance of vulnerability in fostering real connection. By baring his weaknesses and lessons learned, David aimed to help others avoid similar pitfalls through his example of humility. His willingness to openly discuss even ongoing struggles showed that authenticity and transparency build the trust at the core of meaningful relationships.

[11:54] Building Lifelong Bonds Through Shared Life Lessons

David believes in the power of shared experiences to bring people together. If a lesson deeply impacts him, he works to retell it in a way that allows others to relate and draw parallels to their own lives. His goal is to communicate the universal truths that resonated with him in a manner that helps others find similar meaning. Through openly sharing these impactful moments, David aims to cultivate a community of support where people can help each other grow and learn and feel less alone in their challenges. 

[14:39] Rethinking Scarcity and Abundance

While you may preach the message of abundance, you too have moments where scarcity creeps in. As David realized, we all fluctuate along a spectrum rather than being fully abundant or lacking. Take his lesson - look within and identify where past scarcity still colors your mindset today. Do you overeat due to childhood memories of empty cupboards? Do you hesitate to spend money due to long-held anxieties around scarcity? By acknowledging these lingering snapshots, you can consciously shift perspectives hindering your path forward. Commit to ongoing self-reflection to dissolve scarcity's grip and more fully embrace abundance.

Resources Mentioned: 

Request a free signed copy of his book by emailing 

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Mar 11, 202422:57
E310: Raise Your Vibration with Coach Bucky O'Neill

E310: Raise Your Vibration with Coach Bucky O'Neill

Are you ready to elevate your life and success to the next level? In this week's episode, Erik Cabral is joined by transformation titan Bucky O'Neill - a two-decade coaching veteran who's facilitated major awakenings around the globe. 

Buckle up as Bucky rocks the house with electrifying personal stories from his viral TED Talk, then prepares to launch you to new heights with his proven model for manifesting your highest potential. Listen and don't miss your chance to elevate yourself and manifest your highest vision!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Vibrations, spirituality, and the hippies being right

  • Personal growth through sports, meditation, and pivotal programs 

  • Belief systems, frequencies, and patterns

  • The difference between coaching and mentorship

  • Pushing past resistance through coaching

  • The power of vision and the frequency of vision

Episode Highlights:

[19:32] Raising Humanity's Vibration

Bucky discusses how helping people evolve beyond just fulfilling basic needs for survival, security, and stability to reach self-actualization and higher levels of consciousness allows their innate creativity, relationships skills, and contributions to society to flourish. When operating from an elevated frequency through practices like meditation and spiritual development, humanity's shared vibration rises, bringing out the best in people and creating a better world for all as a result. 

[26:13] Pushing Past Resistance Through Coaching

Bucky uses going to the gym as an example of how resistance to change is usually caused by fear. People know they want to get in better shape, but feel uneasy about doing something different. Over time, consistency builds up momentum away from old habits. But most folks get stuck before that point, bogged down by fears and doubts stopping them from taking the first step forward out of their comfort zone. This is why coaching is valuable because the speed in which you can get there is so much faster. 

[33:03] The Power of Vision – and the Frequency of Vision

Bucky emphasizes that people often don't fully appreciate the true power of having a vision. It's not just about setting goals or predetermined outcomes - it's about connecting to the emotional frequency or energy that a desired outcome represents for you, even if currently beyond your reach. When envisioning success in different life areas like finances, relationships or well-being, it's less about tangible results and more about tuning into the elevated feeling, vibe or information level associated with fulfilling that vision. This frequency-based approach can provide insights and opportunities beyond what the logical mind can conceive.

Resources Mentioned:

Legacy and Leverage

Bucky’s TEDTalk: A New Way to Live: The Evolution of Human Consciousness 

The Hippies Were Right from Scientific American

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Mar 06, 202457:41
E309: 3 Hacks to Level Up Your Personal Brand

E309: 3 Hacks to Level Up Your Personal Brand

Is your brand all over the place? Or are you tired of feeling stuck in the same old personal brand routine? Personal branding master Erik Cabral is spilling his secrets - and it's easier than you think!

Erik is dropping some serious gold, as he shares his top tips for developing a brand people actually connect with. First up, look within to uncover your true self. Next, he teaches how to leverage your strengths when sharing your brand. Not everyone is cut out for video - find your superpower medium! And finally, the key to lasting trust - follow through on promises!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Gain clarity on your core values and message

  • Leverage your strengths in communication delivery methods 

  • Make promises to solve problems for your clients and community

Episode Highlights:

[00:05] Clarity in Communication

Without taking the time for self-reflection to understand your core values and beliefs, how can you expect others to understand your message? The first step is gaining clarity on who you are through meditation and introspection. With a strong foundation of self-awareness, you can then focus on crafting a message that clearly communicates what you stand for to your audience. Having clarity about yourself allows you to navigate life's challenges with confidence and solve problems from a place of authenticity. 

[01:31] Leveraging Your Strengths in Delivery

Focus on your natural strengths when choosing a communication method like podcasting, writing, or video. Not everyone is comfortable in front of a camera, so it's key to leverage formats that play to your talents. The options range from written content like blogs and newsletters to audio-only mediums. Go "all in" on your strongest delivery approach rather than spreading yourself too thin across multiple channels. By understanding your unique abilities and preferred styles of conveying information, you can authentically connect with your audience through the right vehicles. 

[02:51] Keeping Your Promise

Make clear promises to your audience and be sure to follow through. Whether it's clients, family or friends, people expect commitments when interacting with brands and individuals. Think about how you uniquely solve problems for others and the assurances you can provide. By living up to the promises you make through effective clarity and delivery, you can develop meaningful connections and serve your community with confidence.

Resources Mentioned:

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Feb 29, 202409:21
E308: A Winning Approach to Growing and Scaling Your Business with Dr. Shawn Dill & Dr. Lacey Book

E308: A Winning Approach to Growing and Scaling Your Business with Dr. Shawn Dill & Dr. Lacey Book

Tired of the same old routine and ready to take things to the next level? Then you don't want to miss this throwback chat with power couple Dr. Shawn Dill & Dr. Lacey Book.

As hugely successful coaches and entrepreneurs, Sean and Lacey have helped tons of people and businesses win big. Tune in to hear their best unfiltered advice for developing a growth mindset, strengthening important relationships, and learning to delegate and mentor effectively.

These two know what it takes to succeed, and through their Black Diamond Club community, they've helped many others do the same. Get their top tips for empowering people, expanding your network and taking your game to a whole new level.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Creating an abundance mindset

  • Opening yourself to new relationships 

  • What got them to grow and scale their business

  • The power of delegating responsibilities 

  • Opening yourself to receiving and committing yourself to learning

  • Reinvesting your money back into yourself

  • The rule of ‘no compromise’ in relationships

  • Why the key person in the deal is the synergist

Episode Highlights:

[06:14] Creating an Abundance Mindset

Transformation begins with self-awareness. If you have a negative belief system around money, that  is going to hold you back from stepping into true abundance. Therefore, you have to shift your mindset around money and work really hard to stay in that abundance mindset. Believe that you can create and attract wealth into your life, and you have to commit to that belief.

[08:22] Opening Yourself to New Relationships

Opening yourself to new relationships opens the possibility for deeper connection and collaboration among people so you can amplify your message and reach more people. Constantly look for people who have a similar vision for helping other people and whatever message you want to put out to the world. While you will meet the right people, there are also people who will not be the right fit. When that happens, just move on and open yourself again to new relationships.

[16:36] Growing and Scaling Your Business as Partners

A lot of people working together get frustrated when they attempt to come together to become one. They think they have to sit down and both be in charge of the finances and the decisions. But once you figure out the delegation of responsibilities and learn how to utilize each other's strengths, that's how you can amplify your business. 

This happens not just with significant others, but also in many partnerships in business. The delegation has to be clear, otherwise, you will end up becoming ineffective, hitting the limitations of growth and scale.

Resources Mentioned: 

Black Diamond Club

None of Your Business by Dr. Shawn Dill & Dr. Lacey Book

Traction by Gino Wickman

Predictable Success by Les McKeown

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Feb 19, 202442:38
E307: How the Most Influential People Connect with Jon Levy

E307: How the Most Influential People Connect with Jon Levy

Are you looking to build meaningful connections but don't know where to start? In this episode, Erik Cabral sits down with behavioral scientist and bestselling author Jon Levy, the man behind those elite secret dinner parties, where he brings together over 100 notable guests each year. From cooking meals to swapping stories, Jon has cracked the code on community - and it has nothing to do with status! 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • How a book becomes your calling card

  • Book marketing and podcasting strategies

  • The ripple effects of our social connections

  • Using social connections to influence behavior and build community

  • Creating community through intimate dinners with famous guests

Episode Highlights:

[06:02] Your Book as an Effective Calling Card

Writing a book can serve as an effective calling card, even if the book itself may not be of the highest quality. For someone like an accountant who specializes in a niche area like serving plumbers, authoring a book about accounting for plumbers would make them the sole credible resource on that topic. When people search for information about accounting for plumbers, their book and name would come up. Simply making the effort to write a book demonstrates the author has deeply considered the issues within their specialized field more than anyone else. In this way, the book can become a very effective calling card that drives new opportunities, according to Jon.

[15:00] How Habits Are Contagious

Jon references a study that found how contagious our habits can be among those in our social circles. He notes the study showed things like happiness, divorce rates, obesity, and even voting habits have been seen to spread between individuals connected to one another. The influence was found to extend up to three degrees - so if you have a friend who exhibits a certain habit, there is a 45% increased chance you will too, your friends who don't know that person have a 20% increased chance, and their friends have a 5% increased chance. This emphasizes how powerful our connections are in influencing one another.

[16:08] Leveraging Influence: How Connecting Others Creates Lasting Bonds

Jon explains his strategy behind the secret dinners. He notes that by bringing together the most influential people in culture and connecting them to each other through the dinners, it causes them to form deeper bonds around him as the host. While acknowledging this is somewhat selfish, Jon argues it benefits everyone involved. When extraordinary individuals are connected to one another, it strengthens the social fabric. And for Jon, by placing himself at the center of this network, he is able to retain these impactful relationships long-term which enrich his own life experience. 

Resources Mentioned: 

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Feb 12, 202434:07
E306: Trusting Your Gut Instincts and Shaping Your Reality with Rob Humble

E306: Trusting Your Gut Instincts and Shaping Your Reality with Rob Humble

Life threw Robert Humble a curveball with a tough divorce, but he didn't let it keep him down. Using mindfulness, therapy, and a hefty dose of self-discovery, Rob picked himself up and rebuilt his life. He ditched the safe route and dived headfirst into entrepreneurship. Now, he's rocking it at the top of his own business, Gatsby Glass.

In this episode, hear all about Rob's epic comeback from personal crisis to real success. If you're looking to bounce back from adversity and rewrite your story, his journey is one heck of an inspiration.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Paying attention to your gut biome

  • Overcome limiting beliefs by feeding your mind with positivity

  • Believing in your ability to create the life you envision

  • Taking leaps of faith and risks by trusting in your potential for success

Episode Highlights:

[12:15] Your Gut Instincts Matter More Than You Think

We've all had moments where our gut told us one thing but our mind went another way. As it turns out, our gut biome influences us greatly. It's time to start listening closer to your body wisdom. Pay attention to subtle feelings in your body - it could save you from "constructs" like societal pressures leading you astray. While thoughts are powerful, don't let them override what your body knows. Make decisions from a place of calm awareness rather than mental chatter. In stressful times, return to your core by checking in with how your gut and body feel.

[22:24] You Are What You Feed

The Cherokee fable that Rob references has deeply impacted his perspective on life. In the story, a grandfather tells his grandson about the two wolves that live within each person - one focused on negativity, the other on positivity. When the grandson asks which wolf wins, the grandfather wisely responds "whichever one you feed." For Rob, this taught him the power we each hold to overcome inner negativity or limitation. By consciously choosing to "feed" the wolf of hope, gratitude, and optimism within yourself, you’re able to shift your mindset and see new opportunities. 

[23:26] The Power of Intention

Your thoughts shape your reality. By focusing on a specific vision for your life and believing fully in your ability to manifest it, you open yourself up to new opportunities. When you're aligned in body, mind, and spirit around your goals, the universe has a way of supporting you. Envision clearly where you're headed and maintain an open, grateful mindset – and watch your dreams emerge before you. 

Resources Mentioned:

Gatsby Glass

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Feb 05, 202443:04
E305: Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs with Erin Bradley

E305: Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs with Erin Bradley

Looking for a dose of motivation to break through your own perceived limitations? In this episode, Erik Cabral sits down with Erin Bradley, founder of Pursuing Freedom, a platform dedicated to helping others unlock their potential for success and happiness. 

Erin's unconventional journey from waiting tables to building a thriving business and retiring early is proof that you have no idea what you're truly capable of until you start chasing your limitless potential. Tune in to hear Erin share her hard-won lessons on transforming mindset, embracing failure, and living life to the absolute fullest through bold risk-taking and relentless passion for personal growth.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • From teaching English abroad to starting her mortgage career

  • How a major financial setback led Erin to hire her first business coach

  • Transforming your relationship with money

  • Strategies for cultivating limitless thinking in yourself and your kids

Episode Highlights:

[01:57] If Not Now, When?

Erin chose to experience the world after college rather than immediately pursuing a "real job". This led her to take a job waiting tables to save money for travels, where she had adventures like kayaking in Mexico and teaching English in Barcelona. This pivot launched her journey of self-discovery, risk-taking, and a philosophy of living by "why not?" and "if not now, when?" that has shaped her success ever since.

[12:12] Transform Your Relationship with Money

People with a tangible relationship view money emotionally - when they have more money they feel safer and happier, and when savings decrease they feel debilitated. Those with an intangible relationship don't feel as strong of emotions about money and can say things like "I could always make more" or see it as just a means to an end. Erin says understanding where you fall on the spectrum is important, because it impacts how you should set goals. Those more intangible may not feel motivated by income goals alone, while tangible types need goals tied to experiences money can provide.

[32:33] From “I Can’t” to “How Can I?”

Erin discusses an important lesson she teaches her children about changing their language from "I can't" to "How can I?". She explains that saying "I can't" closes the valve to possibilities, while asking "How can I?" opens the valve by shifting to a problem-solving mindset. Erin emphasizes that "can't" is actually a decision that limits ourselves, whereas exploring "How can I?" gets us thinking creatively about solutions instead of roadblocks. This mindset teaching resonates with Erin's overall message of cultivating a growth mindset that believes in limitless potential.

Resources Mentioned:

Pursuing Freedom

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

Happy Money by Ken Honda

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jan 29, 202446:06
E304: From Vision to Victory with Industry Veteran Tony Johnson

E304: From Vision to Victory with Industry Veteran Tony Johnson

Struggling with turning your vision into reality? In this episode, Erik Cabral shares the mic with Tony Johnson. With over 20 years of experience in construction, Tony has navigated both the ups and downs of the industry. In their discussion, Tony shares his journey from bartender to founder and president of Timeless Capital Investments and Timeless Properties Construction. 

Tony opens up about his transformational journey - from living paycheck to paycheck to realizing his goal of owning lavish homes through focused vision boarding and daily goal-setting. Listen in as Tony offers invaluable insights on sales strategies, identifying industry niches, and his outlook on the current real estate market. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Tony’s "eureka moment" that led him to start his own construction company

  • Lessons learned from early business ventures like owning a bar

  • How vision boards and goal-setting helped manifest Tony's goals 

  • The importance of understanding AI platforms

  • A story of failure and the important lessons Tony took from the experience

Episode Highlights:

[16:07] Turning Vision into Reality

Tony vividly recalls the humble beginnings when he first started his journey in real estate, living on a couch in a shared home with little money and high credit card debt. He details how he visualized his dream home in a prestigious community through pictures on his vision board. Tony persevered with daily goal-writing and affirmations, eventually purchasing land, building homes, and upgrading each time over the following decade until he manifested living in an even grander home on the golf course. Tony's story demonstrates the power of vision, goals, and relentless focus on manifestations over time.

[22:00] The Current State and Future of the Real Estate Industry

Tony takes a measured view of the current real estate industry, acknowledging that the peak has passed and a decline is underway. He believes the downturn will progress slowly over the next year and a half, with housing transactions slowing by 20-30% but not declining drastically further. Tony notes various factors like high personal debt, tightening lending standards, and commercial properties coming due will impact sectors differently. While certain areas like office face challenges, the housing shortage remains real and provides stability according to Tony's regional experience and analysis.

[24:56] The Importance of Understanding AI Platforms

Tony emphasizes the rapidly evolving nature of artificial intelligence and how crucial it is for business owners to gain even a basic understanding of emerging AI technologies. He notes that platforms like chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and if one doesn't make an effort to comprehend these developments, they risk being left behind as the space advances quickly. Tony stresses that staying on top of AI is necessary to avoid becoming obsolete or losing ground to more digitally savvy competitors in the coming years.

Resources Mentioned:

Timeless Capital Investments

Timeless Properties Construction

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jan 22, 202442:37
E303: How VaynerSpeakers is Reinventing the Industry with Zach Nadler

E303: How VaynerSpeakers is Reinventing the Industry with Zach Nadler

Aiming to carve a niche in the speaking world? In this episode, Erik Cabral sits down with Zach Nadler, co-founder and CEO of VaynerSpeakers. Zach shares hard-earned lessons on transforming obstacles into opportunities and living life on your own terms. Tune in to be motivated by Zach's journey and gain fresh perspectives on building influence, following your vision, and achieving the success others only dare to dream about.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Nadler's "eureka moment" that shifted his focus at CAA 

  • The history and evolution of the speaking industry over the past 100 years

  • Advice for building a personal brand and tips for breaking into the speaking world

  • Why you shouldn’t waste mistakes

Episode Highlights:

[04:48] The Evolution of Speaking

Nadler discusses how the speaking industry has changed over the past century. He notes it originated around 100 years ago with touring speakers like Mark Twain doing presentations on trains. The industry grew in the late 1970s and 1980s with politicians and local celebrities doing talks. Fees for speeches were much lower back then due to different economic conditions and travel being more difficult. Zach explains how the rise of social media, business becoming "cooler,”, and more fame and talent in various fields have transformed speaking into a major industry over the past 10-15 years.

[19:56] VaynerSpeakers’ Relationship-First Approach

VaynerSpeakers approaches working with their clients in a bespoke manner. Zach explains that no two speakers are the same, so they don't provide a one-size-fits-all roadmap. Rather, their focus is on truly understanding each individual client - who they are, what their goals are, and how to adapt their support accordingly over time as the client progresses in their career. The goal is to be in sync with clients and evolve alongside them at each stage.

[32:16] Don’t Waste Mistakes

Zach discusses an important lesson he's learned from a client who said "Don't waste mistakes." The idea is to reflect on failures and setbacks to learn from them rather than simply moving on. When mistakes happen, it's important to analyze why in order to extract the lessons that can improve your work going forward. Reflecting deeply on failures prevents them from just being seen as failures - there is always something to gain from mistakes if you take the time to understand what caused them and how to grow.

Resources Mentioned:


Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jan 17, 202451:40
E302: Jeffrey Scott Educates on the Art of Bespoke Suitmaking

E302: Jeffrey Scott Educates on the Art of Bespoke Suitmaking

Want to feel like a million bucks in your next suit? In today’s episode, learn all the secrets of bespoke tailoring as Erik Cabral suits up and sits down with renowned tailor Jeffrey Scott. Jeff provides invaluable insights into the art of custom suitmaking and the differences between bespoke, made-to-measure and off-the-rack suits. As a business professional, having well-fitted, high-quality suits is important. And if you’re looking to up your suit game, you might as well give this a good listen!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Building trust with clients

  • Going for style over trends

  • The difference between bespoke, made-to-measure and custom suits

  • Fabric selection from mills around the world 

  • The multi-step bespoke fitting process

  • How technology could enhance custom clothing

Episode Highlights:

[13:19] The Beauty of Bespoke Clothing

One of the main beauties of bespoke clothing is its ability to be completely customized to each individual client. When crafting a bespoke garment, the tailor takes into account every unique aspect of the client's body - from their posture and shoulder slope to arm pitch and back shape. This allows the tailor to create a fully bespoke pattern specifically tailored, quite literally, to that person. This level of precision and personal attention is what truly distinguishes bespoke clothing from off-the-rack or made-to-measure options.

[17:21] The Importance of Building Trust to Boost Client Confidence 

Building trust with clients is extremely important when working with them to select unique and bold suit choices. Many men come in wanting safe, conservative options but Jeffrey enjoys pushing them outside their comfort zone. Through developing a relationship over multiple fittings, clients learn to trust Jeffrey's expertise and recommendations. They know he has their best interests in mind to make them feel and look their best. Once that trust is established, clients feel comfortable taking creative risks they wouldn't otherwise. Jeffrey shared a story about a client who started with simple blues and grays but now has a bold plaid as one of his favorites. By gaining clients' trust, Jeffrey is able to help boost their confidence by finding styles that reflect their personalities through bespoke tailoring.

[32:09] The Three Most Important Aspects to Look Out for in Bespoke Suits

According to Jeffrey, the three most important aspects to look for when determining if a suit is truly bespoke are:

  1. The fitting process - A bespoke suit involves creating a completely custom pattern for each client based on their exact measurements and shape, which is then refined over multiple fittings.

  2. Construction - Factors like the full canvas interior, hand-sewn buttonholes, and other details that go into crafting the suit indicate higher quality bespoke construction.

  3. Fabric selection - Choosing rare, high-quality fabrics is another hallmark of bespoke tailoring. This has a major influence on the suit's overall look, feel and longevity.

Resources Mentioned: 

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jan 15, 202449:52
E301: Exploring Alternative Paths to Growth and Healing with JP Albano

E301: Exploring Alternative Paths to Growth and Healing with JP Albano

Open to exploring alternative paths to creativity, growth, unpacking traumas, and healing? In this episode, Erik Cabral chats with multifamily real estate mogul JP Albano as they dive deep into exploring alternative therapies and treatments for unlocking one's potential. From cold plunges and breathwork to microdosing psychedelics, the discussion covers a wide range of topics on transforming perspectives and unlocking past traumas.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • The benefits of cold plunge

  • Microdosing benefits

  • The power of breathwork

  • Comparing microdosing to full psychedelic experiences

  • Setting intentions for breathwork and plant medicine journeys

  • Letting go of limiting beliefs

Episode Highlights:

[03:30] The Amazing Benefits of Cold Plunge

Cold plunges and cold water immersion therapy involve the body's exposure to low temperatures, triggering beneficial stress responses such as increased metabolism, neurotransmitter boost, immune system enhancement, improved circulation, and mental resilience. To make the experience more tolerable, strategies like controlled breathing, muscle tension and release, gradual immersion, setting a timer, and distraction techniques such as counting or meditating can be employed. At home, cold therapy can be practiced through methods like cold showers, ice baths, kiddie pools with ice, cold water bucket dumps, or specially designed cold plunge tubs.

[14:04] The Benefits of Breathwork

The numerous benefits of practicing breathwork include reducing stress and anxiety by slowing the heart rate and relaxing the nervous system, boosting mood through the release of endorphins, sharpening focus and concentration by training the mind to stay present, increasing energy levels by delivering more oxygen to tissues, strengthening the immune system as deep inhales help white blood cells, improving digestion and elimination through abdominal massages, and potentially allowing for altered states with advanced practices that induce meditative or psychedelic experiences.

[22:17] Microdosing Benefits

JP discusses how microdosing psilocybin mushrooms has helped increase his patience, creativity and ability to gain insights. He outlines that a microdose is typically 100mg of dried mushrooms, taking every 3-4 days with breaks in between, and notes it allows normal functioning while experiencing subtle effects. JP credits microdosing with helping "level up" his consciousness and recognize limiting beliefs, comparing it to guided full-dose experiences which require proper intention setting and mindset to unlock deeper healing under a practitioner's supervision.

Resources Mentioned: 

So Rich You Can Quit!

Apps: Othership / Breathe

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jan 02, 202444:47
E300: Celebrating 300 Episodes of Entrepreneurial Wisdom

E300: Celebrating 300 Episodes of Entrepreneurial Wisdom

Let's raise a toast! Erik Cabral is all set to celebrate yet another significant milestone - the 300th episode of the Entrepreneur Circle podcast. In this special episode, he takes us down memory lane, reminiscing about some of the most unforgettable and influential chats from the show.

This episode isn't typical; it's a grand celebration of the wisdom and growth that 300 episodes of the Entrepreneur Circle have fostered for us and our community. So, come on over, let's celebrate this milestone together in true Entrepreneur Circle style!

Here are some of the best highlights over the past 5 years:

  • Amanda Holmes on Chet Holmes’ 6 Steps to Time Management for Billionaires

  • James Altucher on finding partners aligned with your goal of selling your company

  • Hal Elrod on why podcasting is the most effective marketing tool for promoting your book and how it worked to establish the Miracle Morning

  • Chris Do on personal branding and building trust

  • Chris Do on his definition of brand

Episode Highlights:

[04:57] Amanda Holmes Shares Her Father's Six Steps to Time Management System 

Amanda Holmes shares the six steps to time management secrets used by billionaires, specifically her father Chet Holmes who worked closely with Charlie Munger who was Warren Buffetts’ business partner. She outlines concrete tactics like touching each task only once, listing your top priorities each day, estimating time needed for tasks, prioritizing, and scheduling your day - providing valuable time management advice drawn from her father's experience working with billionaire investors.

[11:59] James Altucher's Advice on Positioning a Business for an Exit

James provides strategic advice in positioning a business from the start with the goal of eventually selling it. He recommends considering who potential buyers may be and courting them early on. He also suggests finding partners who are already in your ecosystem and aligned with an exit, noting this can help lay the groundwork for a future potential acquisition. His insights offer a glimpse into how to strategically structure a company to maximize opportunities for a later sale.

[24:36] Hal Elrod on Using Podcast Interviews to Publish Successfully and Market His Book

  • Bestselling author Hal Elrod used podcast interviews as his main marketing strategy for his book, The Miracle Morning. He found that these interviews significantly boosted sales, even outperforming TV appearances and public speaking, primarily because podcast listeners are typically interested in self-improvement, the book's focus. This strategy proved effective even without a pre-existing platform, demonstrating the power of podcast promotion in building an audience and driving book sales.

[33:00] Chris Do on Using Your Authentic Narrative to Build Trust and Connections in Personal Branding

  • Chris Do underscores the significance of personal branding, emphasizing how your authentic story can foster trust and rapport with prospective customers. He asserts that emotional resonance with a brand's values and perspectives influences people's choices more than pure logic. By sharing your life story and worldview, you allow others to connect with you, establishing a sense of trust that sets your personal brand apart in the market. 

Resources Mentioned:


Hal Elrod

James Altucher

Amanda Holmes

Chris Do

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders in the launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Dec 21, 202340:35
E299: From Corporate to Startups: An Insider's Perspective with Sid Yu

E299: From Corporate to Startups: An Insider's Perspective with Sid Yu

Learn how to build strong brands and cultures centered around customer needs. In today’s episode, Erik Cabral chats with Sid Yu of The CEO Project, a business advisory group for high-performing, experienced CEOs. Sid shares invaluable insights from his career path - starting in corporate America for over 20 years before making the leap to founding startups. If you’re seeking advice on scaling businesses through focus and execution, this episode is a must-listen. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Leaving corporate life and pursuing entrepreneurship full time

  • From staying ahead of the curve to designing for different customer segments

  • Building brands and cultures centered on customer needs and delivering on your promise

  • Embracing failure, focusing on execution, and scaling businesses through removing constraints

  • Sid's work helping CEOs through The CEO Project to create clarity and focus

Episode Highlights:

[12:32] The Importance of CEO Advisory Boards in Mid-Sized Businesses

Running a $100 million or even a half-billion dollar business can be isolating, but it's even more so for CEOs of $200 million businesses who lack the resources of larger corporations. That's why having a powerful and supportive CEO advisory board is crucial. These boards help identify issues, constraints, and provide guidance to navigate complex challenges, offering much-needed support to CEOs in mid-sized businesses.

[21:13] How Brand and Culture Are Deeply Interconnected

A brand is defined by the promise a company makes to its customers about what experience they will receive. This brand promise shapes the core values and beliefs that guide employee behaviors and define the culture. On the other hand, culture is how a company lives up to its brand promise through everything it does and the way people are treated. So in essence, a strong brand identity drives the development of an aligned culture where all employees understand and help deliver on the experience promised to customers. The brand and culture reinforce one another to create a consistent customer experience.

[29:11] The Fine Line Between Innovation and Ahead of Your Time

One of the lessons Sid learned was to be one step ahead of the market and one step ahead of the customer – but don't be two or three steps ahead. As an entrepreneur or business leader, it's good to anticipate customer needs and market trends and be the first to address them. Being one step ahead allows you to innovate and gain a competitive advantage. However, it's risky to try to be too far ahead of customers and the overall market. Even if your innovative idea or product is good, customers may not be ready for something that far ahead of existing needs and preferences. The market needs to catch up.

Sid gives the example of Revel casino being too far ahead by making the entire facility non-smoking before customers and gamers were fully ready for that change. So it's best to be slightly ahead of the curve rather than too far in front of the market.

Resources Mentioned:

The CEO Project

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Oct 30, 202351:28
E298: Mastering Sales and Coaching Agents to Success with Matt Cavanaugh

E298: Mastering Sales and Coaching Agents to Success with Matt Cavanaugh

Tired of the 9-5 grind? In this episode, Erik Cabral chats with real estate investor Matt Cavanaugh. As a former teacher, Matt knows what it's like to struggle financially on a traditional salary. Today, he shares his journey from the classroom to the top of sales and how he now coaches agents to find alternatives to the career path. Matt offers invaluable lessons learned from past failures and successes, insights into his sales approach, and how to achieve financial freedom through real estate. Get inspired and learn practical strategies from someone who's lived it!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Finding energy and maximizing productivity

  • Using the Enneagram to speak your prospect’s language

  • A personalized real estate coaching business

  • Matching your strategy to risk tolerance and personality

Episode Highlights:

[19:52] Using the Enneagram to Speak Your Prospect's Language

One of the key tools Matt Cavanaugh leverages in his sales approach is the Enneagram personality typing system. He discusses how understanding someone's core Enneagram type provides valuable insights into how to best communicate with them. Through thousands of reps analyzing different types, Matt has gained an understanding of each type's strengths, weaknesses, comfort levels, and blindspots. Armed with this knowledge, Matt is able to tailor his communication style to be in sync with a prospect's language based on their Enneagram type. Where some may see tools like the Enneagram as manipulative, Matt views it as a way to show care and respect by communicating in a language the other person can understand. His goal is not manipulation but rather having the other person's best interests at heart.

[20:19] How Matt is Building a Personalized Real Estate Coaching Business

  • With a focus on personalized approaches, Matt's insights prioritize tailored strategies over traditional methods. On the agent side, the emphasis is on helping individuals discover their true identity and creating a business plan that embraces their unique qualities. Likewise, on the W-2 side, instead of simply advising individuals to quit their job, Matt develops an investment strategy that ensures a smooth transition when the time is right. By considering financial needs and personality traits, options like syndications, fund investments, property purchases, and joint ventures are explored. This individualized approach charters a clear path from point A to point B, guaranteeing long-term fulfillment and success in the real estate industry.

[22:16] Personalized Real Estate Investing: Matching Strategy to Risk Tolerance and Personality

When it comes to investing in real estate, it's crucial to consider an individual's risk tolerance and personality. For those with a low risk tolerance who prefer a slower and analytical approach, throwing them into high-risk situations is not a good fit. Instead, introducing them to passive investments with lower returns allows them to participate in real estate without the need for immediate action. Understanding that different people have varying levels of knowledge and comfort, it's important to tailor the strategy accordingly. Assessing risk tolerance and personality helps determine the appropriate path, ensuring that everyone can invest in real estate and achieve financial freedom, but each person's approach may differ.

Resources Mentioned:

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Oct 23, 202335:50
 E297: Understanding Non-Traditional Capital and Acquisitions with Paul Neal

E297: Understanding Non-Traditional Capital and Acquisitions with Paul Neal

Did you know there are alternative ways to fund your business growth or acquire other companies beyond traditional bank loans? In this episode, Erik Cabral sits down with Paul Neal of Vantage Point Commercial Capital which uses non-traditional capital and mergers & acquisitions to help entrepreneurs and business owners succeed. Paul shares his unique journey from engineering to entrepreneurship and discusses strategies for business owners looking to expand through strategic partnerships and acquisitions. Don't miss this insightful discussion on unlocking your business's potential through non-traditional funding and M&A. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Paul’s career background

  • Business failure, lessons learned, and resilience

  • Navigating business challenges with a supportive network

  • Business acquisition and expansion strategies

  • Buying and selling businesses with little to no money down

Episode Highlights:

[17:38] How to Navigate Business Challenges

One of the most important lessons in navigating business challenges is to align yourself with like-minded individuals. Building a network of peers, coaches, mentors, and mastermind groups can provide invaluable support during tough times. By surrounding ourselves with a supportive network and seeking mentorship or coaching, we can tap into the collective wisdom and experience of others. Together, we can navigate any business challenge that comes our way and emerge stronger than ever before.

[23:58] Business Acquisition and Expansion Strategies

Paul discusses several insightful strategies for business acquisitions and expansion through strategic partnerships:

  • Buying complementary businesses to gain synergies, like acquiring related service providers to upsell to your existing customer base.

  • Approaching potential partners/acquisition targets softly by floating a "trial balloon" to gauge interest before formally proposing a deal.

  • Evaluating if an acquisition is a good strategic and cultural fit that can be efficiently integrated.

  • Structuring deals creatively, like seller financing or leveraging the acquiring company's existing equity, to minimize upfront capital needs.

  • Pursuing competitor acquisitions during economic slowdowns when owners may be more willing to sell as a way to consolidate market share.

  • Partner buyouts to allow key employees to take an ownership stake and ensure business continuity.

Paul stresses doing due diligence on valuation and cash flow projections. His firm also provides funding options to execute deals smoothly. This allows business owners to expand through strategic non-organic growth.

[35:10] Buying and Selling a Businesses with Little to No Money Down

  • Paul explores the possibility of buying and selling businesses with little to no money down, similar to real estate transactions. This can be achieved through seller financing, leveraging existing equity, focusing on customer base and contracts instead of physical assets, utilizing 401k rollovers, and leveraging corporate career skills for business acquisition. By implementing these strategies, sellers can exit smoothly while acquirers can pursue growth without significant upfront cash requirements. However, thorough due diligence is still essential to assess potential cash flow.

Resources Mentioned:

Vantage Point Commercial Capital

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Oct 23, 202351:03
E296: From Aviation to Sound Healing: A Spiritual Path in Business with Nik Tarascio

E296: From Aviation to Sound Healing: A Spiritual Path in Business with Nik Tarascio

Looking for insights into navigating challenges and embracing change? Look no further! In this episode, Erik Cabral sits down with Nik Tarascio, CEO of Ventura Air Services and host of The Dream Beyond podcast. During the pandemic, he shifted his perspective from risk avoidance to seizing opportunities, resulting in exponential growth at his company. Now, Nik focuses on sound meditation, using music to help people connect with their emotions. He sees entrepreneurship as a spiritual practice, inspiring others to pursue their talents while confronting their past issues.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Pivoting business strategies during the pandemic

  • Discovering true wealth and letting go of external measures

  • Entrepreneurship as a spiritual journey

  • Embrcing authenticity beyond talent

  • Finding the crossover between music and aviation

Episode Highlights:

[01:50] Taking Risks and Finding Success During the Pandemic

  • In the face of the pandemic, Nik, like many others, learned valuable lessons about business and personal safety. Prior to 2020, Nik was cautious, always mitigating risk and protecting their nest egg. However, when everything came to a halt, Nik realized that even with all their precautions, external factors could wipe out everything they had worked for. This realization propelled Nik to take a different approach. Instead of playing it safe, they decided to pursue their passions and swing for the fences. Nik made bold moves, investing in planes and hiring talent, despite the uncertainty. And to their surprise, their industry experienced an unprecedented boom, allowing them to triple their company's success during the pandemic. This taught Nik that sometimes playing it safe can actually hold you back.

  • [07:35] Embracing Impermanence and Pursuing Glorious Failure

  • At some point, we must confront the reality of impermanence. We have to acknowledge that everything will eventually come to an end. So, how do we want to approach it? Do we want to fade away quietly, gripped by fear like a mouse? Or do we want to go out with a roar, like a lion? It’s time we stop playing it safe, living small, and trying to recreate past experiences. If we're going to fail, let's fail gloriously. And if things do turn around, let's ride that wave. It's time to embrace impermanence and pursue a life filled with boldness and audacity.

  • [22:38] Embracing Authenticity Beyond Talent

Relying solely on our talents can limit our journey through life, reducing us to mere "human doings." Instead of deriving value from what we do, we should find value in who we are. Exploring our shadows, facing challenges, and embracing the spiritual path of entrepreneurship allows us to grow by confronting our fears and demons. True growth comes from the combination of both talent and personal development.

Resources Mentioned:

Ventura Air Services

The Dream Beyond podcast

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Oct 16, 202344:54
E295: Reframing Failure and Pursuing Big Goals in Sports and Business with Hans Struzyna

E295: Reframing Failure and Pursuing Big Goals in Sports and Business with Hans Struzyna

Have you ever wondered how top athletes develop the mental toughness and resilience needed to succeed at the highest levels? In this episode, Erik Cabral chats with Hans Struzyna about his journey from rowing in the 2016 Rio Olympics to becoming one of the top real estate agents in the Bay Area.

Hans shares invaluable lessons learned from his rowing career like being coachable, separating physical and emotional reactions, and the importance of recovery and mental preparation. He also explains how overcoming the perceived failure of finishing 4th in the Olympics inspired him to reframe perspectives on both success and failure.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Hans’ family and career background

  • College rowing, Olympic dreams, and scholarship opportunities

  • Hans’ Olympic experience

  • Key things he learned as an athlete that apply to business

  • Embracing nervousness and failure

Episode Highlights:

[23:33] Reflections on US Rowing: Seeking Improvement in Athlete Support

  • Hans believes that the US rowing organization seems to be lacking in its ability to truly serve the athletes it aims to support. It appears to be a self-centered organization that may not fully understand the needs of the athletes. When reflecting on our experiences and successes, such as winning national championships in college, we draw comparisons to the shortcomings of US Rowing. This allows us to identify what worked and what didn't, and apply those best practices to our own business and team. By analyzing both the failures and successes, we strive to create a more supportive and effective environment for our athletes.

  • [25:31] Applying Lessons from Athletics to Business Success

Some of the key things Hans learned as an athlete that he has applied to his business include:

  • Coachability: Hans understands the importance of taking feedback and implementing it quickly, enabling him to adapt to changing conditions in his business.

  • Rapid Learning: Hans embraces the need to learn quickly and iterate on lessons, ensuring he stays ahead of the competition and avoids potential losses.

  • Comfort with Discomfort: Hans pushes through physical and mental discomfort, knowing that giving in can result in setbacks and losses in both athletics and business.

  • Prioritizing Recovery and Self-Care: Hans recognizes the significance of rest and self-care to avoid burnout, ensuring long-term sustainability in his business.

  • Building a Strong Mental Game: Hans employs techniques like reframing narratives and focusing on performance rather than outcomes, cultivating resilience to overcome setbacks.

[31:06] Embracing Nervousness and Failure

  • Feeling nervous is actually a good thing - it signifies that you truly care and want something. This applies to everyone, even the best athletes who experience nerves before a race. The key lies in how you handle those nerves. Will you let them scatter and overwhelm you, or will you channel them into focused determination? Remember, everyone has butterflies; it's how you deal with them that sets you apart. Embrace the nervousness and direct it towards your goal.

Resources Mentioned:

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Oct 12, 202343:10
E294: Sales Strategies for Christian Entrepreneurs with Justin Janowski

E294: Sales Strategies for Christian Entrepreneurs with Justin Janowski

Feeling called to make a change but afraid you won't succeed? In this episode, join Erik Cabral as he engages in a conversation with Justin Janowski, the visionary behind Faith2Influence. Delve into Justin’s journey of answering God's call to leave a secure job and launch a business that supports Christian coaches. Discover valuable insights from Justin as he shares lessons on embracing failure, cultivating ethical sales skills, and forging genuine connections with clients. Explore the transformative power of prayer and surrounding yourself with the right community, propelling you toward unimaginable success.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Embracing your self-worth and rewriting your story

  • The power of emotional connection in effective communication

  • The power of affirmations, prayer, and surrounding oneself with positive influences

  • The importance of transparency

  • Jesus' divinity and historical impact

Episode Highlights:

[22:23] The Power of Emotional Connection in Effective Communication

  • Effective communication requires understanding and connecting with our audience on an emotional level. Regardless of how we feel ourselves, it's important to meet people where they are emotionally, whether they are ecstatic or feeling down. By paying attention to their emotions, tone, and pace of communication, we can adapt our own approach to create a meaningful connection. This authentic and attentive approach allows us to effectively communicate and resonate with others.

[30:00] Embracing Self-Worth and Rewriting Your Story

Many of us have been influenced by negative or disempowering narratives about ourselves, whether from family, teachers, or others. Along the way, we internalized these stories, believing that we were not smart enough, worthy enough, or good enough. However, it's crucial to recognize that this is not how God sees us. If we feel called to something that appears daunting and intimidating, it's a testament to our inherent worthiness. Trust that if you are being summoned towards this challenging endeavor, it's because you possess the abilities and purpose to succeed in it. To fully embrace our potential, we must rewrite the narratives we hold about ourselves and redefine our identities. 

Here are three ways Justin discussed for empowering your identity and shifting to a new level:

1. Tell yourself new stories about yourself through positive "I am" statements and repeating empowering affirmations.

2. Surround yourself with people who speak life into you, believe in you, and empower you with their words and presence.

3. Engage in prayer and ask God to help you see yourself the way He sees you, to heal any parts of you that need healing, and to open doors to your fullest potential.

Resources Mentioned:


Soundtracks book by Jon Acuff

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Oct 09, 202354:14
E293: Lessons in Leadership, Growth Mindset, and Embracing Failure from Jerry Macnamara

E293: Lessons in Leadership, Growth Mindset, and Embracing Failure from Jerry Macnamara

If you're looking to up your leadership game, build your brand through content, or learn from the experiences of a proven entrepreneur, then you’re in for a treat! In this episode, Erik Cabral sits down for an in-depth conversation with entrepreneur and business leader Jerry Macnamara. Jerry shares lessons from his career in franchising and building high-growth companies, including the importance of mentors, embracing failure, and prioritizing self-care. He also discusses his strategies for content creation and community building through his podcast "The Best Places to Lead." Jerry offers valuable insights on leadership, growth mindset, and how to positively impact others through service and love. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • The price of success in entrepreneurship

  • Navigating the demands of high-growth companies and investment capital

  • Embracing Personal Agency: The power of attitude and choice

  • His mission is to impact 5 million people in the next 5 years

  • The challenges of building a podcast and some lessons learned

Episode Highlights:

[17:32] The Price of Success in Entrepreneurship

  • Jerry's entrepreneurial journey was marked by an unwavering pursuit of success, working grueling 100-hour weeks. However, his health suffered a significant blow on Valentine's Day, forcing him to rest on a gurney and reflect on the steep costs associated with his achievements. He recognized his failure in neglecting self-care and acknowledged that running a business and aiding others is impossible when one's own health is compromised. Genuine success encompasses not only external milestones but also the preservation of personal health and resilience.

[19:45] Navigating the Demands of High-Growth Companies and Investment Capital

  • Balancing the demands of running a high-growth company and seeking investment capital is no easy feat. The tasks of creating business plans, crunching numbers in Excel, and meeting the expectations of venture capitalists require dedicated time and effort. However, when these responsibilities are combined with the day-to-day operations of the business, it can become overwhelming and potentially lead to a chaotic situation. It's crucial to recognize the challenges that come with juggling these discrete functions and find strategies to navigate them effectively to avoid disaster.

[25:53] Embracing Personal Agency: The Power of Attitude and Choice

  • Life is full of circumstances beyond our control, but we always have control over our attitude and approach. It's important to realize that we choose how we react to situations and shouldn't relinquish that power to external forces. By taking ownership of our time and attitude, we can avoid a life where we feel tossed around like a leaf in the wind, unsatisfied with the outcomes. Instead, we can use these experiences to propel ourselves forward and make a meaningful impact on the world.

Resources Mentioned:   

The Best Places to Lead Podcast

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Oct 06, 202348:44
E292: Jordan Berry's Journey from Pastor to Laundromat Mogul

E292: Jordan Berry's Journey from Pastor to Laundromat Mogul

Did you know that the average laundromat deal generates higher cash flow than most real estate investments? If you're looking to leave behind your nine-to-five job and achieve financial independence, consider investing in a laundromat. 

In this episode, Erik Cabral chats with Jordan Berry, who shares his incredible story of transitioning from a career in ministry to becoming a leading expert in laundromat investing. Jordan also talks about starting Laundromat Resource and how he helps others find financial freedom through laundromat ownership and commercial real estate investing. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Pivoting from ministry to real estate investing

  • Technology and the laundromat industry

  • Laundromats as an asset class

  • Jordan’s early struggles that led to his consulting business

  • The lucrative cash flow of laundromats

Episode Highlights:

[12:58] The Growing Influence of Technology in the Laundromat Industry

The laundromat industry has traditionally been slow in adopting technology, with a reputation for dingy and outdated establishments. However, we are now witnessing a significant shift. Over the past year or two, more technology has been introduced to our industry than in decades combined. Digital payment options such as credit cards, debit cards, app payments, and loyalty cards are becoming prevalent, transforming the way customers interact with laundromats. By eliminating the reliance on quarters and introducing software systems for remote management, including machine activation and repair requests, laundromats can be efficiently managed at scale. As a result, this asset class is poised for continued growth, attracting sophisticated investors who recognize the potential offered by modernizing the laundromat experience.

[23:22] Overcoming Struggles: Jordan's Journey in the Laundromat Industry

Jordan's early foray into the laundromat industry was fraught with challenges, leaving him and his wife under immense stress. As he labored to renovate the neglected laundromat at night, Jordan turned to real estate investing podcasts for guidance and invaluable lessons. However, the business had also become a hub for gangs, leading to physical altercations during his attempts to keep it running. Reflecting on his experience, Jordan realized the importance of thorough due diligence, evaluating deals accurately, and addressing security concerns. Though arduous, these costly lessons propelled him to turn his fortunes around and establish a thriving laundromat consulting business.

[26:33] The Lucrative Cash Flow of Laundromats: A Smart Investment Choice

The average laundromat deal outperforms most real estate investments in terms of generating cash flow. If your goal is to achieve financial independence and leave your nine-to-five job behind, buying a business like a laundromat is a wise choice. The high cash flow potential of laundromats surpasses that of real estate, allowing you to accumulate the necessary funds for your financial freedom. Once you have built up that cash flow, you can then consider investing in real estate for long-term wealth and equity. With the added benefits of low time commitment and attractive tax advantages, laundromats truly offer a winning combination for savvy investors.

Resources Mentioned:

Laundromat Resource

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Oct 02, 202349:50
E291: Questioning Faith and Finding Purpose: A Conversation with Marty Nocchi

E291: Questioning Faith and Finding Purpose: A Conversation with Marty Nocchi

Are you questioning religious institutions or feeling limited by the beliefs you were raised with? In this episode, Marty Nocchi joins Erik Cabral to share his journey of leaving the priesthood after over 20 years in ministry. Marty shares how pushing against boundaries and questioning authority led him to find more freedom and purpose outside of the church structure. He also talks about the work he's doing now through Get Out of Your Own Way, as an integrator,  to help others break free from limiting beliefs and boxes. This insightful conversation explores topics of faith, identity, ego, and living an examined life. So get ready! 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Self-discovery is never-ending.

  • Marty’s transition from priesthood to purpose

  • The development of human consciousness in the Bible

  • Embracing Jesus’ call to step outside the box

  • About Get Out of Your Own Way

  • Breaking free from self-limiting beliefs

Episode Highlights:

  • [05:19] The Never-Ending Journey of Self-Discovery

  • As we journey through life, just when we believe we have ourselves figured out, a paradigm shift occurs. The ground beneath us drops once again, urging us to delve even deeper. We come to realize that there is much more to us than we initially thought. This constant sense of curiosity propels us forward, unlocking the unexplored depths of our being. Marty's insights shed light on the never-ending journey of self-discovery; a quest that challenges and rewards us with each new revelation.

  • [06:12] Embracing the Unconventional Path

  • Marty constantly challenged the confines of the established norms and believed that pushing against the boundaries was what defined his worth as a priest, and in many ways, it did. However, he realized he failed to thrive within the institutional framework, as it prioritized preserving the box rather than nurturing genuine faith. 

  • [21:42] Embracing Jesus’ Call to Step Outside the Box

  • In churches, the focus on following Jesus often overshadows the equally important message of "fear not." These commands carry great significance, but we often limit our understanding to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, assuming He will take control from there. However, there is no scriptural basis for such assumptions. To truly follow Jesus, we must embrace His call beyond suffering. This entails breaking free from our comfort zones, embarking on a transformative journey, and shedding our egoic selves to discover our true identities. It invites us to question our perceived identities and uncover our authentic selves.

  • [29:07] Breaking Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs

  • Worthiness, being enough, and being lovable – those three realities are where we create boxes and limiting beliefs about ourselves – that “I'm not worth it,“ “ I'm not enough,” and “I'm not lovable.” They are the things that end up manifesting this box around ourselves and that keep us from becoming the person we want to be. By acknowledging that the answer lies within ourselves, we can fill the void and embrace self-awareness, freeing ourselves from the endless pursuit of external validation.

Resources Mentioned:

Get Out of Your Own Way coaching program:

Marty Nocchi's social media profiles:

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Sep 25, 202345:01
E290: Developing a Blueprint for Balance: Mindset, Strategies and the Courage for Growth with Zach White

E290: Developing a Blueprint for Balance: Mindset, Strategies and the Courage for Growth with Zach White

Are you an engineer or leader looking to avoid burnout and reach your full potential? In this latest episode, Erik Cabral interviews career coach Zach White about his journey from burned out engineer to helping others find fulfillment in their work. Zach shares his powerful "lifestyle engineering blueprint" approach for developing a mindset, strategies and actions that cultivate fulfillment and balance. Walk away with tangible tools to bring more meaning and well-being into your own life, no matter what stage you're at!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Pivoting careers and finding purpose after burnout

  • Rethinking work-life balance

  • Living life by default vs. by design

  • Zach’s lifestyle engineering blueprint

  • The four pillars of success

  • Embracing failure and leadership lessons

Episode Highlights:

[13:48] Rethinking Work-Life Balance

  • The traditional scale model of work-life balance, where work and life are opposing sides that need equal weighting, doesn't make sense. Life encompasses everything, and work is just a part of it. Balancing a miserable work life with an enjoyable personal life leads to extremes and burnout. Instead, balance should be an active pursuit, constantly assessing and adjusting values and priorities across all domains of life. It means making choices based on current circumstances and being proactive in maintaining harmony, adapting and evolving as needs and circumstances change.

[17:00] Living by Design

There is a great possibility of experiencing fulfillment, joy, and happiness in all areas of life. The key lies in intentionality. Rather than living on autopilot or by default, it's about taking control and deliberately designing our lives. By consciously choosing our experiences and making daily shifts towards a design-driven life, we can find true satisfaction. It's a mindset shift that distinguishes between a life we've designed and love, versus one we've drifted into and feel unhappy about. Embracing this principle sets us on a transformative path, bringing profound changes and enhancing overall well-being.

[21:28] The Four Pillars of Success

Zach introduces four main areas that serve as pillars in our journey towards success and fulfillment. By assessing our challenges through the lens of these four pillars, we can identify where our focus should lie.

  1. Purpose: Clarity in our purpose is crucial. It involves understanding why we're here, what matters to us, and aligning decisions with core values for intentional living. 

  2. Priority: Gaining clarity in vision, goals, and priorities is essential. Knowing what to say yes and no to helps make swift decisions and avoids being trapped in decision paralysis.

  3. Productivity: Maximizing time and energy is key. Being productive means effectively utilizing these resources to make meaningful progress in important areas. Optimizing habits and routines drives results. 

  4. People: Recognizing the significance of relationships and collaboration is paramount. Building a supportive network, being in proximity to helpful individuals, and seeking assistance contribute to overall success and well-being.

Resources Mentioned:

Happy Engineer Podcast

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Sep 18, 202347:14
E289: Forging a Personal Path to Health and Longevity with Jeff Donatello

E289: Forging a Personal Path to Health and Longevity with Jeff Donatello

Have you ever found yourself saying you eat well, but struggle with sleep? Or maybe you think you're eating right, but the stress from a toxic relationship has spiked your cortisol levels, putting your body in fight-or-flight mode. It’s time to unlock the secrets to a healthy and balanced lifestyle with a personalized path to wellness.

In this episode, Erik Cabral sits down with Jeff Donatello, CEO of the renowned Center for Wellbeing. Jeff shares great insights and invaluable lessons from his vast experience in the health and wellness space. And brace yourself, too, as Jeff shares his thrilling adventures from conquering ice volcanoes to exploring exotic destinations. This is an episode you won't want to miss – one packed with inspiration, wisdom, and adventure! 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Jeff’s eureka moment

  • The importance of moving and eating well

  • The key to longevity

  • How stem cell therapy works

  • The common misconceptions about stem cells

Episode Highlights:

[09:58] Using a Personalized Approach to Health and Wellness

Many individuals who claim to eat well often struggle with sleep deprivation, caused by factors such as heightened cortisol levels due to stressful relationships. This fight-or-flight response leads to the body preserving fat as a long-term energy source, contributing to the high rates of overweight Americans and pre-diabetic individuals. It is crucial to understand that a personalized approach is necessary, as generic diets and calorie reduction alone are not sustainable solutions. Center for Wellbeing’s dedicated team of health coaches will analyze your blood work, food sensitivities, and genetics, offering an individualized approach to unlock your body's potential.

[16:35] The Key to Longevity

  • In our 40s, the choices we make directly impact our future well-being, especially as we reach the age of 55. It becomes clear that self-care is vital, considering the leading cause of death among human beings. Without dwelling on morbidity, it's important to recognize that as we age, we may witness our grandparents or great-grandparents becoming frail, experiencing falls, broken hips, twisted knees, and eventually succumbing to pneumonia due to lack of movement. To defy this fate, the number one priority is to maintain strength and keep moving, ensuring a vibrant and healthy life. 

  • [21:23] How Stem Cell Therapy Works

Stem cell therapy utilizes purified amniotic fluid, rich in microvesicles or "little bubbles," to facilitate tissue repair. Extracted from the healthy amniotic fluid of both mother and baby, the stem cells undergo rigorous testing akin to blood supply screening. By employing ultrasound technology, damaged areas are precisely identified for treatment. The stem cells are then injected with ultrasound guidance, ensuring accurate placement. Optimal outcomes are observed in individuals with low inflammation levels and good overall health. Patients often experience remarkable results, including tissue regeneration, reduced pain, and improved mobility. However, the therapy is most effective for those who are already leading healthy and active lifestyles.

Resources Mentioned:

Center for Wellbeing


Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Sep 11, 202337:55
E288: Confronting Pain for Transformation with Jake Kaufman

E288: Confronting Pain for Transformation with Jake Kaufman

Is pain something you’ve avoided for so long? There’s no other way out but to go through it! Confronting your pain is key to achieving your full potential in business and life. In today’s show, Erik Cabral welcomes Jake Kaufman, a passionate life coach, motivational speaker, and the author of the bestselling book. Let Love In: The Pain Stops When the Truth Starts. Jake has inspired countless individuals on their healing journeys by sharing his vulnerable story of overcoming childhood abuse. He believes that confronting past pain and trauma is necessary to achieve transformation and transcendence.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Breaking the silence and confronting trauma

  • How the pattern always reveals the problem

  • Why do we find ourselves stuck in a cycle?

  • How the lack of control affects people's lives and businesses

  • How to create your new reality

  • The two great catalysts of transformation

Episode Highlights:

[10:16] Unveiling Patterns: Resolving Personal Problems for Business Success

  • Patterns hold the key to understanding our underlying problems. Analyzing these problems reveals the pain we must overcome. Business problems often stem from unresolved personal issues rooted in childhood experiences. Our beliefs and identities form during our formative years, shaping our adult lives in relationships, parenting, and careers. Sadly, many people remain unaware of these patterns, operating on autopilot. By becoming conscious of these dynamics, we can resolve personal problems and unlock success in business. 

  • Until you address the wounds that shaped your beliefs and continue to attract similar people and characteristics in your professional relationships, this cycle will persist. Carl Jung, the renowned psychotherapist, aptly stated that unless we bring our unconscious into awareness, it will unconsciously guide our lives, leading us to believe it is fate. Many individuals find themselves caught in this cycle. Moreover, people who are prone to overworking, prone to burnout, and addicted to stress – these are all unconscious compensating strategies in order to avoid themselves.

  • [18:40] How to Create Your New Reality

  • The ego can be deceptive when it comes to uncovering unconscious beliefs. Many people mistake an epiphany for a breakthrough, but true transformation occurs when we integrate awareness into our behavior and create different results. Awareness is the initial step, followed by acceptance and healing where we resolve the experiences that shaped our beliefs. Then, taking new actions that contradict the old belief leads to disconfirming experiences that help undo it.

[25:08] The Catalysts of Transformation: Love and Suffering

In the journey of personal transformation, two powerful catalysts emerge – great love and great suffering. While both hold the potential for change, for many men, it is often the latter that serves as the impetus for profound transformation. It seems that we require a wake-up call, a jolt to our system, in order to break free from adaptive traits and compensating strategies that do not align with our true selves. These behaviors and patterns, borne out of a desire for acceptance and success, create inner conflict and detach us from authenticity. They form a complex personality, blending genuine traits with adaptive responses to pain or the avoidance of it. This struggle often manifests itself as a need for control.

Resources Mentioned:

Let Love In: The Pain Stop When the Truth Starts

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Sep 04, 202355:52
E287: The Three C's Framework for Leaving Your Job and Pursuing Your Vision with Jamie Gruber

E287: The Three C's Framework for Leaving Your Job and Pursuing Your Vision with Jamie Gruber

Can’t wait to leave your W-2 job to start your journey to entrepreneurship? The sad thing though is you don’t know how to start. It’s just overwhelming, right? Don’t fret as Erik Cabral sits down with real estate guy,  Jamie Gruber to talk about the 3 C’s framework for leaving your job successfully. 

Not only has he built an impressive portfolio in the real estate space, but Jamie is also a powerful connector of great minds. Jamie is the host of the Tribe of Millionaires podcast and he’s a very effective facilitator of events, including GoBundance. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • What “balls on the walls” means

  • Paul’s story that inspired Jamie to leave his job

  • The 3 C’s: Transitioning from a W-2 mindset to entrepreneurship

  • How to prepare for interviews and go off-script

  • Embracing the art of podcasting

Episode Highlights:

[13:13] Paul’s Legacy That Left an Imprint on Jamie’s Life

Jamie recounts the profound impact of Paul's untimely passing, which served as a wake-up call. Reflecting on the transient nature of life, Jamie found a renewed sense of purpose. His decision to embark on a journey to Florida allowed him to evaluate his path and make life-changing decisions. Returning home, he took the leap, resigning from his job to pursue a fresh start. Paul's story became the catalyst for Jamie's transformation, igniting a passion for living life to its fullest potential.

[21:09] The 3 C’s Framework for Transitioning from W-2 to Entrepreneurship

To leave your job successfully, follow these three essential steps:

  1. Clarity: Outline a clear vision for your future. Define what you want your life to look like, such as traveling with family for three months anywhere in the world. Assess if your current job aligns with your aspirations.

  2. Confidence: Shift your identity towards where you're going, not just where you are. Embrace the new path you're forging. Remember that identity starts in the present, even before achieving your goals.

  3. Community: Build a supportive network of like-minded individuals. Surround yourself with people who share your vision and aspirations. Seek out networking groups, mentorship programs, or communities in your field of interest for accountability and support.

Additionally, understand the value of your time. Ensure every hour is productive towards your goals. Consider hiring out non-productive tasks to free up time for your side hustle or business. Leverage your time effectively to focus on high-value activities.

By following this framework of clarity, confidence, community, and valuing your time, you can prepare yourself for a successful transition out of your job. 

Resources Mentioned:

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow find Erik at:

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Aug 28, 202301:16:04
E286: Flowing Over Fear with Adam Hill

E286: Flowing Over Fear with Adam Hill

Adam Hill is a CEO, international speaker, transformation coach, and bestselling author. He shares his journey of overcoming addiction and anxiety through embracing fear. Adam completed an Ironman triathlon and now helps others face their fears through his podcast “Flow Over Fear”.

Adam Hill is a CEO. He's an international speaker. He's a transformation coach. He's a world championship qualifying triathlete, and best-selling author of the book, Shifting Gears. And last but not least, he is the host of the “Flow Over Fear” podcast.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Adam's rock bottom moment that led him to get sober over 10 years ago

  • Shedding a part of your life that no longer fits

  • How he used the "80% rule" to train for an Ironman triathlon by consistently pushing just outside his comfort zone

  • Developing a morning routine to help manage anxiety and feel energized each day

  • Reframing fear as a "gift" that signals opportunities for growth

  • His "BRAVE" framework for believing in yourself, building a roadmap, taking action, maintaining vitality, and embracing fear

Episode Highlights:

[18:22] Embracing Fear and Taking One Step at a Time

Fear doesn't have to be something negative or uncomfortable. It can actually be a gift, signaling that we're pushing our boundaries and have the opportunity to become better. Whether it's starting a new challenge like training for an Ironman or facing life's obstacles, every moment of fear is now seen as an opportunity for growth. Embracing fear and taking it one step at a time has transformed my perspective. 

[43:37] The BRAVE Framework

Adam's BRAVE framework is designed to help people become more courageous in facing their fears. It stands for:

  • B - Believing in yourself. Having the knowledge that you can achieve your dreams and points of reference from past successes.

  • R - Building a roadmap. Creating small, incremental goals and a plan to achieve your larger dreams, just like training for an Ironman by gradually increasing your distance by 5% each time.

  • A - Taking action. Executing the plan you've created step-by-step while consistently putting in 80% effort.

  • V - Maintaining vitality. Developing daily habits for your physical, mental, and emotional health so you have the energy needed to pursue your goals.

  • E - Embracing fear. Continuing to challenge yourself by stepping into uncomfortable situations and reframing fear as an opportunity for growth and fulfillment.

Resources Mentioned:

Shifting Gears

Flow Over Fear Podcast

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Aug 21, 202355:07
E285: From Poker to Purpose with Connor Steinbrook

E285: From Poker to Purpose with Connor Steinbrook

Connor Steinbrook's journey from an accidental mastery of online poker to becoming a top real estate influencer is an inspiration to those who want to overcome setbacks and obstacles. Join Erik Cabral as he uncovers Connor's story of hitting rock bottom after losing his poker career, educating himself through free resources, and rebuilding his life through personal development and faith. Connor is the founder of Wolfpack Revenue Share Organization and one of the top 30 eXp Realty influencers. His journey to success is an inspiration to many having overcome numerous setbacks,

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • How he got into online poker

  • Online poker vs. live poker

  • The competitive dynamics of poker and real estate investing 

  • How he ended up in deep debt and how YouTube changed his life and mindset

  • The power of educating yourself

  • The importance of discipline and habits

Episode Highlights:

[01:32] Connor’s Journey as a Poker Player

Connor lost his career as an online poker player when government regulations shut down poker sites in 2011. He fell into debt and depression before finding his way. Poker was not just a role for him, but it formed his entire world. It was a micro-universe where he and his friends were deeply immersed. Suddenly, overnight, it all vanished, leaving them in a state of chaos and emotional turmoil. Many struggled to find their next direction in life. For some, this became their defining moment, never able to recover. However, others took it as a challenge, using it as fuel to find a better path. Surprisingly, many poker players went on to build successful businesses in various industries such as real estate, insurance, entrepreneurship, and digital marketing. They transformed their setback into an opportunity for growth and reinvention.

[20:57] Contrasting Battlegrounds: The Competitive Dynamics of Poker and Real Estate Investing

In poker, the competitive environment is intense, with players vying to win each other's money and ego being at stake. It's a lifetime pursuit filled with ups and downs. On the other hand, real estate investing is a different ballgame. Real estate is a long-term business that requires perseverance and learning from failures to eventually succeed. Unlike in poker, where each year starts anew, real estate allows for building upon previous successes, such as growing rental portfolios or residual income. While poker demands constant adaptation due to the ever-evolving game, real estate provides opportunities for repeatable strategies and patterns if the fundamentals are executed correctly over time.

[30:45] Self-Development to Success: Connor's Inspirational Journey

Connor recognized that in order to change his life, he needed to work on bettering himself in all aspects. This involved not just gaining knowledge, but also developing mental toughness and physical fitness. Connor was overweight, unhappy, and lacked self-respect, but through dedication and hard work, he shed the excess weight and transformed his body. This physical transformation had a ripple effect, improving other areas of his life, including his financial success. 

Resources Mentioned:

Wolfpack Revenue Share Organization

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill’s 17 Principles of Success

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Aug 15, 202351:42
E284: How to Grow and Scale Using Podcasting and YouTube with Beau Eckstein

E284: How to Grow and Scale Using Podcasting and YouTube with Beau Eckstein

Scaling your business doesn't have to be complicated. In this episode, Erik speaks with real estate financing expert Beau Eckstein, who shares simple strategies for using multimedia like podcasting and YouTube. 

Beau is your go-to guy for all things real estate financing. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, Beau specializes in helping professionals in the real estate investing industry secure funding for their projects. Today, learn how to leverage multimedia to help you scale your business!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Learning from people who are already successful in what you want to do

  • Why start recording even if you don't feel ready at first

  • Targeting specific keywords and niches to show up in search results 

  • Getting on smaller podcasts first to practice before the bigger stages

  • Sharing your "Dream 100" list of influencers you want to connect with

  • The power of outsourcing multimedia

  • The value of investing in a business coach 

  • How to "clone" yourself online

Episode Highlights:

[12:15] Streamlining Content Creation

Get in the habit of creating content and just do it, even if you don't want to do it, then systematize it. Either outsource the work to a company that can do everything for you, or create a system where you might have a virtual assistant to help you with creating thumbnails and uploading to YouTube and descriptions.

[21:54] The Power of Outsourcing Multimedia

If your business is already generating substantial revenue, it would be wise to consider outsourcing the entire process. By doing so, you can leverage the expertise of professionals who can help you create superior content, improve your show, and achieve higher conversion rates and increased traffic. Investing in assistance that can enhance your overall performance becomes a logical choice when you have a seven-figure business.

[29:56] Attracting the Right Audience

For example, if you're looking to start a podcast aimed at inspiring thousands of individuals to start their own successful home-based businesses and leave behind their traditional jobs, it's crucial to understand your target audience. Many new podcasters fail to gain traction because they overlook the importance of truly connecting with their intended listeners. To avoid this common mistake, it's essential to dive deep into understanding the mindset and needs of your target market. By doing so, you can create content that resonates with them and ensures that your podcast gains the traction it deserves.

[46:47] The Power of Storytelling in Building Connections

By cloning ourselves through various platforms and mediums, more people will hear our stories and resonate with them, regardless of their specific interests or needs. Whether it's through podcasts or other forms of content creation, the key is to deliver your story authentically and consistently. This approach builds trust and allows people to not only hear but also see you, establishing a stronger connection. Ultimately, the goal is to help people by providing valuable insights and strategies.

Resources Mentioned: 

Investor Financing Podcast

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Aug 07, 202353:39
E283: Do Hard Things on Purpose: The Power of Embracing Discomfort with Clay Speakman

E283: Do Hard Things on Purpose: The Power of Embracing Discomfort with Clay Speakman

Discover the grit gap and unlock your true potential! In this episode, Erik Cabral speaks with Clay Speakman, a high-net-worth expert and entrepreneur, about how success can breed comfort, which erodes your grit. Clay shares his personal journey of cultivating grit through extreme physical challenges, and how he now helps others develop their own resilience. With his upcoming program, the Grit Masters, Clay aims to empower individuals to overcome obstacles, embrace discomfort, and achieve lasting success. Don't settle for comfort when you can thrive with grit!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • How seeking comfort erodes grit

  • Cultivating grit by doing the hard things

  • Closing the “grit gap” for lasting success

Episode Highlights:

[06:48] How Comfort Erodes Grit

As people have success, they often get more comfortable and seek more comfort. But this comfort then erodes their grit. As their grit decreases, so does their ability to be successful. This creates a "grit gap." Clay says he experienced this himself. As his businesses became more successful when he was around 35 years old, he got more comfortable. But this made him realize he lacked the grit to handle failure. This doubt drove him to develop grit through extreme physical challenges.

[20:54] Pushing Yourself Beyond Your Limits

By prioritizing the most challenging tasks and running towards them, you'll set yourself apart from the norm. While many seek comfort and avoid difficult endeavors, you'll be lightyears ahead by intentionally tackling the toughest items on your list. It's not about only doing what comes easily; it's about pushing yourself beyond your limits and embracing the growth that comes with it. Don't shy away from the hard things; instead, make them a priority and watch yourself thrive in business, life, relationships, and your spiritual journey.

[28:52] Closing the "Grit Gap" for Lasting Success

1. Cultivate grit - Make a conscious effort to develop grit through hard challenges, both physical and mental. Start small and build up.

2. Do hard things on purpose - Seek out and embrace challenges that are difficult for you. Don't avoid or procrastinate.

3. Embrace discomfort - Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Face failure, chaos and unfairness to build mental toughness.

4. Have a "why" - Have a clear vision and purpose for why you want to develop grit. This can motivate you through challenges.

5. Find accountability - Having others hold you accountable can help you follow through on developing grit. Consider a program, group or coach.

6. Practice daily - Incorporate small grit-building habits every day, like carrying heavy groceries or having hard conversations.

7. Avoid seeking comfort - Resist the instinct to seek comfort and ease. Comfort breeds more comfort and erodes grit over time.

Resources Mentioned:

The GoBundance Spartan Race Team

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jul 31, 202346:42
E282: Reinventing With Courage and Purpose with Lisa Copeland

E282: Reinventing With Courage and Purpose with Lisa Copeland

What career pivots or reinventions are you considering? In this episode, Erik Cabral speaks with Lisa Copeland, a serial entrepreneur and international keynote speaker, who has successfully pivoted and reinvented her career multiple times. Through her story of navigating the challenges of the pandemic and transitioning from speaking to real estate, she shares valuable lessons on the importance of having a clear purpose, setting goals and accountability measures, embracing failure, and above all, having the courage to reinvent yourself and chase your dreams.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Lisa's "eureka moment" during the pandemic

  • Reasons for Lisa's success in real estate

  • The power of authenticity

  • The power of accountability as a leader and coach

  • Why coaching doesn’t mean you have weaknesses

  • Lesson on embracing failure and cutting losses

  • The power of purpose beyond just making money

  • In one word, Lisa says she helps people find "courage"

Episode Highlights:

[09:52] The Power of Authenticity: Embrace Your True Self for Success

Authenticity is a game-changer in both personal and professional spheres. Your most successful self will always be your most authentic self. Just like how you can easily spot a fake purse, people have an innate ability to detect authenticity. In the world of sales and business, authenticity holds incredible value. Influential figures like Gary Vee and Grant Cardone, known for their charismatic personas and strong opinions, attract people not necessarily because everyone agrees with them, but because they exude authenticity. They have the courage to stand up for what they believe in. And that courage is vital for achieving success in life.

Having the audacity to take a stand, to show up as your true self, is crucial. 

[16:43] The Power of Accountability: Unlocking Success as a Leader and Coach

Accountability plays a crucial role in both leadership and coaching. Without it, many people struggle to achieve success. It's not easy to hold oneself accountable as humans tend to face challenges in doing so. That's why finding an accountability partner becomes essential.   By sharing your goals with someone who can hold you accountable, you increase your chances of staying on track and accomplishing what you set out to do. It's important to lay out your goals clearly and boldly. Don't shy away from setting big, audacious goals that push your limits. In fact, making them public can provide an added layer of motivation and encouragement.   When you make your goals known to others, you create a sense of external responsibility. This can inspire you to put in the necessary effort and work harder towards achieving your objectives. 

[32:45] The Power of Purpose: Going Beyond Self in Business and Life

When it comes to business and life, having a strong purpose is key. It's about finding something that is greater than yourself, something that ignites passion and drives you forward. Consider this: if your purpose is solely focused on making as much money as possible, it may not be compelling enough to lead you to true success. Instead, align your actions with a higher purpose, where money becomes secondary. Take the time to reflect and determine what truly fuels you. What is your purpose? What motivates you to get out of bed each morning? Having a purpose that goes beyond monetary gains is essential for achieving heightened levels of success. 

Resources Mentioned: 

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jul 24, 202339:14
E281: Developing Conscious Leadership Through Personal Branding with Michael Diettrich-Chastain

E281: Developing Conscious Leadership Through Personal Branding with Michael Diettrich-Chastain

Personal branding is about differentiation – but how are you going to stand out from the thousands of other offerings out there? In today’s episode, Erik Cabral sits down with Michael Diettrich-Chastain, the founder of Arc Integrated, an organizational consulting and executive coaching firm specializing in leadership, emotional intelligence, and communications. 

Listen in as Michael discusses the importance of personal branding for business owners and leaders. He shares how he developed his own personal brand and the influence of conscious leadership on his brand. Michael also provides a seven-step system to help create and manage change based on seven predictors of our ability to do so.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • The importance of personal branding 

  • The four elements of emotional intelligence

  • Michael's seven predictors of our ability to create change

  • Developing consciousness by helping leaders become their best selves

Episode Highlights:

[02:11] The Importance of Personal Branding

Personal branding is crucial to differentiate oneself from competitors and avoid being seen as just another option among many. A clear personal brand helps communicate uniqueness, and focusing on a specific area of expertise can enhance identity and resonate more with the target audience. Michael's rebranding to emphasize leadership development and workplace culture helped his business succeed and a personal brand serves as a logo for one's expertise.

[14:59] The Four Elements of Emotional Intelligence

  1. Self-awareness: Being aware of your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behaviors. This includes recognizing your strengths, weaknesses, drives, and biases.

  2. Self-management: Ability to regulate your own emotions and impulses. This includes self-control, adaptability, transparency, and achievement orientation.

  3. Social awareness: Ability to understand and empathize with others. This includes recognizing their emotions, needs, and concerns.

  4. Social skills: Ability to manage relationships and build networks. This includes inspiring and influencing others, managing conflict, and building rapport.

[26:37] Seven Predictors of Our Ability to Create or Manage Change

  1. Cognition - How we think and approach problems. Are we abundance-minded or scarcity-minded?

  2. Heart - Our emotional selves. Being aware of and managing our emotions.

  3. Actions - Our habits and routines that become our "regular routine".

  4. Nourishment - How we treat our physical selves through movement, diet and sleep.

  5. Guts - Our courage to act on our convictions and with integrity.

  6. Environment - The people, places and things that surround us and influence us, including online environments.

  7. Spirit - Our belief systems about what we're capable of and the nature of the world.

Resources Mentioned: 

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jul 10, 202338:02
E280: Disrupting Industries and Failing Forward with Jeremy Delk

E280: Disrupting Industries and Failing Forward with Jeremy Delk

Despite losing $2 million due to the dot-com bubble, Jeremy Delk refused to give up and worked hard to overcome adversity. In this episode, Erik Cabral sits down with Jeremy to talk about his journey of embracing failure.

Jeremy Delk is the managing director of Delk Enterprises, a diversified investment firm. He's a serial entrepreneur, with a massive passion for disrupting industries for over 20 years. Jeremy is also the author of Without a Plan: A Memoir of Unbound Action and Failing My Way to Success.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Two major events that shaped his life

  • How Jeremy is helping small businesses

  • Things to look for when investing in companies

  • How to stay motivated and passionate about what you do

  • Your clients as your best form of information

  • Two ways to grow your business

  • Building a personal brand

Episode Highlights:

[06:15] Lessons from Losing $2 Million

Society often teaches that failure is a bad thing, but Jeremy believes that it's where real learning happens, and failure should be embraced. His experience gave him the courage to keep moving forward and pursue his dreams, even if he fails along the way. Looking back, he realized that having lost $2 million actually did so much more for him today in the last 20 years, than the $2 million he would have had. Failure taught him the importance of resilience, perseverance, and embracing failure as an opportunity for learning and growth.

[13:47] Things to Look for When Investing in Companies

When investing in companies, it's important to look beyond the product or service being offered and focus on the founder or leader of the organization. Are they transparent and authentic when discussing their company, or do they pretend to have all the answers? A vulnerable and honest leader who acknowledges their weaknesses is more likely to succeed because they can seek help and collaborate with others when needed. Don't be afraid to show vulnerability and transparency, as this can build trust with potential investors and customers. Life would be easier if more people could do this, but insecurities often prevent us from being our authentic selves.

[29:10] Two Ways to Grow Your Business

There are two main ways to grow a business: acquire more customers or deepen relationships with existing ones. Many people overlook the value of offering premium services to current customers who would be willing to pay more for additional benefits. By having conversations with clients and asking for feedback, businesses can identify areas where they can offer additional value and create tailored, premium services that meet specific needs. This approach not only deepens customer relationships but can also lead to new sales as satisfied customers become advocates for the brand.

Resources Mentioned:

Book: Without a Plan

Delk Enterprises

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jul 03, 202348:37
E279: Embracing the Journey with God: Insights on Faith and Finances with Eric Scovill

E279: Embracing the Journey with God: Insights on Faith and Finances with Eric Scovill

Why is it that saying "Jesus" too many times turns people off? In this episode, Eric Scovill shares his journey and passion for service with Erik Cabral. Tune in to find out how we can get past this issue and grow in our faith! Eric also shares his insights into prioritizing relationship with God, giving back through stewardship, and more.

Eric Scovill is a financial planner with top-tier alternative investments from hedge funds and real estate, to royalties and world-changing venture capitalist opportunities.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Eric’s turning point and transition into financial investing

  • Staying mentally healthy as a provider

  • Leaning into failure and faith

  • ​​Understanding Stewardship: The Key to Financial Success and Philanthropy

  • Is the modern-day church fulfilling its purpose?

  • The analogy between coincidence and the tree

  • Embracing your journey with God

Episode Highlights:

[27:08] Understanding Stewardship: The Key to Financial Success and Philanthropy

Many individuals overlook the importance of comprehending their finances and instead solely focus on earning money. Recognizing this issue, Eric set out to assist those who require guidance in this area. By helping people with their finances,  he hopes to inspire them to embrace philanthropy and stewardship. Understanding that we are merely stewards of God's assets rather than owners is crucial. Giving back to God rather than keeping everything for ourselves is a paradigm shift that can have a significant impact on people.

[29:26] The Importance of Prioritizing Relationship with God Over Service

God desires more than just our service, as a perfect parent He yearns for a deep relationship with us. Prioritizing this relationship should come before any other pursuits. If that means allowing God to break us of financial struggles or emotional wounds, then so be it. This realization has shifted my focus towards strengthening my vertical relationship with Him first, so that I may use the blessings He gives me to make an impact in the world.

[38:07] Is the Modern-Day Church Fulfilling Its Purpose?

The modern-day church has veered away from its intended purpose, as depicted in the New Testament and Acts of the Apostles. The present-day church lacks the characteristics and qualities that it was meant to embody. Consequently, individuals who are not deeply rooted in their faith may be pushed away by this deviation from the true essence of the church.

[52:38] Embracing Your Journey with God

In our spiritual journey, it's important not to rush through the process. Each lesson and experience, whether as a father or a husband, should be embraced rather than wished away. It is the journey that brings us closer to God, not just the destination. God doesn't require us to save the world or bring love and money to different organizations because He's already taking care of that. What He wants is for us to join Him in this beautiful journey of faith.

Resources Mentioned:

Elysium Therapeutics

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jun 28, 202301:12:56
E278: Mastering Brand Science for Effective Branding with Staeven Frey

E278: Mastering Brand Science for Effective Branding with Staeven Frey

Want to leverage the power of science for more effective branding? Check out our latest episode as Erik Cabral sits down with Staeven Frey, where he shares insights on System 1 and System 2 thinking and how they impact our decision-making process.

Staeven Frey is the founder of Chief Brand Science and Chief Brand Scientist at Quantum Branding. He helps brands become authentic and memorable category leaders through the power of brand science, the core of what fuels a successful brands growth, sales and marketing.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Neurodiversity, defined

  • System 1 thinking vs. System 2 thinking

  • How to leverage science for more effective branding

  • How we process making decisions in life

  • The importance of making decisions based on your goals

Episode Highlights:

[01:54] What is Neurodiversity? 

Neurodiversity is a term that encompasses the varying ways in which people are wired. It acknowledges that differences in neurological wiring do not necessarily mean being "wired wrong". While some people may have a disability such as blindness, there is a spectrum of neurological differences, including conditions such as ADHD and dyslexia. This spectrum is not a clear-cut line, but rather a starburst of quadrants.

[12:57] System 1 Thinking vs. System 2 Thinking

System 1 thinking is rapid, autopilot thinking that absorbs information from our surroundings and helps us understand and navigate the world. System 2 thinking is more deliberate and analytical, but only makes up about 5% of our overall thinking time. Understanding these different modes of thinking can help us make more intentional choices in life.

[15:53] Using Science for More Effective Branding 

The effectiveness of branding can be improved by tapping into the science of our memories. This is where System 1 and System 2 thinking comes into play. Since 95% of our thinking is a sensory intake, factors such as shape, color, words, story, messaging, photography, and illustration are crucial in creating a memorable brand. When these elements are distinct and stand out in their category, they are more likely to be remembered. Therefore, the brand with the most unique and recognizable assets becomes the most memorable.

Resources Mentioned:

Quantum Branding Agency

Email Staeven:

Designing Brand Identity by Alina Wheeler 

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jun 19, 202339:26
E277: How to Know When to Sell Your Business with Nate Lind

E277: How to Know When to Sell Your Business with Nate Lind

As entrepreneurs, it’s crucial to consider whether your business is plateauing, declining, or profitable in order to determine whether it’s the right time to sell. Although many successful business owners are reluctant to sell, they may be missing out on the best opportunity to do so. As for Nate Lind, he went from having 27 active LLCs (it’s crazy!) – and now down to only one, directing all his focus on it.

Nate Lind is an entrepreneur, investor, and e-commerce business founder with expertise in building and scaling through innovative marketing strategies and operational excellence. A renowned keynote speaker, Nate shares his insights and strategies for success with global audiences. His book, Maximum Exit, is written for business owners who want to sell their businesses for as much money as possible.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Getting clear on his purpose

  • Becoming a millionaire after 100 days of bankruptcy

  • Signs to close or sell your business

  • Putting systems in place when you’re selling your business

  • Adopting the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)

Episode Highlights:

[17:55] Nate’s Journey From Bankruptcy to Becoming a Millionaire

Nate shared that he had experienced personal bankruptcy under Chapter Seven, leaving him completely broke and unable to pay off his debts. In a desperate attempt to keep his company afloat, Nate resorted to putting the payroll on his credit card. Despite his efforts, he eventually maxed out his credits and had to face the painful reality of closing down the business. This decision was made even more difficult as Nate felt a sense of duty towards his employees, whom he had been supporting through this challenging time. The experience left him with nightmares and symptoms of, what he calls, entrepreneurial PTSD. He was waking up with cold sweats in the middle of the night, thinking he failed everybody and had lost everything, including friends, family, and random investors. 

[22:45] Signs It’s Time to Close or Sell Your Business

Timing is crucial in business, and it's important to evaluate the velocity of your business. Is it profitable? Plateauing? Or declining? Buyers are looking for stable or growing businesses, so if your business is doing well, you may not want to sell. However, that's actually the best time to sell. Many entrepreneurs struggle with this, as they don't want to let go of a successful business. But the reality is, when things start going downhill, it's much harder to find buyers. It's like borrowing money - when you need it, you can't get it. The biggest thing to remember is why you became an entrepreneur in the first place. Did you do it to work endless hours and make millions, or did you do it to achieve a certain lifestyle and pursue your passions? If your business is isolating you from your family and other areas of your life, it might be time to consider selling.

Resources Mentioned: 


The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jun 12, 202342:15
E276: Maximizing Luxury Travel with Credit Card Points with Eli 'The Travel Guy' Facenda

E276: Maximizing Luxury Travel with Credit Card Points with Eli 'The Travel Guy' Facenda

Find out all there is to know about taking advantage of your credit card points and how you can travel the world the best way possible. In this episode, Erik Cabral speaks with Eli “The Travel Guy” Facenda, the founder of Freedom Travel Systems, a travel company that helps people maximize luxury travel with their points, without all the headache and frustration of trying to figure it all out for themselves.

Eli is a travel-loving entrepreneur with a nerd-like passion for maximizing credit card points for world-class travel experiences. He's visited over 40 countries in the last five years and is able to leverage these credit card points to get an average of about $100,000 of luxury travel every year. Find out how you, too, can travel like a pro!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • How Eli got into the travel hacking world

  • How to get the most out of your points

  • Using credit card points vs. cash backs

  • How to choose credit cards

  • How to get started with business credit

Episode Highlights:

[15:06] How to Maximize Your Points

Maximizing travel rewards involves a few key strategies such as:

  1. Choose the right credit cards and allocate expenses in a way that earns more effective points. This means being mindful of which points are most valuable and not making the mistake of accumulating points that can't be used well. 

  2. Upgrade everyday travels by utilizing card benefits and playing the status game well. Aim to take advantage of perks such as free Uber rides, priority check-ins, TSA pre-check and lounge access for complimentary food, drinks, and Wi-Fi. 

  3. Use points more effectively by converting them into airlines and hotels loyalty programs for up to 10 times more value. Whether you're planning a luxury international trip or a family trip to Disney, this strategy can help you get the most out of your points. 

Business owners and non-business owners alike can utilize these strategies to earn and maximize travel rewards.

[18:21] Credit Card Points  vs. Cashbacks

If you feel like you trust yourself with your finances, then credit cards and, specifically, points will always make sense if you're someone who travels. If you don't travel at all, then cashback can make sense. If you want to earn the most effective points starting out, you want to be looking at these transferable bank points that can convert from the banks into airlines and hotels.

[20:36] How to Choose Credit Cards

To optimize your credit cards, consider which airlines you fly frequently, your nearest airport, and your typical expenses. For instance, if you spend heavily on groceries and dining, the AMEX Gold card earns four points per dollar. A card like Frontier, which only earns one point per dollar and can't be used widely, is a poor choice. Having a clear strategy before choosing a card is crucial. Additionally, loyalty programs are highly profitable for airlines, which explains their aggressive co-branded card promotions. By having a plan and understanding credit card rewards, you can maximize your travel rewards.

Resources Mentioned:

Freedom Travel Systems

Instagram: @elitravelguy

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Jun 05, 202347:09
E275: Building a Personal Brand: Insights and Reflections with Erik Cabral

E275: Building a Personal Brand: Insights and Reflections with Erik Cabral

Are you struggling with wearing too many hats at once? It's easy to get distracted by the next shiny object, but what happens when you find that one thing to focus on? In this powerful episode of the podcast, Erik Cabral shares his journey as an entrepreneur and how he built a personal brand worth paying attention to. As he celebrates his 275th episode, Erik gets as open and vulnerable as possible with his listeners, sharing intimate details about his experiences.

Join Erik on this journey of reflection and discovery as he provides valuable insights on how to maintain focus amidst opportunities, stand out from the crowd, and identify your own personal branding superpower.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Reflecting on the journey

  • Leveraging focus as your superpower

  • Identifying what differentiates you

  • Finding faith in the face of uncertainty

  • The importance of having a plan and structure in place

Episode Highlights:

[06:26] Using Focus as Your Superpower

Focus is truly a superpower that you, like most people, have the ability to leverage and turn into a superpower. You may call yourself a real estate investor, podcaster, creative director, brand expert, and more - but where is your focus? Where do you direct your energy and passion? As an entrepreneur, it can be challenging to maintain focus because there are so many opportunities out there. However, it's important to avoid getting distracted by shiny objects, and instead, concentrate on what matters most.

[16:15] Finding What Differentiates You

With the rise of podcasting, it has become an extremely popular commodity with many people jumping on board. As a result, you have to stand out from the crowd by knowing what sets you apart from others in the field. With so many individuals producing podcasts, you have to be able to find your unique voice and angle.

[30:10] Defining Your Superpower!

Erik has developed exercises for himself that he now shares with clients to help them with personal branding. He is all in on personal branding because he has built a personal brand worth paying attention to over the past four or five years. Recognizing his superpower to connect with individuals deeply and quickly, Erik has created all of this success and he now wants to teach others how he accomplished this by identifying their unique superpower, core values, and moral compass through frameworks, exercises, and worksheets.

Resources Mentioned:

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

May 30, 202345:15
E274: Mastering the Power of Video: Building a Strong Personal Brand with Brandon T. Adams

E274: Mastering the Power of Video: Building a Strong Personal Brand with Brandon T. Adams

If you haven’t tapped into the power of videos in building your personal brand, then you better start right after listening to this episode! Our guest for today is Brandon T. Adams, an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and co-founder of Rise and Record. Join us as we uncover the secrets to establishing a powerful personal brand through video.

In this episode, we will dive deep into the significance of investing in the right mentors, creating the right content, and the power of branding. We will explore some power takeaways from our conversation, including building a personal brand through video, staying focused on the vision, and the importance of storytelling through video. Finally, learn how to create content that resonates with your audience and document your journey to success. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Building a personal brand through video

  • Staying focused on the vision

  • The importance of telling great stories through video

  • The power of spontaneous viral content

  • The importance of having a “like and trust”

Episode Highlights:

[06:22] The Power of Video in Building Your Personal Brand

It's been proven that when someone can see our eyes, they are more likely to trust us. And when we smile, we're perceived as kinder people. These psychological cues help to build likeability and trust, which is essential for a brand. But remember, a brand is not just about projecting a positive image; it's also what people say about it when the brand is not present. This is why video is such a powerful tool in building your brand.

[28:52] Telling Great Stories Through Video

It all comes down to telling a great story through video assets. Video is not only the future, but it is now. By leveraging the power of video content, you can create a lasting impact on your audience and achieve your goals.

[31:26] How to Create Content

Most of the content is created via phone due to the lack of investment in videographers and other resources. The primary concern for listeners is the value that the content can provide. Who you are, what you do, and how you can help others hold significant importance. Your personal brand is a reflection of who you are as a person. Elaborating on how you assist people through your services, events, programs, or agency can create a long-lasting impression on viewers. Consistently creating content with these elements can lead to direct messages, website traffic, and recognition on the streets. Documenting all of this can also be immensely beneficial.

[40:38] The Power of Consistency in Building Your Personal Brand

The more times someone sees you, the higher the probability of sales. Increased revenue enables you to support your family, contribute to good causes, and achieve personal well-being. Rather than being perceived as selfish or greedy, building wealth can help more people and create a better life. With only one life to live, it is imperative to invest in a mission and purpose for building a brand that benefits oneself, their family, and others.

Resources Mentioned:

Rise and Record


Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow find Erik at:

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

May 30, 202350:16
E273: Tech-Forward Approaches for Maximizing ROI in Short-Term Rentals with Josh Hatter

E273: Tech-Forward Approaches for Maximizing ROI in Short-Term Rentals with Josh Hatter

Ready to maximize your ROI with tech-forward approaches in short-term rentals? In today's episode of Entrepreneurs Circle, Eric Cabral sits down with Josh Hatter, a seasoned investor with over 20 years of corporate experience. Known for growing his self-directed IRA and 401k from $30,000 to a $5-million portfolio within just 10 years, primarily through short-term rentals, Josh is a force to be reckoned with in the world of real estate investing. 

A sucker for automation and streamlining processes, Josh uses tech-forward approaches in his short-term rental businesses, including bed and breakfasts, hotel management, boutique hotels, and more. Eric and Josh discuss his impressive journey, offering insights and valuable tips for aspiring investors looking to replicate his success.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Finding opportunities amidst the pandemic

  • Innovations in the boutique B&B Business model

  • Finding his mentor

  • Dealing with haters on social media

  • How to be an accelerant

Episode Highlights:

[07:30] An Opportunity Amidst COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an opportunity for Josh’s boutique B&B concept to thrive as people have come to appreciate properties that are done well with modern amenities. With a technology-forward concept, guests are given a code that works only during their stay, allowing for a contactless experience. The continental breakfast is also designed as a grab-and-go option. The brand's success is due to COVID-19's impact, which has brought an opportunity for the development of this business model.

[11:10] Innovation in the Boutique B&B Business Model

The advent of Airbnb led to the massive growth of the boutique bed-and-breakfast (B&B) business model. This caused technology vendors to search for specific niche problems to solve, either for the guest experience or other areas of the business. For example, digital guidebooks were created to provide guests with a unique experience when staying on a property. These guidebooks are tailored specifically for each property to give guests a more personalized experience, allowing guests to access local recommendations, restaurants, and things to do, conveniently, from their phones. The industry is new, and there has been significant investment in the asset class in the past decade leading to innovation in all areas of the B&B business.

[28:48] How to Be an Accelerant

If you want to become an accelerant, the first step is to identify a hyper-specific group of people who are trying to achieve something that you have had success with. The next step is to offer your time, expertise, and resources to help them achieve their goals. It’s not just about writing a check or throwing money at a problem. It's about making a meaningful contribution by sharing your knowledge and resources to help people achieve their goals.

Resources Mentioned: 

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

May 08, 202337:17
E272: Finding Opportunity Zones with Nate Fisher

E272: Finding Opportunity Zones with Nate Fisher

Did you know that finding investment opportunities in opportunity zones is a game-changer for real estate investors? It's a bit of a challenge that requires creativity and strategic thinking, but the potential benefits for estate planning and property development are definitely worth the effort. So, if you're a real estate investor looking for a way to level up your game, this is something worth exploring!

In this episode of the Entrepreneurs Circle podcast, real estate investor Nate Fisher shares his journey from growing up in a family that owned multifamily investment properties to figuring out how to do bigger deals and taking the business to the next level. Nate also discusses the benefits of identifying investment opportunities in opportunity zones and being creative to maximize the potential benefits while playing by the rules. Tune in to learn from Nate’s expertise and insights.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • The collaboration and partnership you see in the community

  • The mindset shift of going from being a general partner to a limited partner

  • The power of the ask

  • What it means to be an “air traffic controller” in real estate

  • Identifying your opportunity zones 

Episode Highlights:

[10:07] Transitioning From General Partnership to Limited Partnership

Transitioning from being a general partner to a limited partner in real estate investing? It might be a challenging process, particularly among family and friends who are used to owning 100% of the property. As a limited partner, you'll own only a portion of the investment, which can be as low as 17% or 20%. To make this shift, there needs to be a change in mindset, and sometimes, that takes a while.

[22:12] Finding Opportunity Zones

Finding opportunity zones in real estate investing can be an exciting process with numerous benefits, particularly for estate planning. It requires creativity and thinking outside of the box, but it can lead to a win-win situation for all parties involved. One approach is to identify fully-depreciated properties and sell them to invest in opportunity zones. This investment can fund the development of new buildings, and the younger generation can become partners in managing the property. However, it's crucial to play by the rules and be creative in finding financial solutions to maximize the potential benefits.

Resources Mentioned: 


First to a Million: A Teenager’s Guide to Achieving Early Financial Independence

The Definitive Guide to Underwriting Multifamily Acquisitions: Develop the Skills to Confidently Analyze and Invest in Multifamily Real Estate


Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

May 01, 202341:49
E271: A Look into Digital Real Estate with Nick Wood

E271: A Look into Digital Real Estate with Nick Wood

One of the greatest strategies in sales is to let the product sell itself. But how do you do that? In today’s episode, Erik Cabral speaks with Nick Wood, the owner of Digital Landlords, a method of building simple websites for niche services in small markets and renting the leads out to local businesses each month for profit.

At 19, Nick completed a two-year humanitarian effort in West Africa, where he was featured on BBC. He began his career as a door-to-door salesman and failed at several tech ventures until building his seven-figure digital real estate empire.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Getting into a wealth mindset

  • The law of getting rich: own it

  • How digital real estate works

  • The Costco “sample strategy”

Episode Highlights:

[16:30] Your Road to Wealth

You're never going to get there just by being a sales guy. You can make money, but you're not going to get to $100,000 a month being a sales guy. You have to have ownership of a business or an asset to get rich. Figure out the best vehicle for that then get rid of everything else so you can laser-focus on it.

[19:27] How Digital Real Estate Works

Pick a niche. Make it concrete and pick a recession-proof niche. Next, pick a city. Look for a city that's not too big and not too competitive. It has to have enough search volume that there are people that need jobs done in that city. Third, build a website. Rank the website and just do basic SEO. Take the calls once they start coming in, then sell them to a local business owner. If you don't know how to sell your product or find clients, and you have websites producing leads, then you do not have a business – you have a hobby – and an expensive hobby at that.

[27:01] The Costco “Sample Strategy”

Find people who are already in the market for your product. Give them a taste of what you're offering. Offer the service for free, in exchange for a conversation in a couple of days. Let them taste it, touch it, smell it, feel it, with no strings attached. The deal will be so much easier to sell because you're going to let the product sell for you. The overall strategy is that you get the results in advance with no strings attached.

[37:11] Passive Income: The Holy Grail

Passive income is the holy grail of holy grails. It's the thing that everyone wants. But it’s also the thing that no one seems to be able to get because you have to have funding and there are other things you need to do. But if we all had enough passive income to pay our bills, we could spend time doing creative things and things that make us happy.

Resources Mentioned:  


Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Apr 24, 202346:16
 E270: The Power of Multiplication and Chemistry with Joe Blackburn

E270: The Power of Multiplication and Chemistry with Joe Blackburn

Want to know the secret to scaling your business? Two words: multiplication and connection. In today’s episode, Erik Cabral speaks with Joe Blackburn, a distinguished coach, a financial planner, and founder of Lion’s Eye Coaching. Joe is big on accomplishing your goals and achieving success through taking a leap of faith with massive action – with a strategic direction. Listen in as Joe shares his wisdom and insights into the power of multiplication as leverage, and why AI cannot commoditize chemistry.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • How to get the results you want

  • The simple way to leverage a business: MULTIPLY

  • Massive action and strategic direction

  • Tips in finding a coach

  • AI cannot commoditize chemistry

  • Learning how to harness the chemistry between people

Episode Highlights:

[03:50] How to Get Results

People generally lie to themselves about their numbers. They tell themselves that things are better than they are because it's a pacifier against the anxiety of running a business. But when you start to dig into it, it's generally not the case. The numbers don't lie, and so that’s where you need to start. Then figure out how much money you’re wasting as well as your goals.

[13:32] The Power of Multiplication

You’ve got to get better at multiplication and use it as a business leverage. Most people get stuck in addition where they just want to add one more thing. Maybe it's one client or one employee, which is a building block on it. But if you're really going to get big, you have to be able to multiply. And most of that isn't about skill set, but about mindset. If you want to take your business into eight figures, or you want to expand your footprint or go into areas you haven't, just multiply.

[19:20] The Process of Multiplication

Take a leap of faith with massive action with a strategic direction – and then we can get surgical with the tactics. But most people do it the other way around. They want to start with the strategic plan, deploy a couple of tactics and see if they work because they don't want to look stupid. Then they have faith. Well, that's not faith, because you already actually got some results.

[32:25] AI Cannot Commoditize Chemistry

Nothing compares to the chemistry between people because our souls know what is real. We have souls and we can’t commoditize that. There’s a humanity to it that we just can’t commoditize. There’s also that deep yearning for chemistry. 

Resources Mentioned: 

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Apr 17, 202356:06
E269: How to Make Every Day Great with Jeff Holst

E269: How to Make Every Day Great with Jeff Holst

If you feel like you’re never going to run out of bad days, how about you change your perspective? In today’s episode, Erik Cabral speaks with Jeff Holst, the author of No Bad Days: How to Make Every Day Great. This guy has gone through some challenges in life, including a life-threatening crisis, but still remains positive about life. Listen in to find out how he makes every day great!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • “No bad days” is really about this moment.

  • Taking responsibility for your life

  • The Baader-Meinhof effect

  • Developing a positive mindset that there are no bad days

  • How to take responsibility for things you can’t control

  • What personal integrity means

  • Everything's a choice based on your perspective

Episode Highlights:

[09:01] Taking Responsibility for Your Life Situations

If you find yourself in challenging situations, reframe how you perceive your day. Take responsibility for the situation you're in and make the best possible choices given that situation. 

The Baader-Meinhof effect is the idea that your subconscious mind defaults to the familiar. The book, Hardwiring Happiness, also talks about how you should just stop and embrace positive things once in a while. This way, you’re the neural pathways in your brain, and the ones you use the most are the easiest to fire off.

[23:53] How to Take Responsibility for Things You Can’t Control

How do you take responsibility for things that you can't control? You don't worry about those things, because worrying doesn’t help. You can't do anything about some things, but you’ve got to do the stuff you can control and maximize your choices. Once you get that confidence and the ability to feel it’s okay to fail, then you’re aligning yourself with your internal vision, and you have more clarity about the things important to you.

[32:50] What is Integrity?

When your thoughts, your words, and your actions are all completely aligned, you're in personal integrity. By thinking, saying, and doing positive things, you’re going to find alignment in all areas of your life. 

Now, try to take that further than just integrity, because it’s all about the experience of life. Become a better, stronger, more mentally aware person. Work on yourself and just keep working to be better and better and better. 

[40:15] Everything’s a Choice

Everything's a choice. How are you going to frame your choices about the future? How are you going to create your own future? How are you going to set those goals to get the results you want? All that just comes down to the perspective of how you look at things. 

Resources Mentioned:

No Bad Days: How to Make Every Day Great by Jeff Holst

Hardwiring Happiness by Rick Hanson, PhD

A Walk for Sunshine by Jeff Alt

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

Learn more at:

Find and follow find Erik at:

Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Apr 10, 202346:31
E268: Using Failure as a Gift with Justin Skinner

E268: Using Failure as a Gift with Justin Skinner

Failures are failures. The question is – how do you deal with those as they come. For this guy,  real estate was just a direct result of getting fired multiple times and finding the magic of short-term rentals. 

In today’s episode, Erik Cabral speaks with Justin Skinner, commercial real estate guy, investor, and graphic designer. Justin is the author of the book Professional Failure, and he has a podcast of the same name, “Professional Failure with Justin Skinner”. Getting fired multiple times led him to his path to starting his own business – and that kickstarted his growth mindset.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Embracing the F word

  • “The pain of now is a part of the happiness then.”

  • The power of gratitude, appreciation, and being present

  • What it’s like working with your life partner

  • His real estate investing journey

  • The value of podcasting in his life

Episode Highlights:

[10:40] Embracing the F Word

If you are going through a failure, step back and see that this moment of failure  is not a reflection of your character. It’s just a moment. It's something that happened and it’s going to pass. Stepping back and seeing the 100-foot view from that would help a lot. 

Encourage yourself and give yourself grace even if you tried and it didn’t work out. There are still great things that happen when doors close, and you just can't see it right away. 

[13:16] Dealing with Pain and Focusing on the Journey

"The pain of now is a part of the happiness then." - C.S. Lewis. The reason we want something so bad is because we enjoy it and the journey. We enjoy the feeling it gives. And so, put more focus on the journey and not the end result. This then takes some of that attachment away from happiness because we can’t be happy in the moment. 

[20:10] Using Failures as a Gift to Grow

Justin says he’s grateful for the many steps in his life that were littered with failures, because that got him to where he is today. Justin had to go through multiple failures until finally discovering the gem in real estate investing. Additionally, having to work with his wife made him feel he got remarried again. 

Resources Mentioned:  

Professional Failure by Justin Skinner

Professional Failure with Justin Skinner


Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Download Erik's FREE GUIDE to podcasting at:

Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Apr 03, 202338:21
E267: Taking the First Step to Financial Freedom with Myron McNeil

E267: Taking the First Step to Financial Freedom with Myron McNeil

Especially in our communities, no one tells us or shows us the importance of growing our mindset, so we just go straight to the idea. And so, we don't understand how to grow the capacity of our mind, step into that business idea, and give the proper growth as necessary. In today’s conversation, Erik Cabral speaks with Myron McNeil, the founder/CEO of American Commodity Investment Group, as they discuss all things growth, positivity, and mindset.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people.

  • Working on your mindset first before your business

  • Mindset first, before your business

  • How the middle-class mindset goes right to flipping houses

  • How to fight the urge to get comfortable

  • The importance of having a positive mindset

Episode Highlights:

[02:21] How to Take the First Step to Financial Freedom

When you get to the point where you want something more and you want to seek that financial freedom, sometimes you feel isolated and everyone wants to protect you from that. There's always that fear there that you have to overcome, but once you step out and do it, the whole world opens up.

Surround yourself with people that are positive, motivated, have the same mindset or growth mindset, and are leveling up with you. 

[12:37] Growing Your Mindset

It's important to work on your mindset first, before jumping into that business.  Most of the time, your business is not going to be successful or you're going to reach a ceiling, and this will leave you frustrated, not knowing how to go to the next level. Therefore, focus on the mindset first and this will allow the growth that you ultimately want to receive. This allows you to keep going up to different levels and keep breaking into another level.

Learn from people who've already accomplished so many great things. They’re not afraid to continue to keep growing. They start over at level one again, as they continue to break into different levels of growth.

[44:30] Focus on Passion

You don't have to be the smartest to have the most money. If you have the most passion and if you're passionate about something, it can get you to places that money can't even get you. So just be passionate, and don’t take no for an answer. Be passionate about what you're doing and that will get you to the places you want to get

Resources Mentioned:

American Commodity Investment Group

The Power of One More by Ed Mylett

Entrepreneurs Circle podcast is an On Air Brands production.

On Air Brands is one of the leaders for launch, production, and promotion of top-rated business and real estate investing podcasts. Reach out to On Air Brands here ---> 

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Check out this show and previous inspiring guests at Entrepreneurs Circle in Apple Podcasts.

Mar 28, 202355:02