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Esoterik LightHouse

Esoterik LightHouse

By Esoterik LightHouse

We are a group of Free and Accepted Masons; Prince Hall Affiliated; focused on the Esoteric, occult and philosophic lessons found in Freemasonry. This being a public forum; it is not a legal interpretation nor statement of any grand lodge, district or local Masonic body. Any views or opinions expressed by the panelists are solely that of the panelists and does not represent any grand lodge; district or local Masonic body views or the views of its officials; to which our panelists hold membership.
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Episode 30: Primordial Chaos / Into the Abyss

Esoterik LightHouseMay 10, 2024

Episode 31 Legacy of the Serpent

Episode 31 Legacy of the Serpent

The "legacy of the serpent" refers to the widespread and varied symbolism of serpents (snakes) in mythology, religion, and cultural lore across different societies and eras. This legacy is deep and multifaceted, with serpents often embodying paradoxical qualities such as creation and destruction, good and evil, wisdom and deceit. Here are some key aspects of how serpents have been viewed:

  1. Symbol of Renewal and Immortality: In many cultures, the serpent's ability to shed its skin and emerge anew is seen as a symbol of regeneration, renewal, and even immortality. This imagery is prevalent in many ancient religions and mythologies.

  2. Guardianship and Protection: Serpents are often depicted as guardians of sacred places, treasures, or crucial knowledge. In Greek mythology, for instance, the serpent guards the oracle at Delphi.

  3. Wisdom and Knowledge: In some traditions, serpents are associated with wisdom. The Biblical serpent in the Garden of Eden, for example, offers knowledge (though with the consequence of fall from grace). Similarly, in Hindu mythology, serpents are associated with knowledge and are often shown with the god of wisdom, Lord Ganesha.

  4. Evil and Temptation: Conversely, serpents can also symbolize deceit, danger, and sin. The serpent as a tempter in the Garden of Eden is a prominent example, influencing the Christian interpretation of snakes as embodiments of the devil or evil.

  5. Chaos and Destruction: In various mythologies, serpents also represent chaos and destructive forces. In Norse mythology, Jörmungandr, the world serpent, is so large that it encircles the Earth and holds its own tail, and its release is said to signal the end of the world (Ragnarök).

  6. Fertility and Life: Due to their phallic shape, serpents are sometimes symbols of fertility and life. This can be seen in their association with rivers, rain, and agriculture in some cultures.

  7. Healing and Medicine: The serpent's legacy also includes healing and medicine, symbolized by the Rod of Asclepius, a serpent-entwined rod still used as a symbol of medicine today.

The serpent's symbolism is thus rich and complex, often embodying the dualities inherent in life. This legacy has been carried through time, influencing art, literature, and cultural narratives, making it one of the most potent and enduring symbols in human history.

May 10, 202401:19:18
Episode 30: Primordial Chaos / Into the Abyss

Episode 30: Primordial Chaos / Into the Abyss

Primordial chaos is a concept found in various mythologies and philosophies, representing the original state of existence from which the cosmos and order emerged. It is often depicted as a vast, formless void or a nebulous, chaotic condition that precedes the creation of the universe. Different cultures have their own interpretations of primordial chaos:

  1. Greek Mythology: In Greek mythology, Chaos is the first thing to exist, and from it, the first deities, including Gaia (Earth), Tartarus (the Underworld), and Eros (Love), emerged. Chaos here is the emptiness or the void before things came into being.

  2. Chinese Mythology: The concept is similar in Chinese mythology, where the universe began in a state of chaos which was like a cosmic egg. Within it, the perfectly balanced forces of Yin and Yang became unbalanced, and from this tension, Pangu emerged, who separated the sky and the earth to create the world.

  3. Norse Mythology: In Norse tradition, the primordial void is called Ginnungagap, which is the vast gap between the fire realm Muspelheim and the ice realm Niflheim. From this void, the first gods and the world itself were formed.

  4. Modern Interpretations: In contemporary terms, especially in philosophical or metaphysical discussions, primordial chaos can be related to a state of potentiality or the unlimited possibilities from which order and reality arise.

This concept serves to explain the origins of the universe in a mythological context, providing a narrative that underscores the transition from nothingness or disorder to a structured world.

May 10, 202401:30:42
Episode 29 - Exploring The First Day of Genesis

Episode 29 - Exploring The First Day of Genesis

In this episode, the panelists explore the the first day of the book of genesis and origins of what we know today to be light, heavens and the earth, esoterically.

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May 23, 202354:57
Episode 29 - The Void, Consciousness and the Big Bang.

Episode 29 - The Void, Consciousness and the Big Bang.

In this episode the panelists discuss the void, consciousness and big bang theories.

Apr 26, 202301:00:09
Episode 28 - The Mind of the Heart

Episode 28 - The Mind of the Heart

Guest panelist Damien Jack; of the Prince Hall Think Tank; does a lecture on the heart and how it affects or is affected by they mind.

Feb 16, 202301:14:32
Episode 27 - 2022 Year in Review

Episode 27 - 2022 Year in Review

The panelists with guests review our past episodes, memorable moments, and topics that resonated with them.

Feb 16, 202301:07:08
Episode 24 - Alchemy and Lambdoma

Episode 24 - Alchemy and Lambdoma

Guest panelist John B Love III speaks about the lambdoma and the alchemy of the mind.

Feb 16, 202301:03:30
Episode 26 - The Triangle and Yod

Episode 26 - The Triangle and Yod

The Yod and the Triangle - According to the Jewish sages, the yod represents the world to come and completeness. The yod is the most frequently used letter in the Aleph-Bet, as it appears in Hebrew texts approximately 11% of all the letters. This letter is unique in its appearance. It is the smallest letter of the Aleph-Bet, and is therefore considered to be “modest.” It also symbolizes wisdom, and it illustrates this by being small, like the small quantity of truly wise individuals.

Dec 14, 202259:53
Episode 25 - The Pillars of the Portico

Episode 25 - The Pillars of the Portico

In this episode, Panelist; Michael Williams will lecture on: A Brief Historical Introduction to the Pillars, Babylon, Egypt, and Greece, Red and Blue pillars of Solomon's Temple, Pneuma and Sarx and a Brief Introduction to Kabbalah

Oct 13, 202251:47
Episode 23 - The Stone Squarer

Episode 23 - The Stone Squarer

In this episode PM Charles Watson will speak on the meaning of what it a stone squarer is and what responsibilities he has in the lodge.

Jun 08, 202201:03:36
Episode 22 - The Bronze Age

Episode 22 - The Bronze Age

In this episode, panelist WM Christopher Lewis-EL will be discussing the masonic history of the Bronze Age and the accomplishments and impact it has on the masonic ritual, literature and folklore.

Mar 22, 202254:58
Episode 21 - African Roots in Freemasonry

Episode 21 - African Roots in Freemasonry

In this episode, Panelist Jevon Greenaway will be presenting evidence of African Roots in Masonry.

What do these fraternal orders of Masonry have to do with African people? How did this order originate in Europe, and why were Black men in early America not allowed into membership until the coming of Right Worshipful Master Prince Hall, a colonial Blackman? Who are the Knights Templar? What was their relationship to the African Arabs/Moors also called Saracens? What did the Knights Templar find in Israel? Why were they at Jerusalem Temple built by African Hebrews?

These and other questions will be addressed and answered.

Feb 28, 202201:03:53
Episode 20 - Year in Review

Episode 20 - Year in Review

This episode, the panelists review the top 5 episodes of the 2021 calendar year. 

Jan 17, 202201:10:11
Episode 19 - The Importance of Understanding Hebrew and It's Relationship to Freemasonry

Episode 19 - The Importance of Understanding Hebrew and It's Relationship to Freemasonry

In this episode the panelists of ELH explore, expound and explain the importance of understanding the hebrew language as it relates to the freemasonry and its symbolism.

Dec 08, 202101:12:08
Episode 18 - Masonic Geometry

Episode 18 - Masonic Geometry

In this episode the panelists talk about geometry and masonic teachings within.

Nov 09, 202101:00:06
Episode 17 - Rite of Circumambulation

Episode 17 - Rite of Circumambulation

In this episode the panelists cover the rite and practice of circumambulation. 

Nov 08, 202143:14
Episode 16 - Signs and Symbols Pt. 2

Episode 16 - Signs and Symbols Pt. 2

In this latest episode the panelists discuss the meaning of signs and symbols in this part 2 series. 

Sep 07, 202154:59
Episode 15 Practical Esotricism

Episode 15 Practical Esotricism

In this episode the panelists discuss the practical application and explanation of Esotericism. 

Aug 05, 202101:13:23
Episode 14 - Highlighting Esoteric Movies and their Allegory

Episode 14 - Highlighting Esoteric Movies and their Allegory

In this episode the panelists discuss movies and the esoteric themes within them.

Jul 15, 202101:18:06
Episode 13 - Highlighting Influential Esoteric Authors

Episode 13 - Highlighting Influential Esoteric Authors

In this episode the panelists review influential esoteric authors (Manly P. Hall, Helena Blavatsky, Samuel An Weor, Annie Besant, and Rudolf Steiner)

Jun 10, 202101:06:53
Episode 12 - Lucifer, the Illuminati and the age of reason

Episode 12 - Lucifer, the Illuminati and the age of reason

In this episode the panelists speak to the myth of lucifer, the illuminati and how the progression of knowledge has developed in the "Age of Reason"

May 05, 202159:56
Episode 11 - Signs and Symbols

Episode 11 - Signs and Symbols

In this episode the panelists do lectures on the "history of symbolism" and "psychology of symbolism"

Apr 07, 202101:39:60
Episode 8 - Esoteric Spirituality of the East

Episode 8 - Esoteric Spirituality of the East

This Episode the panelists speak the esoteric traditions and spiritual context of the east and its allegory in masonry. 

Mar 09, 202101:51:05
Episode 6 - Introduction to the Kabbalah Part 1

Episode 6 - Introduction to the Kabbalah Part 1

There is no beginning and neither is there an end. How do we know this? We don’t even have to get philosophical because modern science tells us that energy can never be created or destroyed. So energy always was, always is, and always shall be. But what is Energy? It is conscious. We know this because of the Hermetic Law of Vibration. What is energy in its absolute purest form? The Gnostics refer to energy in this state as THE ONE/THE ALL. Kabbalists refer to it as AIN SOPH. 

1. AIN SOPH manifested a void space within itself, from which it could express itself. In this void space, AIN SOPH created the KABBALAH which is the blueprint of all life. The result of the creation of the KABBALAH in the void space is the 7 great HERMETIC LAWS of the universe. The only thing that is absolutely non-dual or singular is AIN SOPH. 

2. AIN SOPH had created the universe with its fundamental laws and principals, it manifested its own essence OR created a spirit to encompass the Universe. This was the formation/creation of the GOD who encompasses the MACROCOSM. YHVH, the TETRAGRAMMATON. 

3. GOD was a direct emanation from AIN SOPH, its level of conscious energy is much, much higher than our own. GOD, the MACROCOSM is the Original spirit of the KABBALAH and therefore isn’t prone to de-synchronizing with the SEFIROT like us.

 4. GOD, who is still only a Spirit uses the principals of the KABBALAH, of which he has supreme dominion over, to create his body which is the Earth with all its features. The KABBALAH has ten SEFIROT, and each SEFIROT corresponds to a body part/aspect of GOD and MAN. With GOD, the MACROCOSM, the Earth, planets and Stars are his body parts. GOD’S spirit or the ASTRAL LIGHT is what invigorates and powers all life on Earth. 

5. In order for GOD to live in his own creation he needed to have a body that corresponded to the natural physics of his creation. A body that is a part of that world. GOD, therefore created the MICROCOSM which is MAN’S body and mind in the image of himself. 

6. GOD actually created Male and Female at the same time, in the image of itself. (Image and likeness means IDOL; we are IDOLS of and to G-d) Thats why we put NO ONE before G-D except US! 

7. When MAN was first created by GOD, MAN was in sync with all the SEFIROT. This means MAN’S body, the MICROCOSM functions at its full potential and is the closest possible to GOD. I have said The Esoterik Lighthouse next episode to get more....

Mar 09, 202102:28:45
Episode 5 - Alchemy and Hermeticism

Episode 5 - Alchemy and Hermeticism

In this episode the panel discusses the meaning of alchemy and hermeticism.

Mar 09, 202101:54:24
Episode 3 - The Law of 3

Episode 3 - The Law of 3

In this episode the panelists explore the number 3 and its esoteric significance. 

Mar 09, 202102:27:04
Episode 4 - Astronomy, Astrology, and Astro-Theology

Episode 4 - Astronomy, Astrology, and Astro-Theology

The Esoterik Lightouse panel discusses the various aspects of the stars, theology, and how the universe has influence on man.

Mar 09, 202101:52:44
Episode 7 - Introduction to the Kabbalah pt.2

Episode 7 - Introduction to the Kabbalah pt.2

Our panelists give individual presentations on 4 topics (TzimTzum, 10 Emanations, Four Worlds, Partzufim) pertaining to the kabbalah in this part 2 of the series.

Mar 09, 202102:13:08
Episode 10 - Temple of Man Pt 2

Episode 10 - Temple of Man Pt 2

This episode we are addressing the temple of man part 2. 3 speakers will cover  "The 3 brains", "Chakra 101" and "The 7 fold man".

Mar 09, 202101:36:33
Episode 2 - Trauma and Spiritual Awakening

Episode 2 - Trauma and Spiritual Awakening

In this episode the panel discusses trauma and spiritual awakening as it relates to death.

Mar 09, 202102:12:21
Episode 1 - Initiation and Rites of Passage

Episode 1 - Initiation and Rites of Passage

In this episode Brother Michael D. Williams speaks to the act of initiation and rites of passage over different cultures and how this relates to Freemasonry. 

Mar 08, 202101:42:22
Episode 9 - Temple of Man Part 1

Episode 9 - Temple of Man Part 1

In this episode the panelists speak to the esoteric building of the temple of man. There will be 3 speakers covering "Atoms to Adam", "Noah's Sons and Abraham", "The Red Sea and The Blood" and "King Solomon's Temple". 

Jan 04, 202101:45:34