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Conversations Over Cafecito

Conversations Over Cafecito

By Esperanza United

Join us for a conversation over cafecito. We've gathered expertise and words of wisdom from a variety of practitioners, researchers and advocates in the field of gender-based violence.
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Empoderación a mujeres: Una profunda mirada a la salud femenina y la violencia de género con Taller Salud

Conversations Over CafecitoMay 20, 2024

Empoderación a mujeres: Una profunda mirada a la salud femenina y la violencia de género con Taller Salud

Empoderación a mujeres: Una profunda mirada a la salud femenina y la violencia de género con Taller Salud

En este esclarecedor episodio de "Conversaciones sobre Cafecito", Aida Negrón, de Esperanza United, conduce un interesante debate con Yamilín Rivera Santiago, de Taller Salud. Ellas exploran el impacto significativo de la violencia de género en la salud física, mental y sexual de las mujeres, y celebran el Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud de la Mujer.

Descubre los recursos vitales que Taller Salud ofrece para apoyar a las sobrevivientes, desde asistencia psicológica hasta programas de empoderamiento económico. Yamilín comparte sus ideas sobre el reconocimiento de la violencia doméstica y el papel crucial del apoyo de la comunidad en el fomento de un entorno libre de violencia.

Sintonízanos para saber cómo podemos contribuir todos a crear comunidades más seguras y saludables para las mujeres. No olvides suscribirte y darle a me gusta si este episodio te ha parecido valioso.


In this enlightening episode of "Conversations over Cafecito," Aida Negrón, from Esperanza United, hosts a compelling discussion with Yamilín Rivera Santiago from Taller Salud. They explore the significant impact of gender violence on women's physical, mental, and sexual health, and celebrate Women's Health Awareness Month.

Discover the vital resources Taller Salud offers to support survivors, from psychological assistance to economic empowerment programs. Yamilín shares her insights on recognizing domestic violence and the crucial role of community support in fostering a violence-free environment. 

Tune in to learn how we can all contribute to creating safer, healthier communities for women. Don't forget to subscribe and like if you find this episode valuable!

May 20, 202417:29
Intercesor@s latin@s trabajando con sobrevivientes en zonas rurales. Latin@s en Virginia

Intercesor@s latin@s trabajando con sobrevivientes en zonas rurales. Latin@s en Virginia

Te invitamos a escuchar el último episodio de Conversaciones sobre cafecito. En este episodio, conversamos con Elvira de la Cruz, Directora ejecutiva del Centro de empoderamiento de latin@s en Virginia. Esta organización pionera brinda servicios a familias hispanas/latinas afectadas por violencia, y aseguran que reciban apoyo de defensores biculturales y bilingües. Únete a nosotr@s para conocer más sobre su trabajo esencial.


We invite you to tune into the latest episode of Conversations Over Cafecito. In this episode, we sit down with Elvira de la Cruz, Executive Director of the Latinos in Virginia Empowerment Center. This trailblazing organization serves Hispanic/Latin@ families affected by violence, ensuring they're getting services from bilingual, biculturally-trained advocates. Join us to learn more about their essential work.

Apr 23, 202421:18
Mujeres al frente: voces de liderazgo L@tino

Mujeres al frente: voces de liderazgo L@tino

As we near the conclusion of International Women's Month, we are delighted to extend an invitation to listen to the latest episode of our podcast, Conversations Over Cafecito. Join us as we sit down with Rosario de la Torre, a dedicated advocate with over twenty years of experience at Esperanza United. Rosario shares insights into her journey, inspiring us to embrace our roles as emerging community leaders. Don't miss out on this empowering conversation! ☕🎙️ #WomenLeadership #Empowerment #ConversationsOverCafecito

A medida que nos acercamos al final del Mes Internacional de la Mujer, nos complace invitarte a escuchar un nuevo episodio de nuestro podcast, Conversaciones con un Cafecito. En este episodio, hablamos con Rosario de la Torre, una defensora que ha trabajado en Esperanza United durante más de veinte años. Ella comparte cómo su papel nos ha inspirado a convertirnos en nuevos líderes comunitarios. ¡No te pierdas esta conversación inspiradora! ☕🎙️ #LiderazgoFemenino #Empoderamiento #ConversacionesConUnCafecito

Mar 26, 202419:50
Guía de Apoyo: Defensores de jóvenes latin@s

Guía de Apoyo: Defensores de jóvenes latin@s

A medida que nos acercamos al final del Mes de Concientización sobre la Violencia en el Noviazgo Adolescente, te invitamos a escuchar un nuevo episodio de nuestro podcast, "Conversaciones Over Cafecito". En este episodio, hablamos con Ana Ortega y Patricia Emmanuelli, parte del Programa de Salud y Prevención de Esperanza United. Juntos, profundizamos en su trabajo con la Guía para jóvenes defensores de jóvenes L@tinos sobrevivientes de violencia en el noviazgo explorando el impacto profundo que estos recursos tienen en fomentar relaciones saludables entre los jóvenes. ¡No te pierdas esta conversación!

Teen Dating, we invite you to listen to a new episode of our podcast, Conversations Over Cafecito. In this episode, we talk with Ana Ortega and Patricia Emmanuelli, part of Esperanza United's Health and Prevention Program. We talk about their work with the Youth Advocates Guide for young Latino survivors of dating violence and explore the significant impact these resources have on promoting healthy relationships among young people. Don't miss this conversation!

Feb 28, 202423:45
Mes de la Concientización de la Trata de Seres Humanos

Mes de la Concientización de la Trata de Seres Humanos

Join us this January on our podcast "Conversations Over Cafecito" as we talk about Human Trafficking Awareness Month. In a conversation with Estefany Lazaro from Esperanza United, we will explore the significance of preventing and addressing each type of human trafficking. Through an enlightening dialogue, we aim to emphasize that human trafficking can impact anyone. 


Únase a nosotros este mes de enero en nuestro podcast "Conversaciones sobre Cafecito" para hablar del Mes de Concienciación sobre la Trata de Seres Humanos. En una conversación con Estefany Lazaro de Esperanza United, exploraremos la importancia de prevenir y abordar cada tipo de trata de personas. A través de un diálogo esclarecedor, pretendemos hacer hincapié en que la trata de seres humanos puede afectar a cualquiera.

Jan 25, 202424:49
Esperanza United's Proyecto Navidad

Esperanza United's Proyecto Navidad

As we approach the holiday season, Esperanza United's Proyecto Navidad reminds us of the joy of giving. In this episode of Conversations Over Cafecito, we talk with Sarahi Mateo, Beth Baynes, and Nallely Castro about our annual Christmas project. From its humble beginnings to its profound impact on the community, Projecto Navidad creates a unique connection between donors and local families. Tune in to hear stories of resilience, success, and the limitless power of community solidarity.

A medida que nos acercamos a la temporada navideña, el Proyecto Navidad de Esperanza United nos recuerda la alegría de dar. En este episodio de Conversations Over Cafecito, hablamos con Sarahi Mateo, Beth Baynes y Nallely Castro sobre nuestro proyecto anual de Navidad. Desde sus humildes comienzos hasta su profundo impacto en la comunidad, el Proyecto Navidad crea una conexión única entre los donantes y las familias locales. Sintonízanos para escuchar historias de resiliencia, éxito y el poder ilimitado de la solidaridad comunitaria.

Dec 19, 202338:23
Mes de la Herencia Hispana con la Dra. Verónica Méndez

Mes de la Herencia Hispana con la Dra. Verónica Méndez

En este episodio de Conversations over cafecito, celebramos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con la Dra. Verónica Méndez, una curadora en el Museo Smithsonian de Historia Americana. Ella nos cuenta cómo se asegura de que las perspectivas latinas estén representadas en las exposiciones del Smithsonian, cuáles son algunas estrategias para conectarse con la comunidad latina, y ofrece detalles acerca de proyectos especiales en los que está trabajando actualmente.

In this Conversation over Cafecito episode, we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Dr. Verónica Méndez, a Smithsonian American History Museum curator. She tells us how she ensures that Latino perspectives are represented in Smithsonian exhibitions, what are some strategies for connecting with the Latino community are, and offers details about special projects she is working on. 

Oct 13, 202316:37
Estrategias para prevenir la violencia armada con Center for American Progress

Estrategias para prevenir la violencia armada con Center for American Progress

En esta entrevista de «Conversations over Cafecito», Aida Negrón, Especialista en Comunicaciones Bilingües de Esperanza United, habla con Rafael Medina, Director de Medios del Center for American Progress. La conversación se centra en las políticas y estrategias de la organización en relación a la violencia armada en la comunidad latina. Rafael amplía el compromiso del Center for American Progress de promover políticas basadas en evidencia para prevenir la violencia armada, destacando las iniciativas y estrategias específicas que se están llevando a cabo. También se aborda el tema del racismo sistémico y su conexión con la violencia armada, así como los programas y esfuerzos dirigidos a apoyar a las comunidades más afectadas por los homicidios con armas de fuego. En general, la entrevista destaca el enfoque integral del Center for American Progress y su trabajo para abordar las causas fundamentales de la violencia armada y promover prácticas responsables dentro de la industria.

Jul 19, 202324:39
Servicios proporcionados por Proyecto Matria para la comunidad LGBTQ

Servicios proporcionados por Proyecto Matria para la comunidad LGBTQ

Amarilis Pagán Jiménez presenta en detalle los servicios proporcionados por Proyecto Matria para la comunidad LGBTTQ en Puerto Rico. La discusión se centra en los desafíos que enfrenta esta comunidad en relación a la violencia doméstica, así como en el enfoque adoptado por Proyecto Matria para abordar dichos desafíos. Además, se describen los programas y servicios ofrecidos por Proyecto Matria para brindar apoyo a las personas LGBTQ que han experimentado violencia doméstica.


Se destaca la inclusividad y sensibilidad de los servicios ofrecidos por Proyecto Matria hacia la comunidad LGBTQ, resaltando la capacitación proporcionada al personal y a los voluntarios. También se mencionan los recursos disponibles y la asistencia legal ofrecida, incluyendo derivaciones a servicios legales especializados.


Para concluir, se ofrecen consejos y recomendaciones dirigidos a los miembros de la comunidad LGBTQ que están viviendo situaciones de violencia doméstica o sospechan que alguien en su entorno está experimentando violencia.

Jun 20, 202330:23
Mes de la Concienciación sobre la Agresión Sexual con Mujeres Latinas en Acción

Mes de la Concienciación sobre la Agresión Sexual con Mujeres Latinas en Acción

Abril es el Mes de la Concienciación sobre la Agresión Sexual. En esta entrega de Conversaciones sobre Cafecito, Aida Negrón, Especialista en Comunicaciones Bilingües de Esperanza United, entrevista a Rocío Lozano, Directora del Programa de Agresión Sexual de Mujeres Latinas en Acción, para hablar sobre este importante tema.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. In this installment of Conversations Over Cafecito, Aida Negron, Bilingual Communications Specialist at Esperanza United, interviews Rocio Lozano, Director of the Sexual Assault Program at Mujeres Latinas en Acción, to talk about this critical issue

May 02, 202338:28
Apoyando a las mujeres inmigrantes que trabajan en la agricultura

Apoyando a las mujeres inmigrantes que trabajan en la agricultura

En honor a la Semana Nacional de Concienciación sobre los Trabajadores Agrícolas, del 24 al 31 de marzo de 2023, Norma Flores, Directora de Programas de Justice for Migrant Women, habla con nosotros sobre las barreras y los problemas a los que se enfrentan las mujeres migrantes que trabajan en la agricultura en Estados Unidos, su experiencia personal como trabajadora y cómo su organización trabaja para apoyarlas.

In honor of National Farmworker Awareness Week, March 24-31, 2023, Norma Flores, Program Director at Justice for Migrant Women, talks with us about the barriers and issues faced by migrant women working in agriculture in the U.S., her personal experience as a worker, and how her organization works to support them.

Apr 06, 202338:28
Youth leader shares their experience planning Esperanza United’s 2023 Youth Conference

Youth leader shares their experience planning Esperanza United’s 2023 Youth Conference

"I was introduced to Esperanza United in 6th grade when I began attending Youth Conferences and summer camps with them. I took advantage of multiple opportunities to meet and engage with other Latinx youth who I am fortunate to still have close relationships with."

Feb 18, 202324:23
Latino men in the movement to end gender-based violence: Part 3 with Felix Martinez-Paz and Pedro Reyna

Latino men in the movement to end gender-based violence: Part 3 with Felix Martinez-Paz and Pedro Reyna

In this third installment of our podcast series, our senior manager of community and capacity building Jose Juan Lara Jr. is joined by his colleagues at Esperanza United: Felix Martinez-Paz, Engaging Men & Boys Prog. Specialist and Pedro Reyna, Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator.

Nov 29, 202229:44
Latino men in the movement: Part 2 (Emiliano Diaz de Leon)

Latino men in the movement: Part 2 (Emiliano Diaz de Leon)

In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month we are highlighting the voices of Latino men in the movement to end gender-based violence, sharing how they came to the movement, what it means to be a Latino male-identifying person to end gender-based violence, and their approach to engage other Latino male-identifying folks from a culturally responsive practice.   

In this second installment of our series, our senior manager of community and capacity building Jose Juan Lara Jr. is joined by his colleague/compadre/hermano Emiliano Diaz de Leon, Men’s Engagement Specialist, Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA). Emiliano has more than a decade of experience working for several domestic and sexual violence centers across Texas. Emiliano joined the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault in 2008, where he provides training and technical assistance on enhancing services to male survivors of sexual violence to individuals and organizations in Texas and around the country.

Oct 25, 202220:42
Latino men in the movement to end gender-based violence: Part 1 (Leo Martinez and Jose Juan Lara Jr.)

Latino men in the movement to end gender-based violence: Part 1 (Leo Martinez and Jose Juan Lara Jr.)

In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we are excited to present a new podcast series highlighting the voices of Latino men in the movement to end gender-based violence. We discuss how men came to the movement, what it means to be a Latino male-identifying person to end gender-based violence, and their approach to engage other Latino male-identifying folks from a culturally responsive practice.

In this first installment, our Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, Damary Rodriguez speaks with our Senior Manager of Training and Technical Assistance and Partnerships, Leo Martinez, and our Senior manager of community and capacity building, Jose Juan Lara Jr.

Oct 17, 202218:53
La experiencia de una becaria Latin@ como estudiante internacional en los EE.UU

La experiencia de una becaria Latin@ como estudiante internacional en los EE.UU

En este episodio, hablamos con Coral Estefania Alonso Garcia, quien es una becaria de investigación en Esperanza United. Coral es enfermera y antes fue miembro del equipo nacional de natación de México. Hoy conversaremos sobre su experiencia como estudiante internacional en los Estados Unidos y como su profesión contribuye a la comunidad latina.

Jul 22, 202224:40
Nuevo miembro del consejo consultivo de investigación: Susana Mariscal

Nuevo miembro del consejo consultivo de investigación: Susana Mariscal

En este episodio hablamos con Susana Mariscal, nuevo miembro del consejo consultivo de investigación de Esperanza United y profesora asociada de trabajo social de la Universidad de Indiana.

Susana es una académica comprometida con la comunidad con una agenda de investigación activa centrada en las modificaciones del entorno social que promueven la resiliencia entre los niños y las familias y facilitan la prevención primaria del maltrato infantil.

Ha estudiado la violencia entre adolescentes latinos; las disparidades en el acceso a la salud y a los servicios entre los niños y las familias latinas; y la resiliencia entre los jóvenes expuestos a la violencia doméstica, identificando las diferencias raciales/étnicas en los factores de protección.

Su proyecto actual "Strengthening Indiana Families" (SIF) se centra en la implementación y evaluación de una serie de servicios y apoyos basados en la comunidad diseñados para promover entornos familiares saludables y reforzar la seguridad y el bienestar de las familias en el centro de Indiana.

Jul 11, 202230:11
Celebrating LGBTQ leaders during Pride month: Rick Gipprich

Celebrating LGBTQ leaders during Pride month: Rick Gipprich

In celebration of Pride month, we invite you to listen to the second installment of our series lifting the voices of LGBTQ Latin@ leaders. In this conversation, our Senior Manager of Community & Capacity Building, Jose Juan Lara Jr. speaks with Texas Association Against Sexual Assault’s Program Director and Campus Sexual Assault Specialist, Rick Gipprich about how he came to the gender-based violence space, and some lessons he’s learned as an openly gay man and a leader in the movement. For more podcasts like this, follow "Conversations Over Cafecito" on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or subscribe to our youtube channel to experience our podcasts with Spanish subtitles.

En celebración del mes del Orgullo, te invitamos a escuchar la segunda entrega de nuestra serie que destaca las voces de los líderes latinos LGBTQ. En esta conversación, nuestro Gerente Senior de Construcción de Comunidades y Capacidades, José Juan Lara Jr. habla con el Director del Programa de la Asociación de Texas contra la Agresión Sexual y Especialista en Agresión Sexual en el Campus, Rich Giprich sobre cómo llegó al espacio de la violencia de género, y algunas lecciones que ha aprendido como un hombre abiertamente gay y un líder en el movimiento. Para más podcasts como este, sigue "Conversaciones sobre Cafecito" en Apple Podcasts o Spotify o suscríbase a nuestro canal de youtube para disfrutar de nuestros podcasts con subtítulos en español.

Jun 29, 202227:57
Celebrating LGBTQ leaders during Pride month: Manuel Rodriguez

Celebrating LGBTQ leaders during Pride month: Manuel Rodriguez

In celebration of Pride month, we’ll learn about Manuel Rodriguez's work in the movement to end gender-based violence and his experience as a transmasculine person. 

Jun 03, 202211:47
Apoyo familiar a las comunidades latinas durante el mes de la Concienciación sobre la Agresión Sexual

Apoyo familiar a las comunidades latinas durante el mes de la Concienciación sobre la Agresión Sexual

En esta podcast, nuestra Gerente de Comunicaciones Bilingüe, Angelina Cotler, conversa con nuestra Defensora de la Familia del Centro de Servicios contra el Abuso Doméstico (DASC), Zeenyace Flores, y nuestra Defensora de la Juventud, Beverly Martínez, sobre su trabajo de apoyo a los sobrevivientes de la violencia sexual en Minnesota.

Apr 26, 202221:31
Mes de la Concienciación sobre la Agresión Sexual: Experiencia como sobreviviente

Mes de la Concienciación sobre la Agresión Sexual: Experiencia como sobreviviente

Abril es el mes de la Concienciación sobre la Agresión Sexual y estamos encantados de compartir esta nueva entrega de nuestro podcast. En esta conversación, nuestra gerente de comunicación bilingüe, Angelina Cotler, conversa con nuestro director de Desarrollo de Capacidades y Asistencia Técnica, Leo Martínez, sobre su experiencia como sobreviviente y cómo esto ha influenciado en su trabajo.

Apr 11, 202235:20
La semana de NO MÁS y la guía de conversación sobre relaciones saludables

La semana de NO MÁS y la guía de conversación sobre relaciones saludables

Estamos orgullosos de asociarnos con NO MÁS para lanzar "Hablando de Relaciones Saludables". En este podcast, nuestra Gerente de Comunicaciones Bilingüe, Angelina Cotler habla con nuestra Directora de Prevención y Cambio Social, Ivette Izea-Martínez, sobre esta nueva guía que ofrece consejos, temas de conversación y más para que los padres y cuidadores presenten los conceptos básicos de las relaciones saludables con sus hijos.

Mar 09, 202214:06
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month: Esperanza United's youth leaders

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month: Esperanza United's youth leaders

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and we're excited to share this podcast by Esperanza United's youth leaders about the challenges and successes of working with youth.

Feb 22, 202220:50
The role of men and masculine folk in preventing human trafficking with Pheng Thao

The role of men and masculine folk in preventing human trafficking with Pheng Thao

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and we're excited to share a new installment of our podcast featuring Felix Martinez-Paz, our Mens & Boys Engagement Manager, and Pheng Thao, Statewide Coordinator at Minnesota Men and Masculine Folk Network, about the role of men and masculine folk in preventing human trafficking and ending violence.

Jan 11, 202230:33
#Unacosa we can do to stay healthy during the holidays

#Unacosa we can do to stay healthy during the holidays

In this video, our staff share #unacosa they are doing to stay healthy during the holidays. 

Dec 01, 202102:53
Salud mental en la comunidad Latin@ con Alianza Nacional sobre Enfermedades Mentales (NAMI)

Salud mental en la comunidad Latin@ con Alianza Nacional sobre Enfermedades Mentales (NAMI)

En este episodio, nuestra co-directora de defensa familiar y participación comunitaria, Ivette Izea-Martinez, habla con Fanny Fernandez y Rene Labat, educadores de padres y jóvenes de la Alianza Nacional sobre Enfermedades Mentales (NAMI). Fanny y Rene trabajan con la comunidad Latin@ en Minnesota. Discuten la importancia de las conversaciones sobre salud mental, el papel de la comunidad en la prevención del suicidio y algunos de los mitos que se abordan comúnmente en la comunidad Latin@.

Nov 22, 202120:18
Research series part 4: Impact of COVID-19 on gender-based violence

Research series part 4: Impact of COVID-19 on gender-based violence

In this conversation our Director of Research and Evaluation, Dr. Lillie Macias, speaks with the University of New Haven’s Director of Community Psychology, Dr.Melissa Whitson, about COVID-19 and its impact on gender-based violence.

Oct 21, 202127:15
Supporting Latin@ student survivors of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking (DVSAS)

Supporting Latin@ student survivors of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking (DVSAS)

In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the second half of Hispanic Heritage Month, we are celebrating our website’s new Knowledge base, a searchable database of resources that strengthens services for Latin@ survivors. In this episode our Campus Project Program Consultant, Jasmine Uribe and Olivia Garcia, Interim Director of Public Policy explain how to use the Supporting Latin@ Student Survivor guide, a new resource we developed for campus administrators and youth on campus to support Latin@ survivors of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking (DVSAS).

Oct 13, 202108:32
Apoyando a sobrevivientes Afro-Latinas con Martha Hernández Martínez

Apoyando a sobrevivientes Afro-Latinas con Martha Hernández Martínez

Esta conversación, les presento a Martha Hernández Martínez para hablar de apoyando a sobrevivientes Afro-Latinas. Martha trabaja como señor asociado de investigación en Rainbow Research y tiene una maestría en Asuntos Públicos de la Facultad de Asuntos Públicos en la Universidad de Minnesota con especialización en los Derechos Humanos Internacional de la Mujer y Políticas de Desarrollo y una Licenciatura en Psicología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. Su experiencia incluye ser proveedora de salud mental para sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y desastres naturales y colaboró en investigaciones para involucrar a los hombres nicaragüenses en los esfuerzos de prevención del HIV. Su investigación se centra en violencia de pareja íntima, masculinidades, trata de personas, violencia sexual y el impacto de las políticas públicas en la vida de las mujeres. Ella desarrolló una herramienta para involucrar a los hombres latinos en esfuerzos de prevención y colaboró en la creación de un conjunto de herramientas para evaluar los programas de violencia doméstica.

Oct 08, 202121:51
Hispanic Heritage Month: Celebrating our Ancestry

Hispanic Heritage Month: Celebrating our Ancestry

Esperanza United (formerly Casa de Esperanza) is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month by unveiling a new mural inspired by our community. This breathtaking painting was created by a group of Latin@ artists who asked youth, advocates, and community leaders what being a woman and Esperanza United means to them. It now hangs in our Minnesota office to remind us of who we are and our shared mission to end gender-based violence.

True to our new name, Esperanza United is uniting around our diverse heritage as Latin@s and the message behind the mural. Join us by listening to this special episode of Conversations Over Cafecito where we talk about what this mural represents to us.

Sep 14, 202109:35
Latin@s Transforming Arizona Politics with Dr. Lisa Magaña

Latin@s Transforming Arizona Politics with Dr. Lisa Magaña

In this podcast, as part of our series celebrating our new name, “Esperanza United”, we partner with LatinasRepresent to interview Dr. Lisa Magaña on her most recent book, co-authored with César Silva,  ¡Empoderados!/Empowered! How Latinos Transformed Politics in Arizona

As a Professor in the School of Transborder Studies at Arizona State University, Dr. Lisa Magaña has authored multiple books including Straddling the Border and The Politics of Diversity and Arizona, Immigration and Latinos & Politics

LatinasRepresent is an initiative led by National Hispanic Leadership Agenda. Their mission is to increase Latina participation throughout the civic engagement continuum, inspire more Latinas to seek public service opportunities, and create a more reflective democracy. Their Program Manager Stephanie Lopez joins us in this episode, along with our Director of Communications and Marketing Cristina Escobar. Subscribe to our podcast on Spotify or download a transcript of this episode.

Aug 23, 202134:01
 Latin@ Romance Literature with Priscilla Oliveras

Latin@ Romance Literature with Priscilla Oliveras

In this podcast, as part of a series celebrating our new name, “Esperanza United”, our Public Policy and Training Manager, Dr. Olivia Garcia, speaks with Priscilla Oliveras who is a USA Today best-selling author, writing contemporary romance literature with a Latinx flavor. Proud of her Puerto Rican-Mexican heritage, Priscilla strives to bring authenticity to her novels by sharing her culture with readers. She and her work have earned praise from O, The Oprah Magazine, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and Entertainment Weekly, among others. Since earning her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University, Priscilla now serves as adjunct faculty at Seton and teaches the online class “Romance Writing” for ed2go.

Learn more about Priscilla Olivares by checking out her events calendar and following her on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram via @prisoliveras. You can also find her on Amazon, Goodreads, and Bookbub.

Subscribe to listen to our podcast on Spotify or download a transcript.

Aug 19, 202133:55
No More: A Global Initiative with Pamela Zaballa

No More: A Global Initiative with Pamela Zaballa

In this podcast, as part of a series celebrating our new name, “Esperanza United”, Cristina Escobar, our Director of Communications and Marketing, speaks with the Global Executive Director of NO MORE, Pamela Zaballa. Pamela is a global leader in the domestic and sexual violence space, with a special interest in the power of partnerships to progress the impact of our sector.

NO MORE is a groundbreaking, global initiative comprised of the largest coalition of nonprofits, corporations, government agencies, media, schools, and individuals addressing domestic violence and sexual assault and Pamela has been at the helm since January, 2019. Pamela highlights the NO MAS Global Directory as a useful resource for anyone involved in domestic violence prevention or intervention. Subscribe to listen to our podcast on Spotify or download a  transcript of this episode.

Aug 17, 202126:03
Servicios en el Refugio de Esperanza United con Irene Ochoa
Aug 11, 202121:06
The History of Esperanza United with Elsa Vega Perez
Aug 09, 202112:57
Research Series Part 3: Adolescent Dating Violence and Intersectionality

Research Series Part 3: Adolescent Dating Violence and Intersectionality

We are excited to share the third installment in our research series on Teen Dating Violence and Intersectionality featuring Nancy Nava, Research and Evaluation Manager at Casa de Esperanza, Rebecca Rodriguez, Director of Evaluation and Impact at Caminar Latino, and Rebecca Fix, Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Jun 17, 202146:01
Bridgerton: A SAAM Special

Bridgerton: A SAAM Special

We are excited to share with you a conversation in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month on Netflix's Bridgerton. In this episode, Founder of Leaders Ending Violence Jasmine Uribe joins Casa de Esperanza's Leo Martinez and Cristina Escobar to discuss the ways media influences how Latin@s understand consent.
Apr 27, 202130:12
Research Series Part 2:  Gender-Based Violence in Rural Communities

Research Series Part 2: Gender-Based Violence in Rural Communities

In our second episode of this research series we speak with Dr. Walter DeKeseredy, Endowed Chair of Social Sciences, and Director of the Research Center on Violence at West Virginia University. He and Lillie Macias discuss poly-victimization in rural LGBTQ communities, crimes towards LGBTQ people and ethnic minorities in rural areas, and the role of the media in building more inclusive spaces.


Dr. DeKeseredy's Faculty Profile

Book: Women Abuse in Rural Places by Walter DeKeseredy
Apr 07, 202128:05
Teen Relationships During the Pandemic

Teen Relationships During the Pandemic

In this episode, Nallely Castro-Montoya, Community Engagement Manager, and Felix Martinez Paz, Men and Boys Engagement Coordinator, have a conversation with former Casa de Esperanza Youth Amig@s leaders to talk about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their lives, relationships, and much more.
Mar 29, 202129:20
Un Entrevista con CUAV sobre les Latines LGBT

Un Entrevista con CUAV sobre les Latines LGBT

Un Entrevista con CUAV sobre les Latines LGBT by Casa de Esperanza: National Latin@ Network
Mar 26, 202149:18
Research Series Part 1:  Intimate Partner Violence in Transgender Communities

Research Series Part 1: Intimate Partner Violence in Transgender Communities

We're launching a new podcast series highlighting Latin@ Research leaders and community-centered practices. For this first episode in the series, we’ll get to know Dr. Xavier Guadalupe-Diaz who published the first scholarly book offering a groundbreaking examination of Intimate Partner Violence in the lives of transgender people entitled, Transgressed: Intimate Partner Violence in Transgender Lives. In this episode we’ll hear more about his research and what inspires his personal and professional growth in the movement to end gender-based violence.
Mar 24, 202143:52
A Free Flowing Conversation on Afro Latinidad

A Free Flowing Conversation on Afro Latinidad

Join us for a conversation on why the term Afro Latina was created and what it's responding to. We explore how this term has developed and what the current narrative looks like for those who center their Blackness.
Mar 19, 202138:01
A Conversation With Dr. Cathleen Cahill In Honor Of Women’s History Month

A Conversation With Dr. Cathleen Cahill In Honor Of Women’s History Month

In this episode of Conversations over Cafecito, we meet with Dr. Cathleen D. Cahill, Associate Professor of History at Penn State to discuss her book, Recasting the Vote: How Women of Color Transformed the Suffrage Movement, a collective biography of six suffragists of color–both before and after the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment. What to learn more? Check out this reading list provided by Dr. Cahill: Dr. Cahill’s Books Recasting the Vote: How Women of Color Transformed the Suffrage Movement Federal Fathers & Mothers: A Social History of the US Indian Service, 1869-1933 Book Recommendations How Black Women Broke Barriers and Won the Vote, Martha Jones, Vanguard Mexican American Civil Rights Activist and Texas Feminist, Cynthia Orozco, Agent for Change: Adela Sloss-Vento, Feminism for the Americas, Katherine Marino Websites Representation with a Hyphen; Latinas in the Fight for Women’s Suffrage, Digital Exhibit by the National Women’s History Museum On Their Shoulders: The Radical Stories of Women’s Fight for the Vote Podcasts And Nothing Less (hosted by Rosario Dawson and Retta) New Mexico and the Vote
Mar 16, 202130:23
How to Engage in Policy Advocacy as a Nonprofit

How to Engage in Policy Advocacy as a Nonprofit

At Casa de Esperanza, we work to mobilize the Latin@ community to build healthy futures. Through this series, ¡Presente! Empowering Latin@ Communities through Civic Engagement, we’ll highlight simple ways that anyone can take action, make change, and create a future you wish to see.

In this episode, Casa de Esperanza's Senior Director of Public Policy, Rosie Hidalgo discusses the importance and process behind a non profit’s participation in policy advocacy and lobbying.
Oct 23, 202041:17
Una Entrevista con Oralia Maceda

Una Entrevista con Oralia Maceda

¡Feliz Día de los Pueblos de Origen! Hablamos con Oralia Maceda, Co-Directora Ejecutiva del Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Indígena Oaxaqueño. Sintonizate este episodio de “Conversations Con Cafecito” donde discutimos las realidades únicas de las comunidades de Origen en los Estados Unidos. Oralia comparte su experiencia y mejores prácticas para apoyar a las comunidades de origen.
Oct 12, 202044:26
You Count: Why the 2020 U.S. Census Matters

You Count: Why the 2020 U.S. Census Matters

At Casa de Esperanza, we work to mobilize the Latin@ community to build healthy futures. Through our new series, ¡Presente! Empowering Latin@ Communities through Civic Engagement, we’ll highlight simple ways that anyone can take action, make change, and create a future you wish to see.

In this episode, we’ll be diving into the 2020 U.S. Census to talk about its history, structure, and impact. We’ll be talking with Lizette Escobedo, the Director of the National Census Program at the NALEO, Educational Fund. As a self proclaimed, census nerd, Lizette talks about why the U.S. census matters to Latino communities and why it’s so important that you are counted.

Edit: We want to note that there are ongoing legal challenges to the Administration’s memorandum calling for an adjustment of the final census count.

Sep 08, 202032:51
Stories of Fatherhood with Dr. Manuel Xavier Zamarripa

Stories of Fatherhood with Dr. Manuel Xavier Zamarripa

In celebration of Father’s Day we have invited members of our staff and network to reflect on their experiences having or being a father and or a father figure and how that has impacted their work supporting women and girls.

In this episode, Dr. Manuel Xavier Zamarripa tells of his journey as a father, specifically as a Chicano dad, a Latino dad, reflecting on the connection to his own father who passed when he was just 12 years old. And, thinking, how losing his father at such a young age would impact his own ability to be a father.
Jun 19, 202014:37
Stories of Fatherhood with Emiliano Diaz de Leon

Stories of Fatherhood with Emiliano Diaz de Leon

In celebration of Father’s Day we have invited members of our staff and network to reflect on their experiences having or being a father and or a father figure and how that has impacted their work supporting women and girls.

In this episode, Emiliano Diaz de Leon and his 11 year old son Joaquin interview each other on what it's been like to be at home under quarantine, remaining optimistic during these uncertain times and the importance of doing the best that you can as a father and a son!
Jun 18, 202007:14
Stories of Fatherhood with Alberto Vasallo III

Stories of Fatherhood with Alberto Vasallo III

In celebration of Father’s Day we have invited members of our staff and network to reflect on their experiences having or being a father and or a father figure and how that has impacted their work supporting women and girls.

Alberto Vasallo III talks about his experience being a father to his daughter, Alex, and how she changed his life.
Jun 16, 202006:39
Stories of Fatherhood with Robert de Leon

Stories of Fatherhood with Robert de Leon

In celebration of Father’s Day we have invited members of our staff and network to reflect on their experiences having or being a father and or a father figure and how that has impacted their work supporting women and girls.

People will share moments of struggle, sadness, joy, and hope, which some may find difficult to hear. From wherever you are listening, thank you for tuning in to Conversations over Cafecito.

Robert de Leon takes us back to 2013 the year he got married and shortly after discovering the surprising news this newly wedded husband is about to become a father! A momentous occasion filled with joy and happiness! But soon after weighed down by sadness as an emergency visit to the hospital, Robert and his wife, Emily, experience one of the most difficult moments newly expectant parents fear. Yet, as Robert shares this moment, there is a powerful message of renewed celebration and, most of all, strength and hope he finds as a husband and a father.
Jun 15, 202011:46