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Emunah for Non-Rebbitzens

Emunah for Non-Rebbitzens

By Esther Kurtz

You're not a rebbitzen or very holy and spiritual.
You're not sitting down to open a sefer and learn in the original Hebrew.

But just because you're not a rebbitzen doesn't mean you don't want to learn and grow.
You just want to do it in a way that feels more like you.

This podcast covers Shaar Bitachon in Chovos Halevavos
Duties of the Heart
the classic Emunah and Bitchon sefer
From start to finish
in 90 seconds bits
episodes dropping daily

Short, fun and powerful.

Subscribe today!
Currently playing episode

No Fix For This

Emunah for Non-RebbitzensMay 15, 2024

Best Way To Lose $70

Best Way To Lose $70

You're not gonna have it either way...where would you rather lose it?

May 28, 202402:24
Clean Up My Act

Clean Up My Act

What happens when your cleaning help bails?

May 22, 202402:59
No Fix For This

No Fix For This

If it's broken and you can't fix it... then what?

May 15, 202403:48
A Fateful Phone call

A Fateful Phone call

Could this high stakes phone call be experienced as anything other than stressful?

May 07, 202402:53
I'll Do Anything...

I'll Do Anything...

What values do you not feel empowered to live by?

Send feedback and comments to:

May 02, 202402:43
Still Waiting For My Money

Still Waiting For My Money

I thought I had acceptance and bitachon...

Apr 19, 202402:44
Just Give Me My Money!

Just Give Me My Money!

Why was it taking so long to get the money owed to me??

Apr 18, 202403:18
Big Update!!

Big Update!!

Learning is never done, so we're shifting gears on how we learn.

Have a story you’d like to share on the podcast?

Email me at: 

Emunah4NR@gmail .com

Apr 10, 202400:46
Thought #169

Thought #169

10 words encapsulate it all

Jan 24, 202302:12
Thought #168
Jan 23, 202302:22
Thought #167
Jan 22, 202302:05
Thought #166
Jan 20, 202302:34
Thought #165

Thought #165

Do you see past what's right in front of you?

Jan 19, 202301:55
Siyum Invite

Siyum Invite

It's been 6 months and we're almost there!

Click here to register and receive the zoom invite.

I plan to share the final thought with you live, start back at thought #1

I love to hear and share stories, anecdotes and insights you may have had along our journey. 

If you have something you’d like to share live, or would like me to tell over, please email

What will happen once we’ve completed?

Good question. We’ll start at the beginning and learn again. I’ll be Re sharing and posting the series. If you know anyone would like to start at the beginning, please share the chat link with them.

Can’t wait to see you!



Jan 19, 202300:54
Thought #164

Thought #164

Let's talk Maaser

Jan 18, 202302:06
Thought #163

Thought #163

What's still getting in your way?

Jan 17, 202301:56
Thought #162
Jan 16, 202301:54
Thought #161
Jan 15, 202302:03
Thought #160
Jan 13, 202302:15
Thought #159
Jan 12, 202302:14
Thought #158
Jan 11, 202302:09
Thought #157
Jan 10, 202301:40
Thought #156
Jan 09, 202302:09
Thought #155
Jan 08, 202302:08
Thought #154
Jan 05, 202301:42
Thought #153
Jan 05, 202301:52
Thought #152
Jan 04, 202301:53
Thought #151
Jan 03, 202301:37
Thought #150

Thought #150

What happens when the credit doesn't show up?

Jan 02, 202302:34
Thought #149

Thought #149

Said "Why Me?" Lately...?

Jan 01, 202301:44
Thought #148

Thought #148

What do they have that you don't?

Dec 30, 202202:12
Thought #147

Thought #147

What comes first when it comes to "stuff"?

Dec 29, 202202:19
Thought #146
Dec 28, 202201:53
Thought #145
Dec 27, 202201:47
Thought #144

Thought #144

Wait - so do we get rewarded or not?

Dec 26, 202202:04
Thought #143

Thought #143

What's the biggest gift in any relationship...

Dec 25, 202201:54
Thought #142

Thought #142

Dreamt of being a statistician as a kid?

Dec 23, 202201:41
Thought #141

Thought #141

Your mother has been trying to tell you this...

Dec 22, 202202:06
Thought #140

Thought #140

What does Mother's Day have to do with Olam Habah?

Dec 21, 202202:07
Thought #139

Thought #139

If you want your kid to take over the family business...

Dec 20, 202201:58
Thought #138
Dec 19, 202202:13
Thought #137

Thought #137

A King had an orchard...why  you should care.

Dec 18, 202202:11
Thought #136

Thought #136

Final thought on bein adam l'chaveiro mitzvos

Dec 16, 202202:09
Thought #135

Thought #135

What's on your status?

Dec 15, 202201:46
Thought #134

Thought #134

Where does bitachon show up when it comes to other people?

Dec 14, 202201:59
Thought #133

Thought #133

What is your intention and how should you daven?

Dec 13, 202202:13
Thought #132

Thought #132

What is the difference between the two sections anyway?

Dec 12, 202202:17
Thought #131

Thought #131

Show your work and you'll get credit  - here's why.

Dec 11, 202202:08
Thought #130

Thought #130

Are you making choices? And does it matter?

Dec 09, 202202:23
Thought #129

Thought #129

Do you know the 3 steps to doing anything?

Dec 08, 202202:17