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The 2nd Half: Your guide to a more fulfilling career (and life).

The 2nd Half: Your guide to a more fulfilling career (and life).

By Eva Zahrawi Ruiz

A different perspective to life at work, to the gloom and doom and negativity, frustration and lack of motivation we often suffer. Real fulfillment can be found in our daily jobs. I am here to bring you a whole bunch of reflections from coaching sessions that hopefully can add value to your own journey.
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# 18 No room for the noise. Dealing with other people’s opinions.

The 2nd Half: Your guide to a more fulfilling career (and life).Oct 01, 2020

#36 Turning dreams into reality.

#36 Turning dreams into reality.

Everything is possible. We can achieve anything we want. That dream life that seems impossible, that career we can not believe we could have. There is a way to get there where you end saying to yourself "I can't believe this is my life, this is what I am doing every day". I have a very practical approach on how to make it, without risk and with success. There is of course a number of things we need to do for it, but if we do, that thought, that idea, that dream, that intention is all attainable.
Sep 22, 202236:46
#35 Are you at your best?

#35 Are you at your best?

Are you at your best? On every aspect of your life, how are you showing up? To your work, to your relationships? If we are not showing up, every day, at everything we do at our best or at least trying to do so, then there is work to do and some changes might be needed. Showing up at our best some times might be not showing up at all to events, social engagements we don’t want to go to. It is not good for us but more importantly for the other. Working on an improved version of ourselves in a constant basis is not a selfish act, but rather an act or responsibility, accountability, respect and love to ourselves and those around us.
For me that is taking time off, on my own, far away from my daily reality to do some personal work. My “going inward annual reset”. For you it might look completely different. Let’s give it a thought.
Apr 29, 202229:42
#34 Dealing with difficulty: The theatre technique.

#34 Dealing with difficulty: The theatre technique.

Dealing with difficult situations: a complaint, unexpected harsh feedback, being at the receiving end of negativity from someone else. What do we do? Very commonly, we freeze, we get blocked, we take it personal, we question ourselves, we doubt our skills, we react emotionally, we take it to our side of the court. And we jump into fixing mode. But is that really necessary? Is it our responsibility? Does it belong to us? How can we identify what is actually going on? And more importantly, what is the appropriate response before we make it our issue? A tool that helps? Something I call “The theatre technique”.

Music Production by Jarl Hector at Clear Music Amsterdam
Podcast Editing by Jorge Pastrana
Artwork by Laszlito Kovacs
Dec 21, 202119:00
#33 Documenting: The key to Success.

#33 Documenting: The key to Success.

Documenting has proven to be the key to success to transition into doing something you truly love 100% of the time, even turning it into your living or as the way to naturally grow your own business. Without forcing or having to do anything difficult. We underestimate the power of showing what we do to the world even if we believe it is not important or valuable to anybody. If no one has a clue that you do that one thing nobody will think of you. But if you give them the thought, provoke the idea, show yourself in a different way you would be surprised what kind of avenues, opportunities, sources of income and new directions are "suddenly" generated. 

Nov 30, 202119:10
#32 Getting rid of attachment. From plant medicine to willpower.

#32 Getting rid of attachment. From plant medicine to willpower.

During a recent dinner I was asked what was the biggest shift I experienced in the last few years. My answer was: Getting rid of attachments. This truly has been a big change. Not only the obvious bad attachments, often linked to addiction but also the “positive” ones: obsessively meditating, extreme exercising daily. Any kind of attachment, anything that rules your life, those things we believe we can’t live without. Any time we start our sentences with “I need to…” and “I have to” we need to pay attention. On this episode I share how I got rid of attachments, from plant medicine to willpower. And what happens when you actually change habits and you realise that you actually don’t need what you think you need.

Sep 09, 202126:42
#31 True body self-care. Not the gym and a facial.

#31 True body self-care. Not the gym and a facial.

Imagine a piece of furniture standing outside for a long period of time, the dirt, the water, the environment gets on top of it and at a certain moment you can’t see what that wood was originally like. You can clean it, you can wash it, but the layers are too thick to be removed with simply some soap. So we might need to sand it, get a machine and peel all the layers, so we can come back to its original beauty. And that however we don’t do with our own bodies, carrying all the emotions since the moment we were born piling up, layer after layer, after layer… On the latest episode of The 2nd Half podcast I look at the body and how we can create some true self care, so that we can start removing and releasing stuck emotions in our in our bodies as a regular practice, as part of our regular ongoing work. Body care that is not necessarily going to the gym, kicking, boxing cycling, having a facial and a pedicure. This year my theme is the body and I have gone deeper into different practices. Here are some of the things I covered during this episode as part of my own journey of exploration:

Breath - Wim Hof and Hollotropic breathwork
Movement - Ecstatic dance, 5 rhythms
Sound - Any kind of Sound Healing sessions
Yoga - Yin, Kundalini
Massage - Nurturing, healing massages 

Breath by James Nestor
Training the Mind, Healing the Body by Deepak Chopra and David Simon
Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

Music Production by Jarl Hector at Clear Music Amsterdam
Podcast Editing by Jorge Pastrana
Artwork by Lazslito Kovaks

Aug 05, 202123:12
#30 Response.Ability.

#30 Response.Ability.

If you get triggered there is work to do. Not easy to go inward when emotions are flying. If we get annoyed, disturbed, if we run into conflict, we have work to do, even though we might not be willing to accept it. That is our responsibility. Because the word says it already, it is our ability to respond. Therefore it is our call to decide how we will deal with whatever comes our way. We always have a choice and the possibility to be in the driver seat.
May 19, 202117:21
#29 Try having nothing to say.

#29 Try having nothing to say.

The beauty of having nothing to say. Zero opinion. If we really want to help, the most considerate gesture might actually be to keep our mouth shut. Is it really your concern? Is it really your business? Why are we busy with Meghan and Harry? Why do keep giving people advice they haven't asked us for? When we have conversations, are we really listening to understand or to respond? One of the hardest things to do, because it is much easier put the focus on others than to look at ourselves. Because then suddenly it becomes quiet and what do we do then?
Apr 13, 202124:00
#28 Progression. Politics. Savviness.

#28 Progression. Politics. Savviness.

How can we play the political game to our advantage? Before we bring all our emotions to the work floor, think of quitting or even worse can be savvier, with open cards on the table, without having to stab anyone in the back and still get our way and progress in our career? On this episode I cover two tips on how to conduct ourselves in order for us to reach our goals. And the fact that there is no difference between life and work, personal and office. If in your private life you are not the negative person that only brings issues to your friendships and relationships, why are we doing that at work?
Music Production by Jarl Hector at Clear Music Amsterdam
Podcast Editing by Jorge Pastrana
Mar 24, 202120:30
#27 Vocation. Revelations. Walks&Talks.

#27 Vocation. Revelations. Walks&Talks.

A few days ago I had a long walk in nature and a wonderful conversation which proved to be extremely revealing with regards to my vocation and what I am meant to be doing.

I was always a bit envious of those people who knew very early on that they were going to be a singer, or a dancer, or a designer... something that I never had (or I didn’t know I had). But I realised it was always there from the beginning.

The more we can tap into that passion, if we can come closer to that which we were consumed with when we were little, the happier we will be and the more authentic our endeavors will be. It might not seem very apparent, but it is there, if we know where to look at.

And...I have a specially composed music/tune for The 2nd Half Podcast! From this episode onwards.

Music Production by Jarl Hector at Clear Music Amsterdam.
Podcast Editing by Jorge Pastrana 

Mar 10, 202120:42
#26 Career. Intention. Mid-life crisis.

#26 Career. Intention. Mid-life crisis.

Career can be defined as a person's "course or progress through life”. If we look at it that way, then our whole life is a career. The 8 hours a day we spend at work is part of our lifework, of our progress through life. Not a separate thing. And when we step out of the conditioning and change course in our lives, we didn’t leave our career behind, it continues all along with us. If we look at our whole life as a career then we can gather a bigger sense of accountability and intentionality behind our actions. And we will then find everything we do interesting, with a sense of meaning, irrespective of the content of what we do.
Feb 23, 202125:29
#25 The office is a daily retreat for self development.

#25 The office is a daily retreat for self development.

The biggest lesson I received in my life happened at work: I didn’t find it in a book, it didn’t come from some guru nor I found myself somewhere in the Himalayas, where we usually believe self development takes place. The biggest awakening moment of my life took place in the office.

We don’t see our jobs as a place for self growth whilst it is full of opportunities daily if we open our ears and welcome what is right in front of our very eyes, every single day, when we open our laptops.
Feb 09, 202131:56
#24 Preparation. Patience. Perseverance.

#24 Preparation. Patience. Perseverance.

Time to get into action if we want a different life, which doesn’t depend on the job we have today or the paycheck we receive monthly. Everything is possible, but are we ready to put in the effort? To take the time, to realize that it is a hell of a lot of work and that “just give me the pill” and overnight success doesn’t really exist. If we are willing and ready to put ourselves to it, there are 3 things that will help us to start taking charge and change things around: The 3 Ps.
Jan 19, 202140:39
#23 Money, Growth, Success: my year theme for 2020.

#23 Money, Growth, Success: my year theme for 2020.

Every year I choose one theme: more than 90% of what I watch, read, listen to and consume revolves around that one single theme. It is 12 months dedicated to go deep into a subject. By going vertical into one topic you get focused, you learn, you progress, you become knowledgeable and can almost master that topic. Instead of doing a bit of everything but nothing really strongly. It is about improving a whole load of aspects in your life, one by one, rather than feeling like there is so much more we would like to do but we don’t get around to do it and the frustration that comes with it. Here’s the recap of my 2020 and the theme I chose to focus on: money, growth, success.
Dec 23, 202039:32
#22 Forget your purpose. Ditch plans, deadlines and new year’s resolutions.

#22 Forget your purpose. Ditch plans, deadlines and new year’s resolutions.

If we want to make it big we have to make it very small. There is no one that wakes up one day so enlightened having figured out what their big purpose, what their calling in life is. It’s a whole process, it’s a journey. Only when it gets told in retrospect it sounds so grand that if we haven’t figured it out for ourselves we feel very small. And that is not necessary. We just have to look at it differently. Here’s how to break it in pieces so that we can come close to that calling, attain our goals and enjoy the process instead.
Dec 06, 202037:08
#21 Increase your joy. Share your gifts.

#21 Increase your joy. Share your gifts.

Share what you like doing, share what you’re good at, share your gifts. Daily. Do it for you, do it for others, as a matter of duty, as a matter of service. Here’s a little bit of a different take on the use of social media to increase our joy and happiness.
Nov 18, 202021:48
#20 The word Why is problematic..

#20 The word Why is problematic..

Here’s installment 3 regarding the use of our words and the power they have. Without having to follow very difficult techniques and frameworks: there are words that if we stop using them our lives will heavily change for the better. We will have less conflict and much more fulfillment. Number 1 is Should. Number 2 is Need. And here’s number 3: Why.
Nov 04, 202014:52
#19 Choosing for yourself. When and how to shift.

#19 Choosing for yourself. When and how to shift.

When is the time to make a shift? And how do we do that? How can we liberate ourselves from the pressure from family, friends? Leaving behind the conditioning we have been carrying for so long is not easy, but it is possible.
Oct 20, 202020:27
# 18 No room for the noise. Dealing with other people’s opinions.

# 18 No room for the noise. Dealing with other people’s opinions.

It’s not that I don’t care, I simply don’t have time for it. The amout of time we spend focusing on other people’s opinions, gossip and criticism is not helping us in anyway while affecting us greatly. But there is a way to not let it get to us.
Oct 01, 202015:37
#17 The world reacts to you. Do you want it easy or difficult? Your choice.

#17 The world reacts to you. Do you want it easy or difficult? Your choice.

The world reacts to us: our external experiences are a reflection of our internal state of mind and state of being. Do you want your world to be easy-going, positive, flowing, joyful helpful? Or difficult, negative confronting, frustrating and toxic? You choose, it is really up to us, pick a side.
Aug 26, 202016:44
#16 Using time and energy wisely.

#16 Using time and energy wisely.

We only have a limited amount of time and energy. When we are questioning ourselves what is the meaning and the sense of what we are doing? Trying to answer the big life questions at this moment with how much there is going on it is too complex. So let’s try to declutter a bit with one question that can help us get the necessary direction to make a good choice. Especially when we are addressing a new project, our next job, a new client or the work we are currently doing.
Jul 31, 202014:01
#15 Treat work like a romantic relationship

#15 Treat work like a romantic relationship

Would you embark on a 3 to 5 year romantic relationship after a blind date in which you have only managed to ask one question? Where your date will leave the table and let you know in a couple of weeks if they want you, while you wait? Sounds pretty crazy, however that is what we are doing daily when going into a new job. Work is a relationship like any other and if we would see it as such we might be making better choices.
Jun 30, 202014:33
#14 Words with no action #blackouteveryday

#14 Words with no action #blackouteveryday

This week I am reflecting on how we went about #blackouttuesday as an example of how we go about our lives: many words, but little or no action. Change will not be initiated if we react out of pressure or conditioning. And it is no surprise then that our careers and lives feel stuck or stagnant. But it doesn’t need to be that way.
Jun 09, 202022:21
#13 “I hate”. “I’m sorry” and the effect of our words.

#13 “I hate”. “I’m sorry” and the effect of our words.

How we speak to ourselves and others has a very powerful effect. Words, thoughts, sounds and intentions have the capacity to affect our molecular structure. We are often using heavy negative words without realizing the impact that it can have on us. If we were more conscious of it, why would we do this to ourselves? Words are energy, it is maybe time to be more mindful of what we are putting into our system.
May 25, 202019:10
#12 This too shall pass. The longest 2 nights. Are you ok right now?

#12 This too shall pass. The longest 2 nights. Are you ok right now?

This episode is about impermanence, about temporary situations, the dark and the light that follows and how to deal with worry, stress and anxiety. I am sharing the story of my longest two nights in New Zealand a few years ago lost in the middle of nowhere with one of the heaviest storms the country has seen in years. Plus one question that I learned from Byron Katie
May 11, 202027:18
#11 Adapting to change

#11 Adapting to change

How to cope with sudden change, our remarkable capacity to adapt to extreme circumstances and the notion of “Doing your best” as a way to manage any situation we are faced with with a positive outcome.
May 03, 202013:05
#10 Lockdown reflections. And now what?

#10 Lockdown reflections. And now what?

From Spain in lockdown: It is OK if we don’t jump into learning a new skill, it is OK if we don’t do 10 new webinars. There is no need to put more pressure on ourselves, having the feeling that we are not doing enough or that we should do more...How do we move from here and what now? What are 2 good things we can take forward from this situation?
Apr 09, 202043:45
#9 We are limiting ourselves

#9 We are limiting ourselves

This episode I am covering two real examples of what happens when we have no clear intention: 1. We do things out of compensation for lack of fulfillment in our jobs. 2. We share with the world what we believe we have the license to do it, but it is not what we are truly passionate about. How come we keep on doing this to ourselves? What makes us impose ourselves these limitations? And what is the effect of such choices.
Mar 08, 202030:08
#8 I need. I need...

#8 I need. I need...

There are 3 words that I believe we all would be better off if we stop using them. After Should, here’s part 2 with an action that can be simple, not easy, but life altering: the removal of the word Need out of our vocabulary. We constantly say we Need something when we actually really don’t. What would actually help us to be more fulfilled would be to take responsibility and address what we want and wish.
Feb 28, 202013:46
#7 Stick! It is your time to run

#7 Stick! It is your time to run

Stick! That is what a runner says to the next one on a relay. And right now you have the baton, it is your time. Can you as single individual make a difference? Absolutely yes! It all starts with your intention. More than ever it is going to be up to corporations to generate great impact in our world and we are right in the middle of it. With opportunity, time, resources. What will you do with it? This episode is about realizing that we can influence more than we think, no matter which role we have in the organisation.
Feb 16, 202020:19
#6 Expectations: the quickest path to disappointment

#6 Expectations: the quickest path to disappointment

Here’s a highly transformational action: remove the word Should out of our vocabulary and thoughts: if we don’t have that many expectations but instead we ask for what we wish to see different, we will be a lot less disappointed and will more often than not get what we want and makes us happy.
Feb 07, 202009:03
#5 Conviction

#5 Conviction

The powerful shift that occurs when we say “I am”. The importance of listening to your talents. And what happens when you find yourself jobless and titleless and you have to write on a landing card what you do for a living
Jan 28, 202022:13
#4 Focus

#4 Focus

What if we were to apply Scrum methodology to our own life? What if we could create more focus, clarity and learn more without adding extra time to our busy schedules? And that whilst having a sense of calmness as we go along, instead of a feeling of missing too much and not doing enough.
Jan 23, 202018:33
#3 Conditioning

#3 Conditioning

Let’s talk about some of the myths around career progression, success and all the conditioning we carry. Why should we or not follow the common belief?
Jan 15, 202009:37
#2 No More Excuses

#2 No More Excuses

This second episode was going to be on a different topic but after the launch of the first installment and the reactions I received, I decided to change it and reflect on the importance of doing what we truly love for the sheer joy of the process. What is stopping us? What are those so-called reasons, actually excuses as to why we don’t take the step, why we don’t just start doing what we crave, what we really dream of: we actually don’t really need much, we just have to go ahead with one little step at a time.
Jan 06, 202016:55
#1 Welcome! Why this podcast?

#1 Welcome! Why this podcast?

Here’s the first episode of The 2nd Half Coaching reflections, with the aim to support as many people as possible towards a more fulfilling career. Through my coaching I observe that many of the issues are common to many people. With this podcast I will try to bring a bit of a different perspective to the life at work and how it can be extremely fulfilling. From a point of view of hope, optimism and positivism rather than gloom and doom and negativity. It is all down to us and there is work to do, but if we are ready to do it then we can achieve everything we want.
Jan 02, 202024:44