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The Evelyn Fuson Show

The Evelyn Fuson Show

By Evelyn Fuson

Hi, Evelyn here. I'm a Life and Mindset Coach based in Louisville, KY. I wanted a dedicated place where I could go behind the scenes of my life; the lessons I'm learning, the conversations I'm having with people who inspire me and do life with, and the open conversations I'm having with myself. My hope is that by hosting these honest conversations we might normalize the anything-but-linear process of being human. I hope you'll join me for the journey.
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47. A Love Letter to the One who Inspired Me (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

The Evelyn Fuson ShowOct 31, 2021

77. "Trusting Your Dreams Won't Change You, It Will Amplify Who You Are" with The Life Engineer, Shazia Imam
Nov 01, 202249:05
76. My Journey of Reconciling Religion with Spirituality
Oct 15, 202253:29
75. "Get Uncomfortable - It'll Make You Better," with Founder of Commonwealth Candle, Stefanie Brooks
Sep 26, 202232:17
74. Thoughts from the Road (literally) - Talking Worthiness, Expansion, + Personal Power
Sep 19, 202250:55
73. "Power in Our Pain" with TEDx Presenter, Transformational Coach, Writer + Speaker Misty Gilbert
Sep 11, 202201:23:26
72. Behind the Scenes of Parenting an Individual who has Down Syndrome + an Individual who has a Disability

72. Behind the Scenes of Parenting an Individual who has Down Syndrome + an Individual who has a Disability

Today we're sitting down with Audrey Wurth, a wonderful woman and friend of mine from college and an incredible mama to three kiddos. Her oldest daughter, Evelyn, is an individual who has down syndrome, her middle daughter, Sophia a fully typically developing child, and her youngest son, Frank,  has a disability that will be his own to talk about one day.

She takes us behind the scenes of what it looked like to hear of the initial diagnosis of her eldest all the way through to the birth of her youngest. We talked about the nuances and being sensitive to speak about or refer to people in respectful ways, some of the challenges they've faced as a family, and also how to support someone who may be also parenting or walking this path.

I am so grateful that she was willing to sit down with me to speak about their journey and to give us a peek into what this journey has looked like for her and for her family. At the end of our conversation, you'll actually get to meet Evelyn and hear her sign-off our time together! 

Sep 04, 202258:19
71. "Guarding Your Yeses to Success" with Artist, Kayla Weber
Aug 28, 202243:49
70. "I am Responsible for my Life," with Life Coach + Human Design Maven, Amanda Miller
Aug 21, 202201:01:23
69. "Don't Wait Until it's Perfect" with Key Beverages Founder, Kasey Guelda
Aug 15, 202250:44
68. Live Coaching Session with Shelby Lewis; Finding Harmony as a Multi-Passionate Creator + Leader

68. Live Coaching Session with Shelby Lewis; Finding Harmony as a Multi-Passionate Creator + Leader

On today's episode, you'll get to be a fly on the wall of a live coaching session I hosted with Shelby Lewis. You make recognize Shelby from episode 66 where we talked about the desire to be rich and famous! In this episode, we're talking about what it means to find harmony in our lives as we seek to create ALL the things that we're drawn to. We talked about how seeking balance can lead to burn out, but how finding harmony can lead to peace. 

Aug 15, 202201:36:44
67. Opening the Kimono; From Believer to Seeker

67. Opening the Kimono; From Believer to Seeker

It's been a minute since I was here in this space, and I wanted to share where I've been and what I've been keeping close to my chest. I no longer call myself a "believer" anymore, I am a seeker. This has been a deeply personal journey, one I take so seriously that I have held back from sharing here because I still feel so "in process," however, I've felt more and more that it's time for me to start at least TRYING to share where I find myself. It's never where I thought I would be, but I'm grateful for the journey that I'm on. I reference a poem in the episode and I've included it below. Thanks again for being along for this journey with me! I'm grateful. 

By Khalil Gibran
“It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.

She looks back at the path she has traveled,
from the peaks of the mountains,
the long winding road crossing forests and villages.

And in front of her,
she sees an ocean so vast,
that to enter
there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.

But there is no other way.
The river can not go back.
Nobody can go back.
To go back is impossible in existence.

The river needs to take the risk
of entering the ocean
because only then will fear disappear,
because that’s where the river will know
it’s not about disappearing into the ocean,
but of becoming the ocean.”

Aug 14, 202231:41
66. "Why is it Hard to Admit We Want to Be Rich & Famous?!" with Shelby Lewis, Actor + Acting Coach

66. "Why is it Hard to Admit We Want to Be Rich & Famous?!" with Shelby Lewis, Actor + Acting Coach

Today on the show, you're going to meet Shelby Lewis. She's an Actor, Acting Coach, joyous being, my Sis (soul sis) ... and a beloved coaching client of mine. I told Shelby that I wanted to have her on the podcast at some point and she slid into my DM's a few months back and said, "I thought of a subject for our podcast episode! 'Why is it Hard to Admit We Want to Be Rich & Famous?!'" AND I SAID, "WHEN ARE WE RECORDING?!" Both she and I have a desire and pull to stand on stages and really and truly become rich and famous, so we wanted to go behind the scenes of why admitting that is scary. If you've ever felt a pull that felt uncomfortable, or you thought that maybe the world wouldn't or couldn't understand WHY you wanted that thing on your heart and soul . . . this episode is for you.

A few times in the episode we reference "The Arena" and wanting to be IN the Arena which is referencing an incredible thought fromTheodore Roosevelt. He said, "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

May you bravely step into the arenas that you're meant for dear ones!

Connect with Shelby on Instagram

Apr 26, 202201:06:51
65. "We're Always Being Guided" with Intuitive Mentor and Facilitator, Nicole Garritano (An Introduction to Human Design)
Apr 19, 202201:10:09
64. Lean into the Other Side of Fear with Emily Liou (Career Happiness Coach + Founder of the Happily Hired Formula)
Apr 12, 202201:00:29
63. "You Don't Have Visibility without Vulnerability" with Visibility Coach, Leilani Wells
Apr 07, 202245:37
62. TBH I Struggle with Loneliness

62. TBH I Struggle with Loneliness

Sara Bareilles has a song called "She Used to Be Mine." When I first heard it, I listened to it on repeat, and sobbed over and over again. Well, I pulled that song up on my drive home last Saturday and just let my soul lay bare as I have in so many different seasons since I found it.

She sang:
"She's imperfect but she tries
She is good but she lies
She is hard on herself
She is broken and won't ask for help
She is messy but she's kind
She is lonely most of the time
She is all of this mixed up
And baked in a beautiful pie

She is gone but she used to be mine."

I had a really big breakthrough that for most of my life I've actually felt really lonely. Most of that has been because I've refused to bring others into the midst of my uncertainty... of my need. But something that I do know, is that I want the same safe space that I give others. I needed to face that little girl inside and give her what she's wanted her whole life: a friend. To honor her. To witness her just as she is... and be okay with that.

Wherever you find yourself, sending you love.
Walking with you,

Apr 05, 202233:02
61. "Dear God, I'm Angry at You" with Kelsey Berry
Mar 29, 202201:20:40
60. The Scary Mondays - Part 2

60. The Scary Mondays - Part 2

I'm still chewing the fat on losing a role within a company I support. I take you behind the scenes of why it's important for us to get underneath the stories that we create in our minds and souls. The truth of the matter is that you're constantly making up the story that is happening for/against/to you - you get to decide each and every day how you're going to take what life throws your way. Thanks for being here with me - grateful for you! 

Mar 22, 202232:27
59. The Scary Mondays - Part 1

59. The Scary Mondays - Part 1

I recently got some hard news around one of the companies I work for... Spoiler Alert: They're letting me go - for now. I wanted to take you behind the scenes of what this process has been like for me as I work through the feelings and emotions that come up through all of this. If nothing else, maybe it's nice to hear that you're not the only one who has Scary Mondays sometimes :) Thanks for being here with me. 

Mar 15, 202232:42
58. Finding Light in the Darkness with Karen Black

58. Finding Light in the Darkness with Karen Black

Today you're going to meet Karen Black, or as she's known in the community where I'm from, "Mrs. Karen." She just celebrated 20 years of being cancer free. She talks about losing her first husband and then learning how to walk through her diagnosis while raising her kiddos. She is such a light here in this community. Her kindness and compassion always precede her and a large part of her outlook has been because she sought the light when the darkness closed in. She's one special woman. Thank you for being a guest Karen - you're truly one of a kind! 

Mar 08, 202259:24
57. Let Showing Up Be the Work with Chelsey Owen of Meraki Dance
Mar 01, 202254:06
56. Honoring Margin + Personal Reflection

56. Honoring Margin + Personal Reflection

It's been a minute! So good to be back with you :) Today I'm talking about why I've been a little MIA in these parts and the direction that the show is headed. I hope your year is off to an incredible start. Wishing you so much life and love! Thank you for being here with me.

Walking with you,

Feb 22, 202219:47
55. How to Make New Year's Resolutions that Stick + Brief 5 Month Check-In on my Self-Love Journey

55. How to Make New Year's Resolutions that Stick + Brief 5 Month Check-In on my Self-Love Journey

We're headed into 2022 and I wanted to talk about ways that you can really make your resolutions stick. I unpack how to decide what you want to focus on and ways to build strategies to get you there. I also briefly touched on where I am in my five month Self-Love Journey - there wasn't a lot to update there so it's acknowledged if you've been following along.

Thank you again for being here in this community.
Excited for the chapters ahead.

Happy New Year!
Walking with you,

Dec 28, 202131:21
54. Leaving Mormonism and Questioning My Own Southern Baptist Evangelical Upbringing with Joel Denning

54. Leaving Mormonism and Questioning My Own Southern Baptist Evangelical Upbringing with Joel Denning

Welcome back! Today you're going to listen in on a conversation of two kids in their early 30's talk through the dogma of the religions that they grew up in. Joel Denning is a friend from high school. When we met he was a devout Mormon and I was a devout Southern Baptist Christian. We discuss Joel's upbringing and the trajectory that would lead him to leave the Mormon faith, some of my own arc in where I find myself in my own spiritual journey, the state of the world in politics and so much more! 

Dec 07, 202101:33:49
53. If You Think You've Reached Your Max Potential, You're Wrong with Hunter Luttrell

53. If You Think You've Reached Your Max Potential, You're Wrong with Hunter Luttrell

This week on the show, you're going to meet Hunter Luttrell. Guys, this episode is hands down my favorite episode of the podcast thus far. Hunter is a friend of mine from childhood. We stayed in touch on social media, but we really talk about his story and trajectory of life in this episode. After high school, he would join the military where he would serve overseas, get blown up, join the police force, have three children, OH and works as the Head Wrestling Coach for two different high schools in South Eastern Kentucky.

So, why is this my favorite episode? Because of Hunter's outlook on life. His belief in the honor of each and every story of the people that he serves in the community that he lives in and the belief that he has that people can be good, strong, and continually grow in their potential. I cried multiple times during our conversation as I so fully resonated with his heart and with his love for people. This is a must listen FOR SURE!

Nov 30, 202101:00:47
52. Weight-Loss/Self-Love Journey (4 Month Check-In)

52. Weight-Loss/Self-Love Journey (4 Month Check-In)

Okay, I didn't want to do this one, but I'm glad I did! For the last four months I've been working to heal the relationship between me and my body. That's looked like exercising daily, creating conscious awareness around what I'm putting into my body, and just reconnecting with her. I started disassociating with my body in the fourth grade, so this integration process has been really new and eye-opening to me. 

In this episode I heavily reference a specific podcast from the "Diet Starts Tomorrow" Podcast. If you want to give that a listen, you'll find it here:

Nov 25, 202132:39
51. When the Holidays are Hard

51. When the Holidays are Hard

It's Thanksgiving week here in the U.S. and Christmas is fast approaching. Sometimes the season isn't one that feels so merry and bright, especially when your life doesn't look the way that you thought it might. Maybe you lost someone you love, you're in a season of transition, or you're just not sure where you're headed in life . . . if you find yourself there, this episode is for you. If you know someone who is struggling or who my be facing a difficult time right now, please share this with them.

Wishing you so much love on your journey,

Nov 23, 202116:05
50. Strategy to Work Through Anxiety with Kristen Westcott
Nov 16, 202145:58
49. Finding Your Arrows through Depression with Andrea Mancini Essenpreis

49. Finding Your Arrows through Depression with Andrea Mancini Essenpreis

Today on the show you're going to meet Andrea. Andrea is the owner of Q+A Sweet Treats, a bakery in LaGrange, KY, where she also serves on City Council. I invited Andrea on the show because her story is one of resilience, hope, and connection. Right after she would open her bakery in 2011, she would go through a divorce, find out that she had cancer, endure several years of healing and recovery, and ultimately continue to learn how to navigate through an old friend: depression. She's a mama to two incredible sons. She is celebrating the 10 year birthday of her bakery this month,  a place where she cultivates a hearth for delicious treats, connection, community and friendship.

If you're going to be around LaGrange, KY on November 27th, 2021, join her for the bakery's birthday celebration! She'll be open from 8am-2pm and would love to have you stop by.

You can also follow her on IG: @feistybaker0224 

Nov 09, 202101:14:47
48. Money, Money, Money with Financial Coach Shannon Depalma
Nov 02, 202101:05:03
47. A Love Letter to the One who Inspired Me (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

47. A Love Letter to the One who Inspired Me (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 31, 202105:17
46. A Love Letter to the One who Lost Love (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

46. A Love Letter to the One who Lost Love (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 30, 202106:20
45. A Love Letter to the One who found Love (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

45. A Love Letter to the One who found Love (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 29, 202104:47
44. My Weight Loss Journey --> My Self Love Journey (3 Month Check In)

44. My Weight Loss Journey --> My Self Love Journey (3 Month Check In)

I realized over the last month that I've been calling this my "Weight Loss Journey," but that it's actually "My Self Love Journey." In the episode I explore what I've realized about how I want to love and accept myself and the internal work that has brought me to this place.

Previous Check-In Episodes:
One Month Check In
- Two Month Check In

The opening message from @TheBirdsPapaya:
Hard truths: I liked being thinner because clothes fit me perfectly. I liked being thinner because men paid me more attention. I liked being thinner because people liked that I was thinner, and congratulated me often for it. ⁣

Everything I liked about being thinner had really nothing to do with my actual body. ⁣

Because I can’t say I ever ended up finding much like for my body after all. ⁣

Everything I liked about being thinner was more about being accepted by others than it was about accepting myself. ⁣

⁣Which reminds me that when thoughts creep in about wanting to be thinner, and the drastic unhealthy measures I know could take to get there, to pause and reflect that really it comes down to a innate desire to be accepted. ⁣

⁣So I’m sitting with that today. ⁣

And I have to thank you, for showing me that while the relationship with myself is the core, that I can and will be accepted by people who will see me for more than my body. ⁣

I will find clothes that serve me, a man that gives me the right attention, congratulations for my healing and my purpose beyond my body. ⁣

⁣Embracing me, an ever-changing, gaining and losing, ebbing and flowing me... has brought about the most genuine of relationships I could ever have.

Oct 28, 202127:52
43. A Love Letter to the One who Lost a Pet (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

43. A Love Letter to the One who Lost a Pet (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 28, 202104:23
42. A Love Letter to the One in Pain (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

42. A Love Letter to the One in Pain (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 27, 202104:39
41. Let's Talk about Being Plus Sized with Self-Love + Confidence Coach Tamra Lamese

41. Let's Talk about Being Plus Sized with Self-Love + Confidence Coach Tamra Lamese

Wahoo! You're in for a treat today! My guest today, Tamra Lamese, is a certified Self-Love & Confidence Coach. She helps plus-size women realize their purpose and make progress in their lives in order to create unshakeable self-confidence that leads to bigger love, fulfillment, and happiness. Tamra currently resides in Las Vegas with her husband and their rescue dog and cat. Together they own and operate Dozeland Creative.

On today's episode we're talking about it means to be plus sized, our own experiences, and ways to learn to love and accept yourself right where you are. 

Tamra's gift is the "Plus-Size Wellness Revolution Holiday Survival Card Deck."
A note from Tamra: I created this tool for the person who, like me, forgets all of their tools and tricks to take care of themselves when around loved ones. It has reminders on what to do when family comments on your weight, when you get triggered by holiday food, and when you get anxious during the holidays. I also put in some self-care go-tos because let's face it, oftentimes when we get around loved ones we go into care-taker mode and forget that we need to take care of ourselves too, even if we've been good to ourselves most of the year. I also put in a ton of affirmations so that if you need a boost in the moment, it is right there on your phone. I designed it to be downloaded on your phone so you have quick and easy access to it so that when the moment arises, you have support and solutions right in your hand. (Snag it here:
Tamra's Holiday Survival Card Deck)

You can find Tamra online at, @tamralamese, or email her at

Oct 26, 202101:18:58
40. A Love Letter to the Teachers (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

40. A Love Letter to the Teachers (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 26, 202104:57
39. A Love Letter to the One who Feels like they Don't Matter (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

39. A Love Letter to the One who Feels like they Don't Matter (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 25, 202105:11
38. A Love Letter to New Parents (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

38. A Love Letter to New Parents (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 24, 202106:03
37. A Love Letter to the One Feeling Low (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

37. A Love Letter to the One Feeling Low (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 23, 202105:37
36. A Love Letter to the One with a New Job (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

36. A Love Letter to the One with a New Job (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 22, 202104:54
35. A Love Letter to the One Feels Unseen (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

35. A Love Letter to the One Feels Unseen (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 21, 202104:35
34. A Love Letter to the One with a Birthday (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

34. A Love Letter to the One with a Birthday (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 20, 202105:27
33. Exploring Astrology with Nick Michie

33. Exploring Astrology with Nick Michie

Today you'll meet Nick Michie. Nick and I connected in 2020 where he took a peek at my birth chart and sent me a reading that was crazy accurate. This is the first time that Nick and I got to sit down face to face. We explore his journey into Astrology, discuss some of the concepts of what Astrology is, some of the gifts it provides us, and we take a peek at what he saw in my chart.

If you'd like to speak with Nick or book a session with him, you can email him (  

Oct 19, 202101:03:37
32. A Love Letter to the One with Big Dreams (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

32. A Love Letter to the One with Big Dreams (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 19, 202105:12
31. A Love Letter to the One Starting Over (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

31. A Love Letter to the One Starting Over (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


Oct 18, 202106:35
30. A Love Letter to the Next Generation (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

30. A Love Letter to the Next Generation (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


Oct 17, 202109:32
29. A Love Letter to the Ones Who Came Before Us (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

29. A Love Letter to the Ones Who Came Before Us (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 16, 202104:59
28. A Love Letter to the Creatives (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

28. A Love Letter to the Creatives (Love Letter Series - Daily in October 2021)

Each day in October I'm sharing a different love letter. Each letter was written with someone specific in mind, but my hope is that these would speak into your heart or be a message that you feel someone in your own life might find comfort, hope, or inspiration through. I've loved writing letters since I was a little girl and so, dear listener, a love letter for you and yours.

With so much love,


(Come hang out with me on IG @EvelynFuson)

Oct 15, 202105:09