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By Eastern Mennonite Missions

Christ's transforming love compels us to cross cultures, engage the world, and make disciples of Jesus.

Focus is a weekly 4-minute radio program of EMM which airs on WDAC (94.5 FM) on Saturdays at 8:55 p.m.
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Multiplying mission in Guatemala

FocusMay 19, 2024

Multiplying mission in the Philippines

Multiplying mission in the Philippines

In 1971, missionaries from EMM were called to the Philippines by Francesco A. Arreola, a former Catholic on a quest for a church aligned with Biblical teachings. Arreola embarked on his journey by baptizing himself and six others in Manila, dissatisfied with existing Protestant sects and striving for a foundation based on Biblical principles. The group dispersed, with many settling in Ilocos Sur, a disadvantaged region in Northwestern Luzon. Years later, Arreola found inspiration in a Mennonite publication that led to a connection with the EMM.

Jun 02, 202404:26
Multiplying mission in Honduras (again)

Multiplying mission in Honduras (again)

A few weeks ago, we talked about the Honduras Mennonite Church, but we’re looking at another movement that EMM helped to start in Honduras. Tegucigalpa served as a vibrant hub for a youth ministry initiative. Ed and Gloria King, former literacy advocates, initiated an informal drop-in center that drew in twenty to thirty young individuals four evenings a week. Additionally, a bilingual coffeehouse on Friday evenings attracted a similar number of attendees.

May 26, 202404:26
Multiplying mission in Guatemala

Multiplying mission in Guatemala

Jacob E. Brubaker's vision of establishing a Mennonite mission in Guatemala came to fruition in 1967, with efforts concentrated in the Alta Verapaz Province and Guatemala City. The mission, a collaborative effort between the EMM and the Washington-Franklin County Conference, aimed to address the spiritual needs of the Kekchi Mayans, who lacked gospel access. Initial investigation highlighted the necessity of starting in both rural and urban settings to maintain connections with community members moving to cities for better prospects.

May 19, 202404:50
Multiplying mission in Kenya

Multiplying mission in Kenya

In Western Kenya, the growth of the Mennonite Church was closely linked to local needs and culture, engaging meaningfully across borders. Early influences from Tanzania paved the way for a strong religious presence in the Suna area, driven by African Christian missionaries like Zedikia Kisare. Despite initial resistance from the Kenyan government in 1945, persistent advocacy by individuals such as Jonathan Mabeche and Clyde Shenk led to official church recognition in 1965.

May 12, 202404:26
Multiplying mission in Belize

Multiplying mission in Belize

In 1960, EMM began work in British Honduras, now Belize, to assist German-speaking Mennonite colonies from Mexico. This Mennonite group had migrated from Russia to Canada in the 1870s and then to Mexico in the 1920s. In Belize, they settled in areas like Spanish Lookout and Blue Creek, facing challenges such as land clearing and lack of medical facilities. EMM, in collaboration with MCC, provided health services, financial assistance, and material aid.

May 05, 202404:26
Multiplying mission in Vietnam

Multiplying mission in Vietnam

Recognizing a receptive environment for humanitarian aid during the refugee crisis, MCC began relief efforts in Vietnam in 1955, providing clothing, food, and medical assistance. This laid the foundation for future Mennonite missions and service programs.

Apr 28, 202404:32
Multiplying mission in Honduras

Multiplying mission in Honduras

Jacob E. Brubaker, a Lancaster preacher intrigued by banana boats in New York, envisioned a mission in Guatemala, starting a discussion among his congregation in Lancaster. This curiosity led to an exploration of Central America, after a 1948 mission conference sponsored by East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church.

Apr 21, 202404:05
Multiplying mission in Ethiopia

Multiplying mission in Ethiopia

In the early 1930s, as the EMM launched its mission in Tanganyika, Ethiopia became a parallel interest. Struggling under Italian occupation from 1935, Ethiopia saw Emperor Haile Selassie I flee in 1936, only to return five years later to continue modernization efforts. Post-World War II, the Mennonite Church initiated a relief program in Nazareth, Ethiopia, marked by the establishment of the Haile Mariam Mammo Memorial Hospital in 1947. EMM deliberated on missionary work in Ethiopia, eventually sending Daniel and Blanche Sensenig in 1947 to lay the groundwork under a mandate that included educational and medical services alongside evangelism.

Apr 14, 202404:11
Multiplying mission in Tanazania

Multiplying mission in Tanazania

Eastern Mennonite Missions has sent many missionaries worldwide, ministering in over 100 countries. Through God's faithfulness, we've helped start over 20 mission movements, reaching least-reached people. Now, we ask, "Will God do it again?" We believe He will, calling us to share the good news with some of the 3 billion least-reached people globally.

From April to June, we're focusing on EMM's historical mission work, especially in launching mission movements. Today, we're exploring EMM's initial international efforts in Tanzania.

Apr 12, 202404:42
Remembering Jesus' words

Remembering Jesus' words

Today is the day of Holy Week in which we reflect on the hopelessness that so many of Jesus’ followers had after his death. Did they know he would be raised from the dead, or were they broken and distraught?

Mar 31, 202404:04
All disciples are sent

All disciples are sent

Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations...” (Mt 28:18) But, like many people, Mark has often answered, “I’m not an’s not my gift.” Mark Schoenhals' gift in making disciples is in mentoring one-on-one or teaching in small groups. So, he has often responded to Jesus’ Great Commission by focusing on the teaching and mentoring part of discipleship and he has seen beautiful fruit from this ministry. Nevertheless, people cannot become disciples of Jesus if they haven’t heard the good news, and they won’t hear if no one tells them. Some people are gifted as evangelists, but all disciples of Jesus are sent to share the gospel.

Mar 24, 202403:19
Conversations about Christ

Conversations about Christ

Last month, EMM workers Steve Horst and Bethany Tobin and their family attend the EMM annual team retreat in southeast Asia. It was a time with a small group of like-minded people who they have known and worked with for over ten years, sharing deeply, receiving prayer, playing, and enjoying life together for a few days.

Mar 17, 202404:11
Reignite the call
Mar 10, 202404:19
Building homes & sharing hope

Building homes & sharing hope

This past summer, Andres Prins had no idea that a recreational hike through the High Atlas mountains would lead to an opportunity to respond to the earthquake that would devastate the region just months later. In June, a Moroccan friend, who is a mountain trekking guide, agreed to lead Andres and a group of local believers on a trip that had them leave their car at the end of the road in a village of about 800 people, Tizi Oussem, before hiking to a 3000 meter-high refuge for the night. Passing acquaintances were made with some of the village people.

Mar 03, 202404:17
Now is the time
Feb 25, 202404:05
Multiplying disciples of Jesus

Multiplying disciples of Jesus

In September 2023, as Alan and Carol Wert's small group continued to grow to 13 or 14 people and packed out their living rooms, they made the decision to multiply the group into two, allowing space for others to join.

Feb 18, 202403:38
Doesn't Jesus disrupt these ideas?

Doesn't Jesus disrupt these ideas?

Matthew Baugher is participating in Advance Global, a 9-month, international discipleship and service opportunity. He is currently doing his outreach ministry in Halle, Germany. Today’s story is a summary of some of Matthew’s reflections about his time in Germany so far.

Feb 11, 202404:13
The birth of a church

The birth of a church

Four people in a rural village in Thailand were be baptized by having buckets of water from the ponds poured over them. Given the considerable distance from any of the other churches in the province, a decision was made to empower them to conduct their own church services. In one day, Andre and other church leaders witnessed the birth of a church. God gave them a window to see what is possible when His Spirit is moving.

Feb 04, 202403:52
A Czech treanslation

A Czech treanslation

The Czech Republic has the fifth-highest incarceration rate in the European Union (out of 27 EU member states) and the ninth-highest of all the 46 European countries. It is often argued that the Czech Republic is among the most secular countries in the world. Yet, a rich spiritual heritage is part of Czech history, including Jan Hus, a reformer who inspired Martin Luther, and the Moravian Brethren, who accomplished amazing missionary work in North America and all over the world.

You can support this project by giving a gift online at

Jan 21, 202404:23
An Advance participant's experience

An Advance participant's experience

EMM’s Advance Global program offers an opportunity to connect and grow with other young adults through intensive discipleship, followed by overseas missions experience. Today, I’d like to share about one of EMM’s Advance participants: Lena Kauffman. Lena is currently on outreach ministry in Cambodia but had spent three months living in Lancaster County and participating in discipleship training.

Jan 07, 202403:43
Turning to the Scriptures

Turning to the Scriptures

Turning to the Scriptures, EMM worker Michael* received a renewed conviction for his Anabaptist perspective and its ideals. He realized deep in his heart that to be a witness of incarnational love and to be a light and blessing to those around us in this land is not one-sided.

Dec 31, 202304:57
God is not far from any one of us

God is not far from any one of us

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.” — Acts 17:24–27

Dec 24, 202303:25
God calls us to ...

God calls us to ...

Several months ago, on one of the first nice days after a very late spring, Eric and Janelle and their family took a day trip to a wild horse nature preserve half an hour south of their home. They went to the preserve with two goals in mind: see wild horses and see the wild orchids which are famous in that region.

Dec 17, 202304:08
Learning and growing

Learning and growing

“Good morning, Miss!” EMM mission intern Sarah Martin hears these words so often as she walks the hallways and enters the classrooms at the Promesa School in Cusco, Peru.

Dec 10, 202304:08
Christ's transforming love compels us to ...

Christ's transforming love compels us to ...

Christ’s transforming love compels us to cross cultures, engage the world, and multiply disciples of Jesus.We invite you to join us as we focus on least-reached people groups in several regions around the world. Your gift to the Impact Fund sustains these efforts and so much more.

Dec 03, 202304:35
Taking your teachers seriously

Taking your teachers seriously

Srey Da's discipleship teachers taught the students to pray with faith for healing. Srey Da took her teachers seriously. Srey Da and a companion went into a house, where a woman was preparing some fermented fish paste. Srey Da did not want to go in at first but did with her companion's encouragement. The woman's husband was there and he made apologies for his wife, saying she could not hear very well. He said she had been partially deaf for a very long time. They asked if they could pray for her.

Nov 26, 202304:13
Praying for the ministry in Thailand

Praying for the ministry in Thailand

Recently, EMM worker Bethany Tobin, who serves with her family in Thailand, had a devotional that looked at Abraham’s relationship with God. God called Abraham to resume his father’s life of sojourn, traveling as a stranger in a foreign land. Then God called Abraham, who was childless, to look out at the stars and believe God’s promise of many, many children. Many years and mistakes later, as the fulfillment of the promise looked all the more impossible, it sharpened in specificity.

Nov 19, 202304:27
EMM’s strategic focus

EMM’s strategic focus

EMM’s strategic focus is to identify, equip, and send missional leaders to serve on multi-generational and multi-ethnic teams who invite people to follow Jesus as maturing, multiplying disciples and nurture transforming communities of worship. We primarily focus on least-reached people groups of Central Asia, Central Europe, Southeast Asia, and West Africa, and refugees in Lancaster, Pa. So here’s a quick look at each of these regions.

Nov 05, 202304:48
The start of a journey

The start of a journey

Krystle Thorne was stirred by hearing about a vision for West Africa because it was a place that is still near and dear to her heart and people who she knew and loved. That was the start of she and her husvand, Nate's journey to begin a long-term assignment serving in The Gambia, West Africa.

Oct 29, 202303:59
God invites us to reveal the good news

God invites us to reveal the good news

EMM’s new vision statement is: We catalyze movements that multiply disciples of Jesus around the world, giving primary focus to people groups that are currently least-reached.

Sometimes, we use a few “jargony” words when we talk about mission work. Words like catalyze, movement, and least-reached. We thought it might be helpful to explain why we use these words and what we mean when we talk about these ideas, like our vision statement.

Oct 22, 202304:26
A look at Advance Global

A look at Advance Global

Holly Hollenbach is one of the Advance Global participants this year. Her discipleship training is in Costa Rica through Vida220 and she will be doing outreach in Peru. Holly’s first week of Advance was in Lancaster, and she described it as busy, stretching, and profound. She was blessed to be surrounded by people overflowing with God’s peace and encouragement.

Oct 15, 202304:14
Taking time to be attentive

Taking time to be attentive

Over the past year, Carol has been digging into the faith practices of her spiritual ancestors — the Anabaptists. Her research led her to conclude that the early Anabaptists of the sixteenth century, many of whom were former Catholic priests, nuns, and clerics brought more with them from their Catholic background to their "new" convictions than we realize. One practice evidenced in the extant writings of early leaders like Menno Simons, Felix Manz, and Balthasar Hubmaier is called lectio divina.

Oct 08, 202304:16
More than 3 billion ...

More than 3 billion ...

... .That’s the number of people who don’t have access to the gospel or proximity to a follower of Jesus who can tell them about this good news. Another 2 billion people may have access to the gospel but have not experienced its life-transforming power. Very simply, EMM’s work is to share the good news of Christ’s transforming love with people who don’t know him.

Oct 01, 202304:22
As summer goes, a new season comes

As summer goes, a new season comes

This program is being recorded on the last day of summer. If you’re listening to this program on the radio, it’s now the first day of autumn. We can now anticipate a whole new array of colors emerging from the trees. Every new season has new opportunities. For EMM worker Michael Clancy, now that the kids are in school, he took some time to reflect on what ministry looked like for him this summer in Lebanon, Pennsylvania.

Sep 24, 202304:19
Building relationships and sharing the Good News

Building relationships and sharing the Good News

EMM worker Kandace Glenn is engaged in language study and relationship building in Cambodia. She is involved in a variety of dynamic friendships and discipling relationships in which she seeks to help university/post-grad students discover God‘s purpose for their lives as they grow in relationship with Jesus.

Sep 17, 202303:44
A house of prayer for all nations

A house of prayer for all nations

Bethany Tobin and her husband, Steve, and children serve with EMM in Thailand. Recently, Bethany reflected on a devotional about Jesus cleansing the temple. Jesus cleansed the temple of all the exclusive temple systems and atoning sacrifices, instead establishing himself as the atoning sacrifice — so that the new temple — us, the church — would indeed be a house of prayer for all nations.

Sep 10, 202304:07
Hiring with purpose

Hiring with purpose

Truett Cathy, the founder of Chic-fil-A, said: If you hire the “right people again and again, you will strengthen your culture over time.” Hiring with purpose makes all the difference. Being able to identify whether a potential employee is values-aligned to fit your organizational culture and has the essential characteristics needed to be successful in the role is critical to successful hiring.

Sep 03, 202304:38
Do this in remembrance of me

Do this in remembrance of me

Several months ago, the campus of the seminary where Peter* teaches was under water, accessible only by boat, and visited occasionally by hippos from the nearby river. The rainy season in central Africa was extraordinary this year, resulting in the highest water levels in sixty years in N’Djamena, Chad. Many thousands of people have temporarily or permanently lost their homes to the flooding, including students and faculty at the seminary.

Aug 27, 202304:08
Adapting to challenges

Adapting to challenges

The Coatses had been on home leave and returned to Cambodia a few months ago. When they returned, John found the staff had been doing a fairly good job of keeping things running smoothly with the children’s program. There was some discouragement though. Over the past few years, they have lost most of their older teenagers, those in grades 10 through 12. Why?

Aug 20, 202303:46
Introducing the new "Messenger"

Introducing the new "Messenger"

Missionary Messenger has been enriching readers for almost 100 years, and in an effort to continue the relevance of this important publication, we’re making some changes. Later this month, for the September issue of Messenger, we’ll be introducing you to a new version of this publication. Here’s some information about what we’re planning to do.

Aug 06, 202303:50
An unexpected opportunity

An unexpected opportunity

Approaching the Temple of Luang Pu Suang, the glorified mummified monk, Emm worker Andre pulled the car over to the side of the road. He turned to one of his trainees, Lee, and asked, “Lee, could you read Acts 17:24-31 for us?”

Jul 30, 202303:55
Exploring a future home

Exploring a future home

Krystle* took a 5-day trip to The Gambia in May to explore housing options and to see how things have changed in the 13 years since she has lived there. Krystle served as a mission intern in The Gambia with EMM during that time. This recent trip was insightful and helpful to be there in person and begin to understand how life and ministry will look different as a family.

Jul 23, 202303:43
Radix Missional Anabaptist Training

Radix Missional Anabaptist Training

In the 16th century, the Radical Reformers — also known as the Anabaptists — looked to the “roots” of the church as their inspiration. The term “radical” comes from the Latin word “radix” which means “root.” The early Anabaptists wanted to see the kingdom of God restored to a kingdom that was not of this world — but a kingdom that transcended national, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds.

Jul 16, 202304:02
What is the Kairos course?

What is the Kairos course?

Perhaps you’ve heard us talk about the Kairos course before, and maybe you’re wondering, “What is Kairos?” Well, today, we’re going to take an in-depth look at this course. The Kairos course is an exciting nine-lesson interactive study of the purpose and plan of God from Genesis to the end of the age.

Jul 09, 202304:07
Going where God leads

Going where God leads

When Phil Gottschalk was 17 years old the Lord called him to work with Russian-speaking young people. So, he did a bachelor’s degree in Russian language at Penn State University. When he graduated in 1980, the Iron Curtain was still up. Phil went on to seminary to prepare to be a missionary.

Jul 02, 202304:32
An unforgettable experience

An unforgettable experience

Last summer EMM workers and staff led Chamber Choir members from the Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster on a tour to Central Europe. They traveled in both the Czech Republic and Germany. Beyond providing cross-cultural experiences for youth, EMM hopes that these kinds of trips inspire people to find their calling in missions. Here’s a quick snapshot of one of the more interesting concerts they performed.

Jun 25, 202304:05
Stopping for a reason

Stopping for a reason

John and Debbie Coats are EMM workers who serve in Cambodia. There is a lady who lives on the streets about a mile from their house in Phnom Penh city. Though she never asks, John has often stopped and given her a little money for food. She won’t look at or speak to him. She never smiles. He can’t hand her the money. He has to lay it down on the street, and later when he is gone, she picks it up and goes and buys some food.

Jun 18, 202303:41
King Jesus as our leader

King Jesus as our leader

It’s a transformational journey that each person who chooses King Jesus as our leader needs to make — a reversal of the mind and a turning of the heart. From thinking about self, to thinking about others. Welcoming rather than turning away the ’least of these,’ putting aside personal agendas and valuing the contributions of all, forgiving others as God, in Christ, forgave us, and becoming leaders who serve and servants who lead. If Jesus Christ is our model, how well are we doing at transforming our spheres of influence?

Jun 11, 202303:58
What is Central Europe?

What is Central Europe?

What is Central Europe? This is an interesting question that will probably bring a different answer depending on who you ask. Is this region defined by a common language, distinctive geographic features, similar political histories, or shared religious influences? The short answer is, “Sort of ... but not necessarily.”

Jun 04, 202303:58
Partnering with those who "go"

Partnering with those who "go"

Not everyone will move into a new country or engage with another culture. However, many people can participate in this calling by partnering with those who “go,” impacting people and cultures far from our home communities.

May 28, 202303:37