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EXOPOLITICS TODAY with Dr. Michael Salla

EXOPOLITICS TODAY with Dr. Michael Salla

By Dr. Michael Salla

A leading researcher, keynote speaker and best selling author in the fields of Exopolitics. Dr. Salla is a forerunner in the push to full disclosure of secret space programs, black budget projects, and the human ET agenda. These podcasts strive to reveal how this all relates to our past and current Political theater and the future of the human experiment.
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Dyson Spheres, Russia-US Collaboration? & galactic effort to raise humanity’s consciousness

EXOPOLITICS TODAY with Dr. Michael SallaMay 18, 2024

Egyptian Gods, Tall Grays, Reptilians and Space Pirates

Egyptian Gods, Tall Grays, Reptilians and Space Pirates

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 1, 2024 


  • Ancient Egyptian Gods were Extraterrestrials According to leading QHHT practitioner
  • It's the 25th anniversary of The Thirteenth Floor.
  • Ancient Gods & ETs Among Us Today – The Exopolitical Implications - New Webinar - June 15, 2024.
  • A transcript of an interview a 25-year CIA agent gave a couple of years ago about his contact with Mantid/Tall Gray ET is now available.
  • The evidence of ancient Reptilian species walking and living among humanity spans multiple national cultures.
  • Col Karl Nell on the reality of non-human intelligence visiting Earth and interacting with humanity.
  • Extraterrestrial Contact in Washington and Hawaii
  • A forensic image expert has conducted a frame-by-frame analysis of the 2023 Las Vegas alien sighting & concluded the tall beings are genuine.
  • Only a few months to go before GSIC-2024 - JP will be appearing as a presenter.
  • Total signatories to Artemis Accords rises to 42 with Peru & Slovakia joining.
  • First Annual Space Piracy Conference Scheduled for February 2025
  • Congressman Robert Garcia is offering 3 UFO amendments to the NDAA for 2025.
  • These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

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Jun 01, 202433:15
Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Washington and Hawaii

Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Washington and Hawaii

James Gilliland has spent 40 years promoting Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECETI) protocols through his ranch at Mt Adams Washington. He and many visitors to the ECETI Ranch have experienced direct contact with extraterrestrials, ascended masters, celestials, Inner Earth beings, and many other entities. In addition, he and visitors have taken thousands of pictures and videos of UFOs around Mt Adams, and also at his new ranch on the Big Island of Hawaii.

In his second Exopolitics Today interview, Gilliland discusses what motivated him to establish ECETI and what his contact protocols mean today. He discusses a sample of the photos and videos taken at his two ranches. Gilliland explains the many challenges confronting humanity today, the incredible help we are receiving from highly evolved extraterrestrial visitors, and why he feels it’s only a matter of time before we enter a new positive age where our human potential can thrive.

James Gilliland’s website is:

May 30, 202401:04:43
Ancient Egyptian Gods were Extraterrestrials According to leading QHHT practitioner

Ancient Egyptian Gods were Extraterrestrials According to leading QHHT practitioner

Suzanne Spooner discusses startling information about Ancient Egypt, Gods, and extraterrestrials she has received from thousands of clients in her Quantum Healing Hypnoses Technique (QHHT) practice. She concludes that the Egyptian gods were, in fact, extraterrestrials visiting humanity from different star systems with the intent of helping human evolution. Spooner believes that the pyramids were built by off-world visitors such as Thoth (aka Jehuti) who designed them for several complimentary functions, including human ascension.

In her second Expolitics Interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Spooner discusses her recent Egypt Tour in which he participated and the implications of her QHHT data in understanding the true role of extraterrestrials in human history. Furthermore, she discusses the role of space arks in assisting with past planetary contingencies and what lies ahead for humanity as we enter into uncertain times. Finally, she discusses the important role being played by Donald Trump in awakening humanity despite his many personal character flaws.

Suzanne Spooner’s website is:

May 27, 202456:47
World Religions, Galactic Trade, Ascension and the Faithful

World Religions, Galactic Trade, Ascension and the Faithful

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – May 25, 2024 


  • World Religions and Extraterrestrial Contact, Disclosure Continues in Part 2
  • The state of galactic trade in our solar system that involves Jupiter's "Hub", and ET attitudes towards rival space alliances
  • Richard Doty, a former AFOSI agent, claims that he debriefed pilots/crew involved in the 1980 Cash Landrum UFO incident thereby giving credence to what the Landrum family claimed.
  • Summary of Col Karl Nell's presentation at the May 20-21 SALT conference in New York City.
  • Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet's thoughts on a "Controlled Disclosure" plan.
  • Luis Elizondo's book, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs will be published in Aug 2024.
  • Visit to the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza and inside its famous sarcophogas.
  • Ancient Egypt, Extraterrestrial Visitors and Human Ascension: Interview with Sarah Breskman Cosme
  • Recent initiatives point to the Vatican preparing the faithful for disclosure of extraterrestrial life.
  • These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

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May 25, 202433:19
Ancient Egypt, Extraterrestrial Visitors and Human Ascension

Ancient Egypt, Extraterrestrial Visitors and Human Ascension

Sarah Breskman Cosme has worked with hundreds of QHHT clients who have shared stunning information regarding Ancient Egypt, creator gods, Atlantis, and extraterrestrial visitors. In this  Exopolitics Today interview, she discusses why she began to organize tours to Egypt, the latest of which Dr. Michael Salla attended. They discuss her latest Egypt tour and what different temples they visited signify in terms of extraterrestrials teaching humanity advanced knowledge and healing modalities. 

Breskman Cosme also covers controversial topics such as Coronal  Mass Ejections; how human blood types related to ETs; how space arks have been used for planetary evacuations; and three timelines for humanity that emerge as a consequence of the rise of Artificial Intelligence and transhumanism. She believes that the optimum path for humanity is an organic ascension process that individuals undergo as they awaken to their roles in the ancient past, connecting with ET visitors, and what all this means for the future.

Sarah Breskman Cosme’s website is:

May 23, 202447:55
World Religions and Extraterrestrial Contact, Disclosure Continues in Part 2

World Religions and Extraterrestrial Contact, Disclosure Continues in Part 2

Previously on Thursday May 16, 2024 We present Part one of World Religions and Extraterrestrial Contact – our suppressed history, the origins of Atlantis, Lemuria and the return of the creator Gods. The Webinar by Dr. Michael Salla was originally presented on August 13, 2022.

Today we present part 2. The entire webinar along with other events by dr. Salla is available on Vimeo

May 20, 202401:20:31
Dyson Spheres, Russia-US Collaboration? & galactic effort to raise humanity’s consciousness

Dyson Spheres, Russia-US Collaboration? & galactic effort to raise humanity’s consciousness

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – May 18, 2024


1) More info on US Army Insider Missions Volume 1 by JP

2) Dozens of possible Dyson Spheres discovered all over our galaxy.

3) Did Russia and the US collaborate in developing Modern SSPs? - Webinar Highlights

4) Jason Sands, a 22-year USAF veteran, discusses an attempt to recruit him for a UFO crash retrieval program

5) Lue Elizondo believes that his UFO disclosures have made him a target for covert assassination.

6) Haim Eshed's claims about a Galactic Federation are not crazy according to Harvard Astronomer

7) World Religions and Extraterrestrial Contact - Part 1 of 2022 Webinar

8) important insights into how dark magic is used by elites to control the world. "Ritual Magic: In Your Face

9) Lithuania becomes the 40th nation to sign the Artemis Accords taking us a small step closer to a Star Trek Future.

10) Latest effort to pass UFO-related legislation in the US has two major flaws.

11) Video tribute to the different contactees, ground crew and extraterrestrials involved in the galactic effort to raise humanity’s consciousness

12) Field research in Egypt finds evidence of ETs interacting with humanity in Temple Academies

These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

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May 18, 202435:52
World Religions and Extraterrestrial Contact, Revisited

World Religions and Extraterrestrial Contact, Revisited

On August 13th 2022

Dr. Michael Salla held a webinar in which he presented his

Collected findings on World Religions and Extraterrestrial Contact.

In this webinar he reveals our suppressed history,

the origins of Atlantis, Lemuria and the return of the creator Gods.

As part of Exopoltics Today’s ongoing efforts and contributions to

humanities awakening we are revisiting this disclosure event in 2 parts. This being part one.

Also available on Vimeo in its entirety.

May 16, 202401:22:53
Did Russia and the US collaborate in developing Modern SSP’s ?
May 13, 202430:20
Uncovering Ancient Atlantean Ruins: Exploring Evolutionary Pathways and Psychic Phenomenon

Uncovering Ancient Atlantean Ruins: Exploring Evolutionary Pathways and Psychic Phenomenon

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – May 11, 2024


Detailed information on ancient Atlantean ruins and technologies in Dark Journalist episode: "Hacking Atlantis: The Craze In The HotZone!

Two eyewitness accounts of Aliens Attacking Secret Space Program supersoldiers

Ascension vs Integration Pathways to Human Evolution

Psychic abilities are a critical part of the UFO/ET phenomenon.

British Military Expert Analyses Crash Retrieval and Reverse Engineering Claims

Whistleblowers have more faith in US Senators than AARO office to act upon their UFO revelations.

Elon Musk has again stated that he has seen no evidence of non-human intelligence

Dr Steven Greer launches the Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive

Serbia becomes the 11th country to join the International Lunar Research Station,

These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

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May 11, 202441:09
Taking UFOs seriously – British Military Expert Analyses Crash Retrieval and Reverse Engineering Claims

Taking UFOs seriously – British Military Expert Analyses Crash Retrieval and Reverse Engineering Claims

Franc Milburn is an 8-year veteran of the British Army where he served as an intelligence officer and paratrooper; and has over 23 years of experience producing threats and assessments for corporate, academic, and military clients. Milburn has had a lifelong interest in UFOs as an “experiencer” himself, and due to the contact experiences of his mother and grandmother. During his military service he heard from credible military sources about mysterious UFO sightings and crash retrieval operations involving the British Army.

In his first Exopolitics Today interview, Milburn discusses how his personal experiences and military background led to him having an open mind about UFO reports, and claims of extraterrestrial contact. He discusses how the famous December 16, 2017, New York Times article on the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program to study UFOs stimulated him to write peer-reviewed papers on the UFO topic as a national security threat for the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA).

Milburn believes that UFO crashes are real, involve non-human intelligence, and that reverse engineering efforts have been secretly underway for many years. While he is skeptical of claims of secret space programs with operational fleets of reverse-engineered spacecraft built for the US and other military services, he emphasizes the need to keep an open mind to such claims and any hard evidence supporting them.

Milburn's two peer-reviewed papers for BESA are available at:

May 09, 202401:31:22
Ascension vs Integration – Gods, ETs and the Omniverse: An Interview with George Kavassilas

Ascension vs Integration – Gods, ETs and the Omniverse: An Interview with George Kavassilas

George Kavassilas experienced his first extraterrestrial contact experience when only 7 years old. The trauma he suffered from Gray aliens and experiences in the subsequent years with different Gray humanoids left a profound mark on him. In 2003, he had a radically different kind of contact with what he described as his extraterrestrial family that was very benevolent. The experience was incredibly uplifting and transformative, and led to him accepting a position as an Ambassador for one of the Galactic organizations interacting with humanity. He subsequently, met with prominent political leaders in the US and Australia interested in meeting and communicating with the positive extraterrestrials.

In this Exopolitics Today interview, Kavassilas explains how he came to understand three levels of imposition on humanity by extraterrestrials and their human minions during his contact experiences. He discusses these different levels and how humanity is better served following another path to the hierarchical systems disseminated by different extraterrestrial organizations, both benevolent and malevolent.

Kavassilas emphasizes the benefits of understanding the fractal nature of the universe and how an individual soul is capable of integrating with the Omniverse is a way that is unique to humanity. He distinguishes the path of Integration, which he calls “the journey home” with the path of Ascension, which he believes to be yet another hierarchical system promoted by those wishing to establish a new cosmic religion with some extraterrestrials posing as gods. Kavassilas’ views on the soul, ascension, the chakra system, and the journey home are both provocative and essential to understanding the big exopolitical picture confronting humanity.

George Kavassilas website is:

May 06, 202401:59:13
ilot Flying Saucer Training, Prophecy & War, Plus FBI files on ET Babies

ilot Flying Saucer Training, Prophecy & War, Plus FBI files on ET Babies

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – May 4, 2024


- Nicaragua becomes the 10th country to join China’s International Research Station initiative

- JP Update 33 - Nordics Training International Military Pilots to fly Flying Saucers

- History of Inner Earth civilizations and their meeting with ETs in the Himalayas in late 2023

- FBI file has statement about Nikola Tesla being dropped off as a baby

- News article offers important perspective on UFOs coming from inside the Earth.

- Much interesting info in the latest Weaponized episode with George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell.

- James Fox stands by the integrity of Jason Sands as a UFO witness despite his claims of being in a 20 and back program.

- Marik Von Rennenkampff article on the Pentagon lying about UFO sightings shows despair among many researchers over recent pushback against official disclosure initiaitves.

- Nazi Germany used a Global Network of Tunnels to create a 4th Reich with Flying Saucers

- In his 1987 interview with George Knapp, John Lear shares what he learned from his research into UFOs and much of it is very relevant to recent disclosures.

- Was Edgar Cayce’s Prophesy that Russia would be the Hope of the World against the Sons of Belial just Fulfilled? – One Day to Russia SSP Webinar

- These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

- Twitter Feed:

May 04, 202401:21:35
Nazi Germany used a Global Network of Tunnels to create a 4th Reich with Flying Saucers

Nazi Germany used a Global Network of Tunnels to create a 4th Reich with Flying Saucers

In the early 1940s, Nazi Germany discovered a network of ancient tunnels around the world, where it began to develop a breakaway civilization (aka 4th Reich) with flying saucer and other advanced aerospace technologies. According to Dr. Anton Anfalov, the Nazis were helped by Inner Earth beings belonging to what he describes as the Symbiont Underground & Space Terrestrial Nonhuman Civilization (SUSTENC). He says that in addition to Antarctica, the Nazis created bases in Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Chile, Argentina and Brazil with the help of prominent European industrialist families such as the Wallenbergs.

Dr. Anfalov confirms that in addition to the USA, the USSR/Russia began secretly reverse engineering captured Nazi technologies along with spacecraft retrieved from SUSTENC for a secret space program. He further confirmed the use of psychics by the Russians to understand and operate the advanced antigravity technologies used by SUSTENC.

Dr. Anfalov has interviewed hundreds of Russian whistleblowers and been given documents on the UFO phenomenon dating back to the post-World War II era. He has gained much knowledge about UFO crash retrieval operations in the Soviet Union and Russia; learned about ancient underground tunnels built by SUSTENC that the Kremlin repurposed for its own deep underground military bases; and the development of a Soviet/Russian secret space program that uses psychics as a standard operating procedure.

To learn more about the origins and history of Russia’s secret space program and its mysterious psi-corps, register for Dr. Michael Salla’s upcoming May 4 webinar exploring these and other hidden historical events.

May 02, 202401:40:28
JP Update 33 - Nordics Training International Military Pilots to fly Flying Saucers

JP Update 33 - Nordics Training International Military Pilots to fly Flying Saucers

On April 15, 2024, JP traveled to an underground spaceport somewhere in Alabama that appeared very similar or the same as one he visited in May 2023. He again saw fleets of saucer shaped spacecraft being piloted by human-looking ‘Nordic’ extraterrestrials that were identical to ones he witnessed and photographed in 2018 while living in Orlando, Florida.

JP says that he and another witness were accompanied by 30 military pilots from many nations. When they arrived at the underground location all the pilots left and walked over to specific spacecraft and Nordics they were associated with to continue their training. The human pilots were being trained to use the advanced mind-technology interfaces that are part of the Nordic spacecraft. Finally, JP was told that the Nordic spacecraft flown by military pilots from different nations would soon start showing themselves in a worldwide disclosure initiative.

For more articles, photos and videos involving JP, visit:

Apr 29, 202441:05
ET Contact, Artemis Accords, Space Ark and “20 and back” SSP claims

ET Contact, Artemis Accords, Space Ark and “20 and back” SSP claims

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – April 27, 2024 


  • Tucker Carlson on UFOs causing serious brain injuries to individuals that get too close.
  • Slovenia just became the 39th country to sign the Artemis Accords
  • Russia’s Hidden World of SSPs, Psi-Corps and ET Alliances: Webinar Trailer
  • News update from Galactic Federation about recent events on the Moon and the Iran-Israel.
  • Video introduction to six courses that are part of the Exopolitics Certificate program for Summer 2024.
  • Another communication Ruezo Zanrico about suspicious Naval activity in Atlantic Ocean where a giant Space Ark lays submerged.
  • Jason Sands is a new whistleblower describing his participation in a 20 and back program 
  • Former Snr Pentagon official releases insider info about an intact UFO recovered in Kingman Arizona in 1950
  • A Lifetime of ET Contacts, Paranormal Experiences & UFO Investigations: Interview with Robert Morningstar
  • Billy Carson publicly reveals his ET contact story displaying his powerful emotional reaction and the havoc it created in his family.
  • Shenzhou-18 [divine vessel] is China’s seventh crewed mission to the Tiangong space station and 13th human spaceflight mission.
  • Why did Russia veto a UN resolution preventing nuclear weapons in space?
  • Galileo Project uses its latest large grant to establish a third UAP observatory while ET and SSP experiencers continue to be ignored.   
  • One Week to Go to Webinar, Russia’s SSP 
  • These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

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Apr 27, 202401:09:25
A Lifetime of ET Contacts, Paranormal Experiences & UFO Investigations

A Lifetime of ET Contacts, Paranormal Experiences & UFO Investigations

Robert Morningstar had his first extraterrestrial contact experience at age 3, and similar experiences happened throughout his life. As a result of alien contacts his psychic abilities were enhanced, which led to the Office of Naval Intelligence becoming interested in him. He claims to have been recruited as an asset for various navy intel programs, such as testing reverse-engineered mind-machine interfaces used on modified jet aircraft such as the F-14 and F-15.

Morningstar’s experiences led to him studying parapsychology and the UFO phenomenon, and he became a writer and editor for UFO Digest from 2004 to 2022, and a radio host. From 2008 to 2010, he was involved in a failed US Navy initiative to disclose the UFO phenomenon through the United Nations.  Today he continues to investigate and write about UFOs, corporate/government corruption, and falsified history for The Morningstar Report and his radio show.

His substack site is:

Apr 25, 202401:27:01
Russia’s Hidden World of SSPs, Psi-Corps and ET Alliances

Russia’s Hidden World of SSPs, Psi-Corps and ET Alliances

On May 4th Dr. Salla will be hosting another mind expanding webinar. this one is on Russia's secrets. This is a short trailer to introduce you to some of the information to be revealing.

Apr 22, 202403:56
Galactic Federation Conflict Update, Biden Admin UAP Concerns, and Underwater UFOs

Galactic Federation Conflict Update, Biden Admin UAP Concerns, and Underwater UFOs

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – April 20, 2024 


  • Interview on the Greg Reese show about exopolitics
  • A Message from the Galactic Federation of Worlds on the Iran-Israel Conflict
  • Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet releases a Report on underwater UFOs aka USOs
  • Next Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection runs from Sept 27-29. 
  • JP video commentary on his interactions with the underground Ant People
  • NASA Astrobiology workshop discusses announcing the discovery of ET life.
  • Investigative Filmmaker Discusses UFOs, Underground Bases, SSP’s & Non-Human Intelligence
  • Biden Admin officials, Jake Sullivan and Lloyd Austin, shut down any prospects for passage of the UAP Disclosure Act due to election year concerns
  • The declassified Kona Blue document shows that UFOs were taken seriously by the Dept of Homeland Security, but it never got access to any retrieved alien tech.
  • Sweden & Switzerland just signed the Artemis Accords expanding it to 38 countries.
  • Some important insights shared in this Liberation Times article about a newly released batch of FOIA documents concerning whistleblower testimonies about UFOs.
  • These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

Twitter Feed:

Apr 20, 202439:26
Investigative Filmmaker Discusses UFOs, Underground Bases, SSP’s & Non-Human Intelligence

Investigative Filmmaker Discusses UFOs, Underground Bases, SSP’s & Non-Human Intelligence

Darcy Weir is an investigative filmmaker who has been creating documentaries on UFO/USOs, secret space programs, underground bases, and Sasquatch since 2012. His first documentary focused on Phil Schneider's groundbreaking revelations about an underground base at Dulce, New Mexico, where an alleged firefight with aliens took place in 1979 testimonials.

In his first Exopolitics Today interview, Weir discusses what he learned about Schneider, underwater UFOs (USOs), non-human intelligence, secret space programs, and Sasquatch in a series of documentaries that are available on Amazon and Apple TV.

Darcy Weir’s website is:

Apr 18, 202401:05:39
A Message from the Galactic Federation of Worlds on the Israel-Iran Conflict

A Message from the Galactic Federation of Worlds on the Israel-Iran Conflict

This is the audio version of an article published on on April 15. To read article which includes references, go to: Many thanks to Elena Danaan for forwarding Thor Han Eredyon's message to me. Michael Salla, Ph.D.

Apr 15, 202409:29
Dimension-Hopping Tech, Return of the Anunnaki, and UFO Best Evidence

Dimension-Hopping Tech, Return of the Anunnaki, and UFO Best Evidence

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – April 13, 2024 


  • The WhyFiles releases an informative analysis of Sumerian historical records of the Anunnaki
  • The weaponization of AI in the Gaza war is a big problem as the UN Sec Gen rightly points out
  • George Adamski Photos & Videos of UFOs are the Best Evidence of ET Contact
  • Another smear attack on Elena Danaan for her support of Enki/Ea
  • Some members of Congress still support UFO transparency despite official pushback
  • Russia's Secret Space Program: Its Enigmatic Psi-Corps & Non-Human Connection - New Webinar
  • The head of US Space Command, Gen Stephen Whiting, says that Five Eyes nations along with Germany and France are in the process of setting up "Operation Olympic Defender" that will "optimize space operations".
  • Highlights from The Crypto Terrestrials webinar
  • Prof Avi Loeb speculates that extraterrestrials may be able to visit Earth through dimension-hopping technologies.
  • The US Space Force Chief of Space Operations, Gen Chance Saltzman, along with the military space chiefs of 18 allied nations, met in Colorado Springs and have issued a joint statement on space cooperation.
  • Compelling presentation on Anunnaki/Anakh history by French archeologist Elena Danaan.
  • These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

Twitter Feed:

Apr 13, 202453:55
The Crypto Terrestrials - Highlights Reel
Apr 11, 202425:14
George Adamski Photos & Videos of UFOs are the Best Evidence of ET Contact

George Adamski Photos & Videos of UFOs are the Best Evidence of ET Contact

George Adamski became famous in the 1950s with startling photos and videos of flying saucer and cigar-shaped spacecraft he began taking in the 1940s, which he claimed were piloted by human-looking extraterrestrial visitors. He learned from face-to-face contact experiences that the extraterrestrials had secretly embedded themselves in human society to help humanity learn about galactic life. Multiple witnesses saw one of Adamski’s face-to-face meetings in 1952 and provided compelling evidence of what had happened.

Captain Glenn Steckling, a retired civilian pilot who flew for 30 years with a major airline, was only 4 years old when his father, Fred, befriended Adamski in 1963 and became a close aide in the latter’s remaining two years of life. During his subsequent experiences with Adamski, and later in his father’s dissemination of Adamski’s material, Glenn Steckling met with several of the extraterrestrials secretly living among us.

In his first Exopolitics Today interview, Glenn Steckling discusses the Adamski case, the incredible photos and videos taken by Adamski, his father’s relationship with Adamski, and his directorship of the George Adamski Foundation after his father’s passing. Steckling asserts that humanity needs to learn to ethically mature and solve its own problems before it can expect human-looking extraterrestrials to fully reveal themselves. He is very skeptical of official disclosure efforts by government entities and of the existence of non-human extraterrestrials that he believes are a product of fear-based disinformation.


Apr 08, 202401:56:28
UK Disclosure, Insider Lawsuits, Emergency Total Eclipse News, plus Ancient Giant Awakens

UK Disclosure, Insider Lawsuits, Emergency Total Eclipse News, plus Ancient Giant Awakens

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – April 6, 2024 


  • NASA's Sungrazer Project just discovered its 5,000th comet
  • Major elements of Corey Goode lawsuits have been dismissed by a Colorado judge.
  • JP Update #31 - Ant People Move to New Realm after Ant King Transitions & Sleeping Giant Awakens
  • UK government is making the necessary preparations for an official announcement on the discovery of extraterrestrial life.
  • The 2024 Global Assessment of space weapons possessed by major spacefaring nations not surprisingly focuses on conventional weapons and delivery systems
  • Gene Decode does a historical overview on Deep Underground Military Bases.
  • Sudden Adult Syndrome among young people and athletes. 
  • Congressman Tim Burchett says that the US House of Reps will hold more hearings on UFOs and hear from additional whistleblowers.
  • Indiana Gov issues a Statewide Emergency Declaration for the April 8 total solar eclipse.
  • Award-winning filmmaker on a Quest to Prepare Humanity for ET Contact
  • Congressman Tim Burchett explains his response to a public official saying UFO disclosure would lead to rioting
  • China's International Lunar Research Station Initiative (ILRS) just got a major boost with Thailand signing on as the 9th country
  • Moving musical tribute by a French Rapper to Singaporean supersoldier Stephen Chua
  • These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

Twitter Feed:

Apr 06, 202450:53
Award-winning filmmaker on a Quest to Prepare Humanity for ET Contact: An Interview with Craig Campobasso

Award-winning filmmaker on a Quest to Prepare Humanity for ET Contact: An Interview with Craig Campobasso

Craig Campobasso is an award-winning filmmaker and casting director who has had multiple experiences with extraterrestrials who have encouraged him to write books and make films preparing humanity for full disclosure. He has worked with famous Hollywood producers such as Dino De Laurentis and David Lynch, and actors such as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Campobasso met with legendary extraterrestrial contact Frank Stranges, who in the 1960s revealed the stunning story of Valiant Thor, a Venusian extraterrestrial, being hosted at the Pentagon for three years. Campobasso subsequently produced a short film about the story called Stranger at the Pentagon.

Campobasso has written the first four books in what will be a seven-volume series called Autobiography of an Extraterrestrial Saga that details how aliens incarnate on Earth in a Cosmic saga of good against evil. He has also written a book, The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac (2021), which gives detailed descriptions and illustrations of 82 alien species visiting our planet, which is also the subject of a documentary he plans to release in the middle of 2024. In addition, Campobasso discusses his most recent book, UFO Hotspot Compendium, where he discusses the most famous spots on Earth for UFO-related phenomena. Finally, he shares his thoughts on the End Times and what that means for extraterrestrial disclosure.

Craig Campobasso’s websites are:

Apr 04, 202401:28:17
JP Update #32 - Ant People Move to New Realm after Ant King Transitions & Sleeping Giant Awakens

JP Update #32 - Ant People Move to New Realm after Ant King Transitions & Sleeping Giant Awakens

JP conducted another covert mission to an underground colony of Ant People where he had previously met its King and saw human refugees whose ancestors had been given sanctuary centuries earlier. JP says that his latest mission was to discover what had happened to the Ant People who had disappeared, according to military reports. When JP and his four military companions entered the Ant People colony, they were greeted by humans wearing similar robes to the Ant People. JP’s team was told that the Ant People had left for another realm, and the humans had remained behind to take care of the former colony. 

When JP eventually met with some of the Ant People, he was told that the Ant King had transitioned and that a new king, who had just awakened, was now in charge of the Ant People, who had moved to a new realm. JP believes that the new king was the sleeping giant he had seen in an earlier mission to a separate underground Ant People colony near Florida’s Ponce de Leon Springs State Park, which appeared to possess a Tree of Life. It was speculated that the awakened giant was the mythical Ningishzida (aka Thoth, Quetzalcoatl, etc.), who was the Ant People’s new king, and now presided over a new realm that was located in a higher dimension.   

For more JP Updates go to:

Apr 01, 202454:19
The Solar Eclipse and Planetary Ascension, Plus Winston’s Churchill’s UFO Coverup

The Solar Eclipse and Planetary Ascension, Plus Winston’s Churchill’s UFO Coverup

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 23, 2024 


  • German Operation Paperclip Scientist says Washington DC UFO flyovers were non-human craft
  • Part 2 of ET Seeders, Space Arks and Great Reveal Webinar
  • April 8 Solar Eclipse passes over towns with biblical significance
  • David Wilcock on Solar Eclipse and planetary ascension
  • AARO office interviewed Michael Herrera but didn’t consider his testimony to be compelling
  • Winston Churchill’s UFO Coverup confirmed in declassified X-files
  • Aerospace Corp sets up rival space conglomerate to corporate signatories to Jupiter Accords
  • 2009 investigation of flying triangles by Ross Coulthart fails to mention TR-3B
  • A US military contractor finds anomalous military behavior in Atlantic Ocean that JP confirms is the location of the Space Ark
  • DARPA leads a 10 Lunar Architecture Capability Study that seeks to establish giant lunar infrastructure projects
  • Crypto Terrestrials Webinar now on Vimeo
  • Tall Blonde ETs tell Miriam Delicado about giant space arks in previous End Times
  • Why is NASA firing three rockets at the solar eclipse?
  • These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

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Mar 30, 202401:01:42
Contact with Tall Blonde Alien Founders, Space Ark Rescues & the End Times

Contact with Tall Blonde Alien Founders, Space Ark Rescues & the End Times

In 1988, Miriam Delicado had a contact experience with Tall Blonde extraterrestrials who told her they were involved in the creation of humanity and rescuing large numbers of humans at the end of different historical ages. She described the ends of the First, Second and Third Worlds where human civilizations were wiped out by cataclysms due to the dangers they posed to the planet in developing advanced technologies without the right ethical understanding. Delicado said the Tall Blondes intervened in huge spacecraft (aka space arks), to take large numbers of humans off the surface to the safety of outer space, the bottom of oceans, or Inner Earth, to wait out the cataclysmic surface events. The Tall Blondes, she pointed out, are very different to the “Tall Whites” encountered by Charles Hall at Nellis Air Force Base in the 1960s.

After her profound contact experience, Delicado was approached by Men in Black and other organizations who wanted to recruit her to different official government programs so they could better understand alien technologies. She said that the contact enhanced her psychic abilities, and she was invited by a secret Russian organization to join a psychic community, where she would be trained and be among “her kind”.

In her first Exopolitics Today interview, Miriam  Delicado discusses her incredible contact experiences, the life-changing events that happened afterward. She also discusses the dangers that lie ahead as humanity enters the End Times where confusion and corruption abound, and critical thinking is compromised in ways that are very similar to the end of Atlantis.

Miriam Delicado’s book is available at:


Mar 28, 202401:30:14
Looking back in time to 03/09/24 to see whats coming. Part 2

Looking back in time to 03/09/24 to see whats coming. Part 2

On April 9, 2022 Dr. Michael Salla presented his ground breaking research in a 2 hr webinar titled ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal. Today this information stands as an important resource of uncensored disclosure in the exopolitical and more importantly, Humanities Global Awakening. We are excited to present to you this presentation in two parts. This episode is Part 2.

Mar 25, 202401:04:31
Pentagon Tries to Hoodwink Congress over UFO Whistleblowers

Pentagon Tries to Hoodwink Congress over UFO Whistleblowers

Pentagon Tries to Hoodwink Congress over UFO Whistleblowers

Plus, the Shocking Execution of an Extraterrestrial Contactee

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 23, 2024 


  • The Pentagon/AARO office and the US Congress/ODNI have starkly contrasting positions between on UFO whistleblower testimonies
  • Remote Viewing of German mystic Maria Orsic reveals her execution by the Soviet military at end of WW2 
  • Jean Charles Moyen’s South Shore Origin 2 released with English dubbing
  • Phil Schneider 1995 lecture revealed aliens abducting humans for adrenochrome trade
  • Aerospace Corporation leading 30 companies in DEI initiative involved in monitoring and smearing a prominent extraterrestrial contactee 
  • Elena Danaan reveals organic consciousness powering the Moon and 17 stasis pods with crew relocated to the command and control center
  • FOIA document reveals standardized military reporting mechanism for UAPs linked to Majestic Document
  • Chris Mellon’s Politico article frames the UFO issue in a manner that dismisses most whistleblower and contactee reports
  • Interview with Dani Henderson where JP contact experiences are discussed
  • British special forces involved in UFO crash retrieval operations
  • Compelling historical evidence presented that retrieved alien spacecraft have been successfully reverse-engineered
  • A Hill article shows how AARO’s historical UAP report mirrors what was done to Project Blue Book 70 years ago.  
  • European Union Parliament holds a meeting on UFO reports.
  • One Day to Crypto Terrestrials Webinar Announcement  
  • These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

Twitter Feed:

Mar 23, 202401:09:37
Looking back in time to 03/09/24 to see whats coming. Part 1 or 2

Looking back in time to 03/09/24 to see whats coming. Part 1 or 2

On April 9, 2022 Dr. Michael Salla presented his ground breaking research in a 2 hr webinar titled ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal. Today this information stands as an important resource of uncensored disclosure in the exopolitical and more importantly, Humanities Global Awakening. We are excited to present to you this presentation in two parts. This episode is Part 1.

Mar 23, 202401:08:29
RETRIEVED Alien Spacecraft have been Reverse Engineered despite claims to the Contrary
Mar 21, 202401:51:25
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 16, 2024

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 16, 2024

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 16, 2024


US Congress cuts funding to NASA while corporations are funding more space missions.

Detailed breakdown of UAP historical report cites glaring deficiencies

Article proclaims Pentagon is heading for disaster due to AARO UAP report – catastrophic disclosure more likely

Webinar Trailer released- Ancient Alien Experiments and Crypto Terrestrials

Space Force budget exceeds NASA but will surge as elements of secret space programs are integrated

UFO Disclosure Project Attorney Danny Sheehan recounts his encounter with secret Project Blue Book files in 1977 that contained photos of retrieved flying saucer craft

Could Romanian President entering race for NATO leadership be a reward for him suppressing news of the discovery of an ancient Hall of Records under Bucegi Mountains in 2003?

President Eisenhower’s role in agreements reached with Aliens Revealed by Great Granddaughter in New Book

Afghanistan is another example of a major war ostensibly caused by geopolitics, typically involving deeper exopolitical factors.

New JP video highlights ETs monitoring humanity’s consciousness and the importance of the love ethic

The wise Reptilian entity depicted in Japanese art is similar to Naga beings in Vedic art and literature.

Analysis of AARO historical report discussing July 1952 shootdown attempt against a flying saucer involved in Washington flyover

Four primary goals in AARO historical report point to a coming false flag UFO event

These and other stories on Exopolitics Today - The Week in Review.

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Mar 16, 202401:06:16
Ancient Alien Experiments & Earth's Cryptoterrestrials

Ancient Alien Experiments & Earth's Cryptoterrestrials

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower is the Great Granddaughter of President Dwight ‘Ike’ Eisenhower, and in her first book, Awakening the Truth Frequency, she sets out to clarify the role he played in secret agreements reached with a breakaway Nazi colony in Antarctica and later agreements with extraterrestrials. According to Eisenhower, Ike, was overruled by the MJ-12 Special Studies Group, which had been set up under President Truman to manage the extraterrestrial presence. She cites historical events that support the claim that an agreement amounting to a surrender of some kind had been reached soon after the Washington DC flyovers in July 1952 by Nazi antigravity spacecraft flying out from Antarctica.

In subsequent encounters with extraterrestrial visitors, after he assumed the Presidency in January 1953, she asserts that Ike’s hands had been tied by the earlier agreements the MJ-12 Group had reached with the Germans during the Truman administration. In her book, Eisenhower asserts that in response to the dire ‘exopolitical’ situation, Ike created a ‘Special Section’ within the US Marine Corps, that would be responsible for intervening to protect the US Republic if the agreements with the Germans and extraterrestrials went awry.

In her Exopolitics Today interview, she responds to critical questions about different factions of human-looking ‘Nordic’ extraterrestrials the Galactic Federation of Worlds in terms of them either being compromised through their collaboration with the Nazis or helping the US Navy help transition humanity to a Star Trek Future, and the nature of ‘the surrender’ that had been achieved during the Truman administration. Finally, Eisenhower explains what lies ahead for humanity in terms of a timeline split as our planet transitions from 3D (Earth) to 5D (Tara) and finally to 7D (Gaia).

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower’s book is available on Amazon at:

Her website is:

Mar 14, 202401:19:44
Ancient Alien Experiments & Earth's Cryptoterrestrials
Mar 11, 202403:14
Empire Strikes Back: AARO Puts UFO Disclosure on Hold

Empire Strikes Back: AARO Puts UFO Disclosure on Hold

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 9, 2024 


  • Prominent US Senator backtracks on UFO disclosure 
  • China views UAPs as a national security threat due to their US and ET origins
  • Remote Viewing Area 51 and Crop Circle Investigations
  • Indian News story on JP’s recent mission to an underground secret gold stash
  • Creation of an official Tik Tok account 
  • JP shares personal reflections about his covert military missions to different national park locations, the secrets hidden there, and the beauty of nature.
  • US Space Command General warns of Russia’s threat in space which is very potent due to its SSP assets
  • New documentary on Unidentified Submersible Objects 
  • Timothy Alberino interviews USAF pilot who first revealed the Kandahar Giant story 
  • Tim Phillips, Acting AARO Director, gives a Press briefing and releases UAP Historical Report 
  • These and other stories on Exopolitics Today - The Week in Review.  

Twitter Feed:

Mar 09, 202450:41
Encyclopedia Galactica is a Guidebook to over 150 Spacefaring Alien Civilizations in our Galaxy

Encyclopedia Galactica is a Guidebook to over 150 Spacefaring Alien Civilizations in our Galaxy

In a new illustrated color book, Encyclopedia Galactica: From Andromeda to Canis Minor, Elena Danaan provides detailed drawings of over 150 spacefaring extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy. She describes how she began with crude black and white drawings from her 2020 book, A Gift From The Stars, and used different AI art programs to colorize these, and then applied digital artistic tools to add facial and skin features of representatives of each race. In response to questions, Danaan explains how her project can be viewed as a continuation of her former professional archeological career restoring artwork found on Egyptian temples.

Encyclopedia Galactica is the first volume in a multivolume series that provides full-color artwork and summary descriptions of over 1000 spacefaring alien races in our solar system. Danaan asserts that she could access a galactic-wide akashic record of extraterrestrial civilization through an upgraded implant to complete the first volume and intends to do the same for subsequent volumes.

In this Exopolitics Today interview, Danaan discusses several extraterrestrial races she covers, highlighting their history and how they interact with Earth.  She also responds to questions about what she encountered in an ancient library on the Nibiru mothership, which uses triangle-shaped holographic tablets to cover galactic history. She also responds to questions about what Thor Han Eredyon encountered in a joint Earth Alliance and Galactic Federation of Worlds mission to the Moon where a command-and-control room was found in the center of the Moon that incorporates an organic consciousness and has a crew who are currently in stasis pods that will eventually awaken to pilot the Moon. Danaan was told that the Moon would only move when it could do so without causing widespread problems for Earth.

Encyclopedia Galactica is available in paperback and hardcover versions on Amazon at:

Elena Danaan’s website is

Mar 07, 202401:38:42
Remote Viewing Area 51 and Crop Circle Investigations

Remote Viewing Area 51 and Crop Circle Investigations

Mar 04, 202401:08:55
Pentagon Cover-up! UFO Whistle-blowers Silenced in Historic Update

Pentagon Cover-up! UFO Whistle-blowers Silenced in Historic Update

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 2, 2024 


  • New Illustrated book covers Extraterrestrial Civilizations
  • JP video on Artemis Accords and life throughout our solar system
  • Elena Danaan webinar discusses ancient library on the Nibiru mothership, the connection with the Emerald Tablets.
  • An update on the UFO historical report that will be released soon by the Pentagon as required by the NDAA for 2023.
  • Tom DeLonge claims multiple gods are connected to UFOs and are responsible for global conflict.
  • Former Air Force OSI agent, Richard Doty, claims there are only five ET species visiting Earth 
  • Credible sources tell investigative journalist Christopher Sharp that a key office in the Pentagon is stifling further UFO whistleblower testimonies from going public 
  • The Crypto Terrestrials: Ancient Guardians of Earth's Secrets - New Webinar
  • John Warner IV responds to a video that the Pentagon has an odd shape due to happenstance.
  • Richard Dolan's video "10 Key Facts about UAP" covers worldwide UFO & USO reports, USO reports, but missing contactee and SSP reports.
  • 5 Top Remote Viewers focus on Rapture/Harvest/Event 
  • The Why Files cover the testimonies of several insiders about what's going on in Antarctica.
  • A huge treasure trove of gold plates have been found & are being released to a global alliance according to the latest JP update.
  • Lloyd Austin promoting NATO war with Russia in a Deep State contrived Gog and Magog War
  • Much speculation over this UFO sighting in Ukraine. UFOs often seen in war zones for multiple reasons 
  • These and other stories on Exopolitics Today - The Week in Review.  

Twitter Feed:

Mar 02, 202401:08:29
 JP Update #31 - The Ancient Underground Castle with Gold Plate

JP Update #31 - The Ancient Underground Castle with Gold Plate

On February 20, 2024, JP was sent on a five-man mission to an underground location in an icy cold region of the US. He was taken by a Blackhawk helicopter, where he and his companions were drugged and woken up when they arrived at the destination. They were dressed in black outfits equipped with radio-connected masks and proceeded to enter a giant underground cavern that was very cold with ice. They saw a large underground castle-like building that was covered by ornate gothic-style architecture with many mythological figures depicted including gargoyles.

There were other military teams at the location filling shipping containers with gold plates, each weighing around 25 lbs (11 kgs) and shaped like a frisbee. Each shipping container was marked with a different destination around the planet, suggesting that a deal had been reached where the gold and artifacts from the ancient castle would be shared with an international alliance of some kind.

JP next witnessed several very tall beings, over 6ft 6in (2 meters) also wearing masks guarding a doorway, who he suspected were non-human. JP talked with a short-haired Nordic who said he was there to study and catalog the artifacts. There was also a Gray-like entity that was also studying the artifacts and watching the actions of the different teams. JP’s team proceeded to load one of the shipping containers with the gold plates and finished when it was loaded.

JP supplied two illustrations of his military team traveling to the underground location and the castle, and took a video of the end of the mission where he and his team arrived back on Blackhawk helicopters at night. He concluded that his team’s role was to observe and reveal the mission to the general public.

JP's Instagram:

JP's YouTube:

Feb 29, 202443:11
Nephilim Giants and the Secret War in Laos

Nephilim Giants and the Secret War in Laos

Brad Olsen recently returned from the Plain of Jars in Laos, where he investigated megalithic stone jars up to 9 feet (3 meters) in height that local legends connect with ancient giants living in the area. There are currently just over 1300 of the mysterious jars remaining after an intense bombing campaign during the secret war conducted by the US against Laos since 1964. In addition to carpet bombing the Ho Chi Minh trail used to resupply the Viet Cong, Olsen believes that the secret war set out to destroy archeological evidence of giants who are the legendary Nephilim described in ancient religious texts.

The Nephilim are described in texts such as the Book of Enoch, as the genetic byproduct of 200 Fallen Angels (aka extraterrestrials) interbreeding with humans. Olsen believes the Nephilim giants were active all over the world and could reach heights of 20 feet (6.5 meters) or more, as well as live for well over a thousand years as described in the Sumerian King’s List. Importantly, he asserts that most of the giants were sterile as they resulted from interbreeding between two distinct species, humans and extraterrestrials, and died out over millennia due to natural causes or pogroms by local humans.

However, Olsen maintains that some giants did have breeding capacity and continue to live in small hidden communities around the world, such as the Kandahar Valley in Afghanistan and the Plain of Jars prior to the bombing campaign.

Olsen also acknowledges that giant Anunnaki scientists may be hidden in stasis chambers who will soon awaken to share their advanced knowledge to help usher in a golden age for humanity. He believes that the Deep State may have the goal of destroying the local habitats of areas where surviving giants live or lay dormant in the hope of preventing them openly appearing to the public, and sharing their accumulated wisdom with the rest of humanity.

Brad Olsen’s website is:

Feb 26, 202401:11:55
Uruguay Joins Artemis Accords: The 36th Country to Sign! UFO Disclosures Shake Germany!

Uruguay Joins Artemis Accords: The 36th Country to Sign! UFO Disclosures Shake Germany!

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Feb 24, 2024


Uruguay becomes the 36th country to sign Artemis Accords.

Germany is finally beginning to take the UFO issue seriously after decades of ridiculing witnesses.

A Glimpse into Catastrophic Disclosure - Webinar Highlights

A biography is released on Maj Donald Keyhoe a pioneer in exopolitics.

NASA's Clipper mission to Europa will arrive in 2030 to explore whether or not life exists in the oceans under the surface ice.

The sources that leaked the Majestic Documents were CIA operatives

Update on recent discoveries in the center of the Moon by the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit researchers refuse to acknowledge the key role played by Clifford Stone.

Sol Foundation is not ready to hear experiencers share their story at next event in Washington DC.

Congresswoman Anna Luna reveals how she learned UFOs are of non-human origin.

JP releases short video on coming disclosures on ET life.

Russian researcher exposes ancient Symbiont Underground and Space Terrestrial Nonhuman Civilizations.

Who honestly believes the Odysseus probe is "the first American spacecraft on the moon since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972"?

Jesse Michels releases an insightful podcast of Thomas Townsend Brown's role in the classified world of antigravity research.

These and other stories on Exopolitics Today - The Week in Review.

Twitter Feed:

Feb 24, 202401:13:45
 Exposing Earth’s ancient Symbiont Underground & Space Terrestrial Nonhuman Civilization

Exposing Earth’s ancient Symbiont Underground & Space Terrestrial Nonhuman Civilization

According to Dr. Anton Anfalov, a leading Russian UFO researcher, UFOs derive from different ancient underground civilizations that are insectoid in origin. He claims that insectoids established flourishing civilizations on the surface of Earth before moving to large underground bases, out of which they deploy antigravity spacecraft and are able to hide their existence through highly developed psychic abilities. Similarly, fierce Reptilian-looking entities exist in underground caverns who are subservient to the insectoids and act as bodyguards. Over the course of millions of years, due to multiple sources such as Darwinian natural selection, genetic manipulation by the Insectoids, and devolution from higher spiritual planes, Dr Anfalov asserts that human beings evolved.

He further claims that Nazi Germany was helped by these underground Insectoid and Reptilian species to develop advanced spacecraft because humans are highly valuable workers who could be used for space colonization. Dr Anfalov coined the term “Symbiont Underground & Space Terrestrial Nonhuman Civilization” (SUSTENC) to describe the ancient planetary alliance established involving insectoids at the top of the control hierarchy, with humans at the bottom.

More controversially, Dr . Anfalov believes that all claims of extraterrestrials coming from other solar systems are incorrect and that these alleged interstellar spacecraft are, in fact, part of the SUSTENC led by indigenous insectoids who are colonizing other parts of our solar system and beyond using their Reptilian and human subordinates. Finally, he claims that while Russia and the USA have been attempting to reverse engineer captured insectoid spacecraft for decades, they have made only limited progress, with the US having achieved the most success with its Solar Warden secret space program.

Dr. Anton Anfalov has interviewed hundreds of Russian and Ukrainian whistleblowers and been given documents on the UFO phenomenon dating back to the early post-World War II Soviet era. He has gained much knowledge about UFO crash retrieval operations in the Soviet Union and Russia; learned about ancient underground tunnels built by extraterrestrials that the Kremlin repurposed for deep underground military bases; the capture in 1965 of several Praying Mantis Insectoids from the Inner Earth; and the existence of a Russian secret space program.

Feb 22, 202401:42:08
Highlightsof the February 3rd Webinar. A look into whats comming in 2024
Feb 19, 202435:22
Shocking Evidence of Earth-Based Reptilians & Alien Technologies Revealed!

Shocking Evidence of Earth-Based Reptilians & Alien Technologies Revealed!

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Feb 17, 2024


Corroboration found for 1999 contact case with an Earth-based Reptilian

4k version of Cameron’s The Abyss coming on March 12

JP video on UFO released on his new YouTube channel

Exposing Deep State Psyops Hiding the Truth about Alien Life & Transformative Technologies

Recent whistleblower testimony confirms the existence of confiscated film footage of a UFO shooting down a dummy nuclear missile in 1964 over Big Sur, California.

Sol Foundation releases video presentations from its inaugural symposium held in Nov 2023.

Dr Hal Puthoff reveals how corporations take full control of retrieved alien spacecraft

UFOs have entered the Political and Entertainment mainstream

Space Force creates Space Futures Command that will partner with corporations in coming up with the best ideas on what technologies to develop

John Warner IV reveals UFO secrets Antarctica, the US MIC and Catastrophic Disclosure

Congressman sounds the alarm on an unknown national security threat in space

Jean Charles Moyen interviewed on George Noory’s Beyond Belief

Kerry Cassidy on the AI Alien Agenda and the Future of Earth

These and other stories on Exopolitics Today - The Week in Review.

Twitter Feed:

Feb 17, 202401:25:16
The US Military Industrial Complex, The Fourth Reich, and Catastrophic Disclosure of UFO secrets

The US Military Industrial Complex, The Fourth Reich, and Catastrophic Disclosure of UFO secrets

According to John Warner IV, the US military-industrial complex has for decades hidden the truth about encounters with extraterrestrial life and technology, and the existence of a breakaway German colony in Antarctica that survived the collapse of Nazi Germany in 1945.  Advanced technologies acquired from crashed flying saucers, and secret agreements reached with the Antarctica Germans/Fourth Reich and extraterrestrials, have led to the development of multiple secret space programs. Warner asserts that corporations control the reverse-engineered technologies through the historical application of  “Internal Research and Development” agreements reached with US military services that were in possession of captured non-human technologies.
Warner believes that past attempts at UFO disclosure were aborted due to the vested interests of major corporations and political elites who stood to lose reputations and livelihoods if the truth about alien life and a surviving German Antarctica colony was ever publicly disclosed. He claims that the most recent example occurred in 2005 through a secret disclosure conference recently revealed by Dr Hal Puthoff, which Warner learned involved the Arlington Institute.  Consequently, he believes that we are headed for a catastrophic disclosure where a major nation such as Russia or China will disclose what they know about visiting extraterrestrial life. He remains pessimistic about the full truth ever being publicly revealed due to the great power corporations hold over reverse-engineered technologies, which allows them to dictate the extent and pace of UFO disclosure by manipulating public information sources.
Warner is the son of former US Senator, John Warner III, who was twice Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee from 1999 to 2001 and from 2003 to 2007, and also Secretary of the US Navy from 1972 to 1974. Warner IV was exposed to many secrets confidentially shared by some of the most powerful military and political officials in the US, and information he received that he extensively researched to learn the truth. In December 2023, he released a fiction-based-on-fact book, Sanity was a Luxury, where he reveals the results of the extensive research he has conducted into the classified world of UFOs and reverse engineering alien technologies.
John Warner IV, Sanity Was a Luxury is available through Amazon or through his website at:

Feb 15, 202401:22:11
Exposing Deep State Psyops Hiding the Truth about Alien Life & Transformative Technologies

Exposing Deep State Psyops Hiding the Truth about Alien Life & Transformative Technologies

Dan Willis, a former US Navy veteran, news anchor, and 2001 UFO disclosure witness, has for decades encountered multiple psychological operations used to hide the truth about extraterrestrial visitors and transformative technologies from the general public.  These psyops began during the Second World War when the world public was deceived over the alleged “total victory” over Nazi Germany and not informed about a significant breakaway German colony in Antarctica and South America that was in possession of the “wonder weapons” developed with the assistance of extraterrestrial visitors. Hitler had threatened to unleash these to win the war in Europe, but they were not ready for deployment. Instead, the German-ET wonder weapons were taken to Antarctica to create a Fourth Reich and were used to defeat successive British and US naval expeditions sent to find and destroy the German Antarctic colony in 1946 and 1947.

Over the successive decades, the scientific community and general public were deceived in another well-thought-out psyop that the Fermi Paradox was true when in actuality, there were multiple encounters, diplomatic meetings, and even agreements reached with multiple extraterrestrial visitors to our planet.

 Sophisticated psyops were also developed to convince the public that rocket propulsion was the optimal way for humanity to become a spacefaring civilization, while exotic antigravity and torsion field propulsion systems were covertly developed and used in secret space programs. Finally, advanced holographic healing technologies were developed that could fully regrow human limbs and organs, and could be used for life-extension purposes.

Dan Willis websites are: and

Feb 12, 202401:46:02
UFO Motherships, UAP Records Collection, Crushing USAF Innovation & Artemis Accords

UFO Motherships, UAP Records Collection, Crushing USAF Innovation & Artemis Accords

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Feb 10, 2024 Topics • Congressman Tim Burchett believes that crashed UFOs have been retrieved and studied, but they have not been successfully reverse engineered • Remote Viewing underground bases, ETs and Inner Earth Civilizations: Interview with John Vivanco • Historical photos of small UFOs entering cigar-shaped mother ships take on new significance. • Space Force sends its first Guardian into Space but is he truly the first? • US National Archives creates official rules for collection of UFO records from military and government entities. • Martin Scorcsese Superbowl commercial is predictive programming for alien invasion or new cosmic religion. • Weaponized Episode lays out solid case for Dr Sean Kirkpatrick’s sabotaging AARO during his tenure as its Director • Historical film of John Northrup’s B49 flying wing achievement and interest in UFOs corroborates William Tompkins testimony. • What’s Coming in 2024: Catastrophic Disclosure webinar now on Vimeo. • Huge ocean found under Saturn’s moon Mimas, corroboration of UN Diplomatic outpost there. • Does former NOAA Director, Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, belief in non-human intelligence derives from briefings about undersea ET bases • Greece becomes the 35th signatory to Artemis Accords further cementing US leadership in space affairs for decades to come Twitter Feed:

Feb 10, 202439:28
Two Earths, the Nephilim and Overcoming Alien Manipulation: An Interview with Dr. Brooks Agnew

Two Earths, the Nephilim and Overcoming Alien Manipulation: An Interview with Dr. Brooks Agnew

Dr. Brooks Agnew has traveled the world in search of archeological evidence and records about ancient Earth history that he analyzed in his four-volume book series, The Ark of Millions of Years. He has found that a race of extraterrestrials called the fallen angels in ancient texts, including the Book of Enoch, established a race of giants called the Nephilim who became a corruptive force in early human civilizations. He believes the Nephilim were not entirely exterminated in the Great Flood and made a come-back. They have ever since been agents for surviving fallen angels who manipulate humanity through war, religion, and corruption.

Dr Agnew asserts that four out of the original 200 fallen angels continue to operate on Earth in locations such as Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, Antarctica, the Middle East, and Asia. He has also researched Inner Earth literature extensively and concluded that an entryway can be found at the geographical North Pole. Finally, he believes that humanity will survive the efforts of the fallen angels through the Nephilim and corrupt human elites to manipulate them by no longer supporting endless wars and opting instead for global peace.

Dr. Brooks Agnews website is:

Feb 08, 202401:03:17