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Clashing with Class

Clashing with Class

By Eyesha Sadiq and Hannah Mathew

In this podcast, reporters Eyesha Sadiq and Hannah Mathew from the Hawk Eye discuss opposing views of different topics to learn about the other side.
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Movie Theaters

Clashing with ClassMar 30, 2023

Clashing with Class: The end of the school year

Clashing with Class: The end of the school year

In the ninth episode of “Clashing with Class,” we talk about the end of the school year. Some of us like the change, and some of us don’t. So do you like it or hate it?

May 19, 202316:01
The Usage of ChatGPT

The Usage of ChatGPT

In the eighth episode of “Clashing with Class,” we discuss whether ChatGPT should be used in schools. Some of us think that we should use it, and some don’t. So, do you think we should use ChatGPT in school? 

Apr 28, 202325:49
Clashing with Class: Fears

Clashing with Class: Fears

 In the seventh episode of “Clashing with Class,” we discuss facing fears. Some of us think  facing our fears directly is better, while some of us think that avoiding our fears is better. So, do you think facing your fears head-on or avoiding them is better?

Apr 09, 202322:03
Movie Theaters

Movie Theaters

In the sixth episode of “Clashing with Class,” we discuss movie theaters. Some of us think that watching movies at home on streaming services is better, while some of us think going to the movie theater and watching a movie is better. So, do you think watching movies at home is better or at the movie theater?
Mar 30, 202317:34
Clashing with Class: Climate Change

Clashing with Class: Climate Change

In the fifth episode of “Clashing with Class,” we discuss Climate Change. This episode they debate climate change, some of us believe abrupt change is a necessity, while some of us think we need to move gradually.

Feb 22, 202324:07
Clashing with Class: New Year Resolutions

Clashing with Class: New Year Resolutions

In the fourth episode of “Clashing with Class,” we discuss New Year's Resolutions. For some of us, New Year's resolutions are things we look forward to, and effective goals that push us forward, but sometimes they can lead to failure. Some of us find them helpful and some of us don’t. So, do you like them or hate them?

Jan 12, 202315:16
Clashing with Class: Stress

Clashing with Class: Stress

In the third episode of “Clashing with Class,” we discuss stress. Stress can be both good and bad: it can help motivate you to reach your goals or it can overwhelm you and can cause mental illnesses. Some of us find stress helpful and some of us don't. So, do you like it or hate it?

Nov 29, 202231:35
Clashing with Class: Traditions

Clashing with Class: Traditions

In the second episode of “Clashing with Class,” we discuss traditions. Traditions can be fun, something we look forward to every year, and help us learn about our culture. However, traditions can also be stressful, repetitive and out-dated. Some of us enjoy them and some of us don’t. So, do you like them or hate them? 

Oct 30, 202219:26
Clashing with Class: Halloween

Clashing with Class: Halloween

This year Halloween is on Monday, October 31st. Halloween is full of fun activities including watching scary movies, trick or treating, and dressing up. Some of us enjoy the festivities and some of us don’t. So, do you like it or hate it? 

Oct 17, 202210:14