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New Business Edu

New Business Edu

By Fabio Oliveira

Welcome to the New Business Edu Podcast. We upskill professionals and companies with global digital expertise in marketing, sales, governance, leadership, strategy, and mindfulness to students and any people looking for cutting-edge thinking and upskilling. We believe digital technologies can equip us, and enable us, to work a better and more productive life! Empower yourself and your company in a world empowered by technology.
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Mastering Search Engine Optimization with Simon Schnieders

New Business EduNov 29, 2021

Mastering Search Engine Optimization with Simon Schnieders

Mastering Search Engine Optimization with Simon Schnieders

In this episode of the Business Edu Podcast, Fabio Oliveira interviews Simon Schnieders, CEO at Blue Array SEO.   Simon gives a taste of his experience in providing services and managing companies that excel in their SEO strategies and implementation. We talked about the importance of SEO strategy and tactics for companies of all sizes and sectors.   The major challenges a company faces to build an SEO strategy and how machine learning (ML) improves SEO implementation. We conclude with insights and opinions about the future of SEO.  #seotips #businessstrategycoach #henleybusinessschool #seoexpert #seostrategy #seomarketing #digitalamarketing #digitaltranformation #digitalcareers #digitaladvertising #digitalgovernance #qatraining #ulsteruniversity #phdlife

Nov 29, 202133:41
The Integrated Leader with Dr Chris Dalton. Associate Professor at Henley Business School.

The Integrated Leader with Dr Chris Dalton. Associate Professor at Henley Business School.

In this episode of the New Business Edu podcast, I speak with Chris Dalton about his new book: The Integrated Leader: A Foundation for Lifelong Management Learning. A penetrating conversation about how to manage lifelong learning, knowing yourself and others, listening and not judging, and much more. Chris provides invaluable insights for leaders and professionals at any stage in their careers.

The Integrated Leader: A Foundation for Lifelong Management Learning. We have spoken about the Integrated Leader, which is a contemporary search for the questions to which 'leader' or 'leadership' is an answer. Taking a thoughtful approach to management education and learning, this book explores and explains ideas not usually found in books written for managers. Its purpose is to provoke the kind of reflection and thinking that experience (and most leadership training) tends not to reach. The book will get leaders and managers to stop and think. This may not sound like much, but it is very important and significant. It represents a shift in gears in personal leadership thinking and is written for anyone who wants to ask better questions of themselves. The Integrated Leader is practical and also philosophical. It is easy to read and will reward multiple readings. Informed by the experience of practicing managers who re-enter education, it does not simply regurgitate tired old leadership theory. It neither talks down to the reader nor dumbs down any of the complex concepts needed to sustain organisational and personal health and well-being. The book includes between-chapter reflections on the Integrated Leader's Manifesto, an eleven-point declaration for leading self in various contexts. The Integrated Leader is a must-read for anyone sincere in their need for sustainable personal development.

Jul 12, 202145:15
As mudanças na profissão de vendas com Raul Candeloro do Venda Mais

As mudanças na profissão de vendas com Raul Candeloro do Venda Mais

Ouça Raul Candeloro, fundador e dono do portal sobre gestão de vendas Vendas Mais compartilhando a sua trajetória como empreendedor, os desafios da liderança em vendas, aprendizado contínuo e mudanças que as tecnologias digitais trazem para a profissão de vendas! Imperdível!

#vendamais #empreender #liderança #gestaocomercial #vendas #digitalmarketing #ai #gestão #datascienceacademy #transformaçãodigital #vendedor #vendedores #vendedordesucesso #keyaccountmanager #keyaccount

Jun 30, 202145:33
Digital Identity, Virtual Boarders with Dr Emre Eren from Oxford University

Digital Identity, Virtual Boarders with Dr Emre Eren from Oxford University

1. Dr Emre thanks for having us.

You published a new book, Digital Identity, Virtual Borders and Social Media. A panacea for Migration Governance? Can you please, briefly highlight the topic of this book.

2.  The book is available on the Edward Elgar publishing website, Dr Emre, the implementation of digital identification and digital technologies applied to immigration control is raising several critics. Why is it important for the society to debate this topic, and where are we today?

3. This is a new topic for me, and possible for most of our audience. As such, can you explain what is a digital identification system, and what is the value/benefit for people, corporations, and public sectors?

4. You and your team at Oxford centre for technology and development are preparing a report entitled: Digital Identity: An analysis for the Humanitarian Sector, which I thank you for sharing the draft with me. In this report there are 7 critical questions faced by humanitarian organizations in the development and implementation of digital identity solutions. Can you please give an overview of some of these questions and the proposed answers for them?

5. In the report, the authors quoted the Redrose’s system, which can be leveraged to power cash-based transfer payments. Can you speak more about the role of digital identity to access this type of service, and what is the importance of people have access to this system?

6. What are the challenges for adopting digital identities in the humanitarian organizations? Would these challenges be the same for private companies?

7. I understand that actual data governance practices and protocols need revision to support the introduction of a new model such as the digital identities systems. What are the MUST Dos for board members, directors leading the data governance practices?

8. Digital systems are costly and requires more than up front financial investments. What is the suggested approach for the humanitarian sector and other companies to solve this dilemma, of must do digital transformation and scarce resources?

9. A Software as a Service model can be an option for the adoption of digital systems? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this model for non-profit organisations, and for small companies?

10. We are reaching the end of our interviews. This topic is very interesting, and I am positive that we would have subjects for a much longer conversation. Can you please tell us when the report will be published and how our audience can access it?

11. Thank you again for your time Dr. Emre. I wish you the best of luck and success in your projects!

May 23, 202127:05
Robótica Colaborativa: Tendências, oportunidades e desafios com Denis Pineda, Universal Robots.

Robótica Colaborativa: Tendências, oportunidades e desafios com Denis Pineda, Universal Robots.

Nesse episódio o professor Fabio Oliveira conversou com Denis Pineda, country manager South America da Universal Robots. Denis apresentou informações sobre o mercado atual, as oportunidades para adoção da robótica colaborativa, as expectativas de ROI, e como a robótica pode ajudar as empresas e os profissionais em uma abordagem mais holística e de longo prazo.

May 11, 202146:11
ESG Agenda: Utopia, Political, Risk or Concern for Strategy?

ESG Agenda: Utopia, Political, Risk or Concern for Strategy?

ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) agenda is in the mainstream media attention. Investors, politicians, and academics discuss the topic. In this episode, Fabio Oliveira speaks about ESG with Professor Andrew Kakabadse, who has undertaken global studies spanning over 20,000 organisations (in the private, public and third sector) and 41 countries. His research focuses on the areas of board performance, governance, leadership, and policy. His background is in environmental sciences, public policy, child guidance and psychiatric social work, and organizational psychology.  Andrew has published 45 books and over 250 scholarly articles, including bestselling books The Politics of Management, Working in Organisations, The Success Formula, and Leadership Intelligence: The 5Qs. He has won numerous prizes for his scholarly articles.

May 03, 202129:58
Diversity, Resilience, Life-long Learning: Women in the IT industry with Isabel Scavetta

Diversity, Resilience, Life-long Learning: Women in the IT industry with Isabel Scavetta

Isabel Scavetta speaks about her career in the I.T industry, your current role as Agile Artificial Intelligence enabler at Rolls Royce, and the challenges in the industry.

We cover the topics:

The IT industry lacks diversity. How has been your journey so far, and what are the challenges you face in this industry?

You are very young but already have strong experience and diverse skills. You are a winner of the 2020 Code First Girls: Team Player Award (CFG), 2020 Diversity Hackathon Finalist (Vodafone, CFG) and the 2017 Women in TEC Leadership Award (Skyscanner, Bright Network). Please, tell us about these experiences, what were the key learning from each one, and the key challenge?

You are now working with A.I in the Rolls-Royce's Data & AI Innovation. What are your views about the role and impacts of A.I today, both for the industry, professionals, and society?

I would like you to tell us about Agile Methodology. Tell our colleagues what is it about, and its' benefits.

I know you have strong technical skills and you are a bright young woman. Now I want you to speak about the soft skills and the attitudes that complement your successful journey so far.

We reached the end of our interview, please leave key messages for the students and professionals that are listening to us?

Apr 25, 202112:13
Gameficação na Educação
Apr 20, 202123:40
Digital Transformation in the Health Care System: Dr Nayan: CEO Avegen

Digital Transformation in the Health Care System: Dr Nayan: CEO Avegen

In this episode, Dr. Nayan, CEO of Avegen talks about how digital technologies help health care providers improve the patients' treatments while improving hospitals and clinics' performance. A win-win approach. Dr. Nayan and Fabio Oliveira speak about the challenges and opportunities of data-driven decision-making, the importance of data integrity, and the key role of front-line staff involved at the beginning of any digital transformation journey. For board members and the top management team, it is pivotal data governance and transparency. The Board of directors needs to ensure the company is adopting IT systems that enable the management team and board members real-time feedback on the company's performance.  #digital transformation #IoT #boardofdirectors #henleybusinessshool #avegen #healthsystem #health #datadriven #decision-making #decision-makers #artificialintelligence #datavisualization #dataanalytics #machinelearning #digitalisation #digitalization #ITsystems #cybersecurity #digitaljourney

Apr 11, 202124:04
Augin: realidade aumentada aplicada para a construção civil e arquitetura

Augin: realidade aumentada aplicada para a construção civil e arquitetura

No novo episódio do New Business Edu Podcast, o CEO da Augin, Juan Carlos Germano fala sobre a tecnologia realidade aumentada aplicada para a construção civil, arquitetura, o software de Realidade Aumentada Gratuito Augin, e temas relacionados à transformação digital. Confira!

Apr 03, 202126:35
Cyber Security: Perspectives for better governance with Keith Maher

Cyber Security: Perspectives for better governance with Keith Maher

Fabio Oliveira talked with Keith Maher, the Lead Enterprise Information Security Architect at John Lewis & Partners, and the Executive Director at Marketing LESS about Cybersecurity. Advancements in digital technologies and regulations such as DPA and GDPR bring compliance obligations for companies, have added this topic to the board of directors' spotlight. Keith talks about challenges, risk management, the importance of leadership strategic view. In the UK alone, almost half of the businesses, percent, and a quarter of charities, 26 percent, report having cyber attacks in 2020. In Brazil, there were up to 2.6 billion cyberattacks in 2020. Public institutions and private institutions are hiring insurance policies that together surpass £3M.

Mar 27, 202112:15
A importância da felicidade : Responsabilidade individual ou coletiva?

A importância da felicidade : Responsabilidade individual ou coletiva?

Nesse episódio o professor Fabio Oliveira entrevista a Daniela Nicolini, Consultora em Comunicação e Marketing, Especialista em Bem-Estar e Felicidade, Facilitadora FIB (Felicidade Interna Bruta) e CHO - Chief Happiness Officer. A Daniela explica o conceito, o papel do gestor, a responsabilidade individual sobre a felicidade, técnicas de intervenção pessoal e coletiva para promover condições à felicidade. Daniela também oferece dicas de livros e um panorama com estatísticas que ilustram a importância do tema.  O New Business Edu é um canal e podcast que conecta você à conhecimentos global sobre temas contemporâneos de gestão, liderança, governança corporativa e transformação digital.

Mar 21, 202117:33
Data Storytelling, planejando e contando a história dos dados com Stéfano Carnevalli

Data Storytelling, planejando e contando a história dos dados com Stéfano Carnevalli

Na era do Big Data todos dizem que os dados são o novo petróleo. No entanto, quem trabalha nas áreas de ciências de dados, inteligência artificial e marketing sabe muito bem que essa premissa não é bem verdadeira. A verdade é que existe um processo sistemático e laboroso para preparar esses dados e transformá-los em insights e informação. Por exemplo, para utilizar os dados extraídos por meio de dispositivos conectados à internet, ou navegação em um e.commerce é necessário limpar os dados, prepará-los e analisá-los, de forma que a interpretação seja assertiva e motive decisões baseadas em dados que tragam maior retorno para as empresas.

O produto final desse processo é a visualização dos dados. Ou seja, preparar uma apresentação com utilização de técnicas que evidenciem a melhor história que os dados podem oferecer aos tomadores de decisão. Para falar um pouco mais sobre esse tema, visualização de dados, estamos com o Stéfano Carnevalli, autor do primeiro livro em lingua portuguesa sobre o tema Data Storytelling. Planejando e contando história dos dados, publicado pela Editora CRV. Eu sou apaixonado por esse assunto, já que por mais de 15 anos atuei tomando decisões com base em dados.

Mar 19, 202118:51
Google Analytics 4.0: What's new?

Google Analytics 4.0: What's new?

In this first episode, we interviewed Lukas Krejca from AstroLabs Academy in Dubai. Lukas has 10+ years in digital marketing, 4 years in SaaS, and he helps entrepreneurs understand basic principles of (digital) marketing and not fall for baits around. At AstroLabs, his role is to lead and develop new programs which will drive our digital market forward. He endeavors to develop programs that change people's careers and businesses.

Lukas talks about Google Analytics 4.0 and how we can use the tool to achieve higher marketing and sales results.

Mar 10, 202112:03