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Faith Is Hope

Faith Is Hope

By Faith Is Hope

Think of it like this, when you’re driving down the interstate and you see one of those Rest Area One Mile signs. That rest area is Jesus. When you pull in, he gives you everything you need to get back on the road. I’m sorta like that sign, I’m just letting everyone know he’s there. You can pull in or continue on, the choice is yours. But without Christ, what chance do any of us have of making our destination? Heaven.
Currently playing episode

One World Order

Faith Is HopeMay 06, 2023

Let's Talk About It
Sep 01, 202313:49
To Whom Much Is Given
Jun 18, 202310:07
Are You Woke or Awake?
Jun 09, 202312:06
What Is A Prophet?
Jun 03, 202311:39
What God Has Shown Me
May 28, 202311:47
What's Important To You?
May 24, 202310:29
The Church
May 12, 202309:06
One World Order
May 06, 202309:57
Apr 28, 202307:18
What Comes After
Apr 22, 202310:15
Preparing For The Tribulation
Apr 14, 202309:50
Change Of Plans
Apr 07, 202310:37
Watching The Seasons
Apr 01, 202309:39
Mar 24, 202309:28
Let's Talk What's Coming - Part 2
Mar 17, 202310:25
Let's Talk What's Coming
Mar 11, 202311:06
Faith Is Hope Podcast Special Announcement
Mar 03, 202300:28
World War or War on the World

World War or War on the World

World War or War on the World? Satan has waged his war on the world since the time of Adam and Eve. It all started with a lie, and that lie grew until sin covered the world. So God searched the world for one righteous man, Noah. God told Noah what was coming and what to do. And then God washed evil from the face of the earth. But sin rests in the hearts of all mankind. So again sin has grown and it covers the world. And God will again wipe sin from the face of the world. And that is a fact.

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Feb 24, 202307:43
The Love of God Grows Cold
Feb 18, 202308:10
Preparing For Christ's Return
Feb 10, 202311:14
Satan's Government
Feb 04, 202308:45
The Lamb and The Lion
Jan 27, 202309:01
The Lamb and The Lion Promo
Jan 23, 202300:24
Just One Thing
Jan 20, 202308:41
Visions, Heaven and Hell
Jan 14, 202310:02
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Jan 07, 202310:30
Dec 31, 202209:01
The Birth Of Forgiveness
Dec 23, 202209:05


I think that there are very few things that have the exact same meaning to every single person, every single time. If you ask my little girl, no means no until my back is turned, then it magically transforms into yes. But, Jesus, who he is, what he is, and what he isn't’ has never changed. Now some folks may not want to believe or accept who Jesus is. But that doesn’t change him, it changes you.

There have been all kinds of speculations or what I call, what if made about Jesus. And I gotta tell you some of the things people are saying really, for lack of a better word “piss” me off. I mean there’s a pastor that said, he supports abortion. He said God gives us a choice, and that’s true, he did. So tell me how’d that choice work out for Adam and Eve? God did give us the ability to choose. He also gave us his commandments, laws, ordinances, and statutes, and those he chose to educate us about them so we'd know the difference between right and wrong and be able to make the right choice. This pastor said that he’s been studying the scripture all his life, and for some reason thinks that supporting abortion is what Jesus would do. Well, I gotta tell you pastor, and all you pastors, ministers, and priests, satan knows the bible inside and out, forwards and backward, and in every language spoken. But Satan isn’t using it to do God’s work, and if you’re perverting God’s word, then you’re not using the scriptures to do God’s work either.

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Dec 16, 202208:14
The Church

The Church

Church, what does that mean? I’d imagine to most it’s the building where you go each week to worship. But is that the church? Jesus told Simon Peter you are the rock I will build my church on. So what is the church?

The church is the people. The Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come, and he answered them. “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed, nor will they say, Look, here it is! Or There! For behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” (Luke 17:20-21) Jesus also said, “For where two or more are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matt. 18:20) Now Jesus is talking about two different things here. If you have a problem with someone, and they have sinned against you, go to him. If he listens then you gain your brother. If not, take your evidence, with one or two witnesses to the elders of the congregation. The other thing that Jesus was talking about is that when you come together, brothers and sisters, and you pray and you worship God, you’re his church. The church isn’t some million-dollar building with a hundred-thousand-dollar sound system and some big screen monitors. Jesus spoke to thousands while sitting on the side of the mount of olives. Just Jesus, the people, and the word of God. And after that, after Jesus spoke, he didn’t charge them, he fed them. So, are we being fed the meat, the bread, the wine? Or are we being given the scraps, going hungry, for the word of God?

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Dec 09, 202210:11
The Storm
Dec 02, 202209:26


First I want to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. For me, Thanksgiving isn’t about turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy, pumpkin pie, okay, well maybe the pumpkin pie. It’s a time to remember and reflect on all that I am grateful for and thankful for. For everything that God has given me because everything comes from God. And he has truly blessed me and my family. And that’s why I say thank you.

Let’s talk about sin and what it is. We all have our own ideas or beliefs of what sin is. But, what does God say sin is?

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as 1. An offense against the religious or moral law. 2. An action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible.

The Bible defines it as 1. A transgression of the law of God. (1John 3:4)

Okay, so sin is the breaking of God’s laws. But aren’t religious laws and moral laws the same as God’s laws? Well, yes and no. If we think of sin as a crime, then they are the same. Stealing is a sin, and it’s a crime. So why is it so difficult for people to know what sin is and what it isn’t? Well, mainly because mankind keeps changing the rules to suit themselves. God said that murder is a sin. Mankind says murder is a crime. But, if you use the word abortion instead of murder then it’s alright. It’s the same thing, they just changed the rules. God said that stealing is a sin. Mankind says stealing is a crime. But, if you steal less than a certain amount then it’s alright. It’s still stealing, they just changed the rules. 

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Nov 25, 202208:06
Round Table with Dave, Bob and Jeremy
Nov 14, 202229:28
Nov 11, 202208:15
What Satan Looks Like
Nov 04, 202208:30
Oct 28, 202206:59
Trees and their Fruit
Oct 21, 202207:09
Gifts - Part 2
Oct 14, 202208:12
Gifts - Part 1
Oct 07, 202207:38
Sep 30, 202208:17
Faith and Hope

Faith and Hope

In my first podcast, “I’m Dave”. I said that pain is a very dark place and that it’s very easy to stop looking for that light at the end of the tunnel. Pain comes in many forms, and it attacks everybody differently. And sometimes, it takes us right to the edge of the cliff, and that’s the danger. Our physical pain, and emotional pain, can usually be managed in a variety of different ways. Medical treatments, therapy, counseling, whatever. But how do you treat spiritual pain? When your faith is attacked, when you start to lose hope in everything and everyone. Then what? There’s no magic pill to take or procedure you can have done. So what do you do? 

Sep 23, 202208:06
I'm Dave
Sep 15, 202207:36