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Faithfully Led

Faithfully Led

By Sean

Transforming christian leadership to deal with life’s everyday struggles. Common sense solutions for the nonsensical world.
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Identity Unveiled:Daughter of the King of Kings

Faithfully LedNov 18, 2019

It Does NOT Define Me
Aug 10, 202028:18
The Unstoppable Nicole Henderson
Aug 06, 202039:05
Out of the Dust (Chris and Stephanie Teague)
Jul 21, 202048:44


Tribe!!  Man, this has been one heck of a week for me, and for the rest of us, one heck of a year.  Some of us unfortunately have lost more than they have ever imagined.  Our nation as a whole has lost sight of what we stand for, and our identity.  In this episode I speak about the importance of knowing who we are and our identity.  If we don't know who we are as an individual, how can we contribute to a group? 

Also, I touch on the most incredible opportunity that I have that I am raising the funds for, and here is the link if you can share or donate,  I was just offered a spot to speak on 10-30 Minute episodes on Tunein Radio with non other than Jill Nicolini.  We will talk about leadership and faith.  This will take the ministry to over 68 MILLION listeners.  I can't do it alone, I need your help to raise the funds for the airtime.  As you know I am a single father of 3, and your help is greatly appreciated.  Please donate and help out!!

Don't forget to visit and sign up to download your FREE E-Books today!!

Jul 16, 202013:58
Alex and Sarah Dumas, how to be prepared at home, and business
Jun 29, 202047:55
The truths we hide, with Annette Whittenburger

The truths we hide, with Annette Whittenburger

Tribe, I had the honor of speaking with Annette Whittenburger the founder of  Annette is very open about her own personal struggles of depression, anxiety, and as a veteran her struggle to understand how to take off the uniform when you weren't ready to.  She is a mother of two teenagers and a spouse of someone in the military, she felt compelled to not only tell her story of dealing with PTSD and depression, but she wants to help you tell yours.  

You can contact Annette at

on Facebook

and on Twitter

Jun 16, 202041:04
Couples On Fire with Josh and Kristy Groce
Jun 08, 202048:29
Coaching and married life with, Alex and Sarah Dumas
Jun 01, 202040:55
Mistakes made, lessons learned. The difference between the Military and Entrepreneurship with Chris Galluccio

Mistakes made, lessons learned. The difference between the Military and Entrepreneurship with Chris Galluccio

Tribe!! As you all know I served proudly in our armed forces for over 17 years.  You learn a thing or two about leadership, but you also tend to think that those skills automatically transfer over when you leave the service.  Many entrepreneurs like myself found out the hard way.  My guest today is someone I am proud to not only call my friend, but family!  Chris Galluccio and I served together work on F-16 Fighter jets.  I was the guy who took care of the entire jet, but he was the guy who ensured the pilot ejections system was always ready to perform flawlessly.  

The skills that we both acquired, attention to detail, ensuring that the paperwork was correct, communication, training, all of these and more we lived every day of our careers.  Chris has his own photography business, which you all have to not only follow, but check out because it is amazing!! You can check it out at but what he didn't realize was building a business wasn't anything like servicing, or repairing the ACES II ejection seats inside of the F-16.  

Chris Created and has his own course that he created that will help you, the military entrepreneur how to navigate the frustrations of building a business, but utilizing your skills that you learned while serving to your benefit.  Chris' knowledge about this subject is immense, and something that not only veterans can use, but entrepreneurs in general.  

Tribe, don't forget to post on the FB page, and let me know what you think!!

May 28, 202040:03
Faith, Trials and Triumphs of an Ex-NFL wife, Angela Marshall
May 27, 202030:55
Radical Mentoring, with Kevin Harris

Radical Mentoring, with Kevin Harris

Tribe!! As we are all indoors, and on lockdown, even as some of our states have begun to open up we still have to find ways to adapt to our new lives.  It's not a new normal, but a shift in how we live our life.  The best way to help you with that change is having a mentor.  There is a saying, "War doesn't wait until you are ready" and now our world is in a radical change. 

 Today’s guest is Kevin Harris, President of Radical Mentoring, an intentional small group mentoring process to help church pastors engage men, build a core group of leaders, and transform their churches. Kevin is passionate about being a resource for church leaders that have incorporated small group mentoring into their disciple-making strategy.

Kevin and I speak about how we as men can not only break certain societal stigmas, and become the leaders God, our family, and our communities want and need.  These are some crazy times we are living in and we have to be able adapt quickly.  the best way we can do that is by Faith, but also having a mentor to guide you through help help discern what God is doing for you in your life. 

Reach out to Kevin and take advantage of his resources, FREE!!  Check out Radical Mentoring and change your life!! 

Don't plan for the worst and hope for the best, Plan for the best and adapt to the worst.

Instagram @radicalmentoring

Linkedin in/kevin-harris

Twitter @RadicalMentors

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook, and on instagram @faithfully_led

May 19, 202043:46
Importance of being prepared for the inevitable with Keith Jones
May 14, 202026:40
Shopify Online business, and coaching with Jason Packrandt
May 11, 202028:34
Fear and how not to let it control you, with Pastor Steve Hinton

Fear and how not to let it control you, with Pastor Steve Hinton

TRIBE!!  Yes, I am now posting my interviews on You Tube so everyone can enjoy.  I recorded this episode yesterday with Pastor Steve Hinton.  I previously had him on the show a few weeks back, and if you didn't get a chance to check out that interview, I will post the link so you can listen in and get acquainted.     

Pastor Steve called me last week and told me about a sermon he had given about fear. He hated if we could do a podcast together speaking about this since everyone is in limbo concerning how to move forward after quarantine.  I knew right away that this was a great idea, I just didn't know how God was going to come through our conversation.    We all have no idea what to expect after all of this, and many of us are going through an incredibly difficult time right now, and we all can't help but have some fear.  It's normal to fear, but what we don't want is for that fear to take over and control our ever thought that we have.   Pastor Steve and I go over some great points, and I even gave some detailed notes on what were talking about below so you can read and understand for yourself.  If you want to reach out, please don't hesitate to contact me directly on FB or on instagram @faithfully_led  I pray this helps you overcome your fear, and helps you put God at the center!

Steve Hinton

Confessions: Finding Hope Through One Pastor's Doubt.

1. The Origin of Fear -            Not born with it.

Note Gen 2:25 to the change in Gen 3:10

A “Right” fear – reverence of God – Isa 6:1-8

2. The Damage of Wrong Fear

We give in

We become slaves

We spread it to others

We get ahead of God

We shrink back

We miss out –

3. The Victory Over Fear

Recognize the big / eternal picture

Reality of Hebrews 9:27

Coupled with Luke 12:5

Then can move into:   Prov 9:10 / 2 Timothy 1:7

Remember Past victories

PS 77:11 and Philip 4:6

Reprogram our Thinking        Romans 12:2

Philip 4:8

Rely on the Team

Ill of difference between a High School track Team and Football team.

1 Thes 5:11

Resolve to do good

Romans 12:21 / Philip 4:13

Jesus defeated the greatest fear – death

Ill of Stonewall Jackson:

“General, how is it that you can keep so serine with a storm of shells and bullets raining about your head?”

“Captain Smith, my religious belief teaches me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time for my death. I do not concern myself about that, but to be always ready, no matter when it may overtake me.  That is the way all men shout live, and then all men would be equally brave.”

May 07, 202042:06
The Neighborhood Hope dealer, Lathan Craft
May 04, 202034:50
Finance in crisis, with Tammy Medica
Apr 30, 202028:08
Faith, and entrepreneurship with Jake Anderson
Apr 27, 202050:44
Enhance your Faith with Schavass Hamilton
Apr 27, 202021:51
Understanding your Avatar with Colin Dingelstad
Apr 13, 202040:52
Being Successful right where you are, with Abigail Sinclaire

Being Successful right where you are, with Abigail Sinclaire

TRIBE!!!  Man, I can not even begin to tell you how much fun I had making this episode, and how blessed I am to have Abigail Sinclaire on the show.  This has been a long time coming, and Abigail and I have been working together in her that connects entrepreneurs to help not only their business grow, but help others create opportunities. 

Today we speak about how it takes to work from home, but also tips on how to stay focused and use your gifts that God has already given you to make a successful business, and most importantly, bless others to create the best life that God has intended for you.  Abigail touches on her 10...yes 10 DIFFERENT INCOME STREAMS AND 4 OF THEM WERE CREATED JUST THIS YEAR ALONE!!!  

Tribe we are in a perfect position to not only step into faith in knowing what God has destined us for, but how we can help others, and bless others right where they are.  To help others tap into their unlimited potential, and live the life that God intended.

Apr 08, 202052:01
The New Normal with Pastor Danny Davis
Apr 06, 202052:32
Simple Habits for Effective Parenting, with Dr. Randy Schroeder
Mar 25, 202029:40
Communicate wisely with your Spouse with Dr. Randy Schroeder
Mar 05, 202035:40
Dadhacking with Patrick Antonucci
Feb 21, 202037:58
Real talk with Erik Allen
Feb 14, 202040:31
Your Body Temple with Susan Neal
Feb 04, 202035:31
Talking faith with Damon Nailer
Jan 21, 202054:18
Leadership with Kyle Gorman
Jan 17, 202041:15
Falling and redemption with Rob Decker
Dec 21, 201901:18:12
Cutting it up with Dr Charles Thomas Jr

Cutting it up with Dr Charles Thomas Jr

When you think of “long-term success”, what first comes to mind? Is it Leadership? Possibly Craftmanship? Focus and Determination? There are many ways in which long-term success can be defined. Dr. Charles Thomas Jr.’s journey offers deep insight into how consistency and discipline lead to the achievement of varied personal and professional goals. 

Today, I speak with Dr. Charles Thomas Jr. a professor, and a #1 Best selling author of the book, Best Kept Secrets, released in late August 2019, debuted as an Amazon #1 New Release for 30 consecutive days. Best Kept Secrets also ranked as a #1 Best Seller and has consistently been in the top 10 since its release. 

We discuss faith and leadership in our community and what we can do to help shape the youth of tomorrow.  

Go to and and check out all of my facebook live interviews with the all of the top Christian hip hop artists, like Riz-Rob, ASAP Preach, and Christ Rebel.  

Dec 12, 201958:54
Let it Go with Aleechea Pitts
Dec 07, 201934:18
Talking Leadership with Brandon Duran
Dec 06, 201942:41
Thriving Blended families with Joel Hawbaker

Thriving Blended families with Joel Hawbaker

Joel is a Christian professional speaker, coach, and author, and I help young blended families build bridges from frustration to cooperation by focusing on the Gospel.  Joel is also a #1 bestselling author, he wrote a book on Christian leadership called 'Inverted Leadership: Lead Others Better By Forgetting About Yourself', and you can get your copy by clicking on the link here in the description  

Joel and I speak about what it's like to truly do some serious personal reflection when relationships go bad, and having to deal with blended families and thrive through the chaos of emotions.  Let's face it, we are human and all have feeling, but we have to control those feelings for the better of our children, and to truly live a life that emulates Christ.

Connect with Joel on facebook,, Twitter,, and Linkedin,

Don't forget to visit Joel's website,

Go and visit my website and download your FREE E-BOOK, The Aftermath and learn how to thrive through adversity!  

Dec 03, 201953:55
Acts 1:8 with Sara Thurman
Dec 02, 201938:50
Faith and Leadership with Steve Hinton
Nov 29, 201928:27
To The next Step with Kyle Grappone
Nov 27, 201948:45
Out of despair with Ellis Lucas

Out of despair with Ellis Lucas

In 1997, Ellis Lucas was wallowing in despair at the Clay County Missouri Jail after his home was raided by a SWAT team in connection with a massive ring of drug and paraphernalia manufacturing. He could never have imagined the unbelievable life transformation that was about to occur...

Alone and scared in his jail cell, Lucas couldn’t help but flashback to a tumultuous life that included everything from childhood abuse to years of depression, drug and alcohol addiction, the premature loss of his mother, hatred of his father over their turbulent relationship, a violent car wreck, a near-death experience in a house fire, debts beyond his means, a broken marriage and estrangement from his children. There in his cell, Lucas was reminded of the fervent Christian faith his mother clung ever so tightly too, right up until cancer robbed her of every last breath.

As Lucas chronicled extensively in his highly acclaimed first book, The Potter And The Clay, before his case ever got to trial, he was given some startling and surely supernatural news. The authorities were not able to find a single one of his fingerprints in any room or on any possession in that entire house, despite the fact that he had touched practically everything in the place! All charges were dropped.

This month marks the release of Lucas’ new book, WANTED, and you can get it exclusively at

Go too and download your FREE E-BOOK "The Aftermath"  and schedule your free session with me and let me take you to the next level!!

Nov 26, 201944:50
Hometable Community with Erin Reibel
Nov 22, 201930:56
Feast or Famine
Nov 20, 201936:21
Identity Unveiled:Daughter of the King of Kings
Nov 18, 201940:39
Loneliness with Amber Killman

Loneliness with Amber Killman

What an episode this is!!  Everyone feels lonely at times, and there is a difference between that and loneliness.  Today, Amber Killman of Speak Life Squad, and I talk about both, and how you can grow and push past these feelings of loneliness.  Amber comes with great advice on how you can really grow where you are and how important your faith plays in that role.  You can follow Amber on Instagram @speaklifesquad and contact her if you need inspiration, and a way to get out of where you are.

Amber's story is very profound, and she can help you become the person you truly want to become!!

Remember to look out for me on Wrestling with Fatherhood podcast with my good friend Matt Woodrum!! 

Check out and download your FREE E-Book, The Aftermath and set up your free coaching session with me!

Nov 15, 201920:42
L.I.O.N.'s D.E.N.

L.I.O.N.'s D.E.N.

Lies, Inadequate response, On going unprosperous situations we get stuck in, Negativity, Denial, Ego, Non belief in yourself-L.I.O.N.'s D.E.N. when you break it down this is a great way to look at things.  We all fight the lies that are being told to us, from everywhere, through satan. we all feel like we have, or not prepared to have an adequate response to issues, situations where we feel stuck, and the negativity that surrounds us.

 We sometimes live in denial, let our ego's get the best of us, and not believe in ourselves, and have to face situations that we are not prepared to handle, or feel that way anyways.  In this episode with Chris, he and I talk about what people can do to overcome these issues, how this acronym can be useful in identifying what is happening in your life today. How you can have God help you get through whatever it is that is keeping you from your best.  Remember, God protected Daniel from the lions, in THEIR DEN, what makes you think he won't protect you when you are in the enemy's den?!

Visit Faithfully Led online at, and on FB and become one of the Tribe members!

A new members only page will be coming where you can have direct access to me, and like minded people that will help raise you up from where you are! Not to mention special access to courses before it will be released to everyone else, and a ton of other resources that will help you on your journey!

Email me at to book your free 30 minute coaching call with me so I can help you achieve your own God given destiny!

Nov 13, 201938:09
Taking a stand with Emily Gaudreau: The fight against Sex Trafficking

Taking a stand with Emily Gaudreau: The fight against Sex Trafficking

Emily Gaudreau is a former photographer who one day had an epiphany about the industry that she was in.  It gave  her incredible insight on something that plagues us all.  She heard the call from God to step up and help families educate themselves on how to protect their children from sexual predators.

Emily has an incredible podcast, How to Raise a Maverick, and her website has tons of resources for every family to protect themselves against sexual predators.  Emily's FREE COURSE will be available tomorrow and you can sign up here and you can contact Emily directly at and see how she can help you protect your family

Become a Faithfully Led Tribe member by following me on instagram @Faithfully_led and on Facebook at and email me at 

If you want One-on-One coaching email me directly, and visit my website and download my FREE E-Book The Aftermath and go book your free consultation.

Nov 11, 201943:43
Lola Folayan

Lola Folayan

Today Faithfully Led Tribe, we meet Lola Folayan who is a modeling coach and hosts her own podcast, Lolas Snippets on Anchor
Lola tells us about about how she came to the United States and started her own modeling coaching career teaching others what she loves. She was a model, and after realizing the God had other plans for her, she transitioned to coaching. She describes how God, and her faith have helped her settle in NYC and becoming a citizen of the United States to achieve her goal of coaching models.
Lola shares with us her personal journey of how God guided her to where she is today. If you want to reach out to Lola and find out more, subscribe to her podcast, and contact her directly at, and also follow her on instagram @lolafolayann and also
Don't forget to be on the lookout for the relaunch of Wrestling With Fatherhood Podcast as I co-host with my good friend Matt Woodrum
Follow me on Instagram @Faithfully_led and checkout the website at
If you are looking for a plan to get out of the situation that you are in, spiritually, financially, I have a plan for you that I will taylor to you specifically, so email me at and we can set up your FREE 1 HOUR COACHING SESSION and get you on the right track!
Nov 08, 201923:15
Fear with Chris O'Such
Nov 06, 201928:08
Ruth Snyder

Ruth Snyder

I got the honor and the privilege to have Ruth Snyder as my guest.  Ruth is an author, speaker, and a coach who hails from Canada and gave us some insight on the struggles of infertility and how she overcame the pain of trying to start a family through her faith.  Ruth gave us a compelling story of adversity, and how she overcame it all.  Ruth also gives us some great tips on how to become a self published author, and what to do if you are struggling to come up with ideas to write about.  

You can contact Ruth at and also you can download her FREE guide called 10 Steps to Sharing Your God-Given Message

and if you want Ruth to coach you or speak at your next event, click on the link below and contact her directly

Go to and contact me directly for your free 30 minute coaching session or, book me to come speak and inspire at your next event!!

Don't forget to look for me on Wrestling With Fatherhood podcast with my. good friend Matt Woodrum as we talk about everything about fatherhood and making men better men!

Nov 01, 201945:14
Overcoming Shame

Overcoming Shame

This is the first episode in a series with my brother in Christ, Chris O'Such.  Today we are speaking about shame, and how we deal with it, and how we can overcome it.  Fact is, we all feel shame about something, and this can hold us back from achieving God's blessing on your life.  This will keep us from achieving our true potential, and not being able to go and help others that are dealing with the same thing. 

Chris and I get deep into this topic and Chris shares some personal shame that he had to let go of to help him become the Sheppard that he is. In earning trust in himself, and his peers, by doing something incredibly brave to unlock his potential in his own life, but also in leading others.  Chris shares some great insight and tips on how to use not only God's word, but how it applies to your everyday life and struggle.  Make no mistake, dealing with shame is an everyday struggle, and Christ opens up on how he took on the fight head on.

Like and share Faithfully Led, and subscribe so you won't miss out on my future episodes.  

Give a review and comment on iTunes so others can be blessed with what we have to share!

Check out my website and if you are looking for a speaker, or if you have a story and want to be featured on Faithfully Led, email me at and have your story heard so others can be blessed.

Don't forget to check me out on Wrestling With Fatherhood with my great friend, Matt Woodrum!!  We are going to be bringing value that you wouldn't believe!!

Oct 30, 201923:58
Stop telling yourself NO, and go get it!!

Stop telling yourself NO, and go get it!!

Besides procrastinating, more dreams die because of lack of support from a spouse or loved ones. You are telling yourself “NO” because of other’s opinions. Today, I am going to talk about why you don’t need to believe them, and why you just need to go get it!
Oct 24, 201917:40
Your proximity, and character

Your proximity, and character

Today I am speaking about how keeping the right people around you, in your close proximity will change your life in faith, home, and career.
Oct 14, 201919:47
The Truth

The Truth

The old saying is, you are entitled to your own opinion, but not your facts. In this episode I am detailing why it’s important to know the that “your truth” is nothing more than an opinion, and perspective, not fact. There is only ONE TRUTH and you have to realize that, if not you are only manipulating the situation.
Oct 12, 201915:18