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Falmouth Vineyard Church

Falmouth Vineyard Church

By Falmouth Vineyard

Listen to the weekly sermons from Falmouth Vineyard Church in Cornwall, UK. For more information about who we are, visit
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The power of blessing - Trevor Galpin

Falmouth Vineyard ChurchApr 22, 2024

Imagery of Water in John's Gospel

Imagery of Water in John's Gospel

Join us as Jon White unpacks the imagery used of water throughout the gospel of John and how we can receive this living water and be refreshed in Him.

May 06, 202426:23
The Great Commission - Jonny Lewis

The Great Commission - Jonny Lewis

Jonny Lewis is the Church Engagement Manager for the South and West areas and speaks to us about the Great Commission that Jesus gives his disciples and through them - all followers of Jesus.

Apr 29, 202434:54
The power of blessing - Trevor Galpin
Apr 22, 202436:50
The Life and Times of Peter / Nathan Gilbert

The Life and Times of Peter / Nathan Gilbert

This morning we look at the incredible life of Peter up to his denial and then restoration by Jesus. Every choice is a chance and when Peter is given choices he messes up but this doesn't lead to his permanent disqualification. Instead Jesus lovingly restores him with forgiveness a fresh commission.

Apr 08, 202426:03
Sunday 24th March / Palm Sunday

Sunday 24th March / Palm Sunday

Today is celebrated as Palm Sunday and we are looking at the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem by Jesus on a Donkey. We look at 3 aspects of the story - how the nature of how Jesus entered Jerusalem displays the nature of His Kingdom, how the Crowd changes their shouts from Hosanna, to Crucify and lastly at how we can have Hope Redeemed at the anticipated cross.

Mar 25, 202425:38
Sunday 17th March / Philippians 4:4-7 / Eliza Jones

Sunday 17th March / Philippians 4:4-7 / Eliza Jones

We have had the absolute privilege of having Eliza Jones interning with us from @moorlandsteam (Moorlands College) for the last 5 weeks serving in various ministries within the church. Today she shares with us how we present everything causing us anxiety to God and in the exchange we receive a peace that surpasses understanding.

Mar 18, 202425:43
Vision Sunday 2024 // Roots, Shoots & Seeds

Vision Sunday 2024 // Roots, Shoots & Seeds

This week Nathan set out the 3 priorities for Falmouth Vineyard in 2024.

Mar 04, 202437:34
6th Birthday Celebration

6th Birthday Celebration

It's our 6th Birthday! Join us as we celebrate all that God has done and look forward to 2024.

Feb 26, 202401:00:25
Q&A with Dr Laura Neilson

Q&A with Dr Laura Neilson

We were really privileged to have Dr Laura Neilson with us for the weekend sharing her experience and wisdom as she leads in Healthcare and the Church. A very inspiring morning (and challenging) morning!

Feb 12, 202439:26
Philippians 4:1-3 - A Community of Reconciliation

Philippians 4:1-3 - A Community of Reconciliation

The Community of the Kingdom isn’t the absence of conflict – it is the presence of reconciliation. We are called to wage peace following the prince of peace rather than wage war as we see in the world. And we are all called to be peace makers.

Feb 05, 202422:04
Philippians 3:12-21 - "Our citizenship is in heaven"

Philippians 3:12-21 - "Our citizenship is in heaven"

Our very own Rob Graham shares the word from Philippians chapter 3 where Paul reinforces our identity as citizens of heaven. Because of this citizenship we have access to God and Intimacy with Him, we have a culture of transformation into the likeness of Christ and we have the authority that enables us to live in the reality of the power of God and who he calls us to be.

Jan 29, 202423:41
I consider it loss/rubbish

I consider it loss/rubbish

At the core of all of us – our deepest longing, or overriding need – is to be right with God. Deep down we know that, apart from Jesus, we are not right with God. It’s about Faith in the right thing. Faith in the right person. Faith in Jesus.

Jan 22, 202423:26
Going Deeper and Taking Risks in 2024

Going Deeper and Taking Risks in 2024

How about your Spiritual Life? How about your discipleship? How about your walk with Jesus, your pursuit of the Kingdom of God. What are you Discipleship Targets for 2024?

Jan 08, 202428:04
Philippians 2:19-30

Philippians 2:19-30

This week, Peter Amoss unpacks Philippians 2:19-30 and explains how the passage gives us a masterclass in what it looks like to serve others.

Nov 27, 202327:56
Philippians 2:12-18 - Faith that Shine Like Stars

Philippians 2:12-18 - Faith that Shine Like Stars

This Sunday Morning we looked at an amazing passage describing Paul's encouragement to the Philippians to stay obedient to the Word of God in his absence. He urges them to work out their salvation through every aspect of their lives with fear and trembling - awe and reverence.

Nov 20, 202329:58
Philippians 2:1-11 - Citizens of the Kingdom of God

Philippians 2:1-11 - Citizens of the Kingdom of God

In this profound chapter we look at how we can value each other higher than ourselves - laying down any priviledge that we had. Paul uses the example of the Incarnation of Jesus and describes his glory veiled and hidden by taking on humanity.

Nov 06, 202324:46
Philippians 1:27-30 - Citizens of the Kingdom of God

Philippians 1:27-30 - Citizens of the Kingdom of God

There are three sections to this talk from Philippians 1:27-30 starting with followers of Jesus living as citizens of the Kingdom of God. Then we look at Paul's encouragement to stand firm with one another in unity and the Holy Spirit in the face of opposition. Lastly we look at suffering as a gift, a grace, granted to us to live our lives as expression of the lift of Jesus.

Oct 23, 202329:13
Philippians 1:19-27 - To live is Christ, to die is gain...

Philippians 1:19-27 - To live is Christ, to die is gain...

Paul writes this letter to the Church in Philippi from prison, in chains, and then uses this opportunity to spread the good news of Jesus. He comes to the challenging conclusion that if he lives - his life is dedicated to Christ and if he dies then he stands to gain by being with Jesus. The apostle Paul is "All In" are we?

Oct 16, 202330:26
Philippians 1:12-19 - The Most Important Thing

Philippians 1:12-19 - The Most Important Thing

Paul writes this letter to the Church in Philippi from prison, in chains, and then uses this opportunity to spread the good news of Jesus. We look at modern day persecution of Christians, what is most important to us and then what Paul understood by the gospel.

Oct 02, 202325:36
Philippians 1:3-11 - Works in Progress

Philippians 1:3-11 - Works in Progress

We are all works in progress - we are the work, God is working and this is done in God's perfect timescale. If we are welcomed into the Kingdom of God through grace clearly displayed on the cross then how do we walk on this path of grace?

Sep 25, 202323:11
Introduction to Phillipians

Introduction to Phillipians

We shared the exciting news of our new Evening Service - launching on the 1st of October! We also started our new sermon series on the book of Philippians.

Sep 18, 202316:17
Encounters with Jesus - Zacchaeus

Encounters with Jesus - Zacchaeus

We are spending 3 Summer Sundays looking at Encounters with Jesus. Today we look at Zacchaeus - a chief tax collector - that Jesus spotted in the tree and invited himself to his house for lunch.

Jul 24, 202325:41
Encounters with Jesus - Nathaniel

Encounters with Jesus - Nathaniel

We are spending 3 Summer Sundays looking at Encounters with Jesus. This week Andy looks at the radical calling of Philip and Nathaniel.

Jul 17, 202338:43
Encounters with Jesus - Nicodemus

Encounters with Jesus - Nicodemus

We are spending the next 3 Sundays looking at Encounters with Jesus, starting with Nicodemus approaching Jesus at night with a lot of questions.

Jul 01, 202329:33
Empowered Series Interview Panel

Empowered Series Interview Panel

This Sunday, Ruth interviewed 3 women in the church about how they have seen the Holy Spirit at work in each of their lives.

Jun 26, 202348:13
Holy Spirit that Speaks 2

Holy Spirit that Speaks 2

How does God speak to us? And if God speaks how do we listen to his voice? In this talk Nathan builds on the teaching from the first part on Prophecy and gives some practical tips on how God might speak to us.

Jun 19, 202326:47
Holy Spirit that Speaks

Holy Spirit that Speaks

Does God speak today is the question we'll start to unpack during this talk from our morning service. What is the role of prophetic words for the life of a follower of Jesus now?

Jun 05, 202334:09
Pentecost Sunday!

Pentecost Sunday!

This Sunday we had the pleasure of Jon White speaking at our morning service!

May 29, 202328:29
The Message of the Cross - John and Ele Mumford

The Message of the Cross - John and Ele Mumford

We were really excited to have John & Eleanor Mumford with us sharing a message on Sunday the 21st of May, 2023. They founded the first Vineyard Church in the UK, were the National Directors of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland and are now the coordinators of Vineyard Global.

May 22, 202348:54
Holy Spirit the healer

Holy Spirit the healer

Join us as Andy unpacks the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering to heal.

May 07, 202333:04
Holy Spirit the Revealer

Holy Spirit the Revealer

Join us as Nathan shares about how the Holy Spirit is present through the Old and New Testaments, and is still moving today.

Apr 24, 202323:02
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

It's Palm Sunday and in the preparation for Easter we look at how our story is that we have chosen a way of life that rejects God and his way of peace. His way of flourishing. Sin has taken root in our hearts, in our relationships, in our society. The story of Easter is that price being paid - a substitution - Jesus paid our price to redeem us. To release us from slavery to sin. From the weight of shame. This freedom that he bought with his life - this allows us to come back into alignment with his way of peace, peace with ourselves, peace with each other, peace with God and peace with the world.

Apr 03, 202324:12
For God So Loved the World

For God So Loved the World

In the second part of our Gospel Series Andy unpacks one of the most famous verses in the Bible - John 3:16. The gospel starts with God's love directed towards us. God breaks into our personal brokeness and the brokeness of the world by intervening, through Jesus, in love.

Mar 27, 202333:19
Generous living starts with generous giving

Generous living starts with generous giving

In the last of our 3 talks on vision we talk about generosity. In this talk Nathan outlines a Biblical view of giving and the invitation for us all to be generous.

Mar 20, 202332:31
Vision Sunday 2023

Vision Sunday 2023

Every year we set out the priorities that we feel God has called us to for the year.  During this talk, Ruth and Nathan outline the Vision Statement to highlight what we feel God is reminding us of.  It's about Authenticity, vulnerability and community!

Mar 06, 202345:05
Falmouth Vineyard's Birthday Celebration

Falmouth Vineyard's Birthday Celebration

Falmouth Vineyard is 5 years old! Join Nathan and others as we reflect, hear stories and celebrate the last 5 years of Falmouth Vineyard Church. 

Feb 27, 202350:21
Becoming a Person of Influence

Becoming a Person of Influence

It was great to have Naomi Sission share with us on Sunday on how we can become people of influence by being courageous, authentic and humble. 

Feb 20, 202321:54
The Gospel - Part 1

The Gospel - Part 1

We really want to spend the run up to Easter thinking about the gospel.  What is the Gospel?  What isn’t the gospel?  Why is it good news?  Is it good news for everyone?  Where does it start and where does it end?  Are we meant to share it?  Is it still relevant?  In this talk we look at Mark Chapter 1 and Jesus' announcement of the Good News - the Kingdom of God is near.

Feb 06, 202328:44
Prayer Weekend Introduction

Prayer Weekend Introduction

We are really excited to launch our dedicated Prayer Room and are kicking everything off with a weekend of Prayer.  In this talk, Ruth and Nathan give an introduction to the power of prayer in the hope that we revolutionise our prayer lives!

Jan 23, 202338:04
Prayer Panel Interviews

Prayer Panel Interviews

We are really excited to launch our dedicated Prayer Room and are kicking everything off with a weekend of Prayer.  This Sunday we have a group from the Church to help us discover where, how and why to pray.

Jan 16, 202339:02
Advent Hope

Advent Hope

It's the first Sunday of Advent!  That detail may have passed you by but it's a great opportunity to focus on the theme of Hope.  In this week's talk Nathan looks at how we wait for, not only Christmas and the birth of Jesus,  but the return of Jesus at the second coming.  We wait in prayerful expectastion, hopeful anticipation and practically hope.

Nov 28, 202225:13
Daniel 7

Daniel 7

We continue our series on the book of Daniel.  It's an incredible book about living in exile, seeking the peace and prosperity of the city we find ourselves in.    This week the theme and style of the Book of Daniel changes.  Instead of a narrative, we have Daniel's dreams that he is unable to understand.  What can we learn from the sequence of beasts?  What do they teach us about the nature of empires and the beast we find within ourselves?

Nov 21, 202233:34
Daniel 6

Daniel 6

We continue our series on the book of Daniel.  It's an incredible book about living in exile, seeking the peace and prosperity of the city we find ourselves in.    One of the most famous stories in the Bible - Daniel and the Lion's Den!  This morning we look at Prayer as resistance, Persecution tests Faith and the Power of God to Save.  Daniel's character is tested and he is found to be above reproach. He is delivered by God from the lions and from his accusers.  We finish by looking at the parallels with Jesus and lead into Communion.

Nov 06, 202230:25
Child Dedications

Child Dedications

This is a slightly different Sunday and a slightly different talk than usual!  We had the privilege of dedicating 5 of the children in the life of the Church on the 23rd of October.

Oct 24, 202218:00
Daniel 5

Daniel 5

We continue our series on the book of Daniel.  This week we look at the characters of Balshazzar and Daniel, and what we can learn from the choices they made. Daniel is an incredible book about living in exile, seeking the peace and prosperity of the city we find ourselves in.

Oct 16, 202231:43
Daniel 4

Daniel 4

On Sunday 2nd October, Jon White continued our series on the book of Daniel.  It's an incredible book about living in exile, seeking the peace and prosperity of the city we find ourselves in.  This week we look at the rise and fall of Nebuchadnezzar and the danger of pride and the antidote of worship.

Oct 03, 202226:11
Daniel 3

Daniel 3

On Sunday 25th September, we continued our series on the book of Daniel.  It's an incredible book about living in exile, seeking the peace and prosperity of the city we find ourselves in.  This week our heroes take a stand to and will not bow down to the idol of Gold.  We look at the concept of modern day idols and also how God is with us during the hardest times.

Sep 25, 202222:45
Daniel 2

Daniel 2

On Sunday 18th, we continued our series on the book of Daniel.  It's an incredible book about living in exile, seeking the peace and prosperity of the city we find ourselves in.  Daniel interprets the King's dream and in doing so highlights how everything we have is give to us by God.

Sep 18, 202223:56
Daniel 1

Daniel 1

On September 4th 2022, we started a new series on the book of Daniel starting in Chapter 1.  It's an incredible book about living in exile, seeking the peace and prosperity of the city they find themselves in.  It's about speaking to authority, having integrity and living with God as our highest authority wherever we find ourselves.

Sep 04, 202232:60
Encouragement - Part 2

Encouragement - Part 2

On Sunday 17th July, Nathan shared some more thoughts on Hebrews Chapter 10.  How can we encourage one another?  We look at the 3 "Let us..." invitations in the passage on how we can practically be encouraged and encourage one another.

Jul 17, 202224:33