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By Cory Howell

This podcast contains messages from the SOLID Youth Ministry at the First Baptist Church of Jackson in Massillon, OH.
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Wanderer or Warrior: Mad Dog and Jesus

FBCJ SOLID YouthMay 09, 2024

Wanderer or Warrior: The Last Stand

Wanderer or Warrior: The Last Stand

We conclude our miniseries in the book of Numbers by gleaning principles found within the book. With the school year done, this message serves as a heart-check going into camp; to evaluate ways we may be wandering so that we go into next week ready for the fight.

Jun 06, 202401:01:46
Devotion Defined: When Joshua Saw Jesus

Devotion Defined: When Joshua Saw Jesus

In order for the walls of obstruction to fall in our lives, we first must fall. When Joshua encountered the Lord Jesus Christ in Gilgal, there were certain things God revealed to him face-to-face concerning the things in the way. In order for us to reach where God is leading us, we must change our perspective by looking at the Savior!

Jun 03, 202401:00:47
Wanderer or Warrior: Living the Cattle Life

Wanderer or Warrior: Living the Cattle Life

Click here to watch the video clip that accompanies this lesson towards the end in PowerPoint.

Numbers 32 is another watershed chapter that very well could have led to another 40 years of wandering had Gad and Reuben not made the right choice. Are you settling down in your Christian walk, or are you still in the fight?

May 30, 202401:12:33
Sunday Funday Testimony Day

Sunday Funday Testimony Day

We've had 4 of our own go on Discipleship Mission trips lately. We're going to hear from them as well as two more awesome open doors that came up this past week.

May 28, 202455:13
Wanderer or Warrior: The Heat Around the Corner

Wanderer or Warrior: The Heat Around the Corner

On paper, Balaam and Phinehas have more in common than meets the eye. In this message we take a deep dive into both men's lives. Ask yourself: who are you when you're under pressure? When you're being put to the test, what's inside of you comes out, as was the case with Balaam and Phinehas.

May 23, 202401:11:44
Devotion Defined: When Paul Saw Jesus

Devotion Defined: When Paul Saw Jesus

The things Paul counted as "dung" when he saw Christ represent things you and I still struggle with after salvation. This message looks at four elements of pride that Paul surrendered at the foot of the cross, and they're four elements that we need to combat daily.

May 20, 202457:36
Wanderer or Warrior: Sons of Apostasy

Wanderer or Warrior: Sons of Apostasy

Everyone knows the story of Korah...few know the story of his sons and how they refused to let the past define them. Hear their legacy beyond the wilderness and glean from your own life applications for things outside your control.

May 16, 202401:09:37
When Self saw Jesus: A much-needed interlude to "Devotion Defined"

When Self saw Jesus: A much-needed interlude to "Devotion Defined"

We were going to continue our study, but events of this week altered the course of the message. God isn't done speaking to us about the self-life and the self-sins that we allow to rule inside of us.

May 13, 202401:03:47
Wanderer or Warrior: Mad Dog and Jesus

Wanderer or Warrior: Mad Dog and Jesus

Here we look at our first few warriors of the book of Numbers who stood up and refused to wander like the rest. Are you "of another spirit" (Num. 14:24)? Have you "wholly followed the Lord" this school year (Josh. 14:8)? If you've lost steam to finish well then this message is for you!

May 09, 202401:01:00
Devotion Defined: When Isaiah Saw Jesus

Devotion Defined: When Isaiah Saw Jesus

Isaiah's vision of God, while similar to John's, gets more specific with what he sees when his eyes take an inward turn to his own sinfulness. His response reveals more to us as we compare scripture with scripture to see the depths of our hearts and the self-sins that keep us back from full devotion.

May 06, 202449:36
Wanderer or Warrior: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

Wanderer or Warrior: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

A predominant trait of a wanderer in the book of Numbers is that of a murmurer & disputer. Nothing will slow down momentum more and prevent us from finishing well. As you'll see, nothing dropped more bodies in the book of Numbers than complaining. Do any of these 7 murmuring events strike a chord with you?

May 02, 202401:09:56
Devotion Defined: When John Saw Jesus

Devotion Defined: When John Saw Jesus

In our busy season is when we often lose sight of what true devotion to Jesus Christ looks like. In those moments, we need a fresh look into the mirror (2 Cor. 3:18) to see him on a daily basis as John saw him in Revelation 1 so that we too may become "as dead" for his use.

Apr 29, 202401:00:33
Wanderer or Warrior: The Call to Finish Well

Wanderer or Warrior: The Call to Finish Well

Spring can be horrendous for a young believer. Exams, final assignments, procrastinated projects, prom, and incessant games & practice can eat away at your time and cause you to lose focus on the eternal things of God. This miniseries is for us to press forward to finish well and not lose the momentum that we as SOLID have gained over the course of the past year. Grab your sword and shield and press forward!

Apr 25, 202401:06:40
The Monarch of Books: How Modern Bibles Reduce the Lord Jesus Christ & Elevate the Antichrist, pt 4

The Monarch of Books: How Modern Bibles Reduce the Lord Jesus Christ & Elevate the Antichrist, pt 4

In the finale to this series on the King James Bible, we look at ways the devil works his "son" into modern Bibles. In our conclusion, we look at the point of all of this and the stirring challenge these truths leave for us all.

Apr 22, 202401:01:20
The Heart of Uriah (John-Mark Ziegler)

The Heart of Uriah (John-Mark Ziegler)

Uriah the Hittite was an example to Israel in a time of complacency. This message goes along perfectly with our Sunday Morning series in that we need to combat our own complacency by never forgetting the gift of the word & words of God!

Apr 18, 202459:17
The Monarch of Books: How Modern Bibles Reduce the Lord Jesus Christ & Elevate the Antichrist, pt 3

The Monarch of Books: How Modern Bibles Reduce the Lord Jesus Christ & Elevate the Antichrist, pt 3

Parts 1 & 2 of this mini-series dealt with how the Alexandrian bibles attack the character and deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. This message looks at the building blocks and cement mortar that these same bibles contain to resurrect the Tower of Babel. We look at how Satan is working to unite Easter mystical religions and the occult with western Catholic/Protestantism for his one-world government & religious system.

Apr 15, 202448:06
The Monarch of Books: How Modern Bibles Reduce the Lord Jesus Christ & Elevate the Antichrist, pt 2

The Monarch of Books: How Modern Bibles Reduce the Lord Jesus Christ & Elevate the Antichrist, pt 2

In part 1, we looked at how modern bibles modify essential doctrines of Christ. In part 2, we are examining how these bibles weaken the deity of Christ and why it is of the utmost importance.

Apr 08, 202456:53
Ruining Easter

Ruining Easter

Did Jesus die on a Friday? Did he really resurrect on Sunday??? Is there an error in our Bible concerning Easter and the Passover? Where does Easter and all of its traditions come from? Let's ruin Easter!

Apr 01, 202459:50
The Monarch of Books: How Modern Bibles Reduce the Lord Jesus Christ & Elevate the Antichrist, pt 1

The Monarch of Books: How Modern Bibles Reduce the Lord Jesus Christ & Elevate the Antichrist, pt 1

Most know Acts 8:37 as a key example of corruption in modern Bibles, but that's only scratching the surface. The identity of Jesus Christ has been completely stripped and tainted in the Alexandrian texts since the time of Origen. This first part of the lesson will serve to pull back the curtain of just how far the deception goes.

Mar 25, 202453:49
The Next Step in the Journey: Addendum - Andy & Jayme Speight testimonies

The Next Step in the Journey: Addendum - Andy & Jayme Speight testimonies

We studied a lot of the mindset and heartbeat behind the practicalities of making disciples, now let's hear from some of your leaders on their personal experiences being discipled as well as discipling others. Andy and Jayme's stories are a clear indication of how one-on-one discipleship can and will completely change your life no matter your background.

Mar 21, 202455:10
The Monarch of Books: The King James Translators & their Methods

The Monarch of Books: The King James Translators & their Methods

You must look at history through the God's eyes. It's His-story. That's why understanding the events leading up to the King James Bible (last week) is just as important as the events surrounding the translation itself (this week). There are some good practical takeaways in this one as well as some shocking events of history afterwards.

Mar 18, 202401:02:44
The Next Step in the Journey: Addendum - Rick & Megan Lafferty Testimonies

The Next Step in the Journey: Addendum - Rick & Megan Lafferty Testimonies

We studied a lot of the mindset and heartbeat behind the practicalities of making disciples, now let's hear from some of your leaders on their personal experiences being discipled as well as discipling others. Rick and Megan's stories not only serve as inspiration but also a clear warning of what could happen if discipleship dies with your generation.

Mar 14, 202457:31
The Monarch of Books: The Devil's Playbook

The Monarch of Books: The Devil's Playbook

Before we embark on the events surrounding the 8th English translation, we need to look closer at some shocking events of history that Satan has used to try to thwart the publishing of The Monarch of Books.

Mar 11, 202456:28
The Next Step in the Journey: The Strategy

The Next Step in the Journey: The Strategy

If you don't plan to succeed, by default you plan to fail. You must have a strategy when it comes to one-on-one discipleship. These 12 points stressed are of utmost importance that is lacking in successfully fruitful discipleship legacies.

Mar 07, 202443:58
The Monarch of Books: The Perfecting of the English Bible

The Monarch of Books: The Perfecting of the English Bible

Just as essential to understanding Manuscript history is the importance of knowing the history of the English language and subsequent Bible translations that came from Antioch, Syria. Is the King James Bible really written in "Old English"? Tune in to find out the truth.

Mar 04, 202459:53
The Next Step in the Journey: The Pursuit

The Next Step in the Journey: The Pursuit

So often, once we finish one-on-one discipleship we wait to be assigned a disciple. That was never the plan. We are called to MAKE disciples. God has clearly outlined clear ways for us to practically pursue after the sheep that have no shepherds.

Feb 29, 202401:06:44
The Monarch of Books: A Brief History of the Manuscripts

The Monarch of Books: A Brief History of the Manuscripts

Click here for PowerPoint slides, charts, & study sheets because today is HEAVY! Grab a coffee, feel free to pause at the moments when you need to as we take a deep dive into History. These are the facts and they are undisputed.

Feb 26, 202401:02:13
The Next Step in the Journey: The Process

The Next Step in the Journey: The Process

After covering the philosophy behind one-on-one discipleship the last three weeks, it's now time to dive into the practical aspect by utilizing the tool: Student Journey. After having the students pair off to role-play the discipler (teacher) and the disciple (learner) one thing became clear: anyone can do this! This includes you!

Feb 22, 202440:15
The Monarch of Books: Preservation

The Monarch of Books: Preservation

Jeremiah 36 is the most important chapter concerning inspiration & preservation of scripture. Through it, we become illuminated as God reveals to us the way in which he goes about preserving his holy words. The truth found in this passage deserves to be propagated to the ends of the earth.

Feb 19, 202401:00:48
The Next Step in the Journey: The Goals

The Next Step in the Journey: The Goals

It is highly encouraged you download the study sheet here before listening to this lesson. This message provides a good self-evaluation no matter where you are in your journey as a disciple of Christ. There are four goals one-on-one discipleship establishes you in: how are you doing with them?

Feb 15, 202401:07:56
The Monarch of Books: Revelation of Truth

The Monarch of Books: Revelation of Truth

It has always been God's nature to reveal truth, never to hide it. This message will focus on the types of revelation as well as the "diverse manners" and "sundry times" that God has revealed that truth (Heb. 1:1-3). How it all ends is crucial to our understanding of a single & consistent Final Authority.

Feb 12, 202455:25
The Next Step in the Journey: The Value

The Next Step in the Journey: The Value

"The Reed beside the Staff" is an old Spartan proverb that beautifully illustrates the value of One-on-One Discipleship. If you're new: is this what you're missing? If you've been discipled: do you truly value discipleship for the treasure that it is?

Feb 08, 202401:14:09
The Monarch of Books: Final Authority

The Monarch of Books: Final Authority

Many churches say the Bible is their Final Authority, but what do they really mean by that? As we kick off our study on the King James Bible, we'll look at what they say "behind the scenes" & what the true concept of "final authority" means according to the Bible.

Feb 05, 202457:00
The Next Step in the Journey: The Foundation

The Next Step in the Journey: The Foundation

No doubt, if you're reading this you more than likely know WHAT we're all about here. What may not be so apparent, or what may have become lost in our mindset from time to time is WHY we do what we do. This series not only serves as an intro to all of our new additions in the class but a refresher course to our core members. Don't let these truths slip (Heb. 2:1)!

Feb 01, 202401:07:08
There Shall Be Blood

There Shall Be Blood

Our blood has been tainted since Adam & Eve ate of that fruit (spoiler alert - it wasn't an apple). Ever since then, the Bible has been a book of blood. In his infinite wisdom, God decided to rectify the situation with the only solution possible: the shedding of blood ALONE. Tune in to find out how and why it is so utterly crucial nothing is added to the blood atonement

Jan 25, 202401:12:46
A Time to Kill

A Time to Kill

When it comes to dealing with our flesh, violence of action is a necessity. On the heels of Winter Camp, this message once again goes back to the Old Testament as our picture book to illustrate the practical ways that we kill our giants by faith.

Jan 22, 202450:50
Winter Camp Session 4: The Way we Please God as a Warrior (John-Mark Ziegler)

Winter Camp Session 4: The Way we Please God as a Warrior (John-Mark Ziegler)

We close out Winter Camp with looking at a group of common warriors in the Bible who made themselves fools for God, and as a result God was able to do impossible things through them. What are you prepared to do for your King, watchmen?

Jan 16, 202401:04:05
Winter Camp Session 3: The Giants Conquered by a Warrior (John-Mark Ziegler)

Winter Camp Session 3: The Giants Conquered by a Warrior (John-Mark Ziegler)

This isn't your typical David vs. Goliath story. Here we see the fight hit home in our own lives as we need to decide if we're going to let our faith be as tall as the giants we face.

Jan 15, 202401:30:55
Winter Camp Session 2: The Mission of a Warrior (John-Mark Ziegler)

Winter Camp Session 2: The Mission of a Warrior (John-Mark Ziegler)

In what was a riveting and heartfelt message, the Sr High was presented with a firsthand account of the reality of the spiritual war that lies before them. If you listen with ears to hear, you will be too.

Jan 15, 202401:15:48
Winter Camp Session 1 - The Mind of a Warrior (John-Mark Ziegler)

Winter Camp Session 1 - The Mind of a Warrior (John-Mark Ziegler)

We kick off our Sunday School hour with the first message of Winter Camp and our theme "Spiritual Warfare: My Personal Battle". Tune in as we see that a proper mindset is the key to determining the outcome of any and every battle.

Jan 14, 202432:24
Kings & Priests, pt 2 of 2: A Tale of Two Kings

Kings & Priests, pt 2 of 2: A Tale of Two Kings

Our final message leading into Winter Camp sees us looking at two Old Testament kings to help illustrate how we are to be as New Testament kings (Rev. 1:5-6; 5:9-10). If last week's lesson on priests was to evaluate our closeness with God, this lesson should cause us to evaluate what kind of leaders we are in this day and age.

Jan 11, 202401:02:57
Spiritual Gifts: Conclusion

Spiritual Gifts: Conclusion

Today, we close out our series on Spiritual Gifts by looking at the gifts in their proper context where they appear in Scripture. This message serves as a recap as well as a final challenge to get your hands into the work and utilize your gift(s) for the edifying of the body, for the work of the ministry, and for the perfection of the saints (Eph. 4:12).

Jan 08, 202448:21
Kings & Priests, pt 1 of 2: A Tale of Two Priests

Kings & Priests, pt 1 of 2: A Tale of Two Priests

This two part series will serve as both a springboard into winter camp as well as an introspective look at our service the last six months. As we are called New Testament kings & priests by our Lord (Rev. 1:5-6; 5:8-10), we need to ask ourselves: "are we living up to the standard of those titles"?

Jan 04, 202401:04:46
Spiritual Gifts: Singleness

Spiritual Gifts: Singleness

Listen to the first 11 minutes of this message before deciding "this gift isn't for you" and skipping it altogether. God has used men and women to forever alter the course of history because they embraced their gift of singleness as God empowered them.

Jan 02, 202442:59
James: Soul-Winning Marks a Maturing Disciple

James: Soul-Winning Marks a Maturing Disciple

We close out James with the need of every man: his soul to be saved and his sins covered. Disciples who are growing in their walk will be continuously focused on this as they have fervent charity to cover a multitude of sins (1 Pet. 4:8).

Dec 28, 202301:03:40
Spiritual Gifts: Mercy (Rick Lafferty)

Spiritual Gifts: Mercy (Rick Lafferty)

When thinking of a gift that can be used to minister to the body of Christ, the most obvious one to have the most effective impact is the one that people probably consider the least. This lesson on mercy is a very practical and sobering gut-check for us all to be compassionate towards one another within the body.

Dec 26, 202357:23
James: Supplication Marks a Maturing Disciple

James: Supplication Marks a Maturing Disciple

Do you know what manner of person God is seeking for? Do you know what it means to agonize in prayer? Tune in to hear some examples from scripture, and ask yourself whether you're willing to be one of the few who have stood before the Lord.

Dec 21, 202301:14:01
Spiritual Gifts: Ruling (Andy Speight)

Spiritual Gifts: Ruling (Andy Speight)

This week's lesson on "ruling" is a great compliment to last week's gift of "governments". If "governments" is concerning the behind the scenes administration of leadership, then "ruling" is the carrying out, or execution of the plan. Some people are built to be up-front leaders. Are you one of them?

Dec 18, 202347:01
James: Steadfastness Marks a Maturing Disciple

James: Steadfastness Marks a Maturing Disciple

Last week's lesson on persecution leads perfectly into this week's message on being steadfast and patient during afflictions. Romans 5:3 says "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience". Nowhere can we glorify God more during trials than when we suffer patiently. We are to have this attitude until the Lord comes back!

Dec 14, 202301:08:00
Spiritual Gifts: Governments

Spiritual Gifts: Governments

*Last week's recording on "giving" was lost, but you can download that study sheet along with this week's here*. The gift of governments is often lumped together with the gift of ruling. Today we uncover why they're distinct as well as looking at some interesting examples for those who possessed this gift in scripture.

Dec 11, 202343:20